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Awesome Lobby Overhaul Q2 2022 for Webcamdarts

Overhaul of the Webcamdarts Lobby layout with additional friend- and blocklist functions, heavily inspired and based on Ultimate Webcamdarts Lobby, not inteded to be used with the same or corresponding scripts.

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This is basically my own version of the "Ultimate Webcamdarts Lobby" by Antoine Maingeot, the CSS on this is written from scratch and i did my own shenanigans with pushing the elements around. The friend- and blocklist portions were copied over from Antoine's script and slightly modified, credit where credit is due.

This script uses ES6 Features, i doubt it will be of any concern but a little heads-up doesn't hurt.

What this script does:

  • make lobby use as much space as possible
    • BONUS: makes the lobby page look weird if you are not logged in!
  • new style for the userlist
  • detach own profile-panel from userlist
  • move "Logout" button to profile-panel
  • declutter the animated links over the chat area, no more animations
    • "Cam Test" link was moved to profile-panel
    • Duplicates are removed
  • userlist is grouped in available and busy
  • option for setting a friendlist, blocklist and additional highlighting list
    • users on your friendlist are moved to the beginning of the respective groups
    • users on blocklist are moved to the bottom of the userlist (available users on your blocklist will also be at the end of the userlist)
    • highlight list does not affect sorting
  • changes the led-light images to better looking svg graphics (available messages)
  • adds average on the available messages
  • makes available messages clickable and open a pm tab
  • make you feel all giddy and special! (at least if you like it I guess...)

This script essentially combines all my other webcamdarts scripts and is not intended to be used in combination with any of them or the "Ultimate Webcamdarts Lobby" script!

If you find any problems let me know and i will be happy to try and fix them.