- // ==UserScript==
- // @name IMDb with additional ratings
- // @description Adds additional ratings (TMDB, Douban, Metacritic, MyAnimeList). These can be deactivated individually in the configuration menu. And movie info can be copied by clicking unlinked elements below the title.
- // @version 20240914
- // @author mykarean
- // @icon https://icons.duckduckgo.com/ip2/imdb.com.ico
- // @match https://*.imdb.com/title/*
- // @grant GM_getValue
- // @grant GM_setValue
- // @grant GM_addStyle
- // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
- // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
- // @run-at document-start
- // @compatible chrome
- // @license GPL3
- // @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/1367334
- // ==/UserScript==
- "use strict";
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Config/Requirements
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- GM_registerMenuCommand("Configuration", openConfiguration, "c");
- const ratingSources = ["TMDB", "Douban", "Metacritic", "MyAnimeList"];
- const imdbId = window.location.pathname.match(/title\/(tt\d+)\//)[1];
- const USER_AGENT = "Mozilla/5.0 (x64; rv) Gecko Firefox";
- const undefinedValue = "X";
- let local;
- function getTitleElement() {
- return document.querySelector('[data-testid="hero__pageTitle"]');
- }
- function getMainTitle() {
- return getTitleElement()?.textContent;
- }
- function getOriginalTitle() {
- let originalTitle = document.querySelector('[data-testid="hero__pageTitle"] ~ div')?.textContent?.match(/^.*:\ (.*)/)?.[1];
- // Unicode normalisation and removal of diacritical characters to improve search on other pages
- return originalTitle?.normalize("NFD").replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, "");
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // General Functions
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function addCss() {
- if (!document.getElementById("custom-css-style")) {
- GM_addStyle(`
- /* all Badges */
- [data-testid="hero-rating-bar__aggregate-rating"],
- .rating-bar__base-button > .ipc-btn {
- padding: 4px 3px;
- border-radius: 5px !important;
- }
- .rating-bar__base-button {
- margin-right: 0 !important;
- }
- /* added Badges */
- span[data-testid=hero-rating-bar__aggregate-rating] {
- margin: 0 3px;
- background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.08);
- }
- /* format rating content */
- span[data-testid=hero-rating-bar__aggregate-rating] .ipc-btn__text > div > div {
- align-items: center;
- }
- /* remove /10 */
- span[data-testid=hero-rating-bar__aggregate-rating] div[data-testid=hero-rating-bar__aggregate-rating__score] > span:nth-child(2) {
- display: none;
- }
- span[data-testid=hero-rating-bar__aggregate-rating] div[data-testid=hero-rating-bar__aggregate-rating__score] > span:nth-child(1) {
- padding-right: 0;
- }
- /* IMDb Badge */
- div[data-testid=hero-rating-bar__aggregate-rating] {
- /* margin-left: 6px; */
- }
- /* Badge Header */
- .rating-bar__base-button > div {
- letter-spacing: unset;
- }
- span.rating-bar__base-button[myanimelist] > div {
- letter-spacing: normal;
- }
- /* for badges without rating data */
- .disable-anchor {
- cursor: default !important;
- }
- .disable-anchor:before {
- background: unset !important;
- }
- `).setAttribute("id", "custom-css-style");
- }
- const imdbRatingName = document.querySelector('div[data-testid="hero-rating-bar__aggregate-rating"] > div');
- if (imdbRatingName) {
- imdbRatingName.textContent = "IMDb";
- }
- }
- // create the initial rating template
- function createRatingBadgeTemplate(ratingSource) {
- const ratingElementImdb = document.querySelector('div[data-testid="hero-rating-bar__aggregate-rating"]');
- // ignore if the rating badge has already been created
- if (!ratingElementImdb || document.querySelector(`span.rating-bar__base-button[${ratingSource}]`)) return null;
- let clonedRatingBadge = ratingElementImdb.cloneNode(true);
- clonedRatingBadge.setAttribute(ratingSource, "");
- clonedRatingBadge.childNodes[0].innerText = ratingSource;
- // disable link per default
- clonedRatingBadge.querySelector("a").removeAttribute("href");
- // clonedRatingBadge.querySelector("a").classList.add("disable-anchor");
