// ==UserScript==
// @name WME Validator Localization for Minnesota
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/en/users/9555
// @version 1.2.01
// @author xanderb
// @description This script localizes WME Validator for Minnesota, USA. You also need main package (WME Validator) installed.
// @include /^https:\/\/(www|beta)\.waze\.com\/(?!user\/)(.{2,6}\/)?editor.*$/
// @grant none
// @run-at document-start
// @icon 
// ==/UserScript==
Updated with translations for US English language in WME 1Apr2017 - xanderb
window.WME_Validator_United_States = {
".country": [
"United States"
".codeISO": "US",
".author": "xanderb",
".updated": "2017-04-01",
".link": "https://greasyfork.org/scripts/13508-wme-validator-localization-for-minnesota",
".lng": "EN-US",
"city.consider.en": "consider this city name:",
"city.consider": "consider this city name:",
"city.1.en": "city name is too short",
"city.1": "city name is too short",
"city.2.en": "expand the abbreviation",
"city.2": "expand the abbreviation",
"city.3.en": "complete short name",
"city.3": "complete short name",
"city.4.en": "complete city name",
"city.4": "complete city name",
"city.5.en": "correct letter case",
"city.5": "correct letter case",
"city.6.en": "check word order",
"city.6": "check word order",
"city.7.en": "check abbreviations",
"city.7": "check abbreviations",
"city.8a.en": "add county name",
"city.8a": "add county name",
"city.8r.en": "remove county name",
"city.8r": "remove county name",
"city.9.en": "check county name",
"city.9": "check county name",
"city.10a.en": "add a word",
"city.10a": "add a word",
"city.10r.en": "remove a word",
"city.10r": "remove a word",
"city.11.en": "add county code",
"city.11": "add county code",
"city.12.en": "identical names, but different city IDs",
"city.12": "identical names, but different city IDs",
"city.13a.en": "add a space",
"city.13a": "add a space",
"city.13r.en": "remove a space",
"city.13r": "remove a space",
"city.14.en": "check the number",
"city.14": "check the number",
"props.skipped.title.en": "The segment is not checked",
"props.skipped.title": "The segment is not checked",
"props.skipped.problem.en": "The segment is modified after 2014-05-01 AND locked for you, so Validator did not check it",
"props.skipped.problem": "The segment is modified after 2014-05-01 AND locked for you, so Validator did not check it",
"err.regexp.en": "Error parsing option for check #${n}:",
"err.regexp": "Error parsing option for check #${n}:",
"props.disabled.en": "WME Validator is disabled",
"props.disabled": "WME Validator is disabled",
"props.limit.title.en": "Too many issues reported",
"props.limit.title": "Too many issues reported",
"props.limit.problem.en": "There are too many issues reported, so some of them might not be shown",
"props.limit.problem": "There are too many issues reported, so some of them might not be shown",
"props.limit.solution.en": "Deselect the segment and stop scanning process. Then click red '✘' (Clear report) button",
"props.limit.solution": "Deselect the segment and stop scanning process. Then click red '✘' (Clear report) button",
"props.reports.en": "reports",
"props.reports": "reports",
"props.noneditable.en": "You cannot edit this segment",
"props.noneditable": "You cannot edit this segment",
"report.save.en": "Save this report",
"report.save": "Save this report",
"report.list.andUp.en": "and up",
"report.list.andUp": "and up",
"report.list.severity.en": "Severity:",
"report.list.severity": "Severity:",
"report.list.reportOnly.en": "only in report",
"report.list.reportOnly": "only in report",
"report.list.forEditors.en": "For editors level:",
"report.list.forEditors": "For editors level:",
"report.list.forCountries.en": "For countries:",
"report.list.forCountries": "For countries:",
"report.list.forStates.en": "For states:",
"report.list.forStates": "For states:",
"report.list.forCities.en": "For cities:",
"report.list.forCities": "For cities:",
"report.list.params.en": "Params to configure in localization pack:",
"report.list.params": "Params to configure in localization pack:",
"report.list.params.set.en": "Current configuration for ${country}:",
"report.list.params.set": "Current configuration for ${country}:",
"report.list.enabled.en": "${n} checks are enabled for",
"report.list.enabled": "${n} checks are enabled for",
"report.list.disabled.en": "${n} checks are disabled for",
"report.list.disabled": "${n} checks are disabled for",
"report.list.total.en": "There are ${n} checks available",
"report.list.total": "There are ${n} checks available",
"report.list.title.en": "Complete List of Checks for",
"report.list.title": "Complete List of Checks for",
"report.list.see.en": "See",
"report.list.see": "See",
"report.list.checks.en": "Settings->About->Available checks",
"report.list.checks": "Settings->About->Available checks",
"report.list.fallback.en": "Localization Fallback Rules:",
"report.list.fallback": "Localization Fallback Rules:",
"report.and.en": "and",
"report.and": "and",
"report.segments.en": "Total number of segments checked:",
"report.segments": "Total number of segments checked:",
"report.customs.en": "Custom checks matched (green/blue):",
"report.customs": "Custom checks matched (green/blue):",
"report.reported.en": "Reported",
"report.reported": "Reported",
"report.errors.en": "errors",
"report.errors": "errors",
"report.warnings.en": "warnings",
"report.warnings": "warnings",
"report.notes.en": "notes",
"report.notes": "notes",
"report.link.wiki.en": "wiki",
"report.link.wiki": "wiki",
"report.link.forum.en": "forum",
"report.link.forum": "forum",
"report.link.other.en": "link",
"report.link.other": "link",
"report.contents.en": "Contents:",
"report.contents": "Contents:",
"report.summary.en": "Summary",
"report.summary": "Summary",
"report.title.en": "WME Validator Report",
"report.title": "WME Validator Report",
"report.share.en": "to Share",
"report.share": "to Share",
"report.generated.by.en": "generated by",
"report.generated.by": "generated by",
"report.generated.on.en": "on",
"report.generated.on": "on",
"report.source.en": "Report source:",
"report.source": "Report source:",
"report.filter.duplicate.en": "duplicate segments",
"report.filter.duplicate": "duplicate segments",
"report.filter.streets.en": "Streets and Service Roads",
"report.filter.streets": "Streets and Service Roads",
"report.filter.other.en": "Other drivable and Non-drivable",
"report.filter.other": "Other drivable and Non-drivable",
"report.filter.noneditable.en": "non-editable segments",
"report.filter.noneditable": "non-editable segments",
"report.filter.notes.en": "notes",
"report.filter.notes": "notes",
"report.filter.title.en": "Filter:",
"report.filter.title": "Filter:",
"report.filter.excluded.en": "are excluded from this report.",
"report.filter.excluded": "are excluded from this report.",
"report.search.updated.by.en": "updated by",
"report.search.updated.by": "updated by",
"report.search.updated.since.en": "updated since",
"report.search.updated.since": "updated since",
"report.search.city.en": "from",
"report.search.city": "from",
"report.search.reported.en": "reported as",
"report.search.reported": "reported as",
"report.search.title.en": "Search:",
"report.search.title": "Search:",
"report.search.only.en": "only segments",
"report.search.only": "only segments",
"report.search.included.en": "are included into the report.",
"report.search.included": "are included into the report.",
"report.beta.warning.en": "WME Beta Warning!",
"report.beta.warning": "WME Beta Warning!",
"report.beta.text.en": "This report is generated in beta WME with beta permalinks.",
"report.beta.text": "This report is generated in beta WME with beta permalinks.",
"report.beta.share.en": "Please do not share those permalinks!",
"report.beta.share": "Please do not share those permalinks!",
"report.size.warning.en": "<b>Warning!</b><br>The report is ${n} characters long so <b>it will not fit</b> into a single forum or private message.\n<br>Please add <b>more filters</b> to reduce the size of the report.",
"report.size.warning": "<b>Warning!</b><br>The report is ${n} characters long so <b>it will not fit</b> into a single forum or private message.\n<br>Please add <b>more filters</b> to reduce the size of the report.",
