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Poe Trade Search From Everywhere JS - If you tired of scrolling
Nintenbro JS - Create 5 character Nintendo Accounts
Tieba Preload (仅改了匹配https JS - 贴吧预加载,自动加载下一页内容,同时附带消灭贴吧自带 Lazy Load 功能
Tumblr Fic Adjustments JS - Press the ` key to remove and replace default styles for easier reading of stories or long text posts on Tumblr.
Wowhead Ad-free JS - Remove the annoying advertisements from Wowhead pages
Tubantia Cookiewall JS - tubantia 03-2017 cookiewall
GooglePlaySwitchLang JS - Easily switch between languages for app comments on Google Play
WME Larimer GIS Map JS - Open a Larimer County GIS map in another window, at the same location as the WME map. Keeps the location of the GIS map synced to WME.
115批量文件迅雷下载(暂不支持文件夹类型下载) JS - 迅雷党的福音来啦~\(≧▽≦)/~,免VIP,免115浏览器,对了还能在线播放(使用前务必阅读“使用步骤”)
Password Toggler - view input passwords JS - Adds buttons to each input to show/hide passwords
Trimps tools JS - Trimps tools (visual)
- download button JS -
eBay sort by max price JS - Sort the items by the to price instead of the from price because sellers use this to put their items at the head of the list even when the real item is more expensive.
Decrease click at Zippyshare JS - none
GOS scraper Alternate JS - try to take over the world!
No thanks Facebook~ JS - Removes the box saying you should register or login to view this page
Agario Pro Macros! JS - Free Usfull Macros!
Embedded YouTube Player for Websites JS - Spawns a youtube player that can be resized and moved on every page.
Autoswap right click /shoot once /not toggle JS - right click to fire secondary once
QQ空间自动点赞-模拟点击 JS - QQ空间秒赞
- JS - fas.liとshink.inのクッキーを固定し、複数開いた時も同時進行できるようにする
G-play show rating JS - Shows the rating as text next to the stars in Google Play app listings
Dominion Game Sound Maker JS - Make a sound every time it's your turn.
WME FS MVUM GIS Map JS - Open a FS MVUM GIS map in another window, at the same location as the WME map. Keeps the location of the GIS map synced to WME.
Dudemaus's DiceBot for Bitsler JS - Wont win a fortune, but it will win.
mozaNaplo autocomplete JS - Reenables password autofill on mozaNaplo
- listeners you know JS - Shows play counts of "listeners you know" where it's present
FanFiction Link Helper JS - Helps authors get links to their readers
WK Overlay JS - Overlays component information on reviews when show info is pressed.
Sidenotes JS - Allows to add a sidenote to each thread
MetroSave JS - Add Save button to Metrolyrics site
v2ex-custom-search-to-baidu JS - 改变V2EX网站内置自定义搜索为百度
Fix image url from Tumblr for BGM JS - 修复BGM中@vince19发布的来自Tumblr的外链图片的URL(-_-#)
Star Citizen Bullshit Filter JS - Word Replacement for Star Citizen
Edge auto-hide scrollbar JS - Auto-hide scrollbar in Microsoft Edge browser
Open external links in new tab JS - Открытые внешних ссылок в новой вкладке
Undirect + Open external links in new tab JS - Removes this tracking and redirection from google search results
NRS Readability JS - Reformats the official Nevada Law site.
QQ机器人by SeLang JS - 目标是实现一些人性化的功能,有想法的请反馈。注意:纯图片视频等不捕捉;表情会被转成超链接;含图片仅回复文字;匿名聊天不捕捉。 QQ群号:455809302,点击链接加入群【油猴脚本私人定制】:。
KR exploit JS - reloads page as invest button
KR exploit pt 2 /invest JS - reloads page as invest button
The Blaze - Remove sponsored content JS - Removes Sponsored Content panels from the main page
WME RA Util JS - Providing basic utility for RA adjustment without the need to delete & recreate
WME Chat Mover JS - Moves WME chat from the bottom-left to the bottom-right
Zhihu Laji Search JS - Replace zhihu search button with google search
RLTracker - Hide "Data can be inaccurate" error message in modal JS - Hide the "Please be aware that this Data can be inaccurate." message when viewing current rating modal.
Referrer Hider JS - Hides referrer.
TopScroll JS - Быстрая прокрутка страницы вверх/вниз.