- const updateRatingElement = (element, rating, voteCount) => {
- let imdbRatingElement = element.querySelector("div[data-testid=hero-rating-bar__aggregate-rating__score]");
- if (imdbRatingElement) {
- imdbRatingElement.querySelector("span").innerText = rating;
- imdbRatingElement.nextSibling.nextSibling.innerText = voteCount;
- }
- };
- if (ratingSource === "Metacritic") {
- const criticRatingElement = clonedRatingBadge.querySelector(
- "div[data-testid=hero-rating-bar__aggregate-rating__score]"
- )?.parentElement;
- if (!criticRatingElement) {
- console.error("Critic rating element not found");
- return;
- }
- // Critic rating: replace star svg element with critic rating by cloning the rating element
- let criticRating = clonedRatingBadge
- .querySelector("div[data-testid=hero-rating-bar__aggregate-rating__score]")
- .parentElement.cloneNode(true);
- criticRating.classList.add("critic-rating");
- clonedRatingBadge
- .querySelector("div[data-testid=hero-rating-bar__aggregate-rating__score]")
- .parentElement.classList.add("user-rating");
- // critic rating
- updateRatingElement(criticRating, undefinedValue, undefinedValue.toLowerCase());
- criticRating.title = "Metascore";
- criticRating.style.cssText = `
- background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1);
- padding-left: 4px;
- padding-right: 2px;
- margin-right: 4px;
- border-radius: 5px;
- `;
- clonedRatingBadge.querySelector("a > span > div > div").outerHTML = criticRating.outerHTML;
- // user rating
- updateRatingElement(clonedRatingBadge.querySelector(".user-rating"), undefinedValue, undefinedValue.toLowerCase());
- clonedRatingBadge.querySelector(".user-rating").title = "User Score";
- clonedRatingBadge.querySelector(".user-rating").style.paddingRight = "0";
- } else {
- updateRatingElement(clonedRatingBadge, undefinedValue, undefinedValue.toLowerCase());
- clonedRatingBadge.querySelector("a > span > div > div").remove();
- clonedRatingBadge.querySelector(".ipc-btn__text > div > div").style.paddingRight = "0";
- }
- // convert div to span element, otherwise it will be removed from IMDb scripts
- const ratingElement = document.createElement("span");
- // Transfer all attributes from the cloned div element to the new span element
- for (let attr of clonedRatingBadge.attributes) {
- ratingElement.setAttribute(attr.name, attr.value);
- }
- // transfer the content of the cloned IMDb rating element to the new span element
- ratingElement.innerHTML = clonedRatingBadge.innerHTML;
- ratingElementImdb.insertAdjacentElement("beforebegin", ratingElement);
- return ratingElement;
- }
- // update the rating template with actual data
- function updateRatingTemplate(newRatingBadge, ratingData) {
- if (!newRatingBadge || !ratingData) return;
- const selectors = {
- url: "a",
- generalRating: "div[data-testid=hero-rating-bar__aggregate-rating__score] > span",
- generalVoteCount: "div[data-testid=hero-rating-bar__aggregate-rating__score] + * + *",
- criticRating: ".critic-rating div[data-testid=hero-rating-bar__aggregate-rating__score] > span",
- criticVoteCount: ".critic-rating div[data-testid=hero-rating-bar__aggregate-rating__score] + * + *",
- userRating: ".user-rating div[data-testid=hero-rating-bar__aggregate-rating__score] > span",
- userVoteCount: ".user-rating div[data-testid=hero-rating-bar__aggregate-rating__score] + * + *",
- };
- function updateElement(selector, value, voteCount = 0) {
- const element = newRatingBadge.querySelector(selector);
- if (!voteCount) {
- element.textContent = value !== undefined && value !== 0 ? value : undefinedValue;
- } else {
- element.textContent = value !== undefined && value !== 0 ? value : undefinedValue.toLowerCase();
- }
- }
- newRatingBadge.querySelector(selectors.url).href = ratingData.url;
- // newRatingBadge.querySelector(selectors.url).classList.remove("disable-anchor");
- if (ratingData.source === "Metacritic") {
- updateElement(selectors.criticRating, ratingData.criticRating);
- updateElement(selectors.userRating, ratingData.userRating);
- updateElement(selectors.criticVoteCount, ratingData.criticVoteCount, 1);
- updateElement(selectors.userVoteCount, ratingData.userVoteCount, 1);
- } else {
- updateElement(selectors.generalRating, ratingData.rating);