"report.note.limit.en": "* Note: there were too many issues reported, so some of them are not counted in the summary.",
"report.note.limit": "* Note: there were too many issues reported, so some of them are not counted in the summary.",
"report.forum.en": "To motivate further development please leave your comment on the",
"report.forum": "To motivate further development please leave your comment on the",
"report.forum.link.en": "Waze forum thread.",
"report.forum.link": "Waze forum thread.",
"report.thanks.en": "Thank you for using WME Validator!",
"report.thanks": "Thank you for using WME Validator!",
"msg.limit.segments.en": "There are too many segments.\n\nClick 'Show report' to review the report, then\n",
"msg.limit.segments": "There are too many segments.\n\nClick 'Show report' to review the report, then\n",
"msg.limit.segments.continue.en": "click '▶' (Play) to continue.",
"msg.limit.segments.continue": "click '▶' (Play) to continue.",
"msg.limit.segments.clear.en": "click '✘' (Clear) to clear the report.",
"msg.limit.segments.clear": "click '✘' (Clear) to clear the report.",
"msg.pan.text.en": "Pan around to validate the map",
"msg.pan.text": "Pan around to validate the map",
"msg.zoomout.text.en": "Zoom out to start WME Validator",
"msg.zoomout.text": "Zoom out to start WME Validator",
"msg.click.text.en": "Click '▶' (Play) to validate visible map area",
"msg.click.text": "Click '▶' (Play) to validate visible map area",
"msg.autopaused.en": "autopaused",
"msg.autopaused": "autopaused",
"msg.autopaused.text.en": "Auto paused! Click '▶' (Play) to continue.",
"msg.autopaused.text": "Auto paused! Click '▶' (Play) to continue.",
"msg.autopaused.tip.en": "WME Validator automatically paused on map drag or window size change",
"msg.autopaused.tip": "WME Validator automatically paused on map drag or window size change",
"msg.finished.text.en": "Click <b>'Show report'</b> to review map issues",
"msg.finished.text": "Click <b>'Show report'</b> to review map issues",
"msg.finished.tip.en": "Click '✉' (Share) button to post report on a\nforum or in a private message",
"msg.finished.tip": "Click '✉' (Share) button to post report on a\nforum or in a private message",
"msg.noissues.text.en": "Finished! No issues found!",
"msg.noissues.text": "Finished! No issues found!",
"msg.noissues.tip.en": "Try to uncheck some filter options or start WME Validator over another map area!",
"msg.noissues.tip": "Try to uncheck some filter options or start WME Validator over another map area!",
"msg.scanning.text.en": "Scanning! Finishing in ~ ${n} min",
"msg.scanning.text": "Scanning! Finishing in ~ ${n} min",
"msg.scanning.text.soon.en": "Scanning! Finishing in a minute!",
"msg.scanning.text.soon": "Scanning! Finishing in a minute!",
"msg.scanning.tip.en": "Click 'Pause' button to pause or '■' (Stop) to stop",
"msg.scanning.tip": "Click 'Pause' button to pause or '■' (Stop) to stop",
"msg.starting.text.en": "Starting! Layers are off to scan faster!",
"msg.starting.text": "Starting! Layers are off to scan faster!",
"msg.starting.tip.en": "Use 'Pause' button to pause or '■' button to stop",
"msg.starting.tip": "Use 'Pause' button to pause or '■' button to stop",
"msg.paused.text.en": "On pause! Click '▶' (Play) button to continue.",
"msg.paused.text": "On pause! Click '▶' (Play) button to continue.",
"msg.paused.tip.en": "To view the report click 'Show report' button (if available)",
"msg.paused.tip": "To view the report click 'Show report' button (if available)",
"msg.continuing.text.en": "Continuing!",
"msg.continuing.text": "Continuing!",
"msg.continuing.tip.en": "WME Validator will continue from the location it was paused",
"msg.continuing.tip": "WME Validator will continue from the location it was paused",
"msg.settings.text.en": "Click <b>'Back'</b> to return to main view",
"msg.settings.text": "Click <b>'Back'</b> to return to main view",
"msg.settings.tip.en": "Click 'Reset defaults' button to reset all settings in one click!",
"msg.settings.tip": "Click 'Reset defaults' button to reset all settings in one click!",
"msg.reset.text.en": "All filter options and settings have been reset to their defaults",
"msg.reset.text": "All filter options and settings have been reset to their defaults",
"msg.reset.tip.en": "Click 'Back' button to return to main view",
"msg.reset.tip": "Click 'Back' button to return to main view",
"msg.textarea.pack.en": "This is a Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey script. You can copy and paste the text below into a <b>new .user.js file</b><br>or <b>paste it directly</b> into the Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey",
"msg.textarea.pack": "This is a Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey script. You can copy and paste the text below into a <b>new .user.js file</b><br>or <b>paste it directly</b> into the Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey",
"msg.textarea.en": "Please copy the text below and then paste it into your forum post or private message",
"msg.textarea": "Please copy the text below and then paste it into your forum post or private message",
"noaccess.text.en": "<b>Sorry,</b><br>You cannot use WME Validator over here.<br>Please check <a target='_blank' href='https://www.waze.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=76488'>the forum thread</a><br>for more information.",
"noaccess.text": "<b>Sorry,</b><br>You cannot use WME Validator over here.<br>Please check <a target='_blank' href='https://www.waze.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=76488'>the forum thread</a><br>for more information.",
"noaccess.tip.en": "Please check the forum thread for more information!",
"noaccess.tip": "Please check the forum thread for more information!",
"tab.switch.tip.on.en": "Click to switch highlighting on (Alt+V)",
"tab.switch.tip.on": "Click to switch highlighting on (Alt+V)",
"tab.switch.tip.off.en": "Click to switch highlighting off (Alt+V)",
"tab.switch.tip.off": "Click to switch highlighting off (Alt+V)",
"tab.filter.text.en": "filter",
"tab.filter.text": "filter",
"tab.filter.tip.en": "Options to filter the report and highlighted segments",
"tab.filter.tip": "Options to filter the report and highlighted segments",
"tab.search.text.en": "search",
"tab.search.text": "search",
"tab.search.tip.en": "Advanced filter options to include only specific segments",
"tab.search.tip": "Advanced filter options to include only specific segments",
"tab.help.text.en": "help",
"tab.help.text": "help",
"tab.help.tip.en": "Need help?",
"tab.help.tip": "Need help?",
"filter.noneditables.text.en": "Exclude <b>non-editable</b> segments",
"filter.noneditables.text": "Exclude <b>non-editable</b> segments",
"filter.noneditables.tip.en": "Do not report locked segments or\nsegments outside of your editable areas",
"filter.noneditables.tip": "Do not report locked segments or\nsegments outside of your editable areas",
"filter.duplicates.text.en": "Exclude <b>duplicate</b> segments",
"filter.duplicates.text": "Exclude <b>duplicate</b> segments",
"filter.duplicates.tip.en": "Do not show the same segment in different\nparts of report\n* Note: this option DOES NOT affect highlighting",
"filter.duplicates.tip": "Do not show the same segment in different\nparts of report\n* Note: this option DOES NOT affect highlighting",
"filter.streets.text.en": "Exclude <b>Streets and Service Roads</b>",
"filter.streets.text": "Exclude <b>Streets and Service Roads</b>",
"filter.streets.tip.en": "Do not report Streets and Service Roads",
"filter.streets.tip": "Do not report Streets and Service Roads",
"filter.other.text.en": "Exclude <b>Other drivable and Non-drivable</b>",
"filter.other.text": "Exclude <b>Other drivable and Non-drivable</b>",
"filter.other.tip.en": "Do not report Dirt, Parking Lot, Private Roads\nand non-drivable segments",
"filter.other.tip": "Do not report Dirt, Parking Lot, Private Roads\nand non-drivable segments",
"filter.notes.text.en": "Exclude <b>notes</b>",
"filter.notes.text": "Exclude <b>notes</b>",
"filter.notes.tip.en": "Report only warnings and errors",
"filter.notes.tip": "Report only warnings and errors",
"search.youredits.text.en": "Include <b>only your edits</b>",
"search.youredits.text": "Include <b>only your edits</b>",
