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Andrew's Instagram Tag Downloader JS - Download all pictures and/or videos for a certain tag.
A9 Image Survey - 1 Location JS - Makes the A9 Image Survey - 1 (Location HITs) easier to do (only keyboard).
- Fixer JS - Removes cookies and overlay from (based on!Argh)
- "Open in app" button JS - "Open in app" button for
iconfont_iOS JS - icon font unicode for iOS
BikePortlandFilterByRecommended JS - Greasemonkey script that allows the user to select which
Kissanime_Download JS - Get the download links without jumping to the video page
Bring Back [Shift + Enter] JS - Adds the old post method to post boxes (Shift + Enter)
Avvy Pirate JS - Steals people's avatars anywhere on KAT.
Kmak Skin Changer JS - W for Changer X for change Q = die ESC = respawn
Webadmin - searchable formcollection JS - Make Application/FormCollection selection searchable
afs formserver development menu JS - add the development menu to formservers
Filter Ideabox JS - Sort ideabox ideas by different methods
StreamHTML chatsize fix JS - try to take over the world!
豌豆荚直接下载 JS - 在app名字下面添加 直接下载按钮
Virtonomica:Убираем бонусный комплект JS - Убираем комплект с главной стр
WebSkype NightlyTheme JS - A nightly theme for the Web Skype client (25/05/2016)
Overwatch BattleTags in forum JS - Add BattleTags directly on forum posts
ShadeRoot PCloud JS - Eye-friendly magic in your browser for Twitch
--- iWings --- Mods / Script JS - Auto Respawn + Autofire + Dark Theme / Night Mode + Macros / Shortcuts + Hide Leaderboard & Fireflies + More!
- Adv. Portrait Editor - Power User Edition JS - Advanced portrait-orientation editor for the forums, button selection inspired by @Thumperchick
- Macros By ReF and split JS - some macros for gota and spolit 16
GameFAQs Sig Box JS - Appearifies the sig box while avoiding a reset on your custom sig with edits.
WME Panel Swap JS - Allows swapping between the user and selection panel.
Share lyrics and songtexts on JS - Adds a link above the lyrics on bandcamp to share lyrics to It then automatically copies all the available information (title, artist, release date, ...) to
WME KYTC Lookup JS - Look up KY road info from KYTC. Mouse over a road and hit 'ALT+k'.
LibraryThing ignore articles/punctuation on combine page JS - Don't take articles ("a", "an", "the", etc.) or punctuation into account when sorting works on the "Combine Works" pages
WME Fix UI JS - Allows alterations to the WME UI to fix things screwed up or ignored by Waze
显示JS SDK调试信息 JS - try to take over the world!
Instructables AllSteps Single Page View V2 JS - Automatically redirect to the ALL Steps page on Instructables, if not already there.
Deviantart Emoticons for KAT V2 JS - Deviantart Emoticons for KAT 2
ShadeRoot Dropbox JS - Eye-friendly magic in your browser for Dropbox
FXP Like Script JS - FXP Like Script.
WaniKani Kanjidamage Mnemonics JS - Includes Kanjidamage Mnemonics in WaniKani
KAT Meta Integration JS - Adds a KAT link to other sites using KAT.
Github's Game of Life JS - Plays Conways' Game of Life with user's Github activity
video link for JS - ссылка на видио сайта под плеером
VPA-Keyboard JS - For -- Add VPA-key strokes, and commands
Happy smile() JS - try to take over the world!
SteamGifts - Extended Navigation JS - Extended Navigation: Fixes last page + find last comment.
WME NC Mapraid Overlay JS - Creates polygons for MapRaid groups in a WME "NC Mapraid Groups" layer
TAMailMessageErrorFix.js JS - Fix an script error when writing a new message.
Blogger Statistics Hider JS - Hide all statistics info in blogger
FP2 Icon Loader JS - Icon loader from local images for FPv2 icon editor.
