BraveGPT 🤖

Adds AI answers to Brave Search (powered by GPT-4o!)

These are versions of this script where the code was updated. Show all versions.

  • v2024.6.20.1 2024-06-20

    Moved endpoint before expectedOrigin in apis entries for readability ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.20 2024-06-20

    Updated meta descriptions ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.19.4 2024-06-20

    Added highlight-to-ask from any site ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.19.3 2024-06-19

    Added X-Real-IP to createHeaders() ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.19.2 2024-06-19

    Added apis.AIchatOS.failFlags, included apis.AIchatOS.expectedOrigin in flag checks ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.19.1 2024-06-19

    Corrected apis.AIchatOS.expectedOrigin ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.19 2024-06-19

    Updated apis.AIchatOS.expectedOrigin ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.18.1 2024-06-19

    Moved obj inits + registerMenu() up for improved organization ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.18 2024-06-19

    Condensed state init, renamed to menuState for readability ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.17.21 2024-06-18

    Removed test log ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.17.20 2024-06-18

    Changed margin-top of answer pre from em to px so it remains static during font size slider changing ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.17.19 2024-06-18

    Made font size slider track clickable anywhere to seek/drag thumb ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.17.18 2024-06-18

    Updated styles so app schemes work against opposite site schemes ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.17.17 2024-06-17

    Moved .modal-buttons {} up in appStyle for better ordering ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.17.15 2024-06-17

    Re-padded desktop modal buttons ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.17.14 2024-06-17

    Positioned/colored modal close button ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.17.13 2024-06-17

    Corrected mobile condition to re-pad modal buttons ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.17.12 2024-06-17

    Moved !important from text-decoration: none of .app-name {} to .kudoai a {} in appStyle ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.17.11 2024-06-17

    Removed unneeded text-decoration: none from .kudoai a:hover {} in appStyle ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.17.10 2024-06-17

    Moved .kudoai selectors up in appStyle for improved organization ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.17.9 2024-06-17

    Removed unused CSS prop, corrected typo ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.17.8 2024-06-17

    Disabled Color Scheme modal dismissal on scheme button clicks ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.17.7 2024-06-17

    Added Color Scheme button to app header ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.17.6 2024-06-17

    Added focus chatbar + change placeholder to 'Type something...' on empty reply submissions ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.17.5 2024-06-17

    Enabled showing 'by KudoAI' in Wider Sidebar mode ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.17.4 2024-06-17

    Vertically expanded wheel-scrollable-area of font size slider track ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.17.3 2024-06-17

    Added drop shadow to font size slider thumb ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.17.2 2024-06-17

    Auto-disabled Streaming Mode for Edge users (KudoAI/bravegpt#48) ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.17.1 2024-06-17

    Corrected key name for msgs.alert_isOnlyAvailFor ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.17 2024-06-17

    Doubled recursion delay for Edge users in ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.16.15 2024-06-17

    Corrected region-stripping regex in msgs getter ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.16.14 2024-06-17

    Vertically expanded mouse-wheel-scrollable area of font size slider ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.16.13 2024-06-17

    Doubled recursion delay for Edge users in ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.16.12 2024-06-16

    Narrowed scopes of app div elem selectors for improved performance ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.16.11 2024-06-16

    Moved hWheelDistance init from fontSizeSlider.createAppend() to top-level for easier maintenance ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.16.10 2024-06-16

    Shortened func sigs, added get.related.status checks to retries ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.16.9 2024-06-16

    Moved font size slider functions into obj for improved maintainability ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.16.8 2024-06-16

    Lowered About btn ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.16.7 2024-06-16

    Removed no-longer needed toggleFontSizeSlider() from toggleSidebar() ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.16.6 2024-06-16

    Renamed 'knob' to 'thumb' in moveKnob() name + comments ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.16.5 2024-06-16

    Re-sized/colored font size slider thumb ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.16.4 2024-06-16

    Renamed font size slider var/class/id names to be more semantic ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.16.3 2024-06-16

    Increased processStreamText recursion interval for Edge users ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.16.2 2024-06-16

    Added font size option/button/slider ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.16.1 2024-06-16

    Fixed auto-focus chatbar to work from Standby mode ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.16 2024-06-16

    Fixed Edge STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION bug ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.15.4 2024-06-16

    Removed leftover appDiv.append(kudoAIspan) ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.15.3 2024-06-16

    Restricted showing 'by KudoAI' in header only if it fits ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.15.2 2024-06-16

    Re-sized/padded chatbar to avoid v-scrollbar in at least Chromium browsers ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.15.1 2024-06-16

    Changed .balloon-tip positioning to float: left for simpler props ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

Show all script versions