"search.youredits.tip.en": "Include only segments edited by you",
"search.youredits.tip": "Include only segments edited by you",
"search.updatedby.text.en": "<b>Updated by*:</b>",
"search.updatedby.text": "<b>Updated by*:</b>",
"search.updatedby.tip.en": "Include only segments updated by the specified editor\n* Note: this option is available for country managers only\nThis field supports:\n - lists: me, otherEditor\n - wildcards: world*\n - negation: !me, *\n* Note: you may use 'me' to match yourself",
"search.updatedby.tip": "Include only segments updated by the specified editor\n* Note: this option is available for country managers only\nThis field supports:\n - lists: me, otherEditor\n - wildcards: world*\n - negation: !me, *\n* Note: you may use 'me' to match yourself",
"search.updatedby.example.en": "Example: me",
"search.updatedby.example": "Example: me",
"search.updatedsince.text.en": "<b>Updated since:</b>",
"search.updatedsince.text": "<b>Updated since:</b>",
"search.updatedsince.tip.en": "Include only segments edited since the date specified\nFirefox date format: YYYY-MM-DD",
"search.updatedsince.tip": "Include only segments edited since the date specified\nFirefox date format: YYYY-MM-DD",
"search.updatedsince.example.en": "YYYY-MM-DD",
"search.updatedsince.example": "YYYY-MM-DD",
"search.city.text.en": "<b>City name:</b>",
"search.city.text": "<b>City name:</b>",
"search.city.tip.en": "Include only segments with specified city name\nThis field supports:\n - lists: Paris, Meudon\n - wildcards: Greater * Area\n - negation: !Paris, *",
"search.city.tip": "Include only segments with specified city name\nThis field supports:\n - lists: Paris, Meudon\n - wildcards: Greater * Area\n - negation: !Paris, *",
"search.city.example.en": "Example: !Paris, *",
"search.city.example": "Example: !Paris, *",
"search.checks.text.en": "<b>Reported as:</b>",
"search.checks.text": "<b>Reported as:</b>",
"search.checks.tip.en": "Include only segments reported as specified\nThis field matches:\n - severities: errors\n - check names: New road\n - check IDs: 200\nThis field supports:\n - lists: 36, 37\n - wildcards: *roundabout*\n - negation: !unconfirmed*, *",
"search.checks.tip": "Include only segments reported as specified\nThis field matches:\n - severities: errors\n - check names: New road\n - check IDs: 200\nThis field supports:\n - lists: 36, 37\n - wildcards: *roundabout*\n - negation: !unconfirmed*, *",
"search.checks.example.en": "Example: reverse*",
"search.checks.example": "Example: reverse*",
"help.text.en": "<b>Help Topics:</b><br><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://www.waze.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=76488&p=666476#p666476\">F.A.Q.</a><br><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://www.waze.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=76488\">Ask your question on the forum</a><br><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://www.waze.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=76488&p=661300#p661185\">How to adjust Validator for your country</a><br><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://www.waze.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=76488&p=663286#p663286\">About the \"Might be Incorrect City Name\"</a>",
"help.text": "<b>Help Topics:</b><br><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://www.waze.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=76488&p=666476#p666476\">F.A.Q.</a><br><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://www.waze.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=76488\">Ask your question on the forum</a><br><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://www.waze.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=76488&p=661300#p661185\">How to adjust Validator for your country</a><br><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://www.waze.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=76488&p=663286#p663286\">About the \"Might be Incorrect City Name\"</a>",
"help.tip.en": "Open in a new browser tab",
"help.tip": "Open in a new browser tab",
"button.scan.tip.en": "Start scanning current map area\n* Note: this might take few minutes",
"button.scan.tip": "Start scanning current map area\n* Note: this might take few minutes",
"button.scan.tip.NA.en": "Zoom out to start scanning current map area",
"button.scan.tip.NA": "Zoom out to start scanning current map area",
"button.pause.tip.en": "Pause scanning",
"button.pause.tip": "Pause scanning",
"button.continue.tip.en": "Continue scanning the map area",
"button.continue.tip": "Continue scanning the map area",
"button.stop.tip.en": "Stop scanning and return to the start position",
"button.stop.tip": "Stop scanning and return to the start position",
"button.clear.tip.en": "Clear report and segment cache",
"button.clear.tip": "Clear report and segment cache",
"button.clear.tip.red.en": "There are too many reported segments:\n 1. Click 'Show report' to generate the report.\n 2. Click this button to clear the report and start over.",
"button.clear.tip.red": "There are too many reported segments:\n 1. Click 'Show report' to generate the report.\n 2. Click this button to clear the report and start over.",
"button.report.text.en": "Show report",
"button.report.text": "Show report",
"button.report.tip.en": "Apply the filter and generate HTML report in a new tab",
"button.report.tip": "Apply the filter and generate HTML report in a new tab",
"button.BBreport.tip.en": "Share the report on Waze forum or in a private message",
"button.BBreport.tip": "Share the report on Waze forum or in a private message",
"button.settings.tip.en": "Configure settings",
"button.settings.tip": "Configure settings",
"tab.custom.text.en": "custom",
"tab.custom.text": "custom",
"tab.custom.tip.en": "User-defined custom checks settings",
"tab.custom.tip": "User-defined custom checks settings",
"tab.settings.text.en": "Settings",
"tab.settings.text": "Settings",
"tab.scanner.text.en": "scanner",
"tab.scanner.text": "scanner",
"tab.scanner.tip.en": "Map scanner settings",
"tab.scanner.tip": "Map scanner settings",
"tab.about.text.en": "about</span>",
"tab.about.text": "about</span>",
"tab.about.tip.en": "About WME Validator",
"tab.about.tip": "About WME Validator",
"scanner.sounds.text.en": "Enable sounds",
"scanner.sounds.text": "Enable sounds",
"scanner.sounds.tip.en": "Bleeps and the bloops while scanning",
"scanner.sounds.tip": "Bleeps and the bloops while scanning",
"scanner.sounds.NA.en": "Your browser does not support AudioContext",
"scanner.sounds.NA": "Your browser does not support AudioContext",
"scanner.highlight.text.en": "Highlight issues on the map",
"scanner.highlight.text": "Highlight issues on the map",
"scanner.highlight.tip.en": "Highlight reported issues on the map",
"scanner.highlight.tip": "Highlight reported issues on the map",
"scanner.slow.text.en": "Enable \"slow\" checks",
"scanner.slow.text": "Enable \"slow\" checks",
"scanner.slow.tip.en": "Enables deep map analysis\n* Note: this option might slow down the scanning process",
"scanner.slow.tip": "Enables deep map analysis\n* Note: this option might slow down the scanning process",
"scanner.ext.text.en": "Report external highlights",
"scanner.ext.text": "Report external highlights",
"scanner.ext.tip.en": "Report segments highlighted by WME Toolbox or WME Color Highlights",
"scanner.ext.tip": "Report segments highlighted by WME Toolbox or WME Color Highlights",
"custom.template.text.en": "<a target='_blank' href='https://www.waze.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=76488&p=749456#p749456'>Custom template</a>",
"custom.template.text": "<a target='_blank' href='https://www.waze.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=76488&p=749456#p749456'>Custom template</a>",
"custom.template.tip.en": "User-defined custom check expandable template.\n\nYou may use the following expandable variables:\nAddress:\n ${country}, ${state}, ${city}, ${street},\n ${altCity[index or delimeter]}, ${altStreet[index or delimeter]}\nSegment properties:\n ${type}, ${typeRank}, ${toll}, ${direction}, ${elevation}, ${lock},\n ${length}, ${ID}\nHelpers:\n ${drivable}, ${roundabout}, ${hasHNs},\n ${Uturn}, ${deadEnd}, ${softTurns},\n ${deadEndA}, ${partialA},\n ${deadEndB}, ${partialB}\nConnectivity:\n ${segmentsA}, ${inA}, ${outA}, ${UturnA},\n ${segmentsB}, ${inB}, ${outB}, ${UturnB}",
