Αυτός ο κώδικας δεν πρέπει να εγκατασταθεί άμεσα. Είναι μια βιβλιοθήκη για άλλους κώδικες που περιλαμβάνεται μέσω της οδηγίας meta // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/1348/3550/pbr%20Game%20Scout.js
// ==UserScript==
// @name pbr Game Scout
// @description modification of tciss(?)'s game scout script for GoalLineBlitz.com
// @namespace pbr
// @include http://goallineblitz.com/game/game.pl?game_id=*&mode=pbp
// @include http://goallineblitz.com/game/game.pl?game_id=*&mode=pbp&quarter=*
// @include http://goallineblitz.com/game/team.pl?*
// @include http://goallineblitz.com/game/player_game_log.pl?*
// @include http://glb.warriorgeneral.com/game/game.pl?game_id=*&mode=pbp
// @include http://glb.warriorgeneral.com/game/game.pl?game_id=*&mode=pbp&quarter=*
// @include http://glb.warriorgeneral.com/game/team.pl?*
// @include http://glb.warriorgeneral.com/game/player_game_log.pl?*
// @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/1371-libpbr2/code/libpbr2.js?version=3533
// @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/1372-pbr-game-scout-uilib/code/pbr%20Game%20Scout%20uilib.js?version=3540
// @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/1373-pbr-game-scout-statslib/code/pbr%20Game%20Scout%20statslib.js?version=3538
// @copyright 2008, pabst
// @license (CC) Attribution Share Alike; http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
// @version 13.12.29
// ==/UserScript==
* based on code by tciss from www.goallineblitz.com
* pabst modified it 6/22/08+
// you can modify the following variables
var showEverything = false; //this will SERIOUSLY slow down loading multiple games
var longPass = 15;
var mediumPass = 7.5;
var shortPass = 0;
// you can modify the previous variables
var storageStats = [];
var forceTeam = null;
function() {
function runTeamScout() {
var scoutTable;
try {
scoutTable = getEmptyTables();
catch (err) {
console.log("normal for replay rewrite : "+err);
scoutTable.addEventListener("game loaded",fillScoutTable,true);
scoutTable.addEventListener("table sort",sortTable,true);
var location = document.getElementById("pbp");
if (location != null) {
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.setAttribute("style","visibility:hidden; display:none;");
div.innerHTML = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].innerHTML;
var checkBox = document.createElement("input");
checkBox.checked = true;
showEverything = true;
else {
location = document.getElementById("footer");
var scheduleContent = document.getElementsByClassName("schedule_content");
if (scheduleContent.length > 0) { //on a team page?
for (var scidx=0; scidx<scheduleContent.length; scidx++) {
var schedules = scheduleContent[scidx];
var rows = schedules.rows;
rows[0].cells[1].innerHTML = "[GS] "+rows[0].cells[1].innerHTML;
for (var i=1; i<rows.length; i++) {
var link = rows[i].cells[2].firstChild.href+"&mode=pbp";
var oldCell = rows[i].cells[1];
var checkBox = document.createElement("input");
var div = document.createElement("span");
for (var cidx=0; cidx<oldCell.childNodes.length; cidx++) {
var c = oldCell.childNodes[cidx];
if (c == null) continue;
var c2 = c.nextSibling;
if (c2 != null) {
var newCell = rows[i].insertCell(1);
else {
var tbl = document.getElementById("career_stats");
if (tbl != null) { //on a player's game log
//console.log("player game log");
forceTeam = [];
var rows = tbl.rows;
for (var i=2; i<rows.length; i++) {
if (rows[i].getAttribute("class").indexOf("nonalternating") != -1) {
var s = rows[i].cells[1].innerHTML;
s = s.slice(s.indexOf("team_id=")+"team_id=".length);
s = s.slice(0,s.indexOf('"'));
forceTeam[i-2] = parseFloat(s);
var link = rows[i].cells[3].firstChild.href+"&mode=pbp";
var oldCell = rows[i].cells[0];
var checkBox = document.createElement("input");
var div = document.createElement("span");
for (var cidx=0; cidx<oldCell.childNodes.length; cidx++) {
var c = oldCell.childNodes[cidx];
if (c == null) continue;
var c2 = c.nextSibling;
if (c2 != null) {
var newCell = rows[i].insertCell(0);
storageStats = new Array(document.getElementsByClassName("GScheckbox").length);
var button = document.createElement("input");
button.setAttribute("value","Run Game Scout");
var counter = document.createElement("div");
counter.innerHTML = "0 of 0";
var spn = document.createElement("span");
//---------------------- end --------------------------------
function handlePageLoad(address,page) {
var storage = document.getElementById('storage:'+address);
var index = -1;
var s = document.getElementsByClassName("GScheckbox");
for (var i=0; i<s.length; i++) {
if (s[i].id == address) {
index = i;
if (storageStats[index] == null) {
storage.innerHTML = page.responseText.replace(/<img/g,"<div").replace(/\/img/g,"/div>");
storageStats[index] = gameScout(address,storage);
if (window.location.toString().indexOf("mode=pbp") != -1) {
//on the play by play
//cannot delete storage so filtering still works
else {
storage.innerHTML = "";
else {
console.log("already calculated: "+address);
var tscout = document.getElementById("gamescout");
var evt = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
evt.initEvent("game loaded",false,false);
var total = null;
function fillScoutTable() {
var fstFinished = true;
var checkBoxes = document.getElementsByClassName("GScheckbox");
for (var i=0; i<storageStats.length; i++) {
if (checkBoxes[i].checked == true) {
if (storageStats[i] == null) {
fstFinished = false;
else {
if (fstFinished == false) {
if (total != null) return;
total = new Stats();
if (document.getElementById("career_stats") != null) { //on a game log
total.team_name[0] = "My Team";
total.team_id[0] = forceTeam;
total.team_name[1] = "Opponents";
else {
var teamHeading = document.getElementsByClassName("big_head subhead_head");
if (teamHeading[0].childNodes.length == 1) { //on a team page
total.team_name[0] = teamHeading[0].innerHTML;
total.team_id[0] = (window.location+"").slice((window.location+"").indexOf("team_id=")+8);
total.team_name[1] = "Opponents";
var id = (window.location+"").slice((window.location+"").indexOf("team_id=")+8);
total.team_id[0] = new Array(checkBoxes.length);
for (var i=0; i<total.team_id[0].length; i++) {
total.team_id[0][i] = id;
else if (teamHeading[0].firstChild.innerHTML == null) {
//on a team page with rename link
var str = teamHeading[0].innerHTML;
str = str.slice(0,str.indexOf(" (<a href="));
total.team_name[0] = str;
total.team_name[1] = "Opponents";
var id = (window.location+"").slice((window.location+"").indexOf("team_id=")+8);
total.team_id[0] = new Array(checkBoxes.length);
for (var i=0; i<total.team_id[0].length; i++) {
total.team_id[0][i] = id;
else {
// on a play-by-play page
total.team_name[0] = teamHeading[0].firstChild.innerHTML;
total.team_name[1] = teamHeading[0].lastChild.innerHTML;
var stats = [];
//console.log(checkBoxes.length+" -- "+storageStats.length);
for (var i=0; i<checkBoxes.length; i++) {
if (checkBoxes[i].checked == true) {
var s = eval(uneval(storageStats[i]));
if (total.team_id[0] == null) {
total = addition(total, s);
else if (total.team_id[0].length != null) {
var save = total.team_id[0];
total.team_id[0] = save[i];
total = addition(total, s);
total.team_id[0] = save;
else {
total = addition(total, s);
var tables = document.getElementById("gamescout");
tables.setAttribute("style","visibility: visible;");
if (window.location.toString().match("team.pl")) {
var addr = (window.location+"").replace("team.pl","roster.pl");
var div = document.getElementById("storage:"+addr);
if (div == null) {
getInetPage(addr, parsePlayerFromRoster);
else {
p = []; p.page = div.innerHTML;
else if (window.location.toString().match("player_game_log.pl")) {
var last = null;
for (var i=0; i<total.team_id[0].length; i++) {
if (total.team_id[0][i] != last) {
var addr = "/game/roster.pl?team_id="+total.team_id[0][i];
var div = document.getElementById("storage:"+addr);
if (div == null) {
getInetPage(addr, parsePlayerFromRoster);
else {
p = []; p.page = div.innerHTML;
last = total.team_id[0][i];
else { //on a play-by-play page
var addr = window.location.toString();
