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Shork's Bicocca Utilities

Auto-login (S3, e-Learning, EsamiOnline and others), automatically open e-Learning files, resize videos, replace Profile Picture on S3

Leonardo Gualandris
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This script contains many utilities to make navigating Bicocca websites easier, and is 100% configurable.


  • Auto-logins if you fill the "username" and "password" fields in the code. Password MUST be encoded to Base64, you'll find the link in the code.
  • If you're not comfortable with that, it takes you to the login and that's it (Chrome autofill will do the rest if enabled). Works on Segreterie Online (S3), e-Learning and EsamiOnline.
  • Auto-opens files on e-Learning without the dumb useless redirect page.
  • Auto-resizes videos on e-Learning to better fit the screen.
  • Auto-replaces your profile pic on on Segreterie Online (S3) with one you like more.

The script has been optimized to only work on the relevant pages, without wasting computing power.

To configure:

  • Open the script from the TamperMonkey dashboard. You should see some code.
  • Set the functions you want to use to true. Note that autoLogin and S3_ProfilePicReplacer are disabled by default.

If you want to use autoLogin:

  • Set it to true
  • Insert your university e-mail after username.
  • Encode your password to Base64 here. It should look something like this: aWYgeW91IHJlYWQgdGhpcyB1ciBkdW1iIQ==
  • Insert your encoded password after password.

If you want to use S3_ProfilePicReplacer:

  • Set it to true
  • Upload your new profile pic somewhere. A vertical aspect ratio of 3/4 is recommended.
  • Copy the direct link to your picture. Shortened links work.
  • Insert the direct link to it after imgurl.