(Sandboxed) Lioden Improvements

Adds various improvements to the game Lioden. Sandboxed portion of the script.

// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.9.3

/* UserScript options {{{1
See http://wiki.greasespot.net/Metadata_Block for more info.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         (Sandboxed) Lioden Improvements
// @description  Adds various improvements to the game Lioden. Sandboxed portion of the script.
// @namespace    ahto
// @version      9.1
// @include      http://*.lioden.com/*
// @include      http://lioden.com/*
// @require      https://greasyfork.org/scripts/10922-ahto-library/code/Ahto%20Library.js?version=75750
// @grant        GM_addStyle
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @grant        GM_getValue
// ==/UserScript==

/* Features and changes {{{1
- Made the second-to-top bar a little slimmer.
- Added significantly more quickly-accessible links, and made the site overall faster and easier to use.

- Automatically reloads and flashes the tab when your hunt is finished.

- Can automatically play with all lionesses.
- Table order slightly tweaked.

Lion view:
- Can see lion name and picture right next to the chase buttons.
var HUMAN_TIMEOUT_MAX, HUMAN_TIMEOUT_MIN, HUNT_BLINK_TIMEOUT, LionPlayer, aboutKing, aboutPlayer, blinker, chaseButtonTable, currentKingID, energyBar, energyBarBar, energyBarChangeBar, energyBarText, energyUpdate, etc, getResults, i, item, items, j, kingID, kingPortraitHref, len, lionImageClone, logout, minutesLeft, moveToToplinks, namePlateClone, navbar, newDropdown, newNavbarItem, pride, ref, ref1, setHumanTimeout, storedKingID, tables, toplinks, wait,
  slice = [].slice;




GM_addStyle("/* Make the top bar slimmer. */\n.main { margin-top: 10px; }\n\n/*\n * Remove the Lioden logo since I can't figure out how to shrink it,\n * and it's taking up too much space on the page. It overlaps the veeery\n * top bar, with the link to the wiki and forums and stuff.\n *\n * TODO: Figure out how to just shrink it instead of flat-out removing it.\n */\n.navbar-brand > img { display: none; }");

setHumanTimeout = function(f) {
  return setTimeout_(randInt(HUMAN_TIMEOUT_MIN, HUMAN_TIMEOUT_MAX), f);

energyBar = $('div.progress:first');

energyBarText = energyBar.find('div:last');

energyBarText.css('z-index', '2');

energyBarBar = energyBar.find('div:first');

energyBarBar.css('z-index', '1');

energyBarChangeBar = $("<div class=\"progress-bar progress-bar-warning\" role=\"progressbar\" aria-valuenow=\"60\" aria-valuemin=\"0\" aria-valuemax=\"100\" style=\"width: 0%; background: #afc7c7;\" />");


energyUpdate = function() {
  var e, energyPercent, energyUpdateTime, minutes, now;
  try {
    energyPercent = /Energy: ([0-9]+)%/.exec(energyBarText.text())[1];
  } catch (_error) {
    e = _error;
    if (e instanceof TypeError) {
      console.log("Unable to read energy percent from " + energyBar);
      console.log('Disabling energyUpdate');
    } else {
      throw e;
  energyPercent = parseInt(energyPercent);
  now = new Date(Date.now());
  minutes = now.getMinutes() + now.getSeconds() / 60 + now.getMilliseconds() / (1000 * 60);
  energyUpdateTime = new Date(now);
  console.log("now: " + now);
  console.log("minutes: " + minutes);
  if ((0 <= minutes && minutes < 15)) {
    console.log("0 <= minutes < 15");
  } else if ((15 <= minutes && minutes < 30)) {
    console.log("15 <= minutes < 30");
  } else if ((30 <= minutes && minutes < 45)) {
    console.log("30 <= minutes < 45");
  } else if (45 <= minutes) {
    console.log("45 <= minutes");
    energyUpdateTime.setHours(now.getHours() + 1);
  console.log("Target time for energy refresh is:", energyUpdateTime);
  console.log("That means we're waiting for " + ((energyUpdateTime - now) / (1000 * 60)) + " minutes.");
  return setTimeout_(energyUpdateTime - now, function() {
    if (energyPercent + 10 <= 100) {
      energyPercent += 10;
    } else if (energyPercent < 100) {
      console.log("Setting energyPercent to 100, from " + energyPercent);
      energyPercent = 100;
    energyBarText.text("Energy: " + energyPercent + "%");
    energyBarChangeBar.css("width", energyPercent + "%");
    if (energyPercent <= 100) {
      return energyUpdate();
    } else {
      return console.log('energyPercent is > 100 so stopping energy update loop.');


navbar = $('.nav.visible-lg');

toplinks = $('.toplinks');

logout = toplinks.find('a[href="/logout.php"]');

moveToToplinks = function(page, linkText) {
  var link;
  link = navbar.find("a[href='" + page + "']").parent();
  return logout.before(link);

moveToToplinks('/oasis.php', 'Oasis');

moveToToplinks('/boards.php', 'Chatter');

moveToToplinks('/news.php', 'News');

moveToToplinks('/event.php', 'Event');

moveToToplinks('/faq.php', 'FAQ');

GM_addStyle("ul li ul.dropdown {\n    min-width: 125px;\n    background: " + ($('.navbar.navbar-default').css('background')) + ";\n    padding-left: 10px;\n    padding-bottom: 5px;\n\n    display: none;\n    position: absolute;\n    z-index: 999;\n    left: 0;\n}\n\nul li ul.dropdown li {\n    display: block;\n}\n\n/* Display the dropdown on hover. */\nul li:hover ul.dropdown {\n    display: block;\n}");

newDropdown = function(menuItem, dropdownLinks) {
  var dropdown, j, len, link, linkText, ref, results;
  if (typeof menuItem === 'string') {
    menuItem = navbar.find("a[href='" + menuItem + "']").parent();
  dropdown = $("<ul class=dropdown></ul>");
  results = [];
  for (j = 0, len = dropdownLinks.length; j < len; j++) {
    ref = dropdownLinks[j], link = ref[0], linkText = ref[1];
    results.push(dropdown.append("<li><a href='" + link + "'>" + linkText + "</a></li>"));
  return results;

newNavbarItem = function(page, linkText, dropdownLinks) {
  var navbarItem;
  navbarItem = $("<li><a href='" + page + "'>" + linkText + "</a></li>");
  if (dropdownLinks != null) {
    return newDropdown(navbarItem, dropdownLinks);

if ((kingID = GM_getValue('kingID')) != null) {
  newDropdown('/territory.php', [["/lion.php?mid=" + kingID, 'King Overview'], ["/lionoverview.php?id=" + kingID, 'Lion Overview'], ['/nesting.php', 'Nesting']]);

newDropdown('/hoard.php', [['/hoard.php?type=Food', 'Food'], ['/hoard.php?type=Amusement', 'Amusement'], ['/hoard.php?type=Decoration', 'Decoration'], ['/hoard.php?type=Background', 'Background'], ['/hoard.php?type=Other', 'Other'], ['/hoard.php?type=Buried', 'Buried'], ['/hoard.php?type=Bundles', 'Bundles'], ['/hoard-organisation.php', 'Organisation']]);

newDropdown('/explore.php', [['/search.php', 'Search'], ['/trading_center.php', 'Trading Center'], ['/questing.php', 'Quests'], ['/monkeybusiness.php', 'Monkey Shop'], ['/sharpen_claws.php', 'Sharpen Claws'], ['/games.php', 'Games'], ['/patrol.php', 'Patrol'], ['/leaders.php', 'Leaderboards'], ['/special.php', 'Special Lioness']]);

newNavbarItem('/hunting.php', 'Hunting');

newNavbarItem('/exploring.php', 'Exploring', [['/explorearea.php?id=1', '(1) Temperate S'], ['/explorearea.php?id=2', '(2-5) Shrubland'], ['/explorearea.php?id=3', '(6-10) Trpcl Forest'], ['/explorearea.php?id=4', '(11-15) Dry S'], ['/explorearea.php?id=5', '(16-20) Rocky Hills'], ['/explorearea.php?id=6', '(26-30) Marshl.'], ['/explorearea.php?id=7', '(31+) Waterhole']]);

newNavbarItem('/branch.php', 'Branches', [['/branch.php', 'My Branch'], ['/search_branches.php', 'Search']]);

newNavbarItem('/territory_map.php', 'Territories');

newNavbarItem('/scryingstone.php', 'Scrying Stone', [['/wardrobe.php', 'Wardrobe'], ['/falcons-eye.php', "Falcon's Eye"]]);

if (urlMatches(new RegExp('/hunting\\.php', 'i'))) {
  minutesLeft = findMatches('div.center > p', 0, 1).text();
  getResults = findMatches('input[name=get_results', 0, 1);
  if (minutesLeft.length) {
    minutesLeft = (/([0-9]+) minutes/.exec(minutesLeft))[1];
    minutesLeft = safeParseInt(minutesLeft);
    console.log(minutesLeft, 'minutes remaining.');
    wait = (minutesLeft + 1) * 60 * 1000;
    console.log("Reloading in " + wait + " ms...");
    setTimeout_(wait, function() {
      return location.reload();
  } else if (getResults.length) {
    blinker = setInterval((function() {
      if (document.title === 'Ready!') {
        return document.title = '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!';
      } else {
        return document.title = 'Ready!';
    window.onfocus = function() {
      return document.title = 'Ready!';

if (urlMatches(new RegExp('/lion\\.php', 'i'))) {
  namePlateClone = findMatches('h1', 1, 1).clone();
  lionImageClone = findMatches('center > div[style="width: 95%; overflow: auto;"]', 1, 1).clone();
  chaseButtonTable = findMatches('div.col-xs-12.col-md-4', 1, 1);
  chaseButtonTable.before(namePlateClone, lionImageClone, '<br>');

if (urlMatches(new RegExp('/territory\\.php', 'i'))) {
  if (!(urlMatches(/[?&]id=/i))) {
    storedKingID = GM_getValue('kingID');
    console.log("storedKingID: " + storedKingID);
    kingPortraitHref = $('#lion_image').parent().attr('href');
    console.log("kingPortraitHref: " + kingPortraitHref);
    currentKingID = /\/lion\.php\?mid=([0-9]+)/.exec(kingPortraitHref)[1];
    if (currentKingID !== storedKingID) {
      console.log("Stored king ID '" + storedKingID + "' didn't match detected kingID '" + currentKingID + "' at URL '" + document.location.href + "'");
      GM_setValue('kingID', currentKingID);
    GM_addStyle("/* Make the tables a little closer together. Website default 20px. */\n.table { margin-bottom: 10px; }");
    tables = $('div.container.main center table.table');
    ref = (function() {
      var j, len, results;
      results = [];
      for (j = 0, len = tables.length; j < len; j++) {
        i = tables[j];
      return results;
    })(), aboutKing = ref[0], aboutPlayer = ref[1], pride = ref[2], etc = 4 <= ref.length ? slice.call(ref, 3) : [];
    LionPlayer = (function() {
      var lionPlayer;

      LionPlayer.prototype.LION_URL_TO_ID = new RegExp('/lion\\.php.*[?&]id=([0-9]+)');

      function LionPlayer(autoPlayLink) {
        this.autoPlayLink = autoPlayLink;
        this.lionIDs = [];
        this.safeToClick = true;
        this.autoPlayLink.click((function(_this) {
          return function() {
            return _this.clickListener();

      LionPlayer.prototype.clickListener = function() {
        if (this.safeToClick) {
          this.safeToClick = false;
          return this.play();

      LionPlayer.prototype.getLionID = function(lionLink) {
        var id, url;
        url = lionLink.attr('href');
        id = this.LION_URL_TO_ID.exec(url)[1];
        return id;

      LionPlayer.prototype.updateLionIDs = function() {
        var lionLinks;
        lionLinks = $('a[href^="/lion.php?id="]');
        return this.lionIDs = (function() {
          var j, len, results;
          results = [];
          for (j = 0, len = lionLinks.length; j < len; j++) {
            i = lionLinks[j];
          return results;

      LionPlayer.prototype.play = function(arg, playedWith, length) {
        var id, ids, recurse, ref1;
        ref1 = arg != null ? arg : this.lionIDs, id = ref1[0], ids = 2 <= ref1.length ? slice.call(ref1, 1) : [];
        if (playedWith == null) {
          playedWith = 0;
        if (length == null) {
          length = ids.length + 1;
        this.autoPlayLink.text("Loading... (" + playedWith + "/" + length + ")");
        recurse = (function(_this) {
          return function() {
            if (ids.length) {
              return setHumanTimeout(function() {
                return _this.play(ids, playedWith, length);
            } else {
              return _this.autoPlayLink.text("Done! (" + playedWith + "/" + length + ")");
        return $.get("/lion.php?id=" + id).done((function(_this) {
          return function(response) {
            if ($(response).find('input[value=Interact]').length) {
              return $.post("/lion.php?id=" + id, {
                action: 'play',
                interact: 'Interact'
              }).done(function(response) {
                console.log("Played with " + id + " successfully.");
                return recurse();
            } else {
              console.log("Couldn't play with " + id + "; probably on cooldown.");
              return recurse();

      $('th a[href^="/lionoverview.php"]').parent().after("<th style=\"text-align:center!important;\"><a href=\"javascript:void(0)\" id=autoPlay>Play with all.</a></th>");

      lionPlayer = new LionPlayer($('#autoPlay'));

      return LionPlayer;

  findMatches('h1 + br', 1, 1).remove();

if (urlMatches(/\/branch\.php/i)) {
  items = $('div.item');
  ref1 = (function() {
    var k, len, ref1, results;
    ref1 = items.find('b');
    results = [];
    for (k = 0, len = ref1.length; k < len; k++) {
      i = ref1[k];
    return results;
  for (j = 0, len = ref1.length; j < len; j++) {
    item = ref1[j];
    if (!(/[SG]B:/.exec(item.text()))) {
    item.wrap("<a href=\"javascript:void(0)\"></a>");
    item.parent().click(function(event) {
      var a, itemName, k, len1, ref2, results, targetItem;
      console.log('Got click event:', event);
      a = $(event.currentTarget);
      targetItem = a.parents('div.item');
      console.log('targetItem:', targetItem);
      itemName = targetItem.find('div.item-header').text();
      console.log('itemName:', itemName);
      ref2 = (function() {
        var l, len1, results1;
        results1 = [];
        for (l = 0, len1 = items.length; l < len1; l++) {
          i = items[l];
        return results1;
      results = [];
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref2.length; k < len1; k++) {
        i = ref2[k];
        if (!(i.find('div.item-header').text() === itemName)) {
      return results;