// ==UserScript==
// @name Tribal Wars Auto Builder with UI
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 1.3.2
// @description Automatically builds buildings with configurable settings
// @author ricardofauch
// @match https://*.die-staemme.de/game.php?village=*&screen=main*
// @license MIT
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
// Configuration
const CHECK_INTERVAL = 5 * 61 * 1000; // 5 minutes in milliseconds
const WAIT_FOR_HIGHER_PRIORITY = 10 * 60; // Wait up to 10 minutes for higher priority building
const DEBUG = true;
const STORAGE_KEY = 'tribalWarsBuilderConfig';
// Extract available buildings from the table
function getAvailableBuildings() {
debugLog('Starting getAvailableBuildings function');
const buildings = [];
const buildingRows = document.querySelectorAll('#buildings tbody tr[id^="main_buildrow_"]');
debugLog(`Found ${buildingRows.length} building rows`);
buildingRows.forEach((row, index) => {
debugLog(`Processing row ${index + 1}:`, {
rowId: row.id,
rowHtml: row.innerHTML.substring(0, 100) + '...'
const buildingCell = row.querySelector('td:first-child');
if (!buildingCell) {
debugLog(`No building cell found in row ${index + 1}`);
const buildingId = row.id.replace('main_buildrow_', '');
if (!buildingId) {
debugLog(`Could not extract building ID from row ${index + 1}`);
// Get the name from the second anchor tag's text
const links = buildingCell.querySelectorAll('a');
const nameLink = links[1]; // Second link contains the name
if (!nameLink) {
debugLog(`No name link found in building cell for row ${index + 1}`);
// Skip if the building is fully upgraded
const inactiveCell = row.querySelector('td.inactive');
if (inactiveCell && inactiveCell.textContent.includes('vollständig ausgebaut')) {
debugLog(`Skipping fully upgraded building: ${buildingId}`);
// Get current level
const levelSpan = buildingCell.querySelector('span[style="font-size: 0.9em"]');
const currentLevel = levelSpan ? levelSpan.textContent.trim() : 'unknown';
const buildingName = nameLink.textContent.trim();
debugLog(`Found valid building:`, {
id: buildingId,
name: buildingName,
level: currentLevel,
element: nameLink.outerHTML
id: buildingId,
name: buildingName,
currentLevel: currentLevel
debugLog('Completed getAvailableBuildings. Found buildings:', buildings);
return buildings;
// Load saved configuration
function loadConfig() {
const defaultConfig = {
enabledBuildings: [],
useCostReduction: true,
buildingPriority: []
try {
const savedConfig = localStorage.getItem(STORAGE_KEY);
return savedConfig ? JSON.parse(savedConfig) : defaultConfig;
} catch (error) {
debugLog('Error loading config:', error);
return defaultConfig;
// Save configuration
function saveConfig(config) {
try {
localStorage.setItem(STORAGE_KEY, JSON.stringify(config));
debugLog('Config saved:', config);
} catch (error) {
debugLog('Error saving config:', error);
// Create UI
function createUI() {
debugLog('Starting UI creation');
const config = loadConfig();
const buildings = getAvailableBuildings();
debugLog('Initial config:', config);
debugLog('Available buildings:', buildings);
// Main container
const uiContainer = document.createElement('div');
uiContainer.style.cssText = 'background: #f4e4bc; padding: 15px; margin: 10px 0; border: 1px solid #603000; font-size: 12px;';
// Title Section
const titleSection = document.createElement('div');
titleSection.style.marginBottom = '20px';
const title = document.createElement('h3');
title.textContent = 'Auto Builder Settings';
title.style.cssText = 'margin: 0 0 5px 0; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold;';
const subtitle = document.createElement('div');
subtitle.textContent = 'Configure building sequence and automation settings';
subtitle.style.cssText = 'color: #666; font-style: italic;';
// Settings Section
const settingsSection = document.createElement('div');
settingsSection.style.cssText = 'background: #fff3d9; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #c1a264; margin-bottom: 15px;';
// Cost Reduction Setting
const costReductionDiv = document.createElement('div');
costReductionDiv.style.marginBottom = '10px';
const costReductionCheckbox = document.createElement('input');
costReductionCheckbox.type = 'checkbox';
costReductionCheckbox.id = 'autoBuildCostReduction';
costReductionCheckbox.checked = config.useCostReduction !== false;
const costReductionLabel = document.createElement('label');