Wykop propaganda blocker JS - Blokuje propagandowe wpisy
Download GNOME Extensions JS - Provides downloads and compatibility info for GNOME Extensions on
GitHub Indent Comments JS - A userscript that allows you to indent & outdent blocks in the comment editor
Metacritic Improved JS - Save/Hide upcoming releases, various UI improvements.
Leangoo Style Customizer JS - Changed the style of Leangoo!
mlookdlurl JS - enter something useful
AnkiWeb Quiz JS - Shows quiz on ankiweb.
MooMoo right click auto feed JS - Uses food when right clicked
DH2 Chat Filter JS - This script lets you filter out words you don't like in DH2 chat.
Dudemaus's Bitsler Seed Changer JS - This script will reset your bitlser seed automatically every 5 minutes.
Prevents inactivity JS - always acts as in window
Reddit: Hide Sidebar When 50% Screen JS - Hide Reddit sidebar when window is less than 960px wide.
知乎一次忽略所有邀请 JS - 之所以写这个脚本是因为有一段时间知乎服务器发疯似地每天给我推送很多邀请,后来我的被邀请攒了200多个,我又不想一个个地点忽略按钮,知乎官方竟然也没有一个全部忽略的button,简直不能忍。
WME URComments Persian List JS - This script is for Persian comments to be used with Rick Zabel's script URComments (URC), maintained by saeed911ir
AmazonSE JS - proper swedish prices on amazon
Skrypt umożliwiający pobieranie materiałów ze znanych serwisów VOD. Autor: Przemek. Edit by pepe67 JS - SKrypt umożliwiający pobieranie materiałów z serwisów,,
Fuck Baidu Cursor JS - cursor image design by [@mariotaku]( [get cursor](
YouTube Player for TKG JS - Автомат. замена ссылок вида на плеер для TorrentPier / Thanks yup from
W3C-Noto JS - W3C site, using Noto Sans
Upwork external links JS - Skip "You are now leaving Upwork" page with external links
WIS Diplomky JS - Zvýrazní témata diplomek, které si už někdo zapsal
Duolingo flashcards speaker JS - Add speaker to duolingo feature "review flashcards"
简书批量拒稿 JS - 我就使不想一个个地点(目前版本没有优化,请在投稿处理页打开脚本开关,待所有投稿全部拒绝后,关掉脚本,否则会一直刷新页面)
cnBeta_Remove_MusicNews JS - 去除cnBeta首页信息流中所有音乐分类的新闻
YouTube video/mp4 JS - Plays video in h.264 format.
WME WV MapRaid Countdown Timer JS - Adds a countdown timer to start and end of the WV MapRaid.
Racing Upgrades JS - desc
TRUSTe Blocker JS - disable annoying TRUSTe alerts
HelloBank enhancements JS - Miglioramenti a
- instant download JS - creates a direct download button on and clicks it
YoutubeNew JS - Добавляет новый дизайн YouTube 2017
Show ed2k JS - Show ed2k && block top_slide_wrap
锤子便签导出插件 JS - 锤子便签导出
- Message Boards on JS - Brings message boards back on IMDb mobile site by using boards.
WME Me JS - Adds a layer to WME that draws ME on the map!
B站优化 JS - 去掉b站弹幕, 开启清爽观影模式
acfun_replace_href JS - 将网址里的v替换成a,使用旧版播放器,临时解决3分钟卡住(变6分钟?)
Reveal FOSSHub Real Download URLs JS - Reveal FOSSHub real download URLs which are pointed by download links
USTrademarkSearch JS - try to take over the world!
some little script JS - Hack cursors
Macros de y copias JS - Macros y ventajas de splits, etc. Requiere tener activado las opciones "macros" y "Show Mass".
Enable Matterhorn Downloads for TU Vienna JS - Enable Matterhorn downloads for TU Vienna.
CancerRemover JS - ukrywa permanentnie zablokowanych użytkowników
SteamGifts - Train Opener JS - Opens all train giveaways in new tabs
Udemy - show section time JS - For Udemy, displays the time a section has ( remaining time / total time).
Ultra Fast Feed W JS - Macro W by Kai
FloatingHeaders JS - dodaje obsługę pływających nagłówków do mirko.
CNET Direct Download Patch JS - Make the green file download button points directly to the file download instead of the "Thank you" download page.
Transit Forum Fixer JS - Adds 'Unread' link for each thread with new content, on the Active Topics index page
Youtube Material Beta JS - Enable the beta Material Design for YouTube.
Hide Twitter Notifications JS - Hide Retweet and Reply Notification Count