
Notification sytem library

This script should not be not be installed directly. It is a library for other scripts to include with the meta directive // @require

"use strict";

* Options:
* - title   ( string, optional, if value is "" not show.)
* - content ( string, required)
*           ( optional, default is NORMAL )
* - mode    ( string, toast/modal/snackbar)
*           ( optional, default is toast )
* - delay   ( boolean, optional )
*           ( default is 1000 * 5 )
* - icon    ( string,  optional )
* - action  ( string,  optional )
* - callback( func,    optional )
*           ( when action != "" must set callback )
* Param:
* - string:
*   - 1:content
*   - 2:type content or title content
* - object
*   - { type: xxx, title: xxx, content: xxx, mode: xxx, icon: xxx, delay: 500, action: xxx, callback:()=>{xxxx} }
* Example:
* new Notify().Render( "一个参数的 toast" );
* new Notify().Render( 0, "两个参数的 toast" );
* new Notify().Render( 1, "两个参数的 toast" );
* new Notify().Render( 2, "两个参数的 toast" );
* new Notify().Render( 3, "两个参数的 toast" );
* new Notify().Render( "snackbar", "两个参数的 snackbar" );
* new Notify().Render( "三个参数的 callback", "undo", ()=>{console.log("bbbbbb")} );
* new Notify().Render( "snackbar", "四个参数的 snackbar callback", "undo", ()=>{console.log("rrrrrr")} );
* new Notify().Render( "SimpTab 版本提示", `已更新到最新版本,详细请看 <a>CHANGELOG</a>` );
* new Notify().Render({ content: "带 icon 的 toast", icon: "<path>/weight_icon.png" } );
* new Notify().Render({ content: "带 delay 的 toast", delay: 10000 } );
* new Notify().Render({ content: "带 icon 的 snackbar", icon: "<path>/fontsize_icon.png" });
* new Notify().Render({ content: "带 callback 的 toast", icon: "<path>/icon.png", mode: "snackbar", action: "提交", callback: ()=>{console.log("dddddddd")}} );
* new Notify().Render( "错误的 callback", "undo", '()=>{console.log("eeeeeeee")}' );
* new Notify().Render({ content: "带确认的 toast", action: "提交", cancel: "取消", callback: type => {
     console.log( "current type is", type )
  new Notify().Render({ content: "一直存在带 close 的 toast", state: "holdon" });
  const notify = new Notify().Render({ content: "加载中,请稍等...", state: "loading" });
  setTimeout( ()=>{
    new Notify().Render("加载完成!");
  }, 2000);
* Notify.Position = rt( default ) | rb | lt | lb
var Notify = ( function () {
    var VERSION = "",
        name    = "notify",
        root    = "notify-gp",
        roottmpl= "<" + root + ">",
        num     = 0,
        NORMAL  = 0,
        SUCCESS = 1,
        WARNING = 2,
        ERROR   = 3,
        INFO    = 4,
        MODE    = {
            toast    : "toast",
            modal    : "modal",
            snackbar : "snackbar",
        STATE   = {
            loading  : "loading",
            holdon   : "holdon",
        POSITION= {
            lefttop     : "lt",
            leftbottom  : "lb",
            rightbottom : "rb",
        options = {
            version : VERSION,
            title   : "",
            content : "",
            type    : NORMAL,
            mode    : MODE.toast,
            state   : undefined,
            flat    : false,
            delay   : 1000 * 5,
            icon    : "",
            action  : "",
            cancel  : "",
            exit    : undefined,
            callback: undefined,
            complete: undefined,
        timer      = {},
        TMPL       = '\
            <notify-a href="javascript:;"><notify-span></notify-span></notify-a>\
        exit       = '<svg t="1577940123220" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="1411" width="24" height="24"><path d="M512 421.490332 331.092592 240.582924C306.351217 215.841549 265.464551 215.477441 240.470996 240.470996 215.303191 265.638801 215.527553 306.037221 240.582924 331.092592L421.490332 512 240.582925 692.907407C215.84155 717.648782 215.477441 758.535449 240.470996 783.529004 265.638801 808.696809 306.037222 808.472446 331.092593 783.417075L512 602.509668 692.907407 783.417075C717.648782 808.15845 758.535449 808.522559 783.529004 783.529004 808.696809 758.361199 808.472446 717.962778 783.417075 692.907407L602.509668 512 783.417076 331.092592C808.158451 306.351217 808.522559 265.464551 783.529004 240.470996 758.361199 215.303191 717.962779 215.527553 692.907408 240.582924L512 421.490332Z" p-id="1412" fill="#ffffff"></path></svg>',
        loading    = '\
            <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 100 100" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid" class="lds-rolling">\
                <circle stroke="#fff" stroke-width="10" cx="50" cy="50" fill="none" ng-attr-stroke="{{config.color}}" ng-attr-stroke-width="{{config.width}}" ng-attr-r="{{config.radius}}" ng-attr-stroke-dasharray="{{config.dasharray}}" r="30" stroke-dasharray="141.37166941154067 49.12388980384689" transform="rotate(102 50 50)">\
                    <animateTransform attributeName="transform" type="rotate" calcMode="linear" values="0 50 50;360 50 50" keyTimes="0;1" dur="1s" begin="0s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateTransform>\
        prefix     = function( value ) {
            return name + "-" + value;
        registyElement = function( name, elements ) {
            elements.forEach( function( item ) {
                document.createElement( prefix( item ));
        closeHandle = function( event ) {
            $ "click", "." + + " notify-a", closeHandle );
            hidden( $(this).parent() );
        delayHandler = function( item ) {
            clearTimeout( timer[item] );
            delete timer[item];
            hidden( this );
        callbackHander = function( event ) {
  [1] &&[1]([2] );
            $ "click", "." +[0] + " notify-action", callbackHander );
            hidden( $(this).parent() );
        completeHandler = function() {
            hidden( this );
        hidden = function( target ) {
            target[0].addEventListener( 'animationend', function(e) {
                if ($root.children().length === 0 ) $root.css( "z-index", 0 );
            }, false );
            target.css({ width: target[0].offsetWidth }).addClass( 'notify-hide' );
        render = function() {
            var $target  = $( TMPL ),
                $title   = $target.find(prefix( "title"   )),
                $content = $target.find(prefix( "content" )),
                $close   = $target.find(prefix( "a"       )),
                $icon    = $target.find(prefix( "i"       )),
                $action  = $target.find(prefix( "action"  )),
                $cancel  = $target.find(prefix( "cancel"  )),
                $exit    = $target.find(prefix( "exit"    )),
                item     = "notify-item-" + num++,
                position = this.constructor.Position,
                isMobile = {
                    Android: function() {
                        return navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i);
                    BlackBerry: function() {
                        return navigator.userAgent.match(/BlackBerry/i);
                    iOS: function() {
                        return navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone|iPad|iPod/i);
                    Opera: function() {
                        return navigator.userAgent.match(/Opera Mini/i);
                    Windows: function() {
                        return navigator.userAgent.match(/IEMobile/i);
                    verify: function() {
                        return (isMobile.Android() || isMobile.BlackBerry() || isMobile.iOS() || isMobile.Opera() || isMobile.Windows()) == null ? false : true;