- updateElement(selectors.generalVoteCount, ratingData.voteCount, 1);
- }
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // TMDB
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- let tmdbDataPromise = null;
- async function getTmdbData() {
- const configured = await GM_getValue("TMDB", false);
- if (!configured) return;
- if (tmdbDataPromise) return tmdbDataPromise;
- if (!imdbId) {
- throw new Error("IMDb ID not found in URL.");
- }
- const options = {
- method: "GET",
- headers: {
- accept: "application/json",
- Authorization:
- "Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiIyMzc1ZGIzOTYwYWVhMWI1OTA1NWMwZmM3ZDcwYjYwZiIsInN1YiI6IjYwYmNhZTk0NGE0YmY2MDA1OWJhNWE1ZSIsInNjb3BlcyI6WyJhcGlfcmVhZCJdLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjoxfQ.DU51juQWlAIIfZ2lK99b3zi-c5vgc4jAwVz5h2WjOP8",
- },
- };
- tmdbDataPromise = fetch(`https://api.themoviedb.org/3/find/${imdbId}?external_source=imdb_id`, options)
- .then((response) => {
- if (!response.ok) {
- throw new Error(`HTTP error! status: ${response.status}`);
- }
- return response.json();
- })
- .then((data) => {
- const result = data.movie_results[0] || data.tv_results[0];
- if (!result) {
- throw new Error("No data found for the provided IMDb ID.");
- }
- console.log("TMDB: ", result);
- return {
- source: "TMDB",
- id: result.id,
- rating: (Math.round(result.vote_average * 10) / 10).toLocaleString(local, {
- minimumFractionDigits: 1,
- maximumFractionDigits: 1,
- }),
- voteCount: result.vote_count?.toLocaleString(local),
- url: `https://www.themoviedb.org/${result.media_type}/${result.id}`,
- };
- })
- .catch((error) => {
- console.error("Error fetching TMDb data:", error);
- return 0;
- });
- return tmdbDataPromise;
- }
- async function addTmdbRatingBadge() {
- const configured = await GM_getValue("TMDB", false);
- if (!configured) return;
- const newRatingBadge = createRatingBadgeTemplate("TMDB");
- // if the template for the rating badge was not created, it already exists
- if (!newRatingBadge) return;
- const ratingData = await getTmdbData();
- // Copy ratingData to avoid modifying the original object
- let finalRatingData = { ...ratingData };
- // Check if ratingData or ratingData.url is undefined and provide a default value
- if (!ratingData?.url) {
- const searchTitle = getOriginalTitle() ?? getMainTitle();
- const defaultUrl = `https://www.themoviedb.org/search?query=${searchTitle}`;
- finalRatingData.url = defaultUrl;
- }
- updateRatingTemplate(newRatingBadge, finalRatingData);
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Douban
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- let doubanDataPromise = null;
- async function getDoubanData() {
- const configured = await GM_getValue("Douban", false);
- if (!configured) return;
- if (doubanDataPromise) return doubanDataPromise;
- if (!imdbId) {
- throw new Error("IMDb ID not found in URL.");
- }
- const fetchFromDouban = (url, method = "GET", data = null) =>
- new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- GM.xmlHttpRequest({
- method,
- url,
- data,
- headers: {
- "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf8",
- },
- onload: (response) => {
- if (response.status >= 200 && response.status < 400) {
- resolve(JSON.parse(response.responseText));
- } else {
- console.error(`Error getting ${url}:`, response.status, response.statusText, response.responseText);
- resolve(null);
- }
- },
- onerror: (error) => {
- console.error(`Error during GM.xmlHttpRequest to ${url}:`, error.statusText);
- reject(error);
- },
- });
- });
- const getDoubanInfo = async (imdbId) => {
- const data = await fetchFromDouban(
- `https://api.douban.com/v2/movie/imdb/${imdbId}`,
- "POST",
- "apikey=0ac44ae016490db2204ce0a042db2916"
- );
- if (data && data.alt && data.alt !== "N/A") {
- const url = data.alt.replace("/movie/", "/subject/") + "/";
- return { url, rating: data.rating, title: data.title };
- }
- };
- doubanDataPromise = (async function () {
- try {
- const result = await getDoubanInfo(imdbId);
- if (!result) {
- throw new Error("No data found for the provided IMDb ID.");
- }
- console.log("Douban: ", result);
- return {
- source: "Douban",
- id: result.id,
