Waze Edit Count Monitor Java Script - Displays your daily edit count in the WME toolbar. Warns if you might be throttled.
WME Wide-Angle Lens Places Java Script - Find place that match filter criteria
WME Wide-Angle Lens Java Script - Scan a large area
WME Wide-Angle Lens Streets Java Script - Find streets that match filter criteria
WME Route Speeds (MapOMatic fork) Java Script - Shows segment speeds in a route.
WME GIS Layers Java Script - Adds GIS layers in WME
WME Advanced Closures Java Script - Recurrent and imported closures in the Waze Map Editor
WME Enhanced Search Java Script - Enhances the search box to parse WME PLs and URLs from other maps to move to the location & zoom
WME HN NavPoints Java Script - Shows navigation points of all house numbers in WME
WME Split POI Java Script - Split POI with a new seg
WME Color Speeds Java Script - Adds colors to road segments to show their speed
WME Export Trajet Java Script - Export GPS point of your drives.
WME KYTC Lookup Java Script - Look up KY road info from KYTC. Mouse over a road and hit 'ALT+k'.
WME Virginia DOT Reports Java Script - Display VA transportation department reports in WME.
WME US Government Boundaries Java Script - Adds a layer to display US (federal, state, and/or local) boundaries.
WME WV MapRaid Overlay Java Script - Adds a WV MapRaid area overlay.
WME Rapid House Numbers Java Script - A House Number script with its controls in the House Number mini-editor. It injects the next value in a sequence into each new HN. To support different regions, house numbers may be [0-9]+, [0-9]+[a-z]+, or [0-9]+-[0-9]+.
WME Road History Java Script - Saves state of roads in area and it finds changes between history snapshots.
WME SC MapRaid Overlay Java Script - Adds a SC MapRaid area overlay.
WME GPS Track View Java Script - Draws and visualizes custom GPS tracks in Waze Map Editor
WME Bronx UR Project Overlay Java Script - Adds a group area overlay for the Bronx UR Project (2018).
WME Wide-Angle Lens Cities Java Script - Find streets whose city doesn't match the boundaries of a polygon layer
WME Wide-Angle Lens Locks Java Script - Find segments that don't match lock levels
WME Wide-Angle Lens Map Comments Java Script - Find map comments that match filter criteria
WME Cities Overlay Java Script - Adds a city overlay for selected states
WME Military Bases Overlay Java Script - Adds an overlay for military bases
Waze LiveMap Options Java Script - Adds options to LiveMap to alter the Waze-suggested routes.
WME Simplify Place Geometry Java Script - Simplifies geometry of area places in WME
WME Client Tile Borders Java Script - Displays grid lines representing tile borders in the client.
WME Manhattan UR Project Overlay Java Script - Adds a group area overlay for the Manhattan UR Project (2018).
Waze Forum links Java Script - Add profile and beta links in Waze forum
WME WI GIS Map Java Script - Open a WI GIS map in another window, at the same location as the WME map. Keeps the location of the GIS map synced to WME.
WME ClickSaver Java Script - Various UI changes to make editing faster and easier.
WME FC Layer Java Script - Adds a Functional Class layer for states that publish ArcGIS FC data.
WME TN Parcel GIS Map Java Script - Open the TN Parcel GIS map in another window, at the same location as the WME map. Keeps the location of the GIS map synced to WME.
WME Chat addon Java Script - removes duplicates messages, formats link and permalinks, and some stuffs
Restriction Manager Java Script - Save, and load, restrictions from local storage.
WME State DOT Reports Java Script - Display state transportation department reports in WME.
WME Brooklyn UR Project Overlay Java Script - Adds a group area overlay for the Brooklyn UR Project (2018).
WME Texas PUR Raid Overlay Java Script - Adds a group area overlay for the Texas PUR Raid (2018).
WME Diffinator Java Script - Display differences between two segments
Zoom Shortcuts Java Script - Adds configurable shortcuts for all zoom levels
WME Mapraid Overlays Java Script - Mapraid overlays
WME Locksmith Java Script - Dynamic locking tool which locks based on State standards
WME Place NavPoints Java Script - Add place entry point indicators to the map
WME Straighten Up! Java Script - Straighten selected WME segment(s) by aligning along straight line between two end points and removing geometry nodes.
WME Reminders Java Script - Create reminders in the Waze Map Editor.
WME Utils - HoursParser Java Script (Bibliothek) - Parses a text string into hours, for use in Waze Map Editor scripts
WME Utils - HoursParser Beta Java Script (Bibliothek) - Parses a text string into hours, for use in Waze Map Editor scripts
WME Utils - NavigationPoint Java Script (Bibliothek) - NavigationPoint class necessary for creating an entryExitPoint in code. Instantiate the class and pass the OL.Geometry.Point in the constructor then add the NavigationPoint object to the entryExitPoints array.
WME Utils - Google Link Enhancer Java Script (Bibliothek) - Adds some extra WME functionality related to Google place links.
WME Cities Overlay DB Java Script (Bibliothek) - IndexedDB interface for Cities overlay
Photo Viewer DB Interface Java Script (Bibliothek) - IndexedDB interface for WMEPIE Photo Viewer tool
Proj4js-Wazedev Java Script (Bibliothek) - Proj4js project for inclusion in scripts
WazeWrapBeta Java Script (Bibliothek) - A base library for WME script writers
WazeWrap Java Script (Bibliothek) - A base library for WME script writers
jQueryUI custom build Java Script (Bibliothek) - Custom jQueryUI v1.11.4 build only including core.js, widget.js, mouse.js, draggable.js
ESTreeProcessor Java Script (Bibliothek) - Compiles a string containing Javascript to an ESTree object and/or executes an ESTree object in Javascript