            this.title   ? $title.text( this.title )     : $title.hide();
            this.content ? $content.html( this.content ) : $content.hide();

            if ( this.mode === MODE.modal ) {
                $target.addClass( "notify-modal" );
                $content.addClass( "notify-modal-content" );
                $root.on( "click", "." + item + " notify-a", item, closeHandle );
            } else {
                this.mode == MODE.snackbar && $target.addClass( "notify-snackbar" );

            if ( this.mode !== MODE.modal && this.icon !== "" ) {
                if ( this.icon.indexOf( '<i' ) > -1 ) {
                    $icon.html( this.icon ).css({ display: 'flex' });
                } else $icon.css({ "background-image": "url(" + this.icon + ")", "display": "block" });

            switch( this.type ) {
                case 1:
                    this.state != STATE.holdon && this.icon == "" && $icon.html( '<i class="fas fa-check"></i>' ).css({ display: 'flex' });
                    $target.addClass( "notify-success" );
                case 2:
                    this.state != STATE.holdon && this.icon == "" && $icon.html( '<i class="fas fa-exclamation"></i>' ).css({ display: 'flex' });
                    $target.addClass( "notify-warning" );
                case 3:
                    this.state != STATE.holdon && this.icon == "" && $icon.html( '<i class="fas fa-bug"></i>' ).css({ display: 'flex' });
                    $target.addClass( "notify-error" );
                case 4:
                    this.state != STATE.holdon && this.icon == "" && $icon.html( '<i class="fas fa-info"></i>' ).css({ display: 'flex' });
                    $target.addClass( "notify-info" );

            if ( this.action !== "" && this.callback && typeof this.callback == "function" ) {
                $content.css( "width", "100%" );
                $action.text( this.action ).css( "display", "block" );
                $root.on( "click", "." + item + " notify-action", [ item, this.callback, "action" ], callbackHander );

