Greasy Fork is available in English.
Features: Automatically score 5000 Points | Score randomly between 4500 and 5000 points | Open in Google Maps
Αυτές είναι εκδόσεις αυτού του κώδικα όπου ο κώδικας έχει ενημερωθεί. Προβολή όλων των εκδόσεων.
Fixed Script.
Fixes for no move gamemode + fixes for Firefox(
Bugfix and streak fix
Fixed place marker options.
Fixed for geoguessr update
Removed annoying google maps sidebar
Hopeful fix for detection. (Script will no longer list controls on main menu, please note the controls.)
Google maps option now opens a bit more zoomed out
Fixes for update
Added streaks mode + security fixes for google maps mode.
further bug fixes + re-added safemode
bug fixing (again)
Fixed menu bug
Fixed for update.
Fixed BR and made return iterator actually do what it's meant to
Added duels replay warning.
Fixed BR distance guess shower ( press 5 in BR distance)
Added maprunner support.
Added a more robust method for fetching coordinates / general cleanup / Fixed submit button distance thing
Fixed BR(?)
Fixed again
fixed homescreen text
Update to fix recent geoGuessr patches. Please note new security by GeoGuessr.
Fixed duels (hopefully)
BR best distance shown in button
Now displays how much damage the next move will do in duels. (Please leave feedback if this doesn't work as intended)
Attempted a fix at guessing for pro users.
Added anticheat preventative measures.
User distance from correct location is now calculated with no button presses. Controls popup is now on the geoguessr main menu, created a new popup for when the script has updated. Minor other fixes.
Added prevention of perfect guesses back again after bug fix.
revert update due to bug.
Prevented user from making 5k guesses and thus getting banned. Can be circumvented by just pressing the guess button again after the warning.
Added ability to see distance between your guess and correct guess. Appears in submit button.
User's distance from correct answer is now only shown if the user has guessed this round.
Added new feature to see the enemies distance to the correct location in duels.
Added new google maps feature.
Fixed script to work in duels + general maintenance
Added back the brief description option.
Προβολή όλων των εκδόσεων κώδικα