- rating: Number(result.rating.average).toLocaleString(local, { minimumFractionDigits: 1, maximumFractionDigits: 1 }),
- voteCount: result.rating.numRaters?.toLocaleString(local),
- url: result.url,
- };
- } catch (error) {
- console.error("Error fetching Douban data:", error);
- return 0;
- }
- })();
- return doubanDataPromise;
- }
- async function addDoubanRatingBadge() {
- const configured = await GM_getValue("Douban", false);
- if (!configured) return;
- const newRatingBadge = createRatingBadgeTemplate("Douban");
- // if the template for the rating badge was not created, it already exists
- if (!newRatingBadge) return;
- const ratingData = await getDoubanData();
- // Copy ratingData to avoid modifying the original object
- let finalRatingData = { ...ratingData };
- // Check if ratingData or ratingData.url is undefined and provide a default value
- if (!ratingData?.url) {
- const searchTitle = getOriginalTitle() ?? getMainTitle();
- const defaultUrl = `https://search.douban.com/movie/subject_search?search_text=${searchTitle}`;
- finalRatingData.url = defaultUrl;
- }
- updateRatingTemplate(newRatingBadge, finalRatingData);
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Metacritic
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // wikidata solution inspired by IMDb Scout Mod
- let metacriticDataPromise = null;
- async function getMetacriticData() {
- const configured = await GM_getValue("Metacritic", false);
- if (!configured) return;
- if (metacriticDataPromise) return metacriticDataPromise;
- if (!imdbId) {
- throw new Error("IMDb ID not found in URL.");
- }
- async function getMetacriticId() {
- return new Promise((resolve) => {
- GM.xmlHttpRequest({
- method: "GET",
- timeout: 10000,
- headers: { "User-Agent": USER_AGENT },
- url: `https://query.wikidata.org/sparql?format=json&query=SELECT * WHERE {?s wdt:P345 "${imdbId}". OPTIONAL { ?s wdt:P1712 ?Metacritic_ID. }}`,
- onload: function (response) {
- const result = JSON.parse(response.responseText);
- const bindings = result.results.bindings[0];
- const metacriticId = bindings && bindings.Metacritic_ID ? bindings.Metacritic_ID.value : "";
- resolve(metacriticId);
- },
- onerror: function () {
- console.error("getMetacriticId: Request Error.");
- reject("Request Error");
- },
- onabort: function () {
- console.error("getMetacriticId: Request Aborted.");
- reject("Request Abort");
- },
- ontimeout: function () {
- console.error("getMetacriticId: Request Timeout.");
- reject("Request Timeout");
- },
- });
- });
- }
- function fetchMetacriticData(url) {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- GM.xmlHttpRequest({
- method: "GET",
- url: url,
- headers: { "User-Agent": USER_AGENT },
- onload: function (response) {
- const parser = new DOMParser();
- const result = parser.parseFromString(response.responseText, "text/html");
- let criticRating;
- let userRating;
- let criticVoteCount;
- let userVoteCount;
- const criticRatingElement = result.querySelector(".c-siteReviewScore");
- if (criticRatingElement) {
- const ratingText = criticRatingElement.textContent.trim();
- criticRating = ratingText.includes(".") ? "" : !isNaN(ratingText) ? ratingText : 0;
- if (criticRating !== 0) {
- let criticVoteCountText = result
- .querySelector(".c-siteReviewScore")
- .parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.querySelector("a > span")?.textContent;
- criticVoteCount = criticVoteCountText.match(/\d+/)[0];
- } else {
- criticVoteCount = 0;
- }
- }
- const userRatingElement = result.querySelector(".c-siteReviewScore_user");
- if (userRatingElement) {
- const ratingText = userRatingElement.textContent.trim();
- userRating = Number(ratingText).toLocaleString(local, { minimumFractionDigits: 1, maximumFractionDigits: 1 });
- // if (!isNaN(ratingText)) userRating = ratingText * 10;
- if (userRating !== 0) {
- let userVoteCountText = result
- .querySelector(".c-siteReviewScore_user")
- .parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.querySelector("a > span")?.textContent;
- userVoteCount = userVoteCountText.match(/\d+/)[0];
- } else {
- userVoteCount = 0;
- }
- }
- console.log(
- "Critic rating: " +
- criticRating +
- ", User rating: " +
- userRating +
- ", Url: " +
- url +
- ", criticVoteCount: " +
