4chan X

Cross-browser userscript for maximum lurking on 4chan.

Version vom 20.06.2015. Aktuellste Version

// Generated by CoffeeScript
// ==UserScript==
// @name         4chan X
// @version
// @minGMVer     1.14
// @minFFVer     26
// @namespace    4chan-X
// @description  Cross-browser userscript for maximum lurking on 4chan.
// @license      MIT; https://github.com/ccd0/4chan-x/blob/master/LICENSE 
// @match        *://boards.4chan.org/*
// @match        *://sys.4chan.org/*
// @match        *://a.4cdn.org/*
// @match        *://i.4cdn.org/*
// @match        *://www.4chan.org/banned
// @match        *://www.4chan.org/feedback
// @match        https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api2/anchor?k=6Ldp2bsSAAAAAAJ5uyx_lx34lJeEpTLVkP5k04qc*
// @match        https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api2/frame?*&k=6Ldp2bsSAAAAAAJ5uyx_lx34lJeEpTLVkP5k04qc*
// @match        *://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/fallback?k=6Ldp2bsSAAAAAAJ5uyx_lx34lJeEpTLVkP5k04qc
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @grant        GM_deleteValue
// @grant        GM_listValues
// @grant        GM_openInTab
// @grant        GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @run-at       document-start
// ==/UserScript==

* 4chan X
* Licensed under the MIT license.
* https://github.com/ccd0/4chan-x/blob/master/LICENSE
* Appchan X Copyright © 2013-2015 Zixaphir <zixaphirmoxphar@gmail.com>
* http://zixaphir.github.io/appchan-x/ 
* 4chan x Copyright © 2009-2011 James Campos <james.r.campos@gmail.com>
* https://github.com/aeosynth/4chan-x
* 4chan x Copyright © 2012-2014 Nicolas Stepien <stepien.nicolas@gmail.com>
* https://4chan-x.just-believe.in/
* 4chan x Copyright © 2013-2014 Jordan Bates <saudrapsmann@gmail.com>
* http://seaweedchan.github.io/4chan-x/
* 4chan x Copyright © 2012-2013 ihavenoface
* http://ihavenoface.github.io/4chan-x/
* 4chan SS Copyright © 2011-2013 Ahodesuka
* https://github.com/ahodesuka/4chan-Style-Script/ 
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
* obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
* files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
* restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
* copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
* conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
* Contributors:
* aeosynth
* mayhemydg
* noface
* !K.WeEabo0o
* blaise
* that4chanwolf
* desuwa
* seaweed
* e000
* ahodesuka
* Shou
* ferongr
* xat
* Ongpot
* thisisanon
* Anonymous
* Seiba
* herpaderpderp
* WakiMiko
* btmcsweeney
* AppleBloom
* detharonil
* All the people who've taken the time to write bug reports.
* Thank you.

* Contains data from external sources:
* audio/beep.wav from http://freesound.org/people/pierrecartoons1979/sounds/90112/
*   cc-by-nc-3.0
* Font Awesome by Dave Gandy (http://fontawesome.io)
*   license: http://fontawesome.io/license/

'use strict';

(function() {
  var $, $$, Anonymize, AntiAutoplay, ArchiveLink, Banner, Board, Build, Callbacks, Captcha, CatalogLinks, CatalogThread, Clone, Conf, Config, Connection, CrossOrigin, CustomCSS, DataBoard, DeleteLink, DownloadLink, E, Embedding, ExpandComment, ExpandThread, FappeTyme, Favicon, Fetcher, FileInfo, Filter, Flash, Fourchan, Gallery, Get, Header, IDColor, IDHighlight, ImageCommon, ImageExpand, ImageHover, ImageLoader, Index, Keybinds, Linkify, Main, MarkNewIPs, Menu, Metadata, Nav, Notice, PSAHiding, Polyfill, Post, PostHiding, PostSuccessful, QR, QuoteBacklink, QuoteCT, QuoteInline, QuoteOP, QuotePreview, QuoteStrikeThrough, QuoteThreading, QuoteYou, Quotify, RandomAccessList, Recursive, Redirect, RelativeDates, RemoveSpoilers, Report, ReportLink, RevealSpoilers, Sauce, Settings, ShimSet, SimpleDict, Thread, ThreadExcerpt, ThreadHiding, ThreadStats, ThreadUpdater, ThreadWatcher, Time, UI, Unread, Volume, c, d, doc, g,
    slice = [].slice,
    indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; },
    extend = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; },
    hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,
    bind = function(fn, me){ return function(){ return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; };

  Config = {
    main: {
      'Miscellaneous': {
        'JSON Navigation': [true, 'Replace the original board index with one supporting searching, sorting, infinite scrolling, and a catalog mode.'],
        'Use 4chan X Catalog': [true, 'Link to 4chan X\'s catalog instead of the native 4chan one.', 1],
        'Index Refresh Notifications': [false, 'Show a notice at the top of the page when the index is refreshed.', 1],
        'External Catalog': [false, 'Link to external catalog instead of the internal one.'],
        'Catalog Links': [false, 'Add toggle link in header menu to turn Navigation links into links to each board\'s catalog.'],
        'Announcement Hiding': [true, 'Add button to hide 4chan announcements.'],
        'Desktop Notifications': [true, 'Enables desktop notifications across various 4chan X features.'],
        '404 Redirect': [true, 'Redirect dead threads and images to the archives.'],
        'Archive Report': [true, 'Enable reporting posts to supported archives.'],
        'Except Archives from Encryption': [false, 'Permit loading content from, and warningless redirects to, HTTP-only archives from HTTPS pages.'],
        'Keybinds': [true, 'Bind actions to keyboard shortcuts.'],
        'Time Formatting': [true, 'Localize and format timestamps.'],
        'Relative Post Dates': [true, 'Display dates like "3 minutes ago". Tooltip shows the timestamp.'],
        'Relative Date Title': [true, 'Show Relative Post Date only when hovering over dates.', 1],
        'Comment Expansion': [true, 'Expand comments that are too long to display on the index. Not applicable with JSON Navigation.'],
        'File Info Formatting': [true, 'Reformat the file information.'],
        'Thread Expansion': [true, 'Add buttons to expand threads.'],
        'Index Navigation': [false, 'Add buttons to navigate between threads.'],
        'Reply Navigation': [false, 'Add buttons to navigate to top / bottom of thread.'],
        'Custom Board Titles': [true, 'Allow editing of the board title and subtitle by ctrl/\u2318+clicking them.'],
        'Persistent Custom Board Titles': [false, 'Force custom board titles to be persistent, even if the board titles are updated.', 1],
        'Show Updated Notifications': [true, 'Show notifications when 4chan X is successfully updated.'],
        'Color User IDs': [false, 'Assign unique colors to user IDs on boards that use them'],
        'Remove Spoilers': [false, 'Remove all spoilers in text.'],
        'Reveal Spoilers': [false, 'Indicate spoilers if Remove Spoilers is enabled, or make the text appear hovered if Remove Spoiler is disabled.'],
        'Show Support Message': [true, 'Warn if your browser or configuration is unsupported and may cause 4chan X to not operate correctly.'],
        'Normalize URL': [true, 'Rewrite the URL of the current page, removing stubs and changing /res/ to /thread/.'],
        'Disable Autoplaying Sounds': [false, 'Prevent sounds on the page from autoplaying.'],
        'Disable Native Extension': [true, '4chan X is NOT designed to work with the native extension.'],
        'Enable Native Flash Embedding': [true, 'Activate the native extension\'s Flash embedding if the native extension is disabled.']
      'Linkification': {
        'Linkify': [true, 'Convert text into links where applicable.'],
        'Link Title': [true, 'Replace the link of a supported site with its actual title. Currently supported: YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud, and Github gists.', 1],
        'Embedding': [true, 'Embed supported services. Note: Some services don\'t work on HTTPS.', 1],
        'Auto-embed': [false, 'Auto-embed Linkify Embeds.', 2],
        'Floating Embeds': [false, 'Embed content in a frame that remains in place when the page is scrolled.', 2]
      'Filtering': {
        'Anonymize': [false, 'Make everyone Anonymous.'],
        'Filter': [true, 'Self-moderation placebo.'],
        'Filtered Backlinks': [false, 'When enabled, shows backlinks to filtered posts with a line-through decoration. Otherwise, hides the backlinks.', 1],
        'Recursive Hiding': [true, 'Hide replies of hidden posts, recursively.'],
        'Thread Hiding Buttons': [true, 'Add buttons to hide entire threads.'],
        'Reply Hiding Buttons': [true, 'Add buttons to hide single replies.'],
        'Stubs': [true, 'Show stubs of hidden threads / replies.']
      'Images and Videos': {
        'Image Expansion': [true, 'Expand images / videos.'],
        'Image Hover': [true, 'Show full image / video on mouseover.'],
        'Image Hover in Catalog': [false, 'Show full image / video on mouseover in 4chan X catalog.'],
        'Gallery': [true, 'Adds a simple and cute image gallery.'],
        'Fullscreen Gallery': [false, 'Open gallery in fullscreen mode.', 1],
        'PDF in Gallery': [false, 'Show PDF files in gallery.', 1],
        'Sauce': [true, 'Add sauce links to images.'],
        'WEBM Metadata': [true, 'Add link to fetch title metadata from webm videos.'],
        'Reveal Spoiler Thumbnails': [false, 'Replace spoiler thumbnails with the original image.'],
        'Replace GIF': [false, 'Replace gif thumbnails with the actual image.'],
        'Replace JPG': [false, 'Replace jpg thumbnails with the actual image.'],
        'Replace PNG': [false, 'Replace png thumbnails with the actual image.'],
        'Replace WEBM': [false, 'Replace webm thumbnails with the actual webm video. Probably will degrade browser performance ;)'],
        'Image Prefetching': [false, 'Add link in header menu to turn on image preloading.'],
        'Fappe Tyme': [false, 'Hide posts without images when header menu item is checked. *hint* *hint*'],
        'Werk Tyme': [false, 'Hide all post images when header menu item is checked.'],
        'Autoplay': [true, 'Videos begin playing immediately when opened.'],
        'Restart when Opened': [true, 'Restart GIFs and WebMs when you hover over or expand them.'],
        'Show Controls': [true, 'Show controls on videos expanded inline.'],
        'Click Passthrough': [false, 'Clicks on videos trigger your browser\'s default behavior. Videos can be contracted with button / dragging to the left.', 1],
        'Allow Sound': [true, 'Open videos with the sound unmuted.'],
        'Mouse Wheel Volume': [true, 'Adjust volume of videos with the mouse wheel over the thumbnail/filename/gallery.'],
        'Loop in New Tab': [true, 'Loop videos opened in their own tabs.'],
        'Volume in New Tab': [true, 'Apply 4chan X mute and volume settings to videos opened in their own tabs.']
      'Menu': {
        'Menu': [true, 'Add a drop-down menu to posts.'],
        'Report Link': [true, 'Add a report link to the menu.', 1],
        'Thread Hiding Link': [true, 'Add a link to hide entire threads.', 1],
        'Reply Hiding Link': [true, 'Add a link to hide single replies.', 1],
        'Delete Link': [true, 'Add post and image deletion links to the menu.', 1],
        'Download Link': [true, 'Add a download with original filename link to the menu.', 1],
        'Archive Link': [true, 'Add an archive link to the menu.', 1]
      'Monitoring': {
        'Thread Updater': [true, 'Fetch and insert new replies. Has more options in the header menu and the "Advanced" tab.'],
        'Unread Count': [true, 'Show the unread posts count in the tab title.'],
        'Quoted Title': [false, 'Change the page title to reflect you\'ve been quoted.', 1],
        'Hide Unread Count at (0)': [false, 'Hide the unread posts count in the tab title when it reaches 0.', 1],
        'Unread Favicon': [true, 'Show a different favicon when there are unread posts.'],
        'Unread Line': [true, 'Show a line to distinguish read posts from unread ones.'],
        'Scroll to Last Read Post': [true, 'Scroll back to the last read post when reopening a thread.'],
        'Thread Excerpt': [true, 'Show an excerpt of the thread in the tab title for threads in /f/.'],
        'Remove Thread Excerpt': [false, 'Replace the excerpt of the thread in the tab title with the board title.'],
        'Thread Stats': [true, 'Display reply and image count.'],
        'IP Count in Stats': [true, 'Display the unique IP count in the thread stats.', 1],
        'Page Count in Stats': [true, 'Display the page count in the thread stats.', 1],
        'Updater and Stats in Header': [true, 'Places the thread updater and thread stats in the header instead of floating them.'],
        'Thread Watcher': [true, 'Bookmark threads.'],
        'Fixed Thread Watcher': [null, 'Makes the thread watcher scroll with the page.', 1],
        'Toggleable Thread Watcher': [true, 'Adds a shortcut for the thread watcher and hides the watcher by default.', 1],
        'Mark New IPs': [false, 'Label each post from a new IP with the thread\'s current IP count.']
      'Posting': {
        'Quick Reply': [true, 'All-in-one form to reply, create threads, automate dumping and more.'],
        'QR Shortcut': [true, 'Add a shortcut to the header to toggle the QR.', 1],
        'Persistent QR': [true, 'The Quick reply won\'t disappear after posting.', 1],
        'Auto Hide QR': [true, 'Automatically hide the quick reply when posting.', 1],
        'Open Post in New Tab': [true, 'Open new threads or replies to a thread from the index in a new tab.', 1],
        'Remember QR Size': [false, 'Remember the size of the Quick reply.', 1],
        'Remember Spoiler': [false, 'Remember the spoiler state, instead of resetting after posting.', 1],
        'Show New Thread Option in Threads': [false, 'Show the option to post a new / different thread from inside a thread.', 1],
        'Show Name and Subject': [false, 'Show the classic name, email, and subject fields in the QR, even when 4chan doesn\'t use them all.', 1],
        'Hide Original Post Form': [true, 'Hide the normal post form.', 1],
        'Cooldown': [true, 'Indicate the remaining time before posting again.', 1],
        'Posting Success Notifications': [true, 'Show notifications on successful post creation or file uploading.', 1],
        'Force Noscript Captcha': [false, 'Use the non-Javascript fallback captcha in the QR even if Javascript is enabled.', 1],
        'Auto-load captcha': [false, 'Automatically load the captcha in the QR even if your post is empty.', 1],
        'Post on Captcha Completion': [false, 'Submit the post immediately when the captcha is completed.', 1],
        'Bottom QR Link': [true, 'Places a link on the bottom of threads to open the QR.', 1],
        'Captcha Fixes': [true, 'Make captcha more keyboard-navigable.']
      'Quote Links': {
        'Quote Backlinks': [true, 'Add quote backlinks.'],
        'OP Backlinks': [true, 'Add backlinks to the OP.', 1],
        'Quote Inlining': [true, 'Inline quoted post on click.'],
        'Quote Hash Navigation': [false, 'Include an extra link after quotes for autoscrolling to quoted posts.', 1],
        'Forward Hiding': [true, 'Hide original posts of inlined backlinks.', 1],
        'Quote Previewing': [true, 'Show quoted post on hover.'],
        'Quote Highlighting': [true, 'Highlight the previewed post.', 1],
        'Resurrect Quotes': [true, 'Link dead quotes to the archives.'],
        'Mark Quotes of You': [true, 'Add \'(You)\' to quotes linking to your posts.'],
        'Highlight Posts Quoting You': [false, 'Highlights any posts that contain a quote to your post.', 1],
        'Highlight Own Posts': [false, 'Highlights own posts if Mark Quotes of You is enabled.', 1],
        'Mark OP Quotes': [true, 'Add \'(OP)\' to OP quotes.'],
        'Mark Cross-thread Quotes': [true, 'Add \'(Cross-thread)\' to cross-threads quotes.'],
        'Quote Threading': [false, 'Thread conversations']
    imageExpansion: {
      'Fit width': [true, ''],
      'Fit height': [false, ''],
      'Scroll into view': [true, 'Scroll down when expanding images to bring the full image into view.'],
      'Expand spoilers': [true, 'Expand all images along with spoilers.'],
      'Expand videos': [true, 'Expand all images also expands videos.'],
      'Expand from here': [false, 'Expand all images only from current position to thread end.'],
      'Advance on contract': [false, 'Advance to next post when contracting an expanded image.']
    gallery: {
      'Hide Thumbnails': [false],
      'Fit Width': [true],
      'Fit Height': [true],
      'Scroll to Post': [true],
      'Slide Delay': [6.0]
    'Default Volume': 1.0,
    threadWatcher: {
      'Current Board': [false, 'Only show watched threads from the current board.'],
      'Auto Update Thread Watcher': [true, 'Periodically check status of watched threads.'],
      'Auto Watch': [false, 'Automatically watch threads you start.'],
      'Auto Watch Reply': [false, 'Automatically watch threads you reply to.'],
      'Auto Prune': [false, 'Automatically remove dead threads.'],
      'Show Unread Count': [true, 'Show number of unread posts in watched threads.']
    filter: {
      name: "# Filter any namefags:\n#/^(?!Anonymous$)/",
      uniqueID: "# Filter a specific ID:\n#/Txhvk1Tl/",
      tripcode: "# Filter any tripfag\n#/^!/",
      capcode: "# Set a custom class for mods:\n#/Mod$/;highlight:mod;op:yes\n# Set a custom class for moot:\n#/Admin$/;highlight:moot;op:yes",
      subject: "# Filter Generals on /v/:\n#/general/i;boards:v;op:only",
      comment: "# Filter Stallman copypasta on /g/:\n#/what you\'re refer+ing to as linux/i;boards:g",
      flag: '',
      filename: '',
      dimensions: "# Highlight potential wallpapers:\n#/1920x1080/;op:yes;highlight;top:no;boards:w,wg",
      filesize: '',
      MD5: ''
    sauces: "https://www.google.com/searchbyimage?image_url=%IMG\nhttp://iqdb.org/?url=%IMG\nhttp://eye.swfchan.com/search/?q=%name;types:swf;sandbox\n#//tineye.com/search?url=%IMG\n#https://www.yandex.com/images/search?rpt=imageview&img_url=%IMG\n#//saucenao.com/search.php?url=%IMG\n#http://3d.iqdb.org/?url=%IMG\n# tools:\n#http://regex.info/exif.cgi?imgurl=%URL\n#//imgops.com/%URL;types:gif,jpg,png\n# uploaders:\n#//imgur.com/upload?url=%URL;types:gif,jpg,png,pdf;text:Upload to imgur\n# \"View Same\" in archives:\n#https://archive.moe/_/search/image/%MD5/;text:View same on archive.moe\n#https://archive.moe/%board/search/image/%MD5/;text:View same on archive.moe/%board/;boards:a,biz,c,co,diy,fit,gd,h,i,jp,k,m,mlp,po,qa,r9k,s4s,sci,tg,u,v,vg,vp,vr,wsg\n#https://rbt.asia/%board/image/%MD5;text:View same on RBT /%board/;boards:cgl,g,mu,qa,w",
    FappeT: {
      werk: false
    'Custom CSS': false,
    Index: {
      'Index Mode': 'paged',
      'Previous Index Mode': 'paged',
      'Index Sort': 'bump',
      'Index Size': 'small',
      'Show Replies': true,
      'Pin Watched Threads': false,
      'Anchor Hidden Threads': true,
      'Refreshed Navigation': false
    Header: {
      'Fixed Header': true,
      'Header auto-hide': false,
      'Header auto-hide on scroll': false,
      'Bottom Header': false,
      'Centered links': false,
      'Header catalog links': false,
      'Bottom Board List': true,
      'Shortcut Icons': true,
      'Custom Board Navigation': true
    boardnav: "[ toggle-all ]\na-replace\nc-replace\ng-replace\nk-replace\nv-replace\nvg-replace\nvr-replace\nck-replace\nco-replace\nfit-replace\njp-replace\nmu-replace\nsp-replace\ntv-replace\nvp-replace\n[external-text:\"FAQ\",\"https://github.com/ccd0/4chan-x/wiki/Frequently-Asked-Questions\"]",
    QR: {
      'QR.personas': "#options:\"sage\";boards:jp;always"
    time: '%m/%d/%y(%a)%H:%M:%S',
    backlink: '>>%id',
    fileInfo: '%l (%p%s, %r%g)',
    favicon: 'ferongr',
    usercss: '',
    hotkeys: {
      'Toggle board list': ['Ctrl+b', 'Toggle the full board list.'],
      'Toggle header': ['Shift+h', 'Toggle the auto-hide option of the header.'],
      'Open empty QR': ['q', 'Open QR without post number inserted.'],
      'Open QR': ['Shift+q', 'Open QR with post number inserted.'],
      'Open settings': ['Alt+o', 'Open Settings.'],
      'Close': ['Esc', 'Close dialogs or notifications.'],
      'Spoiler tags': ['Ctrl+s', 'Insert spoiler tags.'],
      'Code tags': ['Alt+c', 'Insert code tags.'],
      'Eqn tags': ['Alt+e', 'Insert eqn tags.'],
      'Math tags': ['Alt+m', 'Insert math tags.'],
      'Toggle sage': ['Alt+s', 'Toggle sage in options field.'],
      'Submit QR': ['Ctrl+Enter', 'Submit post.'],
      'Watch': ['w', 'Watch thread.'],
      'Update': ['r', 'Update the thread / refresh the index.'],
      'Expand image': ['Shift+e', 'Expand selected image.'],
      'Expand images': ['e', 'Expand all images.'],
      'Open Gallery': ['g', 'Opens the gallery.'],
      'Pause': ['p', 'Pause/play videos in the gallery.'],
      'Slideshow': ['Ctrl+Right', 'Toggle the gallery slideshow mode.'],
      'fappeTyme': ['f', 'Toggle Fappe Tyme.'],
      'werkTyme': ['Shift+w', 'Toggle Werk Tyme.'],
      'Front page': ['1', 'Jump to front page.'],
      'Open front page': ['Shift+1', 'Open front page in a new tab.'],
      'Next page': ['Ctrl+Right', 'Jump to the next page.'],
      'Previous page': ['Ctrl+Left', 'Jump to the previous page.'],
      'Paged mode': ['Alt+1', 'Open the index in paged mode.'],
      'Infinite scrolling mode': ['Alt+2', 'Open the index in infinite scrolling mode.'],
      'All pages mode': ['Alt+3', 'Open the index in all threads mode.'],
      'Open catalog': ['Shift+c', 'Open the catalog of the current board.'],
      'Search form': ['Ctrl+Alt+s', 'Focus the search field on the board index.'],
      'Cycle sort type': ['Alt+x', 'Cycle through index sort types.'],
      'Next thread': ['Ctrl+Down', 'See next thread.'],
      'Previous thread': ['Ctrl+Up', 'See previous thread.'],
      'Expand thread': ['Ctrl+e', 'Expand thread.'],
      'Open thread': ['o', 'Open thread in current tab.'],
      'Open thread tab': ['Shift+o', 'Open thread in new tab.'],
      'Next reply': ['j', 'Select next reply.'],
      'Previous reply': ['k', 'Select previous reply.'],
      'Deselect reply': ['Shift+d', 'Deselect reply.'],
      'Hide': ['x', 'Hide thread.'],
      'Previous Post Quoting You': ['Alt+Up', 'Scroll to the previous post that quotes you.'],
      'Next Post Quoting You': ['Alt+Down', 'Scroll to the next post that quotes you.']
    updater: {
      checkbox: {
        'Beep': [false, 'Beep on new post to completely read thread.'],
        'Auto Scroll': [false, 'Scroll updated posts into view. Only enabled at bottom of page.'],
        'Bottom Scroll': [false, 'Always scroll to the bottom, not the first new post. Useful for event threads.'],
        'Scroll BG': [false, 'Auto-scroll background tabs.'],
        'Auto Update': [true, 'Automatically fetch new posts.'],
        'Ignore Offline Status': [false, 'Update even if your browser reports you are offline.'],
        'Optional Increase': [false, 'Increase the intervals between updates on threads without new posts.']
      'Interval': 30
    customCooldown: 0,
    customCooldownEnabled: true

  Conf = {};

  c = console;

  d = document;

  doc = d.documentElement;

  g = {
    VERSION: '',
    NAMESPACE: '4chan X.',
    boards: {}

  E = (function() {
    var fn, r, regex, str;
    str = {
      '&': '&amp;',
      "'": '&#039;',
      '"': '&quot;',
      '<': '&lt;',
      '>': '&gt;'
    r = String.prototype.replace;
    regex = /[&"'<>]/g;
    fn = function(x) {
      return str[x];
    return function(text) {
      return r.call(text, regex, fn);

  E.cat = function(templates) {
    var html, k, len1, x;
    html = '';
    for (k = 0, len1 = templates.length; k < len1; k++) {
      x = templates[k];
      html += x.innerHTML;
    return html;

  E.url = function(content) {
    return "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<!doctype html>" + (encodeURIComponent(content.innerHTML));

  $ = function(selector, root) {
    if (root == null) {
      root = d.body;
    return root.querySelector(selector);

  $.DAY = 24 * ($.HOUR = 60 * ($.MINUTE = 60 * ($.SECOND = 1000)));

  $.id = function(id) {
    return d.getElementById(id);

  $.ready = function(fc) {
    var cb;
    if (d.readyState !== 'loading') {
    cb = function() {
      $.off(d, 'DOMContentLoaded', cb);
      return fc();
    return $.on(d, 'DOMContentLoaded', cb);

  $.formData = function(form) {
    var fd, key, val;
    if (form instanceof HTMLFormElement) {
      return new FormData(form);
    fd = new FormData();
    for (key in form) {
      val = form[key];
      if (val) {
        if (typeof val === 'object' && 'newName' in val) {
          fd.append(key, val, val.newName);
        } else {
          fd.append(key, val);
    return fd;

  $.extend = function(object, properties) {
    var key, val;
    for (key in properties) {
      val = properties[key];
      object[key] = val;

  $.ajax = (function() {
    var blockedError, blockedURLs, lastModified;
    lastModified = {};
    blockedURLs = {};
    blockedError = function(url) {
      var message;
      if (blockedURLs[url]) {
      blockedURLs[url] = true;
      message = $.el('div', {
        innerHTML: "4chan X was blocked from loading the following URL:<br><span></span><br>[<a href=\"https://github.com/ccd0/4chan-x/wiki/Frequently-Asked-Questions#why-was-4chan-x-blocked-from-loading-a-url\" target=\"_blank\">More info</a>]"
      $('span', message).textContent = (/^\/\//.test(url) ? location.protocol : '') + url;
      return new Notice('error', message, 30, function() {
        return delete blockedURLs[url];
    return function(url, options, extra) {
      var err, form, r, ref, type, upCallbacks, whenModified;
      if (extra == null) {
        extra = {};
      type = extra.type, whenModified = extra.whenModified, upCallbacks = extra.upCallbacks, form = extra.form;
      r = new XMLHttpRequest();
      type || (type = form && 'post' || 'get');
      try {
        r.open(type, url, true);
      } catch (_error) {
        err = _error;
        if (typeof options.onerror === "function") {
      if (whenModified) {
        if (((ref = lastModified[whenModified]) != null ? ref[url] : void 0) != null) {
          r.setRequestHeader('If-Modified-Since', lastModified[whenModified][url]);
        $.on(r, 'load', function() {
          return (lastModified[whenModified] || (lastModified[whenModified] = {}))[url] = r.getResponseHeader('Last-Modified');
      if (/\.json$/.test(url)) {
        r.responseType = 'json';
      $.extend(r, options);
      $.extend(r.upload, upCallbacks);
      return r;

  (function() {
    var reqs;
    reqs = {};
    $.cache = function(url, cb, options) {
      var err, req, rm;
      if (req = reqs[url]) {
        if (req.readyState === 4) {
          $.queueTask(function() {
            return cb.call(req, req.evt);
        } else {
        return req;
      rm = function() {
        return delete reqs[url];
      try {
        if (!(req = $.ajax(url, options))) {
      } catch (_error) {
        err = _error;
      $.on(req, 'load', function(e) {
        var k, len1, ref;
        ref = this.callbacks;
        for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
          cb = ref[k];
          cb.call(this, e);
        this.evt = e;
        this.cached = true;
        return delete this.callbacks;
      $.on(req, 'abort error', rm);
      req.callbacks = [cb];
      return reqs[url] = req;
    return $.cleanCache = function(testf) {
      var url;
      for (url in reqs) {
        if (testf(url)) {
          delete reqs[url];

  $.cb = {
    checked: function() {
      $.set(this.name, this.checked);
      return Conf[this.name] = this.checked;
    value: function() {
      $.set(this.name, this.value.trim());
      return Conf[this.name] = this.value;

  $.asap = function(test, cb) {
    if (test()) {
      return cb();
    } else {
      return setTimeout($.asap, 25, test, cb);

  $.onExists = function(root, selector, subtree, cb) {
    var el, observer;
    if (el = $(selector, root)) {
      return cb(el);
    observer = new MutationObserver(function() {
      if (el = $(selector, root)) {
        return cb(el);
    return observer.observe(root, {
      childList: true,
      subtree: subtree

  $.addStyle = function(css, id, test) {
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    style = $.el('style', {
      textContent: css
    if (id != null) {
      style.id = id;
    $.asap((function() {
      return d.head && ((test == null) || test());
    }), function() {
      return $.add(d.head, style);
    return style;

  $.x = function(path, root) {
    root || (root = d.body);
    return d.evaluate(path, root, null, 8, null).singleNodeValue;

  $.X = function(path, root) {
    root || (root = d.body);
    return d.evaluate(path, root, null, 7, null);

  $.addClass = function() {
    var className, classNames, el, k, len1;
    el = arguments[0], classNames = 2 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 1) : [];
    for (k = 0, len1 = classNames.length; k < len1; k++) {
      className = classNames[k];

  $.rmClass = function() {
    var className, classNames, el, k, len1;
    el = arguments[0], classNames = 2 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 1) : [];
    for (k = 0, len1 = classNames.length; k < len1; k++) {
      className = classNames[k];

  $.toggleClass = function(el, className) {
    return el.classList.toggle(className);

  $.hasClass = function(el, className) {
    return indexOf.call(el.classList, className) >= 0;

  $.rm = function(el) {
    return el.remove();

  $.rmAll = function(root) {
    return root.textContent = null;

  $.tn = function(s) {
    return d.createTextNode(s);

  $.frag = function() {
    return d.createDocumentFragment();

  $.nodes = function(nodes) {
    var frag, k, len1, node;
    if (!(nodes instanceof Array)) {
      return nodes;
    frag = $.frag();
    for (k = 0, len1 = nodes.length; k < len1; k++) {
      node = nodes[k];
    return frag;

  $.add = function(parent, el) {
    return parent.appendChild($.nodes(el));

  $.prepend = function(parent, el) {
    return parent.insertBefore($.nodes(el), parent.firstChild);

  $.after = function(root, el) {
    return root.parentNode.insertBefore($.nodes(el), root.nextSibling);

  $.before = function(root, el) {
    return root.parentNode.insertBefore($.nodes(el), root);

  $.replace = function(root, el) {
    return root.parentNode.replaceChild($.nodes(el), root);

  $.el = function(tag, properties) {
    var el;
    el = d.createElement(tag);
    if (properties) {
      $.extend(el, properties);
    return el;

  $.on = function(el, events, handler) {
    var event, k, len1, ref;
    ref = events.split(' ');
    for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
      event = ref[k];
      el.addEventListener(event, handler, false);

  $.off = function(el, events, handler) {
    var event, k, len1, ref;
    ref = events.split(' ');
    for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
      event = ref[k];
      el.removeEventListener(event, handler, false);

  $.one = function(el, events, handler) {
    var cb;
    cb = function(e) {
      $.off(el, events, cb);
      return handler.call(this, e);
    return $.on(el, events, cb);

  $.event = function(event, detail, root) {
    if (root == null) {
      root = d;
    if ((detail != null) && typeof cloneInto === 'function') {
      detail = cloneInto(detail, d.defaultView);
    return root.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(event, {
      bubbles: true,
      detail: detail

  $.open = GM_openInTab;

  $.debounce = function(wait, fn) {
    var args, exec, lastCall, that, timeout;
    lastCall = 0;
    timeout = null;
    that = null;
    args = null;
    exec = function() {
      lastCall = Date.now();
      return fn.apply(that, args);
    return function() {
      args = arguments;
      that = this;
      if (lastCall < Date.now() - wait) {
        return exec();
      return timeout = setTimeout(exec, wait);

  $.queueTask = (function() {
    var execTask, taskChannel, taskQueue;
    taskQueue = [];
    execTask = function() {
      var args, func, task;
      task = taskQueue.shift();
      func = task[0];
      args = Array.prototype.slice.call(task, 1);
      return func.apply(func, args);
    if (window.MessageChannel) {
      taskChannel = new MessageChannel();
      taskChannel.port1.onmessage = execTask;
      return function() {
        return taskChannel.port2.postMessage(null);
    } else {
      return function() {
        return setTimeout(execTask, 0);

  $.globalEval = function(code) {
    var script;
    script = $.el('script', {
      textContent: code
    $.add(d.head || doc, script);
    return $.rm(script);

  $.bytesToString = function(size) {
    var unit;
    unit = 0;
    while (size >= 1024) {
      size /= 1024;
    size = unit > 1 ? Math.round(size * 100) / 100 : Math.round(size);
    return size + " " + ['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB'][unit];

  $.minmax = function(value, min, max) {
    return (value < min ? min : value > max ? max : value);

  $.hasAudio = function(video) {
    return video.mozHasAudio || !!video.webkitAudioDecodedByteCount;

  $.item = function(key, val) {
    var item;
    item = {};
    item[key] = val;
    return item;

  $.syncing = {};

  $.oldValue = {};

  $.sync = function(key, cb) {
    key = g.NAMESPACE + key;
    $.syncing[key] = cb;
    return $.oldValue[key] = GM_getValue(key);

  (function() {
    var onChange;
    onChange = function(key) {
      var cb, newValue;
      if (!(cb = $.syncing[key])) {
      newValue = GM_getValue(key);
      if (newValue === $.oldValue[key]) {
      if (newValue != null) {
        $.oldValue[key] = newValue;
        return cb(JSON.parse(newValue), key);
      } else {
        delete $.oldValue[key];
        return cb(void 0, key);
    $.on(window, 'storage', function(arg) {
      var key;
      key = arg.key;
      return onChange(key);
    return $.forceSync = function(key) {
      return onChange(g.NAMESPACE + key);

  $["delete"] = function(keys) {
    var k, key, len1;
    if (!(keys instanceof Array)) {
      keys = [keys];
    for (k = 0, len1 = keys.length; k < len1; k++) {
      key = keys[k];
      key = g.NAMESPACE + key;
      if (key in $.syncing) {
        delete $.oldValue[key];

  $.get = function(key, val, cb) {
    var items;
    if (typeof cb === 'function') {
      items = $.item(key, val);
    } else {
      items = key;
      cb = val;
    return $.queueTask(function() {
      for (key in items) {
        if (val = GM_getValue(g.NAMESPACE + key)) {
          items[key] = JSON.parse(val);
      return cb(items);

  $.set = (function() {
    var set;
    set = function(key, val) {
      key = g.NAMESPACE + key;
      val = JSON.stringify(val);
      GM_setValue(key, val);
      if (key in $.syncing) {
        $.oldValue[key] = val;
        return localStorage.setItem(key, val);
    return function(keys, val, cb) {
      var key, value;
      if (typeof keys === 'string') {
        set(keys, val);
      } else {
        for (key in keys) {
          value = keys[key];
          set(key, value);
        cb = val;
      return typeof cb === "function" ? cb() : void 0;

  $.clear = function(cb) {
    var a, board, boards, id;
    $["delete"](['previousversion', 'AutoWatch', 'cooldown.global', 'QR Size', 'captchas', 'QR.persona', 'hiddenPSA']);
    $["delete"]((function() {
      var k, len1, ref, results;
      ref = ['embedding', 'updater', 'thread-stats', 'thread-watcher', 'qr'];
      results = [];
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        id = ref[k];
        results.push(id + ".position");
      return results;
    boards = (function() {
      var k, len1, ref, results;
      ref = $$('#boardNavDesktop > .boardList > a');
      results = [];
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        a = ref[k];
      return results;
    $["delete"]((function() {
      var k, len1, results;
      results = [];
      for (k = 0, len1 = boards.length; k < len1; k++) {
        board = boards[k];
        results.push("cooldown." + board);
      return results;
    try {
      $["delete"](GM_listValues().map(function(key) {
        return key.replace(g.NAMESPACE, '');
    } catch (_error) {}
    return typeof cb === "function" ? cb() : void 0;

  $$ = function(selector, root) {
    if (root == null) {
      root = d.body;
    return slice.call(root.querySelectorAll(selector));

  Callbacks = (function() {
    function Callbacks(type1) {
      this.type = type1;
      this.keys = [];

    Callbacks.prototype.push = function(arg) {
      var cb, name;
      name = arg.name, cb = arg.cb;
      if (!this[name]) {
      return this[name] = cb;

    Callbacks.prototype.execute = function(node) {
      var err, errors, k, len1, name, ref;
      ref = this.keys;
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        name = ref[k];
        try {
        } catch (_error) {
          err = _error;
          if (!errors) {
            errors = [];
            message: ['"', name, '" crashed on node ', this.type, ' No.', node.ID, ' (', node.board, ').'].join(''),
            error: err
      if (errors) {
        return Main.handleErrors(errors);

    return Callbacks;


  Board = (function() {
    Board.prototype.toString = function() {
      return this.ID;

    function Board(ID1) {
      this.ID = ID1;
      this.threads = new SimpleDict();
      this.posts = new SimpleDict();
      g.boards[this] = this;

    return Board;


  Thread = (function() {
    Thread.callbacks = new Callbacks('Thread');

    Thread.prototype.toString = function() {
      return this.ID;

    function Thread(ID1, board1) {
      this.ID = ID1;
      this.board = board1;
      this.fullID = this.board + "." + this.ID;
      this.posts = new SimpleDict();
      this.isDead = false;
      this.isHidden = false;
      this.isOnTop = false;
      this.isSticky = false;
      this.isClosed = false;
      this.isArchived = false;
      this.postLimit = false;
      this.fileLimit = false;
      this.ipCount = void 0;
      this.OP = null;
      this.catalogView = null;
      this.board.threads.push(this.ID, this);
      g.threads.push(this.fullID, this);

    Thread.prototype.setPage = function(pageNum) {
      var icon, info, quote, ref;
      ref = this.OP.nodes, info = ref.info, quote = ref.quote;
      if (!(icon = $('.page-num', info))) {
        icon = $.el('span', {
          className: 'page-num'
        $.after(quote, [$.tn(' '), icon]);
      icon.title = "This thread is on page " + pageNum + " in the original index.";
      icon.textContent = "[" + pageNum + "]";
      if (this.catalogView) {
        return this.catalogView.nodes.pageCount.textContent = pageNum;

    Thread.prototype.setCount = function(type, count, reachedLimit) {
      var el;
      if (!this.catalogView) {
      el = this.catalogView.nodes[type + "Count"];
      el.textContent = count;
      return (reachedLimit ? $.addClass : $.rmClass)(el, 'warning');

    Thread.prototype.setStatus = function(type, status) {
      var name;
      name = "is" + type;
      if (this[name] === status) {
      this[name] = status;
      if (!this.OP) {
      this.setIcon('Sticky', this.isSticky);
      this.setIcon('Closed', this.isClosed && !this.isArchived);
      return this.setIcon('Archived', this.isArchived);

    Thread.prototype.setIcon = function(type, status) {
      var icon, root, typeLC;
      typeLC = type.toLowerCase();
      icon = $("." + typeLC + "Icon", this.OP.nodes.info);
      if (!!icon === status) {
      if (!status) {
        if (this.catalogView) {
          $.rm($("." + typeLC + "Icon", this.catalogView.nodes.icons));
      icon = $.el('img', {
        src: "" + Build.staticPath + typeLC + Build.gifIcon,
        alt: type,
        title: type,
        className: typeLC + "Icon retina"
      root = type !== 'Sticky' && this.isSticky ? $('.stickyIcon', this.OP.nodes.info) : $('.page-num', this.OP.nodes.info) || this.OP.nodes.quote;
      $.after(root, [$.tn(' '), icon]);
      if (!this.catalogView) {
      return (type === 'Sticky' && this.isClosed ? $.prepend : $.add)(this.catalogView.nodes.icons, icon.cloneNode());

    Thread.prototype.kill = function() {
      return this.isDead = true;

    Thread.prototype.collect = function() {
      this.posts.forEach(function(post) {
        return post.collect();
      return this.board.threads.rm(this);

    return Thread;


  CatalogThread = (function() {
    CatalogThread.callbacks = new Callbacks('Catalog Thread');

    CatalogThread.prototype.toString = function() {
      return this.ID;

    function CatalogThread(root, thread1) {
      this.thread = thread1;
      this.ID = this.thread.ID;
      this.board = this.thread.board;
      this.nodes = {
        root: root,
        thumb: $('.catalog-thumb', root),
        icons: $('.catalog-icons', root),
        postCount: $('.post-count', root),
        fileCount: $('.file-count', root),
        pageCount: $('.page-count', root),
        comment: $('.comment', root)
      this.thread.catalogView = this;

    return CatalogThread;


  Post = (function() {
    Post.callbacks = new Callbacks('Post');

    Post.prototype.toString = function() {
      return this.ID;

    function Post(root, thread1, board1) {
      var capcode, clone, date, email, flag, info, k, len1, name, post, ref, subject, tripcode, uniqueID;
      this.thread = thread1;
      this.board = board1;
      this.ID = +root.id.slice(2);
      this.fullID = this.board + "." + this.ID;
      post = $('.post', root);
      info = $('.postInfo', post);
      this.nodes = {
        root: root,
        post: post,
        info: info,
        nameBlock: $('.nameBlock', info),
        quote: $('.postNum > a:nth-of-type(2)', info),
        comment: $('.postMessage', post),
        links: [],
        quotelinks: [],
        backlinks: info.getElementsByClassName('backlink')
      if (!(this.isReply = $.hasClass(post, 'reply'))) {
        this.thread.OP = this;
        this.thread.isArchived = !!$('.archivedIcon', info);
        this.thread.isSticky = !!$('.stickyIcon', info);
        this.thread.isClosed = this.thread.isArchived || !!$('.closedIcon', info);
        if (this.thread.isArchived) {
      this.info = {};
      this.info.nameBlock = Conf['Anonymize'] ? 'Anonymous' : this.nodes.nameBlock.textContent.trim();
      if (subject = $('.subject', info)) {
        this.nodes.subject = subject;
        this.info.subject = subject.textContent || void 0;
      if (name = $('.name', info)) {
        this.nodes.name = name;
        this.info.name = name.textContent;
      if (email = $('.useremail', info)) {
        this.nodes.email = email;
        this.info.email = decodeURIComponent(email.href.slice(7));
      if (tripcode = $('.postertrip', info)) {
        this.nodes.tripcode = tripcode;
        this.info.tripcode = tripcode.textContent;
      if (uniqueID = $('.posteruid', info)) {
        this.nodes.uniqueID = uniqueID;
        this.info.uniqueID = uniqueID.firstElementChild.textContent;
      if (capcode = $('.capcode.hand', info)) {
        this.nodes.capcode = capcode;
        this.info.capcode = capcode.textContent.replace('## ', '');
      if (flag = $('.flag, .countryFlag', info)) {
        this.nodes.flag = flag;
        this.info.flag = flag.title;
      if (date = $('.dateTime', info)) {
        this.nodes.date = date;
        this.info.date = new Date(date.dataset.utc * 1000);
      this.isDead = false;
      this.isHidden = false;
      this.clones = [];
      if (g.posts[this.fullID]) {
        this.isRebuilt = true;
        this.clones = g.posts[this.fullID].clones;
        ref = this.clones;
        for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
          clone = ref[k];
          clone.origin = this;
      this.board.posts.push(this.ID, this);
      this.thread.posts.push(this.ID, this);
      g.posts.push(this.fullID, this);

    Post.prototype.parseComment = function() {
      var abbr, bq, commentDisplay, k, len1, len2, node, q, ref, spoilers;
      bq = this.nodes.comment.cloneNode(true);
      ref = $$('.abbr + br, .exif, b, .fortune', bq);
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        node = ref[k];
      if (abbr = $('.abbr', bq)) {
      this.info.comment = this.nodesToText(bq);
      if (abbr) {
        this.info.comment = this.info.comment.replace(/\n\n$/, '');
      commentDisplay = this.info.comment;
      if (!(Conf['Remove Spoilers'] || Conf['Reveal Spoilers'])) {
        spoilers = $$('s', bq);
        if (spoilers.length) {
          for (q = 0, len2 = spoilers.length; q < len2; q++) {
            node = spoilers[q];
            $.replace(node, $.tn('[spoiler]'));
          commentDisplay = this.nodesToText(bq);
      return this.info.commentDisplay = commentDisplay.trim().replace(/\s+$/gm, '');

    Post.prototype.nodesToText = function(bq) {
      var i, node, nodes, text;
      text = "";
      nodes = $.X('.//br|.//text()', bq);
      i = 0;
      while (node = nodes.snapshotItem(i++)) {
        text += node.data || '\n';
      return text;

    Post.prototype.parseQuotes = function() {
      var k, len1, quotelink, ref;
      this.quotes = [];
      ref = $$(':not(pre) > .quotelink', this.nodes.comment);
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        quotelink = ref[k];

    Post.prototype.parseQuote = function(quotelink) {
      var fullID, match;
      if (!(match = quotelink.href.match(/boards\.4chan\.org\/([^\/]+)\/(?:res|thread)\/\d+(?:\/[^#]*)?#p(\d+)$/))) {
      if (this.isClone) {
      fullID = match[1] + "." + match[2];
      if (indexOf.call(this.quotes, fullID) < 0) {
        return this.quotes.push(fullID);

    Post.prototype.parseFile = function() {
      var fileEl, fileText, info, link, m, ref, ref1, ref2, size, thumb, unit;
      if (!(fileEl = $('.file', this.nodes.post))) {
      if (!(link = $('.fileText > a, .fileText-original > a', fileEl))) {
      if (!(info = (ref = link.nextSibling) != null ? ref.textContent.match(/\(([\d.]+ [KMG]?B).*\)/) : void 0)) {
      fileText = fileEl.firstElementChild;
      this.file = {
        text: fileText,
        link: link,
        url: link.href,
        name: fileText.title || link.title || link.textContent,
        size: info[1],
        isImage: /(jpg|png|gif)$/i.test(link.href),
        isVideo: /webm$/i.test(link.href),
        dimensions: (ref1 = info[0].match(/\d+x\d+/)) != null ? ref1[0] : void 0,
        tag: (ref2 = info[0].match(/,[^,]*, ([a-z]+)\)/i)) != null ? ref2[1] : void 0
      size = +this.file.size.match(/[\d.]+/)[0];
      unit = ['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB'].indexOf(this.file.size.match(/\w+$/)[0]);
      while (unit-- > 0) {
        size *= 1024;
      this.file.sizeInBytes = size;
      if ((thumb = $('.fileThumb > [data-md5]', fileEl))) {
        return $.extend(this.file, {
          thumb: thumb,
          thumbURL: (m = link.href.match(/\d+(?=\.\w+$)/)) ? location.protocol + "//i.4cdn.org/" + this.board + "/" + m[0] + "s.jpg" : void 0,
          MD5: thumb.dataset.md5,
          isSpoiler: $.hasClass(thumb.parentNode, 'imgspoiler')

    Post.prototype.kill = function(file) {
      var clone, k, len1, len2, q, quotelink, ref, ref1, strong;
      if (file) {
        if (this.file.isDead) {
        this.file.isDead = true;
        $.addClass(this.nodes.root, 'deleted-file');
      } else {
        if (this.isDead) {
        this.isDead = true;
        $.addClass(this.nodes.root, 'deleted-post');
      if (!(strong = $('strong.warning', this.nodes.info))) {
        strong = $.el('strong', {
          className: 'warning',
          textContent: this.isReply ? '[Deleted]' : '[Dead]'
        $.after($('input', this.nodes.info), strong);
      strong.textContent = file ? '[File deleted]' : '[Deleted]';
      if (this.isClone) {
      ref = this.clones;
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        clone = ref[k];
      if (file) {
      ref1 = Get.allQuotelinksLinkingTo(this);
      for (q = 0, len2 = ref1.length; q < len2; q++) {
        quotelink = ref1[q];
        if (!(!$.hasClass(quotelink, 'deadlink'))) {
        quotelink.textContent = quotelink.textContent + '\u00A0(Dead)';
        $.addClass(quotelink, 'deadlink');

    Post.prototype.resurrect = function() {
      var clone, k, len1, len2, q, quotelink, ref, ref1, strong;
      delete this.isDead;
      $.rmClass(this.nodes.root, 'deleted-post');
      strong = $('strong.warning', this.nodes.info);
      if (this.file && this.file.isDead) {
        strong.textContent = '[File deleted]';
      } else {
      if (this.isClone) {
      ref = this.clones;
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        clone = ref[k];
      ref1 = Get.allQuotelinksLinkingTo(this);
      for (q = 0, len2 = ref1.length; q < len2; q++) {
        quotelink = ref1[q];
        if (!($.hasClass(quotelink, 'deadlink'))) {
        quotelink.textContent = quotelink.textContent.replace('\u00A0(Dead)', '');
        $.rmClass(quotelink, 'deadlink');

    Post.prototype.collect = function() {
      return this.board.posts.rm(this);

    Post.prototype.addClone = function(context, contractThumb) {
      return new Clone(this, context, contractThumb);

    Post.prototype.rmClone = function(index) {
      var clone, k, len1, ref;
      this.clones.splice(index, 1);
      ref = this.clones.slice(index);
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        clone = ref[k];
        clone.nodes.root.dataset.clone = index++;

    return Post;


  Clone = (function(superClass) {
    extend(Clone, superClass);

    function Clone(origin1, context1, contractThumb) {
      var file, info, inline, inlined, k, key, len1, len2, len3, nodes, post, q, ref, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, root, u, val;
      this.origin = origin1;
      this.context = context1;
      ref = ['ID', 'fullID', 'board', 'thread', 'info', 'quotes', 'isReply'];
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        key = ref[k];
        this[key] = this.origin[key];
      nodes = this.origin.nodes;
      root = contractThumb ? this.cloneWithoutVideo(nodes.root) : nodes.root.cloneNode(true);
      post = $('.post', root);
      info = $('.postInfo', post);
      this.nodes = {
        root: root,
        post: post,
        info: info,
        nameBlock: $('.nameBlock', info),
        quote: $('.postNum > a:nth-of-type(2)', info),
        comment: $('.postMessage', post),
        quotelinks: [],
        backlinks: info.getElementsByClassName('backlink')
      ref1 = $$('.inline', post);
      for (q = 0, len2 = ref1.length; q < len2; q++) {
        inline = ref1[q];
      ref2 = $$('.inlined', post);
      for (u = 0, len3 = ref2.length; u < len3; u++) {
        inlined = ref2[u];
        $.rmClass(inlined, 'inlined');
      root.hidden = false;
      $.rmClass(root, 'forwarded');
      $.rmClass(post, 'highlight');
      if (nodes.subject) {
        this.nodes.subject = $('.subject', info);
      if (nodes.name) {
        this.nodes.name = $('.name', info);
      if (nodes.email) {
        this.nodes.email = $('.useremail', info);
      if (nodes.tripcode) {
        this.nodes.tripcode = $('.postertrip', info);
      if (nodes.uniqueID) {
        this.nodes.uniqueID = $('.posteruid', info);
      if (nodes.capcode) {
        this.nodes.capcode = $('.capcode.hand', info);
      if (nodes.flag) {
        this.nodes.flag = $('.flag, .countryFlag', info);
      if (nodes.date) {
        this.nodes.date = $('.dateTime', info);
      if (this.origin.file) {
        this.file = {};
        ref3 = this.origin.file;
        for (key in ref3) {
          val = ref3[key];
          this.file[key] = val;
        file = $('.file', post);
        this.file.text = file.firstElementChild;
        this.file.link = $('.fileText > a, .fileText-original', file);
        this.file.thumb = $('.fileThumb > [data-md5]', file);
        this.file.fullImage = $('.full-image', file);
        this.file.videoControls = $('.video-controls', this.file.text);
        if (this.file.videoThumb) {
          this.file.thumb.muted = true;
        if ((ref4 = this.file.thumb) != null ? ref4.dataset.src : void 0) {
          this.file.thumb.src = this.file.thumb.dataset.src;
        if (this.file.thumb && contractThumb) {
      if (this.origin.isDead) {
        this.isDead = true;
      this.isClone = true;
      root.dataset.clone = this.origin.clones.push(this) - 1;

    Clone.prototype.cloneWithoutVideo = function(node) {
      var child, clone, k, len1, ref;
      if (node.tagName === 'VIDEO' && !node.dataset.md5) {
        return [];
      } else if (node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && $('video', node)) {
        clone = node.cloneNode(false);
        ref = node.childNodes;
        for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
          child = ref[k];
          $.add(clone, this.cloneWithoutVideo(child));
        return clone;
      } else {
        return node.cloneNode(true);

    return Clone;


  DataBoard = (function() {
    DataBoard.keys = ['hiddenThreads', 'hiddenPosts', 'lastReadPosts', 'yourPosts', 'watchedThreads', 'customTitles'];

    function DataBoard(key1, sync, dontClean) {
      var init;
      this.key = key1;
      this.onSync = bind(this.onSync, this);
      this.data = Conf[this.key];
      $.sync(this.key, this.onSync);
      if (!dontClean) {
      if (!sync) {
      init = (function(_this) {
        return function() {
          $.off(d, '4chanXInitFinished', init);
          return _this.sync = sync;
      $.on(d, '4chanXInitFinished', init);

    DataBoard.prototype.save = function(cb) {
      return $.set(this.key, this.data, cb);

    DataBoard.prototype["delete"] = function(arg) {
      var boardID, postID, ref, threadID;
      boardID = arg.boardID, threadID = arg.threadID, postID = arg.postID;
      if (postID) {
        if (!((ref = this.data.boards[boardID]) != null ? ref[threadID] : void 0)) {
        delete this.data.boards[boardID][threadID][postID];
          boardID: boardID,
          threadID: threadID
      } else if (threadID) {
        if (!this.data.boards[boardID]) {
        delete this.data.boards[boardID][threadID];
          boardID: boardID
      } else {
        delete this.data.boards[boardID];
      return this.save();

    DataBoard.prototype.deleteIfEmpty = function(arg) {
      var boardID, threadID;
      boardID = arg.boardID, threadID = arg.threadID;
      if (threadID) {
        if (!Object.keys(this.data.boards[boardID][threadID]).length) {
          delete this.data.boards[boardID][threadID];
          return this.deleteIfEmpty({
            boardID: boardID
      } else if (!Object.keys(this.data.boards[boardID]).length) {
        return delete this.data.boards[boardID];

    DataBoard.prototype.set = function(arg, cb) {
      var base1, base2, base3, boardID, postID, threadID, val;
      boardID = arg.boardID, threadID = arg.threadID, postID = arg.postID, val = arg.val;
      if (postID !== void 0) {
        ((base1 = ((base2 = this.data.boards)[boardID] || (base2[boardID] = {})))[threadID] || (base1[threadID] = {}))[postID] = val;
      } else if (threadID !== void 0) {
        ((base3 = this.data.boards)[boardID] || (base3[boardID] = {}))[threadID] = val;
      } else {
        this.data.boards[boardID] = val;
      return this.save(cb);

    DataBoard.prototype.get = function(arg) {
      var ID, board, boardID, defaultValue, k, len1, postID, thread, threadID, val;
      boardID = arg.boardID, threadID = arg.threadID, postID = arg.postID, defaultValue = arg.defaultValue;
      if (board = this.data.boards[boardID]) {
        if (threadID == null) {
          if (postID != null) {
            for (thread = k = 0, len1 = board.length; k < len1; thread = ++k) {
              ID = board[thread];
              if (postID in thread) {
                val = thread[postID];
          } else {
            val = board;
        } else if (thread = board[threadID]) {
          val = postID != null ? thread[postID] : thread;
      return val || defaultValue;

    DataBoard.prototype.forceSync = function() {
      return $.forceSync(this.key);

    DataBoard.prototype.clean = function() {
      var boardID, now, ref, val;
      ref = this.data.boards;
      for (boardID in ref) {
        val = ref[boardID];
          boardID: boardID
      now = Date.now();
      if ((this.data.lastChecked || 0) < now - 2 * $.HOUR) {
        this.data.lastChecked = now;
        for (boardID in this.data.boards) {

    DataBoard.prototype.ajaxClean = function(boardID) {
      return $.cache("//a.4cdn.org/" + boardID + "/threads.json", (function(_this) {
        return function(e1) {
          if (e1.target.status === 200) {
            if (boardID === 'b' || boardID === 'f') {
              return _this.ajaxCleanParse(boardID, e1.target.response);
            } else {
              return $.cache("//a.4cdn.org/" + boardID + "/archive.json", function(e2) {
                if (e2.target.status === 200) {
                  return _this.ajaxCleanParse(boardID, e1.target.response, e2.target.response);

    DataBoard.prototype.ajaxCleanParse = function(boardID, response1, response2) {
      var ID, board, k, len1, len2, len3, page, q, ref, thread, threads, u;
      board = this.data.boards[boardID];
      threads = {};
      for (k = 0, len1 = response1.length; k < len1; k++) {
        page = response1[k];
        ref = page.threads;
        for (q = 0, len2 = ref.length; q < len2; q++) {
          thread = ref[q];
          ID = thread.no;
          if (ID in board) {
            threads[ID] = board[ID];
      if (response2) {
        for (u = 0, len3 = response2.length; u < len3; u++) {
          ID = response2[u];
          if (ID in board) {
            threads[ID] = board[ID];
      this.data.boards[boardID] = threads;
        boardID: boardID
      return this.save();

    DataBoard.prototype.onSync = function(data) {
      this.data = data || {
        boards: {}
      return typeof this.sync === "function" ? this.sync() : void 0;

    return DataBoard;


  Notice = (function() {
    function Notice(type, content, timeout1, onclose) {
      this.timeout = timeout1;
      this.onclose = onclose;
      this.close = bind(this.close, this);
      this.add = bind(this.add, this);
      this.el = $.el('div', {
        innerHTML: "<a href=\"javascript:;\" class=\"close fa fa-times\" title=\"Close\"></a><div class=\"message\"></div>"
      this.el.style.opacity = 0;
      $.on(this.el.firstElementChild, 'click', this.close);
      if (typeof content === 'string') {
        content = $.tn(content);
      $.add(this.el.lastElementChild, content);

    Notice.prototype.setType = function(type) {
      return this.el.className = "notification " + type;

    Notice.prototype.add = function() {
      if (d.hidden) {
        $.on(d, 'visibilitychange', this.add);
      $.off(d, 'visibilitychange', this.add);
      $.add(Header.noticesRoot, this.el);
      this.el.style.opacity = 1;
      if (this.timeout) {
        return setTimeout(this.close, this.timeout * $.SECOND);

    Notice.prototype.close = function() {
      $.off(d, 'visibilitychange', this.add);
      return typeof this.onclose === "function" ? this.onclose() : void 0;

    return Notice;


  RandomAccessList = (function() {
    function RandomAccessList(items) {
      var item, k, len1;
      this.length = 0;
      if (items) {
        for (k = 0, len1 = items.length; k < len1; k++) {
          item = items[k];

    RandomAccessList.prototype.push = function(data) {
      var ID, item, last;
      ID = data.ID;
      ID || (ID = data.id);
      if (this[ID]) {
      last = this.last;
      this[ID] = item = {
        prev: last,
        next: null,
        data: data,
        ID: ID
      item.prev = last;
      this.last = last ? last.next = item : this.first = item;
      return this.length++;

    RandomAccessList.prototype.before = function(root, item) {
      var prev;
      if (item.next === root || item === root) {
      prev = root.prev;
      root.prev = item;
      item.next = root;
      item.prev = prev;
      if (prev) {
        return prev.next = item;
      } else {
        return this.first = item;

    RandomAccessList.prototype.after = function(root, item) {
      var next;
      if (item.prev === root || item === root) {
      next = root.next;
      root.next = item;
      item.prev = root;
      item.next = next;
      if (next) {
        return next.prev = item;
      } else {
        return this.last = item;

    RandomAccessList.prototype.prepend = function(item) {
      var first;
      first = this.first;
      if (item === first || !this[item.ID]) {
      item.next = first;
      if (first) {
        first.prev = item;
      } else {
        this.last = item;
      this.first = item;
      return delete item.prev;

    RandomAccessList.prototype.shift = function() {
      return this.rm(this.first.ID);

    RandomAccessList.prototype.order = function() {
      var item, order;
      order = [item = this.first];
      while (item = item.next) {
      return order;

    RandomAccessList.prototype.rm = function(ID) {
      var item;
      item = this[ID];
      if (!item) {
      delete this[ID];
      delete item.next;
      return delete item.prev;

    RandomAccessList.prototype.rmi = function(item) {
      var next, prev;
      prev = item.prev, next = item.next;
      if (prev) {
        prev.next = next;
      } else {
        this.first = next;
      if (next) {
        return next.prev = prev;
      } else {
        return this.last = prev;

    return RandomAccessList;


  SimpleDict = (function() {
    function SimpleDict() {
      this.keys = [];

    SimpleDict.prototype.push = function(key, data) {
      key = "" + key;
      if (!this[key]) {
      return this[key] = data;

    SimpleDict.prototype.rm = function(key) {
      var i;
      key = "" + key;
      if ((i = this.keys.indexOf(key)) !== -1) {
        this.keys.splice(i, 1);
        return delete this[key];

    SimpleDict.prototype.forEach = function(fn) {
      var k, key, len1, ref;
      ref = slice.call(this.keys);
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        key = ref[k];

    return SimpleDict;


  ShimSet = (function() {
    function ShimSet() {
      this.elements = {};
      this.size = 0;

    ShimSet.prototype.has = function(value) {
      return value in this.elements;

    ShimSet.prototype.add = function(value) {
      if (this.elements[value]) {
      this.elements[value] = true;
      return this.size++;

    ShimSet.prototype["delete"] = function(value) {
      if (!this.elements[value]) {
      delete this.elements[value];
      return this.size--;

    return ShimSet;


  if (!('Set' in window)) {
    window.Set = ShimSet;

  Connection = (function() {
    function Connection(target1, origin1, cb1) {
      this.target = target1;
      this.origin = origin1;
      this.cb = cb1;
      this.onMessage = bind(this.onMessage, this);
      this.send = bind(this.send, this);
      $.on(window, 'message', this.onMessage);

    Connection.prototype.send = function(data) {
      return this.target.postMessage("" + g.NAMESPACE + (JSON.stringify(data)), this.origin);

    Connection.prototype.onMessage = function(e) {
      var base1, data, type, value;
      if (!(e.source === this.target && e.origin === this.origin && typeof e.data === 'string' && e.data.slice(0, g.NAMESPACE.length) === g.NAMESPACE)) {
      data = JSON.parse(e.data.slice(g.NAMESPACE.length));
      for (type in data) {
        value = data[type];
        if (typeof (base1 = this.cb)[type] === "function") {

    return Connection;


  Fetcher = (function() {
    function Fetcher(boardID1, threadID1, postID1, root1, context1) {
      var post;
      this.boardID = boardID1;
      this.threadID = threadID1;
      this.postID = postID1;
      this.root = root1;
      this.context = context1;
      if (post = g.posts[this.boardID + "." + this.postID]) {
      this.root.textContent = "Loading post No." + this.postID + "...";
      if (this.threadID) {
        $.cache("//a.4cdn.org/" + this.boardID + "/thread/" + this.threadID + ".json", (function(self) {
          return function() {
            return self.fetchedPost(this);
      } else {

    Fetcher.prototype.insert = function(post) {
      var clone, nodes;
      if (!this.root.parentNode) {
      clone = post.addClone(this.context, $.hasClass(this.root, 'dialog'));
      Main.callbackNodes(Clone, [clone]);
      nodes = clone.nodes;
      $.add(nodes.root, nodes.post);
      $.add(this.root, nodes.root);
      return $.event('PostsInserted');

    Fetcher.prototype.fetchedPost = function(req) {
      var api, board, k, len1, post, posts, status, thread;
      if (post = g.posts[this.boardID + "." + this.postID]) {
      status = req.status;
      if (status !== 200 && status !== 304) {
        if (this.archivedPost()) {
        $.addClass(this.root, 'warning');
        this.root.textContent = status === 404 ? "Thread No." + this.threadID + " 404'd." : "Error " + req.statusText + " (" + req.status + ").";
      posts = req.response.posts;
      Build.spoilerRange[this.boardID] = posts[0].custom_spoiler;
      for (k = 0, len1 = posts.length; k < len1; k++) {
        post = posts[k];
        if (post.no === this.postID) {
      if (post.no !== this.postID) {
        if (req.cached) {
          api = "//a.4cdn.org/" + this.boardID + "/thread/" + this.threadID + ".json";
          $.cleanCache(function(url) {
            return url === api;
          $.cache(api, (function(self) {
            return function() {
              return self.fetchedPost(this);
        if (this.archivedPost()) {
        $.addClass(this.root, 'warning');
        this.root.textContent = "Post No." + this.postID + " was not found.";
      board = g.boards[this.boardID] || new Board(this.boardID);
      thread = g.threads[this.boardID + "." + this.threadID] || new Thread(this.threadID, board);
      post = new Post(Build.postFromObject(post, this.boardID), thread, board);
      post.isFetchedQuote = true;
      Main.callbackNodes(Post, [post]);
      return this.insert(post);

    Fetcher.prototype.archivedPost = function() {
      var url;
      if (!Conf['Resurrect Quotes']) {
        return false;
      if (!(url = Redirect.to('post', {
        boardID: this.boardID,
        postID: this.postID
      }))) {
        return false;
      if (/^https:\/\//.test(url) || location.protocol === 'http:') {
        $.cache(url, (function(self) {
          return function() {
            return self.parseArchivedPost(this.response);
        })(this), {
          responseType: 'json',
          withCredentials: url.archive.withCredentials
        return true;
      } else if (Conf['Except Archives from Encryption']) {
        CrossOrigin.json(url, (function(_this) {
          return function(response) {
            var key, media, ref;
            media = response.media;
            if (media) {
              for (key in media) {
                if (/_link$/.test(key)) {
                  if (!((media[key] != null) && (ref = media[key].match(/^(http:\/\/[^\/]+\/)?/)[0], indexOf.call(url.archive.imagehosts, ref) >= 0))) {
                    delete media[key];
            return _this.parseArchivedPost(response);
        return true;
      return false;