addr = addr.slice(0,addr.indexOf("&mode=pbp"));
var div = document.getElementById("storage:"+addr);
if (div == null) {
else {
p = []; p.page = div.innerHTML;
storageStats = new Array(document.getElementsByClassName("GScheckbox").length);
function clearPageCount() {
var text = document.getElementById("gspagecounter");
text.innerHTML = "0 of ";
var inc = 0;
var checkBoxes = document.getElementsByClassName("GScheckbox");
for (var cidx=0; cidx<checkBoxes.length; cidx++) {
var c = checkBoxes[cidx];
if (c.checked == true) {
text.innerHTML += inc;
function incrementPageCount() {
var text = document.getElementById("gspagecounter");
var num = parseInt(text.innerHTML.slice(0,2));
num += 1;
text.innerHTML = num+" "+text.innerHTML.slice(text.innerHTML.indexOf("of"));
function input() {
var location = document.getElementById("pbp");
if (location != null) {
var old = document.getElementById("storage:"+window.location);
if (old != null) {
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.setAttribute("style","visibility:hidden; display:none;");
div.innerHTML = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].innerHTML;
total = null;
positionsFilled = false;
var updating = false;
var checkBoxes = document.getElementsByClassName("GScheckbox");
for (var i=0; i<checkBoxes.length; i++) {
if (checkBoxes[i] == null) continue;
if (checkBoxes[i].checked == true) {
var storage = document.getElementById("storage:"+checkBoxes[i].id);
if (storage == null) {
//haven't downloaded this game yet
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.setAttribute("style","visibility:hidden; display:none;");
console.log("downloading this one: "+checkBoxes[i].id);
updating = true;
getInetPage(checkBoxes[i].id, handlePageLoad);
else {
//downloaded this one already
//hold off on updating the tables for now
console.log("already downloaded this one: "+checkBoxes[i].id);
var p = [];
p.responseText = storage.innerHTML;
if (updating == false) {
//updating = true;
//make sure tables have updated at least once
//------------ start box score loading ------------------------
function parsePlayerFromBoxScore(address, page) {
var s = document.getElementById("storage:"+address);
if (s == null) {
var footer = document.getElementById("footer");
var div = document.createElement("div");
div.setAttribute("style","visibility: hidden; display:none;");
div.innerHTML = page.responseText.replace(/<img/g,"<div").replace(/\/img/g,"/div>");
else {
page.responseText = s.innerHTML;
var text = page.responseText.replace(/<img/g,"<div").replace(/\/img/g,"/div>");
var playerLinks = [];
var header = "<td class=\"box_score_player_stat_name\">";
var t = text;
var i=-1;
while ( (i=t.indexOf(header)) != -1) {
t = t.slice(i+header.length);
if (t.indexOf("<span") != 0) {
var end = t.indexOf("</td");
t = t.slice(end+1);
console.log("end --> parsePlayerFromBoxScore("+address+")");
function parsePlayerFromRoster(address, page) {
var s = document.getElementById("storage:"+address);
if (s == null) {
var footer = document.getElementById("footer");
var div = document.createElement("div");
div.setAttribute("style","visibility: hidden; display:none;");
div.innerHTML = page.responseText.replace(/<img/g,"<div").replace(/\/img/g,"/div>");
var playerLinks = [];
var s = document.getElementById("storage:"+address);
var l = s.getElementsByClassName("player_name");
for (var pidx=0; pidx<l.length; pidx++) {
var p = l[pidx];
if (p.parentNode == null) continue;
var name = p.firstChild.innerHTML;
var pos = p.parentNode.getElementsByClassName("player_position")[0].firstChild.innerHTML;
while (pos.length < 4) {
pos += " ";
var html = "<span class=\"cpu\">"+pos+"</span>"+name;
function addPositionsToTables(playerLinks) {
var nodes = document.getElementsByClassName("pbp_pbr_title_row");
for (var i=0;i<nodes.length; i++) {
var rowName = nodes[i].firstChild.innerHTML;
for (var pidx=0; pidx<playerLinks.length; pidx++) {
var p = playerLinks[pidx];
if (trim(rowName).length == 0) continue;
if ((p.indexOf(">"+rowName+"<") != -1) ||
(p.indexOf("> "+rowName+"<") != -1) ||
(p.indexOf(">"+rowName+" <") != -1)) {
nodes[i].firstChild.innerHTML = p;
else if (p.indexOf(">"+fixEscapedText(rowName)+"<") != -1) {
nodes[i].firstChild.innerHTML = p;
//------------ end box score loading ------------------------
//------------ game scout start -----------------------------
function arrayPush(ct, arr1, data1, arr2, data2) {
if (arr1 == null) console.log("arr1 is null");
if (arr1[ct] == null) console.log("arr["+ct+"] is null");
//console.log("ap arr1["+ct+"]--> "+arr1[ct]);
var d = trim(data1);
var index = arr1[ct].indexOf(d);
if (index == -1) {
index = arr1[ct].length;
return index;
function convertTime(s) {
if (s == null) {
console.log("convertTime == null | '"+s+"'");
return 0;
var v = s.split(':');
return parseFloat(v[0])*60 + parseFloat(v[1]);
function yardReverse(marker) {
var y = parseFloat(marker.slice(4));
if (marker.indexOf("OWN") == 0) return "OPP "+y;
else return "OWN "+y;
function kickDistance(start, add) {
if ((start == null) || (add == null)) return 0;
var y = parseFloat(start.slice(4));
if (start.slice(0,3) == "OPP") {
y = 100-y;
y += add;
if (y < 50) {
y = "OWN "+y;
else {
y = 100 - y;
y = "OPP "+y;
return y;
function yardAddition(start, add) {
if ((start == null) || (add == null)) return 0;
var y = parseFloat(start.slice(4));
if (start.slice(0,3) == "OPP") {
y += 50;
y += add;
if (y < 50) {
y = "OWN "+y;
else {
y = 100 - y;
y = "OPP "+y;
//console.log(start+" - "+add+" : "+y);
return y;
function yardDiff(start, end) {
if ((start == null) || (end == null)) return 0;
var starty = parseFloat(start.slice(4));
var endy = parseFloat(end.slice(4));
var yards = -1000;
if (start.slice(0,3) == "OWN") {
if (end.slice(0,3) == "OWN") {
yards = endy - starty;
else {
yards = 100-endy-starty;
else if (start.slice(0,3) == "OPP") {
if (end.slice(0,3) == "OPP") {
yards = starty - endy;
else {
yards = starty+endy-100;
return yards;
function Play() {
this.toString = function() {
return this.quarter+" : "+this.team+" - "+this.timeRemaining+" - "+
this.marker+" - "+this.down+"&"+this.togo;
function penaltyHandler(stats, p) {
var playText = p.play;
var s1 = playText.indexOf(" penalty committed by ")
var s2 = s1 + (" penalty committed by ").length;
var penalty = playText.slice(0,s1);
var player = playText.slice(s2);
if (penalty == "False start") {
var ct = current_team;
var playerIndex = arrayPush(ct,stats.playerPenaltyName,player,
stats.playerPenaltyStats[ct][playerIndex][0] += 1;
stats.team_penalty[ct*6+0] += 1;
stats.team_penalty[ct*6+(parseFloat(p.quarter))] += 1;
else if (penalty == "Offside") {
var ct = (current_team+1)%2;
var playerIndex = arrayPush(ct,stats.playerPenaltyName,player,
stats.playerPenaltyStats[ct][playerIndex][1] += 1;
stats.team_penalty[ct*6+0] += 1;
stats.team_penalty[ct*6+(parseFloat(p.quarter))] += 1;
else if (penalty == "Encroachment") {
var ct = (current_team+1)%2;
var playerIndex = arrayPush(ct,stats.playerPenaltyName,player,
stats.playerPenaltyStats[ct][playerIndex][2] += 1;
stats.team_penalty[ct*6+0] += 1;
stats.team_penalty[ct*6+(parseFloat(p.quarter))] += 1;
else {
console.log("report this!!! ==>> unknown penalty : "+penalty);
return stats;
function sliceBrackets(str, idx) {
var lead = str.substring(0,idx);
var slice = str.substring(idx).indexOf("]");
var tail = str.substring(lead.length+slice);
var string = lead+tail;
return string;
function defenseHandler(stats, shift, p, playType) {
var playText = p.play;
var ct = (current_team+1)%2;
var dt = false;
var s1 = -1;
playText = playText.replace( new RegExp("diving tackle: ","g"), "tackle: ");
playText = playText.replace("[Big Hit tackle: ","[tackle: ");
playText = playText.replace("[Monster Hit tackle: ","[tackle: ");
playText = playText.replace("[Big Sack tackle: ","[tackle: ");
var s1 = playText.indexOf("[tackle: ");
if (s1 == -1) {
s1 = playText.indexOf("[diving tackle: ");
dt = true;
if (s1 != -1) {
if (dt == false) s1 += "[tackle: ".length;
else s1 += "[diving tackle: ".length;
var s2 = playText.slice(s1).indexOf("]");
s = playText.slice(s1,s1+s2);
//s = trim(s); //am I necessary?
