Do trivial deduction.
These are versions of this script where the code was updated. Show all versions.
add Scrin, enhanced Nurimisaki
Dotchi-Loop, Family Photo, Geradeweg, Hotaru Beam, International Borders, Rectangle-Slider, Symmetry Area, Tetrochain
fix minor bug
add Archipelago, Battleship, Compass, Kazunori Room, Lohkous, Rooms of Factors, Simple Gako, Statue Park
Added Fire walk, Hebi-Ichigo, Ice Walk, Mirroring Tile, Water Walk, Yajirushi 2
add Brownies, Coffee Milk, Combi Block, Context, NIKOJI, Reflect Link, Slash Pack, Uso-tatami, Vertex Slitherlink
Added Aquarium, Araf, Arukone, Border Block, Chained Block, Toichika, Voxas
Add Uso-One, penalty text in Heyawake
Added AhoniNarikire, MaxiLoop; Fixed Slitherlink
add Box, Chocona, Heteromino, Islands, Juosan
add Parquet, Rassi Silai
add Bosanowa, Bosnian Road, Herugolf, Martini, Ripple Effect, Snake, Wall Logic
fix bug in CellConnected_InRegion
add lookair
add Cocktail Lamp & Tren
update latinsquare, Skyscrapers
update sukoro, creek
improve tapalikeloop, tasquare
add heyablock, minesweeper, tilepaint
add Tawamurenga and Goats and Wolves
add nondango, skyscrapers
add rail pool, update blackdomino
fix moon or sun, update tapalike loop and masyu
update version
update RoomPassOnce
some other fixes
add Tapa-Like Loop
add Country Road, Hashiwokakero, Litherslink, Mochikoro; modified RoomPassOnce
add Akichiwake, Dominion, Numberlink, Sashigane, Sukoro, Tents, Yajisan-Kazusan
added Fourcells, Kakuro, Paintarea, Stostone
add Dosun-Fuwari, Nanameguri, One Room One Door, Pentominous, Tetrominous
add FiveCells, Regional Yajilin
add School Trip
add ant mill; rewrite SizeRegion_Border
add Double Choco; update Star Battle
add Myopia, Putteria, Fillomino
add Minarism and Nawabari; improve LITS
minor update
add Barns
fix bug
fix icebarn bug
update slitherlink
update icebarn
change version
enhance Akari
add Kropki; some other updates
add Mid-loop and other update
version update
improve SingleLoopInCell and RegionSize
enhance CellConnected to avoid stack size exceeded
add Pipelink; enhance Yajilin
add ring-ring and some postmessage
Show all script versions