    Fetcher.prototype.parseArchivedPost = function(data) {
      var board, comment, greentext, i, j, o, post, ref, text, text2, thread;
      if (post = g.posts[this.boardID + "." + this.postID]) {
      if (data.error) {
        $.addClass(this.root, 'warning');
        this.root.textContent = data.error;
      comment = (data.comment || '').split(/(\n|\[\/?(?:b|spoiler|code|moot|banned)\])/);
      comment = (function() {
        var k, len1, results;
        results = [];
        for (i = k = 0, len1 = comment.length; k < len1; i = ++k) {
          text = comment[i];
          if (i % 2 === 1) {
          } else {
            greentext = text[0] === '>';
            text = text.replace(/(\[\/?[a-z]+):lit(\])/, '$1$2');
            text = (function() {
              var len2, q, ref, results1;
              ref = text.split(/(>>(?:>\/[a-z\d]+\/)?\d+)/g);
              results1 = [];
              for (j = q = 0, len2 = ref.length; q < len2; j = ++q) {
                text2 = ref[j];
                  innerHTML: (j % 2 ? "<span class=\"deadlink\">" + E(text2) + "</span>" : E(text2))
              return results1;
            text = {
              innerHTML: (greentext ? "<span class=\"quote\">" + E.cat(text) + "</span>" : E.cat(text))
        return results;
      comment = {
        innerHTML: E.cat(comment)
      this.threadID = +data.thread_num;
      o = {
        postID: this.postID,
        threadID: this.threadID,
        boardID: this.boardID,
        isReply: this.postID !== this.threadID
      o.info = {
        subject: data.title,
        email: data.email,
        name: data.name || '',
        tripcode: data.trip,
        capcode: (function() {
          switch (data.capcode) {
            case 'M':
              return 'Mod';
            case 'A':
              return 'Admin';
            case 'D':
              return 'Developer';
        uniqueID: data.poster_hash,
        flagCode: data.poster_country,
        flag: data.poster_country_name,
        dateUTC: data.timestamp,
        dateText: data.fourchan_date,
        commentHTML: comment
      if (o.info.capcode) {
        delete o.info.uniqueID;
      if ((ref = data.media) != null ? ref.media_filename : void 0) {
        o.file = {
          name: data.media.media_filename,
          url: data.media.media_link || data.media.remote_media_link || (location.protocol + "//i.4cdn.org/" + this.boardID + "/" + (encodeURIComponent(data.media[this.boardID === 'f' ? 'media_filename' : 'media_orig']))),
          height: data.media.media_h,
          width: data.media.media_w,
          MD5: data.media.media_hash,
          size: $.bytesToString(data.media.media_size),
          thumbURL: data.media.thumb_link || (location.protocol + "//i.4cdn.org/" + this.boardID + "/" + data.media.preview_orig),
          theight: data.media.preview_h,
          twidth: data.media.preview_w,
          isSpoiler: data.media.spoiler === '1'
        if (!/\.pdf$/.test(o.file.url)) {
          o.file.dimensions = o.file.width + "x" + o.file.height;
        if (this.boardID === 'f' && data.media.exif) {
          o.file.tag = JSON.parse(data.media.exif).Tag;
      board = g.boards[this.boardID] || new Board(this.boardID);
      thread = g.threads[this.boardID + "." + this.threadID] || new Thread(this.threadID, board);
      post = new Post(Build.post(o), thread, board);
      if (post.file) {
        post.file.thumbURL = o.file.thumbURL;
      post.isFetchedQuote = true;
      Main.callbackNodes(Post, [post]);
      return this.insert(post);

    Fetcher.prototype.archiveTags = {
      '\n': {
        innerHTML: "<br>"
      '[b]': {
        innerHTML: "<b>"
      '[/b]': {
        innerHTML: "</b>"
      '[spoiler]': {
        innerHTML: "<s>"
      '[/spoiler]': {
        innerHTML: "</s>"
      '[code]': {
        innerHTML: "<pre class=\"prettyprint\">"
      '[/code]': {
        innerHTML: "</pre>"
      '[moot]': {
        innerHTML: "<div style=\"padding:5px;margin-left:.5em;border-color:#faa;border:2px dashed rgba(255,0,0,.1);border-radius:2px\">"
      '[/moot]': {
        innerHTML: "</div>"
      '[banned]': {
        innerHTML: "<strong style=\"color: red;\">"
      '[/banned]': {
        innerHTML: "</strong>"

    return Fetcher;


  Polyfill = {
    init: function() {
      return this.visibility();
    notificationPermission: function() {
      if (!window.Notification || 'permission' in Notification || !window.webkitNotifications) {
      return Object.defineProperty(Notification, 'permission', {
        get: function() {
          switch (webkitNotifications.checkPermission()) {
            case 0:
              return 'granted';
            case 1:
              return 'default';
            case 2:
              return 'denied';
    toBlob: function() {
      var base1;
      return (base1 = HTMLCanvasElement.prototype).toBlob || (base1.toBlob = function(cb) {
        var data, i, k, l, ref, ui8a;
        data = atob(this.toDataURL().slice(22));
        l = data.length;
        ui8a = new Uint8Array(l);
        for (i = k = 0, ref = l; k < ref; i = k += 1) {
          ui8a[i] = data.charCodeAt(i);
        return cb(new Blob([ui8a], {
          type: 'image/png'
    visibility: function() {
      if ('visibilityState' in d) {
      Object.defineProperties(HTMLDocument.prototype, {
        visibilityState: {
          get: function() {
            return this.webkitVisibilityState;
        hidden: {
          get: function() {
            return this.webkitHidden;
      return $.on(d, 'webkitvisibilitychange', function() {
        return $.event('visibilitychange');

  Header = {
    init: function() {
      var barFixedToggler, barPositionToggler, box, customNavToggler, editCustomNav, footerToggler, headerToggler, linkJustifyToggler, menuButton, scrollHeaderToggler, shortcutToggler;
      this.menu = new UI.Menu('header');
      menuButton = $.el('span', {
        className: 'menu-button'
      $.extend(menuButton, {
        innerHTML: "<i></i>"
      box = UI.checkbox;
      barFixedToggler = box('Fixed Header', 'Fixed Header');
      headerToggler = box('Header auto-hide', 'Auto-hide header');
      scrollHeaderToggler = box('Header auto-hide on scroll', 'Auto-hide header on scroll');
      barPositionToggler = box('Bottom Header', 'Bottom header');
      linkJustifyToggler = box('Centered links', 'Centered links');
      customNavToggler = box('Custom Board Navigation', 'Custom board navigation');
      footerToggler = box('Bottom Board List', 'Hide bottom board list');
      shortcutToggler = box('Shortcut Icons', 'Shortcut Icons');
      editCustomNav = $.el('a', {
        textContent: 'Edit custom board navigation',
        href: 'javascript:;'
      this.barFixedToggler = barFixedToggler.firstElementChild;
      this.scrollHeaderToggler = scrollHeaderToggler.firstElementChild;
      this.barPositionToggler = barPositionToggler.firstElementChild;
      this.linkJustifyToggler = linkJustifyToggler.firstElementChild;
      this.headerToggler = headerToggler.firstElementChild;
      this.footerToggler = footerToggler.firstElementChild;
      this.shortcutToggler = shortcutToggler.firstElementChild;
      this.customNavToggler = customNavToggler.firstElementChild;
      $.on(menuButton, 'click', this.menuToggle);
      $.on(this.headerToggler, 'change', this.toggleBarVisibility);
      $.on(this.barFixedToggler, 'change', this.toggleBarFixed);
      $.on(this.barPositionToggler, 'change', this.toggleBarPosition);
      $.on(this.scrollHeaderToggler, 'change', this.toggleHideBarOnScroll);
      $.on(this.linkJustifyToggler, 'change', this.toggleLinkJustify);
      $.on(this.footerToggler, 'change', this.toggleFooterVisibility);
      $.on(this.shortcutToggler, 'change', this.toggleShortcutIcons);
      $.on(this.customNavToggler, 'change', this.toggleCustomNav);
      $.on(editCustomNav, 'click', this.editCustomNav);
      this.setBarFixed(Conf['Fixed Header']);
      this.setHideBarOnScroll(Conf['Header auto-hide on scroll']);
      this.setBarVisibility(Conf['Header auto-hide']);
      this.setLinkJustify(Conf['Centered links']);
      this.setShortcutIcons(Conf['Shortcut Icons']);
      this.setFooterVisibility(Conf['Bottom Board List']);
      $.sync('Fixed Header', this.setBarFixed);
      $.sync('Header auto-hide on scroll', this.setHideBarOnScroll);
      $.sync('Bottom Header', this.setBarPosition);
      $.sync('Shortcut Icons', this.setShortcutIcons);
      $.sync('Header auto-hide', this.setBarVisibility);
      $.sync('Centered links', this.setLinkJustify);
      $.sync('Bottom Board List', this.setFooterVisibility);
        el: $.el('span', {
          textContent: 'Header'
        order: 107,
        subEntries: [
            el: barFixedToggler
          }, {
            el: headerToggler
          }, {
            el: scrollHeaderToggler
          }, {
            el: barPositionToggler
          }, {
            el: linkJustifyToggler
          }, {
            el: footerToggler
          }, {
            el: shortcutToggler
          }, {
            el: customNavToggler
          }, {
            el: editCustomNav
      $.on(window, 'load hashchange', Header.hashScroll);
      $.on(d, 'CreateNotification', this.createNotification);
      $.asap((function() {
        return d.body;
      }), (function(_this) {
        return function() {
          if (!Main.isThisPageLegit()) {
          $.asap((function() {
            return $.id('boardNavMobile') || d.readyState !== 'loading';
          }), function() {
            var a, footer;
            footer = $.id('boardNavDesktop').cloneNode(true);
            footer.id = 'boardNavDesktopFoot';
            $('#navtopright', footer).id = 'navbotright';
            $('#settingsWindowLink', footer).id = 'settingsWindowLinkBot';
            Header.bottomBoardList = $('.boardList', footer);
            if (a = $("a[href*='/" + g.BOARD + "/']", footer)) {
              a.className = 'current';
            Main.ready(function() {
              var oldFooter;
              if (oldFooter = $.id('boardNavDesktopFoot')) {
                return $.replace($('.boardList', oldFooter), Header.bottomBoardList);
              } else {
                $.before($.id('absbot'), footer);
                return $.globalEval('window.cloneTopNav = function() {};');
            return Header.setBoardList();
          $.prepend(d.body, _this.bar);
          $.add(d.body, Header.hover);
          _this.setBarPosition(Conf['Bottom Header']);
          return _this;
      Main.ready((function(_this) {
        return function() {
          var cs;
          if (g.VIEW === 'catalog' || !Conf['Disable Native Extension']) {
            cs = $.el('a', {
              href: 'javascript:;'
            if (g.VIEW === 'catalog') {
              cs.title = cs.textContent = 'Catalog Settings';
              cs.className = 'fa fa-book';
            } else {
              cs.title = cs.textContent = '4chan Settings';
              cs.className = 'fa fa-leaf';
            $.on(cs, 'click', function() {
              return $.id('settingsWindowLink').click();
            return _this.addShortcut(cs);
      return this.enableDesktopNotifications();
    bar: $.el('div', {
      id: 'header-bar'
    noticesRoot: $.el('div', {
      id: 'notifications'
    shortcuts: $.el('span', {
      id: 'shortcuts'
    hover: $.el('div', {
      id: 'hoverUI'
    toggle: $.el('div', {
      id: 'scroll-marker'
    setBoardList: function() {
      var a, boardList, btn, chr, k, len1, len2, node, nodes, q, ref, ref1, spacer, span;
      Header.boardList = boardList = $.el('span', {
        id: 'board-list'
      $.extend(boardList, {
        innerHTML: "<span id=\"custom-board-list\"></span><span id=\"full-board-list\" hidden><span class=\"hide-board-list-container brackets-wrap\"><a href=\"javascript:;\" class=\"hide-board-list-button\">&nbsp;-&nbsp;</a></span> <span class=\"boardList\"></span></span>"
      btn = $('.hide-board-list-button', boardList);
      $.on(btn, 'click', Header.toggleBoardList);
      nodes = [];
      spacer = function() {
        return $.el('span', {
          className: 'spacer'
      ref = $('#boardNavDesktop > .boardList').childNodes;
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        node = ref[k];
        switch (node.nodeName) {
          case '#text':
            ref1 = node.nodeValue;
            for (q = 0, len2 = ref1.length; q < len2; q++) {
              chr = ref1[q];
              span = $.el('span', {
                textContent: chr
              if (chr === ' ') {
                span.className = 'space';
              if (chr === ']') {
              if (chr === '[') {
          case 'A':
            a = node.cloneNode(true);
            if (a.pathname.split('/')[1] === g.BOARD.ID) {
              a.className = 'current';
      $.add($('.boardList', boardList), nodes);
      $.add(Header.bar, [Header.boardList, Header.shortcuts, Header.noticesRoot, Header.toggle]);
      Header.setCustomNav(Conf['Custom Board Navigation']);
      $.sync('Custom Board Navigation', Header.setCustomNav);
      return $.sync('boardnav', Header.generateBoardList);
    generateBoardList: function(boardnav) {
      var as, list, nodes, re, t;
      list = $('#custom-board-list', Header.boardList);
      if (!boardnav) {
      boardnav = boardnav.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/g, ' ');
      as = $$('#full-board-list a[title]', Header.boardList);
      re = /[\w@]+(-(all|title|replace|full|index|catalog|archive|expired|text:"[^"]+"(,"[^"]+")?))*|[^\w@]+/g;
      nodes = (function() {
        var k, len1, ref, results;
        ref = boardnav.match(re);
        results = [];
        for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
          t = ref[k];
          results.push(Header.mapCustomNavigation(t, as));
        return results;
      $.add(list, nodes);
      return $.ready(CatalogLinks.initBoardList);
    mapCustomNavigation: function(t, as) {
      var a, boardID, href, m, text, url;
      if (/^[^\w@]/.test(t)) {
        return $.tn(t);
      text = url = null;
      t = t.replace(/-text:"([^"]+)"(?:,"([^"]+)")?/g, function(m0, m1, m2) {
        text = m1;
        url = m2;
        return '';
      if (/^toggle-all/.test(t)) {
        a = $.el('a', {
          className: 'show-board-list-button',
          textContent: text || '+',
          href: 'javascript:;'
        $.on(a, 'click', Header.toggleBoardList);
        return a;
      if (/^external/.test(t)) {
        a = $.el('a', {
          href: url || 'javascript:;',
          textContent: text || '+',
          className: 'external'
        return a;
      boardID = t.split('-')[0];
      if (boardID === 'current') {
        boardID = g.BOARD.ID;
      a = (function() {
        var k, len1, ref;
        if (boardID === '@') {
          return $.el('a', {
            href: 'https://twitter.com/4chan',
            title: '4chan Twitter',
            textContent: '@'
        for (k = 0, len1 = as.length; k < len1; k++) {
          a = as[k];
          if (a.textContent === boardID) {
            return a.cloneNode(true);
        a = $.el('a', {
          href: "/" + boardID + "/",
          textContent: boardID
        if ((ref = g.VIEW) === 'catalog' || ref === 'archive') {
          a.href += g.VIEW;
        if (boardID === g.BOARD.ID) {
          a.className = 'current';
        return a;
      a.textContent = /-title/.test(t) || /-replace/.test(t) && boardID === g.BOARD.ID ? a.title || a.textContent : /-full/.test(t) ? ("/" + boardID + "/") + (a.title ? " - " + a.title : '') : text || boardID;
      if (m = t.match(/-(index|catalog)/)) {
        if (!(boardID === 'f' && m[1] === 'catalog')) {
          a.dataset.only = m[1];
          a.href = CatalogLinks[m[1]](boardID);
          if (m[1] === 'catalog') {
            $.addClass(a, 'catalog');
        } else {
          return a.firstChild;
      if (/-archive/.test(t)) {
        if (href = Redirect.to('board', {
          boardID: boardID
        })) {
          a.href = href;
        } else {
          return a.firstChild;
      if (/-expired/.test(t)) {
        if (boardID !== 'b' && boardID !== 'f') {
          a.href = "/" + boardID + "/archive";
        } else {
          return a.firstChild;
      if (boardID === '@') {
        $.addClass(a, 'navSmall');
      return a;
    toggleBoardList: function() {
      var bar, custom, full, showBoardList;
      bar = Header.bar;
      custom = $('#custom-board-list', bar);
      full = $('#full-board-list', bar);
      showBoardList = !full.hidden;
      custom.hidden = !showBoardList;
      return full.hidden = showBoardList;
    setLinkJustify: function(centered) {
      Header.linkJustifyToggler.checked = centered;
      if (centered) {
        return $.addClass(doc, 'centered-links');
      } else {
        return $.rmClass(doc, 'centered-links');
    toggleLinkJustify: function() {
      var centered;
      centered = this.nodeName === 'INPUT' ? this.checked : void 0;
      return $.set('Centered links', centered);
    setBarFixed: function(fixed) {
      Header.barFixedToggler.checked = fixed;
      if (fixed) {
        $.addClass(doc, 'fixed');
        return $.addClass(Header.bar, 'dialog');
      } else {
        $.rmClass(doc, 'fixed');
        return $.rmClass(Header.bar, 'dialog');
    toggleBarFixed: function() {
      Conf['Fixed Header'] = this.checked;
      return $.set('Fixed Header', this.checked);
    setShortcutIcons: function(show) {
      Header.shortcutToggler.checked = show;
      if (show) {
        return $.addClass(doc, 'shortcut-icons');
      } else {
        return $.rmClass(doc, 'shortcut-icons');
    toggleShortcutIcons: function() {
      Conf['Shortcut Icons'] = this.checked;
      return $.set('Shortcut Icons', this.checked);
    setBarVisibility: function(hide) {
      Header.headerToggler.checked = hide;
      (hide ? $.addClass : $.rmClass)(Header.bar, 'autohide');
      return (hide ? $.addClass : $.rmClass)(doc, 'autohide');
    toggleBarVisibility: function() {
      var hide, message;
      hide = this.nodeName === 'INPUT' ? this.checked : !$.hasClass(Header.bar, 'autohide');
      Conf['Header auto-hide'] = hide;
      $.set('Header auto-hide', hide);
      message = "The header bar will " + (hide ? 'automatically hide itself.' : 'remain visible.');
      return new Notice('info', message, 2);
    setHideBarOnScroll: function(hide) {
      Header.scrollHeaderToggler.checked = hide;
      if (hide) {
        $.on(window, 'scroll', Header.hideBarOnScroll);
      $.off(window, 'scroll', Header.hideBarOnScroll);
      $.rmClass(Header.bar, 'scroll');
      if (!Conf['Header auto-hide']) {
        return $.rmClass(Header.bar, 'autohide');
    toggleHideBarOnScroll: function() {
      var hide;
      hide = this.checked;
      return Header.setHideBarOnScroll(hide);
    hideBarOnScroll: function() {
      var offsetY;
      offsetY = window.pageYOffset;
      if (offsetY > (Header.previousOffset || 0)) {
        $.addClass(Header.bar, 'autohide', 'scroll');
      } else {
        $.rmClass(Header.bar, 'autohide', 'scroll');
      return Header.previousOffset = offsetY;
    setBarPosition: function(bottom) {
      var args;
      Header.barPositionToggler.checked = bottom;
      args = bottom ? ['bottom-header', 'top-header', 'after'] : ['top-header', 'bottom-header', 'add'];
      $.addClass(doc, args[0]);
      $.rmClass(doc, args[1]);
      return $[args[2]](Header.bar, Header.noticesRoot);
    toggleBarPosition: function() {
      return Header.setBarPosition(this.checked);
    setFooterVisibility: function(hide) {
      Header.footerToggler.checked = hide;
      return doc.classList.toggle('hide-bottom-board-list', hide);
    toggleFooterVisibility: function() {
      var hide, message;
      hide = this.nodeName === 'INPUT' ? this.checked : $.hasClass(doc, 'hide-bottom-board-list');
      $.set('Bottom Board List', hide);
      message = hide ? 'The bottom navigation will now be hidden.' : 'The bottom navigation will remain visible.';
      return new Notice('info', message, 2);
    setCustomNav: function(show) {
      var btn, cust, full, ref;
      Header.customNavToggler.checked = show;
      cust = $('#custom-board-list', Header.bar);
      full = $('#full-board-list', Header.bar);
      btn = $('.hide-board-list-container', full);
      return ref = show ? [false, true, false] : [true, false, true], cust.hidden = ref[0], full.hidden = ref[1], btn.hidden = ref[2], ref;
    toggleCustomNav: function() {
      return Header.setCustomNav(this.checked);
    editCustomNav: function() {
      var settings;
      settings = $.id('fourchanx-settings');
      return $('[name=boardnav]', settings).focus();
    hashScroll: function() {
      var hash, post;
      hash = this.location.hash.slice(1);
      if (!(/^p\d+$/.test(hash) && (post = $.id(hash)))) {
      if ((Get.postFromRoot(post)).isHidden) {
      return Header.scrollTo(post);
    scrollTo: function(root, down, needed) {
      var height, x;
      if (down) {
        x = Header.getBottomOf(root);
        if (Conf['Fixed Header'] && Conf['Header auto-hide on scroll'] && Conf['Bottom header']) {
          height = Header.bar.getBoundingClientRect().height;
          if (x <= 0) {
            if (!Header.isHidden()) {
              x += height;
          } else {
            if (Header.isHidden()) {
              x -= height;
        if (!(needed && x >= 0)) {
          return window.scrollBy(0, -x);
      } else {
        x = Header.getTopOf(root);
        if (Conf['Fixed Header'] && Conf['Header auto-hide on scroll'] && !Conf['Bottom header']) {
          height = Header.bar.getBoundingClientRect().height;
          if (x >= 0) {
            if (!Header.isHidden()) {
              x += height;
          } else {
            if (Header.isHidden()) {
              x -= height;
        if (!(needed && x >= 0)) {
          return window.scrollBy(0, x);
    scrollToIfNeeded: function(root, down) {
      return Header.scrollTo(root, down, true);
    getTopOf: function(root) {
      var headRect, top;
      top = root.getBoundingClientRect().top;
      if (Conf['Fixed Header'] && !Conf['Bottom Header']) {
        headRect = Header.toggle.getBoundingClientRect();
        top -= headRect.top + headRect.height;
      return top;
    getBottomOf: function(root) {
      var bottom, clientHeight, headRect;
      clientHeight = doc.clientHeight;
      bottom = clientHeight - root.getBoundingClientRect().bottom;
      if (Conf['Fixed Header'] && Conf['Bottom Header']) {
        headRect = Header.toggle.getBoundingClientRect();
        bottom -= clientHeight - headRect.bottom + headRect.height;
      return bottom;
    isNodeVisible: function(node) {
      var height;
      if (d.hidden || !doc.contains(node)) {
        return false;
      height = node.getBoundingClientRect().height;
      return Header.getTopOf(node) + height >= 0 && Header.getBottomOf(node) + height >= 0;
    isHidden: function() {
      var top;
      top = Header.bar.getBoundingClientRect().top;
      if (Conf['Bottom header']) {
        return top === doc.clientHeight;
      } else {
        return top < 0;
    addShortcut: function(el) {
      var shortcut;
      shortcut = $.el('span', {
        className: 'shortcut brackets-wrap'
      $.add(shortcut, el);
      return $.prepend(Header.shortcuts, shortcut);
    rmShortcut: function(el) {
      return $.rm(el.parentElement);
    menuToggle: function(e) {
      return Header.menu.toggle(e, this, g);
    createNotification: function(e) {
      var content, lifetime, notice, ref, type;
      ref = e.detail, type = ref.type, content = ref.content, lifetime = ref.lifetime;
      return notice = new Notice(type, content, lifetime);
    areNotificationsEnabled: false,
    enableDesktopNotifications: function() {
      var authorize, disable, el, notice, ref;
      if (!(window.Notification && Conf['Desktop Notifications'])) {
      switch (Notification.permission) {
        case 'granted':
          Header.areNotificationsEnabled = true;
        case 'denied':
      el = $.el('span', {
        innerHTML: "4chan X needs your permission to show desktop notifications. [<a href=\"https://github.com/ccd0/4chan-x/wiki/Frequently-Asked-Questions#why-is-4chan-x-asking-for-permission-to-show-desktop-notifications\" target=\"_blank\">FAQ</a>]<br><button>Authorize</button> or <button>Disable</button>"
      ref = $$('button', el), authorize = ref[0], disable = ref[1];
      $.on(authorize, 'click', function() {
        return Notification.requestPermission(function(status) {
          Header.areNotificationsEnabled = status === 'granted';
          if (status === 'default') {
          return notice.close();
      $.on(disable, 'click', function() {
        $.set('Desktop Notifications', false);
        return notice.close();
      return notice = new Notice('info', el);

  Index = {
    showHiddenThreads: false,
    init: function() {
      var anchorEntry, input, k, label, len1, len2, name, pinEntry, q, ref, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, refNavEntry, repliesEntry, select;
      if (g.BOARD.ID === 'f' || !Conf['JSON Navigation'] || g.VIEW !== 'index') {
      this.board = "" + g.BOARD;
        name: 'Catalog Features',
        cb: this.catalogNode
      this.search = ((ref = history.state) != null ? ref.search : void 0) || '';
      if ((ref1 = history.state) != null ? ref1.mode : void 0) {
        Conf['Index Mode'] = (ref2 = history.state) != null ? ref2.mode : void 0;
      this.currentPage = this.getCurrentPage();
        command: (ref3 = location.href.match(/#(.*)/)) != null ? ref3[1] : void 0,
        replace: true
      this.button = $.el('a', {
        className: 'index-refresh-shortcut fa fa-refresh',
        title: 'Refresh',
        href: 'javascript:;',
        textContent: 'Refresh Index'
      $.on(this.button, 'click', function() {
        return Index.update();
      Header.addShortcut(this.button, 1);
      repliesEntry = {
        el: UI.checkbox('Show Replies', 'Show replies')
      pinEntry = {
        el: UI.checkbox('Pin Watched Threads', 'Pin watched threads')
      anchorEntry = {
        el: UI.checkbox('Anchor Hidden Threads', 'Anchor hidden threads')
      refNavEntry = {
        el: UI.checkbox('Refreshed Navigation', 'Refreshed navigation')
      pinEntry.el.title = 'Move watched threads to the start of the index.';
      anchorEntry.el.title = 'Move hidden threads to the end of the index.';
      refNavEntry.el.title = 'Refresh index when navigating through pages.';
      ref4 = [repliesEntry, pinEntry, anchorEntry, refNavEntry];
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref4.length; k < len1; k++) {
        label = ref4[k];
        input = label.el.firstChild;
        name = input.name;
        $.on(input, 'change', $.cb.checked);
        switch (name) {
          case 'Show Replies':
            $.on(input, 'change', this.cb.replies);
          case 'Pin Watched Threads':
          case 'Anchor Hidden Threads':
            $.on(input, 'change', this.cb.sort);
        el: $.el('span', {
          textContent: 'Index Navigation'
        order: 100,
        subEntries: [repliesEntry, pinEntry, anchorEntry, refNavEntry]
      $.addClass(doc, 'index-loading', (Conf['Index Mode'].replace(/\ /g, '-')) + "-mode");
      this.root = $.el('div', {
        className: 'board'
      this.pagelist = $.el('div', {
        className: 'pagelist'
      $.extend(this.pagelist, {
        innerHTML: "<div class=\"prev\"><a><button disabled>Previous</button></a></div><div class=\"pages\"></div><div class=\"next\"><a><button disabled>Next</button></a></div><div class=\"pages cataloglink\"><a href=\"./catalog\">Catalog</a></div>"
      $('.cataloglink a', this.pagelist).href = CatalogLinks.catalog();
      this.navLinks = $.el('div', {
        className: 'navLinks'
      $.extend(this.navLinks, {
        innerHTML: "<span class=\"brackets-wrap indexlink\"><a href=\"#index\">Index</a></span> <span class=\"brackets-wrap cataloglink\"><a href=\"#catalog\">Catalog</a></span> <span class=\"brackets-wrap archlistlink\"><a href=\"./archive\">Archive</a></span> <span class=\"brackets-wrap bottomlink\"><a href=\"#bottom\">Bottom</a></span> <span class=\"brackets-wrap\" id=\"index-last-refresh\"><a href=\"javascript:;\"><time title=\"Last index refresh\">...</time></a></span> <input type=\"search\" id=\"index-search\" class=\"field\" placeholder=\"Search\"><a id=\"index-search-clear\" href=\"javascript:;\" title=\"Clear search\">×</a><span id=\"hidden-label\" hidden> &mdash; <span id=\"hidden-count\"></span> <span id=\"hidden-toggle\">[<a href=\"javascript:;\">Show</a>]</span></span><select id=\"index-mode\" name=\"Index Mode\"><option disabled>Index Mode</option><option value=\"paged\">Paged</option><option value=\"infinite\">Infinite scrolling</option><option value=\"all pages\">All threads</option><option value=\"catalog\">Catalog</option></select><select id=\"index-sort\" name=\"Index Sort\"><option disabled>Index Sort</option><option value=\"bump\">Bump order</option><option value=\"lastreply\">Last reply</option><option value=\"birth\">Creation date</option><option value=\"replycount\">Reply count</option><option value=\"filecount\">File count</option></select><select id=\"index-size\" name=\"Index Size\"><option disabled>Image Size</option><option value=\"small\">Small</option><option value=\"large\">Large</option></select>"
      $('.cataloglink a', this.navLinks).href = CatalogLinks.catalog();
      if (g.BOARD.ID === 'b') {
        $('.archlistlink', this.navLinks).hidden = true;
      this.searchInput = $('#index-search', this.navLinks);
      this.hideLabel = $('#hidden-label', this.navLinks);
      this.selectMode = $('#index-mode', this.navLinks);
      this.selectSort = $('#index-sort', this.navLinks);
      this.selectSize = $('#index-size', this.navLinks);
      $.on(window, 'popstate', this.cb.popstate);
      $.on(d, 'scroll', Index.scroll);
      $.on(this.pagelist, 'click', this.cb.pageNav);
      $.on(this.searchInput, 'input', this.onSearchInput);
      $.on($('#index-last-refresh a', this.navLinks), 'click', this.cb.refreshFront);
      $.on($('#index-search-clear', this.navLinks), 'click', this.clearSearch);
      $.on($('#hidden-toggle a', this.navLinks), 'click', this.cb.toggleHiddenThreads);
      $.on(this.selectMode, 'change', this.cb.mode);
      ref5 = [this.selectMode, this.selectSort, this.selectSize];
      for (q = 0, len2 = ref5.length; q < len2; q++) {
        select = ref5[q];
        select.value = Conf[select.name];
        $.on(select, 'change', $.cb.value);
      $.on(this.selectSort, 'change', this.cb.sort);
      $.on(this.selectSize, 'change', this.cb.size);
      $.asap((function() {
        return $('title + *', doc) || d.readyState !== 'loading';
      }), function() {
        return d.title = d.title.replace(/\ -\ Page\ \d+/, '');
      $.asap((function() {
        return $('.board > .thread > .postContainer', doc) || d.readyState !== 'loading';
      }), function() {
        var board, el, len3, len4, ref6, ref7, ref8, threadRoot, topNavPos, u, w;
        if (!Main.isThisPageLegit()) {
        Index.hat = $('.board > .thread > img:first-child');
        if (Index.hat && Index.nodes) {
          ref6 = Index.nodes;
          for (u = 0, len3 = ref6.length; u < len3; u++) {
            threadRoot = ref6[u];
            $.prepend(threadRoot, Index.hat.cloneNode(false));
        board = $('.board');
        $.replace(board, Index.root);
        d.implementation.createDocument(null, null, null).appendChild(board);
        ref7 = $$('.navLinks');
        for (w = 0, len4 = ref7.length; w < len4; w++) {
          el = ref7[w];
        if ((ref8 = $.id('search-box')) != null) {
        topNavPos = $.id('delform').previousElementSibling;
        $.before(topNavPos, $.el('hr'));
        return $.before(topNavPos, Index.navLinks);
      return $.asap((function() {
        return $('.pagelist', doc) || d.readyState !== 'loading';
      }), function() {
        var pagelist;
        if (!Main.isThisPageLegit()) {
        if (pagelist = $('.pagelist')) {
          $.replace(pagelist, Index.pagelist);
        } else {
          $.after($.id('delform'), Index.pagelist);
        return $.rmClass(doc, 'index-loading');
    scroll: function() {
      var nodes, pageNum;
      if (Index.req || Conf['Index Mode'] !== 'infinite' || (window.scrollY <= doc.scrollHeight - (300 + window.innerHeight))) {
      if (Index.pageNum == null) {
        Index.pageNum = Index.getCurrentPage();
      pageNum = ++Index.pageNum;
      if (pageNum > Index.pagesNum) {
        return Index.endNotice();
      nodes = Index.buildSinglePage(pageNum);
      if (Conf['Show Replies']) {
      return Index.buildStructure(nodes);
    endNotice: (function() {
      var notify, reset;
      notify = false;
      reset = function() {
        return notify = false;
      return function() {
        if (notify) {
        notify = true;
        new Notice('info', "Last page reached.", 2);
        return setTimeout(reset, 3 * $.SECOND);
    menu: {
      init: function() {
        if (g.VIEW !== 'index' || !Conf['JSON Navigation'] || !Conf['Menu'] || !Conf['Thread Hiding Link'] || g.BOARD.ID === 'f') {
        return Menu.menu.addEntry({
          el: $.el('a', {
            href: 'javascript:;'
          order: 20,
          open: function(arg) {
            var thread;
            thread = arg.thread;
            if (Conf['Index Mode'] !== 'catalog') {
              return false;
            this.el.textContent = thread.isHidden ? 'Unhide thread' : 'Hide thread';
            if (this.cb) {
              $.off(this.el, 'click', this.cb);
            this.cb = function() {
              return Index.toggleHide(thread);
            $.on(this.el, 'click', this.cb);
            return true;
    catalogNode: function() {
      return $.on(this.nodes.thumb.parentNode, 'click', Index.onClick);
    onClick: function(e) {
      var thread;
      if (e.button !== 0) {
      thread = g.threads[this.parentNode.dataset.fullID];
      if (e.shiftKey) {
      } else {
      return e.preventDefault();
    toggleHide: function(thread) {
      if (Index.showHiddenThreads) {
        if (!ThreadHiding.db.get({
          boardID: thread.board.ID,
          threadID: thread.ID
        })) {
      } else {
      return ThreadHiding.saveHiddenState(thread);
    cycleSortType: function() {
      var i, k, len1, type, types;
      types = slice.call(Index.selectSort.options).filter(function(option) {
        return !option.disabled;
      for (i = k = 0, len1 = types.length; k < len1; i = ++k) {
        type = types[i];
        if (type.selected) {
      types[(i + 1) % types.length].selected = true;
      return $.event('change', null, Index.selectSort);
    cb: {
      toggleHiddenThreads: function() {
        $('#hidden-toggle a', Index.navLinks).textContent = (Index.showHiddenThreads = !Index.showHiddenThreads) ? 'Hide' : 'Show';
        return Index.buildIndex();
      mode: function() {
        var mode;
        mode = this.value;
        if (mode !== 'catalog') {
          Conf['Previous Index Mode'] = mode;
          $.set('Previous Index Mode', mode);
        return Index.pageLoad(Index.pushState({
          mode: mode
      sort: function() {
        return Index.buildIndex();
      size: function(e) {
        if (Conf['Index Mode'] !== 'catalog') {
          $.rmClass(Index.root, 'catalog-small');
          $.rmClass(Index.root, 'catalog-large');
        } else if (Conf['Index Size'] === 'small') {
          $.addClass(Index.root, 'catalog-small');
          $.rmClass(Index.root, 'catalog-large');
        } else {
          $.addClass(Index.root, 'catalog-large');
          $.rmClass(Index.root, 'catalog-small');
        if (e) {
          return Index.buildIndex();
      replies: function() {
        return Index.buildIndex();
      popstate: function(e) {
        var mode, page, ref, ref1, search, state;
        if (e != null ? e.state : void 0) {
          ref = e.state, search = ref.search, mode = ref.mode;
          page = Index.getCurrentPage();
          state = {};
          if (Index.search !== search) {
            state.search = Index.search = search;
          if (Conf['Index Mode'] !== mode) {
            state.mode = mode;
          if (Index.currentPage !== page) {
            state.page = Index.currentPage = page;
          if ((state.search != null) || (state.mode != null) || (state.page != null)) {
            return Index.pageLoad(state);
        } else {
          state = Index.pushState({
            command: (ref1 = location.href.match(/#(.*)/)) != null ? ref1[1] : void 0,
            replace: true,
            scroll: true
          if (state.command) {
            return Index[Conf['Refreshed Navigation'] ? 'update' : 'pageLoad'](state);
      pageNav: function(e) {
        var a;
        if (e.shiftKey || e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey || e.button !== 0) {
        switch (e.target.nodeName) {
          case 'BUTTON':
            a = e.target.parentNode;
          case 'A':
            a = e.target;
        if (a.textContent === 'Catalog') {
        return Index.userPageNav(+a.pathname.split('/')[2] || 1);
      refreshFront: function() {
        return Index.update(Index.pushState({
          page: 1,
          scroll: true
    scrollToIndex: function() {
      return Header.scrollToIfNeeded(Index.navLinks);
    getCurrentPage: function() {
      var ref;
      if ((ref = Conf['Index Mode']) === 'all pages' || ref === 'catalog') {
        return 1;
      } else {
        return +window.location.pathname.split('/')[2] || 1;
    userPageNav: function(page) {
      var state;
      state = Index.pushState({
        page: page,
        scroll: true
      if (Conf['Refreshed Navigation']) {
        return Index.update(state);
      } else {
        if (state.page) {
          return Index.pageLoad(state);
    pushState: function(state) {
      var command, hash, mode, page, pageBeforeSearch, pathname, ref, search;
      pathname = location.pathname, hash = location.hash;
      pageBeforeSearch = (ref = history.state) != null ? ref.oldpage : void 0;
      if (state.command != null) {
        command = state.command;
        if (command === 'paged' || command === 'infinite' || command === 'all-pages' || command === 'catalog') {
          state.mode = command.replace(/-/g, ' ');
        } else if (command === 'index') {
          state.mode = Conf['Previous Index Mode'];
          state.page = 1;
        } else if (/^s=/.test(command)) {
          state.search = decodeURIComponent(command.slice(2)).replace(/\+/g, ' ').trim();
          hash = '';
        } else {
          delete state.command;
      if (state.search != null) {
        search = state.search;
        state.page = search ? 1 : pageBeforeSearch || 1;
        if (!search) {
          pageBeforeSearch = void 0;
        } else if (!Index.search) {
          pageBeforeSearch = Index.currentPage;
        Index.search = search;
      if (state.mode != null) {
        mode = state.mode;
        if (mode === Conf['Index Mode']) {
          delete state.mode;
        if (mode === 'all pages' || mode === 'catalog') {
          state.page = 1;
        hash = '';
      if (state.page != null) {
        page = state.page;
        if (page === Index.currentPage) {
          delete state.page;
        Index.currentPage = page;
        pathname = page === 1 ? "/" + g.BOARD + "/" : "/" + g.BOARD + "/" + page;
        hash = '';
      history[state.replace ? 'replaceState' : 'pushState']({
        mode: Conf['Index Mode'],
        search: Index.search,
        oldpage: pageBeforeSearch
      }, '', pathname + hash);
      return state;
    saveMode: function(mode) {
      if (Conf['Index Mode'] !== mode) {
        Conf['Index Mode'] = mode;
        $.set('Index Mode', mode);
      if (!(mode === 'catalog' || Conf['Previous Index Mode'] === mode)) {
        Conf['Previous Index Mode'] = mode;
        return $.set('Previous Index Mode', mode);
    pageLoad: function(arg) {
      var mode, scroll, search, sort;
      sort = arg.sort, search = arg.search, mode = arg.mode, scroll = arg.scroll;
      if (sort || (search != null)) {
      if (search != null) {
      if (mode != null) {
      if (scroll) {
        return Index.scrollToIndex();
    applyMode: function() {
      var k, len1, mode, ref;
      ref = ['paged', 'infinite', 'all pages', 'catalog'];
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        mode = ref[k];
        $[mode === Conf['Index Mode'] ? 'addClass' : 'rmClass'](doc, (mode.replace(/\ /g, '-')) + "-mode");
      Index.selectMode.value = Conf['Index Mode'];
      Index.showHiddenThreads = false;
      return $('#hidden-toggle a', Index.navLinks).textContent = 'Show';
    getPagesNum: function() {
      if (Index.search) {
        return Math.ceil(Index.sortedNodes.length / Index.threadsNumPerPage);
      } else {
        return Index.pagesNum;
    getMaxPageNum: function() {
      return Math.max(1, Index.getPagesNum());
    buildPagelist: function() {
      var a, i, k, maxPageNum, nodes, pagesRoot, ref;
      pagesRoot = $('.pages', Index.pagelist);
      maxPageNum = Index.getMaxPageNum();
      if (pagesRoot.childElementCount !== maxPageNum) {
        nodes = [];
        for (i = k = 1, ref = maxPageNum; k <= ref; i = k += 1) {
          a = $.el('a', {
            textContent: i,
            href: i === 1 ? './' : i
          nodes.push($.tn('['), a, $.tn('] '));
        return $.add(pagesRoot, nodes);
    setPage: function() {
      var a, href, maxPageNum, next, pageNum, pagesRoot, prev, strong;
      pageNum = Index.getCurrentPage();
      maxPageNum = Index.getMaxPageNum();
      pagesRoot = $('.pages', Index.pagelist);
      prev = pagesRoot.previousSibling.firstChild;
      next = pagesRoot.nextSibling.firstChild;
      href = Math.max(pageNum - 1, 1);
      prev.href = href === 1 ? './' : href;
      prev.firstChild.disabled = href === pageNum;
      href = Math.min(pageNum + 1, maxPageNum);
      next.href = href === 1 ? './' : href;
      next.firstChild.disabled = href === pageNum;
      if (strong = $('strong', pagesRoot)) {
        if (+strong.textContent === pageNum) {
        $.replace(strong, strong.firstChild);
      } else {
        strong = $.el('strong');
      a = pagesRoot.children[pageNum - 1];
      $.before(a, strong);
      return $.add(strong, a);
    updateHideLabel: function() {
      var hiddenCount, ref, ref1, thread, threadID;
      hiddenCount = 0;
      ref = g.BOARD.threads;
      for (threadID in ref) {
        thread = ref[threadID];
        if (thread.isHidden) {
          if (ref1 = thread.ID, indexOf.call(Index.liveThreadIDs, ref1) >= 0) {
      if (!hiddenCount) {
        Index.hideLabel.hidden = true;
        if (Index.showHiddenThreads) {
      Index.hideLabel.hidden = false;
      return $('#hidden-count', Index.navLinks).textContent = hiddenCount === 1 ? '1 hidden thread' : hiddenCount + " hidden threads";
    update: function(state) {
      var now, ref, ref1;
      delete Index.pageNum;
      if ((ref = Index.req) != null) {
      if ((ref1 = Index.notice) != null) {
      if (Conf['Index Refresh Notifications'] && d.readyState !== 'loading') {
        Index.notice = new Notice('info', 'Refreshing index...');
      } else {
        now = Date.now();
        $.ready(function() {
          return Index.nTimeout = setTimeout((function() {
            if (Index.req && !Index.notice) {
              return Index.notice = new Notice('info', 'Refreshing index...');
          }), 3 * $.SECOND - (Date.now() - now));
      Index.req = $.ajax("//a.4cdn.org/" + g.BOARD + "/catalog.json", {
        onloadend: function(e) {
          return Index.load(e, state);
      }, {
        whenModified: 'Index'
      return $.addClass(Index.button, 'fa-spin');
    load: function(e, state) {
      var err, nTimeout, notice, ref, req, timeEl;
      $.rmClass(Index.button, 'fa-spin');
      req = Index.req, notice = Index.notice, nTimeout = Index.nTimeout;
      if (nTimeout) {
      delete Index.nTimeout;
      delete Index.req;
      delete Index.notice;
      if (e.type === 'abort') {
        req.onloadend = null;
      if ((ref = req.status) !== 200 && ref !== 304) {
        err = "Index refresh failed. Error " + req.statusText + " (" + req.status + ")";
        if (notice) {
          notice.el.lastElementChild.textContent = err;
          setTimeout(notice.close, $.SECOND);
        } else {
          new Notice('warning', err, 1);
      try {
        if (req.status === 200) {
          Index.parse(req.response, state);
        } else if (req.status === 304 && (state != null)) {
      } catch (_error) {
        err = _error;
        c.error("Index failure: " + err.message, err.stack);
        if (notice) {
          notice.el.lastElementChild.textContent = 'Index refresh failed.';
          setTimeout(notice.close, $.SECOND);
        } else {
          new Notice('error', 'Index refresh failed.', 1);
      if (notice) {
        if (Conf['Index Refresh Notifications']) {
          notice.el.lastElementChild.textContent = 'Index refreshed!';
          setTimeout(notice.close, $.SECOND);
        } else {
      timeEl = $('#index-last-refresh time', Index.navLinks);
      timeEl.dataset.utc = Date.parse(req.getResponseHeader('Last-Modified'));
      return Index.scrollToIndex();
    parse: function(pages, state) {
      $.cleanCache(function(url) {
        return /^\/\/a\.4cdn\.org\//.test(url);
      state || (state = {});
      state.sort = true;
      return Index.pageLoad(state);
    parseThreadList: function(pages) {
      Index.pagesNum = pages.length;
      Index.threadsNumPerPage = pages[0].threads.length;
      Index.liveThreadData = pages.reduce((function(arr, next) {
        return arr.concat(next.threads);
      }), []);
      Index.liveThreadIDs = Index.liveThreadData.map(function(data) {
        return data.no;
      g.BOARD.threads.forEach(function(thread) {
        var ref;
        if (ref = thread.ID, indexOf.call(Index.liveThreadIDs, ref) < 0) {
          return thread.collect();
    buildThreads: function() {
      var err, errors, i, k, len1, posts, ref, thread, threadData, threadRoot, threads;
      Index.nodes = [];
      threads = [];
      posts = [];
      ref = Index.liveThreadData;
      for (i = k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; i = ++k) {
        threadData = ref[i];
        try {
          threadRoot = Build.thread(g.BOARD, threadData);
          if (Index.hat) {
            $.prepend(threadRoot, Index.hat.cloneNode(false));
          if (thread = g.BOARD.threads[threadData.no]) {
            thread.setCount('post', threadData.replies + 1, threadData.bumplimit);
            thread.setCount('file', threadData.images + !!threadData.ext, threadData.imagelimit);
            thread.setStatus('Sticky', !!threadData.sticky);
            thread.setStatus('Closed', !!threadData.closed);
          } else {
            thread = new Thread(threadData.no, g.BOARD);
          if (!(thread.OP && !thread.OP.isFetchedQuote)) {
            posts.push(new Post($('.opContainer', threadRoot), thread, g.BOARD));
          thread.setPage(Math.floor(i / Index.threadsNumPerPage) + 1);
        } catch (_error) {
          err = _error;
          if (!errors) {
            errors = [];
            message: "Parsing of Thread No." + thread + " failed. Thread will be skipped.",
            error: err
      if (errors) {
      Main.callbackNodes(Thread, threads);
      Main.callbackNodes(Post, posts);
      return $.event('IndexRefresh');
    buildReplies: function(threadRoots) {
      var data, err, errors, i, k, lastReplies, len1, len2, node, nodes, post, posts, q, thread, threadRoot;
      posts = [];
      for (k = 0, len1 = threadRoots.length; k < len1; k++) {
        threadRoot = threadRoots[k];
        thread = Get.threadFromRoot(threadRoot);
        i = Index.liveThreadIDs.indexOf(thread.ID);
        if (!(lastReplies = Index.liveThreadData[i].last_replies)) {
        nodes = [];
        for (q = 0, len2 = lastReplies.length; q < len2; q++) {
          data = lastReplies[q];
          if ((post = thread.posts[data.no]) && !post.isFetchedQuote) {
          nodes.push(node = Build.postFromObject(data, thread.board.ID));
          try {
            posts.push(new Post(node, thread, thread.board));
          } catch (_error) {
            err = _error;
            if (!errors) {
              errors = [];
              message: "Parsing of Post No." + data.no + " failed. Post will be skipped.",
              error: err
        $.add(threadRoot, nodes);
      if (errors) {
      return Main.callbackNodes(Post, posts);
    buildCatalogViews: function() {
      var catalogThreads, k, len1, thread, threads;
      threads = Index.sortedNodes.map(function(threadRoot) {
        return Get.threadFromRoot(threadRoot);
      }).filter(function(thread) {
        return !thread.isHidden !== Index.showHiddenThreads;
      catalogThreads = [];
      for (k = 0, len1 = threads.length; k < len1; k++) {
        thread = threads[k];
        if (!thread.catalogView) {
          catalogThreads.push(new CatalogThread(Build.catalogThread(thread), thread));
      Main.callbackNodes(CatalogThread, catalogThreads);
      return threads.map(function(thread) {
        return thread.catalogView.nodes.root;
    sizeCatalogViews: function(nodes) {
      var height, k, len1, node, ratio, ref, size, thumb, width;
      size = Conf['Index Size'] === 'small' ? 150 : 250;
      for (k = 0, len1 = nodes.length; k < len1; k++) {
        node = nodes[k];
        thumb = $('.catalog-thumb', node);
        ref = thumb.dataset, width = ref.width, height = ref.height;
        if (!width) {
        ratio = size / Math.max(width, height);
        thumb.style.width = width * ratio + 'px';
        thumb.style.height = height * ratio + 'px';
    sort: function() {
      var k, len1, liveThreadData, liveThreadIDs, nodes, sortedNodes, sortedThreadIDs, threadID;
      liveThreadIDs = Index.liveThreadIDs, liveThreadData = Index.liveThreadData;
      sortedThreadIDs = {
        lastreply: slice.call(liveThreadData).sort(function(a, b) {
          var num;
          if ((num = a.last_replies)) {
            a = num[num.length - 1];
          if ((num = b.last_replies)) {
            b = num[num.length - 1];
          return b.no - a.no;
        }).map(function(post) {
          return post.no;
        bump: liveThreadIDs,
        birth: slice.call(liveThreadIDs).sort(function(a, b) {
          return b - a;
        replycount: slice.call(liveThreadData).sort(function(a, b) {
          return b.replies - a.replies;
        }).map(function(post) {
          return post.no;
        filecount: slice.call(liveThreadData).sort(function(a, b) {
          return b.images - a.images;
        }).map(function(post) {
          return post.no;
      }[Conf['Index Sort']];
      Index.sortedNodes = sortedNodes = [];
      nodes = Index.nodes;
      for (k = 0, len1 = sortedThreadIDs.length; k < len1; k++) {
        threadID = sortedThreadIDs[k];
      if (Index.search && (nodes = Index.querySearch(Index.search))) {
        Index.sortedNodes = nodes;
      Index.sortOnTop(function(thread) {
        return thread.isSticky;
      Index.sortOnTop(function(thread) {
        return thread.isOnTop || Conf['Pin Watched Threads'] && ThreadWatcher.isWatched(thread);
      if (Conf['Anchor Hidden Threads']) {
        return Index.sortOnTop(function(thread) {
          return !thread.isHidden;
    sortOnTop: function(match) {
      var bottomNodes, k, len1, ref, threadRoot, topNodes;
      topNodes = [];
      bottomNodes = [];
      ref = Index.sortedNodes;
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        threadRoot = ref[k];
        (match(Get.threadFromRoot(threadRoot)) ? topNodes : bottomNodes).push(threadRoot);
      return Index.sortedNodes = topNodes.concat(bottomNodes);
    buildIndex: function() {
      var i, nodes, page, post;
      switch (Conf['Index Mode']) {
        case 'all pages':
          nodes = Index.sortedNodes;
        case 'catalog':
          nodes = Index.buildCatalogViews();
          if (Index.followedThreadID != null) {
            i = 0;
            while (Index.followedThreadID !== Get.threadFromRoot(Index.sortedNodes[i]).ID) {
            page = Math.floor(i / Index.threadsNumPerPage) + 1;
            if (page !== Index.getCurrentPage()) {
                page: page
          nodes = Index.buildSinglePage(Index.getCurrentPage());
      if (Conf['Index Mode'] === 'catalog') {
        return $.add(Index.root, nodes);
      } else {
        if (Conf['Show Replies']) {
        if ((Index.followedThreadID != null) && (post = g.posts[g.BOARD + "." + Index.followedThreadID])) {
          return Header.scrollTo(post.nodes.root);
    buildSinglePage: function(pageNum) {
      var nodesPerPage, offset;
      nodesPerPage = Index.threadsNumPerPage;
      offset = nodesPerPage * (pageNum - 1);
      return Index.sortedNodes.slice(offset, offset + nodesPerPage);
    buildStructure: function(nodes) {
      var k, len1, node, thumb;
      for (k = 0, len1 = nodes.length; k < len1; k++) {
        node = nodes[k];
        if (thumb = $('img[data-src]', node)) {
          thumb.src = thumb.dataset.src;
        $.add(Index.root, [node, $.el('hr')]);
      if (doc.contains(Index.root)) {
      return ThreadHiding.onIndexBuild(nodes);
    clearSearch: function() {
      Index.searchInput.value = '';
      return Index.searchInput.focus();
    setupSearch: function(noUpdate) {
      if (!noUpdate) {
        Index.searchInput.value = Index.search;
      if (Index.search) {
        return Index.searchInput.dataset.searching = 1;
      } else {
        return Index.searchInput.removeAttribute('data-searching');
    onSearchInput: function() {
      var search;
      search = Index.searchInput.value.trim();
      if (search === Index.search) {
      return Index.pageLoad(Index.pushState({
        search: search,
        replace: !!search === !!Index.search
    querySearch: function(query) {
      var keywords;
      if (!(keywords = query.toLowerCase().match(/\S+/g))) {
      return Index.sortedNodes.filter(function(threadRoot) {
        return Index.searchMatch(Get.threadFromRoot(threadRoot), keywords);
    searchMatch: function(thread, keywords) {
      var file, info, k, key, keyword, len1, len2, q, ref, ref1, text;
      ref = thread.OP, info = ref.info, file = ref.file;
      text = [];
      ref1 = ['comment', 'subject', 'name', 'tripcode', 'email'];
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref1.length; k < len1; k++) {
        key = ref1[k];
        if (key in info) {
      if (file) {
      text = text.join(' ').toLowerCase();
      for (q = 0, len2 = keywords.length; q < len2; q++) {
        keyword = keywords[q];
        if (-1 === text.indexOf(keyword)) {
          return false;
      return true;

  Build = {
    staticPath: '//s.4cdn.org/image/',
    gifIcon: window.devicePixelRatio >= 2 ? '@2x.gif' : '.gif',
    spoilerRange: {},
    unescape: function(text) {
      if (text == null) {
        return text;
      return text.replace(/<[^>]*>/g, '').replace(/&(amp|#039|quot|lt|gt|#44);/g, function(c) {
        return {
          '&amp;': '&',
          '&#039;': "'",
          '&quot;': '"',
          '&lt;': '<',
          '&gt;': '>',
          '&#44;': ','
    shortFilename: function(filename) {
      var ext, threshold;
      threshold = 30;
      ext = filename.match(/\.?[^\.]*$/)[0];
      if (filename.length - ext.length > threshold) {
        return filename.slice(0, threshold - 5) + "(...)" + ext;
      } else {
        return filename;
    spoilerThumb: function(boardID) {
      var spoilerRange;
      if (spoilerRange = Build.spoilerRange[boardID]) {
        return Build.staticPath + "spoiler-" + boardID + (Math.floor(1 + spoilerRange * Math.random())) + ".png";
      } else {
        return Build.staticPath + "spoiler.png";
    sameThread: function(boardID, threadID) {
      return g.VIEW === 'thread' && g.BOARD.ID === boardID && g.THREADID === +threadID;
    postURL: function(boardID, threadID, postID) {
      if (Build.sameThread(boardID, threadID)) {
        return "#p" + postID;
      } else {
        return "/" + boardID + "/thread/" + threadID + "#p" + postID;
    parseJSON: function(data, boardID) {
      var o;
      o = {
        postID: data.no,
        threadID: data.resto || data.no,
        boardID: boardID,
        isReply: !!data.resto,
        isSticky: !!data.sticky,
        isClosed: !!data.closed,
        isArchived: !!data.archived,
        fileDeleted: !!data.filedeleted
      o.info = {
        subject: Build.unescape(data.sub),
        email: Build.unescape(data.email),
        name: Build.unescape(data.name) || '',
        tripcode: data.trip,
        uniqueID: data.id,
        flagCode: data.country,
        flag: Build.unescape(data.country_name),
        dateUTC: data.time,
        dateText: data.now,
        commentHTML: {
          innerHTML: data.com || ''
      if (data.capcode) {
        o.info.capcode = data.capcode.replace(/_highlight$/, '').replace(/_/g, ' ').replace(/\b\w/g, function(c) {
          return c.toUpperCase();
        o.capcodeHighlight = /_highlight$/.test(data.capcode);
        delete o.info.uniqueID;
      if (data.ext) {
        o.file = {
          name: (Build.unescape(data.filename)) + data.ext,
          url: boardID === 'f' ? location.protocol + "//i.4cdn.org/" + boardID + "/" + (encodeURIComponent(data.filename)) + data.ext : location.protocol + "//i.4cdn.org/" + boardID + "/" + data.tim + data.ext,
          height: data.h,
          width: data.w,
          MD5: data.md5,
          size: $.bytesToString(data.fsize),
          thumbURL: location.protocol + "//i.4cdn.org/" + boardID + "/" + data.tim + "s.jpg",
          theight: data.tn_h,
          twidth: data.tn_w,
          isSpoiler: !!data.spoiler,
          tag: data.tag
        if (!/\.pdf$/.test(o.file.url)) {
          o.file.dimensions = o.file.width + "x" + o.file.height;
      return o;
    parseComment: function(o) {
      var html;
      html = o.info.commentHTML.innerHTML.replace(/<br\b[^<]*>/gi, '\n').replace(/\n\n<span\b[^<]* class="abbr"[^]*$/i, '').replace(/^<b\b[^<]*>Rolled [^<]*<\/b>/i, '').replace(/<span\b[^<]* class="fortune"[^]*$/i, '').replace(/<[^>]*>/g, '');
      return o.info.comment = Build.unescape(html);
    postFromObject: function(data, boardID, suppressThumb) {
      var o;
      o = Build.parseJSON(data, boardID);
      return Build.post(o, suppressThumb);
    post: function(o, suppressThumb) {
      var boardID, capcode, capcodeDescription, capcodeLC, capcodeLong, capcodePlural, capcodeUC, commentHTML, container, dateText, dateUTC, email, file, fileBlock, fileThumb, fileURL, flag, flagCode, gifIcon, href, k, len1, match, name, postClass, postID, postInfo, postLink, protocol, quote, quoteLink, ref, ref1, shortFilename, staticPath, subject, threadID, tripcode, uniqueID, wholePost;
      postID = o.postID, threadID = o.threadID, boardID = o.boardID, file = o.file;
      ref = o.info, subject = ref.subject, email = ref.email, name = ref.name, tripcode = ref.tripcode, capcode = ref.capcode, uniqueID = ref.uniqueID, flagCode = ref.flagCode, flag = ref.flag, dateUTC = ref.dateUTC, dateText = ref.dateText, commentHTML = ref.commentHTML;
      staticPath = Build.staticPath, gifIcon = Build.gifIcon;

      /* Post Info */
      if (capcode) {
        capcodeUC = capcode.split(' ')[0];
        capcodeLC = capcodeUC.toLowerCase();
        if (capcode === 'Admin Emeritus') {
          capcodePlural = 'the Administrator Emeritus';
          capcodeDescription = "4chan's founding Administrator";
        } else {
          capcodeLong = {
            'Admin': 'Administrator',
            'Mod': 'Moderator'
          }[capcode] || capcode;
          capcodePlural = capcodeLong + "s";
          capcodeDescription = "a 4chan " + capcodeLong;
      postLink = Build.postURL(boardID, threadID, postID);
      quoteLink = Build.sameThread(boardID, threadID) ? "javascript:quote('" + (+postID) + "');" : "/" + boardID + "/thread/" + threadID + "#q" + postID;
      postInfo = {
        innerHTML: "<div class=\"postInfo desktop\" id=\"pi" + E(postID) + "\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"" + E(postID) + "\" value=\"delete\"> " + (!o.isReply || boardID === "f" || subject ? "<span class=\"subject\">" + E(subject || "") + "</span> " : "") + "<span class=\"nameBlock" + (capcode ? " capcode" + E(capcodeUC) : "") + "\">" + (email ? "<a href=\"mailto:" + E(encodeURIComponent(email).replace(/%40/g, "@")) + "\" class=\"useremail\">" : "") + "<span class=\"name" + (capcode ? " capcode" : "") + "\">" + E(name) + "</span>" + (tripcode ? " <span class=\"postertrip\">" + E(tripcode) + "</span>" : "") + (capcode ? " <strong class=\"capcode hand id_" + E(capcodeLC) + "\" title=\"Highlight posts by " + E(capcodePlural) + "\">## " + E(capcode) + "</strong>" : "") + (email ? "</a>" : "") + (boardID === "f" && !o.isReply || capcode ? "" : " ") + (capcode ? " <img src=\"" + E(staticPath) + E(capcodeLC) + "icon" + E(gifIcon) + "\" alt=\"" + E(capcodeUC) + " Icon\" title=\"This user is " + E(capcodeDescription) + ".\" class=\"identityIcon retina\">" : "") + (uniqueID && !capcode ? " <span class=\"posteruid id_" + E(uniqueID) + "\">(ID: <span class=\"hand\" title=\"Highlight posts by this ID\">" + E(uniqueID) + "</span>)</span>" : "") + (flagCode ? " <span title=\"" + E(flag) + "\" class=\"flag flag-" + E(flagCode.toLowerCase()) + "\"></span>" : "") + "</span> <span class=\"dateTime\" data-utc=\"" + E(dateUTC) + "\">" + E(dateText) + "</span> <span class=\"postNum" + (!(boardID === "f" && !o.isReply) ? " desktop" : "") + "\"><a href=\"" + E(postLink) + "\" title=\"Link to this post\">No.</a><a href=\"" + E(quoteLink) + "\" title=\"Reply to this post\">" + E(postID) + "</a>" + (o.isSticky ? " <img src=\"" + E(staticPath) + "sticky" + E(gifIcon) + "\" alt=\"Sticky\" title=\"Sticky\" class=\"stickyIcon retina\">" : "") + (o.isClosed && !o.isArchived ? " <img src=\"" + E(staticPath) + "closed" + E(gifIcon) + "\" alt=\"Closed\" title=\"Closed\" class=\"closedIcon retina\">" : "") + (o.isArchived ? " <img src=\"" + E(staticPath) + "archived" + E(gifIcon) + "\" alt=\"Archived\" title=\"Archived\" class=\"archivedIcon retina\">" : "") + (!o.isReply && g.VIEW === "index" ? " &nbsp; <span>[<a href=\"/" + E(boardID) + "/thread/" + E(threadID) + "\" class=\"replylink\">Reply</a>]</span>" : "") + "</span></div>"

      /* File Info */
      if (file) {
        protocol = /^https?:(?=\/\/i\.4cdn\.org\/)/;
        fileURL = file.url.replace(protocol, '');
        shortFilename = Build.shortFilename(file.name);
        fileThumb = file.isSpoiler ? Build.spoilerThumb(boardID) : file.thumbURL.replace(protocol, '');
      fileBlock = {
        innerHTML: (file ? "<div class=\"file\" id=\"f" + E(postID) + "\">" + (boardID === "f" ? "<div class=\"fileInfo\"><span class=\"fileText\" id=\"fT" + E(postID) + "\">File: <a data-width=\"" + E(file.width) + "\" data-height=\"" + E(file.height) + "\" href=\"" + E(fileURL) + "\" target=\"_blank\">" + E(file.name) + "</a>-(" + E(file.size) + ", " + E(file.dimensions) + (file.tag ? ", " + E(file.tag) : "") + ")</span></div>" : "<div class=\"fileText\" id=\"fT" + E(postID) + "\"" + (file.isSpoiler ? " title=\"" + E(file.name) + "\"" : "") + ">File: <a" + (file.name === shortFilename || file.isSpoiler ? "" : " title=\"" + E(file.name) + "\"") + " href=\"" + E(fileURL) + "\" target=\"_blank\">" + (file.isSpoiler ? "Spoiler Image" : E(shortFilename)) + "</a> (" + E(file.size) + ", " + E(file.dimensions || "PDF") + ")</div><a class=\"fileThumb" + (file.isSpoiler ? " imgspoiler" : "") + "\" href=\"" + E(fileURL) + "\" target=\"_blank\"><img" + (suppressThumb ? " data-src=\"" + E(fileThumb) + "\"" : " src=\"" + E(fileThumb) + "\"") + " alt=\"" + E(file.size) + "\" data-md5=\"" + E(file.MD5) + "\" style=\"height: " + E(file.isSpoiler ? 100 : file.theight) + "px; width: " + E(file.isSpoiler ? 100 : file.twidth) + "px;\"></a>") + "</div>" : (o.fileDeleted ? "<div class=\"file\" id=\"f" + E(postID) + "\"><span class=\"fileThumb\"><img src=\"" + E(staticPath) + "filedeleted-res" + E(gifIcon) + "\" alt=\"File deleted.\" class=\"fileDeletedRes retina\"></span></div>" : ""))