var defeat = false;
var stop = 0.45;
if (p.down == 2) stop = 0.6;
if (p.down > 2) {
stop = 1.0;
defeat = true;
if (playType == "rush") {
var playerIndex = arrayPush(ct,stats.playerDefensiveRushName,s,
stats.playerDefensiveRushStats[ct][playerIndex][0] += 1;
stats.playerDefensiveRushStats[ct][playerIndex][2] += p.yards;
if (p.yards < (p.togo*stop)) {
stats.playerDefensiveRushStats[ct][playerIndex][3] += 1;
if ((defeat == true) || (p.yards < 0)) {
stats.playerDefensiveRushStats[ct][playerIndex][4] += 1;
//console.log(stats.playerDefensiveRushName[ct][playerIndex]+" -- "+stats.playerDefensiveRushStats[ct][playerIndex]+" : "+p.play);
else if (playType == "pass") {
var playerIndex = arrayPush(ct,stats.playerDefensivePassName,s,
stats.playerDefensivePassStats[ct][playerIndex][0] += 1;
stats.playerDefensivePassStats[ct][playerIndex][2] += p.yards;
if (p.yards < (p.togo*stop)) {
stats.playerDefensivePassStats[ct][playerIndex][3] += 1;
if ((defeat == true) || (p.yards < 0)) {
stats.playerDefensivePassStats[ct][playerIndex][4] += 1;
else if (playType == "st") {
var playerIndex = arrayPush(ct,stats.playerDefensiveSTName,s,
stats.playerDefensiveSTStats[ct][playerIndex][0] += 1;
stats.playerDefensiveSTStats[ct][playerIndex][2] += p.yards;
else console.log("defenseHandler says WTF?!?!");
var string = playText+"";
//var string = sliceBrackets(p.play, s1);
while ( (s1 = string.indexOf("[missed tackle: ")) != -1) {
string = string.slice(s1+"[missed tackle: ".length);
s2 = string.indexOf("]");
if (string.indexOf(" (Spin)]") > 0) {
s2 = Math.min(s2,string.indexOf(" (Spin)]"));
else if (string.indexOf(" (Juke)]") > 0) {
s2 = Math.min(s2,string.indexOf(" (Juke)]"));
else if (string.indexOf(" (Power Through)]") > 0) {
s2 = Math.min(s2,string.indexOf(" (Power Through)]"));
else if (string.indexOf(" (Lower the Shoulder)]") > 0) {
s2 = Math.min(s2,string.indexOf(" (Lower the Shoulder)]"));
else if (string.indexOf(" (Stiff Arm)]") > 0) {
s2 = Math.min(s2,string.indexOf(" (Stiff Arm)]"));
else if (string.indexOf(" (Hurdle)]") > 0) {
s2 = Math.min(s2,string.indexOf(" (Hurdle)]"));
s = string.slice(0,s2);
//s = trim(s); // am I necessary?
if (playType == "rush") {
var playerIndex = arrayPush(ct,stats.playerDefensiveRushName,s,
stats.playerDefensiveRushStats[ct][playerIndex][1] += 1;
else if (playType == "pass") {
var playerIndex = arrayPush(ct,stats.playerDefensivePassName,s,
stats.playerDefensivePassStats[ct][playerIndex][1] += 1;
else if (playType == "st") {
var playerIndex = arrayPush(ct,stats.playerDefensiveSTName,s,
stats.playerDefensiveSTStats[ct][playerIndex][1] += 1;
else console.log("defenseHandler says WTF?!?!");
string = string.slice(s2);
//forced fumble
string = p.play+"";
if ( (s1 = string.indexOf("[forced fumble: ")) != -1) {
string = string.slice(s1+"[forced fumble: ".length);
s2 = string.indexOf("]");
s = string.slice(0,s2);
if (playType == "rush") {
var playerIndex = arrayPush(ct,stats.playerDefensiveRushName,s,
stats.playerDefensiveRushStats[ct][playerIndex][5] += 1;
else if (playType == "pass") {
var playerIndex = arrayPush(ct,stats.playerDefensivePassName,s,
stats.playerDefensivePassStats[ct][playerIndex][5] += 1;
else if (playType == "st") {
var playerIndex = arrayPush(ct,stats.playerDefensiveSTName,s,
stats.playerDefensiveSTStats[ct][playerIndex][3] += 1;
else console.log("defenseHandler says WTF?!?!");
if (playType == "pass") {
//deflected by
string = p.play+"";
var kl = string.indexOf(", knocked loose by ") != -1;
while ( (s1 = string.indexOf("[deflected by ")) != -1) {
string = string.slice(s1+"[deflected by ".length);
s2 = string.indexOf("]");
s = string.slice(0,s2);
//s = trim(s); // am I necessary?
if ((string.indexOf("(incomplete)") != -1) ||
(string.indexOf("(incomplete - bad throw)") != -1)) {
var playerIndex = arrayPush(ct,stats.playerDefensivePassName,s,
stats.playerDefensivePassStats[ct][playerIndex][7] += 1;
//stats.playerDefensivePassStats[ct][playerIndex][3] += 1;
if (p.down > 2) {
//stats.playerDefensivePassStats[ct][playerIndex][4] += 1;
if (kl == true) {
stats.playerDefensivePassStats[ct][playerIndex][8] += 1;
string = string.slice(s2);
string = p.play+"";
if ( (s1 = string.indexOf(" sacked by ")) != -1) {
string = string.slice(s1+" sacked by ".length);
s2 = string.indexOf(" (");
s = string.slice(0,s2);
//console.log(p.yards+" -- "+p.play);
if (p.yards < 0) {
var playerIndex = arrayPush(ct,stats.playerDefensivePassName,s,
stats.playerDefensivePassStats[ct][playerIndex][0] += 1;
stats.playerDefensivePassStats[ct][playerIndex][2] += p.yards;
stats.playerDefensivePassStats[ct][playerIndex][3] += 1;
stats.playerDefensivePassStats[ct][playerIndex][4] += 1;
else console.log("DH: fuckup?");
return stats;
function intDefenseHandler(stats, shift, p, playType) {
var ct = (current_team+1)%2;
var s1 = -1;
var string = p.play+"";
if (playType == "pass") {
//intercepted by
string = p.play+"";
if ( (s1 = string.indexOf(" intercepted by ")) != -1) {
string = string.slice(s1+" intercepted by ".length);
s2 = Math.min(string.indexOf("("),string.indexOf("["));
if (string.indexOf(", PAT m") != -1) {
s2 = Math.min(s2,string.indexOf(", PAT m"));
s = string.slice(0,s2);
s = trim(s);
if (string.indexOf("yd return") != -1) {
var playerIndex = arrayPush(ct,stats.playerDefensivePassName,s,
stats.playerDefensivePassStats[ct][playerIndex][6] += 1;
//deflected by
string = p.play+"";
while ( (s1 = string.indexOf("[deflected by ")) != -1) {
string = string.slice(s1+"[deflected by ".length);
s2 = string.indexOf("]");
s = string.slice(0,s2);
if ((string.indexOf("(incomplete)") != -1) ||
(string.indexOf("(incomplete - bad throw)") != -1)) {
var playerIndex = arrayPush(ct,stats.playerDefensivePassName,s,
stats.playerDefensivePassStats[ct][playerIndex][7] += 1;
//stats.playerDefensivePassStats[ct][playerIndex][3] += 1;
if (p.down > 2) {
//stats.playerDefensivePassStats[ct][playerIndex][4] += 1;
string = string.slice(s2);
return stats;
function playHandler(stats, drive,p) {
//console.log("playHandler loop: "+pages+" - "+p.replay);
var playText = p.play;
playText = trim(playText);
var quarter = parseFloat(p.quarter);
var down = parseFloat(p.down);
var togo = -1;
var minGain = -1;
if (p.team == stats.team_name[0]) current_team = 0;
else current_team = 1;
try {
try {
if (p.togo == null) {
p.togo = -1;
else if (p.togo == "G") {
togo = parseFloat(p.marker.slice(4));
else if (p.togo.indexOf("inches") != -1) {
togo = 0.5;
else {
togo = parseFloat(p.togo);
catch (err) {
togo = 0.5;
if (down == 1) {
minGain = togo*0.40;
else if (down == 2) {
minGain = togo*0.60;
else {
minGain = togo;
var sp = -1;
var ep = -1;
var y = NaN;
var yt;
var line = playText;
do {
//unfortunately, some people have parentheses in their names
sp = line.indexOf('(')+1;
ep = line.indexOf(')');
if ((sp == -1) || (ep == -1)) {
//no parentheses left in this line
y = NaN;
else {
//one complete set of parentheses found
yt = line.slice(sp,ep);
if (yt.indexOf("incomplete") != -1) {
y = 0;
else if (yt.indexOf("no gain") != -1) {
y = 0;
else {
y = parseFloat(yt);
line = line.slice(ep+1);
if(yt.indexOf(" yd gain") != -1) {
//y = y;
else if(yt.indexOf(" yd loss") != -1) {
y = -y;
else if(yt.indexOf(" yd return") != -1) {
else if(yt.indexOf("no return") != -1) {
else if(yt.indexOf("touchback") != -1) {
else {
if (y != 0) { //this stupid parenthesized name has numbers first
y = NaN;
} while (isNaN(y) == true);
catch (error) {
p.yards = y;
if (drive.numOfPlays == 0) {
drive.driveBegan = null;
drive.quarter = quarter;
lastDrive.endTime = p.timeRemaining;
if (drive.startTime == null) {
drive.startTime = p.timeRemaining;
if (drive.driveBegan == null) {
drive.driveBegan = p.marker;
drive.endTime = p.timeRemaining;
drive.driveEnded = p.marker; // fix me?
