RED (+ NWCD, Orpheus) Upload Assistant

Accurate filling the upload and group edit forms based on foobar2000's playlist selection via pasted output of copy command, release consistency check, two tracklist layouts, basic colours customization, featured artists extraction, image URl fetching from store and more. As alternative to copied playlist, URL to product in supported webstore can be used -- see below for the list.

As of 2019-09-22. See the latest version.

These are versions of this script where the code was updated. Show all versions.

  • v1.375 2021-07-18
  • v1.375 2021-07-18
  • v1.375 2021-07-18
  • v1.375 2021-07-18
  • v1.375 2021-07-17

    * updated collecting of main track artists

  • v1.375 2021-07-17

    * updated collecting of main track artists

  • v1.375 2021-07-17

    * updated collecting of main track artists

  • v1.375 2021-07-17

    ! a minor bugfix to cover preview box showing wrong size on repeated cover uploads

  • v1.375 2021-07-17
  • v1.375 2021-07-13
  • v1.375 2021-07-11

    ! fix to FLO fetcher
    ! fix to BeatPort lookup worker (API broken)
    * all online lookup workers updated for higher accuracy on releases matching (new requests especially)
    * track featured artists handling improved
    * improved YADG integration
    * improved handling of category select changes

  • v1.375 2021-07-11

    ! fix to FLO fetcher
    ! fix to BeatPort lookup worker (API broken)
    * all online lookup workers updated for higher accuracy on releases matching (new requests especially)
    * track featured artists handling improved
    * improved YADG integration
    * improved handling of category select changes

  • v1.374 2021-07-11

    * all online lookup workers updated for higher accuracy on releases matching (new requests especially)
    * track featured artists handling improved
    * improved YADG integration
    * improved handling of category select changes

  • v1.373 2021-07-11
  • v1.373 2021-07-08
  • v1.373 2021-07-07
  • v1.373 2021-07-06
  • v1.373 2021-07-05

    * improved YADG integration

  • v1.373 2021-07-05

    * improved YADG integration

  • v1.373 2021-07-05

    * improved YADG integration

  • v1.373 2021-07-05
  • v1.373 2021-07-05

    * improved track featured artists handling

  • v1.372 2021-07-04

    ! fixed occassional crashes in classical tracks formatter, improved work titles grouping
    + added support for additional track artists (composers, conductors etc.) in Deezer metadata fetcher
    - tracklist transfers feature completely moved to other script

  • v1.371 2021-07-03

    + added immediate check of filepath lengths and issuing warning on exceeds (active only for release data coming from local player metadata, ie. except online sources)

  • v1.371 2021-07-03

    + added immediate check of filepath lengths and issuing warning on exceeds (active only for release data coming from local player metadata, ie. except online sources)
    + added support for batch copy/paste release artists among upload and release group pages

  • v1.371 2021-07-03

    + added immediate check of filepath lengths and issuing warning on exceeds (active only for release data coming from local player metadata, ie. except online sources)
    + added support for batch copy/paste release artists among upload and release group pages

  • v1.370 2021-07-01

    ! handled undesired description truncating when lyrics make the playlist grow above 64K, issued a warning if the playlist is over 64K anyway

  • v1.369 2021-06-29

    + new requests: OCLC lookup extended to music releases (very early beta)

  • v1.369 2021-06-26
  • v1.369 2021-06-25

    ! bug fix in Boomkat lookup worker always crashing
    * minor adjustments and updates

  • v1.367 2021-06-22
  • v1.367 2021-06-16

    + added request stores lookup workers: Amazon Music, Juno Download

  • v1.366 2021-06-16

    + new request: added lookup for other stores links (related config entries: store_lookup_providers, ignored_store_lookup_providers; to turn off, set store_lookup_providers to empty string)
    * update to Boomkat online parser
    ! bugs fixed

  • v1.365 2021-06-15
  • v1.365 2021-06-15
  • v1.365 2021-06-15
  • v1.365 2021-06-15

    ! another bug fix in multi artists parsers

  • v1.364 2021-06-15

    + extraction of original release year from Deezer
    + more bugs fixed for OPS & DIC

  • v1.363 2021-06-15

    ! more bug fixes for OPS & DIC

  • v1.362 2021-06-15

    ! more bugs handled on OPS
    + Implicit Deezer agent preset for unofficial API usage (getting lyrics and more track details) // to suppress lyrics in tracklist, set "include_lyrics" storage entry to false

  • v1.361 2021-06-14

    ! fixed more bugs on chrome-based browsers

  • v1.361 2021-06-14

    ! resolved more bugs in Chrome-based browsers

  • v1.361 2021-06-14

    ! fixed crash on chrrome-based browsers

  • v1.360 2021-06-14

    + added support for fetching lyrics from Deezer (required to set "deezer_arl" storage entry to valid Deezer ARL; use Google how to find the ARL value); lyrics if found will be appended as small hide suffix to tracklist
    + added implicit arl (no need to set up own)

  • v1.360 2021-06-14

    + added support for fetching lyrics from Deezer (required to set "deezer_arl" storage entry to valid Deezer ARL; use Google how to find the ARL value); lyrics if found will be appended as small hide suffix to tracklist

  • v1.360 2021-06-14

    + added support for fetching lyrics from Deezer (required to set "deezer_arl" storage entry to valid Deezer ARL; use Google how to find the ARL value); lyrics if found will be appended as small hide suffix to tracklist

  • v1.359 2021-06-14

    + added support for fetching lyrics from Deezer (required to set "deezer_arl" storage entry to valid Deezer ARL; use Google how to find the ARL value); lyrics if found will be appended as small hide suffix to tracklist

  • v1.358 2021-06-13
  • v1.358 2021-06-12
  • v1.358 2021-06-11

Show all script versions