- criticVoteCount +
- ", userVoteCount: " +
- userVoteCount
- );
- // Resolve the promise with the ratings and URL
- resolve({
- source: "Metacritic",
- criticRating: criticRating,
- userRating: userRating,
- criticVoteCount: criticVoteCount,
- userVoteCount: userVoteCount,
- url: url,
- });
- },
- onerror: function () {
- console.log("getMetacriticRatings: Request Error.");
- reject("Request Error");
- },
- onabort: function () {
- console.log("getMetacriticRatings: Request is aborted.");
- reject("Request Aborted");
- },
- ontimeout: function () {
- console.log("getMetacriticRatings: Request timed out.");
- reject("Request Timed Out");
- },
- });
- });
- }
- metacriticDataPromise = (async () => {
- const metacriticId = await getMetacriticId();
- const url = encodeURI(`https://www.metacritic.com/${metacriticId}`);
- if (metacriticId !== "") {
- return fetchMetacriticData(url);
- }
- })();
- return 0;
- }
- async function addMetacriticRatingBadge() {
- const configured = await GM_getValue("Metacritic", false);
- if (!configured) return;
- const newRatingBadge = createRatingBadgeTemplate("Metacritic");
- // if the template for the rating badge was not created, it already exists
- if (!newRatingBadge) return;
- const ratingData = await getMetacriticData();
- // Copy ratingData to avoid modifying the original object
- let finalRatingData = { ...ratingData };
- // Check if ratingData or ratingData.url is undefined and provide a default value
- if (!ratingData?.url) {
- const searchTitle = getOriginalTitle() ?? getMainTitle();
- const defaultUrl = `https://www.metacritic.com/search/${searchTitle}`;
- finalRatingData.url = defaultUrl;
- }
- updateRatingTemplate(newRatingBadge, finalRatingData);
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // MyAnimeList
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // wikidata solution inspired by IMDb Scout Mod
- let myAnimeListDataPromise = null;
- async function getMyAnimeListDataByImdbId() {
- // only if genre is anime
- const genreAnime = document.querySelector(".ipc-chip-list__scroller")?.textContent.includes("Anime");
- if (!genreAnime) return;
- // only if enabled in settings
- const configured = await GM_getValue("MyAnimeList", false);
- if (!configured) return;
- if (myAnimeListDataPromise) return myAnimeListDataPromise;
- function getAnimeID() {
- const url = `https://query.wikidata.org/sparql?format=json&query=SELECT * WHERE {?s wdt:P345 "${imdbId}". OPTIONAL {?s wdt:P4086 ?MyAnimeList_ID.} OPTIONAL {?s wdt:P8729 ?AniList_ID.}}`;
- return new Promise((resolve) => {
- GM.xmlHttpRequest({
- method: "GET",
- timeout: 10000,
- url: url,
- headers: { "User-Agent": USER_AGENT },
- onload: function (response) {
- const result = JSON.parse(response.responseText);
- let myAnimeListId = "";
- let aniListId = "";
- if (result.results.bindings[0] !== undefined) {
- if (result.results.bindings[0].MyAnimeList_ID !== undefined) {
- myAnimeListId = result.results.bindings[0].MyAnimeList_ID.value;
- } else {
- console.log("getAnimeID: No MyAnimeList_ID found on wikidata.org");
- }
- if (result.results.bindings[0].AniList_ID !== undefined) {
- aniListId = result.results.bindings[0].AniList_ID.value;
- }
- console.log("getAnimeID: ", result.results);
- resolve([myAnimeListId, aniListId]);
- }
- },
- onerror: function () {
- console.log("getAnimeID: Request Error.");
- reject("Request Error");
- },
- onabort: function () {
- console.log("getAnimeID: Request Abort.");
- reject("Request Abort");
- },
- ontimeout: function () {
- console.log("getAnimeID: Request Timeout.");
- reject("Request Timeout");
- },
- });
- });
- }
- function fetchMyAnimeListData(myAnimeListId) {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- const url = "https://api.jikan.moe/v4/anime/" + myAnimeListId;
- GM.xmlHttpRequest({
- method: "GET",
- timeout: 10000,
- url: url,
- headers: { "User-Agent": USER_AGENT },
- onload: function (response) {
- if (response.status === 200) {
- const result = JSON.parse(response.responseText);
- const rating = result.data.score;
- if (!isNaN(rating) && rating > 0) {
- console.log("fetchMyAnimeListData: ", result.data.mal_id, result);
- resolve({
- source: "MyAnimeList",
