GitHub - Confirmations before submitting issues and comments

Creates a confirmation popup whenever attempting to create an issue or post comment via Ctrl+Enter in GitHub

These are versions of this script where the code was updated. Show all versions.

  • v2017.4.26 2020-06-25 (all scripts) Added @supportURL pointing to the GitHub repo (thanks to Jason Barnabe for the suggestion)
  • v2017.4.26 2019-10-27 (various scripts) Converted file encoding from 'UTF-8 with BOM' to 'UTF-8'
  • v2017.4.26 2018-05-20 (All scripts) Rearranged the metadata block
  • v2017.4.26 2017-11-12 Added '@licence MIT' (required by OUJS, in order to allow import and autoupdate of scripts from GitHub)
  • v2017.4.26 2017-04-25 (GitHub - Confirmations before submitting issues and comments) Minor variable renaming, (GitHub - Confirmations before submitting issues and comments)
  • v2017.4.25 2017-04-25 (GitHub - Confirmations before submitting issues and comments) Now it correctly blocks submitting in issue textarea and comment textarea (via blur() and then focus() on these elements)
  • v1 2016-09-17 Synced from GitHub - Converted all scripts encoding from UTF-8 back to UTF-8 BOM (i.e. with the same encoding that Greasemonkey installs them in)
  • v1 2016-08-13