      /* Whole Post */
      postClass = o.isReply ? 'reply' : 'op';
      wholePost = {
        innerHTML: (o.isReply ? "<div class=\"sideArrows\" id=\"sa" + E(postID) + "\">&gt;&gt;</div>" : "") + "<div id=\"p" + E(postID) + "\" class=\"post " + E(postClass) + (o.capcodeHighlight ? " highlightPost" : "") + "\">" + (o.isReply ? postInfo.innerHTML + fileBlock.innerHTML : fileBlock.innerHTML + postInfo.innerHTML) + "<blockquote class=\"postMessage\" id=\"m" + E(postID) + "\">" + commentHTML.innerHTML + "</blockquote></div>"
      container = $.el('div', {
        className: "postContainer " + postClass + "Container",
        id: "pc" + postID
      $.extend(container, wholePost);
      ref1 = $$('.quotelink', container);
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref1.length; k < len1; k++) {
        quote = ref1[k];
        href = quote.getAttribute('href');
        if ((href[0] === '#') && !(Build.sameThread(boardID, threadID))) {
          quote.href = ("/" + boardID + "/thread/" + threadID) + href;
        } else if ((match = href.match(/^\/([^\/]+)\/thread\/(\d+)/)) && (Build.sameThread(match[1], match[2]))) {
          quote.href = href.match(/(#[^#]*)?$/)[0] || '#';
        } else if (/^\d+(#|$)/.test(href) && !(g.VIEW === 'thread' && g.BOARD.ID === boardID)) {
          quote.href = "/" + boardID + "/thread/" + href;
      return container;
    summary: function(boardID, threadID, posts, files) {
      var text;
      text = [];
      text.push(posts + " post" + (posts > 1 ? 's' : ''));
      if (files) {
        text.push("and " + files + " image repl" + (files > 1 ? 'ies' : 'y'));
      return $.el('a', {
        className: 'summary',
        textContent: text.join(' '),
        href: "/" + boardID + "/thread/" + threadID
    thread: function(board, data, full) {
      var OP, root;
      Build.spoilerRange[board] = data.custom_spoiler;
      if (OP = board.posts[data.no]) {
        if (OP.isFetchedQuote) {
          OP = null;
      if (OP && (root = OP.nodes.root.parentNode)) {
      } else {
        root = $.el('div', {
          className: 'thread',
          id: "t" + data.no
      $.add(root, Build[full ? 'fullThread' : 'excerptThread'](board, data, OP));
      return root;
    excerptThread: function(board, data, OP) {
      var files, nodes, posts, ref;
      nodes = [OP ? OP.nodes.root : Build.postFromObject(data, board.ID, true)];
      if (data.omitted_posts || !Conf['Show Replies'] && data.replies) {
        ref = Conf['Show Replies'] ? [
          data.omitted_posts, data.images - data.last_replies.filter(function(data) {
            return !!data.ext;
        ] : [data.replies, data.images], posts = ref[0], files = ref[1];
        nodes.push(Build.summary(board.ID, data.no, posts, files));
      return nodes;
    fullThread: function(board, data) {
      return Build.postFromObject(data, board.ID);
    catalogThread: function(thread) {
      var br, cc, comment, data, exif, fileCount, gifIcon, href, imgClass, k, len1, len2, len3, len4, pageCount, postCount, pp, q, quote, ref, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, root, spoilerRange, src, staticPath, u, w;
      staticPath = Build.staticPath, gifIcon = Build.gifIcon;
      data = Index.liveThreadData[Index.liveThreadIDs.indexOf(thread.ID)];
      if (data.spoiler && !Conf['Reveal Spoiler Thumbnails']) {
        src = staticPath + "spoiler";
        if (spoilerRange = Build.spoilerRange[thread.board]) {
          src += ("-" + thread.board) + Math.floor(1 + spoilerRange * Math.random());
        src += '.png';
        imgClass = 'spoiler-file';
      } else if (data.filedeleted) {
        src = staticPath + "filedeleted-res" + gifIcon;
        imgClass = 'deleted-file';
      } else if (thread.OP.file) {
        src = thread.OP.file.thumbURL;
      } else {
        src = staticPath + "nofile.png";
        imgClass = 'no-file';
      postCount = data.replies + 1;
      fileCount = data.images + !!data.ext;
      pageCount = Math.floor(Index.liveThreadIDs.indexOf(thread.ID) / Index.threadsNumPerPage) + 1;
      comment = {
        innerHTML: data.com || ''
      root = $.el('div', {
        className: 'catalog-thread'
      $.extend(root, {
        innerHTML: "<a href=\"/" + E(thread.board) + "/thread/" + E(thread.ID) + "\"><img src=\"" + E(src) + "\"" + (imgClass ? " class=\"catalog-thumb " + E(imgClass) + "\"" : " class=\"catalog-thumb\" data-width=\"" + E(data.tn_w) + "\" data-height=\"" + E(data.tn_h) + "\"") + "></a><div class=\"catalog-stats\" title=\"Post count / File count / Page count\"><span class=\"post-count\">" + E(postCount) + "</span> / <span class=\"file-count\">" + E(fileCount) + "</span> / <span class=\"page-count\">" + E(pageCount) + "</span><span class=\"catalog-icons\"></span></div>" + (thread.OP.info.subject ? "<div class=\"subject\">" + E(thread.OP.info.subject) + "</div>" : "") + "<div class=\"comment\">" + comment.innerHTML + "</div>"
      root.dataset.fullID = thread.fullID;
      if (thread.OP.highlights) {
        $.addClass.apply($, [root].concat(slice.call(thread.OP.highlights)));
      ref = $$('.quotelink', root.lastElementChild);
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        quote = ref[k];
        href = quote.getAttribute('href');
        if (href[0] === '#') {
          quote.href = ("/" + thread.board + "/thread/" + thread.ID) + href;
      ref1 = $$('.abbr, .exif', root.lastElementChild);
      for (q = 0, len2 = ref1.length; q < len2; q++) {
        exif = ref1[q];
      ref2 = $$('.prettyprint', root.lastElementChild);
      for (u = 0, len3 = ref2.length; u < len3; u++) {
        pp = ref2[u];
        cc = $.el('span', {
          className: 'catalog-code'
        $.add(cc, slice.call(pp.childNodes));
        $.replace(pp, cc);
      ref3 = $$('br', root.lastElementChild);
      for (w = 0, len4 = ref3.length; w < len4; w++) {
        br = ref3[w];
        if (((ref4 = br.previousSibling) != null ? ref4.nodeName : void 0) === 'BR') {
      if (thread.isSticky) {
        $.add($('.catalog-icons', root), $.el('img', {
          src: staticPath + "sticky" + gifIcon,
          className: 'stickyIcon',
          title: 'Sticky'
      if (thread.isClosed) {
        $.add($('.catalog-icons', root), $.el('img', {
          src: staticPath + "closed" + gifIcon,
          className: 'closedIcon',
          title: 'Closed'
      if (data.bumplimit) {
        $.addClass($('.post-count', root), 'warning');
      if (data.imagelimit) {
        $.addClass($('.file-count', root), 'warning');
      return root;

  Get = {
    threadExcerpt: function(thread) {
      var OP, excerpt, ref;
      OP = thread.OP;
      excerpt = ("/" + thread.board + "/ - ") + (((ref = OP.info.subject) != null ? ref.trim() : void 0) || OP.info.commentDisplay.replace(/\n+/g, ' // ') || OP.info.nameBlock);
      if (excerpt.length > 73) {
        return excerpt.slice(0, 70) + "...";
      return excerpt;
    threadFromRoot: function(root) {
      return g.threads[g.BOARD + "." + root.id.slice(1)];
    threadFromNode: function(node) {
      return Get.threadFromRoot($.x('ancestor::div[@class="thread"]', node));
    postFromRoot: function(root) {
      var boardID, index, link, post, postID;
      link = $('.postNum > a[href*="#"]', root);
      boardID = link.pathname.split('/')[1];
      postID = link.hash.slice(2);
      index = root.dataset.clone;
      post = g.posts[boardID + "." + postID];
      if (index) {
        return post.clones[index];
      } else {
        return post;
    postFromNode: function(root) {
      return Get.postFromRoot($.x('(ancestor::div[contains(@class,"postContainer")][1]|following::div[contains(@class,"postContainer")][1])', root));
    contextFromNode: function(node) {
      return Get.postFromRoot($.x('ancestor::div[parent::div[@class="thread"]][1]', node));
    postDataFromLink: function(link) {
      var boardID, path, postID, ref, threadID;
      if (link.hostname === 'boards.4chan.org') {
        path = link.pathname.split('/');
        boardID = path[1];
        threadID = path[3];
        postID = link.hash.slice(2);
      } else {
        ref = link.dataset, boardID = ref.boardID, threadID = ref.threadID, postID = ref.postID;
        threadID || (threadID = 0);
      return {
        boardID: boardID,
        threadID: +threadID,
        postID: +postID
    allQuotelinksLinkingTo: function(post) {
      var fullID, handleQuotes, k, len1, posts, qPost, quote, quotelinks, ref;
      quotelinks = [];
      posts = g.posts;
      fullID = post.fullID;
      handleQuotes = function(qPost, type) {
        var clone, k, len1, ref;
        quotelinks.push.apply(quotelinks, qPost.nodes[type]);
        ref = qPost.clones;
        for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
          clone = ref[k];
          quotelinks.push.apply(quotelinks, clone.nodes[type]);
      posts.forEach(function(qPost) {
        if (indexOf.call(qPost.quotes, fullID) >= 0) {
          return handleQuotes(qPost, 'quotelinks');
      if (Conf['Quote Backlinks']) {
        ref = post.quotes;
        for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
          quote = ref[k];
          if (qPost = posts[quote]) {
            handleQuotes(qPost, 'backlinks');
      return quotelinks.filter(function(quotelink) {
        var boardID, postID, ref1;
        ref1 = Get.postDataFromLink(quotelink), boardID = ref1.boardID, postID = ref1.postID;
        return boardID === post.board.ID && postID === post.ID;
    scriptData: function() {
      var k, len1, ref, script;
      ref = $$('script:not([src])', d.head);
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        script = ref[k];
        if (/\bcooldowns *=/.test(script.textContent)) {
          return script.textContent;
      return '';

  UI = (function() {
    var Menu, checkbox, dialog, drag, dragend, dragstart, hover, hoverend, hoverstart, touchend, touchmove;
    dialog = function(id, position, properties) {
      var child, el, k, len1, move, ref;
      el = $.el('div', {
        className: 'dialog',
        id: id
      $.extend(el, properties);
      el.style.cssText = position;
      $.get(id + ".position", position, function(item) {
        return el.style.cssText = item[id + ".position"];
      move = $('.move', el);
      $.on(move, 'touchstart mousedown', dragstart);
      ref = move.children;
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        child = ref[k];
        if (!child.tagName) {
        $.on(child, 'touchstart mousedown', function(e) {
          return e.stopPropagation();
      return el;
    Menu = (function() {
      var currentMenu, lastToggledButton;

      currentMenu = null;

      lastToggledButton = null;

      function Menu(type1) {
        this.type = type1;
        this.addEntry = bind(this.addEntry, this);
        this.onFocus = bind(this.onFocus, this);
        this.keybinds = bind(this.keybinds, this);
        this.close = bind(this.close, this);
        $.on(d, 'AddMenuEntry', (function(_this) {
          return function(arg) {
            var detail;
            detail = arg.detail;
            if (detail.type !== _this.type) {
            delete detail.open;
            return _this.addEntry(detail);
        this.entries = [];

      Menu.prototype.makeMenu = function() {
        var menu;
        menu = $.el('div', {
          className: 'dialog',
          id: 'menu',
          tabIndex: 0
        $.on(menu, 'click', function(e) {
          return e.stopPropagation();
        $.on(menu, 'keydown', this.keybinds);
        return menu;

      Menu.prototype.toggle = function(e, button, data) {
        var previousButton;
        if (currentMenu) {
          previousButton = lastToggledButton;
          if (previousButton === button) {
        if (!this.entries.length) {
        return this.open(button, data);

      Menu.prototype.open = function(button, data) {
        var bLeft, bRect, bTop, bottom, cHeight, cWidth, entry, k, left, len1, mRect, menu, ref, ref1, ref2, right, style, top;
        menu = this.menu = this.makeMenu();
        currentMenu = this;
        lastToggledButton = button;
        this.entries.sort(function(first, second) {
          return first.order - second.order;
        ref = this.entries;
        for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
          entry = ref[k];
          this.insertEntry(entry, menu, data);
        $.addClass(lastToggledButton, 'active');
        $.on(d, 'click CloseMenu', this.close);
        if (this.type !== 'gallery') {
          $.on(d, 'scroll', this.close);
        $.add(button, menu);
        mRect = menu.getBoundingClientRect();
        bRect = button.getBoundingClientRect();
        bTop = window.scrollY + bRect.top;
        bLeft = window.scrollX + bRect.left;
        cHeight = doc.clientHeight;
        cWidth = doc.clientWidth;
        ref1 = bRect.top + bRect.height + mRect.height < cHeight ? [bRect.bottom, null] : [null, cHeight - bRect.top], top = ref1[0], bottom = ref1[1];
        ref2 = bRect.left + mRect.width < cWidth ? [bRect.left, null] : [null, cWidth - bRect.right], left = ref2[0], right = ref2[1];
        style = menu.style;
        style.top = top + "px";
        style.right = right + "px";
        style.bottom = bottom + "px";
        style.left = left + "px";
        if (right) {
          $.addClass(menu, 'left');
        entry = $('.entry', menu);
        return menu.focus();

      Menu.prototype.insertEntry = function(entry, parent, data) {
        var k, len1, ref, subEntry, submenu;
        if (typeof entry.open === 'function') {
          if (!entry.open(data)) {
        $.add(parent, entry.el);
        if (!entry.subEntries) {
        if (submenu = $('.submenu', entry.el)) {
        submenu = $.el('div', {
          className: 'dialog submenu'
        ref = entry.subEntries;
        for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
          subEntry = ref[k];
          this.insertEntry(subEntry, submenu, data);
        $.add(entry.el, submenu);

      Menu.prototype.close = function() {
        delete this.menu;
        $.rmClass(lastToggledButton, 'active');
        currentMenu = null;
        lastToggledButton = null;
        return $.off(d, 'click scroll CloseMenu', this.close);

      Menu.prototype.findNextEntry = function(entry, direction) {
        var entries;
        entries = slice.call(entry.parentNode.children);
        entries.sort(function(first, second) {
          return first.style.order - second.style.order;
        return entries[entries.indexOf(entry) + direction];

      Menu.prototype.keybinds = function(e) {
        var entry, next, nextPrev, subEntry, submenu;
        entry = $('.focused', this.menu);
        while (subEntry = $('.focused', entry)) {
          entry = subEntry;
        switch (e.keyCode) {
          case 27:
          case 13:
          case 32:
          case 38:
            if (next = this.findNextEntry(entry, -1)) {
          case 40:
            if (next = this.findNextEntry(entry, +1)) {
          case 39:
            if ((submenu = $('.submenu', entry)) && (next = submenu.firstElementChild)) {
              while (nextPrev = this.findNextEntry(next, -1)) {
                next = nextPrev;
          case 37:
            if (next = $.x('parent::*[contains(@class,"submenu")]/parent::*', entry)) {
        return e.stopPropagation();

      Menu.prototype.onFocus = function(e) {
        return this.focus(e.target);

      Menu.prototype.focus = function(entry) {
        var bottom, cHeight, cWidth, eRect, focused, k, left, len1, ref, ref1, ref2, right, sRect, style, submenu, top;
        while (focused = $.x('parent::*/child::*[contains(@class,"focused")]', entry)) {
          $.rmClass(focused, 'focused');
        ref = $$('.focused', entry);
        for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
          focused = ref[k];
          $.rmClass(focused, 'focused');
        $.addClass(entry, 'focused');
        if (!(submenu = $('.submenu', entry))) {
        sRect = submenu.getBoundingClientRect();
        eRect = entry.getBoundingClientRect();
        cHeight = doc.clientHeight;
        cWidth = doc.clientWidth;
        ref1 = eRect.top + sRect.height < cHeight ? ['0px', 'auto'] : ['auto', '0px'], top = ref1[0], bottom = ref1[1];
        ref2 = eRect.right + sRect.width < cWidth - 150 ? ['100%', 'auto'] : ['auto', '100%'], left = ref2[0], right = ref2[1];
        style = submenu.style;
        style.top = top;
        style.bottom = bottom;
        style.left = left;
        return style.right = right;

      Menu.prototype.addEntry = function(entry) {
        return this.entries.push(entry);

      Menu.prototype.parseEntry = function(entry) {
        var el, k, len1, subEntries, subEntry;
        el = entry.el, subEntries = entry.subEntries;
        $.addClass(el, 'entry');
        $.on(el, 'focus mouseover', this.onFocus);
        el.style.order = entry.order || 100;
        if (!subEntries) {
        $.addClass(el, 'has-submenu');
        for (k = 0, len1 = subEntries.length; k < len1; k++) {
          subEntry = subEntries[k];

      return Menu;

    dragstart = function(e) {
      var el, isTouching, o, rect, ref, screenHeight, screenWidth;
      if (e.type === 'mousedown' && e.button !== 0) {
      if (isTouching = e.type === 'touchstart') {
        e = e.changedTouches[e.changedTouches.length - 1];
      el = $.x('ancestor::div[contains(@class,"dialog")][1]', this);
      rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
      screenHeight = doc.clientHeight;
      screenWidth = doc.clientWidth;
      o = {
        id: el.id,
        style: el.style,
        dx: e.clientX - rect.left,
        dy: e.clientY - rect.top,
        height: screenHeight - rect.height,
        width: screenWidth - rect.width,
        screenHeight: screenHeight,
        screenWidth: screenWidth,
        isTouching: isTouching
      ref = Conf['Header auto-hide'] || !Conf['Fixed Header'] ? [0, 0] : Conf['Bottom Header'] ? [0, Header.bar.getBoundingClientRect().height] : [Header.bar.getBoundingClientRect().height, 0], o.topBorder = ref[0], o.bottomBorder = ref[1];
      if (isTouching) {
        o.identifier = e.identifier;
        o.move = touchmove.bind(o);
        o.up = touchend.bind(o);
        $.on(d, 'touchmove', o.move);
        return $.on(d, 'touchend touchcancel', o.up);
      } else {
        o.move = drag.bind(o);
        o.up = dragend.bind(o);
        $.on(d, 'mousemove', o.move);
        return $.on(d, 'mouseup', o.up);
    touchmove = function(e) {
      var k, len1, ref, touch;
      ref = e.changedTouches;
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        touch = ref[k];
        if (touch.identifier === this.identifier) {
          drag.call(this, touch);
    drag = function(e) {
      var bottom, clientX, clientY, left, right, style, top;
      clientX = e.clientX, clientY = e.clientY;
      left = clientX - this.dx;
      left = left < 10 ? 0 : this.width - left < 10 ? null : left / this.screenWidth * 100 + '%';
      top = clientY - this.dy;
      top = top < (10 + this.topBorder) ? this.topBorder + 'px' : this.height - top < (10 + this.bottomBorder) ? null : top / this.screenHeight * 100 + '%';
      right = left === null ? 0 : null;
      bottom = top === null ? this.bottomBorder + 'px' : null;
      style = this.style;
      style.left = left;
      style.right = right;
      style.top = top;
      return style.bottom = bottom;
    touchend = function(e) {
      var k, len1, ref, touch;
      ref = e.changedTouches;
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        touch = ref[k];
        if (touch.identifier === this.identifier) {
    dragend = function() {
      if (this.isTouching) {
        $.off(d, 'touchmove', this.move);
        $.off(d, 'touchend touchcancel', this.up);
      } else {
        $.off(d, 'mousemove', this.move);
        $.off(d, 'mouseup', this.up);
      return $.set(this.id + ".position", this.style.cssText);
    hoverstart = function(arg) {
      var asapTest, cb, el, endEvents, height, latestEvent, noRemove, o, ref, root;
      root = arg.root, el = arg.el, latestEvent = arg.latestEvent, endEvents = arg.endEvents, asapTest = arg.asapTest, height = arg.height, cb = arg.cb, noRemove = arg.noRemove;
      o = {
        root: root,
        el: el,
        style: el.style,
        isImage: (ref = el.nodeName) === 'IMG' || ref === 'VIDEO',
        cb: cb,
        endEvents: endEvents,
        latestEvent: latestEvent,
        clientHeight: doc.clientHeight,
        clientWidth: doc.clientWidth,
        height: height,
        noRemove: noRemove
      o.hover = hover.bind(o);
      o.hoverend = hoverend.bind(o);
      $.asap(function() {
        return !el.parentNode || asapTest();
      }, function() {
        if (el.parentNode) {
          return o.hover(o.latestEvent);
      $.on(root, endEvents, o.hoverend);
      if ($.x('ancestor::div[contains(@class,"inline")][1]', root)) {
        $.on(d, 'keydown', o.hoverend);
      $.on(root, 'mousemove', o.hover);
      o.workaround = function(e) {
        if (!root.contains(e.target)) {
          return o.hoverend(e);
      return $.on(doc, 'mousemove', o.workaround);
    hover = function(e) {
      var clientX, clientY, height, left, ref, right, style, threshold, top;
      this.latestEvent = e;
      height = this.height || this.el.offsetHeight;
      clientX = e.clientX, clientY = e.clientY;
      top = this.isImage ? Math.max(0, clientY * (this.clientHeight - height) / this.clientHeight) : Math.max(0, Math.min(this.clientHeight - height, clientY - 120));
      threshold = this.clientWidth / 2;
      if (!this.isImage) {
        threshold = Math.max(threshold, this.clientWidth - 400);
      ref = clientX <= threshold ? [clientX + 45 + 'px', null] : [null, this.clientWidth - clientX + 45 + 'px'], left = ref[0], right = ref[1];
      style = this.style;
      style.top = top + 'px';
      style.left = left;
      return style.right = right;
    hoverend = function(e) {
      if (e.type === 'keydown' && e.keyCode !== 13 || e.target.nodeName === "TEXTAREA") {
      if (!this.noRemove) {
      $.off(this.root, this.endEvents, this.hoverend);
      $.off(d, 'keydown', this.hoverend);
      $.off(this.root, 'mousemove', this.hover);
      $.off(doc, 'mousemove', this.workaround);
      if (this.cb) {
        return this.cb.call(this);
    checkbox = function(name, text, checked) {
      var input, label;
      if (checked == null) {
        checked = Conf[name];
      label = $.el('label');
      input = $.el('input', {
        type: 'checkbox',
        name: name,
        checked: checked
      $.add(label, [input, $.tn(" " + text)]);
      return label;
    return {
      dialog: dialog,
      Menu: Menu,
      hover: hoverstart,
      checkbox: checkbox

  CrossOrigin = (function() {
    return {
      binary: function(url, cb, headers) {
        if (headers == null) {
          headers = {};
        return GM_xmlhttpRequest({
          method: "GET",
          url: url,
          headers: headers,
          overrideMimeType: "text/plain; charset=x-user-defined",
          onload: function(xhr) {
            var contentDisposition, contentType, data, i, r, ref, ref1;
            r = xhr.responseText;
            data = new Uint8Array(r.length);
            i = 0;
            while (i < r.length) {
              data[i] = r.charCodeAt(i);
            contentType = (ref = xhr.responseHeaders.match(/Content-Type:\s*(.*)/i)) != null ? ref[1] : void 0;
            contentDisposition = (ref1 = xhr.responseHeaders.match(/Content-Disposition:\s*(.*)/i)) != null ? ref1[1] : void 0;
            return cb(data, contentType, contentDisposition);
          onerror: function() {
            return cb(null);
          onabort: function() {
            return cb(null);
      file: function(url, cb) {
        return CrossOrigin.binary(url, function(data, contentType, contentDisposition) {
          var blob, match, mime, name, ref, ref1, ref2;
          if (data == null) {
            return cb(null);
          name = (ref = url.match(/([^\/]+)\/*$/)) != null ? ref[1] : void 0;
          mime = (contentType != null ? contentType.match(/[^;]*/)[0] : void 0) || 'application/octet-stream';
          match = (contentDisposition != null ? (ref1 = contentDisposition.match(/\bfilename\s*=\s*"((\\"|[^"])+)"/i)) != null ? ref1[1] : void 0 : void 0) || (contentType != null ? (ref2 = contentType.match(/\bname\s*=\s*"((\\"|[^"])+)"/i)) != null ? ref2[1] : void 0 : void 0);
          if (match) {
            name = match.replace(/\\"/g, '"');
          blob = new Blob([data], {
            type: mime
          blob.name = name;
          return cb(blob);
      json: (function() {
        var callbacks, responses;
        callbacks = {};
        responses = {};
        return function(url, cb) {
          if (responses[url]) {
          if (callbacks[url]) {
          callbacks[url] = [cb];
          return GM_xmlhttpRequest({
            method: "GET",
            url: url + '',
            onload: function(xhr) {
              var k, len1, ref, response;
              response = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
              ref = callbacks[url];
              for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
                cb = ref[k];
              delete callbacks[url];
              return responses[url] = response;
            onerror: function() {
              return delete callbacks[url];
            onabort: function() {
              return delete callbacks[url];

  Anonymize = {
    init: function() {
      var ref;
      if (!(((ref = g.VIEW) === 'index' || ref === 'thread' || ref === 'archive') && Conf['Anonymize'])) {
      if (g.VIEW === 'archive') {
        return this.archive();
      return Post.callbacks.push({
        name: 'Anonymize',
        cb: this.node
    node: function() {
      var email, name, ref, tripcode;
      if (this.info.capcode || this.isClone) {
      ref = this.nodes, name = ref.name, tripcode = ref.tripcode, email = ref.email;
      if (this.info.name !== 'Anonymous') {
        name.textContent = 'Anonymous';
      if (tripcode) {
        delete this.nodes.tripcode;
      if (this.info.email) {
        $.replace(email, name);
        return delete this.nodes.email;
    archive: function() {
      return $.ready(function() {
        var k, len1, len2, name, q, ref, ref1, trip;
        ref = $$('.name');
        for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
          name = ref[k];
          name.textContent = 'Anonymous';
        ref1 = $$('.postertrip');
        for (q = 0, len2 = ref1.length; q < len2; q++) {
          trip = ref1[q];

  Filter = {
    filters: {},
    init: function() {
      var boards, err, filter, hl, k, key, len1, line, op, ref, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, regexp, stub, top;
      if (!(((ref = g.VIEW) === 'index' || ref === 'thread') && Conf['Filter'])) {
      if (!Conf['Filtered Backlinks']) {
        $.addClass(doc, 'hide-backlinks');
      for (key in Config.filter) {
        this.filters[key] = [];
        ref1 = Conf[key].split('\n');
        for (k = 0, len1 = ref1.length; k < len1; k++) {
          line = ref1[k];
          if (line[0] === '#') {
          if (!(regexp = line.match(/\/(.+)\/(\w*)/))) {
          filter = line.replace(regexp[0], '');
          boards = ((ref2 = filter.match(/boards:([^;]+)/)) != null ? ref2[1].toLowerCase() : void 0) || 'global';
          boards = boards === 'global' ? null : boards.split(',');
          if (key === 'uniqueID' || key === 'MD5') {
            regexp = regexp[1];
          } else {
            try {
              regexp = RegExp(regexp[1], regexp[2]);
            } catch (_error) {
              err = _error;
              new Notice('warning', [$.tn("Invalid " + key + " filter:"), $.el('br'), $.tn(line), $.el('br'), $.tn(err.message)], 60);
          op = ((ref3 = filter.match(/[^t]op:(yes|no|only)/)) != null ? ref3[1] : void 0) || 'yes';
          stub = (function() {
            var ref4;
            switch ((ref4 = filter.match(/stub:(yes|no)/)) != null ? ref4[1] : void 0) {
              case 'yes':
                return true;
              case 'no':
                return false;
                return Conf['Stubs'];
          if (hl = /highlight/.test(filter)) {
            hl = ((ref4 = filter.match(/highlight:([\w-]+)/)) != null ? ref4[1] : void 0) || 'filter-highlight';
            top = ((ref5 = filter.match(/top:(yes|no)/)) != null ? ref5[1] : void 0) || 'yes';
            top = top === 'yes';
          this.filters[key].push(this.createFilter(regexp, boards, op, stub, hl, top));
        if (!this.filters[key].length) {
          delete this.filters[key];
      if (!Object.keys(this.filters).length) {
      return Post.callbacks.push({
        name: 'Filter',
        cb: this.node
    createFilter: function(regexp, boards, op, stub, hl, top) {
      var settings, test;
      test = typeof regexp === 'string' ? function(value) {
        return regexp === value;
      } : function(value) {
        return regexp.test(value);
      settings = {
        hide: !hl,
        stub: stub,
        "class": hl,
        top: top
      return function(value, boardID, isReply) {
        if (boards && indexOf.call(boards, boardID) < 0) {
          return false;
        if (isReply && op === 'only' || !isReply && op === 'no') {
          return false;
        if (!test(value)) {
          return false;
        return settings;
    node: function() {
      var filter, k, key, len1, ref, ref1, result, value;
      if (this.isClone) {
      for (key in Filter.filters) {
        if ((value = Filter[key](this)) != null) {
          ref = Filter.filters[key];
          for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
            filter = ref[k];
            if (!(result = filter(value, this.board.ID, this.isReply))) {
            if (result.hide && !this.isFetchedQuote) {
              if (this.isReply) {
                PostHiding.hide(this, result.stub);
              } else if (g.VIEW === 'index') {
                ThreadHiding.hide(this.thread, result.stub);
              } else {
            $.addClass(this.nodes.root, result["class"]);
            if (!(this.highlights && (ref1 = result["class"], indexOf.call(this.highlights, ref1) >= 0))) {
              (this.highlights || (this.highlights = [])).push(result["class"]);
            if (!this.isReply && result.top) {
              this.thread.isOnTop = true;
    isHidden: function(post) {
      var filter, k, key, len1, ref, result, value;
      for (key in Filter.filters) {
        if ((value = Filter[key](post)) != null) {
          ref = Filter.filters[key];
          for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
            filter = ref[k];
            if (result = filter(value, post.boardID, post.isReply)) {
              if (result.hide) {
                return true;
      return false;
    name: function(post) {
      return post.info.name;
    uniqueID: function(post) {
      return post.info.uniqueID;
    tripcode: function(post) {
      return post.info.tripcode;
    capcode: function(post) {
      return post.info.capcode;
    subject: function(post) {
      return post.info.subject;
    comment: function(post) {
      var ref;
      return (ref = post.info.comment) != null ? ref : Build.parseComment(post);
    flag: function(post) {
      return post.info.flag;
    filename: function(post) {
      var ref;
      return (ref = post.file) != null ? ref.name : void 0;
    dimensions: function(post) {
      var ref;
      return (ref = post.file) != null ? ref.dimensions : void 0;
    filesize: function(post) {
      var ref;
      return (ref = post.file) != null ? ref.size : void 0;
    MD5: function(post) {
      var ref;
      return (ref = post.file) != null ? ref.MD5 : void 0;
    menu: {
      init: function() {
        var div, entry, k, len1, ref, ref1, type;
        if (!(((ref = g.VIEW) === 'index' || ref === 'thread') && Conf['Menu'] && Conf['Filter'])) {
        div = $.el('div', {
          textContent: 'Filter'
        entry = {
          el: div,
          order: 50,
          open: function(post) {
            Filter.menu.post = post;
            return true;
          subEntries: []
        ref1 = [['Name', 'name'], ['Unique ID', 'uniqueID'], ['Tripcode', 'tripcode'], ['Capcode', 'capcode'], ['Subject', 'subject'], ['Comment', 'comment'], ['Flag', 'flag'], ['Filename', 'filename'], ['Image dimensions', 'dimensions'], ['Filesize', 'filesize'], ['Image MD5', 'MD5']];
        for (k = 0, len1 = ref1.length; k < len1; k++) {
          type = ref1[k];
          entry.subEntries.push(Filter.menu.createSubEntry(type[0], type[1]));
        return Menu.menu.addEntry(entry);
      createSubEntry: function(text, type) {
        var el;
        el = $.el('a', {
          href: 'javascript:;',
          textContent: text
        el.dataset.type = type;
        $.on(el, 'click', Filter.menu.makeFilter);
        return {
          el: el,
          open: function(post) {
            var value;
            value = Filter[type](post);
            return value != null;
      makeFilter: function() {
        var re, type, value;
        type = this.dataset.type;
        value = Filter[type](Filter.menu.post);
        re = type === 'uniqueID' || type === 'MD5' ? value : value.replace(/\/|\\|\^|\$|\n|\.|\(|\)|\{|\}|\[|\]|\?|\*|\+|\|/g, function(c) {
          if (c === '\n') {
            return '\\n';
          } else if (c === '\\') {
            return '\\\\';
          } else {
            return "\\" + c;
        re = type === 'uniqueID' || type === 'MD5' ? "/" + re + "/" : "/^" + re + "$/";
        return $.get(type, Conf[type], function(item) {
          var save, section, select, ta, tl;
          save = item[type];
          save = save ? save + "\n" + re : re;
          $.set(type, save);
          section = $('.section-container');
          select = $('select[name=filter]', section);
          select.value = type;
          ta = $('textarea', section);
          tl = ta.textLength;
          ta.setSelectionRange(tl, tl);
          return ta.focus();

  PostHiding = {
    init: function() {
      var ref;
      if (((ref = g.VIEW) !== 'index' && ref !== 'thread') || !Conf['Reply Hiding Buttons'] && !(Conf['Menu'] && Conf['Reply Hiding Link'])) {
      if (Conf['Reply Hiding Buttons']) {
        $.addClass(doc, "reply-hide");
      this.db = new DataBoard('hiddenPosts');
      return Post.callbacks.push({
        name: 'Reply Hiding',
        cb: this.node
    node: function() {
      var data, sideArrows;
      if (!this.isReply || this.isClone || this.isFetchedQuote) {
      if (data = PostHiding.db.get({
        boardID: this.board.ID,
        threadID: this.thread.ID,
        postID: this.ID
      })) {
        if (data.thisPost) {
          PostHiding.hide(this, data.makeStub, data.hideRecursively);
        } else {
          Recursive.apply(PostHiding.hide, this, data.makeStub, true);
          Recursive.add(PostHiding.hide, this, data.makeStub, true);
      if (!Conf['Reply Hiding Buttons']) {
      sideArrows = $('.sideArrows', this.nodes.root);
      $.replace(sideArrows.firstChild, PostHiding.makeButton(this, 'hide'));
      return sideArrows.removeAttribute('class');
    menu: {
      init: function() {
        var apply, div, hideStubLink, makeStub, ref, replies, thisPost;
        if (((ref = g.VIEW) !== 'index' && ref !== 'thread') || !Conf['Menu'] || !Conf['Reply Hiding Link']) {
        div = $.el('div', {
          className: 'hide-reply-link',
          textContent: 'Hide reply'
        apply = $.el('a', {
          textContent: 'Apply',
          href: 'javascript:;'
        $.on(apply, 'click', PostHiding.menu.hide);
        thisPost = UI.checkbox('thisPost', 'This post', true);
        replies = UI.checkbox('replies', 'Hide replies', Conf['Recursive Hiding']);
        makeStub = UI.checkbox('makeStub', 'Make stub', Conf['Stubs']);
          el: div,
          order: 20,
          open: function(post) {
            if (!post.isReply || post.isClone || post.isHidden) {
              return false;
            PostHiding.menu.post = post;
            return true;
          subEntries: [
              el: apply
            }, {
              el: thisPost
            }, {
              el: replies
            }, {
              el: makeStub
        div = $.el('div', {
          className: 'show-reply-link',
          textContent: 'Show reply'
        apply = $.el('a', {
          textContent: 'Apply',
          href: 'javascript:;'
        $.on(apply, 'click', PostHiding.menu.show);
        thisPost = UI.checkbox('thisPost', 'This post', false);
        replies = UI.checkbox('replies', 'Show replies', false);
        hideStubLink = $.el('a', {
          textContent: 'Hide stub',
          href: 'javascript:;'
        $.on(hideStubLink, 'click', PostHiding.menu.hideStub);
          el: div,
          order: 20,
          open: function(post) {
            var data;
            if (!post.isReply || post.isClone || !post.isHidden) {
              return false;
            if (!(data = PostHiding.db.get({
              boardID: post.board.ID,
              threadID: post.thread.ID,
              postID: post.ID
            }))) {
              return false;
            PostHiding.menu.post = post;
            thisPost.firstChild.checked = post.isHidden;
            replies.firstChild.checked = (data != null ? data.hideRecursively : void 0) != null ? data.hideRecursively : Conf['Recursive Hiding'];
            return true;
          subEntries: [
              el: apply
            }, {
              el: thisPost
            }, {
              el: replies
        return Menu.menu.addEntry({
          el: hideStubLink,
          order: 15,
          open: function(post) {
            var data;
            if (!post.isReply || post.isClone || !post.isHidden) {
              return false;
            if (!(data = PostHiding.db.get({
              boardID: post.board.ID,
              threadID: post.thread.ID,
              postID: post.ID
            }))) {
              return false;
            return PostHiding.menu.post = post;
      hide: function() {
        var makeStub, parent, post, replies, thisPost;
        parent = this.parentNode;
        thisPost = $('input[name=thisPost]', parent).checked;
        replies = $('input[name=replies]', parent).checked;
        makeStub = $('input[name=makeStub]', parent).checked;
        post = PostHiding.menu.post;
        if (thisPost) {
          PostHiding.hide(post, makeStub, replies);
        } else if (replies) {
          Recursive.apply(PostHiding.hide, post, makeStub, true);
          Recursive.add(PostHiding.hide, post, makeStub, true);
        } else {
        PostHiding.saveHiddenState(post, true, thisPost, makeStub, replies);
        return $.event('CloseMenu');
      show: function() {
        var data, parent, post, replies, thisPost;
        parent = this.parentNode;
        thisPost = $('input[name=thisPost]', parent).checked;
        replies = $('input[name=replies]', parent).checked;
        post = PostHiding.menu.post;
        if (thisPost) {
          PostHiding.show(post, replies);
        } else if (replies) {
          Recursive.apply(PostHiding.show, post, true);
          Recursive.rm(PostHiding.hide, post, true);
        } else {
        if (data = PostHiding.db.get({
          boardID: post.board.ID,
          threadID: post.thread.ID,
          postID: post.ID
        })) {
          PostHiding.saveHiddenState(post, !(thisPost && replies), !thisPost, data.makeStub, !replies);
        return $.event('CloseMenu');
      hideStub: function() {
        var data, post;
        post = PostHiding.menu.post;
        if (data = PostHiding.db.get({
          boardID: post.board.ID,
          threadID: post.thread.ID,
          postID: post.ID
        })) {
          PostHiding.show(post, data.hideRecursively);
          PostHiding.hide(post, false, data.hideRecursively);
          PostHiding.saveHiddenState(post, true, true, false, data.hideRecursively);
    makeButton: function(post, type) {
      var a, span;
      span = $.el('span', {
        className: "fa fa-" + (type === 'hide' ? 'minus' : 'plus') + "-square-o",
        textContent: ""
      a = $.el('a', {
        className: type + "-reply-button",
        href: 'javascript:;'
      $.add(a, span);
      $.on(a, 'click', PostHiding.toggle);
      return a;
    saveHiddenState: function(post, isHiding, thisPost, makeStub, hideRecursively) {
      var data;
      data = {
        boardID: post.board.ID,
        threadID: post.thread.ID,
        postID: post.ID
      if (isHiding) {
        data.val = {
          thisPost: thisPost !== false,
          makeStub: makeStub,
          hideRecursively: hideRecursively
        return PostHiding.db.set(data);
      } else {
        return PostHiding.db["delete"](data);
    toggle: function() {
      var post;
      post = Get.postFromNode(this);
      PostHiding[(post.isHidden ? 'show' : 'hide')](post);
      return PostHiding.saveHiddenState(post, post.isHidden);
    hide: function(post, makeStub, hideRecursively) {
      var a, k, len1, quotelink, ref;
      if (makeStub == null) {
        makeStub = Conf['Stubs'];
      if (hideRecursively == null) {
        hideRecursively = Conf['Recursive Hiding'];
      if (post.isHidden) {
      post.isHidden = true;
      if (hideRecursively) {
        Recursive.apply(PostHiding.hide, post, makeStub, true);
        Recursive.add(PostHiding.hide, post, makeStub, true);
      ref = Get.allQuotelinksLinkingTo(post);
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        quotelink = ref[k];
        $.addClass(quotelink, 'filtered');
      if (!makeStub) {
        post.nodes.root.hidden = true;
      a = PostHiding.makeButton(post, 'show');
      $.add(a, $.tn(" " + post.info.nameBlock));
      post.nodes.stub = $.el('div', {
        className: 'stub'
      $.add(post.nodes.stub, a);
      if (Conf['Menu']) {
        $.add(post.nodes.stub, Menu.makeButton(post));
      return $.prepend(post.nodes.root, post.nodes.stub);
    show: function(post, showRecursively) {
      var k, len1, quotelink, ref;
      if (showRecursively == null) {
        showRecursively = Conf['Recursive Hiding'];
      if (post.nodes.stub) {
        delete post.nodes.stub;
      } else {
        post.nodes.root.hidden = false;
      post.isHidden = false;
      if (showRecursively) {
        Recursive.apply(PostHiding.show, post, true);
        Recursive.rm(PostHiding.hide, post);
      ref = Get.allQuotelinksLinkingTo(post);
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        quotelink = ref[k];
        $.rmClass(quotelink, 'filtered');

  Recursive = {
    recursives: {},
    init: function() {
      var ref;
      if ((ref = g.VIEW) !== 'index' && ref !== 'thread') {
      return Post.callbacks.push({
        name: 'Recursive',
        cb: this.node
    node: function() {
      var i, k, len1, len2, obj, q, quote, recursive, ref, ref1;
      if (this.isClone || this.isFetchedQuote) {
      ref = this.quotes;
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        quote = ref[k];
        if (obj = Recursive.recursives[quote]) {
          ref1 = obj.recursives;
          for (i = q = 0, len2 = ref1.length; q < len2; i = ++q) {
            recursive = ref1[i];
            recursive.apply(null, [this].concat(slice.call(obj.args[i])));
    add: function() {
      var args, base1, name1, obj, post, recursive;
      recursive = arguments[0], post = arguments[1], args = 3 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 2) : [];
      obj = (base1 = Recursive.recursives)[name1 = post.fullID] || (base1[name1] = {
        recursives: [],
        args: []
      return obj.args.push(args);
    rm: function(recursive, post) {
      var i, k, len1, obj, rec, ref;
      if (!(obj = Recursive.recursives[post.fullID])) {
      ref = obj.recursives;
      for (i = k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; i = ++k) {
        rec = ref[i];
        if (!(rec === recursive)) {
        obj.recursives.splice(i, 1);
        obj.args.splice(i, 1);
    apply: function() {
      var args, fullID, post, recursive;
      recursive = arguments[0], post = arguments[1], args = 3 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 2) : [];
      fullID = post.fullID;
      return g.posts.forEach(function(post) {
        if (indexOf.call(post.quotes, fullID) >= 0) {
          return recursive.apply(null, [post].concat(slice.call(args)));

  ThreadHiding = {
    init: function() {
      var ref;
      if (((ref = g.VIEW) !== 'index' && ref !== 'catalog') || !Conf['Thread Hiding Buttons'] && !(Conf['Menu'] && Conf['Thread Hiding Link']) && !Conf['JSON Navigation']) {
      this.db = new DataBoard('hiddenThreads');
      if (g.VIEW === 'catalog') {
        return this.catalogWatch();
      return Post.callbacks.push({
        name: 'Thread Hiding',
        cb: this.node
    catalogSet: function(board) {
      var hiddenThreads, threadID;
      hiddenThreads = ThreadHiding.db.get({
        boardID: board.ID,
        defaultValue: {}
      for (threadID in hiddenThreads) {
        hiddenThreads[threadID] = true;
      return localStorage.setItem("4chan-hide-t-" + board, JSON.stringify(hiddenThreads));
    catalogWatch: function() {
      this.hiddenThreads = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("4chan-hide-t-" + g.BOARD)) || {};
      return $.ready(function() {
        return new MutationObserver(ThreadHiding.catalogSave).observe($.id('threads'), {
          attributes: true,
          subtree: true,
          attributeFilter: ['style']
    catalogSave: function() {
      var hiddenThreads2, threadID;
      hiddenThreads2 = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("4chan-hide-t-" + g.BOARD)) || {};
      for (threadID in hiddenThreads2) {
        if (!(threadID in ThreadHiding.hiddenThreads)) {
            boardID: g.BOARD.ID,
            threadID: threadID,
            val: {
              makeStub: Conf['Stubs']
      for (threadID in ThreadHiding.hiddenThreads) {
        if (!(threadID in hiddenThreads2)) {
            boardID: g.BOARD.ID,
            threadID: threadID
      return ThreadHiding.hiddenThreads = hiddenThreads2;
    node: function() {
      var data;
      if (this.isReply || this.isClone || this.isFetchedQuote) {
      if (data = ThreadHiding.db.get({
        boardID: this.board.ID,
        threadID: this.ID
      })) {
        ThreadHiding.hide(this.thread, data.makeStub);
      if (!Conf['Thread Hiding Buttons']) {
      return $.prepend(this.nodes.root, ThreadHiding.makeButton(this.thread, 'hide'));
    onIndexBuild: function(nodes) {
      var k, len1, root, thread;
      for (k = 0, len1 = nodes.length; k < len1; k++) {
        root = nodes[k];
        thread = Get.threadFromRoot(root);
        if (thread.isHidden && thread.stub && !root.contains(thread.stub)) {
          ThreadHiding.makeStub(thread, root);
    menu: {
      init: function() {
        var apply, div, hideStubLink, makeStub;
        if (g.VIEW !== 'index' || !Conf['Menu'] || !Conf['Thread Hiding Link']) {
        div = $.el('div', {
          className: 'hide-thread-link',
          textContent: 'Hide thread'
        apply = $.el('a', {
          textContent: 'Apply',
          href: 'javascript:;'
        $.on(apply, 'click', ThreadHiding.menu.hide);
        makeStub = UI.checkbox('Stubs', 'Make stub');
          el: div,
          order: 20,
          open: function(arg) {
            var isReply, thread;
            thread = arg.thread, isReply = arg.isReply;
            if (isReply || thread.isHidden || Conf['JSON Navigation'] && Conf['Index Mode'] === 'catalog') {
              return false;
            ThreadHiding.menu.thread = thread;
            return true;
          subEntries: [
              el: apply
            }, {
              el: makeStub
        div = $.el('a', {
          className: 'show-thread-link',
          textContent: 'Show thread',
          href: 'javascript:;'
        $.on(div, 'click', ThreadHiding.menu.show);
          el: div,
          order: 20,
          open: function(arg) {
            var isReply, thread;
            thread = arg.thread, isReply = arg.isReply;
            if (isReply || !thread.isHidden || Conf['JSON Navigation'] && Conf['Index Mode'] === 'catalog') {
              return false;
            ThreadHiding.menu.thread = thread;
            return true;
        hideStubLink = $.el('a', {
          textContent: 'Hide stub',
          href: 'javascript:;'
        $.on(hideStubLink, 'click', ThreadHiding.menu.hideStub);
        return Menu.menu.addEntry({
          el: hideStubLink,
          order: 15,
          open: function(arg) {
            var isReply, thread;
            thread = arg.thread, isReply = arg.isReply;
            if (isReply || !thread.isHidden || Conf['JSON Navigation'] && Conf['Index Mode'] === 'catalog') {
              return false;
            return ThreadHiding.menu.thread = thread;
      hide: function() {
        var makeStub, thread;
        makeStub = $('input', this.parentNode).checked;
        thread = ThreadHiding.menu.thread;
        ThreadHiding.hide(thread, makeStub);
        ThreadHiding.saveHiddenState(thread, makeStub);
        return $.event('CloseMenu');
      show: function() {
        var thread;
        thread = ThreadHiding.menu.thread;
        return $.event('CloseMenu');
      hideStub: function() {
        var thread;
        thread = ThreadHiding.menu.thread;
        ThreadHiding.hide(thread, false);
        ThreadHiding.saveHiddenState(thread, false);
    makeButton: function(thread, type) {
      var a;
      a = $.el('a', {
        className: type + "-thread-button",
        href: 'javascript:;'
      $.extend(a, {
        innerHTML: "<span class=\"fa fa-" + (type === "hide" ? "minus" : "plus") + "-square\"></span>"
      a.dataset.fullID = thread.fullID;
      $.on(a, 'click', ThreadHiding.toggle);
      return a;
    makeStub: function(thread, root) {
      var a, numReplies, summary;
      numReplies = $$('.thread > .replyContainer', root).length;
      if (summary = $('.summary', root)) {
        numReplies += +summary.textContent.match(/\d+/);
      a = ThreadHiding.makeButton(thread, 'show');
      $.add(a, $.tn(" " + thread.OP.info.nameBlock + " (" + (numReplies === 1 ? '1 reply' : numReplies + " replies") + ")"));
      thread.stub = $.el('div', {
        className: 'stub'
      if (Conf['Menu']) {
        $.add(thread.stub, [a, Menu.makeButton(thread.OP)]);
      } else {
        $.add(thread.stub, a);
      return $.prepend(root, thread.stub);
    saveHiddenState: function(thread, makeStub) {
      if (thread.isHidden) {
          boardID: thread.board.ID,
          threadID: thread.ID,
          val: {
            makeStub: makeStub
      } else {
          boardID: thread.board.ID,
          threadID: thread.ID
      return ThreadHiding.catalogSet(thread.board);
    toggle: function(thread) {
      if (!(thread instanceof Thread)) {
        thread = g.threads[this.dataset.fullID];
      if (thread.isHidden) {
      } else {
      return ThreadHiding.saveHiddenState(thread);
    hide: function(thread, makeStub) {
      var threadRoot;
      if (makeStub == null) {
        makeStub = Conf['Stubs'];
      if (thread.isHidden) {
      threadRoot = thread.OP.nodes.root.parentNode;
      thread.isHidden = true;
      if (Conf['JSON Navigation']) {
      if (!makeStub) {
        return threadRoot.hidden = true;
      return ThreadHiding.makeStub(thread, threadRoot);
    show: function(thread) {
      var threadRoot;
      if (thread.stub) {
        delete thread.stub;
      threadRoot = thread.OP.nodes.root.parentNode;
      threadRoot.hidden = thread.isHidden = false;
      if (Conf['JSON Navigation']) {
        return Index.updateHideLabel();

  QuoteBacklink = {
    containers: {},
    init: function() {
      var ref;
      if (((ref = g.VIEW) !== 'index' && ref !== 'thread') || !Conf['Quote Backlinks']) {
        name: 'Quote Backlinking Part 1',
        cb: this.firstNode
      return Post.callbacks.push({
        name: 'Quote Backlinking Part 2',
        cb: this.secondNode
    firstNode: function() {
      var a, clone, container, containers, hash, k, len1, len2, len3, link, markYours, nodes, post, q, quote, ref, ref1, u;
      if (this.isClone || !this.quotes.length || this.isRebuilt) {
      markYours = Conf['Quick Reply'] && Conf['Mark Quotes of You'] && QR.db.get({
        boardID: this.board.ID,
        threadID: this.thread.ID,
        postID: this.ID
      a = $.el('a', {
        href: Build.postURL(this.board.ID, this.thread.ID, this.ID),
        className: this.isHidden ? 'filtered backlink' : 'backlink',
        textContent: Conf['backlink'].replace(/%(?:id|%)/g, (function(_this) {
          return function(x) {
            return {
              '%id': _this.ID,
              '%%': '%'
        })(this)) + (markYours ? '\u00A0(You)' : '')
      ref = this.quotes;
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        quote = ref[k];
        containers = [QuoteBacklink.getContainer(quote)];
        if ((post = g.posts[quote]) && post.nodes.backlinkContainer) {
          ref1 = post.clones;
          for (q = 0, len2 = ref1.length; q < len2; q++) {
            clone = ref1[q];
        for (u = 0, len3 = containers.length; u < len3; u++) {
          container = containers[u];
          nodes = [$.tn(' '), link = a.cloneNode(true)];
          if (Conf['Quote Previewing']) {
            $.on(link, 'mouseover', QuotePreview.mouseover);
          if (Conf['Quote Inlining']) {
            $.on(link, 'click', QuoteInline.toggle);
            if (Conf['Quote Hash Navigation']) {
              hash = QuoteInline.qiQuote(link, $.hasClass(link, 'filtered'));
          $.add(container, nodes);
    secondNode: function() {
      var container;
      if (this.isClone && (this.origin.isReply || Conf['OP Backlinks'])) {
        this.nodes.backlinkContainer = $('.container', this.nodes.info);
      if (!(this.isReply || Conf['OP Backlinks'])) {
      container = QuoteBacklink.getContainer(this.fullID);
      this.nodes.backlinkContainer = container;
      return $.add(this.nodes.info, container);
    getContainer: function(id) {
      var base1;
      return (base1 = this.containers)[id] || (base1[id] = $.el('span', {
        className: 'container'

  QuoteCT = {
    init: function() {
      var ref;
      if (((ref = g.VIEW) !== 'index' && ref !== 'thread') || !Conf['Mark Cross-thread Quotes']) {
      if (Conf['Comment Expansion']) {
      this.text = '\u00A0(Cross-thread)';
      return Post.callbacks.push({
        name: 'Mark Cross-thread Quotes',
        cb: this.node
    node: function() {
      var board, boardID, k, len1, quotelink, ref, ref1, ref2, thread, threadID;
      if (this.isClone && this.thread === this.context.thread) {
      ref = this.isClone ? this.context : this, board = ref.board, thread = ref.thread;
      ref1 = this.nodes.quotelinks;
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref1.length; k < len1; k++) {
        quotelink = ref1[k];
        ref2 = Get.postDataFromLink(quotelink), boardID = ref2.boardID, threadID = ref2.threadID;
        if (!threadID) {
        if (this.isClone) {
          quotelink.textContent = quotelink.textContent.replace(QuoteCT.text, '');
        if (boardID === board.ID && threadID !== thread.ID) {
          $.add(quotelink, $.tn(QuoteCT.text));

  QuoteInline = {
    init: function() {
      var ref;
      if (((ref = g.VIEW) !== 'index' && ref !== 'thread') || !Conf['Quote Inlining']) {
      this.process = Conf['Quote Hash Navigation'] ? function(link, clone) {
        if (!clone) {
          $.after(link, QuoteInline.qiQuote(link, $.hasClass(link, 'filtered')));
        return $.on(link, 'click', QuoteInline.toggle);
      } : function(link) {
        return $.on(link, 'click', QuoteInline.toggle);
      if (Conf['Comment Expansion']) {
      return Post.callbacks.push({
        name: 'Quote Inlining',
        cb: this.node
    node: function() {
      var isClone, k, len1, len2, link, process, q, ref, ref1;
      process = QuoteInline.process;
      isClone = this.isClone;
      ref = this.nodes.quotelinks;
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        link = ref[k];
        process(link, isClone);
      ref1 = this.nodes.backlinks;
      for (q = 0, len2 = ref1.length; q < len2; q++) {
        link = ref1[q];
        process(link, isClone);
    qiQuote: function(link, hidden) {
      var name;
      name = "hashlink";
      if (hidden) {
        name += " filtered";
      return $.el('a', {
        className: name,
        textContent: '#',
        href: link.href
    toggle: function(e) {
      var boardID, context, postID, ref, threadID;
      if (e.shiftKey || e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey || e.button !== 0) {
      ref = Get.postDataFromLink(this), boardID = ref.boardID, threadID = ref.threadID, postID = ref.postID;
      context = Get.contextFromNode(this);
      if ($.hasClass(this, 'inlined')) {
        QuoteInline.rm(this, boardID, threadID, postID, context);
      } else {
        if ($.x("ancestor::div[@id='pc" + postID + "']", this)) {
        QuoteInline.add(this, boardID, threadID, postID, context);
      return this.classList.toggle('inlined');
    findRoot: function(quotelink, isBacklink) {
      if (isBacklink) {
        return quotelink.parentNode.parentNode;
      } else {
        return $.x('ancestor-or-self::*[parent::blockquote][1]', quotelink);
    add: function(quotelink, boardID, threadID, postID, context) {
      var inline, isBacklink, post, qroot, root;
      isBacklink = $.hasClass(quotelink, 'backlink');
      inline = $.el('div', {
        id: "i" + postID,
        className: 'inline'
      root = QuoteInline.findRoot(quotelink, isBacklink);
      $.after(root, inline);
      qroot = $.x('ancestor::*[contains(@class,"postContainer")][1]', root);
      $.addClass(qroot, 'hasInline');
      new Fetcher(boardID, threadID, postID, inline, context);
      if (!((post = g.posts[boardID + "." + postID]) && context.thread === post.thread)) {
      if (isBacklink && Conf['Forward Hiding']) {
        $.addClass(post.nodes.root, 'forwarded');
        post.forwarded++ || (post.forwarded = 1);
      if (!Unread.posts) {
      return Unread.readSinglePost(post);
    rm: function(quotelink, boardID, threadID, postID, context) {
      var el, inlined, isBacklink, post, qroot, ref, root;
      isBacklink = $.hasClass(quotelink, 'backlink');
      root = QuoteInline.findRoot(quotelink, isBacklink);
      root = $.x("following-sibling::div[@id='i" + postID + "'][1]", root);
      qroot = $.x('ancestor::*[contains(@class,"postContainer")][1]', root);
      if (!$('.inline', qroot)) {
        $.rmClass(qroot, 'hasInline');
      if (!(el = root.firstElementChild)) {
      post = g.posts[boardID + "." + postID];
      if (Conf['Forward Hiding'] && isBacklink && context.thread === g.threads[boardID + "." + threadID] && !--post.forwarded) {
        delete post.forwarded;
        $.rmClass(post.nodes.root, 'forwarded');
      while (inlined = $('.inlined', el)) {
        ref = Get.postDataFromLink(inlined), boardID = ref.boardID, threadID = ref.threadID, postID = ref.postID;
        QuoteInline.rm(inlined, boardID, threadID, postID, context);
        $.rmClass(inlined, 'inlined');

  QuoteOP = {
    init: function() {
      var ref;
      if (((ref = g.VIEW) !== 'index' && ref !== 'thread') || !Conf['Mark OP Quotes']) {
      if (Conf['Comment Expansion']) {
      this.text = '\u00A0(OP)';
      return Post.callbacks.push({
        name: 'Mark OP Quotes',
        cb: this.node
    node: function() {
      var boardID, fullID, i, postID, quotelink, quotelinks, quotes, ref, ref1;
      if (this.isClone && this.thread === this.context.thread) {
      if (!(quotes = this.quotes).length) {
      quotelinks = this.nodes.quotelinks;
      if (this.isClone && (ref = this.thread.fullID, indexOf.call(quotes, ref) >= 0)) {
        i = 0;
        while (quotelink = quotelinks[i++]) {
          quotelink.textContent = quotelink.textContent.replace(QuoteOP.text, '');
      fullID = (this.isClone ? this.context : this).thread.fullID;
      if (indexOf.call(quotes, fullID) < 0) {
      i = 0;
      while (quotelink = quotelinks[i++]) {
        ref1 = Get.postDataFromLink(quotelink), boardID = ref1.boardID, postID = ref1.postID;
        if ((boardID + "." + postID) === fullID) {
          $.add(quotelink, $.tn(QuoteOP.text));

  QuotePreview = {
    init: function() {
      var ref;
      if (!(((ref = g.VIEW) === 'index' || ref === 'thread') && Conf['Quote Previewing'])) {
      if (Conf['Comment Expansion']) {
      return Post.callbacks.push({
        name: 'Quote Previewing',
        cb: this.node
    node: function() {
      var k, len1, link, ref;
      ref = this.nodes.quotelinks.concat(slice.call(this.nodes.backlinks));
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        link = ref[k];
        $.on(link, 'mouseover', QuotePreview.mouseover);
    mouseover: function(e) {
      var boardID, clone, k, len1, len2, origin, post, postID, posts, q, qp, quote, quoterID, ref, ref1, threadID;
      if ($.hasClass(this, 'inlined') || !d.contains(this)) {
      ref = Get.postDataFromLink(this), boardID = ref.boardID, threadID = ref.threadID, postID = ref.postID;
      qp = $.el('div', {
        id: 'qp',
        className: 'dialog'
      $.add(Header.hover, qp);
      new Fetcher(boardID, threadID, postID, qp, Get.contextFromNode(this));
        root: this,
        el: qp,
        latestEvent: e,
        endEvents: 'mouseout click',
        cb: QuotePreview.mouseout,
        asapTest: function() {
          return qp.firstElementChild;
      if (!(origin = g.posts[boardID + "." + postID])) {
      if (Conf['Quote Highlighting']) {
        posts = [origin].concat(origin.clones);
        for (k = 0, len1 = posts.length; k < len1; k++) {
          post = posts[k];
          $.addClass(post.nodes.post, 'qphl');
      quoterID = $.x('ancestor::*[@id][1]', this).id.match(/\d+$/)[0];
      clone = Get.postFromRoot(qp.firstChild);
      ref1 = clone.nodes.quotelinks.concat(slice.call(clone.nodes.backlinks));
      for (q = 0, len2 = ref1.length; q < len2; q++) {
        quote = ref1[q];
        if (quote.hash.slice(2) === quoterID) {
          $.addClass(quote, 'forwardlink');
    mouseout: function() {
      var clone, k, len1, post, ref, root;
      if (!(root = this.el.firstElementChild)) {
      clone = Get.postFromRoot(root);
      post = clone.origin;
      if (!Conf['Quote Highlighting']) {
      ref = [post].concat(post.clones);
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        post = ref[k];
        $.rmClass(post.nodes.post, 'qphl');

  QuoteStrikeThrough = {
    init: function() {
      var ref;
      if (!(((ref = g.VIEW) === 'index' || ref === 'thread') && (Conf['Reply Hiding Buttons'] || (Conf['Menu'] && Conf['Reply Hiding Link']) || Conf['Filter']))) {
      return Post.callbacks.push({
        name: 'Strike-through Quotes',
        cb: this.node
    node: function() {
      var boardID, k, len1, postID, quotelink, ref, ref1, ref2;
      if (this.isClone) {
      ref = this.nodes.quotelinks;
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        quotelink = ref[k];
        ref1 = Get.postDataFromLink(quotelink), boardID = ref1.boardID, postID = ref1.postID;
        if ((ref2 = g.posts[boardID + "." + postID]) != null ? ref2.isHidden : void 0) {
          $.addClass(quotelink, 'filtered');

    <3 aeosynth

  QuoteThreading = {
    init: function() {
      if (!(Conf['Quote Threading'] && g.VIEW === 'thread')) {
      this.enabled = true;
      this.controls = $.el('span', {
        innerHTML: "<label><input id=\"threadingControl\" type=\"checkbox\" checked> Threading</label>"
      this.threadNewLink = $.el('span', {
        className: 'brackets-wrap threadnewlink',
        hidden: true
      $.extend(this.threadNewLink, {
        innerHTML: "<a href=\"javascript:;\">Thread New Posts</a>"
      this.input = $('input', this.controls);
      $.on(this.input, 'change', this.rethread);
      $.on(this.threadNewLink.firstElementChild, 'click', this.rethread);
      Header.menu.addEntry(this.entry = {
        el: this.controls,
        order: 99
        name: 'Quote Threading',
        cb: this.setThread
      return Post.callbacks.push({
        name: 'Quote Threading',
        cb: this.node
    parent: {},
    children: {},
    inserted: {},
    setThread: function() {
      QuoteThreading.thread = this;
      return $.asap((function() {
        return !Conf['Thread Updater'] || $('.navLinksBot > .updatelink');
      }), function() {
        return $.add($('.navLinksBot'), [$.tn(' '), QuoteThreading.threadNewLink]);
    node: function() {
      var ancestor, k, lastParent, len1, parent, parents, quote, ref;
      if (this.isFetchedQuote || this.isClone || !this.isReply) {
      parents = new Set();
      lastParent = null;
      ref = this.quotes;
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        quote = ref[k];
        if (parent = g.posts[quote]) {
          if (!parent.isFetchedQuote && parent.isReply && parent.ID < this.ID) {
            if (!lastParent || parent.ID > lastParent.ID) {
              lastParent = parent;
      if (!lastParent) {
      ancestor = lastParent;
      while (ancestor = QuoteThreading.parent[ancestor.fullID]) {
      if (parents.size === 1) {
        return QuoteThreading.parent[this.fullID] = lastParent;
    descendants: function(post) {
      var child, children, k, len1, posts;
      posts = [post];
      if (children = QuoteThreading.children[post.fullID]) {
        for (k = 0, len1 = children.length; k < len1; k++) {
          child = children[k];
          posts = posts.concat(QuoteThreading.descendants(child));
      return posts;
    insert: function(post) {
      var base1, child, children, descendants, i, k, len1, name1, next, nodes, order, parent, prev, prev2, q, threadContainer, u, x;
      if (!(QuoteThreading.enabled && (parent = QuoteThreading.parent[post.fullID]) && !QuoteThreading.inserted[post.fullID])) {
        return false;
      descendants = QuoteThreading.descendants(post);
      if (!Unread.posts.has(parent.ID)) {
        if ((function() {
          var k, len1, x;
          for (k = 0, len1 = descendants.length; k < len1; k++) {
            x = descendants[k];
            if (Unread.posts.has(x.ID)) {
              return true;
        })()) {
          QuoteThreading.threadNewLink.hidden = false;
          return false;
      order = Unread.order;
      children = ((base1 = QuoteThreading.children)[name1 = parent.fullID] || (base1[name1] = []));
      threadContainer = parent.nodes.threadContainer || $.el('div', {
        className: 'threadContainer'
      nodes = [post.nodes.root];
      if (post.nodes.threadContainer) {
      i = children.length;
      for (k = children.length - 1; k >= 0; k += -1) {
        child = children[k];
        if (child.ID >= post.ID) {
      if (i !== children.length) {
        next = children[i];
        for (q = 0, len1 = descendants.length; q < len1; q++) {
          x = descendants[q];
          order.before(order[next.ID], order[x.ID]);
        children.splice(i, 0, post);
        $.before(next.nodes.root, nodes);
      } else {
        prev = parent;
        while ((prev2 = QuoteThreading.children[prev.fullID]) && prev2.length) {
          prev = prev2[prev2.length - 1];
        for (u = descendants.length - 1; u >= 0; u += -1) {
          x = descendants[u];
          order.after(order[prev.ID], order[x.ID]);
        $.add(threadContainer, nodes);
      QuoteThreading.inserted[post.fullID] = true;
      if (!parent.nodes.threadContainer) {
        parent.nodes.threadContainer = threadContainer;
        $.addClass(parent.nodes.root, 'threadOP');
        $.after(parent.nodes.root, threadContainer);
      return true;
    rethread: function() {
      var nodes, posts, thread;
      thread = QuoteThreading.thread;
      posts = thread.posts;
      QuoteThreading.threadNewLink.hidden = true;
      if (QuoteThreading.enabled = QuoteThreading.input.checked) {
      } else {
        nodes = [];
        Unread.order = new RandomAccessList();
        QuoteThreading.inserted = {};
        posts.forEach(function(post) {
          if (post.isFetchedQuote) {
          if (post.isReply) {
          if (QuoteThreading.children[post.fullID]) {
            delete QuoteThreading.children[post.fullID];
            $.rmClass(post.nodes.root, 'threadOP');
            return delete post.nodes.threadContainer;
        $.add(thread.OP.nodes.root.parentNode, nodes);
      Unread.position = Unread.order.first;
      return Unread.update();

  QuoteYou = {
    init: function() {
      var ref;
      if (!(((ref = g.VIEW) === 'index' || ref === 'thread') && Conf['Mark Quotes of You'] && Conf['Quick Reply'])) {
      if (Conf['Highlight Own Posts']) {
        $.addClass(doc, 'highlight-own');
      if (Conf['Highlight Posts Quoting You']) {
        $.addClass(doc, 'highlight-you');
      if (Conf['Comment Expansion']) {
      this.text = '\u00A0(You)';
      return Post.callbacks.push({
        name: 'Mark Quotes of You',
        cb: this.node
    node: function() {
      var k, len1, quotelink, ref;
      if (this.isClone) {
      if (QR.db.get({
        boardID: this.board.ID,
        threadID: this.thread.ID,
        postID: this.ID
      })) {
        $.addClass(this.nodes.root, 'yourPost');
      if (!this.quotes.length) {
      ref = this.nodes.quotelinks;
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        quotelink = ref[k];
        if (!(QR.db.get(Get.postDataFromLink(quotelink)))) {
        $.add(quotelink, $.tn(QuoteYou.text));
        $.addClass(quotelink, 'you');
        $.addClass(this.nodes.root, 'quotesYou');
    cb: {
      seek: function(type) {
        var highlight, post, posts, result, str;
        if (!(Conf['Mark Quotes of You'] && Conf['Quick Reply'])) {
        if (highlight = $('.highlight')) {
          $.rmClass(highlight, 'highlight');
        if (!QuoteYou.lastRead) {
          if (!(post = QuoteYou.lastRead = $('.quotesYou'))) {
            new Notice('warning', 'No posts are currently quoting you, loser.', 20);
          if (QuoteYou.cb.scroll(post)) {
        } else {
          post = QuoteYou.lastRead;
        str = type + "::div[contains(@class,'quotesYou')]";
        while (post = (result = $.X(str, post)).snapshotItem(type === 'preceding' ? result.snapshotLength - 1 : 0)) {
          if (QuoteYou.cb.scroll(post)) {
        posts = $$('.quotesYou');
        return QuoteYou.cb.scroll(posts[type === 'following' ? 0 : posts.length - 1]);
      scroll: function(post) {
        if (Get.postFromRoot(post).isHidden) {
          return false;
        } else {
          QuoteYou.lastRead = post;
          window.location = "#" + post.id;
          $.addClass($('.post', post), 'highlight');
          return true;