- rating: parseFloat((rating || 0).toFixed(1)).toLocaleString(local),
- voteCount: result.data.scored_by?.toLocaleString(local),
- url: result.data.url,
- });
- } else {
- reject("Invalid rating");
- }
- } else {
- console.log("MyAnimeList: HTTP Error: " + response.status);
- reject("HTTP Error");
- }
- },
- onerror: function () {
- console.log("MyAnimeList: Request Error.");
- reject("Request Error");
- },
- onabort: function () {
- console.log("MyAnimeList: Request is aborted.");
- reject("Request Aborted");
- },
- ontimeout: function () {
- console.log("MyAnimeList: Request timed out.");
- reject("Request Timeout");
- },
- });
- });
- }
- myAnimeListDataPromise = (async () => {
- const id = await getAnimeID();
- const myAnimeListId = id[0];
- const aniListId = id[1];
- if (myAnimeListId !== "") {
- return fetchMyAnimeListData(myAnimeListId);
- }
- })();
- return 0;
- }
- async function getMyAnimeListDataByTitle() {
- const titleElement = getTitleElement();
- if (!titleElement) return;
- // only if genre is anime
- const genreAnime = document.querySelector(".ipc-chip-list__scroller")?.textContent.includes("Anime");
- if (!genreAnime) return;
- const mainTitle = getMainTitle();
- const originalTitle = getOriginalTitle();
- const metaData = titleElement?.parentElement?.querySelector("ul");
- const metaItems = metaData?.querySelectorAll("li");
- // If the text content type is an integer, it is a tv show, otherwise it is a movie.
- const type = isNaN(metaItems?.[0]?.textContent) ? "tv" : "movie";
- const yearIndex = type === "tv" ? 1 : 0;
- const yearText = metaItems?.[yearIndex]?.textContent;
- // Extract the first number up to the non-number sign and convert it into a integer (2018-2020)
- const year = parseInt(yearText);
- async function fetchAllPages(searchTitle) {
- let currentPage = 1;
- let allResults = [];
- const maxRetries = 3;
- const retryDelay = 1000; // 5 seconds
- async function fetchWithRetry(url, retries = 0) {
- try {
- const response = await fetch(url);
- if (response.status === 429) {
- if (retries < maxRetries) {
- console.log(`Rate limited. Retrying in ${retryDelay / 1000} seconds...`);
- await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, retryDelay));
- return fetchWithRetry(url, retries + 1);
- } else {
- throw new Error("Max retries reached. Please try again later.");
- }
- }
- return response;
- } catch (error) {
- console.error("Fetch error:", error);
- throw error;
- }
- }
- while (true) {
- try {
- const response = await fetchWithRetry(
- `https://api.jikan.moe/v4/anime?q=${encodeURIComponent(searchTitle)}&type=${type}&page=${currentPage}`
- );
- const data = await response.json();
- allResults = allResults.concat(data.data);
- if (!data.pagination.has_next_page) break;
- currentPage++;
- } catch (error) {
- console.error("Error fetching data:", error);
- break;
- }
- }
- // console.log(searchTitle, year, type, allResults);
- const result = allResults.find((anime, index) => {
- const titleMatch = anime.title.toLowerCase().includes(searchTitle.toLowerCase());
- const yearMatch = anime.aired.prop.from.year === year;
- if (titleMatch && yearMatch) {
- // console.log(`Title and year match found for anime[${index}] - ${anime.title}`);
- return true;
- }
- if (!titleMatch && anime.title_english) {
- const englishTitleMatch = anime.title_english.toLowerCase().includes(searchTitle.toLowerCase());
- // console.log(`English title match for "${anime.title_english}": ${englishTitleMatch}`);
- if (englishTitleMatch && yearMatch) {
- // console.log(`English title and year match found for anime[${index}] - ${anime.title}`);
- return true;
- }
- }
- if (!titleMatch && anime.title_synonyms && anime.title_synonyms.length > 0) {
- // console.log(`Checking synonyms for anime[${index}] - ${anime.title}, Synonyms: ${anime.title_synonyms}`);
- const synonymMatch = anime.title_synonyms.some((synonym) => synonym.toLowerCase().includes(searchTitle.toLowerCase()));
- // console.log(`Synonym match for anime[${index}] - ${anime.title}: ${synonymMatch}`);
- if (synonymMatch && yearMatch) {
- // console.log(`Synonym and year match found for anime[${index}] - ${anime.title}`);
- return true;
- }
- }
- // console.log(`No match found for anime[${index}] - ${anime.title}`);