"custom.template.tip": "User-defined custom check expandable template.\n\nYou may use the following expandable variables:\nAddress:\n ${country}, ${state}, ${city}, ${street},\n ${altCity[index or delimeter]}, ${altStreet[index or delimeter]}\nSegment properties:\n ${type}, ${typeRank}, ${toll}, ${direction}, ${elevation}, ${lock},\n ${length}, ${ID}\nHelpers:\n ${drivable}, ${roundabout}, ${hasHNs},\n ${Uturn}, ${deadEnd}, ${softTurns},\n ${deadEndA}, ${partialA},\n ${deadEndB}, ${partialB}\nConnectivity:\n ${segmentsA}, ${inA}, ${outA}, ${UturnA},\n ${segmentsB}, ${inB}, ${outB}, ${UturnB}",
"custom.template.example.en": "Example: ${street}",
"custom.template.example": "Example: ${street}",
"custom.regexp.text.en": "Custom <a target='_blank' href='https://www.waze.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=76488&p=749456#p749456'>RegExp</a>",
"custom.regexp.text": "Custom <a target='_blank' href='https://www.waze.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=76488&p=749456#p749456'>RegExp</a>",
"custom.regexp.tip.en": "User-defined custom check regular expression to match the template.\n\nCase-insensitive match: /regexp/i\nNegation (do not match): !/regexp/\nLog debug information on console: D/regexp/",
"custom.regexp.tip": "User-defined custom check regular expression to match the template.\n\nCase-insensitive match: /regexp/i\nNegation (do not match): !/regexp/\nLog debug information on console: D/regexp/",
"custom.regexp.example.en": "Example: !/.+/",
"custom.regexp.example": "Example: !/.+/",
"about.tip.en": "Open link in a new tab",
"about.tip": "Open link in a new tab",
"button.reset.text.en": "Reset defaults",
"button.reset.text": "Reset defaults",
"button.reset.tip.en": "Revert filter options and settings to their defaults",
"button.reset.tip": "Revert filter options and settings to their defaults",
"button.list.text.en": "Available checks...",
"button.list.text": "Available checks...",
"button.list.tip.en": "Show a list of checks available in WME Validator",
"button.list.tip": "Show a list of checks available in WME Validator",
"button.wizard.tip.en": "Create localization package",
"button.wizard.tip": "Create localization package",
"button.back.text.en": "Back",
"button.back.text": "Back",
"button.back.tip.en": "Close settings and return to main view",
"button.back.tip": "Close settings and return to main view",
"1.title.en": "WME Toolbox: Roundabout which may cause issues",
"1.title": "WME Toolbox: Roundabout which may cause issues",
"1.problem.en": "Junction IDs of the roundabout segments are not consecutive",
"1.problem": "Junction IDs of the roundabout segments are not consecutive",
"1.solution.en": "Redo the roundabout",
"1.solution": "Redo the roundabout",
"2.title.en": "WME Toolbox: Simple segment",
"2.title": "WME Toolbox: Simple segment",
"2.problem.en": "The segment has unneeded geometry nodes",
"2.problem": "The segment has unneeded geometry nodes",
"2.solution.en": "Simplify segment geometry by hovering mouse pointer and pressing \"d\" key",
"2.solution": "Simplify segment geometry by hovering mouse pointer and pressing \"d\" key",
"3.title.en": "WME Toolbox: Lvl 2 lock",
"3.title": "WME Toolbox: Lvl 2 lock",
"3.problem.en": "The segment is highlighted by WME Toolbox. It is not a problem",
"3.problem": "The segment is highlighted by WME Toolbox. It is not a problem",
"4.title.en": "WME Toolbox: Lvl 3 lock",
"4.title": "WME Toolbox: Lvl 3 lock",
"4.problem.en": "The segment is highlighted by WME Toolbox. It is not a problem",
"4.problem": "The segment is highlighted by WME Toolbox. It is not a problem",
"5.title.en": "WME Toolbox: Lvl 4 lock",
"5.title": "WME Toolbox: Lvl 4 lock",
"5.problem.en": "The segment is highlighted by WME Toolbox. It is not a problem",
"5.problem": "The segment is highlighted by WME Toolbox. It is not a problem",
"6.title.en": "WME Toolbox: Lvl 5 lock",
"6.title": "WME Toolbox: Lvl 5 lock",
"6.problem.en": "The segment is highlighted by WME Toolbox. It is not a problem",
"6.problem": "The segment is highlighted by WME Toolbox. It is not a problem",
"7.title.en": "WME Toolbox: Lvl 6 lock",
"7.title": "WME Toolbox: Lvl 6 lock",
"7.problem.en": "The segment is highlighted by WME Toolbox. It is not a problem",
"7.problem": "The segment is highlighted by WME Toolbox. It is not a problem",
"8.title.en": "WME Toolbox: House numbers",
"8.title": "WME Toolbox: House numbers",
"8.problem.en": "The segment is highlighted by WME Toolbox. It is not a problem",
"8.problem": "The segment is highlighted by WME Toolbox. It is not a problem",
"9.title.en": "WME Toolbox: Segment with time restrictions",
"9.title": "WME Toolbox: Segment with time restrictions",
"9.problem.en": "The segment is highlighted by WME Toolbox. It is not a problem",
"9.problem": "The segment is highlighted by WME Toolbox. It is not a problem",
"13.title.en": "WME Color Highlights: Editor lock",
"13.title": "WME Color Highlights: Editor lock",
"13.problem.en": "The segment is highlighted by WME Color Highlights. It is not a problem",
"13.problem": "The segment is highlighted by WME Color Highlights. It is not a problem",
"14.title.en": "WME Color Highlights: Toll road / One way road",
"14.title": "WME Color Highlights: Toll road / One way road",
"14.problem.en": "The segment is highlighted by WME Color Highlights. It is not a problem",
"14.problem": "The segment is highlighted by WME Color Highlights. It is not a problem",
"15.title.en": "WME Color Highlights: Recently edited",
"15.title": "WME Color Highlights: Recently edited",
"15.problem.en": "The segment is highlighted by WME Color Highlights. It is not a problem",
"15.problem": "The segment is highlighted by WME Color Highlights. It is not a problem",
"16.title.en": "WME Color Highlights: Road rank",
"16.title": "WME Color Highlights: Road rank",
"16.problem.en": "The segment is highlighted by WME Color Highlights. It is not a problem",
"16.problem": "The segment is highlighted by WME Color Highlights. It is not a problem",
"17.title.en": "WME Color Highlights: No city",
"17.title": "WME Color Highlights: No city",
"17.problem.en": "The segment is highlighted by WME Color Highlights. It is not a problem",
"17.problem": "The segment is highlighted by WME Color Highlights. It is not a problem",
"18.title.en": "WME Color Highlights: Time restriction / Highlighted road type",
"18.title": "WME Color Highlights: Time restriction / Highlighted road type",
"18.problem.en": "The segment is highlighted by WME Color Highlights. It is not a problem",
"18.problem": "The segment is highlighted by WME Color Highlights. It is not a problem",
"19.title.en": "WME Color Highlights: No name",
"19.title": "WME Color Highlights: No name",
"19.problem.en": "The segment is highlighted by WME Color Highlights. It is not a problem",
"19.problem": "The segment is highlighted by WME Color Highlights. It is not a problem",
"20.title.en": "WME Color Highlights: Filter by city",
"20.title": "WME Color Highlights: Filter by city",
"20.problem.en": "The segment is highlighted by WME Color Highlights. It is not a problem",
"20.problem": "The segment is highlighted by WME Color Highlights. It is not a problem",
"21.title.en": "WME Color Highlights: Filter by city (alt. city)",
"21.title": "WME Color Highlights: Filter by city (alt. city)",
"21.problem.en": "The segment is highlighted by WME Color Highlights. It is not a problem",
"21.problem": "The segment is highlighted by WME Color Highlights. It is not a problem",
"22.title.en": "WME Color Highlights: Filter by editor",
"22.title": "WME Color Highlights: Filter by editor",
"22.problem.en": "The segment is highlighted by WME Color Highlights. It is not a problem",
"22.problem": "The segment is highlighted by WME Color Highlights. It is not a problem",
"23.title.en": "Unconfirmed road",
"23.title": "Unconfirmed road",
"23.problem.en": "Each segment must minimally have the Country and State information",
"23.problem": "Each segment must minimally have the Country and State information",
"23.solution.en": "Confirm the road by updating its details",
"23.solution": "Confirm the road by updating its details",
