Greasy Fork is available in English.

Auto-Answer Script

try to take over the world!

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Auto-Answer Script
// @namespace
// @version      0.1
// @description  try to take over the world!
// @author       irineu, voce nao sabe nem eu
// @match	 *://*
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==
var correct = `<div class="correctness  incorrect">Errado</div>`;
// = "url('')";

function clickelementbyname(elementname){
function clickelementbyclassname(elementclassname){

if(window.location.href.indexOf("") > -1){
  console.log("Questionary page detected.");
  //var id = document.getElementsByName('questionids')[0].value;
  var s1 = document.getElementsByClassName('submit btn')[0].getAttribute('onclick').split(`'`)[1];
  var id = s1.split('q')[1];
  var questionID = document.getElementsByName('questionids')[0].value;
  var questioncode = document.getElementById(`q${id}`).innerHTML;
  var correctness = document.getElementsByClassName("correctness  correct")[0];
  console.log("Checking question grading.");
  if(correctness !== undefined){
    console.log("Question is right, saving data.");
    localStorage.setItem('que'+ id, questioncode);
    if(document.getElementsByClassName("next")[0] !== undefined){
      console.log("Going to next page.");
    if(document.getElementsByClassName("next")[0] === undefined){
      console.log("Questionary is finished.");
      alert("Questionary is finished.");
  if(correctness === undefined){
    console.log("Question isn't right, looking for question data");
    if(localStorage.getItem('que' + id) === null){
      alert("No data found, you must answer this question");
      console.log("No data found, human must answer");
    if(localStorage.getItem('que' + id) !== null){
      document.getElementById(`q${id}`).innerHTML = localStorage.getItem('que' + id);
      setTimeout(clickelementbyname, 250, 'resp' + id + '_submit');
      console.log("Data found, changing page.");