GC Stats Banner Library

This library provides the core functionality for adding a stats banner onto profile and cache pages on geocaching.com.

As of 2020-12-08. See the latest version.

This script should not be not be installed directly. It is a library for other scripts to include with the meta directive // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/389508/878408/GC%20Stats%20Banner%20Library.js

GPL version 3 or any later version


A userscript library that provides core functionality for cache series statistics banners on geocaching.com.

The stats banner was originally conceived and implemented by BaSHful for sadexploration's Church Micro Series, a hugely popular series of caches covering the entire UK, with a few in other countries as well.

In order for the library to function, the cache series must have a means of serving data to the banner. The library currently understands the series of web sites designed by Chris ~ AKA Bus.Stop, based on that provided for the SideTracked series of caches.

Sites also exist for:

These sites provide URLs which serve the data and images which comprise the banner. This library uses these services to add the banners to the appropriate pages on geacaching.com:

  • the specific cache pages for each series
  • your user dashboard
  • the About tab of your user profile

Both the new and old page styles are supported.

The Future

I would love to see more series able to take advantage of this. There are quite a few candidate series but work will be required in order to create the service which provides the data and images, whatever method is used.

The Village Hall Series now has a banner graphic but its use is entirely manual on the part of the cacher. I'd like to see whether it's possible to automate the process of determining a cacher's level and displaying the graphic.