  Quotify = {
    init: function() {
      var ref;
      if (((ref = g.VIEW) !== 'index' && ref !== 'thread') || !Conf['Resurrect Quotes']) {
      if (Conf['Comment Expansion']) {
      return Post.callbacks.push({
        name: 'Resurrect Quotes',
        cb: this.node
    node: function() {
      var deadlink, k, len1, ref;
      ref = $$('.deadlink', this.nodes.comment);
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        deadlink = ref[k];
        if (this.isClone) {
          if ($.hasClass(deadlink, 'quotelink')) {
        } else {
          Quotify.parseDeadlink.call(this, deadlink);
    parseDeadlink: function(deadlink) {
      var a, boardID, fetchable, m, post, postID, quote, quoteID, redirect, ref;
      if ($.hasClass(deadlink.parentNode, 'prettyprint')) {
      quote = deadlink.textContent;
      if (!(postID = (ref = quote.match(/\d+$/)) != null ? ref[0] : void 0)) {
      if (postID[0] === '0') {
      boardID = (m = quote.match(/^>>>\/([a-z\d]+)/)) ? m[1] : this.board.ID;
      quoteID = boardID + "." + postID;
      if (post = g.posts[quoteID]) {
        if (!post.isDead) {
          a = $.el('a', {
            href: Build.postURL(boardID, post.thread.ID, postID),
            className: 'quotelink',
            textContent: quote
        } else {
          a = $.el('a', {
            href: Build.postURL(boardID, post.thread.ID, postID),
            className: 'quotelink deadlink',
            target: '_blank',
            textContent: quote + "\u00A0(Dead)"
          $.extend(a.dataset, {
            boardID: boardID,
            threadID: post.thread.ID,
            postID: postID
      } else {
        redirect = Redirect.to('thread', {
          boardID: boardID,
          threadID: 0,
          postID: postID
        fetchable = Redirect.to('post', {
          boardID: boardID,
          postID: postID
        if (redirect || fetchable) {
          a = $.el('a', {
            href: redirect || 'javascript:;',
            className: 'deadlink',
            target: '_blank',
            textContent: quote + "\u00A0(Dead)"
          if (fetchable) {
            $.addClass(a, 'quotelink');
            $.extend(a.dataset, {
              boardID: boardID,
              postID: postID
      if (indexOf.call(this.quotes, quoteID) < 0) {
      if (!a) {
        deadlink.textContent = quote + "\u00A0(Dead)";
      $.replace(deadlink, a);
      if ($.hasClass(a, 'quotelink')) {
        return this.nodes.quotelinks.push(a);
    fixDeadlink: function(deadlink) {
      var el, green;
      if (!(el = deadlink.previousSibling) || el.nodeName === 'BR') {
        green = $.el('span', {
          className: 'quote'
        $.before(deadlink, green);
        $.add(green, deadlink);
      return $.replace(deadlink, slice.call(deadlink.childNodes));

  QR = {
    mimeTypes: ['image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/gif', 'application/pdf', 'application/vnd.adobe.flash.movie', 'application/x-shockwave-flash', 'video/webm'],
    init: function() {
      var sc;
      if (!Conf['Quick Reply']) {
      this.db = new DataBoard('yourPosts');
      this.posts = [];
      if (g.VIEW === 'archive') {
      this.captcha = Captcha.v2;
      $.on(d, '4chanXInitFinished', this.initReady);
        name: 'Quick Reply',
        cb: this.node
      if (Conf['QR Shortcut']) {
        this.shortcut = sc = $.el('a', {
          className: 'qr-shortcut fa fa-comment-o disabled',
          textContent: 'QR',
          title: 'Quick Reply',
          href: 'javascript:;'
        $.on(sc, 'click', function() {
          if (!QR.postingIsEnabled) {
          if (Conf['Persistent QR'] || !QR.nodes || QR.nodes.el.hidden) {
            return QR.nodes.com.focus();
          } else {
            return QR.close();
      if (Conf['Hide Original Post Form']) {
        $.addClass(doc, 'hide-original-post-form');
        if (!$.hasClass(doc, 'js-enabled')) {
          return $.onExists(doc, '#postForm noscript', true, $.rm);
    initReady: function() {
      var link, linkBot;
      $.off(d, '4chanXInitFinished', this.initReady);
      QR.postingIsEnabled = !!$.id('postForm');
      if (!QR.postingIsEnabled) {
      link = $.el('h1', {
        className: "qr-link-container"
      $.extend(link, {
        innerHTML: "<a href=\"javascript:;\" class=\"qr-link\">" + (g.VIEW === "thread" ? "Reply to Thread" : "Start a Thread") + "</a>"
      QR.link = link.firstElementChild;
      $.on(link.firstChild, 'click', function() {
        return QR.nodes.com.focus();
      if (Conf['Bottom QR Link'] && g.VIEW === 'thread') {
        linkBot = $.el('div', {
          className: "brackets-wrap qr-link-container-bottom"
        $.extend(linkBot, {
          innerHTML: "<a href=\"javascript:;\" class=\"qr-link-bottom\">Reply to Thread</a>"
        $.on(linkBot.firstElementChild, 'click', function() {
          return QR.nodes.com.focus();
        $.prepend($('.navLinksBot'), linkBot);
      $.before($.id('togglePostFormLink'), link);
      $.on(d, 'QRGetFile', QR.getFile);
      $.on(d, 'QRSetFile', QR.setFile);
      $.on(d, 'paste', QR.paste);
      $.on(d, 'dragover', QR.dragOver);
      $.on(d, 'drop', QR.dropFile);
      $.on(d, 'dragstart dragend', QR.drag);
      $.on(d, 'IndexRefresh', QR.generatePostableThreadsList);
      $.on(d, 'ThreadUpdate', QR.statusCheck);
      if (!Conf['Persistent QR']) {
      if (Conf['Auto Hide QR']) {
        return QR.hide();
    statusCheck: function() {
      var thread;
      if (!QR.nodes) {
      thread = QR.posts[0].thread;
      if (thread !== 'new' && g.threads[g.BOARD + "." + thread].isDead) {
        return QR.abort();
      } else {
        return QR.status();
    node: function() {
      $.on(this.nodes.quote, 'click', QR.quote);
      if (this.isFetchedQuote) {
        return QR.generatePostableThreadsList();
    open: function() {
      var err;
      if (QR.nodes) {
        if (QR.nodes.el.hidden) {
        QR.nodes.el.hidden = false;
      } else {
        try {
        } catch (_error) {
          err = _error;
          delete QR.nodes;
            message: 'Quick Reply dialog creation crashed.',
            error: err
      if (Conf['QR Shortcut']) {
        return $.rmClass(QR.shortcut, 'disabled');
    close: function() {
      var k, len1, post, ref;
      if (QR.req) {
      QR.nodes.el.hidden = true;
      $.rmClass(QR.nodes.el, 'dump');
      if (Conf['QR Shortcut']) {
        $.addClass(QR.shortcut, 'disabled');
      new QR.post(true);
      ref = QR.posts.splice(0, QR.posts.length - 1);
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        post = ref[k];
      QR.cooldown.auto = false;
      return QR.captcha.destroy();
    focus: function() {
      return $.queueTask(function() {
        if (!QR.inBubble()) {
          QR.hasFocus = d.activeElement && QR.nodes.el.contains(d.activeElement);
          QR.nodes.el.classList.toggle('focus', QR.hasFocus);
        if (QR.inCaptcha()) {
          QR.scrollY = window.scrollY;
          return $.on(d, 'scroll', QR.scrollLock);
        } else {
          return $.off(d, 'scroll', QR.scrollLock);
    inBubble: function() {
      var ref;
      return ref = d.activeElement, indexOf.call($$('.goog-bubble-content > iframe'), ref) >= 0;
    inCaptcha: function() {
      var ref;
      return (((ref = d.activeElement) != null ? ref.nodeName : void 0) === 'IFRAME' && QR.nodes.el.contains(d.activeElement)) || (QR.hasFocus && QR.inBubble());
    scrollLock: function() {
      if (QR.inCaptcha()) {
        return window.scroll(window.scrollX, QR.scrollY);
      } else {
        return $.off(d, 'scroll', QR.scrollLock);
    hide: function() {
      $.addClass(QR.nodes.el, 'autohide');
      return QR.nodes.autohide.checked = true;
    unhide: function() {
      $.rmClass(QR.nodes.el, 'autohide');
      return QR.nodes.autohide.checked = false;
    toggleHide: function() {
      if (this.checked) {
        return QR.hide();
      } else {
        return QR.unhide();
    setCustomCooldown: function(enabled) {
      Conf['customCooldownEnabled'] = enabled;
      QR.cooldown.customCooldown = enabled;
      return QR.nodes.customCooldown.classList.toggle('disabled', !enabled);
    toggleCustomCooldown: function() {
      var enabled;
      enabled = $.hasClass(this, 'disabled');
      return $.set('customCooldownEnabled', enabled);
    error: function(err, focusOverride) {
      var el, notice, notif;
      if (typeof err === 'string') {
        el = $.tn(err);
      } else {
        el = err;
      if (QR.captcha.isEnabled && /captcha|verification/i.test(el.textContent)) {
      notice = new Notice('warning', el);
      if (!Header.areNotificationsEnabled) {
        if (d.hidden && !QR.cooldown.auto) {
          return alert(el.textContent);
      } else if (d.hidden || !(focusOverride || d.hasFocus())) {
        notif = new Notification(el.textContent, {
          body: el.textContent,
          icon: Favicon.logo
        notif.onclick = function() {
          return window.focus();
        if (typeof chrome !== "undefined" && chrome !== null) {
          notif.onclose = function() {
            return notice.close();
          return notif.onshow = function() {
            return setTimeout(function() {
              notif.onclose = null;
              return notif.close();
            }, 7 * $.SECOND);
    notifications: [],
    cleanNotifications: function() {
      var k, len1, notification, ref;
      ref = QR.notifications;
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        notification = ref[k];
      return QR.notifications = [];
    status: function() {
      var disabled, status, thread, value;
      if (!QR.nodes) {
      thread = QR.posts[0].thread;
      if (thread !== 'new' && g.threads[g.BOARD + "." + thread].isDead) {
        value = 'Dead';
        disabled = true;
        QR.cooldown.auto = false;
      value = QR.req ? QR.req.progress : QR.cooldown.seconds || value;
      status = QR.nodes.status;
      status.value = !value ? 'Submit' : QR.cooldown.auto ? "Auto " + value : value;
      return status.disabled = disabled || false;
    quote: function(e) {
      var ancestor, caretPos, com, frag, index, insideCode, k, len1, len2, len3, len4, len5, len6, node, post, q, range, ref, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, sel, text, thread, u, w, y, z;
      if (e != null) {
      if (!QR.postingIsEnabled) {
      sel = d.getSelection();
      post = Get.postFromNode(this);
      text = post.board.ID === g.BOARD.ID ? ">>" + post + "\n" : ">>>/" + post.board + "/" + post + "\n";
      if (sel.toString().trim() && post === Get.postFromNode(sel.anchorNode)) {
        range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
        frag = range.cloneContents();
        ancestor = range.commonAncestorContainer;
        if ($.x('ancestor-or-self::*[self::s or contains(@class,"removed-spoiler")]', ancestor)) {
          $.prepend(frag, $.tn('[spoiler]'));
          $.add(frag, $.tn('[/spoiler]'));
        if (insideCode = $.x('ancestor-or-self::pre[contains(@class,"prettyprint")]', ancestor)) {
          $.prepend(frag, $.tn('[code]'));
          $.add(frag, $.tn('[/code]'));
        ref = $$((insideCode ? 'br' : '.prettyprint br'), frag);
        for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
          node = ref[k];
          $.replace(node, $.tn('\n'));
        ref1 = $$('br', frag);
        for (q = 0, len2 = ref1.length; q < len2; q++) {
          node = ref1[q];
          if (node !== frag.lastChild) {
            $.replace(node, $.tn('\n>'));
        ref2 = $$('s, .removed-spoiler', frag);
        for (u = 0, len3 = ref2.length; u < len3; u++) {
          node = ref2[u];
          $.replace(node, [$.tn('[spoiler]')].concat(slice.call(node.childNodes), [$.tn('[/spoiler]')]));
        ref3 = $$('.prettyprint', frag);
        for (w = 0, len4 = ref3.length; w < len4; w++) {
          node = ref3[w];
          $.replace(node, [$.tn('[code]')].concat(slice.call(node.childNodes), [$.tn('[/code]')]));
        ref4 = $$('.linkify[data-original]', frag);
        for (y = 0, len5 = ref4.length; y < len5; y++) {
          node = ref4[y];
          $.replace(node, $.tn(node.dataset.original));
        ref5 = $$('.embedder', frag);
        for (z = 0, len6 = ref5.length; z < len6; z++) {
          node = ref5[z];
          if (((ref6 = node.previousSibling) != null ? ref6.nodeValue : void 0) === ' ') {
        text += ">" + (frag.textContent.trim()) + "\n";
      if (QR.selected.isLocked) {
        index = QR.posts.indexOf(QR.selected);
        (QR.posts[index + 1] || new QR.post()).select();
        $.addClass(QR.nodes.el, 'dump');
        QR.cooldown.auto = true;
      ref7 = QR.nodes, com = ref7.com, thread = ref7.thread;
      if (!com.value) {
        thread.value = Get.threadFromNode(this);
      caretPos = com.selectionStart;
      com.value = com.value.slice(0, caretPos) + text + com.value.slice(com.selectionEnd);
      range = caretPos + text.length;
      com.setSelectionRange(range, range);
      return QR.selected.save(thread);
    characterCount: function() {
      var count, counter;
      counter = QR.nodes.charCount;
      count = QR.nodes.com.value.replace(/[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/g, '_').length;
      counter.textContent = count;
      counter.hidden = count < 1000;
      return (count > 2000 ? $.addClass : $.rmClass)(counter, 'warning');
    getFile: function() {
      var ref;
      return $.event('QRFile', (ref = QR.selected) != null ? ref.file : void 0);
    setFile: function(e) {
      var file, name, ref;
      ref = e.detail, file = ref.file, name = ref.name;
      if (name != null) {
        file.name = name;
      return QR.handleFiles([file]);
    drag: function(e) {
      var toggle;
      toggle = e.type === 'dragstart' ? $.off : $.on;
      toggle(d, 'dragover', QR.dragOver);
      return toggle(d, 'drop', QR.dropFile);
    dragOver: function(e) {
      return e.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'copy';
    dropFile: function(e) {
      if (!e.dataTransfer.files.length) {
      return QR.handleFiles(e.dataTransfer.files);
    paste: function(e) {
      var blob, files, item, k, len1, ref;
      if (!e.clipboardData.items) {
      files = [];
      ref = e.clipboardData.items;
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        item = ref[k];
        if (!(item.kind === 'file')) {
        blob = item.getAsFile();
        blob.name = 'file';
        if (blob.type) {
          blob.name += '.' + blob.type.split('/')[1];
      if (!files.length) {
      return $.addClass(QR.nodes.el, 'dump');
    pasteFF: function() {
      var arr, blob, bstr, i, images, img, k, len1, m, pasteArea, q, ref, src;
      pasteArea = QR.nodes.pasteArea;
      if (!pasteArea.childNodes.length) {
      images = $$('img', pasteArea);
      for (k = 0, len1 = images.length; k < len1; k++) {
        img = images[k];
        src = img.src;
        if (m = src.match(/data:(image\/(\w+));base64,(.+)/)) {
          bstr = atob(m[3]);
          arr = new Uint8Array(bstr.length);
          for (i = q = 0, ref = bstr.length; 0 <= ref ? q < ref : q > ref; i = 0 <= ref ? ++q : --q) {
            arr[i] = bstr.charCodeAt(i);
          blob = new Blob([arr], {
            type: m[1]
          blob.name = "image." + m[2];
        } else if (/^https?:\/\//.test(src)) {
    handleUrl: function(urlDefault) {
      var url;
      url = prompt('Enter a URL:', urlDefault);
      if (url === null) {
      return CrossOrigin.file(url, function(blob) {
        if (blob) {
          return QR.handleFiles([blob]);
        } else {
          return QR.error("Can't load image.");
    handleFiles: function(files) {
      var file, k, len1;
      if (this !== QR) {
        files = slice.call(this.files);
        this.value = null;
      if (!files.length) {
      for (k = 0, len1 = files.length; k < len1; k++) {
        file = files[k];
        QR.handleFile(file, files.length);
      if (files.length !== 1) {
        $.addClass(QR.nodes.el, 'dump');
      if (d.activeElement === QR.nodes.fileButton && $.hasClass(QR.nodes.fileSubmit, 'has-file')) {
        return QR.nodes.filename.focus();
    handleFile: function(file, nfiles) {
      var isText, post;
      isText = /^text\//.test(file.type);
      if (nfiles === 1) {
        post = QR.selected;
      } else {
        post = QR.posts[QR.posts.length - 1];
        if ((isText ? post.com || post.pasting : post.file)) {
          post = new QR.post();
      return post[isText ? 'pasteText' : 'setFile'](file);
    openFileInput: function() {
      if (QR.nodes.fileButton.disabled) {
      return QR.nodes.fileButton.focus();
    generatePostableThreadsList: function() {
      var k, len1, list, options, ref, thread, val;
      if (!QR.nodes) {
      list = QR.nodes.thread;
      options = [list.firstElementChild];
      ref = g.BOARD.threads.keys;
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        thread = ref[k];
        options.push($.el('option', {
          value: thread,
          textContent: "Thread " + thread
      val = list.value;
      $.add(list, options);
      list.value = val;
      if (list.value === val) {
      list.value = g.VIEW === 'thread' ? g.THREADID : 'new';
      return (g.VIEW === 'thread' ? $.addClass : $.rmClass)(QR.nodes.el, 'reply-to-thread');
    dialog: function() {
      var dialog, event, i, items, m, match_max, match_min, name, node, nodes, ref, rules, save, setNode;
      QR.nodes = nodes = {
        el: dialog = UI.dialog('qr', 'top: 50px; right: 0px;', {
          innerHTML: "<div class=\"move\"><label><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"autohide\" title=\"Auto-hide\">Quick Reply</label><a href=\"javascript:;\" class=\"close\" title=\"Close\">×</a><select data-name=\"thread\" title=\"Create a new thread / Reply\"><option value=\"new\">New thread</option></select></div><form><div class=\"persona\"><input name=\"name\" data-name=\"name\" list=\"list-name\" placeholder=\"Name\" class=\"field\" size=\"1\"><input name=\"email\" data-name=\"email\" list=\"list-email\" placeholder=\"Options\" class=\"field\" size=\"1\"><input name=\"sub\" data-name=\"sub\" list=\"list-sub\" placeholder=\"Subject\" class=\"field\" size=\"1\"></div><div class=\"textarea\"><textarea data-name=\"com\" placeholder=\"Comment\" class=\"field\"></textarea><span id=\"char-count\"></span></div><div id=\"dump-list-container\"><div id=\"dump-list\"></div><a id=\"add-post\" href=\"javascript:;\" title=\"Add a post\">+</a></div><div id=\"file-n-submit\"><input type=\"button\" id=\"qr-file-button\" value=\"Files\"><span id=\"qr-filename-container\" class=\"field\"><span id=\"qr-no-file\">No selected file</span><input id=\"qr-filename\" data-name=\"filename\" spellcheck=\"false\"><label id=\"qr-spoiler-label\"><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"qr-file-spoiler\" title=\"Spoiler image\"></label><a href=\"javascript:;\" id=\"qr-filerm\" title=\"Remove file\"><i class=\"fa fa-times-circle\"></i></a><a id=\"url-button\" title=\"Post from url\"><i class=\"fa fa-link\"></i></a><a hidden id=\"paste-area\" title=\"Select to paste images\" class=\"fa fa-clipboard\" tabindex=\"-1\" contentEditable=\"true\"></a><a id=\"custom-cooldown-button\" title=\"Toggle custom cooldown\" class=\"disabled\"><i class=\"fa fa-clock-o\"></i></a><a id=\"dump-button\" title=\"Dump list\"><i class=\"fa fa-plus-square\"></i></a></span><input type=\"submit\"></div><input type=\"file\" multiple></form><datalist id=\"list-name\"></datalist><datalist id=\"list-email\"></datalist><datalist id=\"list-sub\"></datalist> "
      setNode = function(name, query) {
        return nodes[name] = $(query, dialog);
      setNode('move', '.move');
      setNode('autohide', '#autohide');
      setNode('thread', 'select');
      setNode('threadPar', '#qr-thread-select');
      setNode('close', '.close');
      setNode('form', 'form');
      setNode('dumpButton', '#dump-button');
      setNode('pasteArea', '#paste-area');
      setNode('urlButton', '#url-button');
      setNode('name', '[data-name=name]');
      setNode('email', '[data-name=email]');
      setNode('sub', '[data-name=sub]');
      setNode('com', '[data-name=com]');
      setNode('dumpList', '#dump-list');
      setNode('addPost', '#add-post');
      setNode('charCount', '#char-count');
      setNode('fileSubmit', '#file-n-submit');
      setNode('fileButton', '#qr-file-button');
      setNode('noFile', '#qr-no-file');
      setNode('filename', '#qr-filename');
      setNode('fileRM', '#qr-filerm');
      setNode('spoiler', '#qr-file-spoiler');
      setNode('spoilerPar', '#qr-spoiler-label');
      setNode('status', '[type=submit]');
      setNode('fileInput', '[type=file]');
      setNode('customCooldown', '#custom-cooldown-button');
      rules = $('ul.rules').textContent.trim();
      match_min = rules.match(/.+smaller than (\d+)x(\d+).+/);
      match_max = rules.match(/.+greater than (\d+)x(\d+).+/);
      QR.min_width = +(match_min != null ? match_min[1] : void 0) || 1;
      QR.min_height = +(match_min != null ? match_min[2] : void 0) || 1;
      QR.max_width = +(match_max != null ? match_max[1] : void 0) || 10000;
      QR.max_height = +(match_max != null ? match_max[2] : void 0) || 10000;
      nodes.fileInput.max = $('input[name=MAX_FILE_SIZE]').value;
      QR.max_size_video = (m = Get.scriptData().match(/\bmaxWebmFilesize *= *(\d+)\b/)) ? +m[1] : +nodes.fileInput.max;
      QR.max_width_video = QR.max_height_video = 2048;
      QR.max_duration_video = (ref = g.BOARD.ID) === 'gif' || ref === 'wsg' ? 300 : 120;
      if (Conf['Show New Thread Option in Threads']) {
        $.addClass(QR.nodes.el, 'show-new-thread-option');
      if (Conf['Show Name and Subject']) {
        $.addClass(QR.nodes.name, 'force-show');
        $.addClass(QR.nodes.sub, 'force-show');
        QR.nodes.email.placeholder = 'E-mail';
      QR.forcedAnon = !!$('form[name="post"] input[name="name"][type="hidden"]');
      if (QR.forcedAnon) {
        $.addClass(QR.nodes.el, 'forced-anon');
      QR.spoiler = !!$('.postForm input[name=spoiler]');
      if (QR.spoiler) {
        $.addClass(QR.nodes.el, 'has-spoiler');
      } else {
        nodes.spoiler.parentElement.hidden = true;
      if (parseInt(Conf['customCooldown'], 10) > 0) {
        $.addClass(QR.nodes.fileSubmit, 'custom-cooldown');
        $.get('customCooldownEnabled', Conf['customCooldownEnabled'], function(arg) {
          var customCooldownEnabled;
          customCooldownEnabled = arg.customCooldownEnabled;
          return $.sync('customCooldownEnabled', QR.setCustomCooldown);
      if (g.BOARD.ID === 'f') {
        nodes.flashTag = $.el('select', {
          name: 'filetag'
        $.extend(nodes.flashTag, {
          innerHTML: "<option value=\"0\">Hentai</option><option value=\"6\">Porn</option><option value=\"1\">Japanese</option><option value=\"2\">Anime</option><option value=\"3\">Game</option><option value=\"5\">Loop</option><option value=\"4\" selected>Other</option>"
        nodes.flashTag.dataset["default"] = '4';
        $.add(nodes.form, nodes.flashTag);
      $.on(nodes.fileButton, 'click', QR.openFileInput);
      $.on(nodes.noFile, 'click', QR.openFileInput);
      $.on(nodes.filename, 'focus', function() {
        return $.addClass(this.parentNode, 'focus');
      $.on(nodes.filename, 'blur', function() {
        return $.rmClass(this.parentNode, 'focus');
      $.on(nodes.autohide, 'change', QR.toggleHide);
      $.on(nodes.close, 'click', QR.close);
      $.on(nodes.dumpButton, 'click', function() {
        return nodes.el.classList.toggle('dump');
      $.on(nodes.urlButton, 'click', function() {
        return QR.handleUrl('');
      $.on(nodes.addPost, 'click', function() {
        return new QR.post(true);
      $.on(nodes.form, 'submit', QR.submit);
      $.on(nodes.fileRM, 'click', function() {
        return QR.selected.rmFile();
      $.on(nodes.spoiler, 'change', function() {
        return QR.selected.nodes.spoiler.click();
      $.on(nodes.fileInput, 'change', QR.handleFiles);
      $.on(nodes.customCooldown, 'click', QR.toggleCustomCooldown);
      window.addEventListener('focus', QR.focus, true);
      window.addEventListener('blur', QR.focus, true);
      $.on(d, 'click', QR.focus);
      if (typeof chrome === "undefined" || chrome === null) {
        nodes.pasteArea.hidden = false;
        new MutationObserver(QR.pasteFF).observe(nodes.pasteArea, {
          childList: true
      items = ['thread', 'name', 'email', 'sub', 'com', 'filename'];
      i = 0;
      save = function() {
        return QR.selected.save(this);
      while (name = items[i++]) {
        if (!(node = nodes[name])) {
        event = node.nodeName === 'SELECT' ? 'change' : 'input';
        $.on(nodes[name], event, save);
      if (Conf['Remember QR Size']) {
        $.get('QR Size', '', function(item) {
          return nodes.com.style.cssText = item['QR Size'];
        $.on(nodes.com, 'mouseup', function(e) {
          if (e.button !== 0) {
          return $.set('QR Size', this.style.cssText);
      new QR.post(true);
      $.add(d.body, dialog);
      return $.event('QRDialogCreation', null, dialog);
    submit: function(e) {
      var captcha, cb, err, extra, filetag, formData, options, post, textOnly, thread, threadID;
      if (e != null) {
      if (QR.req) {
      if (QR.cooldown.seconds) {
        QR.cooldown.auto = !QR.cooldown.auto;
      post = QR.posts[0];
      threadID = post.thread;
      thread = g.BOARD.threads[threadID];
      if (g.BOARD.ID === 'f' && threadID === 'new') {
        filetag = QR.nodes.flashTag.value;
      if (threadID === 'new') {
        threadID = null;
        if (g.BOARD.ID === 'vg' && !post.sub) {
          err = 'New threads require a subject.';
        } else if (!(post.file || (textOnly = !!$('input[name=textonly]', $.id('postForm'))))) {
          err = 'No file selected.';
      } else if (g.BOARD.threads[threadID].isClosed) {
        err = 'You can\'t reply to this thread anymore.';
      } else if (!(post.com || post.file)) {
        err = 'No file selected.';
      } else if (post.file && thread.fileLimit) {
        err = 'Max limit of image replies has been reached.';
      if (QR.captcha.isEnabled && !err) {
        captcha = QR.captcha.getOne();
        if (!captcha) {
          err = 'No valid captcha.';
      if (err) {
        QR.cooldown.auto = false;
      QR.cooldown.auto = QR.posts.length > 1;
      if (Conf['Auto Hide QR'] && !QR.cooldown.auto) {
      if (!QR.cooldown.auto && $.x('ancestor::div[@id="qr"]', d.activeElement)) {
      formData = {
        resto: threadID,
        name: !QR.forcedAnon ? post.name : void 0,
        email: post.email,
        sub: !(QR.forcedAnon || threadID) ? post.sub : void 0,
        com: post.com,
        upfile: post.file,
        filetag: filetag,
        spoiler: post.spoiler,
        textonly: textOnly,
        mode: 'regist',
        pwd: QR.persona.pwd
      options = {
        responseType: 'document',
        withCredentials: true,
        onload: QR.response,
        onerror: function() {
          delete QR.req;
          QR.cooldown.auto = false;
          return QR.error($.el('span', {
            innerHTML: "4chan X encountered an error while posting. [<a href=\"//4chan.org/banned\" target=\"_blank\">Banned?</a>] [<a href=\"https://github.com/ccd0/4chan-x/wiki/Frequently-Asked-Questions#what-does-4chan-x-encountered-an-error-while-posting-please-try-again-mean\" target=\"_blank\">More info</a>]"
      extra = {
        form: $.formData(formData),
        upCallbacks: {
          onload: function() {
            QR.req.isUploadFinished = true;
            QR.req.uploadEndTime = Date.now();
            QR.req.progress = '...';
            return QR.status();
          onprogress: function(e) {
            QR.req.progress = (Math.round(e.loaded / e.total * 100)) + "%";
            return QR.status();
      cb = function(response) {
        if (response != null) {
          extra.form.append('g-recaptcha-response', response);
        QR.req = $.ajax("https://sys.4chan.org/" + g.BOARD + "/post", options, extra);
        return QR.req.progress = '...';
      if (typeof captcha === 'function') {
        QR.req = {
          progress: '...',
          abort: function() {
            return cb = null;
        captcha(function(response) {
          if (response) {
            return typeof cb === "function" ? cb(response) : void 0;
          } else {
            delete QR.req;
            QR.cooldown.auto = !!QR.captcha.captchas.length;
            return QR.status();
      } else {
      return QR.status();
    response: function() {
      var URL, _, ban, err, h1, isReply, lastPostToThread, m, open, post, postID, postsCount, ref, ref1, req, resDoc, threadID;
      req = QR.req;
      delete QR.req;
      post = QR.posts[0];
      resDoc = req.response;
      if (ban = $('.banType', resDoc)) {
        err = $.el('span', ban.textContent.toLowerCase() === 'banned' ? {
          innerHTML: "You are banned on " + $(".board", resDoc).innerHTML + "! ;_;<br>Click <a href=\"//www.4chan.org/banned\" target=\"_blank\">here</a> to see the reason."
        } : {
          innerHTML: "You were issued a warning on " + $(".board", resDoc).innerHTML + " as " + $(".nameBlock", resDoc).innerHTML + ".<br>Reason: " + $(".reason", resDoc).innerHTML
      } else if (err = resDoc.getElementById('errmsg')) {
        if ((ref = $('a', err)) != null) {
          ref.target = '_blank';
      } else if (resDoc.title !== 'Post successful!') {
        err = 'Connection error with sys.4chan.org.';
      } else if (req.status !== 200) {
        err = "Error " + req.statusText + " (" + req.status + ")";
      if (err) {
        if (/captcha|verification/i.test(err.textContent) || err === 'Connection error with sys.4chan.org.') {
          if (/mistyped/i.test(err.textContent)) {
            err = 'You seem to have mistyped the CAPTCHA.';
          } else if (/expired/i.test(err.textContent)) {
            err = 'This CAPTCHA is no longer valid because it has expired.';
          QR.cooldown.auto = QR.captcha.isEnabled ? !!QR.captcha.captchas.length : err === 'Connection error with sys.4chan.org.' ? true : false;
          QR.cooldown.addDelay(post, 2);
        } else if (err.textContent && (m = err.textContent.match(/wait\s+(\d+)\s+second/i)) && !/duplicate/i.test(err.textContent)) {
          QR.cooldown.auto = QR.captcha.isEnabled ? !!QR.captcha.captchas.length : true;
          QR.cooldown.addDelay(post, +m[1]);
          QR.captcha.setup(d.activeElement === QR.nodes.status);
        } else {
          QR.cooldown.auto = false;
      h1 = $('h1', resDoc);
      if (Conf['Posting Success Notifications']) {
        QR.notifications.push(new Notice('success', h1.textContent, 5));
      ref1 = h1.nextSibling.textContent.match(/thread:(\d+),no:(\d+)/), _ = ref1[0], threadID = ref1[1], postID = ref1[2];
      postID = +postID;
      threadID = +threadID || postID;
      isReply = threadID !== postID;
        boardID: g.BOARD.ID,
        threadID: threadID,
        postID: postID,
        val: true
      $.event('QRPostSuccessful', {
        boardID: g.BOARD.ID,
        threadID: threadID,
        postID: postID
      $.event('QRPostSuccessful_', {
        boardID: g.BOARD.ID,
        threadID: threadID,
        postID: postID
      postsCount = QR.posts.length - 1;
      QR.cooldown.auto = postsCount && isReply;
      lastPostToThread = !((function() {
        var k, len1, p, ref2;
        ref2 = QR.posts.slice(1);
        for (k = 0, len1 = ref2.length; k < len1; k++) {
          p = ref2[k];
          if (p.thread === post.thread) {
            return true;
      if (!(Conf['Persistent QR'] || postsCount)) {
      } else {
        QR.captcha.setup(d.activeElement === QR.nodes.status);
      QR.cooldown.add(req.uploadEndTime, threadID, postID);
      URL = threadID === postID ? window.location.origin + "/" + g.BOARD + "/thread/" + threadID : g.VIEW === 'index' && lastPostToThread && Conf['Open Post in New Tab'] ? window.location.origin + "/" + g.BOARD + "/thread/" + threadID + "#p" + postID : void 0;
      if (URL) {
        open = Conf['Open Post in New Tab'] || postsCount ? function() {
          return $.open(URL);
        } : function() {
          return window.location = URL;
        if (threadID === postID) {
          QR.waitForThread(URL, open);
        } else {
      return QR.status();
    waitForThread: function(url, cb) {
      var attempts, check;
      attempts = 0;
      check = function() {
        return $.ajax(url, {
          onloadend: function() {
            if (attempts >= 5 || this.status === 200) {
              return cb();
            } else {
              return setTimeout(check, attempts * $.SECOND);
        }, {
          type: 'HEAD'
      return check();
    abort: function() {
      if (QR.req && !QR.req.isUploadFinished) {
        delete QR.req;
        QR.cooldown.auto = false;
        QR.notifications.push(new Notice('info', 'QR upload aborted.', 5));
      return QR.status();

  Captcha = {};

  Captcha.fixes = {
    css: '.rc-imageselect-target > div:focus {\n  outline: 2px solid #4a90e2;\n}\n.rc-button-default:focus {\n  box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 2px #0063d6;\n}',
    init: function() {
      switch (location.pathname.split('/')[3]) {
        case 'anchor':
          return this.initMain();
        case 'frame':
          return this.initPopup();
    initMain: function() {
      return $.onExists(d.body, '#recaptcha-anchor', true, function(checkbox) {
        var focus;
        focus = function() {
          if (d.hasFocus() && d.activeElement !== checkbox) {
            return checkbox.focus();
        return $.on(window, 'focus', function() {
          return $.queueTask(focus);
    initPopup: function() {
      new MutationObserver((function(_this) {
        return function() {
          return _this.fixImages();
      })(this)).observe(d.body, {
        childList: true,
        subtree: true
      return $.on(d, 'keydown', this.keybinds.bind(this));
    fixImages: function() {
      var focus, img, k, len1, ref;
      if (!(this.images = $$('.rc-imageselect-target > div')).length) {
      focus = this.images[0].tabIndex !== 0;
      ref = this.images;
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        img = ref[k];
        img.tabIndex = 0;
      if (focus) {
        return $.queueTask((function(_this) {
          return function() {
            return _this.focusImage();
    focusImage: function() {
      var img;
      img = this.images[0];
      return $.asap(function() {
        if (!doc.contains(img)) {
          return true;
        return d.activeElement === img;
      }, function() {});
    keybinds: function(e) {
      var dx, reload, verify, x;
      if (!(this.images && doc.contains(this.images[0]) && d.activeElement)) {
      reload = $.id('recaptcha-reload-button');
      verify = $.id('recaptcha-verify-button');
      x = this.images.indexOf(d.activeElement);
      if (x < 0) {
        if (!$('.rc-controls').contains(d.activeElement)) {
        x = d.activeElement === verify ? 11 : 9;
      if (e.keyCode === 32 && x < 9) {
        return e.stopPropagation();
      } else if (dx = {
        38: 9,
        40: 3,
        37: 11,
        39: 1,
        73: 9,
        75: 3,
        74: 11,
        76: 1
      }[e.keyCode]) {
        x = (x + dx) % 12;
        if (x === 10) {
          x = dx === 11 ? 9 : 11;
        (this.images[x] || {
          9: reload,
          11: verify
        return e.stopPropagation();

  Captcha.noscript = {
    initFrame: function() {
      var cb, conn, img, ref, ref1;
      conn = new Connection(window.parent, location.protocol + "//boards.4chan.org", {
        response: function(response) {
          $.id('response').value = response;
          return $('.fbc-challenge > form').submit();
        token: (ref = $('.fbc-verification-token > textarea')) != null ? ref.value : void 0,
        error: (ref1 = $('.fbc-error')) != null ? ref1.textContent : void 0
      if (!(img = $('.fbc-payload > img'))) {
      cb = function() {
        var canvas;
        canvas = $.el('canvas');
        canvas.width = img.width;
        canvas.height = img.height;
        canvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(img, 0, 0);
        return conn.send({
          challenge: canvas.toDataURL()
      if (img.complete) {
        return cb();
      } else {
        return $.on(img, 'load', cb);

  Captcha.v2 = {
    lifetime: 2 * $.MINUTE,
    noscriptURL: '//www.google.com/recaptcha/api/fallback?k=6Ldp2bsSAAAAAAJ5uyx_lx34lJeEpTLVkP5k04qc',
    init: function() {
      var counter, root;
      if (d.cookie.indexOf('pass_enabled=1') >= 0) {
      if (!(this.isEnabled = !!$.id('g-recaptcha'))) {
      if (this.noscript = Conf['Force Noscript Captcha'] || !$.hasClass(doc, 'js-enabled')) {
        this.conn = new Connection(null, location.protocol + "//www.google.com", {
          token: (function(_this) {
            return function(token) {
              return _this.save(true, token);
      this.captchas = [];
      $.get('captchas', [], function(arg) {
        var captchas;
        captchas = arg.captchas;
        return QR.captcha.sync(captchas);
      $.sync('captchas', this.sync.bind(this));
      root = $.el('div', {
        className: 'captcha-root'
      $.extend(root, {
        innerHTML: "<div class=\"captcha-counter\"><a href=\"javascript:;\"></a></div>"
      counter = $('.captcha-counter > a', root);
      this.nodes = {
        root: root,
        counter: counter
      $.addClass(QR.nodes.el, 'has-captcha');
      $.after(QR.nodes.com.parentNode, root);
      $.on(counter, 'click', this.toggle.bind(this));
      return $.on(window, 'captcha:success', (function(_this) {
        return function() {
          return $.queueTask(function() {
            return _this.save(false);
    shouldFocus: false,
    timeouts: {},
    postsCount: 0,
    needed: function() {
      var captchaCount;
      captchaCount = this.captchas.length;
      if (QR.req) {
      this.postsCount = QR.posts.length;
      if (this.postsCount === 1 && !Conf['Auto-load captcha'] && !QR.posts[0].com && !QR.posts[0].file) {
        this.postsCount = 0;
      return captchaCount < this.postsCount;
    onNewPost: function() {
      return this.setup();
    onPostChange: function() {
      if (this.postsCount === 0) {
      if (QR.posts.length === 1 && !Conf['Auto-load captcha'] && !QR.posts[0].com && !QR.posts[0].file) {
        return this.postsCount = 0;
    toggle: function() {
      if (this.nodes.container && !this.timeouts.destroy) {
        return this.destroy();
      } else {
        return this.setup(true, true);
    setup: function(focus, force) {
      var iframe;
      if (!(this.isEnabled && (this.needed() || force))) {
      if (focus && !QR.inBubble()) {
        this.shouldFocus = true;
      if (this.timeouts.destroy) {
        delete this.timeouts.destroy;
        return this.reload();
      if (this.nodes.container) {
        if (this.shouldFocus && (iframe = $('iframe', this.nodes.container))) {
          delete this.shouldFocus;
      this.nodes.container = $.el('div', {
        className: 'captcha-container'
      $.prepend(this.nodes.root, this.nodes.container);
      new MutationObserver(this.afterSetup.bind(this)).observe(this.nodes.container, {
        childList: true,
        subtree: true
      if (this.noscript) {
        return this.setupNoscript();
      } else {
        return this.setupJS();
    setupNoscript: function() {
      var iframe;
      iframe = $.el('iframe', {
        id: 'qr-captcha-iframe',
        src: this.noscriptURL
      $.add(this.nodes.container, iframe);
      return this.conn.target = iframe.contentWindow;
    setupJS: function() {
      return $.globalEval('(function() {\n  function render() {\n    var container = document.querySelector("#qr .captcha-container");\n    container.dataset.widgetID = window.grecaptcha.render(container, {\n      sitekey: \'6Ldp2bsSAAAAAAJ5uyx_lx34lJeEpTLVkP5k04qc\',\n      theme: document.documentElement.classList.contains(\'tomorrow\') ? \'dark\' : \'light\',\n      callback: function(response) {\n        window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("captcha:success", {detail: response}));\n      }\n    });\n  }\n  if (window.grecaptcha) {\n    render();\n  } else {\n    var cbNative = window.onRecaptchaLoaded;\n    window.onRecaptchaLoaded = function() {\n      render();\n      cbNative();\n    }\n  }\n})();');
    afterSetup: function(mutations) {
      var iframe, k, len1, len2, mutation, node, q, ref, textarea;
      for (k = 0, len1 = mutations.length; k < len1; k++) {
        mutation = mutations[k];
        ref = mutation.addedNodes;
        for (q = 0, len2 = ref.length; q < len2; q++) {
          node = ref[q];
          if (iframe = $.x('./descendant-or-self::iframe', node)) {
          if (textarea = $.x('./descendant-or-self::textarea', node)) {
    setupIFrame: function(iframe) {
      this.setupTime = Date.now();
      $.addClass(QR.nodes.el, 'captcha-open');
      if (QR.nodes.el.getBoundingClientRect().bottom > doc.clientHeight) {
        QR.nodes.el.style.top = null;
        QR.nodes.el.style.bottom = '0px';
      if (this.shouldFocus) {
      return this.shouldFocus = false;
    setupTextArea: function(textarea) {
      return $.one(textarea, 'input', (function(_this) {
        return function() {
          return _this.save(true);
    destroy: function() {
      var garbage, ins, k, len1, ref;
      if (!this.isEnabled) {
      delete this.timeouts.destroy;
      $.rmClass(QR.nodes.el, 'captcha-open');
      if (this.nodes.container) {
      delete this.nodes.container;
      ref = $$('div > .gc-bubbleDefault');
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        garbage = ref[k];
        if ((ins = garbage.parentNode.nextSibling) && ins.nodeName === 'INS') {
    sync: function(captchas) {
      if (captchas == null) {
        captchas = [];
      this.captchas = captchas;
      return this.count();
    getOne: function() {
      var captcha;
      if (captcha = this.captchas.shift()) {
        $.set('captchas', this.captchas);
        return captcha.response;
      } else {
        return null;
    save: function(pasted, token) {
      var base1, focus, ref, ref1;
        response: token || $('textarea', this.nodes.container).value,
        timeout: Date.now() + this.lifetime
      $.set('captchas', this.captchas);
      focus = ((ref = d.activeElement) != null ? ref.nodeName : void 0) === 'IFRAME' && ((ref1 = d.activeElement.src) != null ? ref1.slice(0, 38) : void 0) === 'https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api2/';
      if (this.needed()) {
        if (focus) {
          if (QR.cooldown.auto || Conf['Post on Captcha Completion']) {
            this.shouldFocus = true;
          } else {
      } else {
        if (pasted) {
        } else {
          if ((base1 = this.timeouts).destroy == null) {
            base1.destroy = setTimeout(this.destroy.bind(this), 3 * $.SECOND);
        if (focus) {
      if (Conf['Post on Captcha Completion'] && !QR.cooldown.auto) {
        return QR.submit();
    clear: function() {
      var captcha, i, k, len1, now, ref;
      if (!this.captchas.length) {
      now = Date.now();
      ref = this.captchas;
      for (i = k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; i = ++k) {
        captcha = ref[i];
        if (captcha.timeout > now) {
      if (!i) {
      this.captchas = this.captchas.slice(i);
      $.set('captchas', this.captchas);
      return this.setup(d.activeElement === QR.nodes.status);
    count: function() {
      this.nodes.counter.textContent = "Captchas: " + this.captchas.length;
      if (this.captchas.length) {
        return this.timeouts.clear = setTimeout(this.clear.bind(this), this.captchas[0].timeout - Date.now());
    reload: function() {
      if (this.noscript) {
        return $('iframe', this.nodes.container).src = this.noscriptURL;
      } else {
        return $.globalEval('(function() {\n  var container = document.querySelector("#qr .captcha-container");\n  window.grecaptcha.reset(container.dataset.widgetID);\n})();');

  PostSuccessful = {
    init: function() {
      return $.ready(this.ready);
    ready: function() {
      var _, db, postID, ref, threadID;
      if (d.title !== 'Post successful!') {
      ref = $('h1').nextSibling.textContent.match(/thread:(\d+),no:(\d+)/), _ = ref[0], threadID = ref[1], postID = ref[2];
      postID = +postID;
      threadID = +threadID || postID;
      db = new DataBoard('yourPosts');
      return db.set({
        boardID: g.BOARD.ID,
        threadID: threadID,
        postID: postID,
        val: true

  QR.cooldown = {
    seconds: 0,
    init: function() {
      var delay, items, key, keys, m, ref, results, scope, type;
      if (!Conf['Cooldown']) {
      QR.cooldown.delays = (m = Get.scriptData().match(/\bcooldowns *= *({[^}]+})/)) ? JSON.parse(m[1]) : {
        thread: 0,
        reply: 0,
        image: 0,
        reply_intra: 0,
        image_intra: 0
      QR.cooldown.maxDelay = 0;
      ref = QR.cooldown.delays;
      for (type in ref) {
        delay = ref[type];
        if (type !== 'thread') {
          QR.cooldown.maxDelay = Math.max(QR.cooldown.maxDelay, delay);
      QR.cooldown.delays['thread_global'] = 300;
      keys = QR.cooldown.keys = {
        local: "cooldown." + g.BOARD,
        global: 'cooldown.global'
      items = {};
      for (scope in keys) {
        key = keys[scope];
        items[key] = {};
      $.get(items, function(items) {
        for (scope in keys) {
          key = keys[scope];
          QR.cooldown[scope] = items[key];
        return QR.cooldown.start();
      results = [];
      for (scope in keys) {
        key = keys[scope];
        results.push($.sync(key, QR.cooldown.sync(scope)));
      return results;
    start: function() {
      if (QR.cooldown.isCounting || Object.keys(QR.cooldown.local).length + Object.keys(QR.cooldown.global).length === 0) {
      QR.cooldown.isCounting = true;
      return QR.cooldown.count();
    sync: function(scope) {
      return function(cooldowns) {
        QR.cooldown[scope] = cooldowns || {};
        return QR.cooldown.start();
    add: function(start, threadID, postID) {
      var boardID;
      if (!Conf['Cooldown']) {
      boardID = g.BOARD.ID;
      QR.cooldown.set('local', start, {
        threadID: threadID,
        postID: postID
      if (threadID === postID) {
        QR.cooldown.set('global', start, {
          boardID: boardID,
          threadID: threadID,
          postID: postID
      return QR.cooldown.start();
    addDelay: function(post, delay) {
      var cooldown;
      if (!Conf['Cooldown']) {
      cooldown = QR.cooldown.categorize(post);
      cooldown.delay = delay;
      QR.cooldown.set('local', Date.now(), cooldown);
      return QR.cooldown.start();
    "delete": function(post) {
      var cooldown, id, ref;
      if (!(Conf['Cooldown'] && g.BOARD.ID === post.board.ID)) {
      ref = QR.cooldown.local;
      for (id in ref) {
        cooldown = ref[id];
        if ((cooldown.delay == null) && cooldown.threadID === post.thread.ID && cooldown.postID === post.ID) {
          delete QR.cooldown.local[id];
      return QR.cooldown.save('local');
    categorize: function(post) {
      if (post.thread === 'new') {
        return {
          type: 'thread'
      } else {
        return {
          type: !!post.file ? 'image' : 'reply',
          threadID: +post.thread
    set: function(scope, id, value) {
      QR.cooldown[scope][id] = value;
      return $.set(QR.cooldown.keys[scope], QR.cooldown[scope]);
    save: function(scope) {
      if (Object.keys(QR.cooldown[scope]).length) {
        return $.set(QR.cooldown.keys[scope], QR.cooldown[scope]);
      } else {
        return $["delete"](QR.cooldown.keys[scope]);
    count: function() {
      var cooldown, elapsed, key, maxDelay, now, ref, ref1, ref2, save, scope, seconds, start, suffix, threadID, type, update;
      now = Date.now();
      ref = QR.cooldown.categorize(QR.posts[0]), type = ref.type, threadID = ref.threadID;
      seconds = 0;
      ref1 = QR.cooldown.keys;
      for (scope in ref1) {
        key = ref1[scope];
        save = false;
        ref2 = QR.cooldown[scope];
        for (start in ref2) {
          cooldown = ref2[start];
          start = +start;
          elapsed = Math.floor((now - start) / $.SECOND);
          if (elapsed < 0) {
            delete QR.cooldown[scope][start];
            save = true;
          if (cooldown.delay != null) {
            if (cooldown.delay <= elapsed) {
              delete QR.cooldown[scope][start];
              save = true;
            } else if (cooldown.type === type && cooldown.threadID === threadID) {
              seconds = Math.max(seconds, cooldown.delay - elapsed);
          maxDelay = cooldown.threadID !== cooldown.postID ? QR.cooldown.maxDelay : QR.cooldown.delays[scope === 'global' ? 'thread_global' : 'thread'];
          if (QR.cooldown.customCooldown) {
            maxDelay = Math.max(maxDelay, parseInt(Conf['customCooldown'], 10));
          if (maxDelay <= elapsed) {
            delete QR.cooldown[scope][start];
            save = true;
          if ((type === 'thread') === (cooldown.threadID === cooldown.postID) && cooldown.boardID !== g.BOARD.ID) {
            suffix = scope === 'global' ? '_global' : type !== 'thread' && threadID === cooldown.threadID ? '_intra' : '';
            seconds = Math.max(seconds, QR.cooldown.delays[type + suffix] - elapsed);
          if (QR.cooldown.customCooldown) {
            seconds = Math.max(seconds, parseInt(Conf['customCooldown'], 10) - elapsed);
        if (save) {
      if (Object.keys(QR.cooldown.local).length + Object.keys(QR.cooldown.global).length) {
        QR.cooldown.timeout = setTimeout(QR.cooldown.count, $.SECOND);
      } else {
        delete QR.cooldown.isCounting;
      update = seconds !== QR.cooldown.seconds;
      QR.cooldown.seconds = seconds;
      if (update) {
      if (seconds === 0 && QR.cooldown.auto && !QR.req) {
        return QR.submit();

  QR.persona = {
    pwd: '',
    always: {},
    init: function() {
      return $.get('QR.personas', Conf['QR.personas'], function(arg) {
        var arr, item, k, len1, personas, ref, type, types;
        personas = arg['QR.personas'];
        types = {
          name: [],
          email: [],
          sub: []
        ref = personas.split('\n');
        for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
          item = ref[k];
          QR.persona.parseItem(item.trim(), types);
        for (type in types) {
          arr = types[type];
          QR.persona.loadPersonas(type, arr);
    parseItem: function(item, types) {
      var boards, match, ref, ref1, ref2, type, val;
      if (item[0] === '#') {
      if (!(match = item.match(/(name|options|email|subject|password):"(.*)"/i))) {
      ref = match, match = ref[0], type = ref[1], val = ref[2];
      item = item.replace(match, '');
      boards = ((ref1 = item.match(/boards:([^;]+)/i)) != null ? ref1[1].toLowerCase() : void 0) || 'global';
      if (boards !== 'global' && (ref2 = g.BOARD.ID, indexOf.call(boards.split(','), ref2) < 0)) {
      if (type === 'password') {
        QR.persona.pwd = val;
      if (type === 'options') {
        type = 'email';
      if (type === 'subject') {
        type = 'sub';
      if (/always/i.test(item)) {
        QR.persona.always[type] = val;
      if (indexOf.call(types[type], val) < 0) {
        return types[type].push(val);
    loadPersonas: function(type, arr) {
      var k, len1, list, val;
      list = $("#list-" + type, QR.nodes.el);
      for (k = 0, len1 = arr.length; k < len1; k++) {
        val = arr[k];
        if (val) {
          $.add(list, $.el('option', {
            textContent: val
    getPassword: function() {
      var input, m, ref;
      if (!QR.persona.pwd) {
        QR.persona.pwd = (m = d.cookie.match(/4chan_pass=([^;]+)/)) ? decodeURIComponent(m[1]) : (input = $.id('postPassword')) ? input.value : ((ref = $.id('delPassword')) != null ? ref.value : void 0) || '';
      return QR.persona.pwd;
    get: function(cb) {
      return $.get('QR.persona', {}, function(arg) {
        var persona;
        persona = arg['QR.persona'];
        return cb(persona);
    set: function(post) {
      return $.get('QR.persona', {}, function(arg) {
        var persona;
        persona = arg['QR.persona'];
        persona = {
          name: post.name
        return $.set('QR.persona', persona);

  QR.post = (function() {
    function _Class(select) {
      this.select = bind(this.select, this);
      var el, event, k, len1, prev, ref;
      el = $.el('a', {
        className: 'qr-preview',
        draggable: true,
        href: 'javascript:;'
      $.extend(el, {
        innerHTML: "<a class=\"remove fa fa-times-circle\" title=\"Remove\"></a><label hidden><input type=\"checkbox\"> Spoiler</label><span></span>"
      this.nodes = {
        el: el,
        rm: el.firstChild,
        label: $('label', el),
        spoiler: $('input', el),
        span: el.lastChild
      $.on(el, 'click', this.select);
      $.on(this.nodes.rm, 'click', (function(_this) {
        return function(e) {
          return _this.rm();
      $.on(this.nodes.label, 'click', function(e) {
        return e.stopPropagation();
      $.on(this.nodes.spoiler, 'change', (function(_this) {
        return function(e) {
          _this.spoiler = e.target.checked;
          if (_this === QR.selected) {
            return QR.nodes.spoiler.checked = _this.spoiler;
      $.add(QR.nodes.dumpList, el);
      ref = ['dragStart', 'dragEnter', 'dragLeave', 'dragOver', 'dragEnd', 'drop'];
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        event = ref[k];
        $.on(el, event.toLowerCase(), this[event]);
      this.thread = g.VIEW === 'thread' ? g.THREADID : 'new';
      prev = QR.posts[QR.posts.length - 1];
      this.nodes.spoiler.checked = this.spoiler = prev && Conf['Remember Spoiler'] ? prev.spoiler : false;
      QR.persona.get((function(_this) {
        return function(persona) {
          _this.name = 'name' in QR.persona.always ? QR.persona.always.name : prev ? prev.name : persona.name;
          _this.email = 'email' in QR.persona.always ? QR.persona.always.email : '';
          _this.sub = 'sub' in QR.persona.always ? QR.persona.always.sub : '';
          if (QR.selected === _this) {
            return _this.load();
      if (select) {
      $.queueTask(function() {
        return QR.captcha.onNewPost();

    _Class.prototype.rm = function() {
      var index;
      index = QR.posts.indexOf(this);
      if (QR.posts.length === 1) {
        new QR.post(true);
        $.rmClass(QR.nodes.el, 'dump');
      } else if (this === QR.selected) {
        (QR.posts[index - 1] || QR.posts[index + 1]).select();
      QR.posts.splice(index, 1);
      return QR.status();

    _Class.prototype["delete"] = function() {
      return this.dismissErrors();

    _Class.prototype.lock = function(lock) {
      var k, len1, name, node, ref;
      if (lock == null) {
        lock = true;
      this.isLocked = lock;
      if (this !== QR.selected) {
      ref = ['thread', 'name', 'email', 'sub', 'com', 'fileButton', 'filename', 'spoiler'];
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        name = ref[k];
        if (node = QR.nodes[name]) {
          node.disabled = lock;
      this.nodes.rm.style.visibility = lock ? 'hidden' : '';
      this.nodes.spoiler.disabled = lock;
      return this.nodes.el.draggable = !lock;

    _Class.prototype.unlock = function() {
      return this.lock(false);

    _Class.prototype.select = function() {
      var rectEl, rectList;
      if (QR.selected) {
        QR.selected.nodes.el.id = null;
      QR.selected = this;
      this.nodes.el.id = 'selected';
      rectEl = this.nodes.el.getBoundingClientRect();
      rectList = this.nodes.el.parentNode.getBoundingClientRect();
      this.nodes.el.parentNode.scrollLeft += rectEl.left + rectEl.width / 2 - rectList.left - rectList.width / 2;
      return this.load();

    _Class.prototype.load = function() {
      var k, len1, name, node, ref;
      ref = ['thread', 'name', 'email', 'sub', 'com', 'filename'];
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        name = ref[k];
        if (!(node = QR.nodes[name])) {
        node.value = this[name] || node.dataset["default"] || null;
      (this.thread !== 'new' ? $.addClass : $.rmClass)(QR.nodes.el, 'reply-to-thread');
      return QR.characterCount();

    _Class.prototype.save = function(input) {
      var name, ref;
      if (input.type === 'checkbox') {
        this.spoiler = input.checked;
      name = input.dataset.name;
      this[name] = input.value || input.dataset["default"] || null;
      switch (name) {
        case 'thread':
          (this.thread !== 'new' ? $.addClass : $.rmClass)(QR.nodes.el, 'reply-to-thread');
          return QR.status();
        case 'com':
          this.nodes.span.textContent = this.com;
          if (QR.cooldown.auto && this === QR.posts[0] && (0 < (ref = QR.cooldown.seconds) && ref <= 5)) {
            return QR.cooldown.auto = false;
        case 'filename':
          if (!this.file) {
          this.file.newName = this.filename.replace(/[\/\\]/g, '-');
          if (!/\.(jpe?g|png|gif|pdf|swf|webm)$/i.test(this.filename)) {
            this.file.newName += '.jpg';
          return this.updateFilename();
        case 'name':
          return QR.persona.set(this);

    _Class.prototype.forceSave = function() {
      var k, len1, name, node, ref;
      if (this !== QR.selected) {
      ref = ['thread', 'name', 'email', 'sub', 'com', 'filename', 'spoiler'];
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        name = ref[k];
        if (!(node = QR.nodes[name])) {

    _Class.rmErrored = function(e) {
      var error, errors, k, len1, post, q, ref;
      ref = QR.posts;
      for (k = ref.length - 1; k >= 0; k += -1) {
        post = ref[k];
        if (errors = post.errors) {
          for (q = 0, len1 = errors.length; q < len1; q++) {
            error = errors[q];
            if (!(doc.contains(error))) {

    _Class.prototype.error = function(className, message) {
      var div, ref, rm, rmAll;
      div = $.el('div', {
        className: className
      $.extend(div, {
        innerHTML: E(message) + "<br>[<a href=\"javascript:;\">delete</a>] [<a href=\"javascript:;\">delete all</a>]"
      (this.errors || (this.errors = [])).push(div);
      ref = $$('a', div), rm = ref[0], rmAll = ref[1];
      $.on(div, 'click', (function(_this) {
        return function() {
          if (indexOf.call(QR.posts, _this) >= 0) {
            return _this.select();
      $.on(rm, 'click', (function(_this) {
        return function(e) {
          if (indexOf.call(QR.posts, _this) >= 0) {
            return _this.rm();
      $.on(rmAll, 'click', QR.post.rmErrored);
      return QR.error(div, true);

    _Class.prototype.fileError = function(message) {
      return this.error('file-error', this.filename + ": " + message);

    _Class.prototype.dismissErrors = function(test) {
      var error, k, len1, ref;
      if (test == null) {
        test = function() {
          return true;
      if (this.errors) {
        ref = this.errors;
        for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
          error = ref[k];
          if (doc.contains(error) && test(error)) {

    _Class.prototype.setFile = function(file1) {
      var ref;
      this.file = file1;
      this.filename = this.file.name;
      this.filesize = $.bytesToString(this.file.size);
      if (QR.spoiler) {
        this.nodes.label.hidden = false;
      if (this === QR.selected) {
      } else {
      this.nodes.el.style.backgroundImage = null;
      if (ref = this.file.type, indexOf.call(QR.mimeTypes, ref) < 0) {
        return this.fileError('Unsupported file type.');
      } else if (/^(image|video)\//.test(this.file.type)) {
        return this.readFile();

    _Class.prototype.checkSize = function() {
      var max;
      max = QR.nodes.fileInput.max;
      if (/^video\//.test(this.file.type)) {
        max = Math.min(max, QR.max_size_video);
      if (this.file.size > max) {
        return this.fileError("File too large (file: " + this.filesize + ", max: " + ($.bytesToString(max)) + ").");

    _Class.prototype.readFile = function() {
      var el, event, isVideo, onerror, onload;
      isVideo = /^video\//.test(this.file.type);
      el = $.el(isVideo ? 'video' : 'img');
      event = isVideo ? 'loadeddata' : 'load';
      onload = (function(_this) {
        return function() {
          $.off(el, event, onload);
          $.off(el, 'error', onerror);
          return _this.setThumbnail(el);
      onerror = (function(_this) {
        return function() {
          $.off(el, event, onload);
          $.off(el, 'error', onerror);
          _this.fileError((isVideo ? 'Video' : 'Image') + " appears corrupt");
          return URL.revokeObjectURL(el.src);
      $.on(el, event, onload);
      $.on(el, 'error', onerror);
      return el.src = URL.createObjectURL(this.file);

    _Class.prototype.checkDimensions = function(el) {
      var duration, height, max_height, max_width, ref, videoHeight, videoWidth, width;
      if (el.tagName === 'IMG') {
        height = el.height, width = el.width;
        if (height > QR.max_height || width > QR.max_width) {
          this.fileError("Image too large (image: " + height + "x" + width + "px, max: " + QR.max_height + "x" + QR.max_width + "px)");
        if (height < QR.min_height || width < QR.min_width) {
          return this.fileError("Image too small (image: " + height + "x" + width + "px, min: " + QR.min_height + "x" + QR.min_width + "px)");
      } else {
        videoHeight = el.videoHeight, videoWidth = el.videoWidth, duration = el.duration;
        max_height = Math.min(QR.max_height, QR.max_height_video);
        max_width = Math.min(QR.max_width, QR.max_width_video);
        if (videoHeight > max_height || videoWidth > max_width) {
          this.fileError("Video too large (video: " + videoHeight + "x" + videoWidth + "px, max: " + max_height + "x" + max_width + "px)");
        if (videoHeight < QR.min_height || videoWidth < QR.min_width) {
          this.fileError("Video too small (video: " + videoHeight + "x" + videoWidth + "px, min: " + QR.min_height + "x" + QR.min_width + "px)");
        if (!isFinite(duration)) {
          this.fileError('Video lacks duration metadata (try remuxing)');
        } else if (duration > QR.max_duration_video) {
          this.fileError("Video too long (video: " + duration + "s, max: " + QR.max_duration_video + "s)");
        if (((ref = g.BOARD.ID) !== 'gif' && ref !== 'wsg') && $.hasAudio(el)) {
          return this.fileError('Audio not allowed');

    _Class.prototype.setThumbnail = function(el) {
      var cv, height, isVideo, s, width;
      isVideo = el.tagName === 'VIDEO';
      s = 90 * 2 * window.devicePixelRatio;
      if (this.file.type === 'image/gif') {
        s *= 3;
      if (isVideo) {
        height = el.videoHeight;
        width = el.videoWidth;
      } else {
        height = el.height, width = el.width;
        if (height < s || width < s) {
          this.URL = el.src;
          this.nodes.el.style.backgroundImage = "url(" + this.URL + ")";
      if (height <= width) {
        width = s / height * width;
        height = s;
      } else {
        height = s / width * height;
        width = s;
      cv = $.el('canvas');
      cv.height = height;
      cv.width = width;
      cv.getContext('2d').drawImage(el, 0, 0, width, height);
      return cv.toBlob((function(_this) {
        return function(blob) {
          _this.URL = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
          return _this.nodes.el.style.backgroundImage = "url(" + _this.URL + ")";

    _Class.prototype.rmFile = function() {
      if (this.isLocked) {
      delete this.file;
      delete this.filename;
      delete this.filesize;
      this.nodes.el.title = null;
      QR.nodes.filename.title = '';
      this.nodes.el.style.backgroundImage = null;
      if (QR.spoiler) {
        this.nodes.label.hidden = true;
      return this.dismissErrors(function(error) {
        return $.hasClass(error, 'file-error');

    _Class.prototype.updateFilename = function() {
      var long;
      long = this.filename + " (" + this.filesize + ")";
      this.nodes.el.title = long;
      if (this !== QR.selected) {
      return QR.nodes.filename.title = long;

    _Class.prototype.showFileData = function() {
      if (this.file) {
        QR.nodes.filename.value = this.filename;
        QR.nodes.spoiler.checked = this.spoiler;
        return $.addClass(QR.nodes.fileSubmit, 'has-file');
      } else {
        return $.rmClass(QR.nodes.fileSubmit, 'has-file');

    _Class.prototype.pasteText = function(file) {
      var reader;
      this.pasting = true;
      reader = new FileReader();
      reader.onload = (function(_this) {
        return function(e) {
          var text;
          text = e.target.result;
          if (_this.com) {
            _this.com += "\n" + text;
          } else {
            _this.com = text;
          if (QR.selected === _this) {
            QR.nodes.com.value = _this.com;
          _this.nodes.span.textContent = _this.com;
          return delete _this.pasting;
      return reader.readAsText(file);

    _Class.prototype.dragStart = function(e) {
      e.dataTransfer.setDragImage(this, e.layerX, e.layerY);
      return $.addClass(this, 'drag');

    _Class.prototype.dragEnd = function() {
      return $.rmClass(this, 'drag');

    _Class.prototype.dragEnter = function() {
      return $.addClass(this, 'over');

    _Class.prototype.dragLeave = function() {
      return $.rmClass(this, 'over');

    _Class.prototype.dragOver = function(e) {
      return e.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'move';

    _Class.prototype.drop = function() {
      var el, index, newIndex, oldIndex, post;
      $.rmClass(this, 'over');
      if (!this.draggable) {
      el = $('.drag', this.parentNode);
      index = function(el) {
        return slice.call(el.parentNode.children).indexOf(el);
      oldIndex = index(el);
      newIndex = index(this);
      (oldIndex < newIndex ? $.after : $.before)(this, el);
      post = QR.posts.splice(oldIndex, 1)[0];
      QR.posts.splice(newIndex, 0, post);
      return QR.status();

    return _Class;


  FappeTyme = {
    init: function() {
      var el, k, lc, len1, ref, ref1, type;
      if (!((Conf['Fappe Tyme'] || Conf['Werk Tyme']) && ((ref = g.VIEW) === 'index' || ref === 'thread'))) {
      this.nodes = {};
      this.enabled = {
        fappe: false,
        werk: Conf['werk']
      ref1 = ["Fappe", "Werk"];
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref1.length; k < len1; k++) {
        type = ref1[k];
        if (!Conf[type + " Tyme"]) {
        lc = type.toLowerCase();
        el = UI.checkbox(lc, type + " Tyme", false);
        el.title = type + " Tyme";
        this.nodes[lc] = el.firstElementChild;
        if (Conf[lc]) {
          this.set(lc, true);
        $.on(this.nodes[lc], 'change', this.toggle.bind(this, lc));
          el: el,
          order: 97
      if (Conf['Werk Tyme']) {
        $.sync('werk', this.set.bind(this, 'werk'));
        name: 'Fappe Tyme',
        cb: this.node
      return CatalogThread.callbacks.push({
        name: 'Werk Tyme',
        cb: this.catalogNode
    node: function() {
      if (this.file) {
      return $.addClass(this.nodes.root, "noFile");
    catalogNode: function() {
      var file, filename;
      file = this.thread.OP.file;
      if (!file) {
      filename = $.el('div', {
        textContent: file.name,
        className: 'werkTyme-filename'
      return $.add(this.nodes.thumb.parentNode, filename);
    set: function(type, enabled) {
      this.enabled[type] = this.nodes[type].checked = enabled;
      return $[(enabled ? 'add' : 'rm') + "Class"](doc, type + "Tyme");
    toggle: function(type) {
      this.set(type, !this.enabled[type]);
      if (type === 'werk') {
        return $.cb.checked.call(this.nodes[type]);

