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Delete Discord [PRANK]

Delete Discord Fully And Leave Your Friends Confused Why Its Not Loading...

  1. // ==UserScript==
  2. // @name Delete Discord [PRANK]
  3. // @namespace
  4. // @version v1.2
  5. // @description Delete Discord Fully And Leave Your Friends Confused Why Its Not Loading...
  6. // @author Tony Hossam
  7. // @run-at document-end
  8. // @match *://**
  9. // @require
  10. // @grant none
  11. // ==/UserScript==
  12. jQuery('.container-3gCOGc').remove()
  13. jQuery('#app-mount').remove()
  15. // == Looks Like Lil Text But Causes Masive Distruction To Discords Server's That Discord Will Crash On The Web Version (Not on the client version)
  16. // == So Yes Just Trust Me Run This And Feel Like A Boss :p