            if ( this.cancel !== "" && this.callback && typeof this.callback == "function" ) {
                $content.css( "width", "100%" );
                $cancel.text( this.cancel ).css( "display", "block" );
                $root.on( "click", "." + item + " notify-cancel", [ item, this.callback, "cancel" ], callbackHander );

            if ( this.type != 0 && this.icon.indexOf( '<i' ) > -1 ) {
                var css = function( element, property ) {
                    return window.getComputedStyle( element, null ).getPropertyValue( property ).toLowerCase().replace( / /g, "" );
                }, $span = $( '<span style="display:none;" class="verify-fas fas"></span>' )
                $( 'body' ).append( $span );
                !/fontawesome/.test( css( $span[0], 'font-family' ) ) && $icon.remove();

            this.mode !== MODE.modal && this.state !== STATE.loading && this.state !== STATE.holdon && ( this.action == "" || !this.callback || typeof this.callback != "function" ) &&
                ( timer[item] = setTimeout( delayHandler.bind( $target, item ), this.delay ) );

            if ( this.state == STATE.loading ) {
                $icon.html( loading );
                $icon.css({ display: "block" });
                this.complete = completeHandler.bind( $target );

            if ( this.state == STATE.holdon ) {
                $icon.css({ display: "block" }).addClass( "holdon" );
                $cancel.after( $icon[0].outerHTML );
                $target.find( "notify-i:first" ).remove();
                $root.on( "click", "." + item + " notify-i", [ item, this.callback, "holdon" ], callbackHander );
                if ( !this.action || !this.cancel ) $content.css({ width: "100%" });

            if ( this.flat ) {
                $target.css({ "box-shadow": "none", "border-radius": "2px" });

            if ( position == POSITION.rightbottom || position == POSITION.leftbottom ) {
                $target.css({ "transform-origin": "left bottom 0px" });
                $root.addClass( "notify-position-" + position + "-corner" );
            } else if ( position == POSITION.lefttop ) {
                $root.addClass( "notify-position-" + position + "-corner" );

            $target.addClass( item );
            $root.css( "z-index", 2147483647 );
            isMobile.verify() ? $root.prepend( $target ) : $root.append( $target );

            if ( this.mode == MODE.snackbar || this.exit ) {
                $target.css( "margin-left", "-" + $target.width()/2 + "px" );
                if ( this.cancel == "" ) {
                    $exit.html( exit ).css( "display", "flex" );
                    $root.on( "click", "." + item + " notify-exit", closeHandle );
            setTimeout( function() { $target.addClass( "notify-show" ); }, 200 );

    function Notify() {
        registyElement( name, [ "gp", "div", "a", "span", "title", "content", "i" ] );
        if ( $( "html" ).find ( root ).length == 0 ) {
            $( "html" ).append( roottmpl );
            $root = $( root );

    Notify.prototype.title   = options.title;
    Notify.prototype.content = options.content;
    Notify.prototype.type    = options.type;
    Notify.prototype.mode    = options.mode;
    Notify.prototype.state   = options.state;
    Notify.prototype.delay   = options.delay;
    Notify.prototype.icon    = options.icon;
    Notify.prototype.flat    = options.flat;
    Notify.prototype.action  = options.action;
    Notify.prototype.cancel  = options.cancel;
    Notify.prototype.callback= options.callback;
    Notify.prototype.complete= options.complete;
    Notify.Position          = undefined;

    Notify.prototype.Render  = function () {

        var self = this;

        if ( arguments.length === 1 && typeof arguments[0] === "object" ) {
            options = arguments[0];

            Object.keys( options ).forEach( function( item ) {
                self[item] = options[item];

            render.bind( self )();
        else if ( typeof arguments[0] !== "object" && arguments.length > 0 && arguments.length < 5 ) {
            switch ( arguments.length ) {
                case 1:
                    this.content = arguments[0];
                case 2:
                    if ( arguments[0] == MODE.snackbar ) {
                        this.mode = arguments[0];
                    else if ( typeof arguments[0] == "number" ) {
                        this.type  = arguments[0];
                    } else {
                        this.mode  = MODE.modal,
                        this.title = arguments[0];
                    this.content   = arguments[1];
                case 3:
                    this.content   = arguments[0];
                    this.action    = arguments[1];
                    this.callback  = arguments[2];
                    this.exit      = true;
                case 4:
                    if ( arguments[0] == MODE.snackbar ) {
                        this.mode      = arguments[0];
                        this.content   = arguments[1];
                        this.action    = arguments[2];
                        this.callback  = arguments[3];
            render.bind( self )();
        else {
            console.error( "Arguments error", arguments );
        return self;

    Notify.prototype.Clone  = function () {
        return new Notify();

    return Notify;