URL to Direct JS - URL to Direct for Kickass Torrents
Wanikani Burn Reviews JS - Adds a space on the main page that reviews random burned items. This is a maintained fork of the original script by Samuel Harbord
DuckDuckVader JS - Adds a Star Wars theme to DDG.
ao3 work block JS - permanently hide selected works
GitHub CopyCode JS - Copy content of a code-block everywhere on GitHub
OGARio - xNEL99x Public Edition Mozilla Firefox JS - OGARio Edited
Research Project discrimination JS - Submits the HIT once you click on a radio button.
ffn work block JS - permanently hide selected works
Cryptic's Lucky Award Counter JS - Make's sure your post is eligible for the Lucky Award
Image BG Toggle JS - Toggles the background colour for images in the browser
WME MR Boyacá Colombia 2016 Overlay JS - Crea Polígono para el MapRaid Boyacá Colombia 2016
chrisguitars Image Viewer JS - if it ain't broke - don't fix it.......
Poloniex ShillBreaker JS - Poloniex ShillsAreRekt
Grab All Uploads Info JS - Grabs a list of all uploads and their data for a certain user.
Google Optimization JS - Google Search Page Optimization
Quora Truncate Answer JS - Truncate button to shorten ans after clicking on more
User RSS on Profile JS - Adds user uploads RSS button to their profile.
bihar suvidha JS - auto sividha
out to out JS - transport
Reddit Youtube Playlist Maker JS - This will create a small link at the bottom left of to open a playlist of the videos on the page.
Deviantart Emoticons for KAT (Larger Icons) JS - Deviantart Emoticons for KAT (Larger Icon)
CPasBien Remove Ads JS - Remouve Ads for from right side
KAT - Mark All Forums As Read JS - Mark all forums as read
Pixiv Preloads Images JS - Preloads images in a manga gallery
amazon-sponsored JS - Remove "sponsored results" on Amazon.
CustomChat v2 JS - Un script pour customiser la shoutbox de RG !
MunzeeZoomMap JS - Enables you to zoom a Munzee map into a larger scale.
Deplacer Actu de la Sidebar JS - ------------------
Deplacer Actu de la Sidebar JS - ------------------
Email filler JS - Fills your email on input and text fields
Fetch Total Number of Viewable Hits JS - Fetches the current number of viewable hits on mturk.
Script Duplicate Highlighter JS - Highlight duplicated @descriptions/@name in the list all scripts thread. [For Boba_Fett]
- auto invite JS - Script for auto add players to your party
Smart scrolling JS - Prevent scrolling issues when page is resized by loading images
Skip quang cao JS - Skip quang cao
MPCG Link Getter JS - try to take over the world!
Block adblocker warnings JS - Blocked warning
Block adblocker warnings buienradar JS - Blocked warning @
METU Name From Number JS - Shows corresponding names next to student numbers.
Block adblocker warnings De Telegraaf JS - Blocked warning @ De Telegraaf
Block internal images hardcoded in IMG tag JS - Remove about: chrome: and resource: URIs from the src attribute of <img> tags.
Gamekit SeeAll JS - Add a button to reveal all quests in GameKit
LoL Skin Installer Integration +LGG +LC JS - Re-works links in League craft to auto work with SIU+LGG
GitHub Tweaks JS - Userscript that adds tweaks to GitHub.
GreasyFork Total Scripts JS - Shows a user's total scripts count on GreasyFork
Black Flash's HF Clover Award Notification Script JS - Get a notification as soon as a green,purple or gold clover award has been given out
Split and Macro JS - Shift is split, Q is macro
- Mouse JS - mouse control: Left mouse splits, Right mouse feeds
Prevents you from deleting your clan and shows all map JS - Prevents you from deleting your clan and shows all map!!!!
ForumFav JS - Un script pour avoir tout ses forums et sous-forums favoris !
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Ghost-Trapper-Auto-Collect-And-Send-Badge JS - Auto send badge for ghost trapper, priority who send you request first. Still beta, more features comming soon
Youtube Downloader JS - Allows you to download videos off YouTube. (Yet another one...)