Wanikani: Level Duration 2

Displays the number of days you have spent on the current level.

Filter: Last 30 days Last 365 days All time

Daily installs

Weekly installs

Daily update checks

Raw data

Date Installs Update checks
2024-03-21 6 558
2024-03-22 0 543
2024-03-23 3 516
2024-03-24 2 513
2024-03-25 2 570
2024-03-26 4 551
2024-03-27 2 556
2024-03-28 0 536
2024-03-29 3 521
2024-03-30 2 495
2024-03-31 1 504
2024-04-01 4 520
2024-04-02 2 552
2024-04-03 3 553
2024-04-04 2 564
2024-04-05 3 526
2024-04-06 0 507
2024-04-07 2 523
2024-04-08 3 530
2024-04-09 1 561
2024-04-10 2 558
2024-04-11 3 546
2024-04-12 1 560
2024-04-13 0 467
2024-04-14 3 510
2024-04-15 1 562
2024-04-16 1 577
2024-04-17 2 569
2024-04-18 1 548
2024-04-19 2 397
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