//console.log(drive+" -- "+playText.slice(0,30));
if ((playText.match(" rush") != null) || (playText.match(" pitch to ") != null)) {
//console.log("rush "+playText.slice(0,20));
var inside = true;
if (playText.match(" pitch to ") != null) {
inside = false;
if ((yt.indexOf(" yd return") != -1) || (playText.indexOf("(touchback)") != -1)) {
//must have been a fumble here
//can't include without calculating the position
//and still won't know the direction of the run
if (drive.numOfPlays == 1) {
lastDrive.result = "Fumble";
lastDrive.numOfPlays += 1;
if (lastDrive.driveBegan == null) {
lastDrive.driveBegan = p.marker;
lastDrive.driveEnded = p.marker;
lastDrive.endTime = p.timeRemaining;
drive.numOfPlays = 0;
if (playText.indexOf("[TD]") != -1) {
drive.result = "Touchdown";
drive.driveEnded = "OPP 0";
drive.driveStarted = p.marker;
// can't display this stuff as I don't know
// which team recovered if the play was the
// first play of a drive
// stats = defenseHandler(stats,0,p,"rush");
else if(playText.indexOf("[SAFETY]") != -1) {
//must have been a safety here
//and, of course, it's a possession for the wrong team
//ignoring it for now as we don't know where the runner was tackled
if (drive.numOfPlays == 1) {
lastDrive.result = "Safety";
stats = defenseHandler(stats,0,p,"rush");
else {
// 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
var index = current_team * 5;
var r1 = -1;
var r2 = -1;
var s;
if (inside == false) {
if ( (r2 = playText.indexOf(" to the left")) != -1) {
//index += 0;
else if( (r2 = playText.indexOf(" up the middle")) != -1) {
// sometimes outside runs get stuffed immediately, so
// I'm just calling it a middle run regardless
index += 2;
else if ( (r2 = playText.indexOf(" to the right")) != -1) {
index += 4;
r3 = playText.indexOf("[missed");
if (r3 != -1) {
if (playText[r3-1] == ' ') r3--;
r2 = Math.min(r2,r3);
r3 = playText.indexOf(", out of bounds ");
if (r3 != -1) {
if (playText[r3-1] == ' ') r3--;
r2 = Math.min(r2,r3);
r1 = playText.slice(0,r2).indexOf(" pitch to ")+" pitch to ".length;
s = playText.slice(r1,r2);
if ( (r2 = s.indexOf(", PAT m")) != -1) {
s = s.slice(0,r2);
else {
if ( (r2=playText.indexOf(" to the left")) != -1) {
index += 1;
else if ( (r2=playText.indexOf(" up the middle")) != -1) {
index += 2;
else if ( (r2=playText.indexOf(" to the right")) != -1) {
index += 3;
r1 = 0;
r2 = playText.indexOf(" rush");
r3 = playText.indexOf("[missed");
if (r3 != -1) r2 = Math.min(r2,r3);
s = playText.slice(r1,r2);
if (s.indexOf(" [TD]") == (s.length-5)) {
s = s.slice(0,s.length-5);
var playerIndex = arrayPush(current_team,stats.playerRushingName,s,
stats.team_att[index] += 1;
stats.team_yards[index] += y;
var ytemp = Math.min(y,10);
var ly = 0;
if (ytemp < 0) ly += ytemp*1.2;
else {
ly += Math.min(ytemp,5);
if (ytemp > 5) {
ly += (Math.min(ytemp,10)-5)*0.5;
stats.team_lyards[index] += ly;
//console.log(y+" -- "+ytemp+" -- "+ly);
stats.team_quarter_totals[0][0+current_team*7] += 1;
stats.team_quarter_totals[0][1+current_team*7] += y;
stats.team_quarter_totals[quarter][0+current_team*7] += 1;
stats.team_quarter_totals[quarter][1+current_team*7] += y;
stats.team_att_down[(down-1)+(current_team*4)] += 1;
stats.team_yards_down[(down-1)+(current_team*4)] += y;
stats.team_lyards_down[(down-1)+(current_team*4)] += ly;
stats.playerRushingStats[current_team][playerIndex][0] += 1;
stats.playerRushingStats[current_team][playerIndex][1] += y;
stats.playerRushingStats[current_team][playerIndex][2] =
if (y >= minGain) {
stats.team_success[index] += 1;
stats.team_success_down[(down-1)+(current_team*4)] += 1;
stats.team_quarter_totals[0][2+current_team*7] += 1;
stats.team_quarter_totals[quarter][2+current_team*7] += 1;
stats.playerRushingStats[current_team][playerIndex][3] += 1;
if (y >= togo) {
stats.team_firsts[index] += 1;
stats.team_firsts_down[(down-1)+(current_team*4)] += 1;
stats.playerRushingStats[current_team][playerIndex][4] += 1;
stats = defenseHandler(stats,0,p,"rush");
if (playText.indexOf("[TD]") != -1) {
drive.result = "Touchdown";
drive.driveEnded = "OPP 0";
var m = playText.split("[missed tackle:");
if (m.length > 1) {
stats.playerRushingStats[current_team][playerIndex][5] += m.length-1;
m = playText.split("[missed diving tackle:");
if (m.length > 1) {
stats.playerRushingStats[current_team][playerIndex][5] += m.length-1;
//console.log((down-1)+" "+((down-1)+current_team*4)+" "+downs[down_index].innerHTML+" "+playText);
else if (playText.indexOf(" pass to ") != -1) {
// console.log(playText);
playText = playText.replace(" screen pass to ", " pass to ");
var index = current_team * 3;
var dindex;
var isBad = false;
var p1 = playText.indexOf(" bad pass to ")+" bad pass to ".length;
if (p1 == (-1 + " bad pass to ".length)) {
p1 = playText.indexOf(" pass to ")+" pass to ".length;
else {
isBad = true;
var p2;
if (playText.indexOf(" the left side") != -1) {
//index += 0;
dindex = 0;
p2 = playText.indexOf(" the left side") - 3;
else if(playText.indexOf(" over the middle") != -1) {
index += 1;
dindex = 1;
p2 = playText.indexOf(" over the middle");
else if (playText.indexOf(" the right side") != -1) {
index += 2;
dindex = 2;
p2 = playText.indexOf(" the right side") - 3;
var d = current_team*9 + dindex*3;
var s = playText.slice(p1,p2);
var h = s.indexOf(", hurried by");
if (h != -1) {
s = s.slice(0,h);
var qbn = playText.slice(0,playText.indexOf(" pass to"));
if (isBad == true) {
qbn = playText.slice(0,playText.indexOf(" bad pass to"));
var qbIndex = arrayPush(current_team,stats.playerPassingName,qbn,
var playerIndex = arrayPush(current_team,stats.playerReceivingName,s,
// console.log(qbn+" : "+qbIndex+" : "+playerIndex);
if ((yt.indexOf(" yd return") != -1) || (playText.indexOf("(touchback)") != -1)) {
// some sort of turnover
if ((playText.indexOf(" intercepted by ") != -1) &&
(playText.indexOf("fumbled , recovered by") == -1)) {
//intercepted & not fumbled
stats.team_pass_att[(index+3)%6] += 1;
stats.team_pass_att_down[((down-1)+(current_team*4)+4)%8] += 1;
stats.team_quarter_totals[0][4+((current_team*7)+7)%14] += 1;
stats.team_quarter_totals[quarter][4+((current_team*7)+7)%14] += 1;