"24.title.en": "Might be incorrect city name (only available in the report)",
"24.title": "Might be incorrect city name (only available in the report)",
"24.problem.en": "The segment might have incorrect city name",
"24.problem": "The segment might have incorrect city name",
"24.solution.en": "Consider suggested city name and use this form to rename the city",
"24.solution": "Consider suggested city name and use this form to rename the city",
"25.title.en": "Unknown direction of drivable road",
"25.title": "Unknown direction of drivable road",
"25.problem.en": "'Unknown' road direction will not prevent routing on the road",
"25.problem": "'Unknown' road direction will not prevent routing on the road",
"25.solution.en": "Set the road direction",
"25.solution": "Set the road direction",
"27.enabled": true,
"27.title.en": "City name on Railroad",
"27.title": "City name on Railroad",
"27.problem.en": "City name on the Railroad may cause a city smudge",
"27.problem": "City name on the Railroad may cause a city smudge",
"27.solution.en": "In the address properties check the 'None' box next to the city name and then click 'Apply'",
"27.solution": "In the address properties check the 'None' box next to the city name and then click 'Apply'",
"28.title.en": "Street name on two-way Ramp",
"28.title": "Street name on two-way Ramp",
"28.problem.en": "If Ramp is unnamed, the name of a subsequent road will propagate backwards",
"28.problem": "If Ramp is unnamed, the name of a subsequent road will propagate backwards",
"28.solution.en": "In the address properties check the 'None' box next to the street name and then click 'Apply'",
"28.solution": "In the address properties check the 'None' box next to the street name and then click 'Apply'",
"29.title.en": "Street name on roundabout",
"29.title": "Street name on roundabout",
"29.problem.en": "In Waze, we do not name roundabout segments",
"29.problem": "In Waze, we do not name roundabout segments",
"29.solution.en": "In the address properties check the 'None' box next to the street name, click 'Apply' and then add 'Junction' landmark to name the roundabout",
"29.solution": "In the address properties check the 'None' box next to the street name, click 'Apply' and then add 'Junction' landmark to name the roundabout",
"34.title.en": "Empty alternate street",
"34.title": "Empty alternate street",
"34.problem.en": "Alternate street name is empty",
"34.problem": "Alternate street name is empty",
"34.solution.en": "Remove empty alternate street name",
"34.solution": "Remove empty alternate street name",
"35.title.en": "Unterminated drivable road",
"35.title": "Unterminated drivable road",
"35.problem.en": "Waze will not route from the unterminated segment",
"35.problem": "Waze will not route from the unterminated segment",
"35.solution.en": "Move the segment a bit so the terminating node will be added automatically",
"35.solution": "Move the segment a bit so the terminating node will be added automatically",
"38.title.en": "Expired segment restriction (slow)",
"38.title": "Expired segment restriction (slow)",
"38.problem.en": "The segment has an expired restriction",
"38.problem": "The segment has an expired restriction",
"38.solution.en": "Click 'Edit restrictions' and delete the expired restriction",
"38.solution": "Click 'Edit restrictions' and delete the expired restriction",
"39.title.en": "Expired turn restriction (slow)",
"39.title": "Expired turn restriction (slow)",
"39.problem.en": "The segment has a turn with an expired restriction",
"39.problem": "The segment has a turn with an expired restriction",
"39.solution.en": "Click clock icon next to the yellow arrow and delete the expired restriction",
"39.solution": "Click clock icon next to the yellow arrow and delete the expired restriction",
"41.title.en": "Node A: Reverse connectivity of drivable road",
"41.title": "Node A: Reverse connectivity of drivable road",
"41.problem.en": "There is a turn which goes against the directionality of the segment at node A",
"41.problem": "There is a turn which goes against the directionality of the segment at node A",
"41.solution.en": "Make the segment 'Two-way', restrict all the turns at node A and then make the segment 'One way (A→B)' again",
"41.solution": "Make the segment 'Two-way', restrict all the turns at node A and then make the segment 'One way (A→B)' again",
"42.title.en": "Node B: Reverse connectivity of drivable road",
"42.title": "Node B: Reverse connectivity of drivable road",
"42.problem.en": "There is a turn which goes against the directionality of the segment at node B",
"42.problem": "There is a turn which goes against the directionality of the segment at node B",
"42.solution.en": "Make the segment 'Two-way', restrict all the turns at node B and then make the segment 'One way (B→A)' again",
"42.solution": "Make the segment 'Two-way', restrict all the turns at node B and then make the segment 'One way (B→A)' again",
"43.title.en": "Self connectivity",
"43.title": "Self connectivity",
"43.problem.en": "The segment is connected back to itself",
"43.problem": "The segment is connected back to itself",
"43.solution.en": "Split the segment into THREE pieces",
"43.solution": "Split the segment into THREE pieces",
"46.title.en": "Node A: No inward connectivity of drivable road (slow)",
"46.title": "Node A: No inward connectivity of drivable road (slow)",
"46.problem.en": "The drivable non-private segment has no single inward turn enabled at node A",
"46.problem": "The drivable non-private segment has no single inward turn enabled at node A",
"46.solution.en": "Select an adjacent segment and enable at least one turn to the segment at node A",
"46.solution": "Select an adjacent segment and enable at least one turn to the segment at node A",
"47.title.en": "Node B: No inward connectivity of drivable road (slow)",
"47.title": "Node B: No inward connectivity of drivable road (slow)",
"47.problem.en": "The drivable non-private segment has no single inward turn enabled at node B",
"47.problem": "The drivable non-private segment has no single inward turn enabled at node B",
"47.solution.en": "Select an adjacent segment and enable at least one turn to the segment at node B",
"47.solution": "Select an adjacent segment and enable at least one turn to the segment at node B",
"48.title.en": "Two-way drivable roundabout segment",
"48.title": "Two-way drivable roundabout segment",
"48.problem.en": "The drivable roundabout segment is bidirectional",
"48.problem": "The drivable roundabout segment is bidirectional",
"48.solution.en": "Redo the roundabout",
"48.solution": "Redo the roundabout",
"78.title.en": "Same endpoints drivable segments (slow)",
"78.title": "Same endpoints drivable segments (slow)",
"78.problem.en": "Two drivable segments share the same two endpoints",
"78.problem": "Two drivable segments share the same two endpoints",
"78.solution.en": "Split the segment. You might also remove one of the segments if they are identical",
"78.solution": "Split the segment. You might also remove one of the segments if they are identical",
"87.title.en": "Node A: Multiple outgoing segments at roundabout",
"87.title": "Node A: Multiple outgoing segments at roundabout",
"87.problem.en": "The drivable roundabout node A has more than one outgoing segment connected",
"87.problem": "The drivable roundabout node A has more than one outgoing segment connected",
"87.solution.en": "Redo the roundabout",
"87.solution": "Redo the roundabout",
"90.enabled": true,
"90.title.en": "Two-way Freeway segment",
"90.title": "Two-way Freeway segment",
"90.problem.en": "Most of the Freeways are split into two one-way roads, so this two-way segment might be a mistake",
"90.problem": "Most of the Freeways are split into two one-way roads, so this two-way segment might be a mistake",
"90.solution.en": "Check Freeway direction",
"90.solution": "Check Freeway direction",
"99.title.en": "U-turn at roundabout entrance (slow)",
"99.title": "U-turn at roundabout entrance (slow)",
"99.problem.en": "The roundabout entrance segment has a U-turn enabled",
"99.problem": "The roundabout entrance segment has a U-turn enabled",
"99.solution.en": "Disable U-turn",
"99.solution": "Disable U-turn",
"101.title.en": "Closed road (only available in the report)",
