
Perpetual pages - most powerful auto-pager script, auto loading next paginated web pages and inserting into current page.

As of 2022-09-21. See the latest version.

Filter: Last 30 days Last 365 days All time

Daily installs

Weekly installs

Daily update checks

Raw data

Date Installs Update checks
2024-04-01 435 17,243
2024-04-02 435 16,888
2024-04-03 469 16,700
2024-04-04 471 13,286
2024-04-05 465 13,531
2024-04-06 458 14,025
2024-04-07 508 17,038
2024-04-08 505 18,410
2024-04-09 511 18,028
2024-04-10 475 17,269
2024-04-11 494 17,155
2024-04-12 480 17,005
2024-04-13 502 15,025
2024-04-14 484 14,434
2024-04-15 477 18,286
2024-04-16 484 18,427
2024-04-17 490 17,642
2024-04-18 470 18,780
2024-04-19 543 18,532
2024-04-20 525 16,236
2024-04-21 512 16,023
2024-04-22 492 18,977
2024-04-23 499 18,466
2024-04-24 486 17,732
2024-04-25 488 17,404
2024-04-26 477 18,880
2024-04-27 498 15,456
2024-04-28 460 17,305
2024-04-29 506 18,635
2024-04-30 182 6,351
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