Volafile Unremover

Preserves messages and files auto-removed by Volafile and prevents navigation to front page on room closure.

These are versions of this script where the code was updated. Show all versions.

  • v1.09 2020-10-05 allows up to 20 configs at a time to be logged, should still keep initial config from being logged
  • v1.08 2020-10-04 does not log initial config
  • v1.07 2020-10-04 Use messages from "Script" instead of browser alerts when stopping forced navigation.
  • v1.06 2020-09-28 now track configuration changes
  • v1.05 2020-06-27 typo: `RoomInstance` starts with a capital letter
  • v1.04 2020-06-26 Tampermonkey and Violentmonkey have different ways to load UserScripts in, and I had tested only in TamperMonkey; Violentmonkey was loading the script in before the Volafile API was completely loaded, so I had to make nearly all of the magic happen in an explicit onload handler.
  • v1.03 2020-05-28
  • v1.02 2020-05-26
  • v1.01 2020-05-17
  • v1.01 2020-05-16 shows details of files deleted while un-focused
  • v1.0 2020-05-16
  • v1.0 2020-05-16