"101.title": "Closed road (only available in the report)",
"101.problem.en": "The segment is marked as closed",
"101.problem": "The segment is marked as closed",
"101.solution.en": "If the construction is done, restore the segment connectivity and remove the suffix",
"101.solution": "If the construction is done, restore the segment connectivity and remove the suffix",
"102.title.en": "Node A: No outward connectivity of drivable road (slow)",
"102.title": "Node A: No outward connectivity of drivable road (slow)",
"102.problem.en": "The drivable segment has no single outward turn enabled at node A",
"102.problem": "The drivable segment has no single outward turn enabled at node A",
"102.solution.en": "Enable at least one outward turn from the segment at node A",
"102.solution": "Enable at least one outward turn from the segment at node A",
"103.title.en": "Node B: No outward connectivity of drivable road (slow)",
"103.title": "Node B: No outward connectivity of drivable road (slow)",
"103.problem.en": "The drivable segment has no single outward turn enabled at node B",
"103.problem": "The drivable segment has no single outward turn enabled at node B",
"103.solution.en": "Enable at least one outward turn from the segment at node B",
"103.solution": "Enable at least one outward turn from the segment at node B",
"104.title.en": "Railroad used for comments",
"104.title": "Railroad used for comments",
"104.problem.en": "The Railroad segment is probably used as a map comment",
"104.problem": "The Railroad segment is probably used as a map comment",
"104.solution.en": "Remove the comment as Railroads will be added to the client display",
"104.solution": "Remove the comment as Railroads will be added to the client display",
"106.enabled": true,
"106.title.en": "No state name selected",
"106.title": "No state name selected",
"106.problem.en": "The segment has no state name selected",
"106.problem": "The segment has no state name selected",
"106.solution.en": "Select a state for the segment and apply the changes",
"106.solution": "Select a state for the segment and apply the changes",
"107.title.en": "Node A: No connection (slow)",
"107.title": "Node A: No connection (slow)",
"107.problem.en": "The node A of the drivable segment is within 5m from another drivable segment but not connected by a junction",
"107.problem": "The node A of the drivable segment is within 5m from another drivable segment but not connected by a junction",
"107.solution.en": "Drag the node A to the nearby segment so that it touches or move it a bit further away",
"107.solution": "Drag the node A to the nearby segment so that it touches or move it a bit further away",
"108.title.en": "Node B: No connection (slow)",
"108.title": "Node B: No connection (slow)",
"108.problem.en": "The node B of the drivable segment is within 5m from another drivable segment but not connected by a junction",
"108.problem": "The node B of the drivable segment is within 5m from another drivable segment but not connected by a junction",
"108.solution.en": "Drag the node B to the nearby segment so that it touches or move it a bit further away",
"108.solution": "Drag the node B to the nearby segment so that it touches or move it a bit further away",
"109.title.en": "Too short segment",
"109.title": "Too short segment",
"109.problem.en": "The drivable non-terminal segment is less than ${n}m long so it is hard to see it on the map and it can cause routing problems",
"109.problem": "The drivable non-terminal segment is less than ${n}m long so it is hard to see it on the map and it can cause routing problems",
"109.solution.en": "Increase the length, or remove the segment, or join it with one of the adjacent segments",
"109.solution": "Increase the length, or remove the segment, or join it with one of the adjacent segments",
"112.enabled": false,
"112.title.en": "Too long Ramp name",
"112.title": "Too long Ramp name",
"112.problem.en": "The Ramp name is more than ${n} letters long",
"112.problem": "The Ramp name is more than ${n} letters long",
"112.solution.en": "Shorten the Ramp name",
"112.solution": "Shorten the Ramp name",
"114.title.en": "Node A: Non-drivable connected to drivable (slow)",
"114.title": "Node A: Non-drivable connected to drivable (slow)",
"114.problem.en": "The non-drivable segment makes a junction with a drivable at node A",
"114.problem": "The non-drivable segment makes a junction with a drivable at node A",
"114.solution.en": "Disconnect node A from all of the drivable segments",
"114.solution": "Disconnect node A from all of the drivable segments",
"115.title.en": "Node B: Non-drivable connected to drivable (slow)",
"115.title": "Node B: Non-drivable connected to drivable (slow)",
"115.problem.en": "The non-drivable segment makes a junction with a drivable at node B",
"115.problem": "The non-drivable segment makes a junction with a drivable at node B",
"115.solution.en": "Disconnect node B from all of the drivable segments",
"115.solution": "Disconnect node B from all of the drivable segments",
"116.title.en": "Out of range elevation",
"116.title": "Out of range elevation",
"116.problem.en": "The segment elevation is out of range",
"116.problem": "The segment elevation is out of range",
"116.solution.en": "Correct the elevation",
"116.solution": "Correct the elevation",
"117.title.en": "Obsolete CONST ZN marker",
"117.title": "Obsolete CONST ZN marker",
"117.problem.en": "The segment is marked with obsolete CONST ZN suffix",
"117.problem": "The segment is marked with obsolete CONST ZN suffix",
"117.solution.en": "Change CONST ZN to (closed)",
"117.solution": "Change CONST ZN to (closed)",
"118.title.en": "Node A: Overlapping segments (slow)",
"118.title": "Node A: Overlapping segments (slow)",
"118.problem.en": "The segment is overlapping with the adjacent segment at node A",
"118.problem": "The segment is overlapping with the adjacent segment at node A",
"118.solution.en": "Spread the segments at 2° or delete unneeded geometry point or delete the duplicate segment at node A",
"118.solution": "Spread the segments at 2° or delete unneeded geometry point or delete the duplicate segment at node A",
"119.title.en": "Node B: Overlapping segments (slow)",
"119.title": "Node B: Overlapping segments (slow)",
"119.problem.en": "The segment is overlapping with the adjacent segment at node B",
"119.problem": "The segment is overlapping with the adjacent segment at node B",
"119.solution.en": "Spread the segments at 2° or delete unneeded geometry point or delete the duplicate segment at node B",
"119.solution": "Spread the segments at 2° or delete unneeded geometry point or delete the duplicate segment at node B",
"120.title.en": "Node A: Too sharp turn (slow)",
"120.title": "Node A: Too sharp turn (slow)",
"120.problem.en": "The drivable segment has a very acute turn at node A",
"120.problem": "The drivable segment has a very acute turn at node A",
"120.solution.en": "Disable the sharp turn at node A or spread the segments at 30°",
"120.solution": "Disable the sharp turn at node A or spread the segments at 30°",
"121.title.en": "Node B: Too sharp turn (slow)",
"121.title": "Node B: Too sharp turn (slow)",
"121.problem.en": "The drivable segment has a very acute turn at node B",
"121.problem": "The drivable segment has a very acute turn at node B",
"121.solution.en": "Disable the sharp turn at node B or spread the segments at 30°",
"121.solution": "Disable the sharp turn at node B or spread the segments at 30°",
"128.enabled": true,
"128.params": {
"titleEN": "Bad TTS Street name",
"problemEN": "Streets that start with St and Dr result in TTS reading Street or Drive",
"solutionEN": "Add a period after Jr, St, Dr, or Rev where required",
"template": "${street}#${altStreet[#]}",
"regexp": "/((^| )(St|Dr)(?! ((Ext|[NEWS][EW]?)\\b|\/|\\())|(Jr|Rev)) /"
"128.solutionLink": "W:Abbreviations_and_acronyms/USA#Standard_suffix_abbreviations",
"128.title.en": "User-defined custom check (green)",
"128.title": "Bad TTS Street name",
"128.problem.en": "Some of the segment properties matched against the user-defined regular expression (see Settings→Custom)",
"128.problem": "Streets that start with St and Dr result in TTS reading Street or Drive",