- return false;
- });
- return result;
- }
- async function getAnimeData() {
- try {
- let result = await fetchAllPages(mainTitle);
- if (!result && originalTitle) {
- console.log(`No results found for "${mainTitle}", retrying with originalTitle "${originalTitle}"...`);
- result = await fetchAllPages(originalTitle);
- }
- if (result) {
- console.log("getMyAnimeListDataByTitle: ", result);
- return result;
- } else {
- console.log("No results found for either title.");
- return null;
- }
- } catch (error) {
- console.error("Error retrieving data:", error);
- return null;
- }
- }
- myAnimeListDataPromise = (async () => {
- const anime = await getAnimeData();
- if (anime) {
- const data = {
- source: "MyAnimeList",
- rating: Number(anime.score).toLocaleString(local, { minimumFractionDigits: 1, maximumFractionDigits: 1 }),
- voteCount: anime.scored_by?.toLocaleString(local),
- url: anime.url,
- };
- // console.log("myAnimeListDataPromise: ", anime);
- return data;
- } else {
- console.log("No anime data found.");
- return null;
- }
- })();
- }
- async function addMyAnimeListRatingBadge() {
- // only if genre is anime
- const genreAnime = document.querySelector(".ipc-chip-list__scroller")?.textContent.includes("Anime");
- if (!genreAnime) return;
- // only if enabled in settings
- const configured = await GM_getValue("MyAnimeList", false);
- if (!configured) return;
- const newRatingBadge = createRatingBadgeTemplate("MyAnimeList");
- // if the template for the rating badge was not created, it already exists
- if (!newRatingBadge) return;
- let ratingData = await getMyAnimeListDataByImdbId();
- if (ratingData === 0) {
- ratingData = await getMyAnimeListDataByTitle();
- }
- // Copy ratingData to avoid modifying the original object
- let finalRatingData = { ...ratingData };
- // Check if ratingData or ratingData.url is undefined and provide a default value
- if (!ratingData?.url) {
- const searchTitle = getOriginalTitle() ?? getMainTitle();
- const defaultUrl = `https://myanimelist.net/anime.php?q=${searchTitle}`; // Define your default URL here
- finalRatingData.url = defaultUrl;
- }
- updateRatingTemplate(newRatingBadge, finalRatingData);
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- async function addDdl() {
- const authorsMode = await GM_getValue("authorsMode", false);
- if (!authorsMode) return;
- const targetElement = document.querySelector("[data-testid=hero__pageTitle]");
- if (!document.querySelector("a#ddl-button") && targetElement) {
- let ddlElement = document.createElement("a");
- ddlElement.id = "ddl-button";
- ddlElement.href = `https://ddl-warez.cc/?s=${imdbId}`;
- ddlElement.style.float = "right";
- let imgElement = document.createElement("img");
- imgElement.src = "https://ddl-warez.cc/wp-content/uploads/logo.png";
- imgElement.style.height = "48px";
- imgElement.style.aspectRatio = "1/1";
- ddlElement.appendChild(imgElement);
- targetElement.insertAdjacentElement("afterend", ddlElement);
- }
- }
- let metadataAsText = "";
- function collectMetadataForClipboard() {
- let title = document.querySelector("span.hero__primary-text")?.textContent;
- let genres = document.querySelector("div[data-testid='interests'] div.ipc-chip-list__scroller")?.childNodes;
- let additionalMetadata = document.querySelector('[data-testid="hero__pageTitle"]')?.parentElement?.querySelector("ul");
- // if click listener does not exist
- if (!document.querySelector("ul.collectMetadataForClipboardListener") && title && genres && additionalMetadata) {
- if (genres && additionalMetadata) {
- if (metadataAsText === "") {
- // add title
- metadataAsText += title + " | ";
- // collect additional metadata
- for (let element of additionalMetadata?.childNodes) metadataAsText += element.textContent + " | ";
- // collect genres
- let iteration = genres?.length;
- for (let genre of genres) {
- metadataAsText += genre.textContent;
- // append "," as long as not last iteration
- if (--iteration) metadataAsText += ", ";
- }
- }
- additionalMetadata.style.cursor = "pointer";
- additionalMetadata.addEventListener("click", function () {
- navigator.clipboard.writeText(metadataAsText);
- });
- // to know if click listener is still there
- additionalMetadata.classList.add("collectMetadataForClipboardListener");