  Gallery = {
    init: function() {
      var el, ref;
      if (!(this.enabled = Conf['Gallery'] && ((ref = g.VIEW) === 'index' || ref === 'thread') && g.BOARD.ID !== 'f')) {
      this.delay = Conf['Slide Delay'];
      el = $.el('a', {
        href: 'javascript:;',
        id: 'appchan-gal',
        title: 'Gallery',
        className: 'fa fa-picture-o',
        textContent: 'Gallery'
      $.on(el, 'click', this.cb.toggle);
      return Post.callbacks.push({
        name: 'Gallery',
        cb: this.node
    node: function() {
      var ref;
      if (!((ref = this.file) != null ? ref.thumb : void 0)) {
      if (Gallery.nodes) {
        Gallery.nodes.total.textContent = Gallery.images.length;
      if (!Conf['Image Expansion']) {
        return $.on(this.file.thumb.parentNode, 'click', Gallery.cb.image);
    build: function(image) {
      var candidate, cb, dialog, entry, file, k, key, len1, len2, menuButton, nodes, post, q, ref, ref1, ref2, ref3, thumb, value;
      if (Conf['Fullscreen Gallery']) {
        $.one(d, 'fullscreenchange mozfullscreenchange webkitfullscreenchange', function() {
          return $.on(d, 'fullscreenchange mozfullscreenchange webkitfullscreenchange', cb.close);
        if (typeof doc.mozRequestFullScreen === "function") {
        if (typeof doc.webkitRequestFullScreen === "function") {
      Gallery.images = [];
      nodes = Gallery.nodes = {};
      Gallery.fullIDs = {};
      Gallery.slideshow = false;
      nodes.el = dialog = $.el('div', {
        id: 'a-gallery'
      $.extend(dialog, {
        innerHTML: "<div class=\"gal-viewport\"><span class=\"gal-buttons\"><a href=\"javascript:;\" class=\"gal-start\" title=\"Start slideshow\"><i></i></a><a href=\"javascript:;\" class=\"gal-stop\" title=\"Stop slideshow\"><i></i></a><a href=\"javascript:;\" class=\"menu-button\"><i></i></a><a href=\"javascript:;\" class=\"gal-close\">×</a></span><a class=\"gal-name\" target=\"_blank\"></a><span class=\"gal-count\"><span class=\"count\"></span> / <span class=\"total\"></span></span><div class=\"gal-prev\"></div><div class=\"gal-image\"><a href=\"javascript:;\"><img></a></div><div class=\"gal-next\"></div></div><div class=\"gal-thumbnails\"></div>"
      ref = {
        buttons: '.gal-buttons',
        frame: '.gal-image',
        name: '.gal-name',
        count: '.count',
        total: '.total',
        thumbs: '.gal-thumbnails',
        next: '.gal-image a',
        current: '.gal-image img'
      for (key in ref) {
        value = ref[key];
        nodes[key] = $(value, dialog);
      menuButton = $('.menu-button', dialog);
      nodes.menu = new UI.Menu('gallery');
      cb = Gallery.cb;
      $.on(nodes.frame, 'click', cb.blank);
      if (Conf['Mouse Wheel Volume']) {
        $.on(nodes.frame, 'wheel', Volume.wheel);
      $.on(nodes.next, 'click', cb.click);
      $.on(nodes.name, 'click', ImageCommon.download);
      $.on($('.gal-prev', dialog), 'click', cb.prev);
      $.on($('.gal-next', dialog), 'click', cb.next);
      $.on($('.gal-start', dialog), 'click', cb.start);
      $.on($('.gal-stop', dialog), 'click', cb.stop);
      $.on($('.gal-close', dialog), 'click', cb.close);
      $.on(menuButton, 'click', function(e) {
        return nodes.menu.toggle(e, this, g);
      ref1 = Gallery.menu.createSubEntries();
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref1.length; k < len1; k++) {
        entry = ref1[k];
        entry.order = 0;
      $.on(d, 'keydown', cb.keybinds);
      if (Conf['Keybinds']) {
        $.off(d, 'keydown', Keybinds.keydown);
      ref2 = $$('.post .file');
      for (q = 0, len2 = ref2.length; q < len2; q++) {
        file = ref2[q];
        post = Get.postFromNode(file);
        if (!((ref3 = post.file) != null ? ref3.thumb : void 0)) {
        if (!image && Gallery.fullIDs[post.fullID]) {
          candidate = post.file.thumb.parentNode;
          if (Header.getTopOf(candidate) + candidate.getBoundingClientRect().height >= 0) {
            image = candidate;
      $.addClass(doc, 'gallery-open');
      $.add(d.body, dialog);
      nodes.thumbs.scrollTop = 0;
      nodes.current.parentElement.scrollTop = 0;
      if (image) {
        thumb = $("[href='" + image.href + "']", nodes.thumbs);
      thumb || (thumb = Gallery.images[Gallery.images.length - 1]);
      if (thumb) {
      doc.style.overflow = 'hidden';
      return nodes.total.textContent = Gallery.images.length;
    generateThumb: function(post) {
      var thumb, thumbImg;
      if (post.isClone || post.isHidden) {
      if (!(post.file && post.file.thumb && (post.file.isImage || post.file.isVideo || Conf['PDF in Gallery']))) {
      if (Gallery.fullIDs[post.fullID]) {
      Gallery.fullIDs[post.fullID] = true;
      thumb = $.el('a', {
        className: 'gal-thumb',
        href: post.file.url,
        target: '_blank',
        title: post.file.name
      thumb.dataset.id = Gallery.images.length;
      thumb.dataset.post = post.fullID;
      thumbImg = post.file.thumb.cloneNode(false);
      thumbImg.style.cssText = '';
      $.add(thumb, thumbImg);
      $.on(thumb, 'click', Gallery.cb.open);
      return $.add(Gallery.nodes.thumbs, thumb);
    open: function(thumb) {
      var el, elType, file, name, newID, nodes, oldID, post, slideshow;
      nodes = Gallery.nodes;
      name = nodes.name;
      oldID = +nodes.current.dataset.id;
      newID = +thumb.dataset.id;
      slideshow = Gallery.slideshow && (newID > oldID || (oldID === Gallery.images.length - 1 && newID === 0));
      if (el = $('.gal-highlight', nodes.thumbs)) {
        $.rmClass(el, 'gal-highlight');
      $.addClass(thumb, 'gal-highlight');
      elType = /\.webm$/.test(thumb.href) ? 'video' : /\.pdf$/.test(thumb.href) ? 'iframe' : 'img';
      $[elType === 'iframe' ? 'addClass' : 'rmClass'](doc, 'gal-pdf');
      file = $.el(elType, {
        title: name.download = name.textContent = thumb.title
      $.extend(file.dataset, thumb.dataset);
      $.on(file, 'error', Gallery.error);
      file.src = name.href = thumb.href;
      $.off(nodes.current, 'error', Gallery.error);
      $.replace(nodes.current, file);
      if (elType === 'video') {
        file.loop = true;
        if (Conf['Autoplay']) {
        if (Conf['Show Controls']) {
      nodes.count.textContent = +thumb.dataset.id + 1;
      nodes.current = file;
      nodes.frame.scrollTop = 0;
      if (slideshow) {
      } else {
      if (Conf['Scroll to Post'] && (post = g.posts[file.dataset.post])) {
      return nodes.thumbs.scrollTop = thumb.offsetTop + thumb.offsetHeight / 2 - nodes.thumbs.clientHeight / 2;
    error: function() {
      var ref;
      if (((ref = this.error) != null ? ref.code : void 0) === MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_DECODE) {
        return new Notice('error', 'Corrupt or unplayable video', 30);
      if (this.src.split('/')[2] !== 'i.4cdn.org') {
      return ImageCommon.error(this, g.posts[this.dataset.post], null, (function(_this) {
        return function(url) {
          if (!url) {
          Gallery.images[_this.dataset.id].href = url;
          if (Gallery.nodes.current === _this) {
            return _this.src = url;
    cleanupTimer: function() {
      var current;
      current = Gallery.nodes.current;
      $.off(current, 'canplaythrough load', Gallery.startTimer);
      return $.off(current, 'ended', Gallery.cb.next);
    startTimer: function() {
      return Gallery.timeoutID = setTimeout(Gallery.checkTimer, Gallery.delay * $.SECOND);
    setupTimer: function() {
      var current, isVideo;
      current = Gallery.nodes.current;
      isVideo = current.nodeName === 'VIDEO';
      if (isVideo) {
      if ((isVideo ? current.readyState >= 4 : current.complete) || current.nodeName === 'IFRAME') {
        return Gallery.startTimer();
      } else {
        return $.on(current, (isVideo ? 'canplaythrough' : 'load'), Gallery.startTimer);
    checkTimer: function() {
      var current;
      current = Gallery.nodes.current;
      if (current.nodeName === 'VIDEO' && !current.paused) {
        $.on(current, 'ended', Gallery.cb.next);
        return current.loop = false;
      } else {
        return Gallery.cb.next();
    cb: {
      keybinds: function(e) {
        var cb, key;
        if (!(key = Keybinds.keyCode(e))) {
        cb = (function() {
          switch (key) {
            case Conf['Close']:
            case Conf['Open Gallery']:
              return Gallery.cb.close;
            case 'Right':
              return Gallery.cb.next;
            case 'Enter':
              return Gallery.cb.advance;
            case 'Left':
            case '':
              return Gallery.cb.prev;
            case Conf['Pause']:
              return Gallery.cb.pause;
            case Conf['Slideshow']:
              return Gallery.cb.toggleSlideshow;
        if (!cb) {
        return cb();
      open: function(e) {
        if (e) {
        if (this) {
          return Gallery.open(this);
      image: function(e) {
        return Gallery.build(this);
      prev: function() {
        return Gallery.cb.open.call(Gallery.images[+Gallery.nodes.current.dataset.id - 1] || Gallery.images[Gallery.images.length - 1]);
      next: function() {
        return Gallery.cb.open.call(Gallery.images[+Gallery.nodes.current.dataset.id + 1] || Gallery.images[0]);
      click: function(e) {
        if (ImageCommon.onControls(e)) {
        return Gallery.cb.advance();
      advance: function() {
        if (Gallery.nodes.current.paused) {
          return Gallery.nodes.current.play();
        } else {
          return Gallery.cb.next();
      toggle: function() {
        return (Gallery.nodes ? Gallery.cb.close : Gallery.build)();
      blank: function(e) {
        if (e.target === this) {
          return Gallery.cb.close();
      toggleSlideshow: function() {
        return Gallery.cb[Gallery.slideshow ? 'stop' : 'start']();
      pause: function() {
        var current;
        current = Gallery.nodes.current;
        if (current.nodeName === 'VIDEO') {
          return current[current.paused ? 'play' : 'pause']();
      start: function() {
        $.addClass(Gallery.nodes.buttons, 'gal-playing');
        Gallery.slideshow = true;
        return Gallery.setupTimer();
      stop: function() {
        var current;
        if (!Gallery.slideshow) {
        current = Gallery.nodes.current;
        if (current.nodeName === 'VIDEO') {
          current.loop = true;
        $.rmClass(Gallery.nodes.buttons, 'gal-playing');
        return Gallery.slideshow = false;
      close: function() {
        $.off(Gallery.nodes.current, 'error', Gallery.error);
        $.rmClass(doc, 'gallery-open');
        if (Conf['Fullscreen Gallery']) {
          $.off(d, 'fullscreenchange mozfullscreenchange webkitfullscreenchange', Gallery.cb.close);
          if (typeof d.mozCancelFullScreen === "function") {
          if (typeof d.webkitExitFullscreen === "function") {
        delete Gallery.nodes;
        delete Gallery.fullIDs;
        doc.style.overflow = '';
        $.off(d, 'keydown', Gallery.cb.keybinds);
        if (Conf['Keybinds']) {
          $.on(d, 'keydown', Keybinds.keydown);
        return clearTimeout(Gallery.timeoutID);
      setFitness: function() {
        return (this.checked ? $.addClass : $.rmClass)(doc, "gal-" + (this.name.toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g, '-')));
      setDelay: function() {
        return Gallery.delay = +this.value;
    menu: {
      init: function() {
        var el;
        if (!Gallery.enabled) {
        el = $.el('span', {
          textContent: 'Gallery',
          className: 'gallery-link'
        return Header.menu.addEntry({
          el: el,
          order: 105,
          subEntries: Gallery.menu.createSubEntries()
      createSubEntry: function(name) {
        var input, label;
        label = UI.checkbox(name, name);
        input = label.firstElementChild;
        if (name === 'Fit Width' || name === 'Fit Height' || name === 'Hide Thumbnails') {
          $.on(input, 'change', Gallery.cb.setFitness);
        $.event('change', null, input);
        $.on(input, 'change', $.cb.checked);
        return {
          el: label
      createSubEntries: function() {
        var delayInput, delayLabel, item, subEntries;
        subEntries = (function() {
          var k, len1, ref, results;
          ref = ['Hide Thumbnails', 'Fit Width', 'Fit Height', 'Scroll to Post'];
          results = [];
          for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
            item = ref[k];
          return results;
        delayLabel = $.el('label', {
          innerHTML: "Slide Delay: <input type=\"number\" name=\"Slide Delay\" min=\"0\" step=\"any\" class=\"field\">"
        delayInput = delayLabel.firstElementChild;
        delayInput.value = Gallery.delay;
        $.on(delayInput, 'change', Gallery.cb.setDelay);
        $.on(delayInput, 'change', $.cb.value);
          el: delayLabel
        return subEntries;

  ImageCommon = {
    pause: function(video) {
      if (video.nodeName !== 'VIDEO') {
      $.off(video, 'volumechange', Volume.change);
      return video.muted = true;
    rewind: function(el) {
      if (el.nodeName === 'VIDEO') {
        if (el.readyState >= el.HAVE_METADATA) {
          return el.currentTime = 0;
      } else if (/\.gif$/.test(el.src)) {
        return $.queueTask(function() {
          return el.src = el.src;
    pushCache: function(el) {
      ImageCommon.cache = el;
      return $.on(el, 'error', ImageCommon.cacheError);
    popCache: function() {
      var el;
      el = ImageCommon.cache;
      $.off(el, 'error', ImageCommon.cacheError);
      delete ImageCommon.cache;
      return el;
    cacheError: function() {
      if (ImageCommon.cache === this) {
        return delete ImageCommon.cache;
    decodeError: function(file, post) {
      var message, ref;
      if (((ref = file.error) != null ? ref.code : void 0) !== MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_DECODE) {
        return false;
      if (!(message = $('.warning', post.file.thumb.parentNode))) {
        message = $.el('div', {
          className: 'warning'
        $.after(post.file.thumb, message);
      message.textContent = 'Error: Corrupt or unplayable video';
      return true;
    error: function(file, post, delay, cb) {
      var URL, redirect, src, timeoutID;
      src = post.file.url.split('/');
      URL = Redirect.to('file', {
        boardID: post.board.ID,
        filename: src[src.length - 1]
      if (!(Conf['404 Redirect'] && URL && Redirect.securityCheck(URL))) {
        URL = null;
      if ((post.isDead || post.file.isDead) && file.src.split('/')[2] === 'i.4cdn.org') {
        return cb(URL);
      if (delay != null) {
        timeoutID = setTimeout((function() {
          return cb(URL);
        }), delay);
      if (post.isDead || post.file.isDead) {
      redirect = function() {
        if (file.src.split('/')[2] === 'i.4cdn.org') {
          if (delay != null) {
          return cb(URL);
      return $.ajax("//a.4cdn.org/" + post.board + "/thread/" + post.thread + ".json", {
        onload: function() {
          var k, len1, postObj, ref;
          if (this.status === 404) {
          if (this.status !== 200) {
            return redirect();
          ref = this.response.posts;
          for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
            postObj = ref[k];
            if (postObj.no === post.ID) {
          if (postObj.no !== post.ID) {
            return redirect();
          } else if (postObj.filedeleted) {
            return redirect();
          } else {
            return URL = post.file.url;
    addControls: function(video) {
      var handler;
      handler = function() {
        var t;
        $.off(video, 'mouseover', handler);
        t = new Date().getTime();
        return $.asap((function() {
          return (typeof chrome !== "undefined" && chrome !== null) || (video.readyState >= 3 && video.currentTime <= Math.max(0.1, video.duration - 0.5)) || new Date().getTime() >= t + 1000;
        }), function() {
          return video.controls = true;
      return $.on(video, 'mouseover', handler);
    onControls: function(e) {
      return (Conf['Show Controls'] && Conf['Click Passthrough'] && e.target.nodeName === 'VIDEO') || (e.target.controls && e.target.getBoundingClientRect().bottom - e.clientY < 35);
    download: function(e) {
      if (this.protocol === 'blob:') {
        return true;
      return CrossOrigin.file(this.href, (function(_this) {
        return function(blob) {
          if (blob) {
            _this.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
            return _this.click();
          } else {
            return new Notice('error', "Could not download " + _this.href, 30);

  ImageExpand = {
    init: function() {
      var ref;
      if (!(this.enabled = Conf['Image Expansion'] && ((ref = g.VIEW) === 'index' || ref === 'thread') && g.BOARD.ID !== 'f')) {
      this.EAI = $.el('a', {
        className: 'expand-all-shortcut fa fa-expand',
        textContent: 'EAI',
        title: 'Expand All Images',
        href: 'javascript:;'
      $.on(this.EAI, 'click', this.cb.toggleAll);
      Header.addShortcut(this.EAI, 3);
      $.on(d, 'scroll visibilitychange', this.cb.playVideos);
      this.videoControls = $.el('span', {
        className: 'video-controls'
      $.extend(this.videoControls, {
        innerHTML: " <a href=\"javascript:;\" title=\"You can also contract the video by dragging it to the left.\">contract</a>"
      return Post.callbacks.push({
        name: 'Image Expansion',
        cb: this.node
    node: function() {
      var ref;
      if (!(this.file && (this.file.isImage || this.file.isVideo))) {
      $.on(this.file.thumb.parentNode, 'click', ImageExpand.cb.toggle);
      if (this.isClone) {
        if (this.file.isExpanding) {
          return ImageExpand.expand(this);
        } else if (this.file.isExpanded && this.file.isVideo) {
          return ImageExpand.setupVideo(this, !((ref = this.origin.file.fullImage) != null ? ref.paused : void 0) || this.origin.file.wasPlaying, this.file.fullImage.controls);
      } else if (ImageExpand.on && !this.isHidden && !this.isFetchedQuote && (Conf['Expand spoilers'] || !this.file.isSpoiler) && (Conf['Expand videos'] || !this.file.isVideo)) {
        return ImageExpand.expand(this);
    cb: {
      toggle: function(e) {
        var file, post, ref;
        if (e.shiftKey || e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey || e.button !== 0) {
        post = Get.postFromNode(this);
        file = post.file;
        if (file.isExpanded && ImageCommon.onControls(e)) {
        if ((ref = file.fullImage) != null ? ref.paused : void 0) {
          return file.fullImage.play();
        } else {
          return ImageExpand.toggle(post);
      toggleAll: function() {
        var func, toggle;
        toggle = function(post) {
          var file;
          file = post.file;
          if (!(file && (file.isImage || file.isVideo) && doc.contains(post.nodes.root))) {
          if (ImageExpand.on && (!Conf['Expand spoilers'] && file.isSpoiler || !Conf['Expand videos'] && file.isVideo || Conf['Expand from here'] && Header.getTopOf(file.thumb) < 0)) {
          return $.queueTask(func, post);
        if (ImageExpand.on = $.hasClass(ImageExpand.EAI, 'expand-all-shortcut')) {
          ImageExpand.EAI.className = 'contract-all-shortcut fa fa-compress';
          ImageExpand.EAI.title = 'Contract All Images';
          func = ImageExpand.expand;
        } else {
          ImageExpand.EAI.className = 'expand-all-shortcut fa fa-expand';
          ImageExpand.EAI.title = 'Expand All Images';
          func = ImageExpand.contract;
        return g.posts.forEach(function(post) {
          var k, len1, ref;
          ref = [post].concat(slice.call(post.clones));
          for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
            post = ref[k];
      playVideos: function() {
        return g.posts.forEach(function(post) {
          var file, k, len1, ref, video, visible;
          ref = [post].concat(slice.call(post.clones));
          for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
            post = ref[k];
            file = post.file;
            if (!(file && file.isVideo && file.isExpanded)) {
            video = file.fullImage;
            visible = ($.hasAudio(video) && !video.muted) || Header.isNodeVisible(video);
            if (visible && file.wasPlaying) {
              delete file.wasPlaying;
            } else if (!visible && !video.paused) {
              file.wasPlaying = true;
      setFitness: function() {
        return $[this.checked ? 'addClass' : 'rmClass'](doc, this.name.toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g, '-'));
    toggle: function(post) {
      var next;
      if (!(post.file.isExpanding || post.file.isExpanded)) {
        post.file.scrollIntoView = Conf['Scroll into view'];
      if (Conf['Advance on contract']) {
        next = post.nodes.root;
        while (next = $.x("following::div[contains(@class,'postContainer')][1]", next)) {
          if (!($('.stub', next) || next.offsetHeight === 0)) {
        if (next) {
          return Header.scrollTo(next);
    contract: function(post) {
      var bottom, cb, el, eventName, file, k, len1, oldHeight, ref, ref1, scrollY, top, x;
      file = post.file;
      if (el = file.fullImage) {
        top = Header.getTopOf(el);
        bottom = top + el.getBoundingClientRect().height;
        oldHeight = d.body.clientHeight;
        scrollY = window.scrollY;
      $.rmClass(post.nodes.root, 'expanded-image');
      $.rmClass(file.thumb, 'expanding');
      if (file.videoControls) {
      file.thumb.parentNode.href = file.url;
      file.thumb.parentNode.target = '_blank';
      ref = ['isExpanding', 'isExpanded', 'videoControls', 'wasPlaying', 'scrollIntoView'];
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        x = ref[k];
        delete file[x];
      if (!el) {
      if (doc.contains(el)) {
        if (bottom <= 0) {
          window.scroll(0, scrollY + d.body.clientHeight - oldHeight);
        } else {
        if (window.scrollX > 0) {
          window.scroll(0, window.scrollY);
      $.off(el, 'error', ImageExpand.error);
      if (file.isVideo) {
        ref1 = ImageExpand.videoCB;
        for (eventName in ref1) {
          cb = ref1[eventName];
          $.off(el, eventName, cb);
      if (Conf['Restart when Opened']) {
      delete file.fullImage;
      return $.queueTask(function() {
        if (file.isExpanding || file.isExpanded) {
        $.rmClass(el, 'full-image');
        if (el.id) {
        return $.rm(el);
    expand: function(post, src) {
      var el, file, isVideo, ref, thumb;
      file = post.file;
      thumb = file.thumb, isVideo = file.isVideo;
      if (post.isHidden || file.isExpanding || file.isExpanded) {
      $.addClass(thumb, 'expanding');
      file.isExpanding = true;
      if (file.fullImage) {
        el = file.fullImage;
      } else if (((ref = ImageCommon.cache) != null ? ref.dataset.fullID : void 0) === post.fullID) {
        el = file.fullImage = ImageCommon.popCache();
        $.on(el, 'error', ImageExpand.error);
        if (Conf['Restart when Opened'] && el.id !== 'ihover') {
      } else {
        el = file.fullImage = $.el((isVideo ? 'video' : 'img'));
        el.dataset.fullID = post.fullID;
        $.on(el, 'error', ImageExpand.error);
        el.src = src || file.url;
      el.className = 'full-image';
      $.after(thumb, el);
      if (isVideo) {
        if (Conf['Show Controls'] && Conf['Click Passthrough'] && !file.videoControls) {
          file.videoControls = ImageExpand.videoControls.cloneNode(true);
          $.add(file.text, file.videoControls);
        el.loop = true;
      if (!isVideo) {
        return $.asap((function() {
          return el.naturalHeight;
        }), function() {
          return ImageExpand.completeExpand(post);
      } else if (el.readyState >= el.HAVE_METADATA) {
        return ImageExpand.completeExpand(post);
      } else {
        return $.on(el, 'loadedmetadata', function() {
          return ImageExpand.completeExpand(post);
    completeExpand: function(post) {
      var bottom, file, imageBottom, oldHeight, scrollY;
      file = post.file;
      if (!file.isExpanding) {
      bottom = Header.getTopOf(file.thumb) + file.thumb.getBoundingClientRect().height;
      oldHeight = d.body.clientHeight;
      scrollY = window.scrollY;
      $.addClass(post.nodes.root, 'expanded-image');
      $.rmClass(file.thumb, 'expanding');
      file.isExpanded = true;
      delete file.isExpanding;
      if (doc.contains(post.nodes.root) && bottom <= 0) {
        window.scroll(window.scrollX, scrollY + d.body.clientHeight - oldHeight);
      if (file.scrollIntoView) {
        delete file.scrollIntoView;
        imageBottom = Header.getBottomOf(file.fullImage) - 25;
        if (imageBottom < 0) {
          window.scrollBy(0, Math.min(-imageBottom, Header.getTopOf(file.fullImage)));
      if (file.isVideo) {
        return ImageExpand.setupVideo(post, Conf['Autoplay'], Conf['Show Controls']);
    setupVideo: function(post, playing, controls) {
      var fullImage;
      fullImage = post.file.fullImage;
      if (!playing) {
        fullImage.controls = controls;
      fullImage.controls = false;
      $.asap((function() {
        return doc.contains(fullImage);
      }), function() {
        if (!d.hidden && Header.isNodeVisible(fullImage)) {
          return fullImage.play();
        } else {
          return post.file.wasPlaying = true;
      if (controls) {
        return ImageCommon.addControls(fullImage);
    videoCB: (function() {
      var mousedown;
      mousedown = false;
      return {
        mouseover: function() {
          return mousedown = false;
        mousedown: function(e) {
          if (e.button === 0) {
            return mousedown = true;
        mouseup: function(e) {
          if (e.button === 0) {
            return mousedown = false;
        mouseout: function(e) {
          if (mousedown && e.clientX <= this.getBoundingClientRect().left) {
            return ImageExpand.toggle(Get.postFromNode(this));
    setupVideoCB: function(post) {
      var cb, eventName, ref;
      ref = ImageExpand.videoCB;
      for (eventName in ref) {
        cb = ref[eventName];
        $.on(post.file.fullImage, eventName, cb);
      if (post.file.videoControls) {
        return $.on(post.file.videoControls.firstElementChild, 'click', function() {
          return ImageExpand.toggle(post);
    error: function() {
      var post;
      post = Get.postFromNode(this);
      delete post.file.fullImage;
      if (!(post.file.isExpanding || post.file.isExpanded)) {
      if (ImageCommon.decodeError(this, post)) {
        return ImageExpand.contract(post);
      if (this.src.split('/')[2] !== 'i.4cdn.org') {
        return ImageExpand.contract(post);
      return ImageCommon.error(this, post, 10 * $.SECOND, function(URL) {
        if (post.file.isExpanding || post.file.isExpanded) {
          if (URL) {
            return ImageExpand.expand(post, URL);
    menu: {
      init: function() {
        var conf, createSubEntry, el, name, ref, subEntries;
        if (!ImageExpand.enabled) {
        el = $.el('span', {
          textContent: 'Image Expansion',
          className: 'image-expansion-link'
        createSubEntry = ImageExpand.menu.createSubEntry;
        subEntries = [];
        ref = Config.imageExpansion;
        for (name in ref) {
          conf = ref[name];
          subEntries.push(createSubEntry(name, conf[1]));
        return Header.menu.addEntry({
          el: el,
          order: 105,
          subEntries: subEntries
      createSubEntry: function(name, desc) {
        var input, label;
        label = UI.checkbox(name, name);
        label.title = desc;
        input = label.firstElementChild;
        if (name === 'Fit width' || name === 'Fit height') {
          $.on(input, 'change', ImageExpand.cb.setFitness);
        $.event('change', null, input);
        $.on(input, 'change', $.cb.checked);
        return {
          el: label

  ImageHover = {
    init: function() {
      var ref;
      if ((ref = g.VIEW) !== 'index' && ref !== 'thread') {
      if (Conf['Image Hover']) {
          name: 'Image Hover',
          cb: this.node
      if (Conf['Image Hover in Catalog']) {
        return CatalogThread.callbacks.push({
          name: 'Image Hover',
          cb: this.catalogNode
    node: function() {
      if (!(this.file && (this.file.isImage || this.file.isVideo))) {
      return $.on(this.file.thumb, 'mouseover', ImageHover.mouseover(this));
    catalogNode: function() {
      var file;
      file = this.thread.OP.file;
      if (!(file && (file.isImage || file.isVideo))) {
      return $.on(this.nodes.thumb, 'mouseover', ImageHover.mouseover(this.thread.OP));
    mouseover: function(post) {
      return function(e) {
        var el, error, file, height, isVideo, left, maxHeight, maxWidth, padding, ref, ref1, ref2, right, scale, width, x;
        if (!doc.contains(this)) {
        file = post.file;
        isVideo = file.isVideo;
        if (file.isExpanding || file.isExpanded) {
        error = ImageHover.error(post);
        if (((ref = ImageCommon.cache) != null ? ref.dataset.fullID : void 0) === post.fullID) {
          el = ImageCommon.popCache();
          $.on(el, 'error', error);
        } else {
          el = $.el((isVideo ? 'video' : 'img'));
          el.dataset.fullID = post.fullID;
          $.on(el, 'error', error);
          el.src = file.url;
        if (Conf['Restart when Opened']) {
        el.id = 'ihover';
        $.add(Header.hover, el);
        if (isVideo) {
          el.loop = true;
          el.controls = false;
          if (Conf['Autoplay']) {
        ref1 = (function() {
          var k, len1, ref1, results;
          ref1 = file.dimensions.split('x');
          results = [];
          for (k = 0, len1 = ref1.length; k < len1; k++) {
            x = ref1[k];
          return results;
        })(), width = ref1[0], height = ref1[1];
        ref2 = this.getBoundingClientRect(), left = ref2.left, right = ref2.right;
        padding = 16;
        maxWidth = Math.max(left, doc.clientWidth - right);
        maxHeight = doc.clientHeight - padding;
        scale = Math.min(1, maxWidth / width, maxHeight / height);
        el.style.maxWidth = (scale * width) + "px";
        el.style.maxHeight = (scale * height) + "px";
        return UI.hover({
          root: this,
          el: el,
          latestEvent: e,
          endEvents: 'mouseout click',
          asapTest: function() {
            return true;
          height: scale * height + padding,
          noRemove: true,
          cb: function() {
            $.off(el, 'error', error);
            return el.removeAttribute('style');
    error: function(post) {
      return function() {
        if (ImageCommon.decodeError(this, post)) {
        return ImageCommon.error(this, post, 3 * $.SECOND, (function(_this) {
          return function(URL) {
            if (URL) {
              return _this.src = URL + (_this.src === URL ? '?' + Date.now() : '');
            } else {
              return $.rm(_this);

  ImageLoader = {
    init: function() {
      var prefetch, ref;
      if (!(((ref = g.VIEW) === 'index' || ref === 'thread') && g.BOARD.ID !== 'f')) {
      if (!(Conf['Image Prefetching'] || Conf['Replace JPG'] || Conf['Replace PNG'] || Conf['Replace GIF'] || Conf['Replace WEBM'])) {
        name: 'Image Replace',
        cb: this.node
      $.on(d, 'PostsInserted', function() {
        return g.posts.forEach(ImageLoader.prefetch);
      if (Conf['Replace WEBM']) {
        $.on(d, 'scroll visibilitychange 4chanXInitFinished PostsInserted', this.playVideos);
      if (!Conf['Image Prefetching']) {
      prefetch = $.el('label', {
        innerHTML: "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"prefetch\"> Prefetch Images"
      this.el = prefetch.firstElementChild;
      $.on(this.el, 'change', this.toggle);
      return Header.menu.addEntry({
        el: prefetch,
        order: 98
    node: function() {
      if (this.isClone || !this.file) {
      if (Conf['Replace WEBM'] && this.file.isVideo) {
      return ImageLoader.prefetch(this);
    replaceVideo: function(post) {
      var attr, file, k, len1, ref, thumb, video;
      file = post.file;
      thumb = file.thumb;
      video = $.el('video', {
        preload: 'none',
        loop: true,
        muted: true,
        poster: thumb.src || thumb.dataset.src,
        textContent: thumb.alt,
        className: thumb.className
      video.setAttribute('muted', 'muted');
      video.dataset.md5 = thumb.dataset.md5;
      ref = ['height', 'width', 'maxHeight', 'maxWidth'];
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        attr = ref[k];
        video.style[attr] = thumb.style[attr];
      video.src = file.url;
      $.replace(thumb, video);
      file.thumb = video;
      return file.videoThumb = true;
    prefetch: function(post) {
      var clone, el, file, isImage, isVideo, k, len1, match, ref, replace, thumb, type, url;
      file = post.file;
      if (!file) {
      isImage = file.isImage, isVideo = file.isVideo, thumb = file.thumb, url = file.url;
      if (file.isPrefetched || !(isImage || isVideo) || post.isHidden || post.thread.isHidden) {
      type = (match = url.match(/\.([^.]+)$/)[1].toUpperCase()) === 'JPEG' ? 'JPG' : match;
      replace = Conf["Replace " + type] && !/spoiler/.test(thumb.src || thumb.dataset.src);
      if (!(replace || Conf['prefetch'])) {
      if (![post].concat(slice.call(post.clones)).some(function(clone) {
        return doc.contains(clone.nodes.root);
      })) {
      file.isPrefetched = true;
      if (file.videoThumb) {
        ref = post.clones;
        for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
          clone = ref[k];
          clone.file.thumb.preload = 'auto';
        thumb.preload = 'auto';
        if (typeof chrome === "undefined" || chrome === null) {
          $.on(thumb, 'loadeddata', function() {
            return this.removeAttribute('poster');
      el = $.el(isImage ? 'img' : 'video');
      if (replace && isImage) {
        $.on(el, 'load', function() {
          var len2, q, ref1;
          ref1 = post.clones;
          for (q = 0, len2 = ref1.length; q < len2; q++) {
            clone = ref1[q];
            clone.file.thumb.src = url;
          thumb.src = url;
          return thumb.removeAttribute('data-src');
      return el.src = url;
    toggle: function() {
      if (Conf['prefetch'] = this.checked) {
    playVideos: function() {
      var qpClone, ref;
      qpClone = (ref = $.id('qp')) != null ? ref.firstElementChild : void 0;
      return g.posts.forEach(function(post) {
        var k, len1, ref1, ref2, thumb;
        ref1 = [post].concat(slice.call(post.clones));
        for (k = 0, len1 = ref1.length; k < len1; k++) {
          post = ref1[k];
          if (!((ref2 = post.file) != null ? ref2.videoThumb : void 0)) {
          thumb = post.file.thumb;
          if (Header.isNodeVisible(thumb) || post.nodes.root === qpClone) {
          } else {

  Metadata = {
    init: function() {
      var ref;
      if (!(Conf['WEBM Metadata'] && ((ref = g.VIEW) === 'index' || ref === 'thread') && g.BOARD.ID !== 'f')) {
      return Post.callbacks.push({
        name: 'WEBM Metadata',
        cb: this.node
    node: function() {
      var el;
      if (!(this.file && /webm$/i.test(this.file.url))) {
      if (this.isClone) {
        el = $('.webm-title', this.file.text);
      } else {
        el = $.el('span', {
          className: 'webm-title'
        $.extend(el, {
          innerHTML: "<a href=\"javascript:;\"></a>"
        $.add(this.file.text, [$.tn('\u00A0'), el]);
      if (el.children.length === 1) {
        return $.one(el.lastElementChild, 'mouseover focus', Metadata.load);
    load: function() {
      $.rmClass(this.parentNode, 'error');
      $.addClass(this.parentNode, 'loading');
      return CrossOrigin.binary(Get.postFromNode(this).file.url, (function(_this) {
        return function(data) {
          var output, title;
          $.rmClass(_this.parentNode, 'loading');
          if (data != null) {
            title = Metadata.parse(data);
            output = $.el('span', {
              textContent: title || ''
            if (title == null) {
              $.addClass(_this.parentNode, 'not-found');
            $.before(_this, output);
            _this.parentNode.tabIndex = 0;
            if (d.activeElement === _this) {
            return _this.tabIndex = -1;
          } else {
            $.addClass(_this.parentNode, 'error');
            return $.one(_this, 'click', Metadata.load);
      })(this), {
        Range: 'bytes=0-9999'
    parse: function(data) {
      var element, i, readInt, size, title;
      readInt = function() {
        var len, n;
        n = data[i++];
        len = 0;
        while (n < (0x80 >> len)) {
        n ^= 0x80 >> len;
        while (len-- && i < data.length) {
          n = (n << 8) ^ data[i++];
        return n;
      i = 0;
      while (i < data.length) {
        element = readInt();
        size = readInt();
        if (element === 0x3BA9) {
          title = '';
          while (size-- && i < data.length) {
            title += String.fromCharCode(data[i++]);
          return decodeURIComponent(escape(title));
        } else if (element !== 0x8538067 && element !== 0x549A966) {
          i += size;
      return null;

  RevealSpoilers = {
    init: function() {
      var ref;
      if (!(((ref = g.VIEW) === 'index' || ref === 'thread') && Conf['Reveal Spoiler Thumbnails'])) {
      return Post.callbacks.push({
        name: 'Reveal Spoiler Thumbnails',
        cb: this.node
    node: function() {
      var thumb;
      if (!(!this.isClone && this.file && this.file.thumb && this.file.isSpoiler)) {
      thumb = this.file.thumb;
      thumb.style.maxHeight = thumb.style.maxWidth = this.isReply ? '125px' : '250px';
      if (thumb.src) {
        return thumb.src = this.file.thumbURL;
      } else {
        return thumb.dataset.src = this.file.thumbURL;

  Sauce = {
    init: function() {
      var err, k, len1, link, links, ref, ref1;
      if (!(((ref = g.VIEW) === 'index' || ref === 'thread') && Conf['Sauce'])) {
      links = [];
      ref1 = Conf['sauces'].split('\n');
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref1.length; k < len1; k++) {
        link = ref1[k];
        try {
          if (link[0] !== '#') {
        } catch (_error) {
          err = _error;
      if (!links.length) {
      this.links = links;
      this.link = $.el('a', {
        target: '_blank'
      return Post.callbacks.push({
        name: 'Sauce',
        cb: this.node
    sandbox: function(url) {
      return E.url({
        innerHTML: "<html><head><title>[sb] " + E(url) + "</title><style>iframe {width: 100vw;height: 100vh;border: 0;}body {margin: 0;overflow: hidden;}</style></head><body><iframe sandbox=\"allow-forms\" src=\"" + E(url) + "\"></iframe></body></html>"
    rmOrigin: function(e) {
      if (e.shiftKey || e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey || e.button !== 0) {
      return e.preventDefault();
    createSauceLink: function(link, post) {
      var a, ext, i, k, key, len1, m, part, parts, ref, ref1, ref2, skip, url;
      if (!(link = link.trim())) {
        return null;
      parts = {};
      ref = link.split(/;(?=(?:text|boards|types|sandbox):?)/);
      for (i = k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; i = ++k) {
        part = ref[i];
        if (i === 0) {
          parts['url'] = part;
        } else {
          m = part.match(/^(\w*):?(.*)$/);
          parts[m[1]] = m[2];
      parts['text'] || (parts['text'] = ((ref1 = parts['url'].match(/(\w+)\.\w+\//)) != null ? ref1[1] : void 0) || '?');
      ext = post.file.url.match(/[^.]*$/)[0];
      skip = false;
      for (key in parts) {
        parts[key] = parts[key].replace(/%(T?URL|IMG|MD5|board|name|%|semi)/g, function(parameter) {
          var type;
          type = {
            '%TURL': post.file.thumbURL,
            '%URL': post.file.url,
            '%IMG': ext === 'gif' || ext === 'jpg' || ext === 'png' ? post.file.url : post.file.thumbURL,
            '%MD5': post.file.MD5,
            '%board': post.board.ID,
            '%name': post.file.name,
            '%%': '%',
            '%semi': ';'
          if (type == null) {
            skip = true;
            return '';
          if (key === 'url' && parameter !== '%%' && parameter !== '%semi') {
            if (/^javascript:/i.test(parts['url'])) {
              type = JSON.stringify(type);
            type = encodeURIComponent(type);
          return type;
      if (skip) {
        return null;
      if (!(!parts['boards'] || (ref2 = post.board.ID, indexOf.call(parts['boards'].split(','), ref2) >= 0))) {
        return null;
      if (!(!parts['types'] || indexOf.call(parts['types'].split(','), ext) >= 0)) {
        return null;
      url = parts['url'];
      if (parts['sandbox'] != null) {
        url = Sauce.sandbox(url);
      a = Sauce.link.cloneNode(true);
      a.href = url;
      a.textContent = parts['text'];
      if (/^javascript:/i.test(parts['url'])) {
      if (parts['sandbox'] != null) {
        $.on(a, 'click', Sauce.rmOrigin);
      return a;
    node: function() {
      var k, len1, link, node, nodes, ref;
      if (this.isClone || !this.file) {
      nodes = [];
      ref = Sauce.links;
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        link = ref[k];
        if (node = Sauce.createSauceLink(link, this)) {
          nodes.push($.tn('\u00A0'), node);
      return $.add(this.file.text, nodes);

  Volume = {
    init: function() {
      var ref, ref1, unmuteEntry, volumeEntry;
      if (!(((ref = g.VIEW) === 'index' || ref === 'thread') && (Conf['Image Expansion'] || Conf['Image Hover'] || Conf['Image Hover in Catalog'] || Conf['Gallery']))) {
      $.sync('Allow Sound', function(x) {
        var ref1;
        Conf['Allow Sound'] = x;
        return (ref1 = Volume.inputs) != null ? ref1.unmute.checked = x : void 0;
      $.sync('Default Volume', function(x) {
        var ref1;
        Conf['Default Volume'] = x;
        return (ref1 = Volume.inputs) != null ? ref1.volume.value = x : void 0;
      if (Conf['Mouse Wheel Volume']) {
          name: 'Mouse Wheel Volume',
          cb: this.node
      if ((ref1 = g.BOARD.ID) !== 'gif' && ref1 !== 'wsg') {
      if (Conf['Mouse Wheel Volume']) {
          name: 'Mouse Wheel Volume',
          cb: this.catalogNode
      unmuteEntry = UI.checkbox('Allow Sound', 'Allow Sound');
      unmuteEntry.title = Config.main['Images and Videos']['Allow Sound'][1];
      volumeEntry = $.el('label', {
        title: 'Default volume for videos.'
      $.extend(volumeEntry, {
        innerHTML: "<input name=\"Default Volume\" type=\"range\" min=\"0\" max=\"1\" step=\"0.01\" value=\"" + E(Conf["Default Volume"]) + "\"> Volume"
      this.inputs = {
        unmute: unmuteEntry.firstElementChild,
        volume: volumeEntry.firstElementChild
      $.on(this.inputs.unmute, 'change', $.cb.checked);
      $.on(this.inputs.volume, 'change', $.cb.value);
        el: unmuteEntry,
        order: 200
      return Header.menu.addEntry({
        el: volumeEntry,
        order: 201
    setup: function(video) {
      video.muted = !Conf['Allow Sound'];
      video.volume = Conf['Default Volume'];
      return $.on(video, 'volumechange', Volume.change);
    change: function() {
      var items, key, muted, val, volume;
      muted = this.muted, volume = this.volume;
      items = {
        'Allow Sound': !muted,
        'Default Volume': volume
      for (key in items) {
        val = items[key];
        if (Conf[key] === val) {
          delete items[key];
      $.extend(Conf, items);
      if (Volume.inputs) {
        Volume.inputs.unmute.checked = !muted;
        return Volume.inputs.volume.value = volume;
    node: function() {
      var ref, ref1;
      if (!(((ref = this.board.ID) === 'gif' || ref === 'wsg') && ((ref1 = this.file) != null ? ref1.isVideo : void 0))) {
      $.on(this.file.thumb, 'wheel', Volume.wheel.bind(Header.hover));
      return $.on($('a', this.file.text), 'wheel', Volume.wheel.bind(this.file.thumb.parentNode));
    catalogNode: function() {
      var file;
      file = this.thread.OP.file;
      if (!(file != null ? file.isVideo : void 0)) {
      return $.on(this.nodes.thumb, 'wheel', Volume.wheel.bind(Header.hover));
    wheel: function(e) {
      var el, volume;
      if (!(el = $('video:not([data-md5])', this))) {
      if (el.muted || !$.hasAudio(el)) {
      volume = el.volume + 0.1;
      if (e.deltaY < 0) {
        volume *= 1.1;
      if (e.deltaY > 0) {
        volume /= 1.1;
      el.volume = $.minmax(volume - 0.1, 0, 1);
      return e.preventDefault();

  Embedding = {
    init: function() {
      var k, len1, ref, type;
      if (!(Conf['Embedding'] || Conf['Link Title'])) {
      this.types = {};
      ref = this.ordered_types;
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        type = ref[k];
        this.types[type.key] = type;
      if (Conf['Floating Embeds']) {
        this.dialog = UI.dialog('embedding', 'top: 50px; right: 0px;', {
          innerHTML: "<div><div class=\"move\"></div><a href=\"javascript:;\" class=\"jump\" title=\"Jump to post\">→</a><a href=\"javascript:;\" class=\"close\" title=\"Close\">×</a></div><div id=\"media-embed\"><div></div></div>"
        this.media = $('#media-embed', this.dialog);
        $.one(d, '4chanXInitFinished', this.ready);
      if (Conf['Link Title']) {
        return $.on(d, '4chanXInitFinished PostsInserted', function() {
          var key, ref1, ref2, service;
          ref1 = Embedding.types;
          for (key in ref1) {
            service = ref1[key];
            if ((ref2 = service.title) != null ? ref2.batchSize : void 0) {
    events: function(post) {
      var el, i, items;
      if (!Conf['Embedding']) {
      i = 0;
      items = $$('.embedder', post.nodes.comment);
      while (el = items[i++]) {
        $.on(el, 'click', Embedding.cb.toggle);
        if ($.hasClass(el, 'embedded')) {
    process: function(link, post) {
      var data;
      if (!(Conf['Embedding'] || Conf['Link Title'])) {
      if ($.x('ancestor::pre', link)) {
      if (data = Embedding.services(link)) {
        data.post = post;
        if (Conf['Embedding']) {
        if (Conf['Link Title']) {
          return Embedding.title(data);
    services: function(link) {
      var href, k, len1, match, ref, type;
      href = link.href;
      ref = Embedding.ordered_types;
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        type = ref[k];
        if (!(match = type.regExp.exec(href))) {
        if (type.dummy) {
        return {
          key: type.key,
          uid: match[1],
          options: match[2],
          link: link
    embed: function(data) {
      var embed, href, key, link, name, options, post, ref, uid, value;
      key = data.key, uid = data.uid, options = data.options, link = data.link, post = data.post;
      href = link.href;
      $.addClass(link, key.toLowerCase());
      if (Embedding.types[key].httpOnly && location.protocol !== 'http:') {
        embed = $.el('a', {
          href: "http://boards.4chan.org/" + post.board + "/thread/" + post.thread + "#p" + post,
          textContent: '(HTTP)',
          title: key + " does not support HTTPS."
        $.after(link, [$.tn(' '), embed]);
      embed = $.el('a', {
        className: 'embedder',
        href: 'javascript:;',
        textContent: '(embed)'
      ref = {
        key: key,
        uid: uid,
        options: options,
        href: href
      for (name in ref) {
        value = ref[name];
        embed.dataset[name] = value;
      $.on(embed, 'click', Embedding.cb.toggle);
      $.after(link, [$.tn(' '), embed]);
      if (Conf['Auto-embed'] && !Conf['Floating Embeds'] && !post.isFetchedQuote) {
        return $.asap((function() {
          return doc.contains(embed);
        }), function() {
          return Embedding.cb.toggle.call(embed);
    ready: function() {
      $.addClass(Embedding.dialog, 'empty');
      $.on($('.close', Embedding.dialog), 'click', Embedding.closeFloat);
      $.on($('.move', Embedding.dialog), 'mousedown', Embedding.dragEmbed);
      $.on($('.jump', Embedding.dialog), 'click', function() {
        if (doc.contains(Embedding.lastEmbed)) {
          return Header.scrollTo(Embedding.lastEmbed);
      return $.add(d.body, Embedding.dialog);
    closeFloat: function() {
      delete Embedding.lastEmbed;
      $.addClass(Embedding.dialog, 'empty');
      return $.replace(Embedding.media.firstChild, $.el('div'));
    dragEmbed: function() {
      var style;
      style = Embedding.media.style;
      if (Embedding.dragEmbed.mouseup) {
        $.off(d, 'mouseup', Embedding.dragEmbed);
        Embedding.dragEmbed.mouseup = false;
        style.visibility = '';
      $.on(d, 'mouseup', Embedding.dragEmbed);
      Embedding.dragEmbed.mouseup = true;
      return style.visibility = 'hidden';
    title: function(data) {
      var key, link, options, post, service, uid;
      key = data.key, uid = data.uid, options = data.options, link = data.link, post = data.post;
      if (!(service = Embedding.types[key].title)) {
      if (service.batchSize) {
        (service.queue || (service.queue = [])).push(data);
        if (service.queue.length >= service.batchSize) {
          return Embedding.flushTitles(service);
      } else {
        if (!$.cache(service.api(uid), (function() {
          return Embedding.cb.title(this, data);
        }), {
          responseType: 'json'
        })) {
          return $.extend(link, {
            innerHTML: "[" + E(key) + "] <span class=\"warning\">Title Link Blocked</span> (are you using NoScript?)</a>"
    flushTitles: function(service) {
      var cb, data, k, len1, queue;
      queue = service.queue;
      if (!(queue != null ? queue.length : void 0)) {
      service.queue = [];
      cb = function() {
        var data, k, len1;
        for (k = 0, len1 = queue.length; k < len1; k++) {
          data = queue[k];
          Embedding.cb.title(this, data);
      if (!$.cache(service.api((function() {
        var k, len1, results;
        results = [];
        for (k = 0, len1 = queue.length; k < len1; k++) {
          data = queue[k];
        return results;
      })()), cb, {
        responseType: 'json'
      })) {
        for (k = 0, len1 = queue.length; k < len1; k++) {
          data = queue[k];
          $.extend(data.link, {
            innerHTML: "[" + E(data.key) + "] <span class=\"warning\">Title Link Blocked</span> (are you using NoScript?)</a>"
    cb: {
      toggle: function(e) {
        var div;
        if (e != null) {
        if (Conf['Floating Embeds']) {
          if (!(div = Embedding.media.firstChild)) {
          $.replace(div, Embedding.cb.embed(this));
          Embedding.lastEmbed = Get.postFromNode(this).nodes.root;
          $.rmClass(Embedding.dialog, 'empty');
        if ($.hasClass(this, "embedded")) {
          this.textContent = '(embed)';
        } else {
          $.after(this, Embedding.cb.embed(this));
          this.textContent = '(unembed)';
        return $.toggleClass(this, 'embedded');
      embed: function(a) {
        var container, el, type;
        container = $.el('div');
        $.add(container, el = (type = Embedding.types[a.dataset.key]).el(a));
        el.style.cssText = type.style != null ? type.style : "border:0;width:640px;height:390px";
        return container;
      title: function(req, data) {
        var base1, k, key, len1, len2, link, link2, options, post, post2, q, ref, ref1, service, status, text, uid;
        key = data.key, uid = data.uid, options = data.options, link = data.link, post = data.post;
        status = req.status;
        service = Embedding.types[key].title;
        text = "[" + key + "] " + ((function() {
          switch (status) {
            case 200:
            case 304:
              return service.text(req.response, uid);
            case 404:
              return "Not Found";
            case 403:
              return "Forbidden or Private";
              return status + "'d";
        link.dataset.original = link.textContent;
        link.textContent = text;
        ref = post.clones;
        for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
          post2 = ref[k];
          ref1 = $$('a.linkify', post2.nodes.comment);
          for (q = 0, len2 = ref1.length; q < len2; q++) {
            link2 = ref1[q];
            if (!(link2.href === link.href)) {
            if ((base1 = link2.dataset).original == null) {
              base1.original = link2.textContent;
            link2.textContent = text;
    ordered_types: [
        key: 'audio',
        regExp: /\.(?:mp3|ogg|wav)(?:\?|$)/i,
        style: '',
        el: function(a) {
          return $.el('audio', {
            controls: true,
            preload: 'auto',
            src: a.dataset.href
      }, {
        key: 'Gist',
        regExp: /^\w+:\/\/gist\.github\.com\/(?:[\w\-]+\/)?(\w+)/,
        el: function(a) {
          var content, el;
          el = $.el('iframe');
          el.setAttribute('sandbox', 'allow-scripts');
          content = {
            innerHTML: "<html><head><title>" + E(a.dataset.uid) + "</title></head><body><script src=\"https://gist.github.com/" + E(a.dataset.uid) + ".js\"></script></body></html>"
          el.src = E.url(content);
          return el;
        title: {
          api: function(uid) {
            return "https://api.github.com/gists/" + uid;
          text: function(arg) {
            var file, files;
            files = arg.files;
            for (file in files) {
              if (files.hasOwnProperty(file)) {
                return file;
      }, {
        key: 'image',
        regExp: /\.(?:gif|png|jpg|jpeg|bmp)(?:\?|$)/i,
        style: '',
        el: function(a) {
          return $.el('div', {
            innerHTML: "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" + E(a.dataset.href) + "\"><img src=\"" + E(a.dataset.href) + "\" style=\"max-width: 80vw; max-height: 80vh;\"></a>"
      }, {
        key: 'InstallGentoo',
        regExp: /^\w+:\/\/paste\.installgentoo\.com\/view\/(?:raw\/|download\/|embed\/)?(\w+)/,
        el: function(a) {
          return $.el('iframe', {
            src: "https://paste.installgentoo.com/view/embed/" + a.dataset.uid
      }, {
        key: 'Twitter',
        regExp: /^\w+:\/\/(?:www\.)?twitter\.com\/(\w+\/status\/\d+)/,
        el: function(a) {
          return $.el('iframe', {
            src: "https://twitframe.com/show?url=https://twitter.com/" + a.dataset.uid
      }, {
        key: 'LiveLeak',
        regExp: /^\w+:\/\/(?:\w+\.)?liveleak\.com\/.*\?.*i=(\w+)/,
        httpOnly: true,
        el: function(a) {
          var el;
          el = $.el('iframe', {
            width: "640",
            height: "360",
            src: "http://www.liveleak.com/ll_embed?i=" + a.dataset.uid,
            frameborder: "0"
          el.setAttribute("allowfullscreen", "true");
          return el;
      }, {
        key: 'Pastebin',
        regExp: /^\w+:\/\/(?:\w+\.)?pastebin\.com\/(?!u\/)(?:[\w\.]+\?i\=)?(\w+)/,
        httpOnly: true,
        el: function(a) {
          var div;
          return div = $.el('iframe', {
            src: "http://pastebin.com/embed_iframe.php?i=" + a.dataset.uid
      }, {
        key: 'Gfycat',
        regExp: /^\w+:\/\/(?:www\.)?gfycat\.com\/(?:iframe\/)?(\w+)/,
        el: function(a) {
          var div;
          return div = $.el('iframe', {
            src: "//gfycat.com/iframe/" + a.dataset.uid
      }, {
        key: 'SoundCloud',
        regExp: /^\w+:\/\/(?:www\.)?(?:soundcloud\.com\/|snd\.sc\/)([\w\-\/]+)/,
        style: 'border: 0; width: 500px; height: 400px;',
        el: function(a) {
          return $.el('iframe', {
            src: "https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?visual=true&show_comments=false&url=https%3A%2F%2Fsoundcloud.com%2F" + (encodeURIComponent(a.dataset.uid))
        title: {
          api: function(uid) {
            return "//soundcloud.com/oembed?format=json&url=https%3A%2F%2Fsoundcloud.com%2F" + (encodeURIComponent(uid));
          text: function(_) {
            return _.title;
      }, {
        key: 'StrawPoll',
        regExp: /^\w+:\/\/(?:www\.)?strawpoll\.me\/(?:embed_\d+\/)?(\d+(?:\/r)?)/,
        style: 'border: 0; width: 600px; height: 406px;',
        el: function(a) {
          return $.el('iframe', {
            src: "//strawpoll.me/embed_1/" + a.dataset.uid
      }, {
        key: 'TwitchTV',
        regExp: /^\w+:\/\/(?:www\.)?twitch\.tv\/([^#\&\?]*)/,
        httpOnly: true,
        style: "border: none; width: 640px; height: 360px;",
        el: function(a) {
          var _, channel, id, idparam, obj, result, type;
          if (result = /(\w+)\/([bc])\/(\d+)/i.exec(a.dataset.uid)) {
            _ = result[0], channel = result[1], type = result[2], id = result[3];
            idparam = {
              'b': 'archive_id',
              'c': 'chapter_id'
            obj = $.el('object', {
              data: 'http://www.twitch.tv/widgets/archive_embed_player.swf'
            $.extend(obj, {
              innerHTML: "<param name=\"allowFullScreen\" value=\"true\"><param name=\"flashvars\">"
            obj.children[1].value = "channel=" + channel + "&start_volume=25&auto_play=false&" + idparam[type] + "=" + id;
            return obj;
          } else {
            channel = (/(\w+)/.exec(a.dataset.uid))[0];
            obj = $.el('object', {
              data: "http://www.twitch.tv/widgets/live_embed_player.swf?channel=" + channel
            $.extend(obj, {
              innerHTML: "<param name=\"allowFullScreen\" value=\"true\"><param name=\"flashvars\">"
            obj.children[1].value = "hostname=www.twitch.tv&channel=" + channel + "&auto_play=true&start_volume=25";
            return obj;
      }, {
        key: 'Vocaroo',
        regExp: /^\w+:\/\/(?:www\.)?vocaroo\.com\/i\/(\w+)/,
        style: '',
        el: function(a) {
          return $.el('audio', {
            controls: true,
            preload: 'auto',
            src: "http://vocaroo.com/media_command.php?media=" + a.dataset.uid + "&command=download_ogg"
      }, {
        key: 'Vimeo',
        regExp: /^\w+:\/\/(?:www\.)?vimeo\.com\/(\d+)/,
        el: function(a) {
          return $.el('iframe', {
            src: "//player.vimeo.com/video/" + a.dataset.uid + "?wmode=opaque"
        title: {
          api: function(uid) {
            return "https://vimeo.com/api/oembed.json?url=http://vimeo.com/" + uid;
          text: function(_) {
            return _.title;
      }, {
        key: 'Vine',
        regExp: /^\w+:\/\/(?:www\.)?vine\.co\/v\/(\w+)/,
        style: 'border: none; width: 500px; height: 500px;',
        el: function(a) {
          return $.el('iframe', {
            src: "https://vine.co/v/" + a.dataset.uid + "/card"
      }, {
        key: 'YouTube',
        regExp: /^\w+:\/\/(?:youtu.be\/|[\w\.]*youtube[\w\.]*\/.*(?:v=|\/embed\/|\/v\/|\/videos\/))([\w\-]{11})[^#\&\?]?(.*)/,
        el: function(a) {
          var el, start;
          start = a.dataset.options.match(/\b(?:star)?t\=(\w+)/);
          if (start) {
            start = start[1];
          if (start && !/^\d+$/.test(start)) {
            start += ' 0h0m0s';
            start = 3600 * start.match(/(\d+)h/)[1] + 60 * start.match(/(\d+)m/)[1] + 1 * start.match(/(\d+)s/)[1];
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            src: "//www.youtube.com/embed/" + a.dataset.uid + "?wmode=opaque" + (start ? '&start=' + start : '')
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        title: {
          batchSize: 50,
          api: function(uids) {
            var ids, key;
            ids = encodeURIComponent(uids.join(','));
            key = 'AIzaSyB5_zaen_-46Uhz1xGR-lz1YoUMHqCD6CE';
            return "https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos?part=snippet&id=" + ids + "&fields=items%28id%2Csnippet%28title%29%29&key=" + key;
          text: function(data, uid) {
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            ref = data.items;
            for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
              item = ref[k];
              if (item.id === uid) {
                return item.snippet.title;
            return 'Not Found';
      }, {
        key: 'Loopvid',
        regExp: /^\w+:\/\/(?:www\.)?loopvid.appspot.com\/#?((?:pf|kd|lv|gd|gh|db|dx|nn|cp|wu|ig|ky|gc)\/[\w\-\/]+(,[\w\-\/]+)*|fc\/\w+\/\d+)/,
        style: 'max-width: 80vw; max-height: 80vh;',
        el: function(a) {
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          el = $.el('video', {
            controls: true,
            preload: 'auto',
            loop: true
          ref = a.dataset.uid.match(/(\w+)\/(.*)/), _ = ref[0], host = ref[1], names = ref[2];
          types = (function() {
            switch (host) {
              case 'gd':
              case 'wu':
              case 'fc':
                return [''];
              case 'gc':
                return ['giant', 'fat', 'zippy'];
                return ['.webm', '.mp4'];
          ref1 = names.split(',');
          for (k = 0, len1 = ref1.length; k < len1; k++) {
            name = ref1[k];
            for (q = 0, len2 = types.length; q < len2; q++) {
              type = types[q];
              base = "" + name + type;
              url = (function() {
                switch (host) {
                  case 'pf':
                    return "https://a.pomf.se/" + base;
                  case 'kd':
                    return "http://2.kastden.org/loopvid/" + base;
                  case 'lv':
                    return "http://loopvid.mooo.com/videos/" + base;
                  case 'gd':
                    return "https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&id=" + base;
                  case 'gh':
                    return "https://googledrive.com/host/" + base;
                  case 'db':
                    return "https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/" + base;
                  case 'dx':
                    return "https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/" + base;
                  case 'nn':
                    return "http://naenara.eu/loopvids/" + base;
                  case 'cp':
                    return "https://copy.com/" + base;
                  case 'wu':
                    return "http://webmup.com/" + base + "/vid.webm";
                  case 'ig':
                    return "https://i.imgur.com/" + base;
                  case 'ky':
                    return "https://kiyo.me/" + base;
                  case 'fc':
                    return "//i.4cdn.org/" + base + ".webm";
                  case 'gc':
                    return "https://" + type + ".gfycat.com/" + name + ".webm";
              $.add(el, $.el('source', {
                src: url
          return el;
      }, {
        key: 'Clyp',
        regExp: /^\w+:\/\/(?:www\.)?clyp\.it\/(\w+)/,
        style: '',
        el: function(a) {
          return $.el('audio', {
            controls: true,
            preload: 'auto',
            src: "http://clyp.it/" + a.dataset.uid + ".ogg"
      }, {
        key: 'Loopvid-dummy',
        regExp: /^\w+:\/\/(?:www\.)?loopvid.appspot.com\//,
        dummy: true
      }, {
        key: 'MediaFire-dummy',
        regExp: /^\w+:\/\/(?:www\.)?mediafire.com\//,
        dummy: true
      }, {
        key: 'video',
        regExp: /\.(?:ogv|webm|mp4)(?:\?|$)/i,
        style: 'max-width: 80vw; max-height: 80vh;',
        el: function(a) {
          return $.el('video', {
            controls: true,
            preload: 'auto',
            src: a.dataset.href

  Linkify = {
    init: function() {
      var ref;
      if (((ref = g.VIEW) !== 'index' && ref !== 'thread') || !Conf['Linkify']) {
      if (Conf['Comment Expansion']) {
        name: 'Linkify',
        cb: this.node
        name: 'Linkify',
        cb: this.catalogNode
      return Embedding.init();
    node: function() {
      var k, len1, link, links;
      if (this.isClone) {
        return Embedding.events(this);
      if (!Linkify.regString.test(this.info.comment)) {
      links = Linkify.process(this.nodes.comment);
      for (k = 0, len1 = links.length; k < len1; k++) {
        link = links[k];
        Embedding.process(link, this);
    catalogNode: function() {
      if (!Linkify.regString.test(this.thread.OP.info.comment)) {
      return Linkify.process(this.nodes.comment);
    process: function(node) {
      var data, end, endNode, i, index, length, links, result, saved, snapshot, space, test, word;
      test = /[^\s'"]+/g;
      space = /[\s'"]/;
      snapshot = $.X('.//br|.//text()', node);
      i = 0;
      links = [];
      while (node = snapshot.snapshotItem(i++)) {
        data = node.data;
        if (!data || node.parentElement.nodeName === "A") {
        while (result = test.exec(data)) {
          index = result.index;
          endNode = node;
          word = result[0];
          if ((length = index + word.length) === data.length) {
            test.lastIndex = 0;
            while ((saved = snapshot.snapshotItem(i++))) {
              if (saved.nodeName === 'BR') {
              endNode = saved;
              data = saved.data;
              if (end = space.exec(data)) {
                word += data.slice(0, end.index);
                test.lastIndex = length = end.index;
              } else {
                length = data.length;
                word += data;
          if (Linkify.regString.test(word)) {
            links.push(Linkify.makeRange(node, endNode, index, length));
          if (!(test.lastIndex && node === endNode)) {
      i = links.length;
      while (i--) {
        links[i] = Linkify.makeLink(links[i]);
      return links;
    regString: /((https?|mailto|git|magnet|ftp|irc):([a-z\d%\/?])|([-a-z\d]+[.])+(aero|asia|biz|cat|com|coop|dance|info|int|jobs|mobi|moe|museum|name|net|org|post|pro|tel|travel|xxx|edu|gov|mil|[a-z]{2})([:\/]|(?![^\s'"]))|[\d]{1,3}\.[\d]{1,3}\.[\d]{1,3}\.[\d]{1,3}|[-\w\d.@]+@[a-z\d.-]+\.[a-z\d])/i,
    makeRange: function(startNode, endNode, startOffset, endOffset) {
      var range;
      range = document.createRange();
      range.setStart(startNode, startOffset);
      range.setEnd(endNode, endOffset);
      return range;
    makeLink: function(range) {
      var a, i, t, text;
      text = range.toString();
      i = text.search(Linkify.regString);
      if (i > 0) {
        text = text.slice(i);
        while (range.startOffset + i >= range.startContainer.data.length) {
        if (i) {
          range.setStart(range.startContainer, range.startOffset + i);
      i = 0;
      while (/[)\]}>.,]/.test(t = text.charAt(text.length - (1 + i)))) {
        if (!(/[.,]/.test(t) || (text.match(/[()\[\]{}<>]/g)).length % 2)) {
      if (i) {
        text = text.slice(0, -i);
        while (range.endOffset - i < 0) {
        if (i) {
          range.setEnd(range.endContainer, range.endOffset - i);
      if (!/((mailto|magnet):|.+:\/\/)/.test(text)) {
        text = (/@/.test(text) ? 'mailto:' : 'http://') + text;
      a = $.el('a', {
        className: 'linkify',
        rel: 'nofollow noreferrer',
        target: '_blank',
        href: text
      $.add(a, range.extractContents());
      return a;

