Greasy Fork is available in English.

FV - Daily Wheel

Add a link to the Daily Wheel on the Daily Streak page.

Αυτές είναι εκδόσεις αυτού του κώδικα όπου ο κώδικας έχει ενημερωθεί. Προβολή όλων των εκδόσεων.

  • v1.1.2 21/01/2021 furvilla switched to https & so must I
  • v1.1.1 21/11/2020 fixed z-index layering issue with right column
  • v1.1 20/11/2020 Added inventory link to /wheel that brings you directly to openables in your inventory; added a button to /dailies to indicate unclaimed rewards and scroll down the page.
  • v1.0 28/10/2020