"128.solution.en": "Solve the issue",
"128.solution": "Add a period after Jr, St, Dr, or Rev where required",
"129.enabled": true,
"129.params": {
"titleEN": "Incorrect State or US Highway",
"problemEN": "Minnesota uses MN and US for numbered highway names",
"solutionEN": "Rename the Street or Alt Street",
"template": "${state}:${street}#${altStreet[#]}",
"regexp": "/Minnesota:.*(Mn Hwy |State Hwy |Mn-|SR-|SH-|State Rd |MN=|State Rte |U\.?[Ss]\.? [Hh](WY|wy|ighway)])/"
"129.solutionLink": "W:Minnesota",
"129.title.en": "User-defined custom check (blue)",
"129.title": "Incorrect State or US Highway",
"129.problem.en": "Some of the segment properties matched against the user-defined regular expression (see Settings→Custom)",
"129.problem": "Minnesota uses MN and US for numbered highway names",
"129.solution.en": "Solve the issue",
"129.solution": "Rename the Street or Alt Street",
"130.enabled": true,
"130.params": {
"titleEN": "Short Parking Lot",
"problemEN": "Dead End Parking Lot is less that 30 meters",
"solutionEN": "Does it really need to be there?",
"template": "${deadEnd}:${typeRank}:${length}",
"regexp": "/1:7:([0-2]?[0-9])$/"
"130.solutionLink": "W:Best_map_editing_practice#Parking_Lots",
"130.title.en": "Custom check",
"130.title": "Short Parking Lot",
"130.problem.en": "The segment matched custom conditions",
"130.problem": "Dead End Parking Lot is less that 30 meters",
"130.solution.en": "Solve the issue",
"130.solution": "Does it really need to be there?",
"131.enabled": true,
"131.params": {
"titleEN": "Not Minnesota",
"problem": "The segment is assigned to another state",
"solutionEN": "Make sure you are editing in Minnesota and change it",
"template": "${state}",
"regexp": "!/Minnesota/"
"131.solutionLink": "W:Creating_and_editing_road_segments#Address_Properties",
"131.title.en": "Custom check",
"131.title": "Not Minnesota",
"131.problem.en": "The segment matched custom conditions",
"131.problem": "The segment is assigned to another state",
"131.solution.en": "Solve the issue",
"131.solution": "Make sure you are editing in Minnesota and change it",
"132.enabled": true,
"132.params": {
"titleEN": "Wrong name for City or County street",
"problemEN": "CS and Cs are not read correctly by TTS or County Hwy Name is wrong",
"solutionEN": "Check sources and change the street's name",
"template": "${state}:${street}#${altStreet[#]}",
"regexp": "/Minnesota:.*(Cs-|CS-|County Hwy |County Rd |Cr-|Ch-|Co Rd )/"
"132.solutionLink": "W:Minnesota",
"132.title.en": "Custom check",
"132.title": "Wrong name for City or County street",
"132.problem.en": "The segment matched custom conditions",
"132.problem": "CS and Cs are not read correctly by TTS or County Hwy Name is wrong",
"132.solution.en": "Solve the issue",
"132.solution": "Check sources and change the street's name",
"133.enabled": true,
"133.params": {
"titleEN": "City Name on Freeway",
"problemEN": "City names on Freeway segments can cause detours",
"solutionEN": "Remove the City Name",
"template": "${typeRank}:${city}",
"regexp": "/15:.+$/"
"133.title.en": "Custom check",
"133.title": "City Name on Freeway",
"133.problem.en": "The segment matched custom conditions",
"133.problem": "City names on Freeway segments can cause detours",
"133.solution.en": "Solve the issue",
"133.solution": "Remove the City Name",
"134.enabled": false,
"134.params": {
"titleEN": "Reserved",
"problemEN": "No problemo",
"solutionEN": "Solve the issue",
"template": "${type}:${street}",
"regexp": "/^18:.+$/"
"134.solutionLink": "W:Road_types/USA#Railroad",
"134.title.en": "Custom check",
"134.title": "TODO: Reserved",
"134.problem.en": "The segment matched custom conditions",
"134.problem": "TODO: The segment matched custom conditions",
"134.solution.en": "Solve the issue",
"134.solution": "TODO: Solve the issue",
"135.enabled": true,
"135.params": {
"titleEN": "Wrong road type (major)",
"problemEN": "All US Highways should be at least Major Highway (except BUS, SPUR, LOOP)",
"solutionEN": "Change the road type to Major Highway",
"template": "${typeRank}:#${street}@#${altStreet[@#]}@",
"regexp": "/^[1-9][^245]?:.*#(US Hwy |US-)[0-9]+( ALT| BYP| CONN| TRUCK| Scenic| [NSWE])*@/i"
"135.solutionLink": "W:Road_types/USA#Major_Highway",
"135.title.en": "Custom check",
"135.title": "Wrong road type (major)",
"135.problem.en": "The segment matched custom conditions",
"135.problem": "All US Highways should be at least Major Highway (except BUS, SPUR, LOOP)",
"135.solution.en": "Solve the issue",
"135.solution": "Change the road type to Major Highway",
"136.enabled": true,
"136.params": {
"titleEN": "Wrong road type (minor)",
"problemEN": "All US BUS, SPUR, LOOP highways and State Highways (except BUS, SPUR, LOOP) should be at least Minor Highway type",
"solutionEN": "Change the road type to Minor Highway",
"template": "${typeRank}:#${street}@#${altStreet[@#]}@",
"regexp": "/^[1-9][^2-5]:.*#((State Hwy |SR-|SH-|IL-|IN-|K-|LA-|M-|MA-|MN-|MO-|MS-|NC-|ND-|NJ-|NV-|NY-|SC-|SD-|TN-|VT-|WIS-)[0-9]+( ALT| BYP| CONN| TRUCK| Scenic| [NSWE])*|(US Hwy |US-)[0-9]+( BUS| LOOP| SPUR)+( [NSWE])?)@/i"
"136.solutionLink": "W:Road_types/USA#Minor_Highway",
"136.title.en": "Custom check",
"136.title": "Wrong road type (minor)",
"136.problem.en": "The segment matched custom conditions",
"136.problem": "All US BUS, SPUR, LOOP highways and State Highways (except BUS, SPUR, LOOP) should be at least Minor Highway type",
"136.solution.en": "Solve the issue",
"136.solution": "Change the road type to Minor Highway",
"137.enabled": true,
"137.params": {
"titleEN": "Wrong road type (primary)",
"problemEN": "All State BUS, SPUR, LOOP Highways should be at least Primary Street type",
"solutionEN": "Change the road type to Primary Street",
"template": "${typeRank}:#${street}@#${altStreet[@#]}@",
"regexp": "/^[1-9][^1-5]:.*#(State Hwy |SR-|SH-|IL-|IN-|K-|LA-|M-|MA-|MN-|MO-|MS-|NC-|ND-|NJ-|NV-|NY-|SC-|SD-|TN-|VT-|WIS-)[0-9]+( BUS| LOOP| SPUR)+( [NSWE])?@/i"
"137.solutionLink": "W:Road_types/USA#Primary_Street",
"137.title.en": "Custom check",
"137.title": "Wrong road type (primary)",
"137.problem.en": "The segment matched custom conditions",
"137.problem": "All State BUS, SPUR, LOOP Highways should be at least Primary Street type",
"137.solution.en": "Solve the issue",
"137.solution": "Change the road type to Primary Street",
"138.enabled": true,
"138.params": {
"titleEN": "Wrong banner abbreviation",
"problemEN": "Banner abbreviation may be incorrect. Abbreviations ALT, BUS, BYP, CONN, LOOP, and SPUR should be in ALL CAPS",
"solutionEN": "Change banner abbreviation to ALT, BUS, BYP, CONN, LOOP, SPUR, or TRUCK",
"template": "${street}#${altStreet[#]}",
"regexp": "/[0-9]+[A-Z]? ([Aa]lt(ernate)?|[Bb](us(iness)?|yp(ass)?)|[Cc]onn(ector)?|[Ll]oop|[Ss]pur|[Tt]ruck)/"
"138.solutionLink": "W:Road_names/USA#United_States_Numbered_Highways",
"138.title.en": "Custom check",
"138.title": "Wrong banner abbreviation",
"138.problem.en": "The segment matched custom conditions",
"138.problem": "Banner abbreviation may be incorrect. Abbreviations ALT, BUS, BYP, CONN, LOOP, and SPUR should be in ALL CAPS",
"138.solution.en": "Solve the issue",
"138.solution": "Change banner abbreviation to ALT, BUS, BYP, CONN, LOOP, SPUR, or TRUCK",
"139.enabled": true,
"139.params": {
"titleEN": "Improper Cardinal Usage",
"problemEN": "This name contains a cardinal direction (NEWS) which does not match wiki guidelines.",
"solutionEN": "If this cardinal should be spoken as a direction by TTS, make sure it has space on either side of it. \n If this cardinal should be spoken by TTS as a letter, follow it with a period. \n All cardinals should be capitalized.",
"template": "${street} ${altStreet[#]}",
"regexp": "/(^| )([NEWS]?[news][NEWS]?|[\"']?([NnSs][EeWw]?|[EeWw])['\":-]|[\"']([NnSs][EeWw]?|[EeWw])['\":-]?)(\\b|\\d| |$)/"
"139.solutionLink": "W:Abbreviations_and_acronyms/USA#Standard_suffix_abbreviations",
"139.title.en": "Custom check",
"139.title": "Improper Cardinal Usage",
"139.problem.en": "The segment matched custom conditions",
"139.problem": "This name contains a cardinal direction (NEWS) which does not match wiki guidelines.",
"139.solution.en": "Solve the issue",