  ArchiveLink = {
    init: function() {
      var div, entry, k, len1, ref, ref1, type;
      if (!(((ref = g.VIEW) === 'index' || ref === 'thread') && Conf['Menu'] && Conf['Archive Link'])) {
      div = $.el('div', {
        textContent: 'Archive'
      entry = {
        el: div,
        order: 90,
        open: function(arg) {
          var ID, board, thread;
          ID = arg.ID, thread = arg.thread, board = arg.board;
          return !!Redirect.to('thread', {
            postID: ID,
            threadID: thread.ID,
            boardID: board.ID
        subEntries: []
      ref1 = [['Post', 'post'], ['Name', 'name'], ['Tripcode', 'tripcode'], ['Capcode', 'capcode'], ['Subject', 'subject'], ['Filename', 'filename'], ['Image MD5', 'MD5']];
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref1.length; k < len1; k++) {
        type = ref1[k];
        entry.subEntries.push(this.createSubEntry(type[0], type[1]));
      return Menu.menu.addEntry(entry);
    createSubEntry: function(text, type) {
      var el, open;
      el = $.el('a', {
        textContent: text,
        target: '_blank'
      open = type === 'post' ? function(arg) {
        var ID, board, thread;
        ID = arg.ID, thread = arg.thread, board = arg.board;
        el.href = Redirect.to('thread', {
          postID: ID,
          threadID: thread.ID,
          boardID: board.ID
        return true;
      } : function(post) {
        var value;
        value = Filter[type](post);
        if (!value) {
          return false;
        el.href = Redirect.to('search', {
          boardID: post.board.ID,
          type: type,
          value: value,
          isSearch: true
        return true;
      return {
        el: el,
        open: open

  DeleteLink = {
    init: function() {
      var div, fileEl, fileEntry, postEl, postEntry, ref;
      if (!(((ref = g.VIEW) === 'index' || ref === 'thread') && Conf['Menu'] && Conf['Delete Link'])) {
      div = $.el('div', {
        className: 'delete-link',
        textContent: 'Delete'
      postEl = $.el('a', {
        className: 'delete-post',
        href: 'javascript:;'
      fileEl = $.el('a', {
        className: 'delete-file',
        href: 'javascript:;'
      postEntry = {
        el: postEl,
        open: function() {
          postEl.textContent = 'Post';
          $.on(postEl, 'click', DeleteLink["delete"]);
          return true;
      fileEntry = {
        el: fileEl,
        open: function(arg) {
          var file;
          file = arg.file;
          if (!file || file.isDead) {
            return false;
          fileEl.textContent = 'File';
          $.on(fileEl, 'click', DeleteLink["delete"]);
          return true;
      return Menu.menu.addEntry({
        el: div,
        order: 40,
        open: function(post) {
          var node;
          if (post.isDead) {
            return false;
          DeleteLink.post = post;
          node = div.firstChild;
          node.textContent = 'Delete';
          DeleteLink.cooldown.start(post, node);
          return true;
        subEntries: [postEntry, fileEntry]
    "delete": function() {
      var fileOnly, form, link, post;
      post = DeleteLink.post;
      if (DeleteLink.cooldown.counting === post) {
      $.off(this, 'click', DeleteLink["delete"]);
      fileOnly = $.hasClass(this, 'delete-file');
      this.textContent = "Deleting " + (fileOnly ? 'file' : 'post') + "...";
      form = {
        mode: 'usrdel',
        onlyimgdel: fileOnly,
        pwd: QR.persona.getPassword()
      form[post.ID] = 'delete';
      link = this;
      return $.ajax($.id('delform').action.replace("/" + g.BOARD + "/", "/" + post.board + "/"), {
        responseType: 'document',
        withCredentials: true,
        onload: function() {
          return DeleteLink.load(link, post, fileOnly, this.response);
        onerror: function() {
          return DeleteLink.error(link);
      }, {
        form: $.formData(form)
    load: function(link, post, fileOnly, resDoc) {
      var msg, s;
      if (resDoc.title === '4chan - Banned') {
        s = 'Banned!';
      } else if (msg = resDoc.getElementById('errmsg')) {
        s = msg.textContent;
        $.on(link, 'click', DeleteLink["delete"]);
      } else {
        if (resDoc.title === 'Updating index...') {
          (post.origin || post).kill(fileOnly);
        s = 'Deleted';
      return link.textContent = s;
    error: function(link) {
      link.textContent = 'Connection error, please retry.';
      return $.on(link, 'click', DeleteLink["delete"]);
    cooldown: {
      start: function(post, node) {
        var length, ref, seconds;
        if (!((ref = QR.db) != null ? ref.get({
          boardID: post.board.ID,
          threadID: post.thread.ID,
          postID: post.ID
        }) : void 0)) {
          delete DeleteLink.cooldown.counting;
        DeleteLink.cooldown.counting = post;
        length = 60;
        seconds = Math.ceil((length * $.SECOND - (Date.now() - post.info.date)) / $.SECOND);
        return DeleteLink.cooldown.count(post, seconds, length, node);
      count: function(post, seconds, length, node) {
        if (DeleteLink.cooldown.counting !== post) {
        if (!((0 <= seconds && seconds <= length))) {
          if (DeleteLink.cooldown.counting === post) {
            node.textContent = 'Delete';
            delete DeleteLink.cooldown.counting;
        setTimeout(DeleteLink.cooldown.count, 1000, post, seconds - 1, length, node);
        return node.textContent = "Delete (" + seconds + ")";

  DownloadLink = {
    init: function() {
      var a, ref;
      if (!(((ref = g.VIEW) === 'index' || ref === 'thread') && Conf['Menu'] && Conf['Download Link'])) {
      a = $.el('a', {
        className: 'download-link',
        textContent: 'Download file'
      $.on(a, 'click', ImageCommon.download);
      return Menu.menu.addEntry({
        el: a,
        order: 100,
        open: function(arg) {
          var file;
          file = arg.file;
          if (!file) {
            return false;
          a.href = file.url;
          a.download = file.name;
          return true;

  Menu = {
    init: function() {
      var ref;
      if (!(((ref = g.VIEW) === 'index' || ref === 'thread') && Conf['Menu'])) {
      this.button = $.el('a', {
        className: 'menu-button',
        href: 'javascript:;'
      $.extend(this.button, {
        innerHTML: "<i class=\"fa fa-angle-down\"></i>"
      this.menu = new UI.Menu('post');
        name: 'Menu',
        cb: this.node
      return CatalogThread.callbacks.push({
        name: 'Menu',
        cb: this.catalogNode
    node: function() {
      if (this.isClone) {
        Menu.makeButton(this, $('.menu-button', this.nodes.info));
      return $.add(this.nodes.info, Menu.makeButton(this));
    catalogNode: function() {
      return $.after(this.nodes.icons, Menu.makeButton(this.thread.OP));
    makeButton: function(post, button) {
      button || (button = Menu.button.cloneNode(true));
      $.on(button, 'click', function(e) {
        return Menu.menu.toggle(e, this, post);
      return button;

  ReportLink = {
    init: function() {
      var a, ref;
      if (!(((ref = g.VIEW) === 'index' || ref === 'thread') && Conf['Menu'] && Conf['Report Link'])) {
      a = $.el('a', {
        className: 'report-link',
        href: 'javascript:;'
      $.on(a, 'click', ReportLink.report);
      return Menu.menu.addEntry({
        el: a,
        order: 10,
        open: function(post) {
          if (!(post.isDead || (post.thread.isDead && !post.thread.isArchived))) {
            a.textContent = 'Report this post';
            ReportLink.url = "//sys.4chan.org/" + post.board + "/imgboard.php?mode=report&no=" + post;
            ReportLink.height = 200;
          } else if (Conf['Archive Report']) {
            a.textContent = 'Report to archive';
            ReportLink.url = Redirect.to('report', {
              boardID: post.board.ID,
              postID: post.ID
            ReportLink.height = 350;
          } else {
            ReportLink.url = '';
          return !!ReportLink.url;
    report: function() {
      var height, id, set, url;
      url = ReportLink.url, height = ReportLink.height;
      id = Date.now();
      set = "toolbar=0,scrollbars=1,location=0,status=1,menubar=0,resizable=1,width=700,height=" + height;
      return window.open(url, id, set);

  Favicon = {
    init: function() {
      return $.asap((function() {
        return d.head && (Favicon.el = $('link[rel="shortcut icon"]', d.head));
      }), Favicon.initAsap);
    initAsap: function() {
      var href;
      Favicon.el.type = 'image/x-icon';
      href = Favicon.el.href;
      Favicon.SFW = /ws\.ico$/.test(href);
      Favicon["default"] = href;
      return Favicon["switch"]();
    "switch": function() {
      var f, i, items, t;
      items = {
        Mayhem: ['iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQCAYAAAAf8/9hAAABFklEQVR4AZ2R4WqEMBCEFy1yiJQQ14gcIhIuFBFR+qPQ93+v66QMksrlTwMfkZ2ZZbMKTgVqYIDl3YAbeCM31lJP/Zul4MAEPJjBQGNDLGsz8PQ6aqLAP5PTdd1WlmU09mSKtdTDRgrkzspJPKq6RxMahfj9yhOzQEZwZAwfzrk1ox3MXibIN8hO4MAjeV72CemJGWblnRsOYOdoGw0jebB20BPAwKzUQPlrFhrXFw1Wagu9yuzZwINzVAZCURRL+gRr7Wd8Vtqg4Th/lsUmewyk9WQ/A7NiwJz5VV/GmO+MNjMrFvh/NPDMigHTaeJN09a27ZHRJmalBg54CgfvAGYSLpoHjlmpuAwFdzDy7oGS/qIpM9UPFGg1b1kUlssAAAAASUVORK5CYII=', 'iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQCAYAAAAf8/9hAAABR0lEQVR4AYWSQWq0QBCFCw0SRIK0PQ4hiIhEZBhEySLyewUPEMgqR/JIXiDhzz7kKKYePIZajEzDRxfV9dWU3SO6IiVWUsVxT5R75Y4gTmwNnUh4kCulUiuV8sjChDjmKtaUcHgmHsnNrMPh0IVhiMIjKZGzNXDoyhMzF7C89z2KtFGD+FoNXEUKZdgpaPM8P++cDXTtBDca7EyQK8+bXTufYBccuvLAG26UnqN1LCgI4g/lm7zTgSux4vk0J8rnKw3+m1//pBPbBrVyGZVNmiAITviEtm3t+D+2QcJx7GUxlN4594K4ZY75Xzh0JVWqnad6TdP0H+LRNBjHcYNDV5xS32qwaC4my7Lwn6guu5QoomgbdFmWDYhnM8E8zxscuhLzPWtKA/dGqUizrityX9M0YX+DQ1ciXobnP6vgfmTOM7Znnk70B58pPaEvx+epAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC', 'iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQCAYAAAAf8/9hAAAA/ElEQVR4AZ3RUWqEMBSF4ftQZAhSREQJIiIXpQwi+tSldkFdWPsLhyEE0ocKH2Fyzg1mNJ4KAQ1arTUeeJMH6qwTUJmCHjMcC6KKtbSIylzdXpl18J/k4fdTpUFmPLOOa9bGe+P4+n5RYYfLXuiMsAlXofBxK2QXpvwN/jqg+AY91vR+pStk+apZe0fEhhMXDhUmWXEoO9WNmrWAzvRPq7jnB2jvUGfWTEgPcJzZFTbZk/0Tnh5QI+af6lVGvq/Do2atwVL4VJ+3QrZo1lr4Pw5wzVqDWaV7SUvHrZDNmrWAHq7g0rphkS3LXDMBVqFGhxGT1gGdDFnWaab6BRmXRvbxDmYiAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC', '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', 'iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQCAYAAAAf8/9hAAAA/ElEQVR4AZ3RUWqEMBSF4ftQZAihDCKKiAQJShERQx+6o662e2p/4TCEQF468BEm95yLovFr4PBEq9PjgTd5wBcZp6559AiIWDAq6KXV3aJMUMfDOsTf7Mf/XaFBAvYiE9W16b74/vl8UeBAlKOSmWAzUiXwcavMkrrFE9QXVJ+gx5q9XvUVivmqrr1jxIYLCacCs6y6S8psGNU1hw4Bu4JHuUB3pzJBHZcviLiKV9jkyO4vxHyBx1h+qlcY5b2Wj+raE0vlU33dKrNFXWsR/7EgqmtPBIXuIw+dt8osqGsOPaIGSeeGRbZiFtVxsAYeHSbMOgd0MhSzTp3mD4RaQX4aW3NMAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC', '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'],
      f = Favicon;
      t = 'data:image/png;base64,';
      i = 0;
      while (items[i]) {
        items[i] = t + items[i++];
      f.unreadDead = items[0], f.unreadDeadY = items[1], f.unreadSFW = items[2], f.unreadSFWY = items[3], f.unreadNSFW = items[4], f.unreadNSFWY = items[5];
      return f.update();
    update: function() {
      if (this.SFW) {
        this.unread = this.unreadSFW;
        return this.unreadY = this.unreadSFWY;
      } else {
        this.unread = this.unreadNSFW;
        return this.unreadY = this.unreadNSFWY;
    dead: '',

  MarkNewIPs = {
    init: function() {
      if (g.VIEW !== 'thread' || !Conf['Mark New IPs']) {
      return Thread.callbacks.push({
        name: 'Mark New IPs',
        cb: this.node
    node: function() {
      MarkNewIPs.ipCount = this.ipCount;
      MarkNewIPs.postCount = this.posts.keys.length;
      return $.on(d, 'ThreadUpdate', MarkNewIPs.onUpdate);
    onUpdate: function(e) {
      var deletedPosts, fullID, i, ipCount, k, len1, len2, newPosts, postCount, q, ref;
      ref = e.detail, ipCount = ref.ipCount, postCount = ref.postCount, newPosts = ref.newPosts, deletedPosts = ref.deletedPosts;
      if (ipCount == null) {
      switch (ipCount - MarkNewIPs.ipCount) {
        case postCount - MarkNewIPs.postCount + deletedPosts.length:
          i = MarkNewIPs.ipCount;
          for (k = 0, len1 = newPosts.length; k < len1; k++) {
            fullID = newPosts[k];
            MarkNewIPs.markNew(g.posts[fullID], ++i);
        case -deletedPosts.length:
          for (q = 0, len2 = newPosts.length; q < len2; q++) {
            fullID = newPosts[q];
      MarkNewIPs.ipCount = ipCount;
      return MarkNewIPs.postCount = postCount;
    markNew: function(post, ipCount) {
      var counter, suffix;
      suffix = (Math.floor(ipCount / 10)) % 10 === 1 ? 'th' : ['st', 'nd', 'rd'][ipCount % 10 - 1] || 'th';
      counter = $.el('span', {
        className: 'ip-counter',
        textContent: "(" + ipCount + ")"
      post.nodes.nameBlock.title = "This is the " + ipCount + suffix + " IP in the thread.";
      $.add(post.nodes.nameBlock, [$.tn(' '), counter]);
      return $.addClass(post.nodes.root, 'new-ip');
    markOld: function(post) {
      post.nodes.nameBlock.title = 'Not the first post from this IP.';
      return $.addClass(post.nodes.root, 'old-ip');

  ThreadExcerpt = {
    init: function() {
      if (g.BOARD.ID !== 'f' || g.VIEW !== 'thread' || !Conf['Thread Excerpt']) {
      return Thread.callbacks.push({
        name: 'Thread Excerpt',
        cb: this.node
    node: function() {
      return d.title = Get.threadExcerpt(this);

  ThreadStats = {
    init: function() {
      var sc, statsHTML, statsTitle;
      if (g.VIEW !== 'thread' || !Conf['Thread Stats']) {
      statsHTML = {
        innerHTML: "<span id=\"post-count\">?</span> / <span id=\"file-count\">?</span>" + (Conf["IP Count in Stats"] ? " / <span id=\"ip-count\">?</span>" : "") + (Conf["Page Count in Stats"] && g.BOARD.ID !== "f" ? " / <span id=\"page-count\">?</span>" : "")
      statsTitle = 'Posts / Files';
      if (Conf['IP Count in Stats']) {
        statsTitle += ' / IPs';
      if (Conf['Page Count in Stats'] && g.BOARD.ID !== 'f') {
        statsTitle += ' / Page';
      if (Conf['Updater and Stats in Header']) {
        this.dialog = sc = $.el('span', {
          id: 'thread-stats',
          title: statsTitle
        $.extend(sc, statsHTML);
        $.ready(function() {
          return Header.addShortcut(sc);
      } else {
        this.dialog = sc = UI.dialog('thread-stats', 'bottom: 0px; right: 0px;', {
          innerHTML: "<div class=\"move\" title=\"" + E(statsTitle) + "\">" + statsHTML.innerHTML + "</div>"
        $.addClass(doc, 'float');
        $.ready(function() {
          return $.add(d.body, sc);
      this.postCountEl = $('#post-count', sc);
      this.fileCountEl = $('#file-count', sc);
      this.ipCountEl = $('#ip-count', sc);
      this.pageCountEl = $('#page-count', sc);
      if (this.pageCountEl) {
        $.on(this.pageCountEl, 'click', ThreadStats.fetchPage);
      return Thread.callbacks.push({
        name: 'Thread Stats',
        cb: this.node
    node: function() {
      var fileCount, postCount;
      postCount = 0;
      fileCount = 0;
      this.posts.forEach(function(post) {
        if (post.file) {
        if (ThreadStats.pageCountEl) {
          return ThreadStats.lastPost = post.info.date;
      ThreadStats.thread = this;
      ThreadStats.update(postCount, fileCount, this.ipCount);
      return $.on(d, 'ThreadUpdate', ThreadStats.onUpdate);
    onUpdate: function(e) {
      var fileCount, ipCount, newPosts, postCount, ref, ref1;
      if (e.detail[404]) {
      ref = e.detail, postCount = ref.postCount, fileCount = ref.fileCount, ipCount = ref.ipCount, newPosts = ref.newPosts;
      ThreadStats.update(postCount, fileCount, ipCount);
      if (!ThreadStats.pageCountEl) {
      if (newPosts.length) {
        ThreadStats.lastPost = g.posts[newPosts[newPosts.length - 1]].info.date;
      if (((ref1 = ThreadStats.pageCountEl) != null ? ref1.textContent : void 0) !== '1') {
        return ThreadStats.fetchPage();
    update: function(postCount, fileCount, ipCount) {
      var fileCountEl, ipCountEl, postCountEl, thread;
      thread = ThreadStats.thread, postCountEl = ThreadStats.postCountEl, fileCountEl = ThreadStats.fileCountEl, ipCountEl = ThreadStats.ipCountEl;
      postCountEl.textContent = postCount;
      fileCountEl.textContent = fileCount;
      if ((ipCount != null) && ipCountEl) {
        ipCountEl.textContent = ipCount;
      (thread.postLimit && !thread.isSticky ? $.addClass : $.rmClass)(postCountEl, 'warning');
      return (thread.fileLimit && !thread.isSticky ? $.addClass : $.rmClass)(fileCountEl, 'warning');
    fetchPage: function() {
      if (!ThreadStats.pageCountEl) {
      if (ThreadStats.thread.isDead) {
        ThreadStats.pageCountEl.textContent = 'Dead';
        $.addClass(ThreadStats.pageCountEl, 'warning');
      ThreadStats.timeout = setTimeout(ThreadStats.fetchPage, 2 * $.MINUTE);
      return $.ajax("//a.4cdn.org/" + ThreadStats.thread.board + "/threads.json", {
        onload: ThreadStats.onThreadsLoad
      }, {
        whenModified: 'ThreadStats'
    onThreadsLoad: function() {
      var k, len1, len2, page, q, ref, ref1, thread;
      if (this.status === 200) {
        ref = this.response;
        for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
          page = ref[k];
          ref1 = page.threads;
          for (q = 0, len2 = ref1.length; q < len2; q++) {
            thread = ref1[q];
            if (!(thread.no === ThreadStats.thread.ID)) {
            ThreadStats.pageCountEl.textContent = page.page;
            (page.page === this.response.length ? $.addClass : $.rmClass)(ThreadStats.pageCountEl, 'warning');
            ThreadStats.lastPageUpdate = new Date(thread.last_modified * $.SECOND);
      } else if (this.status === 304) {
        return ThreadStats.retry();
    retry: function() {
      var ref;
      if (ThreadStats.lastPost > ThreadStats.lastPageUpdate && ((ref = ThreadStats.pageCountEl) != null ? ref.textContent : void 0) !== '1') {
        return ThreadStats.timeout = setTimeout(ThreadStats.fetchPage, 5 * $.SECOND);

  ThreadUpdater = {
    init: function() {
      var conf, el, input, name, ref, sc, subEntries, updateLink;
      if (g.VIEW !== 'thread' || !Conf['Thread Updater']) {
      if (Conf['Updater and Stats in Header']) {
        this.dialog = sc = $.el('span', {
          id: 'updater'
        $.extend(sc, {
          innerHTML: "<span id=\"update-status\" class=\"empty\"></span><span id=\"update-timer\" class=\"empty\" title=\"Update now\"></span>"
        $.ready(function() {
          return Header.addShortcut(sc);
      } else {
        this.dialog = sc = UI.dialog('updater', 'bottom: 0px; left: 0px;', {
          innerHTML: "<div class=\"move\"></div><span id=\"update-status\"></span><span id=\"update-timer\" title=\"Update now\"></span>"
        $.addClass(doc, 'float');
        $.ready(function() {
          return $.add(d.body, sc);
      this.checkPostCount = 0;
      this.timer = $('#update-timer', sc);
      this.status = $('#update-status', sc);
      $.on(this.timer, 'click', this.update);
      $.on(this.status, 'click', this.update);
      updateLink = $.el('span', {
        className: 'brackets-wrap updatelink'
      $.extend(updateLink, {
        innerHTML: "<a href=\"javascript:;\">Update</a>"
      Main.ready(function() {
        return $.add($('.navLinksBot'), [$.tn(' '), updateLink]);
      $.on(updateLink.firstElementChild, 'click', this.update);
      subEntries = [];
      ref = Config.updater.checkbox;
      for (name in ref) {
        conf = ref[name];
        el = UI.checkbox(name, name);
        el.title = conf[1];
        input = el.firstElementChild;
        $.on(input, 'change', $.cb.checked);
        if (input.name === 'Scroll BG') {
          $.on(input, 'change', this.cb.scrollBG);
        } else if (input.name === 'Auto Update') {
          $.on(input, 'change', this.setInterval);
          el: el
      this.settings = $.el('span', {
        innerHTML: "<a href=\"javascript:;\">Interval</a>"
      $.on(this.settings, 'click', this.intervalShortcut);
        el: this.settings
      Header.menu.addEntry(this.entry = {
        el: $.el('span', {
          textContent: 'Updater'
        order: 110,
        subEntries: subEntries
      return Thread.callbacks.push({
        name: 'Thread Updater',
        cb: this.node
    node: function() {
      ThreadUpdater.thread = this;
      ThreadUpdater.root = this.OP.nodes.root.parentNode;
      ThreadUpdater.outdateCount = 0;
      ThreadUpdater.postIDs = [];
      ThreadUpdater.fileIDs = [];
      this.posts.forEach(function(post) {
        if (post.file) {
          return ThreadUpdater.fileIDs.push(post.ID);
      ThreadUpdater.cb.interval.call($.el('input', {
        value: Conf['Interval']
      $.on(window, 'online offline', ThreadUpdater.cb.online);
      $.on(d, 'QRPostSuccessful', ThreadUpdater.cb.checkpost);
      $.on(d, 'visibilitychange', ThreadUpdater.cb.visibility);
      return ThreadUpdater.setInterval();

    beep: 'data:audio/wav;base64,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',
    cb: {
      online: function() {
        if (ThreadUpdater.thread.isDead) {
        if (navigator.onLine) {
          ThreadUpdater.set('status', '');
        } else {
          ThreadUpdater.set('status', 'Offline', 'warning');
        if (Conf['Auto Update'] && !Conf['Ignore Offline Status']) {
          ThreadUpdater.outdateCount = 0;
          return ThreadUpdater.setInterval();
      checkpost: function(e) {
        if (e.detail.threadID !== ThreadUpdater.thread.ID) {
        ThreadUpdater.postID = e.detail.postID;
        ThreadUpdater.checkPostCount = 0;
        ThreadUpdater.outdateCount = 0;
        return ThreadUpdater.setInterval();
      visibility: function() {
        if (d.hidden) {
        ThreadUpdater.outdateCount = 0;
        if (ThreadUpdater.seconds > ThreadUpdater.interval) {
          return ThreadUpdater.setInterval();
      scrollBG: function() {
        return ThreadUpdater.scrollBG = Conf['Scroll BG'] ? function() {
          return true;
        } : function() {
          return !d.hidden;
      interval: function(e) {
        var val;
        val = parseInt(this.value, 10);
        if (val < 1) {
          val = 1;
        ThreadUpdater.interval = this.value = val;
        if (e) {
          return $.cb.value.call(this);
      load: function() {
        var req;
        req = ThreadUpdater.req;
        switch (req.status) {
          case 200:
            if (ThreadUpdater.thread.isArchived) {
              return ThreadUpdater.kill();
            } else {
              return ThreadUpdater.setInterval();
          case 404:
            return $.ajax("//a.4cdn.org/" + ThreadUpdater.thread.board + "/catalog.json", {
              onloadend: function() {
                var confirmed, k, len1, len2, page, q, ref, ref1, thread;
                if (this.status === 200) {
                  confirmed = true;
                  ref = this.response;
                  for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
                    page = ref[k];
                    ref1 = page.threads;
                    for (q = 0, len2 = ref1.length; q < len2; q++) {
                      thread = ref1[q];
                      if (thread.no === ThreadUpdater.thread.ID) {
                        confirmed = false;
                } else {
                  confirmed = false;
                if (confirmed) {
                  return ThreadUpdater.kill();
                } else {
                  return ThreadUpdater.error(req);
            return ThreadUpdater.error(req);
    kill: function() {
      return $.event('ThreadUpdate', {
        404: true,
        threadID: ThreadUpdater.thread.fullID
    error: function(req) {
      if (req.status === 304) {
        ThreadUpdater.set('status', '');
      if (!req.status) {
        return ThreadUpdater.set('status', 'Connection Failed', 'warning');
      } else if (req.status !== 304) {
        return ThreadUpdater.set('status', req.statusText + " (" + req.status + ")", 'warning');
    setInterval: function() {
      var cur, interval, j, limit;
      if (ThreadUpdater.thread.isDead) {
        ThreadUpdater.set('status', (ThreadUpdater.thread.isArchived ? 'Archived' : '404'), 'warning');
        ThreadUpdater.set('timer', '');
      if (ThreadUpdater.postID && ThreadUpdater.checkPostCount < 5) {
        ThreadUpdater.set('timer', '...', 'loading');
        ThreadUpdater.timeoutID = setTimeout(ThreadUpdater.update, ++ThreadUpdater.checkPostCount * $.SECOND);
      if (!Conf['Auto Update']) {
        ThreadUpdater.set('timer', 'Update');
      if (!navigator.onLine) {
        ThreadUpdater.set('status', 'Offline', 'warning');
        if (!Conf['Ignore Offline Status']) {
          ThreadUpdater.set('timer', '');
      interval = ThreadUpdater.interval;
      if (Conf['Optional Increase']) {
        limit = d.hidden ? 10 : 5;
        j = Math.min(ThreadUpdater.outdateCount, limit);
        cur = (Math.floor(interval * 0.1) || 1) * j * j;
        ThreadUpdater.seconds = $.minmax(cur, interval, 300);
      } else {
        ThreadUpdater.seconds = interval;
      return ThreadUpdater.timeout();
    intervalShortcut: function() {
      var settings;
      settings = $.id('fourchanx-settings');
      return $('input[name=Interval]', settings).focus();
    set: function(name, text, klass) {
      var el, node;
      el = ThreadUpdater[name];
      if (node = el.firstChild) {
        node.data = text;
      } else {
        el.textContent = text;
      return el.className = klass != null ? klass : (text === '' ? 'empty' : '');
    timeout: function() {
      if (ThreadUpdater.seconds) {
        ThreadUpdater.set('timer', ThreadUpdater.seconds);
        ThreadUpdater.timeoutID = setTimeout(ThreadUpdater.timeout, 1000);
      } else {
      return ThreadUpdater.seconds--;
    update: function() {
      var ref;
      ThreadUpdater.set('timer', '...', 'loading');
      if ((ref = ThreadUpdater.req) != null) {
      return ThreadUpdater.req = $.ajax("//a.4cdn.org/" + ThreadUpdater.thread.board + "/thread/" + ThreadUpdater.thread + ".json", {
        onloadend: ThreadUpdater.cb.load,
        timeout: $.MINUTE
      }, {
        whenModified: 'ThreadUpdater'
    updateThreadStatus: function(type, status) {
      var change, hasChanged;
      if (!(hasChanged = ThreadUpdater.thread["is" + type] !== status)) {
      ThreadUpdater.thread.setStatus(type, status);
      if (type === 'Closed' && ThreadUpdater.thread.isArchived) {
      change = type === 'Sticky' ? status ? 'now a sticky' : 'not a sticky anymore' : status ? 'now closed' : 'not closed anymore';
      return new Notice('info', "The thread is " + change + ".", 30);
    parse: function(req) {
      var ID, OP, board, deletedFiles, deletedPosts, files, firstPost, index, ipCountEl, k, lastPost, len1, len2, len3, len4, newPosts, node, post, postObject, postObjects, posts, q, ref, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, scroll, thread, u, unreadCount, w;
      postObjects = req.response.posts;
      OP = postObjects[0];
      thread = ThreadUpdater.thread;
      board = thread.board;
      ref = ThreadUpdater.postIDs, lastPost = ref[ref.length - 1];
      if (postObjects[postObjects.length - 1].no < lastPost && new Date(req.getResponseHeader('Last-Modified')) - thread.posts[lastPost].info.date < 30 * $.SECOND) {
      Build.spoilerRange[board] = OP.custom_spoiler;
      thread.setStatus('Archived', !!OP.archived);
      ThreadUpdater.updateThreadStatus('Sticky', !!OP.sticky);
      ThreadUpdater.updateThreadStatus('Closed', !!OP.closed);
      thread.postLimit = !!OP.bumplimit;
      thread.fileLimit = !!OP.imagelimit;
      if (OP.unique_ips != null) {
        thread.ipCount = OP.unique_ips;
      posts = [];
      index = [];
      files = [];
      newPosts = [];
      for (k = 0, len1 = postObjects.length; k < len1; k++) {
        postObject = postObjects[k];
        ID = postObject.no;
        if (postObject.fsize) {
        if (ID <= lastPost) {
        if ((post = thread.posts[ID]) && !post.isFetchedQuote) {
        newPosts.push(board + "." + ID);
        node = Build.postFromObject(postObject, board.ID);
        posts.push(new Post(node, thread, board));
        if (ThreadUpdater.postID === ID) {
          delete ThreadUpdater.postID;
      deletedPosts = [];
      ref1 = ThreadUpdater.postIDs;
      for (q = 0, len2 = ref1.length; q < len2; q++) {
        ID = ref1[q];
        if (!(indexOf.call(index, ID) < 0)) {
        deletedPosts.push(board + "." + ID);
      ThreadUpdater.postIDs = index;
      deletedFiles = [];
      ref2 = ThreadUpdater.fileIDs;
      for (u = 0, len3 = ref2.length; u < len3; u++) {
        ID = ref2[u];
        if (!(!(indexOf.call(files, ID) >= 0 || (ref3 = board + "." + ID, indexOf.call(deletedPosts, ref3) >= 0)))) {
        deletedFiles.push(board + "." + ID);
      ThreadUpdater.fileIDs = files;
      if (!posts.length) {
        ThreadUpdater.set('status', '');
      } else {
        ThreadUpdater.set('status', "+" + posts.length, 'new');
        ThreadUpdater.outdateCount = 0;
        unreadCount = (ref4 = Unread.posts) != null ? ref4.size : void 0;
        Main.callbackNodes(Post, posts);
        if (Conf['Beep'] && d.hidden && unreadCount === 0 && ((ref5 = Unread.posts) != null ? ref5.size : void 0)) {
          if (!ThreadUpdater.audio) {
            ThreadUpdater.audio = $.el('audio', {
              src: ThreadUpdater.beep
        scroll = Conf['Auto Scroll'] && ThreadUpdater.scrollBG() && ThreadUpdater.root.getBoundingClientRect().bottom - doc.clientHeight < 25;
        firstPost = null;
        for (w = 0, len4 = posts.length; w < len4; w++) {
          post = posts[w];
          if (!QuoteThreading.insert(post)) {
            firstPost || (firstPost = post.nodes.root);
            $.add(ThreadUpdater.root, post.nodes.root);
        if (scroll) {
          if (Conf['Bottom Scroll']) {
            window.scrollTo(0, d.body.clientHeight);
          } else {
            if (firstPost) {
      if ((OP.unique_ips != null) && (ipCountEl = $.id('unique-ips'))) {
        ipCountEl.textContent = OP.unique_ips;
        ipCountEl.previousSibling.textContent = ipCountEl.previousSibling.textContent.replace(/\b(?:is|are)\b/, OP.unique_ips === 1 ? 'is' : 'are');
        ipCountEl.nextSibling.textContent = ipCountEl.nextSibling.textContent.replace(/\bposters?\b/, OP.unique_ips === 1 ? 'poster' : 'posters');
      return $.event('ThreadUpdate', {
        404: false,
        threadID: thread.fullID,
        newPosts: newPosts,
        deletedPosts: deletedPosts,
        deletedFiles: deletedFiles,
        postCount: OP.replies + 1,
        fileCount: OP.images + !!OP.fsize,
        ipCount: OP.unique_ips

  ThreadWatcher = {
    init: function() {
      var sc;
      if (!Conf['Thread Watcher']) {
      this.shortcut = sc = $.el('a', {
        id: 'watcher-link',
        textContent: 'Watcher',
        title: 'Thread Watcher',
        href: 'javascript:;',
        className: 'disabled fa fa-eye'
      this.db = new DataBoard('watchedThreads', this.refresh, true);
      this.dialog = UI.dialog('thread-watcher', 'top: 50px; left: 0px;', {
        innerHTML: "<div class=\"move\">Thread Watcher <a class=\"refresh fa fa-refresh\" title=\"Check threads\" href=\"javascript:;\"></a><span id=\"watcher-status\"></span><a class=\"menu-button\" href=\"javascript:;\"><i class=\"fa fa-angle-down\"></i></a><a class=\"close\" href=\"javascript:;\">×</a></div><div id=\"watched-threads\"></div>"
      this.status = $('#watcher-status', this.dialog);
      this.list = this.dialog.lastElementChild;
      this.refreshButton = $('.refresh', this.dialog);
      this.closeButton = $('.move > .close', this.dialog);
      this.unreaddb = Unread.db || new DataBoard('lastReadPosts');
      $.on(d, 'QRPostSuccessful', this.cb.post);
      $.on(sc, 'click', this.toggleWatcher);
      $.on(this.refreshButton, 'click', this.buttonFetchAll);
      $.on(this.closeButton, 'click', this.toggleWatcher);
      $.on(d, '4chanXInitFinished', this.ready);
      switch (g.VIEW) {
        case 'index':
          $.on(d, 'IndexRefresh', this.cb.onIndexRefresh);
        case 'thread':
          $.on(d, 'ThreadUpdate', this.cb.onThreadRefresh);
      if (Conf['Fixed Thread Watcher']) {
        $.addClass(doc, 'fixed-watcher');
      if (Conf['Toggleable Thread Watcher']) {
        this.dialog.hidden = true;
        $.addClass(doc, 'toggleable-watcher');
      if (g.VIEW === 'index' && Conf['JSON Navigation'] && Conf['Menu'] && g.BOARD.ID !== 'f') {
          el: $.el('a', {
            href: 'javascript:;'
          order: 6,
          open: function(arg) {
            var thread;
            thread = arg.thread;
            if (Conf['Index Mode'] !== 'catalog') {
              return false;
            this.el.textContent = ThreadWatcher.isWatched(thread) ? 'Unwatch thread' : 'Watch thread';
            if (this.cb) {
              $.off(this.el, 'click', this.cb);
            this.cb = function() {
              return ThreadWatcher.toggle(thread);
            $.on(this.el, 'click', this.cb);
            return true;
        name: 'Thread Watcher',
        cb: this.node
      return CatalogThread.callbacks.push({
        name: 'Thread Watcher',
        cb: this.catalogNode
    isWatched: function(thread) {
      var ref;
      return (ref = ThreadWatcher.db) != null ? ref.get({
        boardID: thread.board.ID,
        threadID: thread.ID
      }) : void 0;
    node: function() {
      var toggler;
      if (this.isReply) {
      if (this.isClone) {
        toggler = $('.watch-thread-link', this.nodes.post);
      } else {
        toggler = $.el('a', {
          href: 'javascript:;',
          className: 'watch-thread-link'
        $.before($('input', this.nodes.post), toggler);
      return $.on(toggler, 'click', ThreadWatcher.cb.toggle);
    catalogNode: function() {
      if (ThreadWatcher.isWatched(this.thread)) {
        $.addClass(this.nodes.root, 'watched');
      $.on(this.nodes.thumb.parentNode, 'click', (function(_this) {
        return function(e) {
          if (!(e.button === 0 && e.altKey)) {
          return e.preventDefault();
      return $.on(this.nodes.thumb.parentNode, 'mousedown', function(e) {
        if (e.button === 0 && e.altKey) {
          return e.preventDefault();
    ready: function() {
      $.off(d, '4chanXInitFinished', ThreadWatcher.ready);
      if (!Main.isThisPageLegit()) {
      $.add(d.body, ThreadWatcher.dialog);
      if (!Conf['Auto Watch']) {
      return $.get('AutoWatch', 0, function(arg) {
        var AutoWatch, thread;
        AutoWatch = arg.AutoWatch;
        if (!(thread = g.BOARD.threads[AutoWatch])) {
        return $["delete"]('AutoWatch');
    toggleWatcher: function() {
      $.toggleClass(ThreadWatcher.shortcut, 'disabled');
      return ThreadWatcher.dialog.hidden = !ThreadWatcher.dialog.hidden;
    cb: {
      openAll: function() {
        var a, k, len1, ref;
        if ($.hasClass(this, 'disabled')) {
        ref = $$('a[title]', ThreadWatcher.list);
        for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
          a = ref[k];
        return $.event('CloseMenu');
      pruneDeads: function() {
        var boardID, data, k, len1, ref, ref1, threadID;
        if ($.hasClass(this, 'disabled')) {
        ref = ThreadWatcher.getAll();
        for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
          ref1 = ref[k], boardID = ref1.boardID, threadID = ref1.threadID, data = ref1.data;
          if (!data.isDead) {
          delete ThreadWatcher.db.data.boards[boardID][threadID];
            boardID: boardID
        return $.event('CloseMenu');
      toggle: function() {
        var thread;
        thread = Get.postFromNode(this).thread;
        Index.followedThreadID = thread.ID;
        return delete Index.followedThreadID;
      rm: function() {
        var boardID, ref, threadID;
        ref = this.parentNode.dataset.fullID.split('.'), boardID = ref[0], threadID = ref[1];
        return ThreadWatcher.rm(boardID, +threadID);
      post: function(e) {
        var boardID, postID, ref, threadID;
        ref = e.detail, boardID = ref.boardID, threadID = ref.threadID, postID = ref.postID;
        if (postID === threadID) {
          if (Conf['Auto Watch']) {
            return $.set('AutoWatch', threadID);
        } else if (Conf['Auto Watch Reply']) {
          return ThreadWatcher.add(g.threads[boardID + '.' + threadID]);
      onIndexRefresh: function() {
        var boardID, data, db, ref, threadID;
        db = ThreadWatcher.db;
        boardID = g.BOARD.ID;
        ref = db.data.boards[boardID];
        for (threadID in ref) {
          data = ref[threadID];
          if (!(data != null ? data.isDead : void 0) && !(threadID in g.BOARD.threads)) {
            if (Conf['Auto Prune'] || !(data && typeof data === 'object')) {
                boardID: boardID,
                threadID: threadID
            } else {
              if (Conf['Show Unread Count']) {
                  boardID: boardID,
                  threadID: threadID,
                  data: data
              data.isDead = true;
                boardID: boardID,
                threadID: threadID,
                val: data
        return ThreadWatcher.refresh();
      onThreadRefresh: function(e) {
        var thread;
        thread = g.threads[e.detail.threadID];
        if (!(e.detail[404] && ThreadWatcher.db.get({
          boardID: thread.board.ID,
          threadID: thread.ID
        }))) {
        return ThreadWatcher.add(thread);
    requests: [],
    fetched: 0,
    clearRequests: function() {
      ThreadWatcher.requests = [];
      ThreadWatcher.fetched = 0;
      ThreadWatcher.status.textContent = '';
      return $.rmClass(ThreadWatcher.refreshButton, 'fa-spin');
    abort: function() {
      var k, len1, ref, req;
      ref = ThreadWatcher.requests;
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        req = ref[k];
        if (req.readyState !== 4) {
      return ThreadWatcher.clearRequests();
    fetchAuto: function() {
      var db, interval, now;
      if (!Conf['Auto Update Thread Watcher']) {
      db = ThreadWatcher.db;
      interval = Conf['Show Unread Count'] ? 5 * $.MINUTE : 2 * $.HOUR;
      now = Date.now();
      if (now >= (db.data.lastChecked || 0) + interval) {
        db.data.lastChecked = now;
      return ThreadWatcher.timeout = setTimeout(ThreadWatcher.fetchAuto, interval);
    buttonFetchAll: function() {
      if (ThreadWatcher.requests.length) {
        return ThreadWatcher.abort();
      } else {
        return ThreadWatcher.fetchAllStatus();
    fetchAllStatus: function() {
      var k, len1, ref, thread, threads;
      if ((ref = QR.db) != null) {
      if (!(threads = ThreadWatcher.getAll()).length) {
      for (k = 0, len1 = threads.length; k < len1; k++) {
        thread = threads[k];
    fetchStatus: function(thread, force) {
      var boardID, data, req, threadID;
      boardID = thread.boardID, threadID = thread.threadID, data = thread.data;
      if (data.isDead && !force) {
      if (ThreadWatcher.requests.length === 0) {
        ThreadWatcher.status.textContent = '...';
        $.addClass(ThreadWatcher.refreshButton, 'fa-spin');
      req = $.ajax("//a.4cdn.org/" + boardID + "/thread/" + threadID + ".json", {
        onloadend: function() {
          return ThreadWatcher.parseStatus.call(this, thread);
        timeout: $.MINUTE
      }, {
        whenModified: force ? false : 'ThreadWatcher'
      return ThreadWatcher.requests.push(req);
    parseStatus: function(arg) {
      var boardID, data, isDead, k, lastReadPost, len1, match, postObj, quotesYou, quotingYou, ref, ref1, regexp, threadID, unread;
      boardID = arg.boardID, threadID = arg.threadID, data = arg.data;
      if (ThreadWatcher.fetched === ThreadWatcher.requests.length) {
      } else {
        ThreadWatcher.status.textContent = (Math.round(ThreadWatcher.fetched / ThreadWatcher.requests.length * 100)) + "%";
      if (this.status === 200 && this.response) {
        isDead = !!this.response.posts[0].archived;
        if (isDead && Conf['Auto Prune']) {
            boardID: boardID,
            threadID: threadID
        lastReadPost = ThreadWatcher.unreaddb.get({
          boardID: boardID,
          threadID: threadID,
          defaultValue: 0
        unread = quotingYou = 0;
        ref = this.response.posts;
        for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
          postObj = ref[k];
          if (!(postObj.no > lastReadPost)) {
          if ((ref1 = QR.db) != null ? ref1.get({
            boardID: boardID,
            threadID: threadID,
            postID: postObj.no
          }) : void 0) {
          if (!(QR.db && postObj.com)) {
          quotesYou = false;
          regexp = /<a [^>]*\bhref="(?:\/([^\/]+)\/thread\/)?(\d+)?(?:#p(\d+))?"/g;
          while (match = regexp.exec(postObj.com)) {
            if (QR.db.get({
              boardID: match[1] || boardID,
              threadID: match[2] || threadID,
              postID: match[3] || match[2] || threadID
            })) {
              quotesYou = true;
          if (quotesYou && !Filter.isHidden(Build.parseJSON(postObj, boardID))) {
        if (isDead !== data.isDead || unread !== data.unread || quotingYou !== data.quotingYou) {
          data.isDead = isDead;
          data.unread = unread;
          data.quotingYou = quotingYou;
            boardID: boardID,
            threadID: threadID,
            val: data
          return ThreadWatcher.refresh();
      } else if (this.status === 404) {
        if (Conf['Auto Prune']) {
            boardID: boardID,
            threadID: threadID
        } else {
          data.isDead = true;
          delete data.unread;
          delete data.quotingYou;
            boardID: boardID,
            threadID: threadID,
            val: data
        return ThreadWatcher.refresh();
    getAll: function() {
      var all, boardID, data, ref, threadID, threads;
      all = [];
      ref = ThreadWatcher.db.data.boards;
      for (boardID in ref) {
        threads = ref[boardID];
        if (Conf['Current Board'] && boardID !== g.BOARD.ID) {
        for (threadID in threads) {
          data = threads[threadID];
          if (data && typeof data === 'object') {
              boardID: boardID,
              threadID: threadID,
              data: data
      return all;
    makeLine: function(boardID, threadID, data) {
      var count, div, fullID, link, title, x;
      x = $.el('a', {
        className: 'fa fa-times',
        href: 'javascript:;'
      $.on(x, 'click', ThreadWatcher.cb.rm);
      link = $.el('a', {
        href: "/" + boardID + "/thread/" + threadID,
        title: data.excerpt,
        className: 'watcher-link'
      if (Conf['Show Unread Count'] && (data.unread != null)) {
        count = $.el('span', {
          textContent: "(" + data.unread + ")",
          className: 'watcher-unread'
        $.add(link, count);
      title = $.el('span', {
        textContent: data.excerpt,
        className: 'watcher-title'
      $.add(link, title);
      div = $.el('div');
      fullID = boardID + "." + threadID;
      div.dataset.fullID = fullID;
      if (g.VIEW === 'thread' && fullID === (g.BOARD + "." + g.THREADID)) {
        $.addClass(div, 'current');
      if (data.isDead) {
        $.addClass(div, 'dead-thread');
      if (Conf['Show Unread Count']) {
        if (data.unread === 0) {
          $.addClass(div, 'replies-read');
        if (data.unread) {
          $.addClass(div, 'replies-unread');
        if (data.quotingYou) {
          $.addClass(div, 'replies-quoting-you');
      $.add(div, [x, $.tn(' '), link]);
      return div;
    refresh: function() {
      var boardID, data, k, len1, len2, list, nodes, q, ref, ref1, ref2, refresher, threadID;
      nodes = [];
      ref = ThreadWatcher.getAll();
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        ref1 = ref[k], boardID = ref1.boardID, threadID = ref1.threadID, data = ref1.data;
        nodes.push(ThreadWatcher.makeLine(boardID, threadID, data));
      list = ThreadWatcher.list;
      $.add(list, nodes);
      g.threads.forEach(function(thread) {
        var helper, len2, post, q, ref2, toggler;
        helper = ThreadWatcher.isWatched(thread) ? ['addClass', 'Unwatch'] : ['rmClass', 'Watch'];
        if (thread.OP) {
          ref2 = [thread.OP].concat(slice.call(thread.OP.clones));
          for (q = 0, len2 = ref2.length; q < len2; q++) {
            post = ref2[q];
            toggler = $('.watch-thread-link', post.nodes.post);
            $[helper[0]](toggler, 'watched');
            toggler.title = helper[1] + " Thread";
        if (thread.catalogView) {
          return $[helper[0]](thread.catalogView.nodes.root, 'watched');
      ref2 = ThreadWatcher.menu.refreshers;
      for (q = 0, len2 = ref2.length; q < len2; q++) {
        refresher = ref2[q];
      if (Index.nodes && Conf['Pin Watched Threads']) {
        return Index.buildIndex();
    refreshIcon: function() {
      var className, k, len1, ref;
      ref = ['replies-unread', 'replies-quoting-you'];
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        className = ref[k];
        ThreadWatcher.shortcut.classList.toggle(className, !!$("." + className, ThreadWatcher.dialog));
    update: function(boardID, threadID, newData) {
      var data, key, line, n, newLine, ref, val;
      if (!(data = (ref = ThreadWatcher.db) != null ? ref.get({
        boardID: boardID,
        threadID: threadID
      }) : void 0)) {
      if (newData.isDead && Conf['Auto Prune']) {
          boardID: boardID,
          threadID: threadID
      n = 0;
      for (key in newData) {
        val = newData[key];
        if (data[key] !== val) {
      if (!n) {
      if (!(data = ThreadWatcher.db.get({
        boardID: boardID,
        threadID: threadID
      }))) {
      $.extend(data, newData);
        boardID: boardID,
        threadID: threadID,
        val: data
      if (line = $("#watched-threads > [data-full-i-d='" + boardID + "." + threadID + "']", ThreadWatcher.dialog)) {
        newLine = ThreadWatcher.makeLine(boardID, threadID, data);
        $.replace(line, newLine);
        return ThreadWatcher.refreshIcon();
      } else {
        return ThreadWatcher.refresh();
    set404: function(boardID, threadID, cb) {
      var data, ref;
      if (!(data = (ref = ThreadWatcher.db) != null ? ref.get({
        boardID: boardID,
        threadID: threadID
      }) : void 0)) {
        return cb();
      if (Conf['Auto Prune']) {
          boardID: boardID,
          threadID: threadID
        return cb();
      if (data.isDead && !((data.unread != null) || (data.quotingYou != null))) {
        return cb();
      data.isDead = true;
      delete data.unread;
      delete data.quotingYou;
      return ThreadWatcher.db.set({
        boardID: boardID,
        threadID: threadID,
        val: data
      }, cb);
    toggle: function(thread) {
      var boardID, threadID;
      boardID = thread.board.ID;
      threadID = thread.ID;
      if (ThreadWatcher.db.get({
        boardID: boardID,
        threadID: threadID
      })) {
        return ThreadWatcher.rm(boardID, threadID);
      } else {
        return ThreadWatcher.add(thread);
    add: function(thread) {
      var boardID, data, threadID;
      data = {};
      boardID = thread.board.ID;
      threadID = thread.ID;
      if (thread.isDead) {
        if (Conf['Auto Prune'] && ThreadWatcher.db.get({
          boardID: boardID,
          threadID: threadID
        })) {
          ThreadWatcher.rm(boardID, threadID);
        data.isDead = true;
      data.excerpt = Get.threadExcerpt(thread);
        boardID: boardID,
        threadID: threadID,
        val: data
      if (Conf['Show Unread Count']) {
        return ThreadWatcher.fetchStatus({
          boardID: boardID,
          threadID: threadID,
          data: data
        }, true);
    rm: function(boardID, threadID) {
        boardID: boardID,
        threadID: threadID
      return ThreadWatcher.refresh();
    convert: function(oldFormat) {
      var boardID, data, newFormat, threadID, threads;
      newFormat = {};
      for (boardID in oldFormat) {
        threads = oldFormat[boardID];
        for (threadID in threads) {
          data = threads[threadID];
          (newFormat[boardID] || (newFormat[boardID] = {}))[threadID] = {
            excerpt: data.textContent
      return newFormat;
    menu: {
      refreshers: [],
      init: function() {
        var menu;
        if (!Conf['Thread Watcher']) {
        menu = this.menu = new UI.Menu('thread watcher');
        $.on($('.menu-button', ThreadWatcher.dialog), 'click', function(e) {
          return menu.toggle(e, this, ThreadWatcher);
        return this.addMenuEntries();
      addHeaderMenuEntry: function() {
        var entryEl;
        if (g.VIEW !== 'thread') {
        entryEl = $.el('a', {
          href: 'javascript:;'
          el: entryEl,
          order: 60
        $.on(entryEl, 'click', function() {
          return ThreadWatcher.toggle(g.threads[g.BOARD + "." + g.THREADID]);
        return this.refreshers.push(function() {
          var addClass, ref, rmClass, text;
          ref = $('.current', ThreadWatcher.list) ? ['unwatch-thread', 'watch-thread', 'Unwatch thread'] : ['watch-thread', 'unwatch-thread', 'Watch thread'], addClass = ref[0], rmClass = ref[1], text = ref[2];
          $.addClass(entryEl, addClass);
          $.rmClass(entryEl, rmClass);
          return entryEl.textContent = text;
      addMenuEntries: function() {
        var cb, conf, entries, entry, k, len1, name, ref, ref1, refresh, subEntries;
        entries = [];
          cb: ThreadWatcher.cb.openAll,
          entry: {
            el: $.el('a', {
              textContent: 'Open all threads'
          refresh: function() {
            return (ThreadWatcher.list.firstElementChild ? $.rmClass : $.addClass)(this.el, 'disabled');
          cb: ThreadWatcher.cb.pruneDeads,
          entry: {
            el: $.el('a', {
              textContent: 'Prune dead threads'
          refresh: function() {
            return ($('.dead-thread', ThreadWatcher.list) ? $.rmClass : $.addClass)(this.el, 'disabled');
        subEntries = [];
        ref = Config.threadWatcher;
        for (name in ref) {
          conf = ref[name];
          subEntries.push(this.createSubEntry(name, conf[1]));
          entry: {
            el: $.el('span', {
              textContent: 'Settings'
            subEntries: subEntries
        for (k = 0, len1 = entries.length; k < len1; k++) {
          ref1 = entries[k], entry = ref1.entry, cb = ref1.cb, refresh = ref1.refresh;
          if (entry.el.nodeName === 'A') {
            entry.el.href = 'javascript:;';
          if (cb) {
            $.on(entry.el, 'click', cb);
          if (refresh) {
      createSubEntry: function(name, desc) {
        var entry, input;
        entry = {
          type: 'thread watcher',
          el: UI.checkbox(name, name.replace(' Thread Watcher', ''))
        entry.el.title = desc;
        input = entry.el.firstElementChild;
        $.on(input, 'change', $.cb.checked);
        if (name === 'Current Board' || name === 'Show Unread Count') {
          $.on(input, 'change', ThreadWatcher.refresh);
        if (name === 'Show Unread Count' || name === 'Auto Update Thread Watcher') {
          $.on(input, 'change', ThreadWatcher.fetchAuto);
        return entry;

  Unread = {
    init: function() {
      if (!(g.VIEW === 'thread' && (Conf['Unread Count'] || Conf['Unread Favicon'] || Conf['Unread Line'] || Conf['Scroll to Last Read Post'] || Conf['Thread Watcher'] || Conf['Desktop Notifications'] || Conf['Quote Threading']))) {
      this.db = new DataBoard('lastReadPosts', this.sync);
      this.hr = $.el('hr', {
        id: 'unread-line'
      this.posts = new Set();
      this.postsQuotingYou = new Set();
      this.order = new RandomAccessList();
      this.position = null;
        name: 'Unread',
        cb: this.node
      return Post.callbacks.push({
        name: 'Unread',
        cb: this.addPost
    node: function() {
      var ID, k, len1, ref;
      Unread.thread = this;
      Unread.title = d.title;
      Unread.lastReadPost = Unread.db.get({
        boardID: this.board.ID,
        threadID: this.ID,
        defaultValue: 0
      Unread.readCount = 0;
      ref = this.posts.keys;
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        ID = ref[k];
        if (+ID <= Unread.lastReadPost) {
      $.one(d, '4chanXInitFinished', Unread.ready);
      return $.on(d, 'ThreadUpdate', Unread.onUpdate);
    ready: function() {
      if (Conf['Scroll to Last Read Post']) {
      $.on(d, 'scroll visibilitychange', Unread.read);
      if (Conf['Unread Line']) {
        return $.on(d, 'visibilitychange', Unread.setLine);
    positionPrev: function() {
      if (Unread.position) {
        return Unread.position.prev;
      } else {
        return Unread.order.last;
    scroll: function() {
      var hash, position, root;
      if ((hash = location.hash.match(/\d+/)) && hash[0] in Unread.thread.posts) {
      position = Unread.positionPrev();
      while (position) {
        root = position.data.nodes.root;
        if (!root.getBoundingClientRect().height) {
          position = position.prev;
        } else {
          Header.scrollToIfNeeded(root, true);
    sync: function() {
      var ID, i, k, lastReadPost, postIDs, ref, ref1;
      if (Unread.lastReadPost == null) {
      lastReadPost = Unread.db.get({
        boardID: Unread.thread.board.ID,
        threadID: Unread.thread.ID,
        defaultValue: 0
      if (!(Unread.lastReadPost < lastReadPost)) {
      Unread.lastReadPost = lastReadPost;
      postIDs = Unread.thread.posts.keys;
      for (i = k = ref = Unread.readCount, ref1 = postIDs.length; k < ref1; i = k += 1) {
        ID = +postIDs[i];
        if (!Unread.thread.posts[ID].isFetchedQuote) {
          if (ID > Unread.lastReadPost) {
      return Unread.update();
    addPost: function() {
      var ref;
      if (this.isFetchedQuote || this.isClone) {
      if (this.ID <= Unread.lastReadPost || this.isHidden || ((ref = QR.db) != null ? ref.get({
        boardID: this.board.ID,
        threadID: this.thread.ID,
        postID: this.ID
      }) : void 0)) {
      return Unread.position != null ? Unread.position : Unread.position = Unread.order[this.ID];
    addPostQuotingYou: function(post) {
      var k, len1, quotelink, ref, ref1;
      ref = post.nodes.quotelinks;
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        quotelink = ref[k];
        if (!((ref1 = QR.db) != null ? ref1.get(Get.postDataFromLink(quotelink)) : void 0)) {
    openNotification: function(post) {
      var notif;
      if (!Header.areNotificationsEnabled) {
      notif = new Notification(post.info.nameBlock + " replied to you", {
        body: post.info.commentDisplay,
        icon: Favicon.logo
      notif.onclick = function() {
        Header.scrollToIfNeeded(post.nodes.root, true);
        return window.focus();
      return notif.onshow = function() {
        return setTimeout(function() {
          return notif.close();
        }, 7 * $.SECOND);
    onUpdate: function(e) {
      if (!e.detail[404]) {
      return Unread.update();
    readSinglePost: function(post) {
      var ID;
      ID = post.ID;
      if (!Unread.posts.has(ID)) {
      return Unread.update();
    read: $.debounce(100, function(e) {
      var ID, count, data, height, ref, ref1, root;
      if (!Unread.posts.size && Unread.readCount !== Unread.thread.posts.keys.length) {
      if (d.hidden || !Unread.posts.size) {
      height = doc.clientHeight;
      count = 0;
      while (Unread.position) {
        ref = Unread.position, ID = ref.ID, data = ref.data;
        root = data.nodes.root;
        if (!(!root.getBoundingClientRect().height || Header.getBottomOf(root) > -1)) {
        if (Conf['Mark Quotes of You'] && ((ref1 = QR.db) != null ? ref1.get({
          boardID: data.board.ID,
          threadID: data.thread.ID,
          postID: ID
        }) : void 0)) {
          QuoteYou.lastRead = root;
        Unread.position = Unread.position.next;
      if (!count) {
      if (e) {
        return Unread.update();
    updatePosition: function() {
      while (Unread.position && !Unread.posts.has(Unread.position.ID)) {
        Unread.position = Unread.position.next;
    saveLastReadPost: $.debounce(2 * $.SECOND, function() {
      var ID, i, k, postIDs, ref, ref1;
      postIDs = Unread.thread.posts.keys;
      for (i = k = ref = Unread.readCount, ref1 = postIDs.length; k < ref1; i = k += 1) {
        ID = +postIDs[i];
        if (!Unread.thread.posts[ID].isFetchedQuote) {
          if (Unread.posts.has(ID)) {
          Unread.lastReadPost = ID;
      if (Unread.thread.isDead && !Unread.thread.isArchived) {
      return Unread.db.set({
        boardID: Unread.thread.board.ID,
        threadID: Unread.thread.ID,
        val: Unread.lastReadPost
    setLine: function(force) {
      if (!Conf['Unread Line']) {
      if (Unread.hr.hidden || d.hidden || (force === true)) {
        if (Unread.linePosition = Unread.positionPrev()) {
          $.after(Unread.linePosition.data.nodes.root, Unread.hr);
        } else {
      return Unread.hr.hidden = Unread.linePosition === Unread.order.last;
    update: function() {
      var count, countQuotingYou, isDead, titleCount, titleDead, titleQuotingYou;
      count = Unread.posts.size;
      countQuotingYou = Unread.postsQuotingYou.size;
      if (Conf['Unread Count']) {
        titleQuotingYou = Conf['Quoted Title'] && countQuotingYou ? '(!) ' : '';
        titleCount = count || !Conf['Hide Unread Count at (0)'] ? "(" + count + ") " : '';
        titleDead = Unread.thread.isDead ? Unread.title.replace('-', (Unread.thread.isArchived ? '- Archived -' : '- 404 -')) : Unread.title;
        d.title = "" + titleQuotingYou + titleCount + titleDead;
      if (!(Unread.thread.isDead && !Unread.thread.isArchived)) {
        ThreadWatcher.update(Unread.thread.board.ID, Unread.thread.ID, {
          isDead: Unread.thread.isDead,
          unread: count,
          quotingYou: countQuotingYou
      if (Conf['Unread Favicon']) {
        isDead = Unread.thread.isDead;
        Favicon.el.href = countQuotingYou ? Favicon[isDead ? 'unreadDeadY' : 'unreadY'] : count ? Favicon[isDead ? 'unreadDead' : 'unread'] : Favicon[isDead ? 'dead' : 'default'];
        if (typeof chrome === "undefined" || chrome === null) {
          return $.add(d.head, Favicon.el);

  Redirect = {
    init: function() {
      var archive, archives, boardID, boards, data, files, id, k, len1, len2, name, o, q, record, ref, ref1, software, type, withCredentials;
      o = {
        thread: {},
        post: {},
        file: {},
        report: {}
      archives = {};
      ref = Redirect.archives;
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        data = ref[k];
        name = data.name, boards = data.boards, files = data.files, software = data.software, withCredentials = data.withCredentials;
        archives[name] = data;
        for (q = 0, len2 = boards.length; q < len2; q++) {
          boardID = boards[q];
          if (!withCredentials) {
            if (!(boardID in o.thread)) {
              o.thread[boardID] = data;
            if (!(boardID in o.post || software !== 'foolfuuka')) {
              o.post[boardID] = data;
            if (!(boardID in o.file || indexOf.call(files, boardID) < 0)) {
              o.file[boardID] = data;
          if (name === 'fgts') {
            o.report[boardID] = data;
      ref1 = Conf['selectedArchives'];
      for (boardID in ref1) {
        record = ref1[boardID];
        for (type in record) {
          id = record[type];
          if (id === 'disabled') {
            delete o[type][boardID];
          } else if (archive = archives[id]) {
            boards = type === 'file' ? archive.files : archive.boards;
            if (indexOf.call(boards, boardID) >= 0) {
              o[type][boardID] = archive;
      return Redirect.data = o;
    archives: [{"uid":0,"name":"Moe","domain":"archive.moe","http":false,"https":true,"software":"foolfuuka","boards":["a","an","biz","c","co","diy","fit","gd","gif","h","i","int","jp","k","m","mlp","out","po","qa","r9k","s4s","sci","tg","tv","u","v","vg","vp","vr","wsg"],"files":["a","biz","c","co","diy","fit","gd","h","i","jp","k","m","mlp","po","qa","r9k","s4s","sci","tg","u","v","vg","vp","vr","wsg"]},{"uid":3,"name":"4plebs Archive","domain":"archive.4plebs.org","http":true,"https":true,"software":"foolfuuka","boards":["adv","f","hr","o","pol","s4s","tg","trv","tv","x"],"files":["adv","f","hr","o","pol","s4s","tg","trv","tv","x"]},{"uid":4,"name":"Nyafuu Archive","domain":"archive.nyafuu.org","http":true,"https":true,"software":"foolfuuka","boards":["c","e","w","wg"],"files":["c","e","w","wg"]},{"uid":5,"name":"Love is Over","domain":"archive.loveisover.me","http":true,"https":true,"software":"foolfuuka","boards":["c","d","e","i","lgbt","t","u"],"files":["c","d","e","i","lgbt","t","u"]},{"uid":8,"name":"Rebecca Black Tech","domain":"rbt.asia","http":false,"https":true,"software":"fuuka","boards":["cgl","g","mu","qa","w"],"files":["cgl","g","mu","qa","w"]},{"uid":10,"name":"warosu","domain":"warosu.org","http":false,"https":true,"software":"fuuka","boards":["3","biz","cgl","ck","diy","fa","g","ic","jp","lit","sci","tg","vr"],"files":["3","biz","cgl","ck","diy","fa","g","ic","jp","lit","sci","tg","vr"]},{"uid":15,"name":"fgts","domain":"fgts.jp","http":true,"https":true,"software":"foolfuuka","boards":["asp","b","cm","h","hc","hm","n","p","qa","r","s","soc","toy","y"],"files":["asp","b","cm","h","hc","hm","n","p","qa","r","s","soc","toy","y"]},{"uid":22,"name":"not4plebs","domain":"totally.not4plebs.org","http":true,"https":true,"software":"foolfuuka","boards":["sp"],"files":["sp"]},{"uid":23,"name":"DesuStorage","domain":"archive.desustorage.org","http":false,"https":true,"software":"foolfuuka","boards":["mlp","qa"],"files":["mlp","qa"]}],
    to: function(dest, data) {
      var archive;
      archive = (dest === 'search' || dest === 'board' ? Redirect.data.thread : Redirect.data[dest])[data.boardID];
      if (!archive) {
        return '';
      return Redirect[dest](archive, data);
    protocol: function(archive) {
      var protocol;
      protocol = location.protocol;
      if (!archive[protocol.slice(0, -1)]) {
        protocol = protocol === 'https:' ? 'http:' : 'https:';
      return protocol + "//";
    thread: function(archive, arg) {
      var boardID, path, postID, threadID;
      boardID = arg.boardID, threadID = arg.threadID, postID = arg.postID;
      path = threadID ? boardID + "/thread/" + threadID : boardID + "/post/" + postID;
      if (archive.software === 'foolfuuka') {
        path += '/';
      if (threadID && postID) {
        path += archive.software === 'foolfuuka' ? "#" + postID : "#p" + postID;
      return "" + (Redirect.protocol(archive)) + archive.domain + "/" + path;
    post: function(archive, arg) {
      var URL, boardID, postID, protocol;
      boardID = arg.boardID, postID = arg.postID;
      protocol = Redirect.protocol(archive);
      URL = new String("" + protocol + archive.domain + "/_/api/chan/post/?board=" + boardID + "&num=" + postID);
      if (!Redirect.securityCheck(URL)) {
        return '';
      URL.archive = archive;
      return URL;
    file: function(archive, arg) {
      var boardID, filename;
      boardID = arg.boardID, filename = arg.filename;
      return "" + (Redirect.protocol(archive)) + archive.domain + "/" + boardID + "/full_image/" + filename;
    board: function(archive, arg) {
      var boardID;
      boardID = arg.boardID;
      return "" + (Redirect.protocol(archive)) + archive.domain + "/" + boardID + "/";
    search: function(archive, arg) {
      var boardID, path, type, value;
      boardID = arg.boardID, type = arg.type, value = arg.value;
      type = type === 'name' ? 'username' : type === 'MD5' ? 'image' : type;
      if (type === 'capcode') {
        value = {
          'Developer': 'dev'
        }[value] || value.toLowerCase();
      value = encodeURIComponent(value);
      path = archive.software === 'foolfuuka' ? boardID + "/search/" + type + "/" + value : boardID + "/?task=search2&search_" + (type === 'image' ? 'media_hash' : type) + "=" + value;
      return "" + (Redirect.protocol(archive)) + archive.domain + "/" + path;
    report: function(archive, arg) {
      var boardID, postID;
      boardID = arg.boardID, postID = arg.postID;
      return "https://so.fgts.jp/report/?board=" + boardID + "&no=" + postID;
    securityCheck: function(URL) {
      return /^https:\/\//.test(URL) || location.protocol === 'http:' || Conf['Except Archives from Encryption'];
    navigate: function(URL, alternative) {
      if (URL && (Redirect.securityCheck(URL) || confirm("Redirect to " + URL + "?\n\nYour connection will not be encrypted."))) {
        return location.replace(URL);
      } else if (alternative) {
        return location.replace(alternative);