- }
- }
- }
- // Configuration Modal
- function openConfiguration() {
- GM_addStyle(`
- .modal-overlay {
- position: fixed;
- top: 0;
- left: 0;
- width: 100vw;
- height: 100vh;
- background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
- z-index: 9998;
- transition: background-color 0.5s ease;
- }
- .modal {
- font-family: var(--ipt-font-family);
- position: fixed;
- top: 50%;
- left: 50%;
- transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
- width: 300px;
- padding: 20px;
- background-color: #fff;
- border-radius: 10px;
- box-shadow: 0px 4px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
- z-index: 9999;
- opacity: 0;
- transition: opacity 0.5s ease;
- }
- .modal-title {
- margin-bottom: 20px;
- font-size: 16px;
- font-weight: bold;
- }
- .checkbox-label {
- display: block;
- margin-bottom: 10px;
- }
- .close-button {
- display: block;
- margin: 20px auto 0;
- }
- `);
- // Darken background
- const overlay = document.createElement("div");
- overlay.className = "modal-overlay";
- overlay.style.backgroundColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)";
- setTimeout(() => {
- overlay.style.backgroundColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)";
- }, 50);
- // Create modal
- const modal = document.createElement("div");
- modal.className = "modal";
- setTimeout(() => {
- modal.style.opacity = "1";
- }, 50);
- // Title of the modal
- const title = document.createElement("h3");
- title.innerText = "Which ratings should be displayed?";
- title.className = "modal-title";
- modal.appendChild(title);
- // Add checkboxes
- ratingSources.forEach((ratingSource) => {
- const label = document.createElement("label");
- label.className = "checkbox-label";
- const checkbox = document.createElement("input");
- checkbox.type = "checkbox";
- checkbox.checked = GM_getValue(ratingSource, false);
- checkbox.addEventListener("change", () => {
- GM_setValue(ratingSource, checkbox.checked);
- if (!checkbox.checked) {
- document.querySelector(`span.rating-bar__base-button[${ratingSource}]`).remove();
- } else {
- // trigger observer to add new badges
- const tempElement = document.createElement("div");
- document.body.appendChild(tempElement);
- document.body.removeChild(tempElement);
- }
- });
- label.appendChild(checkbox);
- label.appendChild(document.createTextNode(` ${ratingSource}`));
- modal.appendChild(label);
- });
- // Add button to close
- const closeButton = document.createElement("button");
- closeButton.innerText = "Close";
- closeButton.className =
- "close-button ipc-btn ipc-btn--half-padding ipc-btn--default-height ipc-btn--core-accent1 ipc-btn--theme-baseAlt ";
- closeButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
- document.body.removeChild(overlay);
- document.body.removeChild(modal);
- });
- modal.appendChild(closeButton);
- // Add modal and overlay to the DOM
- document.body.appendChild(overlay);
- document.body.appendChild(modal);
- // Close modal on click outside
- overlay.addEventListener("click", () => {
- document.body.removeChild(overlay);
- document.body.removeChild(modal);
- });
- }
- // add and keep elements in header container
- async function main() {
- // set default configuration
- ratingSources.forEach((badge) => {
- // Query default value (if does not exist, 'null' is returned)
- const existingValue = GM_getValue(badge, null);
- if (existingValue === null) {
- // Value does not exist, set default value to true
- GM_setValue(badge, true);
- }
- });
- // ignore episode view
- if (!document.title.includes('"')) {
- addCss();
- getTmdbData();
- getDoubanData();
- getMetacriticData();
- getMyAnimeListDataByImdbId();
- getMyAnimeListDataByTitle();
- const observer = new MutationObserver(async () => {
- addCss();
- await addMyAnimeListRatingBadge();
- await addMetacriticRatingBadge();
- await addDoubanRatingBadge();
- await addTmdbRatingBadge();
- addDdl();
- // addGenresToTitle();
- collectMetadataForClipboard();
- });
- observer.observe(document.documentElement, { childList: true, subtree: true });
- }
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Main
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- main();
- // GM_setValue("authorsMode", true);