costReductionLabel.htmlFor = 'autoBuildCostReduction';
costReductionLabel.textContent = ' Use -20% cost reduction when available';
costReductionLabel.style.cursor = 'pointer';
// Long Build Reduction Settings
const longBuildDiv = document.createElement('div');
longBuildDiv.style.marginBottom = '5px';
const longBuildCheckbox = document.createElement('input');
longBuildCheckbox.type = 'checkbox';
longBuildCheckbox.id = 'autoBuildLongReduction';
longBuildCheckbox.checked = config.useLongBuildReduction !== false;
const longBuildLabel = document.createElement('label');
longBuildLabel.htmlFor = 'autoBuildLongReduction';
longBuildLabel.textContent = ' Auto-reduce builds longer than ';
longBuildLabel.style.cursor = 'pointer';
const longBuildThreshold = document.createElement('input');
longBuildThreshold.type = 'number';
longBuildThreshold.min = '0.5';
longBuildThreshold.step = '0.5';
longBuildThreshold.value = config.longBuildThreshold || 2;
longBuildThreshold.style.cssText = 'width: 60px; padding: 2px; margin: 0 5px; background-color: #fff; border: 1px solid #c1a264;';
const hoursLabel = document.createElement('span');
hoursLabel.textContent = ' hours';
// Building Sequence Section
const sequenceSection = document.createElement('div');
// Sequence Header
const sequenceHeader = document.createElement('div');
sequenceHeader.style.cssText = 'display: flex; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center; margin-bottom: 10px;';
const sequenceTitle = document.createElement('div');
sequenceTitle.textContent = 'Building Sequence';
sequenceTitle.style.cssText = 'font-weight: bold;';
const clearButton = document.createElement('button');
clearButton.textContent = 'Clear All';
clearButton.className = 'btn btn-default';
clearButton.onclick = () => {
sequenceList.innerHTML = '';
const emptyText = document.createElement('div');
emptyText.textContent = 'No buildings in sequence';
emptyText.style.cssText = 'color: #666; font-style: italic; text-align: center;';
UI.SuccessMessage('Sequence cleared');
// Current Sequence List
const sequenceList = document.createElement('div');
sequenceList.id = 'buildSequenceList';
sequenceList.style.cssText = 'border: 1px solid #c1a264; padding: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; min-height: 50px; background: #fff3d9;';
// Initialize sequence list
function initializeSequenceList() {
if (!config.buildSequence || config.buildSequence.length === 0) {
debugLog('No existing sequence found, showing empty state');
const emptyText = document.createElement('div');
emptyText.textContent = 'No buildings in sequence';
emptyText.style.cssText = 'color: #666; font-style: italic; text-align: center;';
} else {
debugLog('Loading existing sequence:', config.buildSequence);
config.buildSequence.forEach(item => {
addSequenceItem(item.building, item.targetLevel);
// Add New Building Controls
const addControls = document.createElement('div');
addControls.style.cssText = 'display: flex; gap: 10px; align-items: center; background: #fff3d9; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #c1a264;';
// Building Selector
const buildingSelect = document.createElement('select');
buildingSelect.style.cssText = 'flex: 1; padding: 2px; background-color: #fff; border: 1px solid #c1a264;';
const defaultOption = document.createElement('option');
defaultOption.value = '';
defaultOption.textContent = '-- Select Building --';
defaultOption.disabled = true;
defaultOption.selected = true;
buildings.forEach(building => {
const option = document.createElement('option');
option.value = building.id;
option.textContent = `${building.name} (${building.currentLevel})`;
// Target Level Input
const untilLevelInput = document.createElement('input');
untilLevelInput.type = 'number';
untilLevelInput.min = '1';
untilLevelInput.style.cssText = 'width: 80px; padding: 2px; background-color: #fff; border: 1px solid #c1a264;';
untilLevelInput.placeholder = 'Target lvl';
// Add Button
const addButton = document.createElement('button');
addButton.textContent = 'Add to Sequence';
addButton.className = 'btn';
addButton.onclick = () => {
if (!buildingSelect.value) {
UI.ErrorMessage('Please select a building');
const buildingId = buildingSelect.value;
const building = buildings.find(b => b.id === buildingId);
const currentLevel = parseInt(building.currentLevel.replace(/[^\d]/g, '')) || 0;
const targetLevel = parseInt(untilLevelInput.value);
if (!targetLevel) {
UI.ErrorMessage('Please enter a target level');
if (targetLevel <= currentLevel) {
UI.ErrorMessage('Target level must be higher than current level');
const emptyText = sequenceList.querySelector('div[style*="text-align: center"]');
if (emptyText) {
sequenceList.innerHTML = '';
addSequenceItem(buildingId, targetLevel);
untilLevelInput.value = '';
buildingSelect.value = '';
function addSequenceItem(buildingId, targetLevel) {
debugLog('Adding sequence item:', { buildingId, targetLevel });
const building = buildings.find(b => b.id === buildingId);
if (!building) {
debugLog('Building not found:', buildingId);
const item = document.createElement('div');
item.className = 'sequence-item';
item.style.cssText = 'display: flex; gap: 10px; margin-bottom: 5px; align-items: center; background: #fff; padding: 5px; border: 1px solid #c1a264;';
const text = document.createElement('span');
text.style.flex = '1';
text.textContent = `${building.name} to level ${targetLevel}`;
const buttonsDiv = document.createElement('div');
buttonsDiv.style.cssText = 'display: flex; gap: 5px;';
const moveUpBtn = document.createElement('button');
moveUpBtn.innerHTML = '▲';
moveUpBtn.className = 'btn';
moveUpBtn.style.padding = '0 5px';
moveUpBtn.onclick = () => {
const prev = item.previousElementSibling;
if (prev) sequenceList.insertBefore(item, prev);
const moveDownBtn = document.createElement('button');
moveDownBtn.innerHTML = '▼';
moveDownBtn.className = 'btn';
moveDownBtn.style.padding = '0 5px';
moveDownBtn.onclick = () => {
const next = item.nextElementSibling;
if (next) sequenceList.insertBefore(next, item);
const removeBtn = document.createElement('button');
removeBtn.innerHTML = '✕';
removeBtn.className = 'btn';
removeBtn.style.padding = '0 5px';
removeBtn.style.color = '#ff0000';
removeBtn.onclick = () => {
if (sequenceList.children.length === 0) {
const emptyText = document.createElement('div');
emptyText.textContent = 'No buildings in sequence';
emptyText.style.cssText = 'color: #666; font-style: italic; text-align: center;';
debugLog('Added sequence item:', text.textContent);
// Save Button
const saveButton = document.createElement('button');
saveButton.textContent = 'Save Settings';
saveButton.className = 'btn';
saveButton.style.marginTop = '10px';
saveButton.onclick = () => {
debugLog('Save button clicked');
const sequence = [];
const items = sequenceList.querySelectorAll('.sequence-item');
debugLog('Found sequence items:', items.length);
items.forEach(item => {
const text = item.querySelector('span').textContent;
debugLog('Processing item:', text);
const [buildingName, levelText] = text.split(' to level ');
const building = buildings.find(b => b.name === buildingName);
if (building) {
const targetLevel = parseInt(levelText);
building: building.id,
targetLevel: targetLevel
debugLog('Added to sequence:', { buildingId: building.id, targetLevel });
const newConfig = {
useCostReduction: costReductionCheckbox.checked,
useLongBuildReduction: longBuildCheckbox.checked,
longBuildThreshold: parseFloat(longBuildThreshold.value) || 2,
buildSequence: sequence
debugLog('Saving config:', newConfig);
UI.SuccessMessage(`Settings saved! Sequence contains ${sequence.length} buildings.`);
// Insert UI into page
const buildingsTable = document.getElementById('buildings');
if (buildingsTable && buildingsTable.parentElement) {
buildingsTable.parentElement.insertBefore(uiContainer, buildingsTable);
// Initialize the sequence list
debugLog('UI creation completed');
function debugLog(message, data = null) {
if (!DEBUG) return;
const timestamp = new Date().toLocaleTimeString();
if (data) {
console.log(`[${timestamp}] ${message}`, data);
} else {
console.log(`[${timestamp}] ${message}`);
function getBuildingLevel(buildingName) {
debugLog(`Getting level for ${buildingName}`);
try {
// Find the row containing the building
const row = document.querySelector(`#main_buildrow_${buildingName}`);
if (!row) {
debugLog(`No row found for ${buildingName}`);
return null;
// Find the build button
const buildButton = row.querySelector(`a.btn-build[id*="_${buildingName}_"]`);
if (!buildButton) {
debugLog(`No build button found for ${buildingName}`);
return null;
// Get the next level from data attribute and subtract 1
const nextLevel = parseInt(buildButton.getAttribute('data-level-next'));
if (isNaN(nextLevel)) {
debugLog(`Could not parse next level for ${buildingName}`);
return null;
const currentLevel = nextLevel - 1;
debugLog(`${buildingName} current level:`, currentLevel);
return currentLevel;
} catch (error) {
debugLog(`Error getting level for ${buildingName}:`, error);
return null;
function getRemainingBuildTime(buildingName) {
try {
const row = document.querySelector(`#main_buildrow_${buildingName}`);
if (!row) {
debugLog(`No row found for ${buildingName} when checking time`);
return Infinity;
// Check if there's a running timer
const timerCell = row.querySelector('td:nth-child(5)');
if (!timerCell) {
debugLog(`No timer cell found for ${buildingName}`);
return Infinity;
const timeText = timerCell.textContent.trim();
if (!timeText) return 0;
const [hours, minutes, seconds] = timeText.split(':').map(Number);
const totalSeconds = hours * 3600 + minutes * 60 + seconds;
debugLog(`${buildingName} remaining build time: ${timeText} (${totalSeconds} seconds)`);
return totalSeconds;
} catch (error) {
debugLog(`Error getting remaining time for ${buildingName}:`, error);
return Infinity;
function canBuildResource(buildingName) {
try {
const row = document.querySelector(`#main_buildrow_${buildingName}`);
if (!row) {
debugLog(`No row found for ${buildingName} when checking buildability`);
return false;
// Find the -20% button specifically
const buildButton = row.querySelector(`#main_buildlink_${buildingName}_cheap`);
if (!buildButton) {
debugLog(`No cheap build button found for ${buildingName}`);
return false;
// Check if button has the disabled class
const isDisabled = buildButton.classList.contains('btn-bcr-disabled');
// Check if there's a valid build link
const hasValidHref = buildButton.getAttribute('href') &&
buildButton.getAttribute('href').includes('cheap') &&
buildButton.getAttribute('href') !== '#';
// Check if the button is inside a cell with class 'build_options'
const inBuildOptions = buildButton.closest('.build_options') !== null;
// A button is buildable if it has a valid href, is in the build options cell, and is not disabled
const canBuild = hasValidHref && inBuildOptions && !isDisabled;
debugLog(`Checking if ${buildingName} can be built with -20%:`, {
buttonFound: true,
hasValidHref: hasValidHref,
inBuildOptions: inBuildOptions,
isDisabled: isDisabled,
canBuild: canBuild,
href: buildButton.getAttribute('href'),
buttonText: buildButton.textContent.trim(),
buttonClasses: buildButton.className,
parentCell: buildButton.closest('td')?.className || 'no parent cell'
return canBuild;
} catch (error) {
debugLog(`Error checking if ${buildingName} can be built:`, error);
return false;
function willBeAvailableSoon(buildingName) {
const remainingTime = getRemainingBuildTime(buildingName);
const willBeSoon = remainingTime > 0 && remainingTime <= WAIT_FOR_HIGHER_PRIORITY;
debugLog(`Checking if ${buildingName} will be available soon:`, {
return willBeSoon;
function applyBuildTimeReduction() {
try {
// Find all build time reduction buttons
const reductionButtons = document.querySelectorAll('a.order_feature.btn.btn-btr');
if (!reductionButtons || reductionButtons.length === 0) {
debugLog('No build time reduction buttons found');
return false;
// Get the last button (most recently added building)
const lastButton = reductionButtons[reductionButtons.length - 1];
// Click the button
debugLog('Clicked build time reduction button');
return true;
} catch (error) {
debugLog('Error applying build time reduction:', error);
return false;
function isConstructionInProgress() {
// Check for buildorder element
const buildorder = document.querySelector('#buildorder_4');
const isBuilding = buildorder !== null;
debugLog('Checking for ongoing construction:', {
buildorderFound: isBuilding,
elementId: isBuilding ? buildorder.id : 'not found'
return isBuilding;
function reduceLongBuilds() {
try {
const config = loadConfig();
// Check if feature is enabled
if (!config.useLongBuildReduction) {
debugLog('Long build reduction is disabled');
return false;
const threshold = config.longBuildThreshold || 2;
debugLog(`Checking for builds longer than ${threshold} hours`);
// Only get buildorder_1 and buildorder_2
const buildRows = document.querySelectorAll('#buildorder_1, #buildorder_2');
debugLog('Found build rows:', buildRows.length);
// Process each row
for (const row of buildRows) {
const durationCell = row.querySelector('td.nowrap.lit-item');
if (!durationCell) {
debugLog('No duration cell found for row:', row.className);
const timeSpan = durationCell.querySelector('span');
if (!timeSpan) {
debugLog('No time span found in duration cell');
const durationText = timeSpan.textContent.trim();
if (!durationText) {
debugLog('Empty duration text');
const [hours, minutes, seconds] = durationText.split(':').map(Number);
const totalHours = hours + minutes/60 + seconds/3600;
const buildingCell = row.querySelector('td.lit-item');
const buildingName = buildingCell ? buildingCell.textContent.trim().split('\n')[0] : 'Unknown';
debugLog('Checking build duration:', {
building: buildingName,
duration: durationText,
totalHours: totalHours,
threshold: threshold,
rowClass: row.className,
buildOrderId: row.id
if (totalHours > threshold) {
const reductionButton = row.querySelector('a.order_feature.btn.btn-btr:not(.btn-instant)');
if (reductionButton) {
debugLog('Found long build, clicking reduction button:', {
building: buildingName,
duration: durationText,
buttonText: reductionButton.textContent.trim(),
buildOrderId: row.id
return true;
debugLog(`No builds over ${threshold} hours found needing reduction in first two queue positions`);
return false;
} catch (error) {
debugLog('Error in reduceLongBuilds:', error);
return false;
function buildResource(buildingName) {
const config = loadConfig();
debugLog(`Attempting to build ${buildingName}${config.useCostReduction ? ' with -20% discount' : ''}`);
try {
const row = document.querySelector(`#main_buildrow_${buildingName}`);
if (!row) {
debugLog(`No row found for ${buildingName} when trying to build`);
return false;
// Choose between normal and cheap build based on configuration
const buttonSelector = config.useCostReduction ?
`#main_buildlink_${buildingName}_cheap` :
const buildButton = row.querySelector(buttonSelector);
if (!buildButton) {
debugLog(`No build button found for ${buildingName}`);
return false;
const buildUrl = buildButton.getAttribute('href');
if (!buildUrl || (config.useCostReduction && !buildUrl.includes('cheap'))) {
debugLog(`No valid build href found for ${buildingName}`);
return false;
debugLog(`Clicking build button for ${buildingName} with URL: ${buildUrl}`);
// Instead of directly changing location, set up a sequence
if (config.useCostReduction) {
// For cost reduction, we need to:
// 1. Navigate to build URL
// 2. Wait for page load
// 3. Apply time reduction
// 4. Reload to main page
window.location.href = buildUrl;
// The reduction and reload will be handled by the page load event
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
setTimeout(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 500);
}, 500);
}, { once: true }); // Use once: true to ensure it only runs once
} else {
// For normal build, just build and reload
window.location.href = buildUrl;
// Add event listener for page load
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 500);
}, { once: true });
return true;
} catch (error) {
debugLog(`Error building ${buildingName}:`, error);
return false;
function checkAndBuild() {
debugLog('Starting building check cycle...');
try {
if (isConstructionInProgress()) {
debugLog('Construction already in progress, skipping build check');
const config = loadConfig();
if (!config.buildSequence || config.buildSequence.length === 0) {
debugLog('No building sequence configured');
// Get first incomplete sequence item
const currentSequenceItem = config.buildSequence[0];
const building = currentSequenceItem.building;
const currentLevel = getBuildingLevel(building);
debugLog('Checking sequence item:', {
targetLevel: currentSequenceItem.targetLevel
if (currentLevel >= currentSequenceItem.targetLevel) {
// Remove completed item and save
debugLog('Building reached target level, removing from sequence');
// Add reload after short delay
setTimeout(() => {
debugLog('Reloading page after sequence update');
}, 2000);
if (canBuildResource(building)) {
debugLog('Building available for construction');
if (buildResource(building)) {
debugLog('Building command sent successfully');
} else {
debugLog('Cannot build current sequence item yet');
} catch (error) {
debugLog('Error in checkAndBuild:', error);
// Create UI and start the script
debugLog('Script initialized, performing initial check...');
// Set up periodic page reload
debugLog(`Setting up periodic page reload every ${CHECK_INTERVAL/1000} seconds`);
setInterval(() => {
debugLog('Triggering page reload for next check');
debugLog('Script setup completed successfully');