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Image Host Helper

Directly upload local / rehost remote images or galleries to whatever supported image host by dropping/pasting them to target field

Από την 09/08/2020. Δείτε την τελευταία έκδοση.

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GM extensions! → Tampermonkey, Violetmonkey, GreaseMonkey...

Supported image hosts:

No interactive UI for choosing where the upload/rehost goes, this works on principle of sequential iteration till first host succeeds. Customization of hosts chain via upload_hosts and rehost_hosts local storage entries. Defaults to all supported platforms. List order is honoured in fallback cascade => to favour/disfavour specific host, move it forwards/backwards within the list, to not use it at all, remove it.
Per-site host lists as storage preference in same format as general hostlists ("": "host1, host2, ....") are allowed. Custom hostlist for site found takes precedence over general hostlists.

User credentials to set (via local storage): ptpimg_api_key (auto-configured on first use if logged in) imgbb_uid, imgbb_password catbox_userhash (auto-configured on first use if logged in) imgbox_uid, imgbox_password imagevenue_uid, imagevenue_password jerking_uid, jerking_password not implemented for laziness radikal_uid, radikal_password vgyme_user_key (
Gifyu: gifyu_uid, gifyu_password
Slowpoke Pics: slowpoke_uid, slowpoke_password

Resolving of image share links to image URLs for rehosting works (forms like or can be feeded)
Galleries rehosting support for Imgur, PostImages, Chevereto-based paltforms, ImageVenue, ImgBox, PixHost, Flickr,, Pinterest, Google Photos, Something missing? Ask to add it.

Mouse drop keyboard modifiers:
Ctrl - don't append at the end but rather try to insert at mouse position (doesn't seem to work correctly on some browsers)
Shift - bypass Image Host Helper, do browser's default
Alt enables to choose from more insertion formats

Thumbnailed format of images is enabled for all multiline text fields (assumed support of phpBB). For choosing thumbnailed form, hold Alt key while dropping/pasting the content. Available for all Chevereto based paltforms, PixHost, ImgBox, Abload, PimpAndHost, PicaBox at the moment, the list will likely expand later. Not available for PTPimg, Catbox and other sites that don't auto-generate thumbnails.

Experimental support of native API for Chevereto sites: define <imagehost alias>_api_key local storage entry.
Supported sites:
Applies to local uploads only; priority flow: api key > user llogin > anonymous

Any Chevereto-powered site can now be chained via chevereto_custom_hosts storage entry.
It's value is an array of objects with keys host_name (required), alias (required), types, size_limit, size_limit_anonymous, config_prefix and api_endpoint, api_field_name, api_result_key, json_endpoint, serialized to JSON format. Account credentials are recognized as <alias_in_lowercase>_uid/<alias_in_lowercase>_password and <alias_in_lowercase>_api_key unless overriden by config_prefix. types is an array of MIME subtypes for image/* category; if not set, the precondition test is not performed. Value of alias key should then be manually chained into upload_hosts, rehost_hosts or site custom hostlist.
A definition example for ImgCDN host: The value of chevereto_custom_hosts will be
and storage keys for optional authentication are imgcdn_uid and imgcdn_password. Since the site provides API interface, imgcdn_api_key config entry can be set to site public key "5386e05a3562c7a8f984e73401540836", then API will be used for uploads instead of web browser emulation. As last step insert alias name ImgCDN to upload_hosts, rehost_hosts or site custom hostlist.

Reduce remote image size before upload to preferred host, if too big is possible now. Works only for simple input controls (movie poster, artist photo, user avatar, album cover, etc.). Related storage entry: image_size_reduce_threshold => a positive number as max. size in MiB to leave the remote image intact, in other case attempt is made to reduce the image size (downsize to UHD resolution and (re)convert to JPEG90). having this entry zero, undefined or otherwise non-number will deactivates the option. This setting doesn't apply to large text inputs (description, screenshots, comparisons will never reduce).

Known issues:
- Progress meter for locally sourced uploads doesn't work on new browsers, which is kind of Tampermonkey limitation or bug.
- Google Drive as a service not auto-added to default chains due to existing shortcommings: their API asks for confirming account every new session, doesn't work if automatic popup blocking is active for current site, and direct image links seem not be shown in phpBB code.
- Violentmonkey (+GM) problems with names hoisting possibly resolved, report fails if any remaining