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Youtube Video Download Linker

A video download linker for youtube. Provides download links on youtube video pages. Does not need javascript enabled for (NoScript compatible), does not use a third-party website, and does not use unsafeWindow.

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20 KB
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Bitcoin Tips Welcome

v2.4b3 - Updates for site changes. Version is still a work in progress. Encrypted Signatures currently not working 3/15/2015
v2.3b3 - Updates for site changes. Version is still a work in progress. Encrypted Signatures currently not working 3/23/2014
v2.2 - Expanded Hover info on D/L links, addedd @grant metatag 3/23/2013
v2.1.0.2 - Adapted for youtube changes. 3/21/2013
v2.1.0.1 - Fixed title not working sometimes 2/24/2013
v2.1 - Bug fixes and code improvements 2/19/2013
v2.0.4 - Google stifled the script for a few hours. 2/13/2013
v2.0.2 - minor code improvements 1/19/2013
v2.0 - Now fully functional! Provides working download links every time - 1/13/2013
v2.0b1 - Code rewrite. - 1/7/2013
v1.9.9.1 - Adapted for youtube changes. - 12/07/2012.
v1.9.9.0 - Adapted for youtube changes. - 11/15/2012.
v1.9.8.8 - Adapted for youtube changes. - 3/24/2011.
v1.9.8.7 - Adapted for youtube changes. - 3/09/2011.
v1.9.8.6 - Fixed code regression, added title param so videos will have filename with default title. - 1/02/2011.
v1.9.8.5 - bug fixed: cookie data resulted in 0b files - 12/11/2010.
v1.9.8.2 - Stopped duplicate links from being created - 10/10/2010.
v1.9.8.1 - Link positioning improvements - 10/8/2010.
v1.9.8 - Update for youtube changes - 10/8/2010.
v1.9.7 - Update for youtube changes - 7/7/2010.
v1.9.6 - Minor code improvements - 5/21/2010
v1.9.5 - U.I. improvements - 5/9/2010
v1.9.3 - Fix for K-Meleon, also added fake cookie to allow simultaneous downloads - 4/2/2010.
v1.9.1 & 1.9.2- bugfixs - 3/21/2010.
v1.9.0 - temp. fix - 3/19/2009.
v1.8 - Code improvements for handling possible future changes - 10/26/2009.
v1.7 - Update for youtube changes - 10/25/2009.
v1.6 - Update for youtube changes - 10/22/2009.
v1.5.1 - Update for Youtube changes. CSS still needs to be fixed but links are provided.
v1.2 - Youtube changed their layout, this is a temp. fix until I can correct the css and make the placement look correct.

Tested and working with: