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GameFAQs Colored Text Renderer

This script translates <red>, <blue>, <gold>, <green>, <mauve>, <salmonpink>, and <orange> tags into GameFAQs friendly HTML tags, and accordingly renders messages into the aforementioned colors.

Orange 3
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This is an increasingly powerful script to turn GameFAQs into the fully functional 90s website it is. This script currently translates 25 custom tags into various effects for use on the GameFAQs forums -- and the best part is, the code is entirely invisible to those who don't have the script installed.

11 of these tags are easily accessible from above your post box, but the remaining 14 are not so readily available to use for various reasons. They are, and will continue to be, documented here for your reference should you wish to incorporate them for whatever god forsaken reason.

The first five secret tags are as follows -

COMICSANS Self explanatory. Use for maximum irony. This tag must be closed with a /FONT tag after the desired text or your entire post will be in Comic Sans. Including your sig.
PAPYRUSFONT will make your text the most famous font of all time.
CONTRACT This is a largely unreadable font. If you don't get it, you probably shouldn't use it. Weebs only. Must be closed with a /FONT tag.
DINOSAUR It lives! This tag does not need to be closed.
MARQUEE Do you remember the 90s? I do. This tag MUST be closed with a special /MARQUEE tag, or else your entire post will scroll, signature included, for maximum annoyance.

The remaining nine tags are even less important and are actually just Steam emoticons. These tags require no closing tag. Preview them in a post to see what they look like.


More of these assuredly to come -- along with a feature to use whatever steam emoticon you want, though the emoticon's name will still display in your post.

And that, as they say, is that. More tags will likely be added in future updates, so please let me know of any fun ideas you may have or improvements you wish to suggest. Bug reports are especially valued.

*** Please be aware that this script is not currently compatible with GameFAQs' native Youtube embed functionality. A fix is being attempted, but in the meantime, it is advised you disable embedding.