GeoGPXer Java Script (Bibliothek) - GeoGPXer is a JavaScript library designed to convert GPX data into GeoJSON format efficiently. It supports the conversion of waypoints, tracks, and routes, with additional handling for GPX extensions.
GeoWKTer Java Script (Bibliothek) - GeoWKTer is a JavaScript library designed to convert Well-Known Text (WKT) representations of geometries into GeoJSON format. This tool is useful for developers and GIS specialists who need to work with geographic data across different standards.
GeoKMLer Java Script (Bibliothek) - geoKMLer is a JavaScript library designed to convert KML data into GeoJSON format efficiently. It supports conversion of Placemarks containing Point, LineString, Polygon, and MultiGeometry elements.
GeoGMLer Java Script (Bibliothek) - GeoGMLer is a JavaScript library for converting GML data into GeoJSON. It translates FeatureMembers with Points, LineStrings, and Polygons, handling coordinates via gml:coordinates and gml:posList. Supports multi-geometries to ensure conversion to GeoJSON's FeatureCollection.
GeoSHPer Java Script (Bibliothek) - GeoSHPer is a JavaScript library for converting shapefile data into GeoJSON. It reads ZIP archives containing .shp, .dbf, and .prj files, parses geographic features and attributes, and supports coordinate transformation using Proj4js. The result is a GeoJSON FeatureCollection, enabling easy integration with web mapping libraries.
GeoKMZer Java Script (Bibliothek) - geoKMZer is a JavaScript library designed to convert KMZ into KML files, use with GeoKMLer to convert to GeoJSON.