Translation between Chinese and English

Web pages translated into Chinese, English and foreign languages

Filter: Last 30 days Last 365 days All time

Daily installs

Weekly installs

Daily update checks

Raw data

Date Installs Update checks
2025-01-13 15 2,042
2025-01-14 10 2,001
2025-01-15 15 1,956
2025-01-16 14 1,937
2025-01-17 14 1,912
2025-01-18 9 1,514
2025-01-19 8 1,416
2025-01-20 9 1,841
2025-01-21 8 1,824
2025-01-22 9 1,756
2025-01-23 16 1,620
2025-01-24 10 1,568
2025-01-25 7 1,247
2025-01-26 14 1,292
2025-01-27 14 1,171
2025-01-28 10 1,037
2025-01-29 13 999
2025-01-30 11 1,003
2025-01-31 10 1,049
2025-02-01 17 1,042
2025-02-02 5 1,076
2025-02-03 10 1,157
2025-02-04 15 1,205
2025-02-05 7 1,626
2025-02-06 6 524
2025-02-07 6 374
2025-02-08 1 366
2025-02-09 2 303
2025-02-10 1 392
2025-02-11 1 346
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