"139.solution": "If this cardinal should be spoken as a direction by TTS, make sure it has space on either side of it. \n If this cardinal should be spoken by TTS as a letter, follow it with a period. \n All cardinals should be capitalized.",
"150.enabled": true,
"150.title.en": "No lock on Freeway",
"150.title": "No lock on Freeway",
"150.problem.en": "The Freeway segment should be locked at least to Lvl ${n}",
"150.problem": "The Freeway segment should be locked at least to Lvl ${n}",
"150.solution.en": "Lock the segment",
"150.solution": "Lock the segment",
"151.enabled": true,
"151.params": {
"n": 3
"151.title.en": "No lock on Major Highway",
"151.title": "No lock on Major Highway",
"151.problem.en": "The Major Highway segment should be locked at least to Lvl ${n}",
"151.problem": "The Major Highway segment should be locked at least to Lvl ${n}",
"151.solution.en": "Lock the segment",
"151.solution": "Lock the segment",
"152.enabled": true,
"152.title.en": "No lock on Minor Highway",
"152.title": "No lock on Minor Highway",
"152.problem.en": "The Minor Highway segment should be locked at least to Lvl ${n}",
"152.problem": "The Minor Highway segment should be locked at least to Lvl ${n}",
"152.solution.en": "Lock the segment",
"152.solution": "Lock the segment",
"153.enabled": true,
"153.params": {
"n": 2
"153.title.en": "No lock on Ramp",
"153.title": "No lock on Ramp",
"153.problem.en": "The Ramp segment should be locked at least to Lvl ${n}",
"153.problem": "The Ramp segment should be locked at least to Lvl ${n}",
"153.solution.en": "Lock the segment",
"153.solution": "Lock the segment",
"154.enabled": true,
"154.title.en": "No lock on Primary Street",
"154.title": "No lock on Primary Street",
"154.problem.en": "The Primary Street segment should be locked at least to Lvl ${n}",
"154.problem": "The Primary Street segment should be locked at least to Lvl ${n}",
"154.solution.en": "Lock the segment",
"154.solution": "Lock the segment",
"167.enabled": true,
"167.params": {
"solutionEN": "Railroad Name should be set to None.",
"regexp": "!/^$/",
"167.solutionLink": "W:Road_types/USA#Railroad",
"167.title.en": "Incorrect Railroad Name",
"167.title": "Incorrect Railroad Name",
"167.problem.en": "The Railroad segment has an incorrect name.",
"167.problem": "Names on Railroads are not needed for routing and clutter the app UI",
"167.solution.en": "Railroad Name should be set to None.",
"167.solution": "Remove the Names and Cities from Railroad segments",
"170.enabled": true,
"170.params": {
"regexp": "/^(?!(to) [^a-z])((S|N|W|E) )?[a-z]/"
"170.title.en": "Lowercase street name",
"170.title": "Lowercase street name",
"170.problem.en": "The street name starts with a lowercase word",
"170.problem": "The street name starts with a lowercase word",
"170.solution.en": "Correct lettercase in the street name",
"170.solution": "Correct lettercase in the street name",
"171.enabled": true,
"171.params": {
"regexp": "/((?!(\\bPhila|\\bPenna|.(\\bWash|\\bCmdr|\\bProf|\\bPres)|..(\\bAdm|\\bSte|\\bCpl|\\bMaj|\\bSgt|\\bRe[vc]|\\bR\\.R|\\bGov|\\bGen|\\bHon|\\bCpl)|...(\\bSt|\\b[JSD]r|\\bLt|\\bFt)|...(#| )[NEWSR])).{5}\\.|((?!(hila|enna|(\\bWash|\\bCmdr|\\bProf|\\bPres)|.(\\bAdm|\\bSte|\\bCpl|\\bMaj|\\bSgt|\\bRe[vc]|\\bR\\.R|\\bGov|\\bGen|\\bHon|\\bCpl)|..(\\bSt|\\b[JSD]r|\\bLt|\\bFt)|..(#| )[NEWSR])).{4}|(\\bhila|\\benna))\\.|((?!(ila|nna|(ash|mdr|rof|res)|(\\bAdm|\\bSte|\\bCpl|\\bMaj|\\bSgt|\\bRe[vc]|\\bR\\.R|\\bGov|\\bGen|\\bHon|\\bCpl)|.(\\bSt|\\b[JSD]r|\\bLt|\\bFt)|.(#| )[NEWSR])).{3}|\\b(ila|nna|ash|mdr|rof|res))\\.|((?!(la|na|(sh|dr|of|es)|(dm|te|pl|aj|gt|e[vc]|\\.R|ov|en|on|pl)|(\\bSt|\\b[JSD]r|\\bLt|\\bFt)|(#| )[NEWSR])).{2}|\\b(la|na|sh|dr|of|es|dm|te|pl|aj|gt|e[vc]|\\.R|ov|en|on|pl))\\.|(#|^)[^NEWSR]?\\.)|(((?!\\b(D|O|L)).|#|^)'(?![sl]\\b)|(#|^)'s|(?!\\b(In|Na)t).{3}'l|(#|^).{0,2}'l)|(Dr|St)\\.(#|$)|,|;|\\\\|((?!\\.( |#|$|R))\\..|(?!\\.( .|#.|$|R\\.))\\..{2}|\\.R(#|$|\\.R))|[Ee]x(p|w)y\\b|Tunl\\b|Long Is\\b|Brg\\b/",
"problemEN": "The street name has incorrect abbreviation, or character",
"solutionEN": "Check upper/lower case, a space before/after the abbreviation and the accordance with the abbreviation table. Remove any comma (,), backslash (\\), or semicolon (;)"
"171.solutionLink": "W:Abbreviations_and_acronyms/USA#Standard_suffix_abbreviations",
"171.title.en": "Incorrectly abbreviated street name",
"171.title": "Incorrectly abbreviated street name",
"171.problem.en": "The street name has incorrect abbreviation",
"171.problem": "The street name has incorrect abbreviation",
"171.solution.en": "Check upper/lower case, a space before/after the abbreviation and the accordance with the abbreviation table",
"171.solution": "Check upper/lower case, a space before/after the abbreviation and the accordance with the abbreviation table",
"172.title.en": "Unneeded spaces in street name",
"172.title": "Unneeded spaces in street name",
"172.problem.en": "Leading/trailing/double space in the street name",
"172.problem": "Leading/trailing/double space in the street name",
"172.solution.en": "Remove unneeded spaces from the street name",
"172.solution": "Remove unneeded spaces from the street name",
"173.title.en": "No space before/after street abbreviation",
"173.title": "No space before/after street abbreviation",
"173.problem.en": "No space before ('1943r.') or after ('st.Jan') an abbreviation in the street name",
"173.problem": "No space before ('1943r.') or after ('st.Jan') an abbreviation in the street name",
"173.solution.en": "Add a space before/after the abbreviation",
"173.solution": "Add a space before/after the abbreviation",
"175.title.en": "Empty street name",
"175.title": "Empty street name",
"175.problem.en": "The street name has only space characters or a dot",
"175.problem": "The street name has only space characters or a dot",
"175.solution.en": "In the address properties check the 'None' box next to the street name, click 'Apply' OR set a proper street name",
"175.solution": "In the address properties check the 'None' box next to the street name, click 'Apply' OR set a proper street name",
"190.title.en": "Lowercase city name",
"190.title": "Lowercase city name",
"190.problem.en": "The city name starts with a lowercase letter",
"190.problem": "The city name starts with a lowercase letter",
"190.solution.en": "Use this form to rename the city",
"190.solution": "Use this form to rename the city",
"192.title.en": "Unneeded spaces in city name",
"192.title": "Unneeded spaces in city name",
"192.problem.en": "Leading/trailing/double space in the city name",
"192.problem": "Leading/trailing/double space in the city name",
"192.solution.en": "Use this form to rename the city",
"192.solution": "Use this form to rename the city",
"193.title.en": "No space before/after city abbreviation",
"193.title": "No space before/after city abbreviation",
"193.problem.en": "No space before ('1943r.') or after ('st.Jan') an abbreviation in the city name",
"193.problem": "No space before ('1943r.') or after ('st.Jan') an abbreviation in the city name",
"193.solution.en": "Use this form to rename the city",
"193.solution": "Use this form to rename the city",
"200.title.en": "Node A: Unconfirmed turn on minor road",
"200.title": "Node A: Unconfirmed turn on minor road",
"200.problem.en": "The minor drivable segment has an unconfirmed (soft) turn at node A",
"200.problem": "The minor drivable segment has an unconfirmed (soft) turn at node A",
"200.solution.en": "Click the turn indicated with a purple question mark to confirm it. Note: you may need to make the segment 'Two-way' in order to see those turns",
"200.solution": "Click the turn indicated with a purple question mark to confirm it. Note: you may need to make the segment 'Two-way' in order to see those turns",
"201.title.en": "Node A: Unconfirmed turn on primary road",
"201.title": "Node A: Unconfirmed turn on primary road",
"201.problem.en": "The primary segment has an unconfirmed (soft) turn at node A",
"201.problem": "The primary segment has an unconfirmed (soft) turn at node A",
"201.solution.en": "Click the turn indicated with a purple question mark to confirm it. Note: you may need to make the segment 'Two-way' in order to see those turns",
"201.solution": "Click the turn indicated with a purple question mark to confirm it. Note: you may need to make the segment 'Two-way' in order to see those turns"