if (h != -1) {
stats.team_pass_pressure_down[((down-1)+(current_team*4)+4)%8] += 1;
stats.team_quarter_totals[0][6+((current_team*7)+7)%14] += 1;
stats.team_quarter_totals[quarter][6+((current_team*7)+7)%14] += 1;
current_team = (current_team+1)%2;
var qbIndex = arrayPush(current_team,stats.playerPassingName,qbn,
var playerIndex = arrayPush(current_team,stats.playerReceivingName,s,
stats.playerPassingStats[current_team][qbIndex][1] += 1; //att
stats.playerReceivingStats[current_team][playerIndex][1] += 1;
stats.playerPassingStats[current_team][qbIndex][4] += 1; //int
if (h != -1) {
stats.playerPassingStats[current_team][qbIndex][8] += 1; //pressure
if (isBad == true) {
stats.playerPassingStats[current_team][qbIndex][7] += 1; //bad pass
if (playText.indexOf("[deflected by ") != -1) {
stats.playerReceivingStats[current_team][playerIndex][6] += 1; //pd
stats.playerPassingStats[current_team][qbIndex][6] += 1;
if (playText.indexOf(", knocked loose by ") != -1) {
stats.playerReceivingStats[current_team][playerIndex][9] += 1; //kl
//can't do it yet
stats = intDefenseHandler(stats,2,p,"pass");
current_team = (current_team+1)%2;
if (drive.numOfPlays == 1) {
lastDrive.result = "Interception";
//console.log(lastDrive.endTime+" -- "+drive.startTime+" -- "+p.timeRemaining);
lastDrive.numOfPlays += 1;
lastDrive.endTime = p.timeRemaining;
if (lastDrive.driveBegan == null) {
lastDrive.driveBegan = p.marker;
lastDrive.driveEnded = p.marker;
drive.numOfPlays = 0;
if (playText.indexOf("[TD]") != -1) {
drive.result = "Touchdown";
drive.driveEnded = "OPP 0";
drive.driveStarted = p.marker;
else if ((playText.indexOf(" intercepted by ") != -1) &&
(playText.indexOf("fumbled , recovered by") != -1)) {
// intercepted and fumbled
// can't display this stuff as I don't know
// which team recovered if the play was the
// first play of a drive
//stats = defenseHandler(stats,2,p,"pass");
if (stats.playerPassingStats[current_team][qbIndex][1] == 0) {
if (drive.numOfPlays == 1) {
lastDrive.result = "Interception";
//console.log(lastDrive.endTime+" -- "+drive.startTime+" -- "+p.timeRemaining);
lastDrive.numOfPlays += 1;
lastDrive.endTime = p.timeRemaining;
if (lastDrive.driveBegan == null) {
lastDrive.driveBegan = p.marker;
lastDrive.driveEnded = p.marker;
drive.numOfPlays = 0;
if (playText.indexOf("[TD]") != -1) {
drive.result = "Touchdown";
drive.driveEnded = "OPP 0";
drive.driveStarted = p.marker;
else if ((playText.indexOf(" intercepted by ") == -1) &&
(playText.indexOf(" recovered by") != -1)) {
if (stats.playerPassingStats[current_team][qbIndex][1] == 0) {
// not intercepted, but fumbled reception
// can't display this stuff as I don't know
// which team recovered if the play was the
// first play of a drive
//stats = defenseHandler(stats,2,p,"pass");
if (drive.numOfPlays == 1) {
lastDrive.result = "Fumble";
//console.log(lastDrive.endTime+" -- "+drive.startTime+" -- "+p.timeRemaining);
lastDrive.numOfPlays += 1;
lastDrive.endTime = p.timeRemaining;
if (lastDrive.driveBegan == null) {
lastDrive.driveBegan = p.marker;
lastDrive.driveEnded = p.marker;
drive.numOfPlays = 0;
if (playText.indexOf("[TD]") != -1) {
drive.result = "Touchdown";
drive.driveEnded = "OPP 0";
drive.driveStarted = p.marker;
else if (yt.indexOf("incomplete") != -1) {
stats.team_pass_att[index] += 1;
stats.team_pass_att_down[(down-1)+(current_team*4)] += 1;
stats.team_quarter_totals[0][4+current_team*7] += 1;
stats.team_quarter_totals[quarter][4+current_team*7] += 1;
stats.playerPassingStats[current_team][qbIndex][1] += 1;
if (h != -1) {
stats.team_pass_pressure_down[(down-1)+(current_team*4)] += 1;
stats.playerPassingStats[current_team][qbIndex][8] += 1;
stats.team_quarter_totals[0][6+current_team*7] += 1;
stats.team_quarter_totals[quarter][6+current_team*7] += 1;
var ta = "[thrown away] (incomplete)";
if (playText.indexOf(ta) != playText.length-ta.length) {
stats.playerReceivingStats[current_team][playerIndex][1] += 1;
if (yt.indexOf("dropped - incomplete") != -1) {
stats.playerPassingStats[current_team][qbIndex][5] += 1;
stats.playerReceivingStats[current_team][playerIndex][2] += 1;
else if ((yt.indexOf("incomplete - bad throw") != -1) || (isBad == true)) {
stats.playerPassingStats[current_team][qbIndex][7] += 1;
if (playText.indexOf("[deflected by ") != -1) {
stats.playerPassingStats[current_team][qbIndex][6] += 1;
stats.playerReceivingStats[current_team][playerIndex][6] += 1;
stats = defenseHandler(stats,2,p,"pass");
if (playText.indexOf(", knocked loose by ") != -1) {
stats.playerReceivingStats[current_team][playerIndex][9] += 1; //kl
//console.log("pt= '"+playText+"'");
else {
stats.team_pass_comp[index] += 1;
stats.team_pass_att[index] += 1;
stats.team_pass_yards[index] += y;
stats.team_quarter_totals[0][3+current_team*7] += 1;
stats.team_quarter_totals[0][4+current_team*7] += 1;
stats.team_quarter_totals[0][5+current_team*7] += y;
stats.team_quarter_totals[quarter][3+current_team*7] += 1;
stats.team_quarter_totals[quarter][4+current_team*7] += 1;
stats.team_quarter_totals[quarter][5+current_team*7] += y;
stats.team_pass_att_down[(down-1)+(current_team*4)] += 1;
stats.team_pass_comp_down[(down-1)+(current_team*4)] += 1;
stats.team_pass_yards_down[(down-1)+(current_team*4)] += y;
stats.playerPassingStats[current_team][qbIndex][0] += 1;
stats.playerPassingStats[current_team][qbIndex][1] += 1;
stats.playerPassingStats[current_team][qbIndex][2] += y;
if (isBad == true) {
stats.playerPassingStats[current_team][qbIndex][7] += 1;
if (h != -1) {
stats.team_pass_pressure_down[(down-1)+(current_team*4)] += 1;
stats.playerPassingStats[current_team][qbIndex][8] += 1;
stats.team_quarter_totals[0][6+current_team*7] += 1;
stats.team_quarter_totals[quarter][6+current_team*7] += 1;
stats.playerReceivingStats[current_team][playerIndex][0] += 1;
stats.playerReceivingStats[current_team][playerIndex][1] += 1;
stats.playerReceivingStats[current_team][playerIndex][3] += y;
stats.playerReceivingStats[current_team][playerIndex][4] =
if (playText.indexOf("[deflected by ") != -1) {
stats.playerPassingStats[current_team][qbIndex][6] += 1;
stats.playerReceivingStats[current_team][playerIndex][6] += 1;