  PSAHiding = {
    init: function() {
      if (!Conf['Announcement Hiding']) {
      $.addClass(doc, 'hide-announcement');
      return $.one(d, '4chanXInitFinished', this.setup);
    setup: function() {
      var btn, entry, hr, psa, ref;
      if (!(psa = PSAHiding.psa = $.id('globalMessage'))) {
        $.rmClass(doc, 'hide-announcement');
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        PSAHiding.hr = hr;
      entry = {
        el: $.el('a', {
          textContent: 'Show announcement',
          className: 'show-announcement',
          href: 'javascript:;'
        order: 50,
        open: function() {
          return PSAHiding.hidden;
      $.on(entry.el, 'click', PSAHiding.toggle);
      PSAHiding.btn = btn = $.el('span', {
        title: 'Mark announcement as read and hide.',
        className: 'hide-announcement'
      $.extend(btn, {
        innerHTML: "[<a href=\"javascript:;\">Dismiss</a>]"
      $.on(btn, 'click', PSAHiding.toggle);
      $.get('hiddenPSA', 0, function(arg) {
        var hiddenPSA;
        hiddenPSA = arg.hiddenPSA;
        $.add(psa, btn);
        return $.rmClass(doc, 'hide-announcement');
      return $.sync('hiddenPSA', PSAHiding.sync);
    toggle: function() {
      var UTC;
      if ($.hasClass(this, 'hide-announcement')) {
        UTC = +$.id('globalMessage').dataset.utc;
        $.set('hiddenPSA', UTC);
      } else {
      return PSAHiding.sync(UTC);
    sync: function(UTC) {
      var psa, ref;
      psa = PSAHiding.psa;
      PSAHiding.hidden = PSAHiding.btn.hidden = (UTC != null) && UTC >= +psa.dataset.utc;
      if (PSAHiding.hidden) {
      } else {
        $.after($.id('globalToggle'), psa);
      if ((ref = PSAHiding.hr) != null) {
        ref.hidden = PSAHiding.hidden;

  AntiAutoplay = {
    init: function() {
      var audio, k, len1, ref;
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      $.addClass(doc, 'anti-autoplay');
      ref = $$('audio[autoplay]', doc);
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        audio = ref[k];
      window.addEventListener('loadstart', ((function(_this) {
        return function(e) {
          return _this.stop(e.target);
      })(this)), true);
        name: 'Disable Autoplaying Sounds',
        cb: this.node
        name: 'Disable Autoplaying Sounds',
        cb: this.node
      return $.ready((function(_this) {
        return function() {
          return _this.process(d.body);
    stop: function(audio) {
      if (!audio.autoplay) {
      audio.autoplay = false;
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      audio.controls = true;
      return $.addClass(audio, 'controls-added');
    node: function() {
      return AntiAutoplay.process(this.nodes.root);
    process: function(root) {
      var iframe, k, len1, len2, object, q, ref, ref1;
      ref = $$('iframe[src*="youtube"][src*="autoplay=1"]', root);
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        iframe = ref[k];
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      ref1 = $$('object[data*="youtube"][data*="autoplay=1"]', root);
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        object = ref1[q];
        object.data = object.data.replace(/\?autoplay=1&?/, '?').replace('&autoplay=1', '');

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    init: function() {
      if (Conf['Custom Board Titles']) {
        this.db = new DataBoard('customTitles', null, true);
      $.asap((function() {
        return d.body;
      }), function() {
        return $.asap((function() {
          return $('hr');
        }), Banner.ready);
      if (g.BOARD.ID !== 'f') {
        return Main.ready(function() {
          return $.queueTask(Banner.load);
    ready: function() {
      var banner, children;
      banner = $(".boardBanner");
      children = banner.children;
      if (g.BOARD.ID !== 'f' && g.VIEW === 'thread' && Conf['Remove Thread Excerpt']) {
      children[0].title = "Click to change";
      $.on(children[0], 'click', Banner.cb.toggle);
      if (Conf['Custom Board Titles']) {
        if (children[2]) {
          return Banner.custom(children[2]);
    load: function() {
      var bannerCnt, img;
      bannerCnt = $.id('bannerCnt');
      if (!bannerCnt.firstChild) {
        img = $.el('img', {
          alt: '4chan',
          src: '//s.4cdn.org/image/title/' + bannerCnt.dataset.src
        return $.add(bannerCnt, img);
    setTitle: function(title) {
      if (Unread.title != null) {
        Unread.title = title;
        return Unread.update();
      } else {
        return d.title = title;
    cb: {
      toggle: function() {
        var banner, i, ref;
        if (!((ref = Banner.choices) != null ? ref.length : void 0)) {
          Banner.choices = Banner.banners.slice();
        i = Math.floor(Banner.choices.length * Math.random());
        banner = Banner.choices.splice(i, 1);
        return $('img', this.parentNode).src = "//s.4cdn.org/image/title/" + banner;
      click: function(e) {
        var base1, br, k, len1, name1, ref;
        if (!(e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey)) {
        if ((base1 = Banner.original)[name1 = this.className] == null) {
          base1[name1] = this.cloneNode(true);
        this.contentEditable = true;
        ref = $$('br', this);
        for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
          br = ref[k];
          $.replace(br, $.tn('\n'));
        return this.focus();
      keydown: function(e) {
        if (!e.shiftKey && e.keyCode === 13) {
          return this.blur();
      blur: function() {
        var br, k, len1, ref;
        ref = $$('br', this);
        for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
          br = ref[k];
          $.replace(br, $.tn('\n'));
        if (this.textContent = this.textContent.replace(/\n*$/, '')) {
          this.contentEditable = false;
          return Banner.db.set({
            boardID: g.BOARD.ID,
            threadID: this.className,
            val: {
              title: this.textContent,
              orig: Banner.original[this.className].textContent
        } else {
          $.add(this, slice.call(Banner.original[this.className].cloneNode(true).childNodes));
          return Banner.db["delete"]({
            boardID: g.BOARD.ID,
            threadID: this.className
    original: {},
    custom: function(child) {
      var className, data, event, items, k, len1, ref, string, string2;
      className = child.className;
      child.title = "Ctrl/\u2318+click to edit board " + (className.slice(5).toLowerCase());
      child.spellcheck = false;
      ref = ['click', 'keydown', 'blur'];
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        event = ref[k];
        $.on(child, event, Banner.cb[event]);
      string = g.BOARD + "." + className;
      string2 = string + ".orig";
      items = {};
      items[string] = '';
      items[string2] = child.textContent;
      $.get(items, function(items) {
        if (items[string]) {
            boardID: g.BOARD.ID,
            threadID: className,
            val: {
              title: items[string],
              orig: items[string2]
        return $["delete"]([string, string2]);
      if (data = Banner.db.get({
        boardID: g.BOARD.ID,
        threadID: className
      })) {
        if (Conf['Persistent Custom Board Titles'] || data.orig === child.textContent) {
          Banner.original[className] = child.cloneNode(true);
          return child.textContent = data.title;
        } else {
          return Banner.db["delete"]({
            boardID: g.BOARD.ID,
            threadID: className

  CatalogLinks = {
    init: function() {
      var el, input, selector;
      if ((Conf['External Catalog'] || Conf['JSON Navigation']) && !(Conf['JSON Navigation'] && g.VIEW === 'index')) {
        selector = (function() {
          switch (g.VIEW) {
            case 'thread':
            case 'archive':
              return '.navLinks.desktop > a';
            case 'catalog':
              return '.navLinks > :first-child > a';
            case 'index':
              return '#ctrl-top > a, .cataloglink > a';
        $.ready(function() {
          var catalogLink, k, len1, link, ref;
          ref = $$(selector);
          for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
            link = ref[k];
            switch (link.pathname) {
              case "/" + g.BOARD + "/":
                if (Conf['JSON Navigation']) {
                  link.textContent = 'Index';
                link.href = CatalogLinks.index();
              case "/" + g.BOARD + "/catalog":
                link.href = CatalogLinks.catalog();
            if (g.VIEW === 'catalog' && Conf['JSON Navigation'] && Conf['Use 4chan X Catalog']) {
              catalogLink = link.parentNode.cloneNode(true);
              catalogLink.firstElementChild.textContent = '4chan X Catalog';
              catalogLink.firstElementChild.href = CatalogLinks.catalog();
              $.after(link.parentNode, [$.tn(' '), catalogLink]);
      if (Conf['JSON Navigation'] && Conf['Use 4chan X Catalog']) {
          name: 'Catalog Link Rewrite',
          cb: this.node
          name: 'Catalog Link Rewrite',
          cb: this.node
      if (Conf['Catalog Links']) {
        CatalogLinks.el = el = UI.checkbox('Header catalog links', 'Catalog Links');
        el.id = 'toggleCatalog';
        input = $('input', el);
        $.on(input, 'change', this.toggle);
        $.sync('Header catalog links', CatalogLinks.set);
        return Header.menu.addEntry({
          el: el,
          order: 95
    node: function() {
      var a, k, len1, m, ref;
      ref = $$('a', this.nodes.comment);
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        a = ref[k];
        if (m = a.href.match(/^https?:\/\/boards\.4chan\.org\/([^\/]+)\/catalog(#s=.*)?/)) {
          a.href = "//boards.4chan.org/" + m[1] + "/" + (m[2] || '#catalog');
    initBoardList: function() {
      if (!Conf['Catalog Links']) {
      return CatalogLinks.set(Conf['Header catalog links']);
    toggle: function() {
      $.set('Header catalog links', this.checked);
      return CatalogLinks.set(this.checked);
    set: function(useCatalog) {
      var a, board, k, len1, ref, ref1;
      ref = $$('a:not([data-only])', Header.boardList).concat($$('a', Header.bottomBoardList));
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        a = ref[k];
        if (((ref1 = a.hostname) !== 'boards.4chan.org' && ref1 !== 'catalog.neet.tv' && ref1 !== '4index.gropes.us') || !(board = a.pathname.split('/')[1]) || (board === 'f' || board === 'status' || board === '4chan') || a.pathname.split('/')[2] === 'archive' || $.hasClass(a, 'external')) {
        a.href = useCatalog ? CatalogLinks.catalog(board) : "/" + board + "/";
      CatalogLinks.el.title = "Turn catalog links " + (useCatalog ? 'off' : 'on') + ".";
      return $('input', CatalogLinks.el).checked = useCatalog;
    catalog: function(board) {
      if (board == null) {
        board = g.BOARD.ID;
      if (Conf['External Catalog'] && (board === 'a' || board === 'c' || board === 'g' || board === 'biz' || board === 'k' || board === 'm' || board === 'o' || board === 'p' || board === 'v' || board === 'vg' || board === 'vr' || board === 'w' || board === 'wg' || board === 'cm' || board === '3' || board === 'adv' || board === 'an' || board === 'asp' || board === 'cgl' || board === 'ck' || board === 'co' || board === 'diy' || board === 'fa' || board === 'fit' || board === 'gd' || board === 'int' || board === 'jp' || board === 'lit' || board === 'mlp' || board === 'mu' || board === 'n' || board === 'out' || board === 'po' || board === 'sci' || board === 'sp' || board === 'tg' || board === 'toy' || board === 'trv' || board === 'tv' || board === 'vp' || board === 'wsg' || board === 'x' || board === 'f' || board === 'pol' || board === 's4s' || board === 'lgbt')) {
        return "http://catalog.neet.tv/" + board;
      } else if (Conf['JSON Navigation'] && Conf['Use 4chan X Catalog']) {
        if (g.BOARD.ID === board && g.VIEW === 'index') {
          return '#catalog';
        } else {
          return "/" + board + "/#catalog";
      } else {
        return "/" + board + "/catalog";
    index: function(board) {
      if (board == null) {
        board = g.BOARD.ID;
      if (Conf['JSON Navigation'] && board !== 'f') {
        if (g.BOARD.ID === board && g.VIEW === 'index') {
          return '#index';
        } else {
          return "/" + board + "/#index";
      } else {
        return "/" + board + "/";

  CustomCSS = {
    init: function() {
      if (!Conf['Custom CSS']) {
      return this.addStyle();
    addStyle: function() {
      return this.style = $.addStyle(Conf['usercss'], 'custom-css', function() {
        return $.id('fourchanx-css');
    rmStyle: function() {
      if (this.style) {
        return delete this.style;
    update: function() {
      if (!this.style) {
        return this.addStyle();
      return this.style.textContent = Conf['usercss'];

  ExpandComment = {
    init: function() {
      if (g.VIEW !== 'index' || !Conf['Comment Expansion'] || Conf['JSON Navigation']) {
      if (g.BOARD.ID === 'g') {
      if (g.BOARD.ID === 'sci') {
      return Post.callbacks.push({
        name: 'Comment Expansion',
        cb: this.node
    node: function() {
      var a;
      if (a = $('.abbr > a:not([onclick])', this.nodes.comment)) {
        return $.on(a, 'click', ExpandComment.cb);
    callbacks: [],
    cb: function(e) {
      return ExpandComment.expand(Get.postFromNode(this));
    expand: function(post) {
      var a;
      if (post.nodes.longComment && !post.nodes.longComment.parentNode) {
        $.replace(post.nodes.shortComment, post.nodes.longComment);
        post.nodes.comment = post.nodes.longComment;
      if (!(a = $('.abbr > a', post.nodes.comment))) {
      a.textContent = "Post No." + post + " Loading...";
      return $.cache("//a.4cdn.org" + (a.pathname.split('/').splice(0, 4).join('/')) + ".json", function() {
        return ExpandComment.parse(this, a, post);
    contract: function(post) {
      var a;
      if (!post.nodes.shortComment) {
      a = $('.abbr > a', post.nodes.shortComment);
      a.textContent = 'here';
      $.replace(post.nodes.longComment, post.nodes.shortComment);
      return post.nodes.comment = post.nodes.shortComment;
    parse: function(req, a, post) {
      var callback, clone, comment, href, k, len1, len2, len3, postObj, posts, q, quote, ref, ref1, spoilerRange, status, u;
      status = req.status;
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        a.textContent = "Error " + req.statusText + " (" + status + ")";
      posts = req.response.posts;
      if (spoilerRange = posts[0].custom_spoiler) {
        Build.spoilerRange[g.BOARD] = spoilerRange;
      for (k = 0, len1 = posts.length; k < len1; k++) {
        postObj = posts[k];
        if (postObj.no === post.ID) {
      if (postObj.no !== post.ID) {
        a.textContent = "Post No." + post + " not found.";
      comment = post.nodes.comment;
      clone = comment.cloneNode(false);
      clone.innerHTML = postObj.com;
      ref = $$('.quotelink', clone);
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        quote = ref[q];
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        if (href[0] === '#') {
          quote.href = "" + (a.pathname.split('/').splice(0, 4).join('/')) + href;
        } else {
          quote.href = (a.pathname.split('/').splice(0, 3).join('/')) + "/" + href;
      post.nodes.shortComment = comment;
      $.replace(comment, clone);
      post.nodes.comment = post.nodes.longComment = clone;
      ref1 = ExpandComment.callbacks;
      for (u = 0, len3 = ref1.length; u < len3; u++) {
        callback = ref1[u];

  ExpandThread = {
    statuses: {},
    init: function() {
      if (g.VIEW === 'thread' || !Conf['Thread Expansion']) {
      if (Conf['JSON Navigation']) {
        return $.on(d, 'IndexRefresh', this.onIndexRefresh);
      } else {
        return Thread.callbacks.push({
          name: 'Expand Thread',
          cb: function() {
            return ExpandThread.setButton(this);
    setButton: function(thread) {
      var a;
      if (!(a = $.x('following-sibling::*[contains(@class,"summary")][1]', thread.OP.nodes.root))) {
      a.textContent = ExpandThread.text.apply(ExpandThread, ['+'].concat(slice.call(a.textContent.match(/\d+/g))));
      a.style.cursor = 'pointer';
      return $.on(a, 'click', ExpandThread.cbToggle);
    disconnect: function(refresh) {
      var ref, ref1, status, threadID;
      if (g.VIEW === 'thread' || !Conf['Thread Expansion']) {
      ref = ExpandThread.statuses;
      for (threadID in ref) {
        status = ref[threadID];
        if ((ref1 = status.req) != null) {
        delete ExpandThread.statuses[threadID];
      if (!refresh) {
        return $.off(d, 'IndexRefresh', this.onIndexRefresh);
    onIndexRefresh: function() {
      return g.BOARD.threads.forEach(function(thread) {
        return ExpandThread.setButton(thread);
    text: function(status, posts, files) {
      return (status + " " + posts + " post" + (posts > 1 ? 's' : '')) + (+files ? " and " + files + " image repl" + (files > 1 ? 'ies' : 'y') : "") + (" " + (status === '-' ? 'shown' : 'omitted') + ".");
    cbToggle: function(e) {
      if (e.shiftKey || e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey || e.button !== 0) {
      return ExpandThread.toggle(Get.threadFromNode(this));
    toggle: function(thread) {
      var a, threadRoot;
      threadRoot = thread.OP.nodes.root.parentNode;
      if (!(a = $('.summary', threadRoot))) {
      if (thread.ID in ExpandThread.statuses) {
        return ExpandThread.contract(thread, a, threadRoot);
      } else {
        return ExpandThread.expand(thread, a);
    expand: function(thread, a) {
      var status;
      ExpandThread.statuses[thread] = status = {};
      a.textContent = ExpandThread.text.apply(ExpandThread, ['...'].concat(slice.call(a.textContent.match(/\d+/g))));
      return status.req = $.cache("//a.4cdn.org/" + thread.board + "/thread/" + thread + ".json", function() {
        delete status.req;
        return ExpandThread.parse(this, thread, a);
    contract: function(thread, a, threadRoot) {
      var filesCount, inlined, k, len1, num, postsCount, replies, reply, status;
      status = ExpandThread.statuses[thread];
      delete ExpandThread.statuses[thread];
      if (status.req) {
        if (a) {
          a.textContent = ExpandThread.text.apply(ExpandThread, ['+'].concat(slice.call(a.textContent.match(/\d+/g))));
      replies = $$('.thread > .replyContainer', threadRoot);
      if (!Conf['JSON Navigation'] || Conf['Show Replies']) {
        num = (function() {
          if (thread.isSticky) {
            return 1;
          } else {
            switch (g.BOARD.ID) {
              case 'b':
              case 'vg':
                return 3;
              case 't':
                return 1;
                return 5;
        replies = replies.slice(0, -num);
      postsCount = 0;
      filesCount = 0;
      for (k = 0, len1 = replies.length; k < len1; k++) {
        reply = replies[k];
        if (Conf['Quote Inlining']) {
          while (inlined = $('.inlined', reply)) {
        if ('file' in Get.postFromRoot(reply)) {
      return a.textContent = ExpandThread.text('+', postsCount, filesCount);
    parse: function(req, thread, a) {
      var filesCount, k, len1, post, postData, posts, postsCount, postsRoot, ref, ref1, root;
      if ((ref = req.status) !== 200 && ref !== 304) {
        a.textContent = "Error " + req.statusText + " (" + req.status + ")";
      Build.spoilerRange[thread.board] = req.response.posts[0].custom_spoiler;
      posts = [];
      postsRoot = [];
      filesCount = 0;
      ref1 = req.response.posts;
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref1.length; k < len1; k++) {
        postData = ref1[k];
        if (postData.no === thread.ID) {
        if ((post = thread.posts[postData.no]) && !post.isFetchedQuote) {
          if ('file' in post) {
        root = Build.postFromObject(postData, thread.board.ID);
        post = new Post(root, thread, thread.board);
        if ('file' in post) {
      Main.callbackNodes(Post, posts);
      $.after(a, postsRoot);
      postsCount = postsRoot.length;
      return a.textContent = ExpandThread.text('-', postsCount, filesCount);

  FileInfo = {
    init: function() {
      var ref;
      if (((ref = g.VIEW) !== 'index' && ref !== 'thread') || !Conf['File Info Formatting']) {
      return Post.callbacks.push({
        name: 'File Info Formatting',
        cb: this.node
    node: function() {
      var info, oldInfo;
      if (!this.file || this.isClone) {
      oldInfo = $.el('span', {
        className: 'fileText-original'
      $.prepend(this.file.link.parentNode, oldInfo);
      $.add(oldInfo, [this.file.link.previousSibling, this.file.link, this.file.link.nextSibling]);
      info = $.el('span', {
        className: 'file-info'
      FileInfo.format(Conf['fileInfo'], this, info);
      return $.prepend(this.file.text, info);
    format: function(formatString, post, outputNode) {
      var output;
      output = [];
      formatString.replace(/%(.)|[^%]+/g, function(s, c) {
        output.push(c in FileInfo.formatters ? FileInfo.formatters[c].call(post) : {
          innerHTML: E(s)
        return '';
      return $.extend(outputNode, {
        innerHTML: E.cat(output)
    formatters: {
      t: function() {
        return {
          innerHTML: E(this.file.url.match(/[^/]*$/)[0])
      T: function() {
        return {
          innerHTML: "<a href=\"" + E(this.file.url) + "\" target=\"_blank\">" + FileInfo.formatters.t.call(this).innerHTML + "</a>"
      l: function() {
        return {
          innerHTML: "<a href=\"" + E(this.file.url) + "\" target=\"_blank\">" + FileInfo.formatters.n.call(this).innerHTML + "</a>"
      L: function() {
        return {
          innerHTML: "<a href=\"" + E(this.file.url) + "\" target=\"_blank\">" + FileInfo.formatters.N.call(this).innerHTML + "</a>"
      n: function() {
        var fullname, shortname;
        fullname = this.file.name;
        shortname = Build.shortFilename(this.file.name, this.isReply);
        if (fullname === shortname) {
          return {
            innerHTML: E(fullname)
        } else {
          return {
            innerHTML: "<span class=\"fnswitch\"><span class=\"fntrunc\">" + E(shortname) + "</span><span class=\"fnfull\">" + E(fullname) + "</span></span>"
      N: function() {
        return {
          innerHTML: E(this.file.name)
      p: function() {
        return {
          innerHTML: (this.file.isSpoiler ? "Spoiler, " : "")
      s: function() {
        return {
          innerHTML: E(this.file.size)
      B: function() {
        return {
          innerHTML: E(Math.round(this.file.sizeInBytes)) + " Bytes"
      K: function() {
        return {
          innerHTML: E(Math.round(this.file.sizeInBytes/1024)) + " KB"
      M: function() {
        return {
          innerHTML: E(Math.round(this.file.sizeInBytes/1048576*100)/100) + " MB"
      r: function() {
        return {
          innerHTML: E(this.file.dimensions || "PDF")
      g: function() {
        return {
          innerHTML: (this.file.tag ? ", " + E(this.file.tag) : "")
      '%': function() {
        return {
          innerHTML: "%"

  Flash = {
    init: function() {
      if (g.BOARD.ID === 'f' && Conf['Enable Native Flash Embedding']) {
        return $.ready(Flash.initReady);
    initReady: function() {
      return $.globalEval('if (JSON.parse(localStorage["4chan-settings"] || "{}").disableAll) SWFEmbed.init();');

  Fourchan = {
    init: function() {
      var ref;
      if ((ref = g.VIEW) !== 'index' && ref !== 'thread') {
      if (g.BOARD.ID === 'g') {
        $.on(window, 'prettyprint:cb', function(e) {
          var post, pre;
          if (!(post = g.posts[e.detail.ID])) {
          if (!(pre = $$('.prettyprint', post.nodes.comment)[e.detail.i])) {
          if (!$.hasClass(pre, 'prettyprinted')) {
            pre.innerHTML = e.detail.html;
            return $.addClass(pre, 'prettyprinted');
        $.globalEval('window.addEventListener(\'prettyprint\', function(e) {\n  window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(\'prettyprint:cb\', {\n    detail: {\n      ID:   e.detail.ID,\n      i:    e.detail.i,\n      html: prettyPrintOne(e.detail.html)\n    }\n  }));\n}, false);');
          name: 'Parse /g/ code',
          cb: this.code
      if (g.BOARD.ID === 'sci') {
        $.globalEval('window.addEventListener(\'jsmath\', function(e) {\n  if (!jsMath) return;\n  if (jsMath.loaded) {\n    // process one post\n    jsMath.ProcessBeforeShowing(e.target);\n  } else if (jsMath.Autoload && jsMath.Autoload.checked) {\n    // load jsMath and process whole document\n    jsMath.Autoload.Script.Push(\'ProcessBeforeShowing\', [null]);\n    jsMath.Autoload.LoadJsMath();\n  }\n}, false);');
          name: 'Parse /sci/ math',
          cb: this.math
          name: 'Parse /sci/ math',
          cb: this.math
      return Main.ready(function() {
        return $.globalEval('(function() {\n  window.clickable_ids = false;\n  var nodes = document.querySelectorAll(\'.posteruid, .capcode\');\n  for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {\n    nodes[i].removeEventListener("click", window.idClick, false);\n  }\n  window.removeEventListener("message", Report.onMessage, false);\n})();');
    code: function() {
      if (this.isClone) {
      return $.ready((function(_this) {
        return function() {
          var i, k, len1, pre, ref;
          ref = $$('.prettyprint', _this.nodes.comment);
          for (i = k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; i = ++k) {
            pre = ref[i];
            if (!$.hasClass(pre, 'prettyprinted')) {
              $.event('prettyprint', {
                ID: _this.fullID,
                i: i,
                html: pre.innerHTML
              }, window);
    math: function() {
      if ((this.isClone && doc.contains(this.origin.nodes.root)) || !$('.math', this.nodes.comment)) {
      return $.asap(((function(_this) {
        return function() {
          return doc.contains(_this.nodes.comment);
      })(this)), (function(_this) {
        return function() {
          return $.event('jsmath', null, _this.nodes.comment);

  IDColor = {
    init: function() {
      var ref;
      if (!(((ref = g.VIEW) === 'index' || ref === 'thread') && Conf['Color User IDs'])) {
      this.ids = {
        Heaven: [0, 0, 0, '#fff']
      return Post.callbacks.push({
        name: 'Color User IDs',
        cb: this.node
    node: function() {
      var rgb, span, style, uid;
      if (this.isClone || !((uid = this.info.uniqueID) && (span = $('span.hand', this.nodes.uniqueID)))) {
      rgb = IDColor.ids[uid] || IDColor.compute(uid);
      style = span.style;
      style.color = rgb[3];
      style.backgroundColor = "rgb(" + rgb[0] + "," + rgb[1] + "," + rgb[2] + ")";
      return $.addClass(span, 'painted');
    compute: function(uid) {
      var hash, rgb;
      hash = IDColor.hash(uid);
      rgb = [(hash >> 24) & 0xFF, (hash >> 16) & 0xFF, (hash >> 8) & 0xFF];
      rgb.push((rgb[0] * 0.299 + rgb[1] * 0.587 + rgb[2] * 0.114) > 125 ? '#000' : '#fff');
      return this.ids[uid] = rgb;
    hash: function(uid) {
      var i, msg;
      msg = 0;
      i = 0;
      while (i < 8) {
        msg = (msg << 5) - msg + uid.charCodeAt(i++);
      return msg;

  IDHighlight = {
    init: function() {
      var ref;
      if ((ref = g.VIEW) !== 'index' && ref !== 'thread') {
      return Post.callbacks.push({
        name: 'Highlight by User ID',
        cb: this.node
    uniqueID: null,
    node: function() {
      if (this.nodes.uniqueID) {
        $.on(this.nodes.uniqueID, 'click', IDHighlight.click(this));
      if (this.nodes.capcode) {
        $.on(this.nodes.capcode, 'click', IDHighlight.click(this));
      if (!this.isClone) {
        return IDHighlight.set(this);
    set: function(post) {
      var match;
      match = (post.info.uniqueID || post.info.capcode) === IDHighlight.uniqueID;
      return $[match ? 'addClass' : 'rmClass'](post.nodes.post, 'highlight');
    click: function(post) {
      return function() {
        var uniqueID;
        uniqueID = post.info.uniqueID || post.info.capcode;
        IDHighlight.uniqueID = IDHighlight.uniqueID === uniqueID ? null : uniqueID;
        return g.posts.forEach(IDHighlight.set);

  Keybinds = {
    init: function() {
      var hotkey, init;
      if (!Conf['Keybinds']) {
      for (hotkey in Conf.hotkeys) {
        $.sync(hotkey, Keybinds.sync);
      init = function() {
        var k, len1, node, ref;
        $.off(d, '4chanXInitFinished', init);
        $.on(d, 'keydown', Keybinds.keydown);
        ref = $$('[accesskey]');
        for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
          node = ref[k];
      return $.on(d, '4chanXInitFinished', init);
    sync: function(key, hotkey) {
      return Conf[hotkey] = key;
    keydown: function(e) {
      var form, k, key, len1, notification, notifications, op, ref, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, searchInput, target, thread, threadRoot;
      if (!(key = Keybinds.keyCode(e))) {
      target = e.target;
      if ((ref = target.nodeName) === 'INPUT' || ref === 'TEXTAREA') {
        if (!/(Esc|Alt|Ctrl|Meta|Shift\+\w{2,})/.test(key)) {
      if (!(((ref1 = g.VIEW) !== 'index' && ref1 !== 'thread') || g.VIEW === 'index' && Conf['JSON Navigation'] && Conf['Index Mode'] === 'catalog' || g.VIEW === 'index' && g.BOARD.ID === 'f')) {
        threadRoot = Nav.getThread();
        if (op = $('.op', threadRoot)) {
          thread = Get.postFromNode(op).thread;
      switch (key) {
        case Conf['Toggle board list']:
          if (!Conf['Custom Board Navigation']) {
        case Conf['Toggle header']:
        case Conf['Open empty QR']:
          if (!QR.postingIsEnabled) {
        case Conf['Open QR']:
          if (!(QR.postingIsEnabled && threadRoot)) {
        case Conf['Open settings']:
        case Conf['Close']:
          if (Settings.dialog) {
          } else if ((notifications = $$('.notification')).length) {
            for (k = 0, len1 = notifications.length; k < len1; k++) {
              notification = notifications[k];
              $('.close', notification).click();
          } else if (QR.nodes && !(QR.nodes.el.hidden || window.getComputedStyle(QR.nodes.form).display === 'none')) {
            if (Conf['Persistent QR']) {
            } else {
          } else if (Embedding.lastEmbed) {
          } else {
        case Conf['Spoiler tags']:
          if (target.nodeName !== 'TEXTAREA') {
          Keybinds.tags('spoiler', target);
        case Conf['Code tags']:
          if (target.nodeName !== 'TEXTAREA') {
          Keybinds.tags('code', target);
        case Conf['Eqn tags']:
          if (target.nodeName !== 'TEXTAREA') {
          Keybinds.tags('eqn', target);
        case Conf['Math tags']:
          if (target.nodeName !== 'TEXTAREA') {
          Keybinds.tags('math', target);
        case Conf['Toggle sage']:
          if (!(QR.nodes && !QR.nodes.el.hidden)) {
        case Conf['Submit QR']:
          if (!(QR.nodes && !QR.nodes.el.hidden)) {
          if (!QR.status()) {
        case Conf['Update']:
          switch (g.VIEW) {
            case 'thread':
              if (!Conf['Thread Updater']) {
            case 'index':
              if (!(Conf['JSON Navigation'] && g.BOARD.ID !== 'f')) {
        case Conf['Watch']:
          if (!thread) {
        case Conf['Expand image']:
          if (!(ImageExpand.enabled && threadRoot)) {
        case Conf['Expand images']:
          if (!(ImageExpand.enabled && threadRoot)) {
          Keybinds.img(threadRoot, true);
        case Conf['Open Gallery']:
          if (!Gallery.enabled) {
        case Conf['fappeTyme']:
          if (!(Conf['Fappe Tyme'] && ((ref2 = g.VIEW) === 'index' || ref2 === 'thread'))) {
        case Conf['werkTyme']:
          if (!(Conf['Werk Tyme'] && ((ref3 = g.VIEW) === 'index' || ref3 === 'thread'))) {
        case Conf['Front page']:
          if (Conf['JSON Navigation'] && g.VIEW === 'index' && g.BOARD.ID !== 'f') {
          } else {
            window.location = "/" + g.BOARD + "/";
        case Conf['Open front page']:
          $.open("/" + g.BOARD + "/");
        case Conf['Next page']:
          if (!(g.VIEW === 'index' && g.BOARD.ID !== 'f')) {
          if (Conf['JSON Navigation']) {
            if ((ref4 = Conf['Index Mode']) !== 'paged' && ref4 !== 'infinite') {
            $('.next button', Index.pagelist).click();
          } else {
            if (form = $('.next form')) {
              window.location = form.action;
        case Conf['Previous page']:
          if (!(g.VIEW === 'index' && g.BOARD.ID !== 'f')) {
          if (Conf['JSON Navigation']) {
            if ((ref5 = Conf['Index Mode']) !== 'paged' && ref5 !== 'infinite') {
            $('.prev button', Index.pagelist).click();
          } else {
            if (form = $('.prev form')) {
              window.location = form.action;
        case Conf['Search form']:
          if (!(g.VIEW === 'index' && g.BOARD.ID !== 'f')) {
          searchInput = Conf['JSON Navigation'] ? Index.searchInput : $.id('search-box');
        case Conf['Paged mode']:
          if (!(Conf['JSON Navigation'] && g.BOARD.ID !== 'f')) {
          window.location = g.VIEW === 'index' ? '#paged' : "/" + g.BOARD + "/#paged";
        case Conf['Infinite scrolling mode']:
          if (!(Conf['JSON Navigation'] && g.BOARD.ID !== 'f')) {
          window.location = g.VIEW === 'index' ? '#infinite' : "/" + g.BOARD + "/#infinite";
        case Conf['All pages mode']:
          if (!(Conf['JSON Navigation'] && g.BOARD.ID !== 'f')) {
          window.location = g.VIEW === 'index' ? '#all-pages' : "/" + g.BOARD + "/#all-pages";
        case Conf['Open catalog']:
          if (g.BOARD.ID === 'f') {
          window.location = CatalogLinks.catalog();
        case Conf['Cycle sort type']:
          if (!(Conf['JSON Navigation'] && g.VIEW === 'index' && g.BOARD.ID !== 'f')) {
        case Conf['Next thread']:
          if (!(g.VIEW === 'index' && threadRoot)) {
        case Conf['Previous thread']:
          if (!(g.VIEW === 'index' && threadRoot)) {
        case Conf['Expand thread']:
          if (!(g.VIEW === 'index' && threadRoot)) {
        case Conf['Open thread']:
          if (!(g.VIEW === 'index' && threadRoot)) {
        case Conf['Open thread tab']:
          if (!(g.VIEW === 'index' && threadRoot)) {
          Keybinds.open(thread, true);
        case Conf['Next reply']:
          if (!threadRoot) {
          Keybinds.hl(+1, threadRoot);
        case Conf['Previous reply']:
          if (!threadRoot) {
          Keybinds.hl(-1, threadRoot);
        case Conf['Deselect reply']:
          if (!threadRoot) {
          Keybinds.hl(0, threadRoot);
        case Conf['Hide']:
          if (!thread) {
          if (ThreadHiding.db) {
        case Conf['Previous Post Quoting You']:
          if (!threadRoot) {
        case Conf['Next Post Quoting You']:
          if (!threadRoot) {
      return e.stopPropagation();
    keyCode: function(e) {
      var kc, key;
      key = (function() {
        switch (kc = e.keyCode) {
          case 8:
            return '';
          case 13:
            return 'Enter';
          case 27:
            return 'Esc';
          case 37:
            return 'Left';
          case 38:
            return 'Up';
          case 39:
            return 'Right';
          case 40:
            return 'Down';
            if ((48 <= kc && kc <= 57) || (65 <= kc && kc <= 90)) {
              return String.fromCharCode(kc).toLowerCase();
            } else {
              return null;
      if (key) {
        if (e.altKey) {
          key = 'Alt+' + key;
        if (e.ctrlKey) {
          key = 'Ctrl+' + key;
        if (e.metaKey) {
          key = 'Meta+' + key;
        if (e.shiftKey) {
          key = 'Shift+' + key;
      return key;
    qr: function(thread) {
      if (thread != null) {
        QR.quote.call($('input', $('.post.highlight', thread) || thread));
      return QR.nodes.com.focus();
    tags: function(tag, ta) {
      var range, selEnd, selStart, supported, value;
      supported = (function() {
        switch (tag) {
          case 'spoiler':
            return !!$('.postForm input[name=spoiler]');
          case 'code':
            return g.BOARD.ID === 'g';
          case 'math':
          case 'eqn':
            return g.BOARD.ID === 'sci';
      if (!supported) {
        new Notice('warning', "[" + tag + "] tags are not supported on /" + g.BOARD + "/.", 20);
      value = ta.value;
      selStart = ta.selectionStart;
      selEnd = ta.selectionEnd;
      ta.value = value.slice(0, selStart) + ("[" + tag + "]") + value.slice(selStart, selEnd) + ("[/" + tag + "]") + value.slice(selEnd);
      range = ("[" + tag + "]").length + selEnd;
      ta.setSelectionRange(range, range);
      return $.event('input', null, ta);
    sage: function() {
      var isSage;
      isSage = /sage/i.test(QR.nodes.email.value);
      return QR.nodes.email.value = isSage ? "" : "sage";
    img: function(thread, all) {
      var post;
      if (all) {
        return ImageExpand.cb.toggleAll();
      } else {
        post = Get.postFromNode($('.post.highlight', thread) || $('.op', thread));
        return ImageExpand.toggle(post);
    open: function(thread, tab) {
      var url;
      if (g.VIEW !== 'index') {
      url = "/" + thread.board + "/thread/" + thread;
      if (tab) {
        return $.open(url);
      } else {
        return location.href = url;
    hl: function(delta, thread) {
      var axis, height, k, len1, next, postEl, replies, reply, root;
      postEl = $('.reply.highlight', thread);
      if (!delta) {
        if (postEl) {
          $.rmClass(postEl, 'highlight');
      if (postEl) {
        height = postEl.getBoundingClientRect().height;
        if (Header.getTopOf(postEl) >= -height && Header.getBottomOf(postEl) >= -height) {
          root = postEl.parentNode;
          axis = delta === +1 ? 'following' : 'preceding';
          if (!(next = $.x(axis + "-sibling::div[contains(@class,'replyContainer') and not(@hidden) and not(child::div[@class='stub'])][1]/child::div[contains(@class,'reply')]", root))) {
          Header.scrollToIfNeeded(next, delta === +1);
          $.rmClass(postEl, 'highlight');
        $.rmClass(postEl, 'highlight');
      replies = $$('.reply', thread);
      if (delta === -1) {
      for (k = 0, len1 = replies.length; k < len1; k++) {
        reply = replies[k];
        if (delta === +1 && Header.getTopOf(reply) > 0 || delta === -1 && Header.getBottomOf(reply) > 0) {
    focus: function(post) {
      return $.addClass(post, 'highlight');

  Nav = {
    init: function() {
      var append, next, prev, span;
      switch (g.VIEW) {
        case 'index':
          if (!Conf['Index Navigation']) {
        case 'thread':
          if (!Conf['Reply Navigation']) {
      span = $.el('span', {
        id: 'navlinks'
      prev = $.el('a', {
        textContent: '▲',
        href: 'javascript:;'
      next = $.el('a', {
        textContent: '▼',
        href: 'javascript:;'
      $.on(prev, 'click', this.prev);
      $.on(next, 'click', this.next);
      $.add(span, [prev, $.tn(' '), next]);
      append = function() {
        $.off(d, '4chanXInitFinished', append);
        return $.add(d.body, span);
      return $.on(d, '4chanXInitFinished', append);
    prev: function() {
      if (g.VIEW === 'thread') {
        return window.scrollTo(0, 0);
      } else {
        return Nav.scroll(-1);
    next: function() {
      if (g.VIEW === 'thread') {
        return window.scrollTo(0, d.body.scrollHeight);
      } else {
        return Nav.scroll(+1);
    getThread: function() {
      var k, len1, ref, thread, threadRoot;
      ref = $$('.thread');
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        threadRoot = ref[k];
        thread = Get.threadFromRoot(threadRoot);
        if (thread.isHidden && !thread.stub) {
        if (Header.getTopOf(threadRoot) >= -threadRoot.getBoundingClientRect().height) {
          return threadRoot;
      return $('.board');
    scroll: function(delta) {
      var axis, extra, next, ref, thread, top;
      if ((ref = d.activeElement) != null) {
      thread = Nav.getThread();
      axis = delta === +1 ? 'following' : 'preceding';
      if (next = $.x(axis + "-sibling::div[contains(@class,'thread') and not(@hidden)][1]", thread)) {
        top = Header.getTopOf(thread);
        if (delta === +1 && top < 5 || delta === -1 && top > -5) {
          thread = next;
      extra = Header.getTopOf(thread) + doc.clientHeight - d.body.getBoundingClientRect().bottom;
      if (extra > 0) {
        d.body.style.marginBottom = extra + "px";
      if (extra > 0 && !Nav.haveExtra) {
        Nav.haveExtra = true;
        return $.on(d, 'scroll', Nav.removeExtra);
    removeExtra: function() {
      var extra;
      extra = doc.clientHeight - d.body.getBoundingClientRect().bottom;
      if (extra > 0) {
        return d.body.style.marginBottom = extra + "px";
      } else {
        d.body.style.marginBottom = null;
        delete Nav.haveExtra;
        return $.off(d, 'scroll', Nav.removeExtra);

  RelativeDates = {
    init: function() {
      var ref;
      if (((ref = g.VIEW) === 'index' || ref === 'thread') && Conf['Relative Post Dates'] && !Conf['Relative Date Title'] || g.VIEW === 'index' && Conf['JSON Navigation'] && g.BOARD.ID !== 'f') {
        $.on(d, 'visibilitychange ThreadUpdate', this.flush);
      if (Conf['Relative Post Dates']) {
        return Post.callbacks.push({
          name: 'Relative Post Dates',
          cb: this.node
    node: function() {
      var dateEl;
      dateEl = this.nodes.date;
      if (Conf['Relative Date Title']) {
        $.on(dateEl, 'mouseover', (function(_this) {
          return function() {
            return RelativeDates.hover(_this);
      if (this.isClone) {
      dateEl.title = dateEl.textContent;
      return RelativeDates.update(this);
    relative: function(diff, now, date) {
      var days, months, number, rounded, unit, years;
      unit = (number = diff / $.DAY) >= 1 ? (years = now.getYear() - date.getYear(), months = now.getMonth() - date.getMonth(), days = now.getDate() - date.getDate(), years > 1 ? (number = years - (months < 0 || months === 0 && days < 0), 'year') : years === 1 && (months > 0 || months === 0 && days >= 0) ? (number = years, 'year') : (months = months + 12 * years) > 1 ? (number = months - (days < 0), 'month') : months === 1 && days >= 0 ? (number = months, 'month') : 'day') : (number = diff / $.HOUR) >= 1 ? 'hour' : (number = diff / $.MINUTE) >= 1 ? 'minute' : (number = Math.max(0, diff) / $.SECOND, 'second');
      rounded = Math.round(number);
      if (rounded !== 1) {
        unit += 's';
      return rounded + " " + unit + " ago";
    stale: [],
    flush: function() {
      var data, k, len1, now, ref;
      if (d.hidden) {
      now = new Date();
      ref = RelativeDates.stale;
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        data = ref[k];
        RelativeDates.update(data, now);
      RelativeDates.stale = [];
      return RelativeDates.timeout = setTimeout(RelativeDates.flush, RelativeDates.INTERVAL);
    hover: function(post) {
      var date, diff, now;
      date = post.info.date;
      now = new Date();
      diff = now - date;
      return post.nodes.date.title = RelativeDates.relative(diff, now, date);
    update: function(data, now) {
      var date, diff, isPost, k, len1, ref, relative, singlePost;
      isPost = data instanceof Post;
      date = isPost ? data.info.date : new Date(+data.dataset.utc);
      now || (now = new Date());
      diff = now - date;
      relative = RelativeDates.relative(diff, now, date);
      if (isPost) {
        ref = [data].concat(data.clones);
        for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
          singlePost = ref[k];
          singlePost.nodes.date.firstChild.textContent = relative;
      } else {
        data.firstChild.textContent = relative;
      return RelativeDates.setOwnTimeout(diff, data);
    setOwnTimeout: function(diff, data) {
      var delay;
      delay = diff < $.MINUTE ? $.SECOND - (diff + $.SECOND / 2) % $.SECOND : diff < $.HOUR ? $.MINUTE - (diff + $.MINUTE / 2) % $.MINUTE : diff < $.DAY ? $.HOUR - (diff + $.HOUR / 2) % $.HOUR : $.DAY - (diff + $.DAY / 2) % $.DAY;
      return setTimeout(RelativeDates.markStale, delay, data);
    markStale: function(data) {
      if (indexOf.call(RelativeDates.stale, data) >= 0) {
      if (data instanceof Post && !g.posts[data.fullID]) {
      return RelativeDates.stale.push(data);

  RemoveSpoilers = {
    init: function() {
      if (Conf['Reveal Spoilers']) {
        $.addClass(doc, 'reveal-spoilers');
      if (!Conf['Remove Spoilers']) {
        name: 'Reveal Spoilers',
        cb: this.node
        name: 'Reveal Spoilers',
        cb: this.node
      if (g.VIEW === 'archive') {
        return $.ready(function() {
          return RemoveSpoilers.unspoiler($.id('arc-list'));
    node: function() {
      return RemoveSpoilers.unspoiler(this.nodes.comment);
    unspoiler: function(el) {
      var k, len1, span, spoiler, spoilers;
      spoilers = $$('s', el);
      for (k = 0, len1 = spoilers.length; k < len1; k++) {
        spoiler = spoilers[k];
        span = $.el('span', {
          className: 'removed-spoiler'
        $.replace(spoiler, span);
        $.add(span, slice.call(spoiler.childNodes));

  Report = {
    css: "noscript > div, noscript > div > div {\n" +
"  height: 545px !important;\n" +
"}\n" +
"noscript > div > div > div:first-child, noscript iframe {\n" +
"  height: 423px !important;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root:not(.js-enabled) #g-recaptcha {\n" +
"  height: auto;\n" +
    init: function() {
      var match;
      if (!(/\bmode=report\b/.test(location.search) && (match = location.search.match(/\bno=(\d+)/)))) {
      this.postID = +match[1];
      return $.ready(this.ready);
    ready: function() {
      if (Conf['Archive Report']) {
      if ($.hasClass(doc, 'js-enabled')) {
        return new MutationObserver(function() {
          return Report.fit('.gc-bubbleDefault');
        }).observe(d.body, {
          childList: true,
          attributes: true,
          subtree: true
      } else {
        return Report.fit('body');
    fit: function(selector) {
      var dy, el;
      if (!(el = $(selector, doc))) {
      dy = el.getBoundingClientRect().bottom - doc.clientHeight + 8;
      if (dy > 0) {
        return window.resizeBy(0, dy);
    archive: function() {
      var link, message, types, url;
      if (!(url = Redirect.to('report', {
        boardID: g.BOARD.ID,
        postID: Report.postID
      }))) {
      if ((message = $('h3')) && /Report submitted!/.test(message.textContent)) {
        if (location.hash === '#redirect') {
          $.globalEval('self.close = function(){};');
          window.resizeBy(0, 350 - doc.clientHeight);
      link = $.el('a', {
        href: url,
        textContent: 'Report to archive'
      $.on(link, 'click', function(e) {
        if (!(e.shiftKey || e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey || e.button !== 0)) {
          return window.resizeBy(0, 350 - doc.clientHeight);
      $.add(d.body, [$.tn(' ['), link, $.tn(']')]);
      if (types = $.id('reportTypes')) {
        return $.on(types, 'change', function(e) {
          var ref;
          return $('form').action = (ref = e.target.value) === 'illegal' || ref === 'spam' ? '#redirect' : '';

  Time = {
    init: function() {
      var ref;
      if (!(((ref = g.VIEW) === 'index' || ref === 'thread') && Conf['Time Formatting'])) {
      return Post.callbacks.push({
        name: 'Time Formatting',
        cb: this.node
    node: function() {
      if (this.isClone) {
      return this.nodes.date.textContent = Time.format(Conf['time'], this.info.date);
    format: function(formatString, date) {
      return formatString.replace(/%(.)/g, function(s, c) {
        if (c in Time.formatters) {
          return Time.formatters[c].call(date);
        } else {
          return s;
    day: ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'],
    month: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'],
    zeroPad: function(n) {
      if (n < 10) {
        return "0" + n;
      } else {
        return n;
    formatters: {
      a: function() {
        return Time.day[this.getDay()].slice(0, 3);
      A: function() {
        return Time.day[this.getDay()];
      b: function() {
        return Time.month[this.getMonth()].slice(0, 3);
      B: function() {
        return Time.month[this.getMonth()];
      d: function() {
        return Time.zeroPad(this.getDate());
      e: function() {
        return this.getDate();
      H: function() {
        return Time.zeroPad(this.getHours());
      I: function() {
        return Time.zeroPad(this.getHours() % 12 || 12);
      k: function() {
        return this.getHours();
      l: function() {
        return this.getHours() % 12 || 12;
      m: function() {
        return Time.zeroPad(this.getMonth() + 1);
      M: function() {
        return Time.zeroPad(this.getMinutes());
      p: function() {
        if (this.getHours() < 12) {
          return 'AM';
        } else {
          return 'PM';
      P: function() {
        if (this.getHours() < 12) {
          return 'am';
        } else {
          return 'pm';
      S: function() {
        return Time.zeroPad(this.getSeconds());
      y: function() {
        return this.getFullYear().toString().slice(2);
      Y: function() {
        return this.getFullYear();
      '%': function() {
        return '%';

  Settings = {
    init: function() {
      var add, link, settings;
      link = $.el('a', {
        className: 'settings-link fa fa-wrench',
        textContent: 'Settings',
        title: '4chan X Settings',
        href: 'javascript:;'
      $.on(link, 'click', Settings.open);
      add = this.addSection;
      add('Main', this.main);
      add('Filter', this.filter);
      add('Sauce', this.sauce);
      add('Advanced', this.advanced);
      add('Keybinds', this.keybinds);
      $.on(d, 'AddSettingsSection', Settings.addSection);
      $.on(d, 'OpenSettings', function(e) {
        return Settings.open(e.detail);
      if (Conf['Disable Native Extension']) {
        settings = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('4chan-settings')) || {};
        if (settings.disableAll) {
        settings.disableAll = true;
        return localStorage.setItem('4chan-settings', JSON.stringify(settings));
    open: function(openSection) {
      var dialog, k, len1, link, links, overlay, ref, section, sectionToOpen;
      if (Settings.overlay) {
      Settings.dialog = dialog = $.el('div', {
        id: 'fourchanx-settings',
        className: 'dialog'
      $.extend(dialog, {
        innerHTML: "<nav><div class=\"sections-list\"></div><p class=\"imp-exp-result warning\"></p><div class=\"credits\"><a class=\"export\">Export</a>&nbsp|&nbsp<a class=\"import\">Import</a>&nbsp|&nbsp<a class=\"reset\">Reset Settings</a>&nbsp|&nbsp<input type=\"file\" hidden><a href=\"https://github.com/ccd0/4chan-x\" target=\"_blank\">4chan X</a>&nbsp|&nbsp<a href=\"https://github.com/ccd0/4chan-x/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md\" target=\"_blank\">" + E(g.VERSION) + "</a>&nbsp|&nbsp<a href=\"https://github.com/ccd0/4chan-x/issues\" target=\"_blank\">Issues</a>&nbsp|&nbsp<a href=\"javascript:;\" class=\"close fa fa-times\" title=\"Close\"></a></div></nav><div class=\"section-container\"><section></section></div>"
      Settings.overlay = overlay = $.el('div', {
        id: 'overlay'
      $.on($('.export', dialog), 'click', Settings["export"]);
      $.on($('.import', dialog), 'click', Settings["import"]);
      $.on($('.reset', dialog), 'click', Settings.reset);
      $.on($('input', dialog), 'change', Settings.onImport);
      links = [];
      ref = Settings.sections;
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        section = ref[k];
        link = $.el('a', {
          className: "tab-" + section.hyphenatedTitle,
          textContent: section.title,
          href: 'javascript:;'
        $.on(link, 'click', Settings.openSection.bind(section));
        links.push(link, $.tn(' | '));
        if (section.title === openSection) {
          sectionToOpen = link;
      $.add($('.sections-list', dialog), links);
      if (openSection !== 'none') {
        (sectionToOpen ? sectionToOpen : links[0]).click();
      $.on($('.close', dialog), 'click', Settings.close);
      $.on(overlay, 'click', Settings.close);
      $.add(d.body, [overlay, dialog]);
      return $.event('OpenSettings', null, dialog);
    close: function() {
      var ref;
      if (!Settings.dialog) {
      if ((ref = d.activeElement) != null) {
      delete Settings.overlay;
      return delete Settings.dialog;
    sections: [],
    addSection: function(title, open) {
      var hyphenatedTitle, ref;
      if (typeof title !== 'string') {
        ref = title.detail, title = ref.title, open = ref.open;
      hyphenatedTitle = title.toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g, '-');
      return Settings.sections.push({
        title: title,
        hyphenatedTitle: hyphenatedTitle,
        open: open
    openSection: function() {
      var section, selected;
      if (selected = $('.tab-selected', Settings.dialog)) {
        $.rmClass(selected, 'tab-selected');
      $.addClass($(".tab-" + this.hyphenatedTitle, Settings.dialog), 'tab-selected');
      section = $('section', Settings.dialog);
      section.className = "section-" + this.hyphenatedTitle;
      this.open(section, g);
      section.scrollTop = 0;
      return $.event('OpenSettings', null, section);
    main: function(section) {
      var arr, button, container, containers, description, div, fs, input, inputs, items, key, level, obj, ref;
      items = {};
      inputs = {};
      ref = Config.main;
      for (key in ref) {
        obj = ref[key];
        fs = $.el('fieldset', {
          innerHTML: "<legend>" + E(key) + "</legend>"
        containers = [fs];
        for (key in obj) {
          arr = obj[key];
          description = arr[1];
          div = $.el('div', {
            innerHTML: "<label><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"" + E(key) + "\">" + E(key) + "</label><span class=\"description\">: " + E(description) + "</span>"
          input = $('input', div);
          $.on(input, 'change', function() {
            this.parentNode.parentNode.dataset.checked = this.checked;
            return $.cb.checked.call(this);
          items[key] = Conf[key];
          inputs[key] = input;
          level = arr[2] || 0;
          if (containers.length <= level) {
            container = $.el('div', {
              className: 'suboption-list'
            $.add(containers[containers.length - 1].lastElementChild, container);
            containers[level] = container;
          } else if (containers.length > level + 1) {
            containers.splice(level + 1, containers.length - (level + 1));
          $.add(containers[level], div);
        $.add(section, fs);
      $.get(items, function(items) {
        var val;
        for (key in items) {
          val = items[key];
          inputs[key].checked = val;
          inputs[key].parentNode.parentNode.dataset.checked = val;
      div = $.el('div', {
        innerHTML: "<button></button><span class=\"description\">: Clear manually-hidden threads and posts on all boards. Reload the page to apply."
      button = $('button', div);
        hiddenThreads: {},
        hiddenPosts: {}
      }, function(arg) {
        var ID, board, hiddenNum, hiddenPosts, hiddenThreads, ref1, ref2, thread;
        hiddenThreads = arg.hiddenThreads, hiddenPosts = arg.hiddenPosts;
        hiddenNum = 0;
        ref1 = hiddenThreads.boards;
        for (ID in ref1) {
          board = ref1[ID];
          hiddenNum += Object.keys(board).length;
        ref2 = hiddenPosts.boards;
        for (ID in ref2) {
          board = ref2[ID];
          for (ID in board) {
            thread = board[ID];
            hiddenNum += Object.keys(thread).length;
        return button.textContent = "Hidden: " + hiddenNum;
      $.on(button, 'click', function() {
        this.textContent = 'Hidden: 0';
        return $.get('hiddenThreads', {}, function(arg) {
          var boardID, hiddenThreads;
          hiddenThreads = arg.hiddenThreads;
          for (boardID in hiddenThreads.boards) {
            localStorage.removeItem("4chan-hide-t-" + boardID);
          return $["delete"](['hiddenThreads', 'hiddenPosts']);
      return $.after($('input[name="Stubs"]', section).parentNode.parentNode, div);
    "export": function() {
      return $.get(Conf, function(Conf) {
        delete Conf['archives'];
        return Settings.downloadExport({
          version: g.VERSION,
          date: Date.now(),
          Conf: Conf
    downloadExport: function(data) {
      var a, p;
      a = $.el('a', {
        download: "4chan X v" + g.VERSION + "-" + data.date + ".json",
        href: "data:application/json;base64," + (btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)))))
      p = $('.imp-exp-result', Settings.dialog);
      $.add(p, a);
      return a.click();
    "import": function() {
      return $('input[type=file]', this.parentNode).click();
    onImport: function() {
      var file, output, reader;
      if (!(file = this.files[0])) {
      output = $('.imp-exp-result');
      if (!confirm('Your current settings will be entirely overwritten, are you sure?')) {
        output.textContent = 'Import aborted.';
      reader = new FileReader();
      reader.onload = function(e) {
        var err;
        try {
          return Settings.loadSettings(JSON.parse(e.target.result), function(err) {
            if (err) {
              return output.textContent = 'Import failed due to an error.';
            } else if (confirm('Import successful. Reload now?')) {
              return window.location.reload();
        } catch (_error) {
          err = _error;
          output.textContent = 'Import failed due to an error.';
          return c.error(err.stack);
      return reader.readAsText(file);
    loadSettings: function(data, cb) {
      var convertSettings, key, ref, val, version;
      version = data.version.split('.');
      if (version[0] === '2') {
        convertSettings = function(data, map) {
          var newKey, prevKey;
          for (prevKey in map) {
            newKey = map[prevKey];
            if (newKey) {
              data.Conf[newKey] = data.Conf[prevKey];
            delete data.Conf[prevKey];
          return data;
        data = convertSettings(data, {
          'Disable 4chan\'s extension': '',
          'Remove Slug': '',
          'Check for Updates': '',
          'Recursive Filtering': 'Recursive Hiding',
          'Reply Hiding': 'Reply Hiding Buttons',
          'Thread Hiding': 'Thread Hiding Buttons',
          'Show Stubs': 'Stubs',
          'Image Auto-Gif': 'Replace GIF',
          'Reveal Spoilers': 'Reveal Spoiler Thumbnails',
          'Expand From Current': 'Expand from here',
          'Post in Title': 'Thread Excerpt',
          'Open Reply in New Tab': 'Open Post in New Tab',
          'Remember QR size': 'Remember QR Size',
          'Remember Subject': '',
          'Quote Inline': 'Quote Inlining',
          'Quote Preview': 'Quote Previewing',
          'Indicate OP quote': 'Mark OP Quotes',
          'Indicate You quote': 'Mark Quotes of You',
          'Indicate Cross-thread Quotes': 'Mark Cross-thread Quotes',
          'uniqueid': 'uniqueID',
          'mod': 'capcode',
          'email': '',
          'country': 'flag',
          'md5': 'MD5',
          'openEmptyQR': 'Open empty QR',
          'openQR': 'Open QR',
          'openOptions': 'Open settings',
          'close': 'Close',
          'spoiler': 'Spoiler tags',
          'sageru': 'Toggle sage',
          'code': 'Code tags',
          'submit': 'Submit QR',
          'watch': 'Watch',
          'update': 'Update',
          'unreadCountTo0': '',
          'expandAllImages': 'Expand images',
          'expandImage': 'Expand image',
          'zero': 'Front page',
          'nextPage': 'Next page',
          'previousPage': 'Previous page',
          'nextThread': 'Next thread',
          'previousThread': 'Previous thread',
          'expandThread': 'Expand thread',
          'openThreadTab': 'Open thread',
          'openThread': 'Open thread tab',
          'nextReply': 'Next reply',
          'previousReply': 'Previous reply',
          'hide': 'Hide',
          'Scrolling': 'Auto Scroll',
          'Verbose': ''
        data.Conf.sauces = data.Conf.sauces.replace(/\$\d/g, function(c) {
          switch (c) {
            case '$1':
              return '%TURL';
            case '$2':
              return '%URL';
            case '$3':
              return '%MD5';
            case '$4':
              return '%board';
              return c;
        ref = Config.hotkeys;
        for (key in ref) {
          val = ref[key];
          if (key in data.Conf) {
            data.Conf[key] = data.Conf[key].replace(/ctrl|alt|meta/g, function(s) {
              return "" + (s[0].toUpperCase()) + s.slice(1);
            }).replace(/(^|.+\+)[A-Z]$/g, function(s) {
              return "Shift+" + s.slice(0, -1) + (s.slice(-1).toLowerCase());
        data.Conf['WatchedThreads'] = data.WatchedThreads;
      if (data.Conf['WatchedThreads']) {
        data.Conf['watchedThreads'] = {
          boards: ThreadWatcher.convert(data.Conf['WatchedThreads'])
        delete data.Conf['WatchedThreads'];
      return $.clear(function(err) {
        if (err) {
          return cb(err);
        return $.set(data.Conf, cb);
    reset: function() {
      if (confirm('Your current settings will be entirely wiped, are you sure?')) {
        return $.clear(function(err) {
          if (err) {
            return $('.imp-exp-result').textContent = 'Import failed due to an error.';
          } else if (confirm('Reset successful. Reload now?')) {
            return window.location.reload();
    filter: function(section) {
      var select;
      $.extend(section, {
        innerHTML: "<select name=\"filter\"><option value=\"guide\">Guide</option><option value=\"name\">Name</option><option value=\"uniqueID\">Unique ID</option><option value=\"tripcode\">Tripcode</option><option value=\"capcode\">Capcode</option><option value=\"subject\">Subject</option><option value=\"comment\">Comment</option><option value=\"flag\">Flag</option><option value=\"filename\">Filename</option><option value=\"dimensions\">Image dimensions</option><option value=\"filesize\">Filesize</option><option value=\"MD5\">Image MD5</option></select><div></div>"
      select = $('select', section);
      $.on(select, 'change', Settings.selectFilter);
      return Settings.selectFilter.call(select);
    selectFilter: function() {
      var div, name, ta;
      div = this.nextElementSibling;
      if ((name = this.value) !== 'guide') {
        ta = $.el('textarea', {
          name: name,
          className: 'field',
          spellcheck: false
        $.get(name, Conf[name], function(item) {
          return ta.value = item[name];
        $.on(ta, 'change', $.cb.value);
        $.add(div, ta);
      $.extend(div, {
        innerHTML: "<div class=\"warning\"><code>Filter</code> is disabled.</div><p>Use <a href=\"https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Regular_Expressions\">regular expressions</a>, one per line.<br>Lines starting with a <code>#</code> will be ignored.<br>For example, <code>/weeaboo/i</code> will filter posts containing the string \`<code>weeaboo</code>\`, case-insensitive.<br>MD5 filtering uses exact string matching, not regular expressions.</p><ul>You can use these settings with each regular expression, separate them with semicolons:<li>Per boards, separate them with commas. It is global if not specified.<br>For example: <code>boards:a,jp;</code>.</li><li>Filter OPs only along with their threads (\`only\`), replies only (\`no\`), or both (\`yes\`, this is default).<br>For example: <code>op:only;</code>, <code>op:no;</code> or <code>op:yes;</code>.</li><li>Overrule the \`Show Stubs\` setting if specified: create a stub (\`yes\`) or not (\`no\`).<br>For example: <code>stub:yes;</code> or <code>stub:no;</code>.</li><li>Highlight instead of hiding. You can specify a class name to use with a userstyle.<br>For example: <code>highlight;</code> or <code>highlight:wallpaper;</code>.</li><li>Highlighted OPs will have their threads put on top of the board index by default.<br>For example: <code>top:yes;</code> or <code>top:no;</code>.</li></ul><p>Note: If you&#039;re using the native catalog rather than 4chan X&#039;s catalog, 4chan X&#039;s filters do not apply there.<br>The native catalog has its own separate filter list.</p>"
      return $('.warning', div).hidden = Conf['Filter'];
    sauce: function(section) {
      var ta;
      $.extend(section, {
        innerHTML: "<div class=\"warning\"><code>Sauce</code> is disabled.</div><div>Lines starting with a <code>#</code> will be ignored.</div><div>You can specify a display text by appending <code>;text:[text]</code> to the URL.</div><div>You can specify the applicable boards by appending <code>;boards:[board1],[board2]</code>.</div><div>You can specify the applicable file types by appending <code>;types:[extension1],[extension2]</code>.</div><div>You can open links with scripts and popups disabled by appending <code>;sandbox</code>.</div><ul>These parameters will be replaced by their corresponding values:<li><code>%TURL</code>: Thumbnail URL.</li><li><code>%URL</code>: Full image URL.</li><li><code>%IMG</code>: Full image URL for GIF, JPG, and PNG; thumbnail URL for other types.</li><li><code>%MD5</code>: MD5 hash.</li><li><code>%name</code>: Original file name.</li><li><code>%board</code>: Current board.</li><li><code>%%</code>, <code>%semi</code>: Literal <code>%</code> and <code>;</code>.</li></ul><textarea name=\"sauces\" class=\"field\" spellcheck=\"false\"></textarea>"
      $('.warning', section).hidden = Conf['Sauce'];
      ta = $('textarea', section);
      $.get('sauces', Conf['sauces'], function(item) {
        return ta.value = item['sauces'];
      return $.on(ta, 'change', $.cb.value);
    advanced: function(section) {
      var aa, applyCSS, archBoards, boardID, boardOptions, boardSelect, boards, customCSS, files, i, input, inputs, interval, item, items, k, len1, len2, len3, len4, len5, len6, len7, name, o, q, ref, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, row, rows, software, ta, table, u, w, warning, withCredentials, y, z;
      $.extend(section, {
        innerHTML: "<fieldset><legend>Archiver</legend><div class=\"warning\" data-feature=\"404 Redirect\"><code>404 Redirect</code> is disabled.</div><select id=\"archive-board-select\"></select><table id=\"archive-table\"><thead><th>Thread redirection</th><th>Post fetching</th><th>File redirection</th></thead><tbody></tbody></table></fieldset><fieldset><legend>Custom Board Navigation</legend><div><textarea name=\"boardnav\" class=\"field\" spellcheck=\"false\"></textarea></div><span class=\"note\">New lines will be converted into spaces.</span><br><br><div class=\"note\">In the following examples for /g/, <code>g</code> can be changed to a different board ID (<code>a</code>, <code>b</code>, etc...), the current board (<code>current</code>), or the Twitter link (<code>@</code>).</div><div>Board link: <code>g</code></div><div>Archive link: <code>g-archive</code></div><div>Internal archive link: <code>g-expired</code></div><div>Title link: <code>g-title</code></div><div>Board link (Replace with title when on that board): <code>g-replace</code></div><div>Full text link: <code>g-full</code></div><div>Custom text link: <code>g-text:&quot;Install Gentoo&quot;</code></div><div>Index-only link: <code>g-index</code></div><div>Catalog-only link: <code>g-catalog</code></div><div>External link: <code>external-text:&quot;Google&quot;,&quot;http://www.google.com&quot;</code></div><div>Combinations are possible: <code>g-index-text:&quot;Technology Index&quot;</code></div><div>Full board list toggle: <code>toggle-all</code></div><br><div class=\"note\"><code>[ toggle-all ] [current-title] [g-title / a-title / jp-title] [x / wsg / h] [t-text:&quot;Piracy&quot;]</code><br>will give you<br><code>[ + ] [Technology] [Technology / Anime & Manga / Otaku Culture] [x / wsg / h] [Piracy]</code><br>if you are on /g/.</div></fieldset><fieldset><legend>Time Formatting <span class=\"warning\" data-feature=\"Time Formatting\">is disabled.</span></legend><div><input name=\"time\" class=\"field\" spellcheck=\"false\">: <span class=\"time-preview\"></span></div><div>Supported <a href=\"//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Date_%28Unix%29#Formatting\">format specifiers</a>:</div><div>Day: <code>%a</code>, <code>%A</code>, <code>%d</code>, <code>%e</code></div><div>Month: <code>%m</code>, <code>%b</code>, <code>%B</code></div><div>Year: <code>%y</code>, <code>%Y</code></div><div>Hour: <code>%k</code>, <code>%H</code>, <code>%l</code>, <code>%I</code>, <code>%p</code>, <code>%P</code></div><div>Minute: <code>%M</code></div><div>Second: <code>%S</code></div><div>Literal <code>%</code>: <code>%%</code></div></fieldset><fieldset><legend>Quote Backlinks formatting <span class=\"warning\" data-feature=\"Quote Backlinks\">is disabled.</span></legend><div><input name=\"backlink\" class=\"field\" spellcheck=\"false\">: <span class=\"backlink-preview\"></span></div></fieldset><fieldset><legend>File Info Formatting <span class=\"warning\" data-feature=\"File Info Formatting\">is disabled.</span></legend><div><input name=\"fileInfo\" class=\"field\" spellcheck=\"false\">: <span class=\"file-info file-info-preview\"></span></div><div>Link: <code>%l</code> (truncated), <code>%L</code> (untruncated), <code>%T</code> (4chan filename)</div><div>Filename: <code>%n</code> (truncated), <code>%N</code> (untruncated), <code>%t</code> (4chan filename)</div><div>Spoiler indicator: <code>%p</code></div><div>Size: <code>%B</code> (Bytes), <code>%K</code> (KB), <code>%M</code> (MB), <code>%s</code> (4chan default)</div><div>Resolution: <code>%r</code> (Displays &#039;PDF&#039; for PDF files)</div><div>Tag: <code>%g</code><div>Literal <code>%</code>: <code>%%</code></div></fieldset><fieldset><legend>Quick Reply Personas</legend><textarea class=\"personafield field\" name=\"QR.personas\" spellcheck=\"false\"></textarea><p>One item per line.<br>Items will be added in the relevant input&#039;s auto-completion list.<br>Password items will always be used, since there is no password input.<br>Lines starting with a <code>#</code> will be ignored.</p><ul>You can use these settings with each item, separate them with semicolons:<li>Possible items are: <code>name</code>, <code>options</code> (or equivalently <code>email</code>), <code>subject</code> and <code>password</code>.</li><li>Wrap values of items with quotes, like this: <code>options:&quot;sage&quot;</code>.</li><li>Force values as defaults with the <code>always</code> keyword, for example: <code>options:&quot;sage&quot;;always</code>.</li><li>Select specific boards for an item, separated with commas, for example: <code>options:&quot;sage&quot;;boards:jp;always</code>.</li></ul></fieldset><fieldset><legend>Unread Favicon <span class=\"warning\" data-feature=\"Unread Favicon\">is disabled.</span></legend><select name=\"favicon\"><option value=\"ferongr\">ferongr</option><option value=\"xat-\">xat-</option><option value=\"4chanJS\">4chanJS</option><option value=\"Mayhem\">Mayhem</option><option value=\"Original\">Original</option><option value=\"Metro\">Metro</option></select><span class=\"favicon-preview\"><img src=\"%2Bpy%2B0Po5y02ouzPgUAOw%3D%3D\"><img src=\"%2Bpy%2B0Po5y02ouzPgUAOw%3D%3D\"><img src=\"%2Bpy%2B0Po5y02ouzPgUAOw%3D%3D\"><img src=\"%2Bpy%2B0Po5y02ouzPgUAOw%3D%3D\"></span></fieldset><fieldset><legend>Thread Updater <span class=\"warning\" data-feature=\"Thread Updater\">is disabled.</span></legend><div>Interval: <input type=\"number\" name=\"Interval\" class=\"field\" min=\"1\"> seconds</div></fieldset><fieldset><legend>Custom Cooldown Time</legend><div>Seconds: <input type=\"number\" name=\"customCooldown\" class=\"field\" min=\"0\"></div></fieldset><fieldset><legend><label><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"Custom CSS\"> Custom CSS</label></legend><button id=\"apply-css\">Apply CSS</button><textarea name=\"usercss\" class=\"field\" spellcheck=\"false\"></textarea></fieldset>"
      ref = $$('.warning', section);
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
        warning = ref[k];
        warning.hidden = Conf[warning.dataset.feature];
      items = {};
      inputs = {};
      ref1 = ['boardnav', 'time', 'backlink', 'fileInfo', 'favicon', 'usercss', 'customCooldown'];
      for (q = 0, len2 = ref1.length; q < len2; q++) {
        name = ref1[q];
        input = $("[name='" + name + "']", section);
        items[name] = Conf[name];
        inputs[name] = input;
        if (name === 'usercss') {
          $.on(input, 'change', $.cb.value);
        } else if (name === 'favicon') {
          $.on(input, 'change', $.cb.value);
          $.on(input, 'change', Settings[name]);
        } else {
          $.on(input, 'input', $.cb.value);
          $.on(input, 'input', Settings[name]);
      ta = $('.personafield', section);
      $.get('QR.personas', Conf['QR.personas'], function(item) {
        return ta.value = item['QR.personas'];
      $.on(ta, 'change', $.cb.value);
      $.get(items, function(items) {
        var key, val;
        for (key in items) {
          val = items[key];
          input = inputs[key];
          input.value = val;
          if (key === 'usercss' || key === 'customCooldown') {
      interval = $('input[name="Interval"]', section);
      customCSS = $('input[name="Custom CSS"]', section);
      applyCSS = $('#apply-css', section);
      interval.value = Conf['Interval'];
      customCSS.checked = Conf['Custom CSS'];
      inputs['usercss'].disabled = !Conf['Custom CSS'];
      applyCSS.disabled = !Conf['Custom CSS'];
      $.on(interval, 'change', ThreadUpdater.cb.interval);
      $.on(customCSS, 'change', Settings.togglecss);
      $.on(applyCSS, 'click', Settings.usercss);
      archBoards = {};
      ref2 = Redirect.archives;
      for (u = 0, len3 = ref2.length; u < len3; u++) {
        ref3 = ref2[u], name = ref3.name, boards = ref3.boards, files = ref3.files, software = ref3.software, withCredentials = ref3.withCredentials;
        for (w = 0, len4 = boards.length; w < len4; w++) {
          boardID = boards[w];
          o = archBoards[boardID] || (archBoards[boardID] = {
            thread: [[], []],
            post: [[], []],
            file: [[], []]
          i = +(!!withCredentials);
          if (software === 'foolfuuka') {
          if (indexOf.call(files, boardID) >= 0) {
      for (boardID in archBoards) {
        o = archBoards[boardID];
        ref4 = ['thread', 'post', 'file'];
        for (y = 0, len5 = ref4.length; y < len5; y++) {
          item = ref4[y];
          i = o[item][0].length ? 1 : 0;
          o[item] = o[item][0].concat(o[item][1]);
      rows = [];
      boardOptions = [];
      ref5 = Object.keys(archBoards).sort();
      for (z = 0, len6 = ref5.length; z < len6; z++) {
        boardID = ref5[z];
        row = $.el('tr', {
          className: "board-" + boardID
        row.hidden = boardID !== g.BOARD.ID;
        boardOptions.push($.el('option', {
          textContent: "/" + boardID + "/",
          value: "board-" + boardID,
          selected: boardID === g.BOARD.ID
        o = archBoards[boardID];
        ref6 = ['thread', 'post', 'file'];
        for (aa = 0, len7 = ref6.length; aa < len7; aa++) {
          item = ref6[aa];
          $.add(row, Settings.addArchiveCell(boardID, o, item));
      if (!(g.BOARD.ID in archBoards)) {
        rows[0].hidden = false;
      $.add($('tbody', section), rows);
      boardSelect = $('#archive-board-select', section);
      $.add(boardSelect, boardOptions);
      table = $('#archive-table', section);
      $.on(boardSelect, 'change', function() {
        $('tbody > :not([hidden])', table).hidden = true;
        return $("tbody > ." + this.value, table).hidden = false;
      $.get('selectedArchives', Conf['selectedArchives'], function(arg) {
        var data, option, selectedArchives, type;
        selectedArchives = arg.selectedArchives;
        for (boardID in selectedArchives) {
          data = selectedArchives[boardID];
          for (type in data) {
            name = data[type];
            if (option = $("select[data-boardid='" + boardID + "'][data-type='" + type + "'] > option[value='" + name + "']", section)) {
              option.selected = true;
    addArchiveCell: function(boardID, data, type) {
      var archive, i, length, options, select, td;
      length = data[type].length;
      td = $.el('td', {
        className: 'archive-cell'
      if (!length) {
        td.textContent = '--';
        return td;
      options = [];
      i = 0;
      while (i < length) {
        archive = data[type][i++];
        options.push($.el('option', {
          textContent: archive,
          value: archive
      $.extend(td, {
        innerHTML: "<select></select>"
      select = td.firstElementChild;
      if (!(select.disabled = length === 1)) {
        select.setAttribute('data-boardid', boardID);
        select.setAttribute('data-type', type);
        $.on(select, 'change', Settings.saveSelectedArchive);
      $.add(select, options);
      return td;
    saveSelectedArchive: function() {
      return $.get('selectedArchives', Conf['selectedArchives'], (function(_this) {
        return function(arg) {
          var name1, selectedArchives;
          selectedArchives = arg.selectedArchives;
          (selectedArchives[name1 = _this.dataset.boardid] || (selectedArchives[name1] = {}))[_this.dataset.type] = _this.value;
          return $.set('selectedArchives', selectedArchives);
    boardnav: function() {
      return Header.generateBoardList(this.value);
    time: function() {
      return this.nextElementSibling.textContent = Time.format(this.value, new Date());
    backlink: function() {
      return this.nextElementSibling.textContent = this.value.replace(/%(?:id|%)/g, function(x) {
        return {
          '%id': '123456789',
          '%%': '%'
    fileInfo: function() {
      var data;
      data = {
        isReply: true,
        file: {
          url: '//i.4cdn.org/g/1334437723720.jpg',
          name: 'd9bb2efc98dd0df141a94399ff5880b7.jpg',
          size: '276 KB',
          sizeInBytes: 276 * 1024,
          dimensions: '1280x720',
          isImage: true,
          isVideo: false,
          isSpoiler: true,
          tag: 'Loop'
      return FileInfo.format(this.value, data, this.nextElementSibling);
    favicon: function() {
      var img;
      if (g.VIEW === 'thread' && Conf['Unread Favicon']) {
      img = this.nextElementSibling.children;
      img[0].src = Favicon["default"];
      img[1].src = Favicon.unreadSFW;
      img[2].src = Favicon.unreadNSFW;
      return img[3].src = Favicon.unreadDead;
    togglecss: function() {
      if ($('textarea[name=usercss]', $.x('ancestor::fieldset[1]', this)).disabled = $.id('apply-css').disabled = !this.checked) {
      } else {
      return $.cb.checked.call(this);
    usercss: function() {
      return CustomCSS.update();
    keybinds: function(section) {
      var arr, input, inputs, items, key, ref, tbody, tr;
      $.extend(section, {
        innerHTML: "<div class=\"warning\"><code>Keybinds</code> are disabled.</div><div>Allowed keys: <kbd>a-z</kbd>, <kbd>0-9</kbd>, <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>, <kbd>Shift</kbd>, <kbd>Alt</kbd>, <kbd>Meta</kbd>, <kbd>Enter</kbd>, <kbd>Esc</kbd>, <kbd>Up</kbd>, <kbd>Down</kbd>, <kbd>Right</kbd>, <kbd>Left</kbd>.</div><div>Press <kbd>Backspace</kbd> to disable a keybind.</div><table><tbody><tr><th>Actions</th><th>Keybinds</th></tr></tbody></table>"
      $('.warning', section).hidden = Conf['Keybinds'];
      tbody = $('tbody', section);
      items = {};
      inputs = {};
      ref = Config.hotkeys;
      for (key in ref) {
        arr = ref[key];
        tr = $.el('tr', {
          innerHTML: "<td>" + E(arr[1]) + "</td><td><input class=\"field\"></td>"
        input = $('input', tr);
        input.name = key;
        input.spellcheck = false;
        items[key] = Conf[key];
        inputs[key] = input;
        $.on(input, 'keydown', Settings.keybind);
        $.add(tbody, tr);
      return $.get(items, function(items) {
        var val;
        for (key in items) {
          val = items[key];
          inputs[key].value = val;
    keybind: function(e) {
      var key;
      if (e.keyCode === 9) {
      if ((key = Keybinds.keyCode(e)) == null) {
      this.value = key;
      return $.cb.value.call(this);

