
给每个非中文的网页右下角(可以调整到左下角)添加一个google翻译图标,直接调用 Google 的翻译接口对非中文网页进行翻译

As of 2023-03-12. See the latest version.

Filter: Last 30 days Last 365 days All time

Daily installs

Weekly installs

Daily update checks

Raw data

Date Installs Update checks
2024-03-29 236 13,439
2024-03-30 250 11,242
2024-03-31 244 10,938
2024-04-01 207 13,762
2024-04-02 260 13,332
2024-04-03 231 13,043
2024-04-04 218 9,930
2024-04-05 210 10,144
2024-04-06 197 10,865
2024-04-07 229 13,751
2024-04-08 235 13,779
2024-04-09 241 13,590
2024-04-10 218 13,497
2024-04-11 168 13,483
2024-04-12 219 13,344
2024-04-13 191 11,504
2024-04-14 199 10,938
2024-04-15 243 13,973
2024-04-16 250 13,507
2024-04-17 227 13,436
2024-04-18 240 13,446
2024-04-19 237 13,249
2024-04-20 224 11,331
2024-04-21 214 10,947
2024-04-22 219 13,826
2024-04-23 215 13,354
2024-04-24 209 13,417
2024-04-25 201 13,406
2024-04-26 177 13,327
2024-04-27 134 10,395
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