Youtube font type, color and brightness in dark mode

reduce font brightness, or change the color and type of font, for primary and secondary text in dark mode

/* ==UserStyle==
@name         Youtube font type, color and brightness in dark mode
@version      1.1.1
@description  reduce font brightness, or change the color and type of font, for primary and secondary text in dark mode
@author       toppits
@preprocessor uso
@var color prim "primary text color" #bbb
@var color prim-b "primary background color" #181818
@var color seco "seocndary text color" #bbb
@var color cta "URL's, Replies, etc." #bbb
@var text FF-main "Main Font (multiple devided by comma)"  ""roboto""
@var text FS-main "Main Font Size (px, ch, em, rem)" 10px
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("") {
	:not(.style-scope)[dark] {
		--yt-spec-text-primary: /*[[prim]]*/
		--yt-spec-text-secondary: /*[[seco]]*/
		--yt-spec-call-to-action: /*[[cta]]*/
		--yt-spec-general-background-a: /*[[prim-b]]*/

	html {
		font: /*[[FS-main]]*/
		, Roboto, monospace !important;