if (y >= togo) {
stats.team_pass_firsts[index] += 1;
stats.team_pass_firsts_down[(down-1)+(current_team*4)] += 1;
stats.playerReceivingStats[current_team][playerIndex][7] += 1;
if (y >= longPass) {
stats.distanceStats[0][d] += 1;
stats.distanceStats[0][d+1] += 1;
stats.distanceStats[0][d+2] += y;
else if (y >= mediumPass) {
stats.distanceStats[1][d] += 1;
stats.distanceStats[1][d+1] += 1;
stats.distanceStats[1][d+2] += y;
else if (y >= shortPass) {
stats.distanceStats[2][d] += 1;
stats.distanceStats[2][d+1] += 1;
stats.distanceStats[2][d+2] += y;
else {
stats.distanceStats[3][d] += 1;
stats.distanceStats[3][d+1] += 1;
stats.distanceStats[3][d+2] += y;
//stats = defenseHandler(stats,2,playText,"pass");
stats = defenseHandler(stats,2,p,"pass");
if (playText.indexOf("[TD]") != -1) {
drive.result = "Touchdown";
drive.driveEnded = "OPP 0";
stats.playerPassingStats[current_team][qbIndex][3] += 1;
var m = playText.split("[missed tackle:");
if (m.length > 1) {
stats.playerReceivingStats[current_team][playerIndex][8] += m.length-1;
m = playText.split("[missed diving tackle:");
if (m.length > 1) {
stats.playerReceivingStats[current_team][playerIndex][8] += m.length-1;
//console.log((down-1)+" "+((down-1)+current_team*4)+" "+downs[down_index].innerHTML+" "+playText);
else if (playText.indexOf("Kickoff by ") == 0) {
if (playText.indexOf(", fumbled") == -1) {
var ct = (current_team+1)%2;
var s1 = "Kickoff by ".length;
var s2 = playText.slice(s1).indexOf(', ');
var s = playText.slice(s1,s1+s2);
var s3 = playText.slice(s1+s2).indexOf(" yd");
var yardstring = playText.slice(s1+s2+s3-3,s1+s2+s3);
if (yardstring[1] == ".") {
//fix for the out of the endzone decimal lengths
yardstring = playText.slice(s1+s2+s3-3-2,s1+s2+s3);
var len = parseInt(yardstring,10);
if (isNaN(len) == true) {
return stats;
var playerIndex = arrayPush(ct,stats.playerKickingName,s,
stats.playerKickingStats[ct][playerIndex][0] += 1;
stats.playerKickingStats[ct][playerIndex][1] += len;
if (len > stats.playerKickingStats[ct][playerIndex][2]) {
stats.playerKickingStats[ct][playerIndex][2] = len;
var kd = kickDistance(p.marker,len);
if (p.marker == null) kd = kickDistance("Own 30",len);
if ((parseFloat(kd.slice(4)) < 20) && (playText.indexOf("(touchback)") == -1)) {//inside 20?
stats.playerKickingStats[ct][playerIndex][4] += 1;
if (playText.indexOf("(touchback)") != -1) {
stats.playerKickingStats[ct][playerIndex][3] += 1;
stats.playerKickingStats[ct][playerIndex][5] += len+parseFloat(kd.slice(4))-20; //net
else if (playText.indexOf(" yd return)") != -1) {
var ct = current_team;
var namestr = playText.slice(playText.indexOf(" fielded by ")+" fielded by ".length);
var yidx = namestr.indexOf(" yd return)")-6;
yidx = yidx+namestr.slice(yidx).indexOf(" (");
var y = parseFloat(namestr.slice(yidx+2));
var namestr = namestr.slice(0,yidx);
if (namestr.indexOf(", out of bounds") == (namestr.length-", out of bounds".length)) {
namestr = namestr.slice(0,namestr.indexOf(", out of bounds"));
if (namestr.indexOf(" [missed tackle:") != -1) {
namestr = namestr.slice(0,namestr.indexOf(" [missed tackle:"));
if (namestr.indexOf(" [missed diving tackle:") != -1) {
namestr = namestr.slice(0,namestr.indexOf(" [missed diving tackle:"));
if (namestr.indexOf(", PAT m") != -1) {
namestr = namestr.slice(0,namestr.indexOf(", PAT m"));
if (namestr.indexOf(" [TD]") == (namestr.length-5)) {
namestr = namestr.slice(0,namestr.length-5);
var returnerIndex = arrayPush(ct, stats.playerKickReturnName,namestr,
stats.playerKickReturnName[ct][returnerIndex] = namestr;
stats.playerKickReturnStats[ct][returnerIndex][0] += 1;
stats.playerKickReturnStats[ct][returnerIndex][1] += y;
if (y > stats.playerKickReturnStats[ct][returnerIndex][2]) {
stats.playerKickReturnStats[ct][returnerIndex][2] = y;
var m = playText.split("[missed tackle:");
if (m.length > 1) {
stats.playerKickReturnStats[ct][returnerIndex][4] += m.length-1;
m = playText.split("[missed diving tackle:");
if (m.length > 1) {
stats.playerKickReturnStats[ct][returnerIndex][4] += m.length-1;
stats.playerKickingStats[(ct+1)%2][playerIndex][5] += Math.max(len-y,0); //net
stats.playerKickReturnStats[ct][returnerIndex][5] += Math.min(1,y/len);
//console.log(len+" -- "+y+" -- "+(y/len).toFixed(3));
stats = defenseHandler(stats,4,p,"st");
drive.startTime = p.timeRemaining;
if (playText.indexOf("[TD]") != -1) {
drive.driveBegan = kickDistance("OPP 30",-len);
drive.driveEnded = "OPP 0";
drive.result = "Touchdown";
stats.playerKickReturnStats[ct][returnerIndex][3] += 1;
else if (playText.indexOf("(touchback)") != -1) {
drive.driveBegan = "OWN 20";
else {
drive.driveBegan = kickDistance("OPP 30",-len+y);
else {
//a damn fumble
if (drive.numOfPlays != 1) {
playerIndex = arrayPush(current_team,stats.playerKickingName,s,
stats.playerKickingStats[current_team][playerIndex][0] += 1;
stats.playerKickingStats[current_team][playerIndex][1] += len;
if (len > stats.playerKickingStats[current_team][playerIndex][2]) {
stats.playerKickingStats[current_team][playerIndex][2] = len;
else {
//kicking team recovered
stats.playerKickingStats[ct][playerIndex][0] += 1;
stats.playerKickingStats[ct][playerIndex][1] += len;
if (len > stats.playerKickingStats[ct][playerIndex][2]) {
stats.playerKickingStats[ct][playerIndex][2] = len;
// can't display this stuff as I don't know
// which team recovered if the play was the
// first play of a drive
//stats = defenseHandler(stats,4,p,"st");
else if (playText.indexOf("Punt by ") == 0) {
var ct = (current_team+1)%2;
var s1 = "Punt by ".length;
var s2 = playText.slice(s1).indexOf(', ');
var s = playText.slice(s1,s1+s2);
var lenstr = playText.slice(s1+s2+2);
var len = parseFloat(lenstr);
if (isNaN(len) == true) {
return stats;
var playerIndex = arrayPush(ct,stats.playerPuntingName,s,
stats.playerPuntingStats[ct][playerIndex][0] += 1;
stats.playerPuntingStats[ct][playerIndex][1] += len;
if (len > stats.playerPuntingStats[ct][playerIndex][2]) {
stats.playerPuntingStats[ct][playerIndex][2] = len;
var kd = kickDistance(p.marker,len);
if ((parseFloat(kd.slice(4)) < 20) && (playText.indexOf("(touchback)") == -1)) {//inside 20?
stats.playerPuntingStats[ct][playerIndex][4] += 1;
if (playText.indexOf(", fumbled") == -1) {
//was a return, no fumbles
if (playText.indexOf("(touchback)") != -1) {
stats.playerPuntingStats[ct][playerIndex][3] += 1;
stats.playerPuntingStats[ct][playerIndex][5] += len+parseFloat(kd.slice(4))-20;
//console.log("tb: punted="+len+" || net="+(len+parseFloat(kd.slice(4))-20)+" \\ kd="+kd);
else if (playText.indexOf(" yd return)") != -1) {
var ct = current_team;
var namestr = playText.slice(playText.indexOf(" fielded by ")+" fielded by ".length);
var yidx = namestr.indexOf(" yd return)")-6;
yidx = yidx+namestr.slice(yidx).indexOf(" (");
var y = parseFloat(namestr.slice(yidx+2));
var namestr = namestr.slice(0,yidx);
if (namestr.indexOf(", out of bounds") == (namestr.length-", out of bounds".length)) {
namestr = namestr.slice(0,namestr.indexOf(", out of bounds"));
if (namestr.indexOf(" [missed tackle:") != -1) {
namestr = namestr.slice(0,namestr.indexOf(" [missed tackle:"));
if (namestr.indexOf(" [missed diving tackle:") != -1) {
namestr = namestr.slice(0,namestr.indexOf(" [missed diving tackle:"));
if (namestr.indexOf(", PAT m") != -1) {
namestr = namestr.slice(0,namestr.indexOf(", PAT m"));
if (namestr.indexOf(" [TD]") == (namestr.length-5)) {
namestr = namestr.slice(0,namestr.length-5);
var returnerIndex = arrayPush(ct, stats.playerPuntReturnName,namestr,
stats.playerPuntReturnName[ct][returnerIndex] = namestr;
stats.playerPuntReturnStats[ct][returnerIndex][0] += 1;
stats.playerPuntReturnStats[ct][returnerIndex][1] += y;
if (y > stats.playerPuntReturnStats[ct][returnerIndex][2]) {
stats.playerPuntReturnStats[ct][returnerIndex][2] = y;
if (playText.indexOf("[TD]") != -1) {
stats.playerPuntReturnStats[ct][returnerIndex][3] += 1;
var m = playText.split("[missed tackle:");
if (m.length > 1) {
stats.playerPuntReturnStats[ct][returnerIndex][4] += m.length-1;
m = playText.split("[missed diving tackle:");
if (m.length > 1) {
stats.playerPuntReturnStats[ct][returnerIndex][4] += m.length-1;
stats.playerPuntingStats[(ct+1)%2][playerIndex][5] += Math.max(len-y,0);
//console.log("ret: punted="+len+" || net="+Math.max(len-y,0)+" // ret="+y);
if (isNaN(len) == false) {
stats.playerPuntReturnStats[ct][returnerIndex][5] += Math.min(1,y/len);
else {
//console.log("isNaN==true : "+playText);
else {
stats.playerPuntingStats[ct][playerIndex][5] += len;
//console.log("no ret: punted="+len+" || net="+(len));
stats = defenseHandler(stats,4,p,"st");
lastDrive.result = "Punt";
lastDrive.numOfPlays += 1;
lastDrive.driveEnded = p.marker;
drive.numOfPlays = 0;
drive.startTime = p.timeRemaining;
if (playText.indexOf("[TD]") != -1) {
drive.driveBegan = kickDistance(p.marker,len);
drive.driveBegan = yardReverse(drive.driveBegan);
drive.driveEnded = "OPP 0";
drive.result = "Touchdown";
else if (playText.indexOf("(touchback)") != -1) {
drive.driveBegan = "OWN 20";
else {
drive.driveBegan = kickDistance(p.marker,-len+y);
else {
if (drive.numOfPlays == 1) {
//punt was fumbled & return team recovered
lastDrive.result = "Punt";
lastDrive.numOfPlays += 1;
lastDrive.driveEnded = p.marker;
lastDrive.endTime = p.timeRemaining;
drive.numOfPlays = 0;
drive.startTime = p.timeRemaining;
stats.playerPuntingStats[ct][playerIndex][5] += len;
//console.log("fum retrec: punted="+len+" || net="+(len));
else {
//punt was fumbled & kickoff team recovered
ct = (ct+1)%2;
var playerIndex = arrayPush(ct,stats.playerPuntingName,s,
stats.playerPuntingStats[ct][playerIndex][0] += 1;
stats.playerPuntingStats[ct][playerIndex][1] += len;
if (len > stats.playerPuntingStats[ct][playerIndex][2]) {
stats.playerPuntingStats[ct][playerIndex][2] = len;
stats.playerPuntingStats[ct][playerIndex][5] += len;
//console.log("fum punrec: punted="+len+" || net="+(len));
// can't display this stuff as I don't know
// which team recovered if the play was the
// first play of a drive
//stats = defenseHandler(stats,4,p,"st");
else if (playText.indexOf("yd field goal attempted by") != -1) {
if (playText.indexOf(", missed") == (playText.length - ", missed".length)) {
lastDrive.result = "Missed FG";
lastDrive.endTime = p.timeRemaining;
lastDrive.driveEnded = p.marker;
drive.numOfPlays = 0;
else {
drive.result = "FG";
else if ((playText.indexOf("[forced fumble:") == 0) ||
(playText.indexOf("[Big Sack forced fumble:") == 0)) {
//sack with fumble
//can't handle this right now since we don't know
//which team has the ball
if (drive.numOfPlays == 1) {
//lost fumble on a sack
if (playText.indexOf("[SAFETY]") != -1) {
lastDrive.result = "Safety";
lastDrive.numOfPlays += 1;
lastDrive.driveEnded = p.marker;
lastDrive.endTime = p.timeRemaining;
drive.numOfPlays = 0;
drive.startTime = p.timeRemaining;
else if (playText.indexOf("forced fumble:") != -1) {
lastDrive.result = "Fumble";
lastDrive.numOfPlays += 1;
lastDrive.driveEnded = p.marker;
lastDrive.endTime = p.timeRemaining;
drive.numOfPlays = 0;
drive.startTime = p.timeRemaining;
if (playText.indexOf("[TD]") != -1) {
drive.driveEnded = "Opp 0";
drive.result = "Touchdown";
else if ((playText.match(" sacked by ") != null) ||
(playText.indexOf("[tackle:") == 0) ||
(playText.indexOf("[Monster Hit tackle:") == 0) ||
(playText.indexOf("[Big Sack tackle:") == 0) ||
(playText.indexOf("[diving tackle:") == 0)) {
//sack without fumble
//console.log("sack "+playText.slice(0,40));
if (playText.indexOf("] [SAFETY]") != -1) {
current_team = (current_team+1)%2;
stats = defenseHandler(stats,2,p,"pass");
current_team = (current_team+1)%2;
else {
stats = defenseHandler(stats,2,p,"pass");
if (drive.numOfPlays == 1) {
//lost fumble on a sack
if (playText.indexOf("[SAFETY]") != -1) {
lastDrive.result = "Safety";
lastDrive.numOfPlays += 1;
lastDrive.driveEnded = p.marker;
lastDrive.endTime = p.timeRemaining;
drive.numOfPlays = 0;
drive.startTime = p.timeRemaining;
else if (playText.indexOf("[forced fumble:") != -1) {
lastDrive.result = "Fumble";
lastDrive.numOfPlays += 1;
lastDrive.driveEnded = p.marker;
lastDrive.endTime = p.timeRemaining;
drive.numOfPlays = 0;
drive.startTime = p.timeRemaining;
if (playText.indexOf("[TD]") != -1) {
drive.driveEnded = "Opp 0";
drive.result = "Touchdown";
else if (playText.indexOf("penalty committed by") != -1) {
//console.log("Penalty: "+playText.slice(0,40));
stats = penaltyHandler(stats, p);
else if (playText.indexOf(" calls timeout") != -1) {
//nothing to do here
else if (playText.indexOf("Offensive Timeout Called") == 0) {
//nothing to do here
else if (playText.indexOf("Extra point attempted by") == 0) {
//nothing to do here
else {
//something really wierd
console.log("You shouldn't see me, so I'm probably a bug: '"+playText+"'");
if (playText.indexOf("turnover on downs") != -1) {
drive.result = "Downs";
//drive.driveEnded = p.marker;
if (lastTime == null) {
else {
if (lastTime < convertTime(p.timeRemaining)) {
stats.team_possession[current_team*6] += lastTime;
stats.team_possession[current_team*6+quarter-1] += lastTime;
else {
stats.team_possession[current_team*6] += lastTime - convertTime(p.timeRemaining);
stats.team_possession[current_team*6+quarter] += lastTime - convertTime(p.timeRemaining);
lastTime = convertTime(p.timeRemaining);
return stats;
function getTeamNames(stats, page) {
var heading = page.getElementsByClassName("big_head subhead_head");
heading = heading[0];
var teams = heading.innerHTML.split("team_id=");
stats.team_id[0] = teams[1].slice(0,teams[1].indexOf('"'));
stats.team_name[0] = heading.firstChild.innerHTML;
stats.team_id[1] = teams[2].slice(0,teams[2].indexOf('"'));
stats.team_name[1] = heading.lastChild.innerHTML;
var current_team = 0;
var lastTime = 900;
var quarter = 0;
var team;
var lastDrive = new Drive();
function Drive() {
this.numOfPlays = 0;
this.netYards = 0;
this.toString = function() {
return this.quarter+" : "+this.startTime+" : "+this.endTime+" : " +
this.timePoss+" : "+this.driveBegan+" : " +
this.driveEnded+" : "+this.numOfPlays+" : " +
yardDiff(this.driveBegan,this.driveEnded) +
" : "+this.result;
function gameScout(inetAddress,page) {
var stats = new Stats();
current_team = 0;
lastTime = 900;
quarter = 0;
lastDrive = new Drive();
var d = null;
var p = null;
var pbpTable = findChild("play_by_play_table",page);
if (pbpTable == null) {
console.log("pbpTable is null. exiting. gamescout 28938user.js");
return stats;
getTeamNames(stats, page);
pages = pbpTable.rows.length;
//for each (htmlTableRowElement in pbpTable.rows) {
for (var hidx=0; hidx<pbpTable.rows.length; hidx++) {
var htmlTableRowElement = pbpTable.rows[hidx];
var className = htmlTableRowElement.className;
if (className == null) {
if (className.match("pbp_quarter") != null) {
if (quarter == 3) {
if (d != null) {
if (d.result == null) {
d.result = "End of Half";
d.endTime = "0:00";
lastDrive = d;
d = new Drive();
else if (className.match("pbp_team") != null) {
var coll = htmlTableRowElement.cells;
var node = coll.item(0);
var idx = 0;
do {
var s = node.innerHTML.slice(idx,node.innerHTML.length);
var i = s.indexOf(" ");
if (i != -1) idx += i + 1;
while (i != -1);
team = node.innerHTML.slice(0,idx-1);
var found = false;
for (var tidx=0; tidx<stats.team_name.length; tidx++) {
var t = stats.team_name[tidx];
if (t == team) {
found = true;
if (found == false) {
console.log(stats.team_name+" -- "+stats.team_id);
if (d != null) {
if (d.quarter != null) {
lastDrive = d;
d = new Drive();
d.teamName = team;
else if (className.match("pbp_play_row") != null) {
p = new Play();
p.quarter = quarter;
p.team = team;
var coll = htmlTableRowElement.cells;
//for each (node in coll) {
for (var nidx=0; nidx<coll.length; nidx++) {
var node = coll[nidx];
var cName = node.className;
if (cName.match("pbp_time_remaining") != null) {
p.timeRemaining = node.innerHTML;
else if (cName.match("pbp_marker") != null) {
p.marker = node.innerHTML;
else if (cName.match("pbp_down") != null) {
p.down = node.innerHTML.slice(0,1);
p.togo = node.innerHTML.slice(node.innerHTML.indexOf("amp; ")+5);
else if (cName.match("pbp_replay") != null) {
p.replay = node.firstChild;
//if (p.playText != null) {
if (htmlTableRowElement.className.toString().indexOf("pbrfiltered") == -1) {
//console.log(htmlTableRowElement.className+" -- "+p.play);
stats = playHandler(stats,d,p);
else if (cName.match("pbp_play") != null) {
p.play = node.firstChild.data;
if (isNaN(parseInt(p.play)) == false) {
p.play = p.play.slice(p.play.indexOf(" "));
var playText = p.play;
p.score = 0;
while (playText.indexOf("[") != -1) {
var startidx = playText.indexOf("[")+1;
playText = playText.substring(startidx);
var endidx = playText.indexOf("]");
if (endidx == -1) break;
var score = playText.substring(0, endidx);
if (score == "FG") {
p.score = 3;
else if (score == "TD") {
p.score = 6;
if (p.play.indexOf(", PAT made by ") != -1) {
p.score += 1;
else if (score == "SAFETY") {
p.score = 2;
else if (score.indexOf("deflected by ") != 0) p.score = 0;
var playText = p.play;
if (playText.indexOf("made [FG]") != -1) p.score = 3;
else if (playText.indexOf("[TD]") != -1) p.score = 6;
else if (playText.indexOf("[SAFETY]") != -1) p.score = 2;
else p.score = 0;
if (playText.indexOf(", PAT made by ") != -1) p.score += 1;}
else {
// console.log("main loop removal : "+pages+" / "+pbpTable.rows.length);
console.log("game over");
d.endTime = "00:00";
d.result = "End of Game";
//time of possession for last play
if ((p.quarter != 5) && ((window.location.toString()).indexOf("quarter=5") == -1)) {
stats.team_possession[current_team*6] += lastTime;
stats.team_possession[current_team*6+p.quarter] += lastTime;
if (p.quarter == 1) {
d.result = "End of Quarter";
console.log("main loop done");
/*//shouldn't be needed anymore
var pbp = findChild("pbp",page);
if (pbp != null) {
//var index = links.indexOf(inetAddress);
var index = -1;
var s = document.getElementsByClassName("GScheckbox");
for (var i=0; i<s.length; i++) {
if (s[i].id == inetAddress) {
index = i;
//console.log("storageArr[]: "+(index+1)+" of "+storageArr.length);
//storageArr[index] = stats;
console.log("exiting gs run");
return stats;
function loadPBPSimple(page) {
var timeouts = [3, 3];
var quarter = 0;
var p = null;
var team;
plays = [];
var div = document.createElement("div");
div.innerHTML = page.responseText.replace(/<img/g,"<div").replace(/\/img/g,"/div>");
var pbpTable = findChild("play_by_play_table",div);
var string = page.responseText.replace(/<img/g,"<div").replace(/\/img/g,"/div>");
string = string.slice(string.indexOf('<div id="page_box_score"'));
string = string.slice(0,string.indexOf('<div id="footer"'));
div.innerHTML = string;
var pbpTable = findChild("play_by_play_table",div);
console.log("pbpTable = "+pbpTable);
if (pbpTable == null) {
console.log("pbpTable is null. exiting. loadpbpsimple 28938user.js");
for (var hidx=0; hidx<pbpTable.rows.length; hidx++) {
var htmlTableRowElement = pbpTable.rows[hidx];
var className = htmlTableRowElement.className;
if (className == null) {
if (className.match("pbp_quarter") != null) {
if (quarter%2 == 1) timeouts = [3, 3];
else if (className.match("pbp_team") != null) {
var coll = htmlTableRowElement.cells;
var node = coll.item(0);
var idx = 0;
do {
var s = node.innerHTML.slice(idx,node.innerHTML.length);
var i = s.indexOf(" ");
if (i != -1) idx += i + 1;
while (i != -1);
team = node.innerHTML.slice(0,idx-1);
var temp = timeouts[0];
timeouts[0] = timeouts[1];
timeouts[1] = temp;
else if (className.match("pbp_play_row") != null) {
p = new Play();
p.quarter = quarter;
p.team = team;
p.timeoutsRemaining = new Array();
p.timeoutsRemaining[0] = timeouts[0];
p.timeoutsRemaining[1] = timeouts[1];
var coll = htmlTableRowElement.cells;
for (var nidx=0; nidx<coll.length; nidx++) {
var node = coll[nidx];
var cName = node.className;
if (cName.match("pbp_time_remaining") != null) {
p.timeRemaining = node.innerHTML;
else if (cName.match("pbp_marker") != null) {
p.marker = node.innerHTML;
else if (cName.match("pbp_down") != null) {
p.down = node.innerHTML.slice(0,1);
p.togo = node.innerHTML.slice(node.innerHTML.indexOf("amp; ")+5);
else if (cName.match("pbp_replay") != null) {
p.replay = node.firstChild;
else if (cName.match("pbp_play") != null) {
p.play = node.firstChild.data;
p.score = 0;
var playText = p.play;
p.score = 0;
while (playText.indexOf("[") != -1) {
var startidx = playText.indexOf("[")+1;
playText = playText.substring(startidx);
var endidx = playText.indexOf("]");
if (endidx == -1) break;
var score = playText.substring(0, endidx);
if (score == "FG") {
p.score = 3;
else if (score == "TD") {
p.score = 6;
if (p.play.indexOf(", PAT made by ") != -1) {
p.score += 1;
else if (score == "SAFETY") {
p.score = 2;
else if (score.indexOf("deflected by ") != 0) p.score = 0;
// if (p.score != 0) console.log(p.score+" : "+p.play+" : "+playText);
if (p.play.indexOf("Offensive Timeout Called: ") == 0) {
var tm = p.play.slice("Offensive Timeout Called: ".length);
else if (p.play.indexOf("Defensive Timeout Called: ") == 0) {
var tm = p.play.slice("Defensive Timeout Called: ".length);
else if (p.play.indexOf(" calls timeout") != -1) {
var tm = p.play.slice(0,p.play.indexOf(" calls timeout"));
if (tm == p.team) {
else {