  Main = {
    init: function() {
      var db, flatten, k, len1, pathname, ref, ref1, ref2;
      if (location.hostname === 'www.google.com') {
        if (location.pathname === '/recaptcha/api/fallback') {
          $.ready(function() {
            return Captcha.noscript.initFrame();
        } else {
          $.get('Captcha Fixes', true, function(arg) {
            var enabled;
            enabled = arg['Captcha Fixes'];
            if (enabled) {
              return $.ready(function() {
                return Captcha.fixes.init();
      if (location.hostname === 'www.4chan.org') {
        $.onExists(d.documentElement, 'body', false, function() {
          return $.addStyle(Main.cssWWW);
      g.threads = new SimpleDict();
      g.posts = new SimpleDict();
      pathname = location.pathname.split('/');
      g.BOARD = new Board(pathname[1]);
      if ((ref = g.BOARD.ID) === 'z' || ref === 'fk') {
      g.VIEW = (function() {
        switch (pathname[2]) {
          case 'res':
          case 'thread':
            return 'thread';
          case 'catalog':
          case 'archive':
          case 'post':
            return pathname[2];
            return 'index';
      if (g.VIEW === 'catalog' && g.BOARD.ID === 'f') {
      if (g.VIEW === 'archive' && ((ref1 = g.BOARD.ID) === 'b' || ref1 === 'f')) {
      if (g.VIEW === 'thread') {
        g.THREADID = +pathname[3];
      flatten = function(parent, obj) {
        var key, val;
        if (obj instanceof Array) {
          Conf[parent] = obj[0];
        } else if (typeof obj === 'object') {
          for (key in obj) {
            val = obj[key];
            flatten(key, val);
        } else {
          Conf[parent] = obj;
      flatten(null, Config);
      ref2 = DataBoard.keys;
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref2.length; k < len1; k++) {
        db = ref2[k];
        Conf[db] = {
          boards: {}
      Conf['selectedArchives'] = {};
      $.get(Conf, function(items) {
        $.extend(Conf, items);
        if (Conf['Fixed Thread Watcher'] == null) {
          Conf['Fixed Thread Watcher'] = Conf['Toggleable Thread Watcher'];
        return $.asap((function() {
          return doc = d.documentElement;
        }), Main.initFeatures);
      return $.asap((function() {
        return doc = d.documentElement;
      }), function() {
        return $.onExists(doc, 'body', false, Main.initStyle);
    initFeatures: function() {
      var err, feature, k, len1, name, pathname, ref, ref1, ref2;
      if ((ref = location.hostname) === 'boards.4chan.org' || ref === 'sys.4chan.org') {
      switch (location.hostname) {
        case 'a.4cdn.org':
        case 'sys.4chan.org':
          if (g.VIEW === 'post') {
        case 'i.4cdn.org':
          $.asap((function() {
            return d.readyState !== 'loading';
          }), function() {
            var URL, pathname, ref1, video;
            if (Conf['404 Redirect'] && ((ref1 = d.title) === '4chan - Temporarily Offline' || ref1 === '4chan - 404 Not Found')) {
              pathname = location.pathname.split('/');
              URL = Redirect.to('file', {
                boardID: g.BOARD.ID,
                filename: pathname[pathname.length - 1]
              return Redirect.navigate(URL);
            } else if (video = $('video')) {
              if (Conf['Volume in New Tab']) {
              if (Conf['Loop in New Tab']) {
                video.loop = true;
                video.controls = false;
                return ImageCommon.addControls(video);
      if (Conf['Normalize URL'] && g.VIEW === 'thread') {
        pathname = location.pathname.split('/');
        if (pathname[2] !== 'thread' || pathname.length > 4) {
          pathname[2] = 'thread';
          history.replaceState(null, '', pathname.slice(0, 4).join('/') + location.hash);
      ref1 = Main.features;
      for (k = 0, len1 = ref1.length; k < len1; k++) {
        ref2 = ref1[k], name = ref2[0], feature = ref2[1];
        try {
        } catch (_error) {
          err = _error;
            message: "\"" + name + "\" initialization crashed.",
            error: err
      return $.ready(Main.initReady);
    initStyle: function() {
      var keyboard, ref;
      if (!Main.isThisPageLegit() || $.hasClass(doc, 'fourchan-x')) {
      if ((ref = $('link[href*=mobile]', d.head)) != null) {
        ref.disabled = true;
      $.addClass(doc, 'fourchan-x', 'seaweedchan');
      $.addClass(doc, g.VIEW === 'thread' ? 'thread-view' : g.VIEW);
      $.addClass(doc, typeof chrome !== "undefined" && chrome !== null ? 'blink' : 'gecko');
      $.addStyle(Main.css, 'fourchanx-css');
      keyboard = false;
      $.on(d, 'mousedown', function() {
        return keyboard = false;
      $.on(d, 'keydown', function(e) {
        if (e.keyCode === 9) {
          return keyboard = true;
      window.addEventListener('focus', (function() {
        return doc.classList.toggle('keyboard-focus', keyboard);
      }), true);
      return Main.setClass();
    setClass: function() {
      var mainStyleSheet, setStyle, style, styleSheets;
      if (g.VIEW === 'catalog') {
        $.addClass(doc, $.id('base-css').href.match(/catalog_(\w+)/)[1].replace('_new', '').replace(/_+/g, '-'));
      style = 'yotsuba-b';
      mainStyleSheet = $('link[title=switch]', d.head);
      styleSheets = $$('link[rel="alternate stylesheet"]', d.head);
      setStyle = function() {
        var k, len1, styleSheet;
        $.rmClass(doc, style);
        for (k = 0, len1 = styleSheets.length; k < len1; k++) {
          styleSheet = styleSheets[k];
          if (styleSheet.href === mainStyleSheet.href) {
            style = styleSheet.title.toLowerCase().replace('new', '').trim().replace(/\s+/g, '-');
        return $.addClass(doc, style);
      if (!mainStyleSheet) {
      return new MutationObserver(setStyle).observe(mainStyleSheet, {
        attributes: true,
        attributeFilter: ['href']
    initReady: function() {
      var GMver, err, i, k, len1, passLink, ref, ref1, styleSelector, v;
      if ((ref = d.title) === '4chan - Temporarily Offline' || ref === '4chan - 404 Not Found') {
        if (g.VIEW === 'thread') {
          ThreadWatcher.set404(g.BOARD.ID, g.THREADID, function() {
            var href;
            if (Conf['404 Redirect']) {
              href = Redirect.to('thread', {
                boardID: g.BOARD.ID,
                threadID: g.THREADID,
                postID: +location.hash.match(/\d+/)
              return Redirect.navigate(href, "/" + g.BOARD + "/");
      if (styleSelector = $.id('styleSelector')) {
        passLink = $.el('a', {
          textContent: '4chan Pass',
          href: 'javascript:;'
        $.on(passLink, 'click', function() {
          return window.open('//sys.4chan.org/auth', 'This will steal your data.', 'left=0,top=0,width=500,height=255,toolbar=0,resizable=0');
        $.before(styleSelector.previousSibling, [$.tn('['), passLink, $.tn(']\u00A0\u00A0')]);
      if (!(Conf['JSON Navigation'] && g.VIEW === 'index')) {
      } else {
      $.get('previousversion', null, function(arg) {
        var el, previousversion;
        previousversion = arg.previousversion;
        if (previousversion === g.VERSION) {
        if (previousversion) {
          el = $.el('span', {
            innerHTML: "4chan X has been updated to <a href=\"https://github.com/ccd0/4chan-x/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md\" target=\"_blank\">version " + E(g.VERSION) + "</a>."
          new Notice('info', el, 15);
        } else {
        return $.set('previousversion', g.VERSION);
      if (Conf['Show Support Message']) {
        GMver = GM_info.version.split('.');
        ref1 = "1.14".split('.');
        for (i = k = 0, len1 = ref1.length; k < len1; i = ++k) {
          v = ref1[i];
          if (v === GMver[i]) {
          (v < GMver[i]) || new Notice('warning', "Your version of Greasemonkey is outdated (v" + GM_info.version + " instead of v1.14 minimum) and 4chan X may not operate correctly.", 30);
        try {
          return localStorage.getItem('4chan-settings');
        } catch (_error) {
          err = _error;
          return new Notice('warning', 'Cookies need to be enabled on 4chan for 4chan X to operate properly.', 30);
    initThread: function() {
      var board, err, errors, k, len1, len2, m, postRoot, posts, q, ref, ref1, scriptData, thread, threadRoot, threads;
      if (board = $('.board')) {
        threads = [];
        posts = [];
        ref = $$('.board > .thread', board);
        for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
          threadRoot = ref[k];
          thread = new Thread(+threadRoot.id.slice(1), g.BOARD);
          ref1 = $$('.thread > .postContainer', threadRoot);
          for (q = 0, len2 = ref1.length; q < len2; q++) {
            postRoot = ref1[q];
            try {
              posts.push(new Post(postRoot, thread, g.BOARD));
            } catch (_error) {
              err = _error;
              if (!errors) {
                errors = [];
                message: "Parsing of Post No." + (postRoot.id.match(/\d+/)) + " failed. Post will be skipped.",
                error: err
        if (errors) {
        if (g.VIEW === 'thread') {
          scriptData = Get.scriptData();
          threads[0].postLimit = /\bbumplimit *= *1\b/.test(scriptData);
          threads[0].fileLimit = /\bimagelimit *= *1\b/.test(scriptData);
          threads[0].ipCount = (m = scriptData.match(/\bunique_ips *= *(\d+)\b/)) ? +m[1] : void 0;
        Main.callbackNodes(Thread, threads);
        return Main.callbackNodesDB(Post, posts, function() {
          var len3, post, u;
          for (u = 0, len3 = posts.length; u < len3; u++) {
            post = posts[u];
          return $.event('4chanXInitFinished');
      } else {
        return $.event('4chanXInitFinished');
    callbackNodes: function(klass, nodes) {
      var cb, i, node;
      i = 0;
      cb = klass.callbacks;
      while (node = nodes[i++]) {
    callbackNodesDB: function(klass, nodes, cb) {
      var cbs, fn, i, softTask;
      i = 0;
      cbs = klass.callbacks;
      fn = function() {
        var node;
        if (!(node = nodes[i])) {
          return false;
        return ++i % 25;
      softTask = function() {
        while (fn()) {
        if (!nodes[i]) {
          if (cb) {
        return setTimeout(softTask, 0);
      return softTask();
    handleErrors: function(errors) {
      var div, error, k, len1, logs;
      if (!(errors instanceof Array)) {
        error = errors;
      } else if (errors.length === 1) {
        error = errors[0];
      if (error) {
        new Notice('error', Main.parseError(error), 15);
      div = $.el('div', {
        innerHTML: E(errors.length) + " errors occurred. [<a href=\"javascript:;\">show</a>]"
      $.on(div.lastElementChild, 'click', function() {
        var ref;
        return ref = this.textContent === 'show' ? ['hide', false] : ['show', true], this.textContent = ref[0], logs.hidden = ref[1], ref;
      logs = $.el('div', {
        hidden: true
      for (k = 0, len1 = errors.length; k < len1; k++) {
        error = errors[k];
        $.add(logs, Main.parseError(error));
      return new Notice('error', [div, logs], 30);
    parseError: function(data) {
      var error, message;
      c.error(data.message, data.error.stack);
      message = $.el('div', {
        textContent: data.message
      error = $.el('div', {
        textContent: (data.error.name || 'Error') + ": " + (data.error.message || 'see console for details')
      return [message, error];
    isThisPageLegit: function() {
      var ref;
      if (!('thisPageIsLegit' in Main)) {
        Main.thisPageIsLegit = location.hostname === 'boards.4chan.org' && !$('link[href*="favicon-status.ico"]', d.head) && ((ref = d.title) !== '4chan - Temporarily Offline' && ref !== '4chan - Error' && ref !== '504 Gateway Time-out');
      return Main.thisPageIsLegit;
    ready: function(cb) {
      return $.ready(function() {
        if (Main.isThisPageLegit()) {
          return cb();
    css: "/*!\n" +
" *  Font Awesome 4.3.0 by @davegandy - http://fontawesome.io - @fontawesome\n" +
" *  License - http://fontawesome.io/license (Font: SIL OFL 1.1, CSS: MIT License)\n" +
" */\n" +
"@font-face {\n" +
"  font-family: FontAwesome;\n" +
"  src: 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":root.shortcut-icons #shortcuts a .fa,\n" +
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".fixed.bottom-header #header-bar #scroll-marker {\n" +
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"#header-bar a:not(.entry):not(.close) {\n" +
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".brackets-wrap::before {\n" +
"  content: \"\\00a0[\";\n" +
"}\n" +
".brackets-wrap::after {\n" +
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".dead-thread,\n" +
".disabled:not(.replies-quoting-you) {\n" +
"  opacity: .45;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#shortcuts {\n" +
"  float: right;\n" +
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"  :root.fixed:not(.centered-links) #board-list {\n" +
"    -webkit-flex: auto;\n" +
"    flex: auto;\n" +
"  }\n" +
"  :root.fixed:not(.centered-links) #full-board-list {\n" +
"    display: -webkit-flex;\n" +
"    display: flex;\n" +
"  }\n" +
"  :root.fixed:not(.centered-links) .hide-board-list-container {\n" +
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"    flex: none;\n" +
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"  :root.fixed:not(.centered-links) #full-board-list > .boardList {\n" +
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"    display: flex;\n" +
"  }\n" +
"  :root.fixed:not(.centered-links) #full-board-list > .boardList > a,\n" +
"  :root.fixed:not(.centered-links) #full-board-list > .boardList > span:not(.space):not(.spacer) {\n" +
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"    padding: .17em;\n" +
"    margin: -.17em -.32em;\n" +
"  }\n" +
"  :root.fixed:not(.centered-links) #full-board-list > .boardList > span {\n" +
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"  }\n" +
"  :root.fixed:not(.centered-links) #full-board-list > .boardList > span.space {\n" +
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"  :root.fixed:not(.centered-links) #full-board-list > .boardList > span.spacer {\n" +
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"  :root.fixed:not(.centered-links) #shortcuts {\n" +
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"  content: \"]\";\n" +
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"  position: absolute;\n" +
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".notification {\n" +
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"  text-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .5);\n" +
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"  margin: 1px auto;\n" +
"  width: 500px;\n" +
"  max-width: 100%;\n" +
"  position: relative;\n" +
"  transition: all .25s ease-in-out;\n" +
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".notification.error {\n" +
"  background-color: hsla(0, 100%, 38%, .9);\n" +
"}\n" +
".notification.warning {\n" +
"  background-color: hsla(36, 100%, 38%, .9);\n" +
"}\n" +
".notification.info {\n" +
"  background-color: hsla(200, 100%, 38%, .9);\n" +
"}\n" +
".notification.success {\n" +
"  background-color: hsla(104, 100%, 38%, .9);\n" +
"}\n" +
".notification a {\n" +
"  color: white;\n" +
"}\n" +
".notification > .close {\n" +
"  padding: 7px;\n" +
"  top: 0px;\n" +
"  right: 5px;\n" +
"  position: absolute;\n" +
"}\n" +
".notification > .fa-times::before {\n" +
"  font-size: 11px !important;\n" +
"}\n" +
".message {\n" +
"  -moz-box-sizing: border-box;\n" +
"  box-sizing: border-box;\n" +
"  padding: 6px 20px;\n" +
"  max-height: 200px;\n" +
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"  overflow: auto;\n" +
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"  box-sizing: border-box;\n" +
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"  box-sizing: border-box;\n" +
"  box-shadow: 0 0 15px rgba(0, 0, 0, .15);\n" +
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"  max-height: 100%;\n" +
"  width: 900px;\n" +
"  max-width: 100%;\n" +
"  margin: auto;\n" +
"  padding: 3px;\n" +
"  top: 50%;\n" +
"  left: 50%;\n" +
"  -moz-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);\n" +
"  -webkit-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);\n" +
"  transform: translate(-50%, -50%);\n" +
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"#fourchanx-settings > nav {\n" +
"  padding: 2px 2px 0;\n" +
"  height: 15px;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#fourchanx-settings > nav a {\n" +
"  text-decoration: underline;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#fourchanx-settings > nav a.close {\n" +
"  text-decoration: none;\n" +
"  padding: 0 2px;\n" +
"  margin: 0;\n" +
"}\n" +
".section-container {\n" +
"  overflow: auto;\n" +
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"  top: 2.1em;\n" +
"  right: 5px;\n" +
"  bottom: 5px;\n" +
"  left: 5px;\n" +
"  padding-right: 5px;\n" +
"}\n" +
".sections-list {\n" +
"  padding: 0 3px;\n" +
"  float: left;\n" +
"}\n" +
".credits {\n" +
"  float: right;\n" +
"}\n" +
".tab-selected {\n" +
"  font-weight: 700;\n" +
"}\n" +
".section-sauce ul,\n" +
".section-advanced ul {\n" +
"  list-style: none;\n" +
"  margin: 0;\n" +
"}\n" +
".section-sauce ul {\n" +
"  padding: 8px;\n" +
"}\n" +
".section-advanced ul {\n" +
"  padding: 0px;\n" +
"}\n" +
".section-sauce li,\n" +
".section-advanced li {\n" +
"  padding-left: 4px;\n" +
"}\n" +
".section-main label {\n" +
"  text-decoration: underline;\n" +
"}\n" +
"div[data-checked=\"false\"] > .suboption-list {\n" +
"  display: none;\n" +
"}\n" +
".suboption-list {\n" +
"  position: relative;\n" +
"}\n" +
".suboption-list::before {\n" +
"  content: \"\";\n" +
"  display: inline-block;\n" +
"  position: absolute;\n" +
"  left: .7em;\n" +
"  width: 0;\n" +
"  height: 100%;\n" +
"  border-left: 1px solid;\n" +
"}\n" +
".suboption-list > div {\n" +
"  position: relative;\n" +
"  padding-left: 1.4em;\n" +
"}\n" +
".suboption-list > div::before {\n" +
"  content: \"\";\n" +
"  display: inline-block;\n" +
"  position: absolute;\n" +
"  left: .7em;\n" +
"  width: .7em;\n" +
"  height: .6em;\n" +
"  border-left: 1px solid;\n" +
"  border-bottom: 1px solid;\n" +
"}\n" +
".section-filter ul {\n" +
"  padding: 0;\n" +
"}\n" +
".section-filter li {\n" +
"  margin: 10px 40px;\n" +
"  list-style: disc;\n" +
"}\n" +
".section-filter textarea {\n" +
"  height: 500px;\n" +
"}\n" +
".section-filter a {\n" +
"  text-decoration: underline;\n" +
"}\n" +
".section-sauce textarea {\n" +
"  height: 350px;\n" +
"}\n" +
".section-advanced .field[name=\"boardnav\"] {\n" +
"  width: 100%;\n" +
"}\n" +
".section-advanced textarea {\n" +
"  height: 150px;\n" +
"}\n" +
".section-advanced .archive-cell {\n" +
"  min-width: 160px;\n" +
"  text-align: center;\n" +
"}\n" +
".section-advanced #archive-board-select {\n" +
"  position: absolute;\n" +
"}\n" +
".section-advanced .note {\n" +
"  font-size: 0.8em;\n" +
"  font-style: italic;\n" +
"  margin-left: 10px;\n" +
"}\n" +
".section-advanced .note code {\n" +
"  font-style: normal;\n" +
"  font-size: 11px;\n" +
"}\n" +
".section-keybinds .field {\n" +
"  font-family: monospace;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#fourchanx-settings fieldset {\n" +
"  border: 1px solid;\n" +
"  border-radius: 3px;\n" +
"  padding: 0.35em 0.625em 0.75em;\n" +
"  margin: 0px 2px;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#fourchanx-settings legend {\n" +
"  font-weight: 700;\n" +
"  color: inherit;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#fourchanx-settings textarea {\n" +
"  font-family: monospace;\n" +
"  min-width: 100%;\n" +
"  max-width: 100%;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#fourchanx-settings code {\n" +
"  color: #000;\n" +
"  background-color: #FFF;\n" +
"  padding: 0 2px;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#fourchanx-settings th {\n" +
"  text-align: center;\n" +
"  font-weight: bold;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#fourchanx-settings p {\n" +
"  margin: 1em 0px;\n" +
"}\n" +
".unscroll {\n" +
"  overflow: hidden;\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Index */\n" +
":root.index-loading .navLinks,\n" +
":root.index-loading .board,\n" +
":root.index-loading .pagelist,\n" +
":root.infinite-mode .pagelist,\n" +
":root.all-pages-mode .pagelist,\n" +
":root.catalog-mode .pagelist,\n" +
":root:not(.catalog-mode) .indexlink,\n" +
":root.catalog-mode .cataloglink,\n" +
":root:not(.catalog-mode) #hidden-label,\n" +
":root:not(.catalog-mode) #index-size {\n" +
"  display: none;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#index-search {\n" +
"  padding-right: 1.5em;\n" +
"  width: 100px;\n" +
"  transition: color .25s, border-color .25s, width .25s;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#index-search:focus,\n" +
"#index-search[data-searching] {\n" +
"  width: 200px;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#index-search-clear {\n" +
"  color: gray;\n" +
"  display: inline-block;\n" +
"  position: relative;\n" +
"  left: -1em;\n" +
"  width: 0;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#index-search:not([data-searching]) + #index-search-clear {\n" +
"  display: none;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#index-mode, #index-sort, #index-size {\n" +
"  float: right;\n" +
"}\n" +
".summary {\n" +
"  text-decoration: none;\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Catalog */\n" +
":root.catalog-mode .board {\n" +
"  text-align: center;\n" +
"}\n" +
".catalog-thread {\n" +
"  display: -webkit-inline-flex;\n" +
"  display: inline-flex;\n" +
"  text-align: left;\n" +
"  -webkit-flex-direction: column;\n" +
"  flex-direction: column;\n" +
"  -webkit-align-items: center;\n" +
"  align-items: center;\n" +
"  margin: 0 2px 5px;\n" +
"  word-wrap: break-word;\n" +
"  vertical-align: top;\n" +
"}\n" +
".catalog-thread > a {\n" +
"  flex-shrink: 0;\n" +
"  -webkit-flex-shrink: 0;\n" +
"  position: relative;\n" +
"}\n" +
".catalog-small .catalog-thread {\n" +
"  width: 165px;\n" +
"  max-height: 320px;\n" +
"}\n" +
".catalog-large .catalog-thread {\n" +
"  width: 270px;\n" +
"  max-height: 410px;\n" +
"}\n" +
".catalog-thumb {\n" +
"  border-radius: 2px;\n" +
"  box-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .25);\n" +
"}\n" +
".catalog-thumb.spoiler-file {\n" +
"  width: 100px;\n" +
"  height: 100px;\n" +
"}\n" +
".catalog-thumb.deleted-file {\n" +
"  width: 127px;\n" +
"  height: 13px;\n" +
"  padding: 20px 11px;\n" +
"}\n" +
".catalog-thumb.no-file {\n" +
"  width: 77px;\n" +
"  height: 13px;\n" +
"  padding: 20px 36px;\n" +
"}\n" +
".catalog-icons > img,\n" +
".catalog-stats > .menu-button {\n" +
"  width: 1em;\n" +
"  height: 1em;\n" +
"  margin: 0;\n" +
"  vertical-align: text-top;\n" +
"  padding-left: 2px;\n" +
"}\n" +
".catalog-stats > .menu-button {\n" +
"  text-align: center;\n" +
"  font-weight: normal;\n" +
"}\n" +
".catalog-stats > .menu-button > i::before {\n" +
"  line-height: 11px;\n" +
"}\n" +
".catalog-stats {\n" +
"  -webkit-flex-shrink: 0;\n" +
"  flex-shrink: 0;\n" +
"  cursor: help;\n" +
"  font-size: 10px;\n" +
"  font-weight: 700;\n" +
"  margin-top: 2px;\n" +
"}\n" +
".catalog-thread > .subject {\n" +
"  -webkit-flex-shrink: 0;\n" +
"  flex-shrink: 0;\n" +
"  -webkit-align-self: stretch;\n" +
"  align-self: stretch;\n" +
"  font-weight: 700;\n" +
"  line-height: 1;\n" +
"  text-align: center;\n" +
"}\n" +
".catalog-thread > .comment {\n" +
"  -webkit-flex-shrink: 1;\n" +
"  flex-shrink: 1;\n" +
"  -webkit-align-self: stretch;\n" +
"  align-self: stretch;\n" +
"  overflow: hidden;\n" +
"  text-align: center;\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* /tg/ dice rolls */\n" +
".board_tg .catalog-thread > .comment > b {\n" +
"  font-weight: normal;\n" +
"}\n" +
".catalog-code {\n" +
"  background-color: #FFF;\n" +
"  display: inline-block;\n" +
"  max-width: 100%;\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Announcement Hiding */\n" +
":root.hide-announcement #globalMessage {\n" +
"  display: none;\n" +
"}\n" +
"span.hide-announcement {\n" +
"  font-size: 11px;\n" +
"  position: relative;\n" +
"  bottom: 5px;\n" +
"}\n" +
".globalMessage, h2, h3 {\n" +
"  color: inherit !important;\n" +
"  font-size: 13px;\n" +
"  font-weight: 100;\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Unread */\n" +
"#unread-line {\n" +
"  margin: 0;\n" +
"  border-color: rgb(255,0,0);\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Thread Updater */\n" +
"#updater {\n" +
"  background: none;\n" +
"  border: none;\n" +
"  box-shadow: none;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#updater > .move {\n" +
"  position: absolute;\n" +
"  left: 0;\n" +
"  top: -5px;\n" +
"  width: 100%;\n" +
"  height: 5px;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#updater > div:last-child {\n" +
"  text-align: center;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#updater input[type=\"number\"] {\n" +
"  width: 4em;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.float #updater {\n" +
"  padding: 0px 3px;\n" +
"}\n" +
".new {\n" +
"  color: limegreen;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#update-status:not(.empty) + #update-timer:not(.empty):not(.loading) {\n" +
"  margin-left: 5px;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#update-timer {\n" +
"  cursor: pointer;\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Thread Watcher */\n" +
"#thread-watcher {\n" +
"  position: absolute;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#thread-watcher {\n" +
"  padding-bottom: 3px;\n" +
"  padding-left: 3px;\n" +
"  overflow: hidden;\n" +
"  white-space: nowrap;\n" +
"  min-width: 146px;\n" +
"  max-height: 92%;\n" +
"  overflow-y: auto;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#thread-watcher .refresh {\n" +
"  padding: 0px 3px;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.fixed-watcher #thread-watcher {\n" +
"  position: fixed;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root:not(.fixed-watcher) #thread-watcher:not(:hover) {\n" +
"  max-height: 210px;\n" +
"  overflow-y: hidden;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#thread-watcher > .move {\n" +
"  padding-top: 3px;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#watched-threads > div {\n" +
"  padding-left: 3px;\n" +
"  padding-right: 3px;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#watched-threads .watcher-link {\n" +
"  max-width: 250px;\n" +
"  display: -webkit-inline-flex;\n" +
"  display: inline-flex;\n" +
"  -webkit-flex-direction: row;\n" +
"  flex-direction: row;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#watched-threads .watcher-unread {\n" +
"  -webkit-flex: 0 0 auto;\n" +
"  flex: 0 0 auto;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#watched-threads .watcher-unread::after {\n" +
"  content: \"\\00a0\";\n" +
"}\n" +
"#watched-threads .watcher-title {\n" +
"  overflow: hidden;\n" +
"  text-overflow: ellipsis;\n" +
"  -webkit-flex: 0 1 auto;\n" +
"  flex: 0 1 auto;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#thread-watcher a {\n" +
"  text-decoration: none;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root:not(.toggleable-watcher) #thread-watcher .move > .close {\n" +
"  display: none;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#thread-watcher .move > .close {\n" +
"  position: absolute;\n" +
"  right: 0px;\n" +
"  top: 0px;\n" +
"  padding: 0px 4px;\n" +
"}\n" +
".watch-thread-link {\n" +
"  padding-top: 18px;\n" +
"  width: 18px;\n" +
"  height: 0px;\n" +
"  display: inline-block;\n" +
"  background-repeat: no-repeat;\n" +
"  opacity: 0.2;\n" +
"  position: relative;\n" +
"  top: 1px;\n" +
"}\n" +
".watch-thread-link.watched {\n" +
"  opacity: 1;\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Thread Stats */\n" +
"#thread-stats {\n" +
"  background: none;\n" +
"  border: none;\n" +
"  box-shadow: none;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.float #thread-stats > .move > :not(#page-count) {\n" +
"  pointer-events: none;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.float #thread-stats {\n" +
"  padding: 0px 3px;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#page-count {\n" +
"  cursor: pointer;\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Quote */\n" +
".catalog-thread > .comment > span.quote, #arc-list span.quote {\n" +
"  color: #789922;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root:not(.catalog-mode) .deadlink {\n" +
"  text-decoration: none !important;\n" +
"}\n" +
".backlink.deadlink:not(.forwardlink),\n" +
".quotelink.deadlink:not(.forwardlink) {\n" +
"  text-decoration: underline !important;\n" +
"}\n" +
".inlined {\n" +
"  opacity: .5;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#qp input, .forwarded {\n" +
"  display: none;\n" +
"}\n" +
".quotelink.forwardlink,\n" +
".backlink.forwardlink {\n" +
"  text-decoration: none;\n" +
"  border-bottom: 1px dashed;\n" +
"}\n" +
"@supports (text-decoration-style: dashed) or (-moz-text-decoration-style: dashed) {\n" +
"  .quotelink.forwardlink,\n" +
"  .backlink.forwardlink {\n" +
"    text-decoration: underline;\n" +
"    -moz-text-decoration-style: dashed;\n" +
"    text-decoration-style: dashed;\n" +
"    border-bottom: none;\n" +
"  }\n" +
"}\n" +
".filtered {\n" +
"  text-decoration: underline line-through;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.hide-backlinks .backlink.filtered,\n" +
":root.hide-backlinks .backlink.filtered + .hashlink.filtered {\n" +
"  display: none;\n" +
"}\n" +
".inline {\n" +
"  border: 1px solid;\n" +
"  display: table;\n" +
"  margin: 2px 0;\n" +
"}\n" +
".inline .post {\n" +
"  border: 0 !important;\n" +
"  background-color: transparent !important;\n" +
"  display: table !important;\n" +
"  margin: 0 !important;\n" +
"  padding: 1px 2px !important;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#qp > .opContainer::after {\n" +
"  content: '';\n" +
"  clear: both;\n" +
"  display: table;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#qp .post {\n" +
"  border: none;\n" +
"  margin: 0;\n" +
"  padding: 2px 2px 5px;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#qp img {\n" +
"  max-height: 80vh;\n" +
"  max-width: 50vw;\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Quote Threading */\n" +
".threadContainer {\n" +
"  margin-left: 20px;\n" +
"  border-left: 1px solid rgba(128,128,128,.3);\n" +
"}\n" +
".threadOP {\n" +
"  clear: both;\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* File */\n" +
".fileText-original,\n" +
".fnswitch:hover > .fntrunc,\n" +
".fnswitch:not(:hover) > .fnfull,\n" +
".expanded-image > .post > .file > .fileThumb > video[data-md5],\n" +
".expanded-image > .post > .file > .fileThumb > img[data-md5] {\n" +
"  display: none;\n" +
"}\n" +
".full-image {\n" +
"  display: none;\n" +
"  cursor: pointer;\n" +
"}\n" +
".expanded-image > .post > .file > .fileThumb > .full-image {\n" +
"  display: inline;\n" +
"}\n" +
".expanded-image {\n" +
"  clear: left;\n" +
"}\n" +
".expanding {\n" +
"  opacity: .5;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.fit-height .full-image {\n" +
"  max-height: 100vh;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.fit-width .full-image {\n" +
"  max-width: 100%;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.gecko.fit-width .full-image {\n" +
"  width: 100%;\n" +
"}\n" +
".fileThumb > .warning {\n" +
"  clear: both;\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* WEBM Metadata */\n" +
".webm-title > a::before {\n" +
"  content: \"title\";\n" +
"  text-decoration: underline;\n" +
"}\n" +
".webm-title.loading > a::after {\n" +
"  content: \"...\";\n" +
"}\n" +
".webm-title.error > a:hover::before,\n" +
".webm-title.error > a:focus::before {\n" +
"  content: \"error\";\n" +
"  text-decoration: none;\n" +
"}\n" +
".webm-title > span {\n" +
"  cursor: text;\n" +
"}\n" +
".webm-title.not-found > span::before {\n" +
"  content: \"not found\";\n" +
"}\n" +
".webm-title:not(:hover):not(:focus) > span,\n" +
".webm-title:hover > span + a,\n" +
".webm-title:focus > span + a {\n" +
"  display: none;\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Volume control */\n" +
"input[name=\"Default Volume\"] {\n" +
"  width: 4em;\n" +
"  height: 1ex;\n" +
"  vertical-align: middle;\n" +
"  margin: 0px;\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Fappe Tyme */\n" +
":root.fappeTyme .thread > .noFile,\n" +
":root.fappeTyme .threadContainer > .noFile {\n" +
"  display: none;\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Werk Tyme */\n" +
":root.werkTyme .postContainer:not(.noFile) .fileThumb,\n" +
":root.werkTyme .catalog-thumb:not(.deleted-file):not(.no-file),\n" +
":root:not(.werkTyme) .werkTyme-filename {\n" +
"  display: none;\n" +
"}\n" +
".werkTyme-filename {\n" +
"  font-weight: bold;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.werkTyme .catalog-thread > a {\n" +
"  text-align: center;\n" +
"  -webkit-align-self: stretch;\n" +
"  align-self: stretch;\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Index/Reply Navigation */\n" +
"#navlinks {\n" +
"  font-size: 16px;\n" +
"  top: 25px;\n" +
"  right: 10px;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.catalog-mode #navlinks {\n" +
"  display: none;\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Highlighting */\n" +
".qphl {\n" +
"  outline: 2px solid rgba(216, 94, 49, .8);\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.highlight-you .quotesYou.opContainer,\n" +
":root.highlight-you .quotesYou > .reply {\n" +
"  border-left: 3px solid rgba(221, 0, 0, .8);\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.highlight-own .yourPost.opContainer,\n" +
":root.highlight-own .yourPost > .reply {\n" +
"  border-left: 3px dashed rgba(221, 0, 0, .8);\n" +
"}\n" +
".filter-highlight.opContainer,\n" +
".filter-highlight > .reply {\n" +
"  box-shadow: inset 5px 0 rgba(221, 0, 0, .5);\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.highlight-own .yourPost > div.sideArrows,\n" +
":root.highlight-you .quotesYou > div.sideArrows,\n" +
".filter-highlight > div.sideArrows {\n" +
"  color: rgba(221, 0, 0, .8);\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.highlight-own .yourPost.opContainer::after,\n" +
":root.highlight-you .quotesYou.opContainer::after,\n" +
".filter-highlight.opContainer::after {\n" +
"  content: \"\";\n" +
"  display: block;\n" +
"  clear: both;\n" +
"}\n" +
".filter-highlight .catalog-thumb,\n" +
".filter-highlight .werkTyme-filename {\n" +
"  box-shadow: 0 0 3px 3px rgba(255, 0, 0, .5);\n" +
"}\n" +
".catalog-thread.watched .catalog-thumb,\n" +
".catalog-thread.watched .werkTyme-filename {\n" +
"  border: 2px solid rgba(255, 0, 0, .75);\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Spoiler text */\n" +
":root.reveal-spoilers s,\n" +
":root.reveal-spoilers s > a {\n" +
"  color: white !important;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.reveal-spoilers .removed-spoiler::before {\n" +
"  content: \"[spoiler]\";\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.reveal-spoilers .removed-spoiler::after {\n" +
"  content: \"[/spoiler]\";\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Thread & Reply Hiding */\n" +
".hide-thread-button,\n" +
".hide-reply-button {\n" +
"  float: left;\n" +
"  margin-right: 4px;\n" +
"  padding: 2px;\n" +
"}\n" +
".hide-thread-button:not(:hover),\n" +
".hide-reply-button:not(:hover) {\n" +
"  opacity: 0.4;\n" +
"}\n" +
".threadContainer .hide-reply-button {\n" +
"  margin-left: 2px !important;\n" +
"  position: relative;\n" +
"  left: 1px;\n" +
"}\n" +
".hide-thread-button {\n" +
"  margin-top: -1px;\n" +
"}\n" +
".stub ~ * {\n" +
"  display: none !important;\n" +
"}\n" +
".stub input {\n" +
"  display: inline-block;\n" +
"}\n" +
".thread[hidden] + hr {\n" +
"  display: none;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.reply-hide div.sideArrows {\n" +
"  display: none;\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* QR */\n" +
":root.hide-original-post-form #togglePostFormLink,\n" +
"#qr.autohide:not(.focus):not(:hover):not(:active) > form,\n" +
":root.thread-view #qr:not(.show-new-thread-option) select[data-name=\"thread\"],\n" +
"#file-n-submit:not(.has-file) #qr-filerm {\n" +
"  display: none;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.hide-original-post-form #postForm {\n" +
"  display: none !important;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#qr select,\n" +
"#qr-filename-container > a,\n" +
".remove,\n" +
".captcha-img {\n" +
"  cursor: pointer;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#qr {\n" +
"  position: fixed;\n" +
"  padding: 1px;\n" +
"  border: 1px solid transparent;\n" +
"  min-width: 300px;\n" +
"  border-radius: 3px 3px 0 0;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#qrtab {\n" +
"  border-radius: 3px 3px 0 0;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#qrtab {\n" +
"  margin-bottom: 1px;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#qr .close {\n" +
"  float: right;\n" +
"  padding: 0 3px;\n" +
"}\n" +
".qr-link-container {\n" +
"  text-align: center;\n" +
"}\n" +
".qr-link-container-bottom {\n" +
"  width: 200px;\n" +
"  position: absolute;\n" +
"  left: -100px;\n" +
"  margin-left: 50%;\n" +
"  text-align: center;\n" +
"}\n" +
".qr-link {\n" +
"  border-radius: 3px;\n" +
"  padding: 6px 10px 5px;\n" +
"  font-weight: bold;\n" +
"  vertical-align: middle;\n" +
"  border-style: solid;\n" +
"  border-width: 1px;\n" +
"  font-size: 10pt;\n" +
"}\n" +
".persona {\n" +
"  width: 100%;\n" +
"  display: -webkit-flex;\n" +
"  display: flex;\n" +
"  -webkit-flex-direction: row;\n" +
"  flex-direction: row;\n" +
"}\n" +
".persona .field {\n" +
"  -webkit-flex: 1;\n" +
"  flex: 1;\n" +
"  width: 0;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#qr.forced-anon input[data-name=\"name\"]:not(.force-show),\n" +
"#qr.forced-anon input[data-name=\"sub\"]:not(.force-show),\n" +
"#qr.reply-to-thread input[data-name=\"sub\"]:not(.force-show),\n" +
"#qr.reply-to-thread select[name=\"filetag\"] {\n" +
"  display: none;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#qr textarea.field {\n" +
"  height: 14.8em;\n" +
"  min-height: 9em;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#qr.has-captcha textarea.field {\n" +
"  height: 9em;\n" +
"}\n" +
"input.field.tripped:not(:hover):not(:focus) {\n" +
"  color: transparent !important;\n" +
"  text-shadow: none !important;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#qr textarea {\n" +
"  min-width: 100%;\n" +
"  resize: both;\n" +
"}\n" +
".field {\n" +
"  -moz-box-sizing: border-box;\n" +
"  margin: 0px;\n" +
"  padding: 2px 4px 3px;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#qr label input[type=\"checkbox\"] {\n" +
"  position: relative;\n" +
"  top: 2px;\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Captcha */\n" +
"#qr .captcha-root {\n" +
"  position: relative;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#qr .captcha-container > div > div {\n" +
"  margin: auto;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#qr .captcha-counter {\n" +
"  display: block;\n" +
"  width: 100%;\n" +
"  text-align: center;\n" +
"  pointer-events: none;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#qr.captcha-open .captcha-counter {\n" +
"  position: absolute;\n" +
"  bottom: 3px;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#qr .captcha-counter > a {\n" +
"  pointer-events: auto;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#qr:not(.captcha-open) .captcha-counter > a {\n" +
"  display: block;\n" +
"  width: 100%;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#qr-captcha-iframe {\n" +
"  width: 302px;\n" +
"  height: 423px;\n" +
"  max-width: 100vw;\n" +
"  max-height: calc(100vh - 210px);\n" +
"  overflow: auto;\n" +
"}\n" +
".goog-bubble-content {\n" +
"  max-width: 100vw;\n" +
"  max-height: 100vh;\n" +
"  overflow: auto;\n" +
"}\n" +
".goog-bubble-content iframe {\n" +
"  position: static !important;\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* File Input, Submit Button */\n" +
"#file-n-submit {\n" +
"  display: -webkit-flex;\n" +
"  display: flex;\n" +
"  -webkit-align-items: stretch;\n" +
"  align-items: stretch;\n" +
"  height: 25px;\n" +
"  margin-top: 1px;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#file-n-submit > input {\n" +
"  background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #F8F8F8, #DCDCDC) no-repeat;\n" +
"  border: 1px solid #BBB;\n" +
"  border-radius: 2px;\n" +
"  height: 100%;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#qr-file-button {\n" +
"  width: 15%;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#file-n-submit input[type=\"submit\"] {\n" +
"  width: 25%;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#qr-filename-container {\n" +
"  -webkit-flex: 1 1 auto;\n" +
"  flex: 1 1 auto;\n" +
"  width: 0;\n" +
"  display: -webkit-flex;\n" +
"  display: flex;\n" +
"  -webkit-align-items: center;\n" +
"  align-items: center;\n" +
"  position: relative;\n" +
"  padding: 1px;\n" +
"}\n" +
"input#qr-filename {\n" +
"  border: none !important;\n" +
"  background: none !important;\n" +
"  outline: none;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#qr-filename,\n" +
".has-file #qr-no-file {\n" +
"  display: none;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#qr-no-file,\n" +
".has-file #qr-filename {\n" +
"  -webkit-flex: 1 1 auto;\n" +
"  flex: 1 1 auto;\n" +
"  display: inline-block;\n" +
"  padding: 0;\n" +
"  padding-left: 3px;\n" +
"  overflow: hidden;\n" +
"  text-overflow: ellipsis;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#qr-no-file {\n" +
"  color: #AAA;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#qr input[type=\"file\"] {\n" +
"  visibility: hidden;\n" +
"  position: absolute;\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Spoiler Checkbox, QR Icons */\n" +
"#qr-spoiler-label, #qr-filename-container > a {\n" +
"  -webkit-flex: none;\n" +
"  flex: none;\n" +
"  margin: 0;\n" +
"  margin-right: 3px;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#qr.has-spoiler #file-n-submit:not(.has-file) #qr-spoiler-label,\n" +
".has-file #paste-area,\n" +
".has-file #url-button,\n" +
"#file-n-submit:not(.custom-cooldown) #custom-cooldown-button {\n" +
"  display: none;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#qr-file-spoiler {\n" +
"  margin: 0;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#paste-area, #url-button, #custom-cooldown-button, #dump-button {\n" +
"  opacity: 0.6;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#paste-area {\n" +
"  font-size: 0;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#paste-area:focus {\n" +
"  opacity: 1;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#custom-cooldown-button.disabled {\n" +
"  opacity: 0.27;\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Thread and Flash Tag Select */\n" +
"#qr select {\n" +
"  background: white;\n" +
"  border: 1px solid #CCC;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#qr select[data-name=\"thread\"] {\n" +
"  float: right;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#qr > form > select {\n" +
"  margin-top: 1px;\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Dumping UI */\n" +
".dump #dump-list-container {\n" +
"  display: block;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#dump-list-container {\n" +
"  display: none;\n" +
"  position: relative;\n" +
"  overflow-y: hidden;\n" +
"  margin-top: 1px;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#dump-list {\n" +
"  overflow-x: auto;\n" +
"  overflow-y: hidden;\n" +
"  white-space: nowrap;\n" +
"  width: 248px;\n" +
"  max-width: 100%;\n" +
"  min-width: 100%;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#dump-list:hover {\n" +
"  overflow-x: auto;\n" +
"}\n" +
".qr-preview {\n" +
"  -moz-box-sizing: border-box;\n" +
"  counter-increment: thumbnails;\n" +
"  cursor: move;\n" +
"  display: inline-block;\n" +
"  height: 90px;\n" +
"  width: 90px;\n" +
"  padding: 2px;\n" +
"  opacity: .5;\n" +
"  overflow: hidden;\n" +
"  position: relative;\n" +
"  text-shadow: 0 0 2px #000;\n" +
"  -moz-transition: opacity .25s ease-in-out;\n" +
"  vertical-align: top;\n" +
"  background-size: cover;\n" +
"}\n" +
".qr-preview:hover,\n" +
".qr-preview:focus {\n" +
"  opacity: .9;\n" +
"}\n" +
".qr-preview::before {\n" +
"  content: counter(thumbnails);\n" +
"  color: #fff;\n" +
"  position: absolute;\n" +
"  top: 3px;\n" +
"  right: 3px;\n" +
"  text-shadow: 0 0 3px #000, 0 0 8px #000;\n" +
"}\n" +
".qr-preview#selected {\n" +
"  opacity: 1;\n" +
"}\n" +
".qr-preview.drag {\n" +
"  box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0,0,0,.5);\n" +
"}\n" +
".qr-preview.over {\n" +
"  border-color: #fff;\n" +
"}\n" +
".qr-preview > span {\n" +
"  color: #fff;\n" +
"}\n" +
".remove {\n" +
"  background: none;\n" +
"  color: #e00;\n" +
"  padding: 1px;\n" +
"}\n" +
"a:only-of-type > .remove {\n" +
"  display: none;\n" +
"}\n" +
".remove:hover::after {\n" +
"  content: \" Remove\";\n" +
"}\n" +
".qr-preview > label {\n" +
"  background: rgba(0,0,0,.5);\n" +
"  color: #fff;\n" +
"  right: 0;\n" +
"  bottom: 0;\n" +
"  left: 0;\n" +
"  position: absolute;\n" +
"  text-align: center;\n" +
"}\n" +
".qr-preview > label > input {\n" +
"  margin: 0;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#add-post {\n" +
"  cursor: pointer;\n" +
"  font-size: 2em;\n" +
"  position: absolute;\n" +
"  top: 50%;\n" +
"  right: 10px;\n" +
"  -moz-transform: translateY(-50%);\n" +
"}\n" +
".textarea {\n" +
"  position: relative;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.webkit .textarea {\n" +
"  margin-bottom: -2px;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#char-count {\n" +
"  color: #000;\n" +
"  background: hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .5);\n" +
"  font-size: 8pt;\n" +
"  position: absolute;\n" +
"  bottom: 1px;\n" +
"  right: 1px;\n" +
"  pointer-events: none;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#char-count.warning {\n" +
"  color: red;\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Menu */\n" +
".menu-button:not(.fa-bars) {\n" +
"  display: inline-block;\n" +
"  position: relative;\n" +
"  cursor: pointer;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#header-bar .menu-button i {\n" +
"  border-top:   6px solid;\n" +
"  border-right: 4px solid transparent;\n" +
"  border-left:  4px solid transparent;\n" +
"  display: inline-block;\n" +
"  margin: 2px;\n" +
"  vertical-align: middle;\n" +
"}\n" +
".reply .menu-button, \n" +
".op .menu-button,\n" +
"#thread-watcher .menu-button {\n" +
"  margin-left: -1px !important;\n" +
"  width: 20px;\n" +
"  height: 15px;\n" +
"  text-align: center;\n" +
"}\n" +
".menu-button + .container:not(:empty) {\n" +
"  margin-left: -5px;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#menu {\n" +
"  position: fixed;\n" +
"  outline: none;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#menu, .submenu {\n" +
"  border-radius: 3px;\n" +
"  padding-top: 1px;\n" +
"  padding-bottom: 3px;\n" +
"}\n" +
".entry {\n" +
"  cursor: pointer;\n" +
"  display: block;\n" +
"  outline: none;\n" +
"  padding: 2px 10px;\n" +
"  position: relative;\n" +
"  text-decoration: none;\n" +
"  white-space: nowrap;\n" +
"  min-width: 70px;\n" +
"  text-align: left;\n" +
"  text-shadow: none;\n" +
"}\n" +
".left>.entry.has-submenu {\n" +
"  padding-right: 17px !important;\n" +
"}\n" +
".entry input[type=\"checkbox\"], \n" +
".entry input[type=\"radio\"] {\n" +
"  margin: 0px;\n" +
"  position: relative;\n" +
"  top: 2px;\n" +
"}\n" +
".has-submenu::after {\n" +
"  content: \"\";\n" +
"  border-left: .5em solid;\n" +
"  border-top: .3em solid transparent;\n" +
"  border-bottom: .3em solid transparent;\n" +
"  display: inline-block;\n" +
"  margin: .3em;\n" +
"  position: absolute;\n" +
"  right: 3px;\n" +
"}\n" +
".left .has-submenu::after {\n" +
"  border-left: 0;\n" +
"  border-right: .5em solid;\n" +
"}\n" +
".submenu {\n" +
"  display: none;\n" +
"  position: absolute;\n" +
"  left: 100%;\n" +
"  top: -1px;\n" +
"  margin-left: 0px;\n" +
"  margin-top: -2px;\n" +
"}\n" +
".focused > .submenu {\n" +
"  display: block;\n" +
"}\n" +
".imp-exp-result {\n" +
"  position: absolute;\n" +
"  text-align: center;\n" +
"  margin: auto;\n" +
"  right: 0px;\n" +
"  left: 0px;\n" +
"  width: 200px;\n" +
"}\n" +
".export, .import, .reset {\n" +
"  cursor: pointer;\n" +
"  text-decoration: none !important;\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Custom Board Titles */\n" +
".boardTitle, .boardSubtitle {\n" +
"  white-space: pre-line;\n" +
"}\n" +
".boardTitle[contenteditable=\"true\"],\n" +
".boardSubtitle[contenteditable=\"true\"] {\n" +
"  cursor: text !important;\n" +
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"    Chrome doesn't support viewpoint units in calc()\n" +
"    http://bugs.chromium.org/168840\n" +
"    \"It looks like the original author of viewport units in WebKit is not coming back to fix this stuff.\"\n" +
"    Well, fuck.\n" +
"  */\n" +
"  max-height: 95vh;\n" +
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"  visibility: hidden;\n" +
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"/* General */\n" +
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"  background-color: #F0E0D6;\n" +
"  border-color: #D9BFB7;\n" +
"}\n" +
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"  border-color: #EA8;\n" +
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"  background-color: rgba(240,224,214,0.98);\n" +
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"  font-size: 9pt;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.yotsuba #header-bar, :root.yotsuba #notifications {\n" +
"  color: #B86;\n" +
"}\n" +
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"  color: #800000;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.yotsuba.fixed #custom-board-list .current:hover {\n" +
"  border-bottom-color: rgba(255,0,0,0.2);\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Settings */\n" +
":root.yotsuba #fourchanx-settings fieldset, :root.yotsuba .section-main div::before {\n" +
"  border-color: #D9BFB7;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.yotsuba .suboption-list > div:last-of-type {\n" +
"  background-color: #F0E0D6;\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Quote */\n" +
":root.yotsuba .backlink.deadlink {\n" +
"  color: #00E !important;\n" +
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"  border-color: #D9BFB7;\n" +
"  background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .14);\n" +
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"  background-color: #F0E0D6;\n" +
"  border-color: #D9BFB7;\n" +
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"  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .15);\n" +
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"  border-color: rgb(225, 209, 199) rgb(225, 209, 199) rgb(210, 194, 184);\n" +
"  background: linear-gradient(#FFEFE5, #F0E0D6) repeat scroll 0% 0% transparent;\n" +
"}\n" +
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"  background: #F0E0D6;\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Menu */\n" +
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"  color: #800000;\n" +
"}\n" +
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"  font-size: 10pt;\n" +
"}\n" +
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"  background: rgba(255, 255, 255, .33);\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Thread Watcher */\n" +
":root.yotsuba .replies-quoting-you > a, :root.yotsuba #watcher-link.disabled.replies-quoting-you {\n" +
"  color: #F00;\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Watcher Favicon */\n" +
":root.yotsuba .watch-thread-link\n" +
"{\n" +
"  background-image: url(\"data:image/svg+xml,<svg viewBox='0 0 26 26' preserveAspectRatio='true' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'><path fill='rgb(128,0,0)' d='M24.132,7.971c-2.203-2.205-5.916-2.098-8.25,0.235L15.5,8.588l-0.382-0.382c-2.334-2.333-6.047-2.44-8.25-0.235c-2.204,2.203-2.098,5.916,0.235,8.249l8.396,8.396l8.396-8.396C26.229,13.887,26.336,10.174,24.132,7.971z'/></svg>\");\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Board Title */\n" +
":root.yotsuba div.boardTitle {\n" +
"  font-family: sans-serif !important;\n" +
"  text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px rgba(100,0,0,0.6);\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* General */\n" +
":root.yotsuba-b .dialog {\n" +
"  background-color: #D6DAF0;\n" +
"  border-color: #B7C5D9;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.yotsuba-b .field:focus,\n" +
":root.yotsuba-b .field.focus {\n" +
"  border-color: #98E;\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Header */\n" +
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"  background-color: rgba(214,218,240,0.98);\n" +
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"  font-size: 9pt;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.yotsuba-b #header-bar, :root.yotsuba-b #notifications {\n" +
"  color: #89A;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.yotsuba-b #board-list a, :root.yotsuba-b #shortcuts a {\n" +
"  color: #34345C;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.yotsuba-b.fixed #custom-board-list .current:hover {\n" +
"  border-bottom-color: rgba(255,0,0,0.2);\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Settings */\n" +
":root.yotsuba-b #fourchanx-settings fieldset, :root.yotsuba-b .section-main div::before {\n" +
"  border-color: #B7C5D9;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.yotsuba-b .suboption-list > div:last-of-type {\n" +
"  background-color: #D6DAF0;\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Quote */\n" +
":root.yotsuba-b .backlink.deadlink {\n" +
"  color: #34345C !important;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.yotsuba-b .inline {\n" +
"  border-color: #B7C5D9;\n" +
"  background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .14);\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* QR */\n" +
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"  background-color: #D6DAF0;\n" +
"  border-color: #B7C5D9;\n" +
"}\n" +
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"  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .15);\n" +
"}\n" +
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"  border-color: rgb(199, 203, 225) rgb(199, 203, 225) rgb(184, 188, 210);\n" +
"  background: linear-gradient(#E5E9FF, #D6DAF0) repeat scroll 0% 0% transparent;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.yotsuba-b .qr-link:hover {\n" +
"  background: #D9DDF3;\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Menu */\n" +
":root.yotsuba-b #menu {\n" +
"  color: #000;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.yotsuba-b .entry {\n" +
"  font-size: 10pt;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.yotsuba-b .focused.entry {\n" +
"  background: rgba(255, 255, 255, .33);\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Thread Watcher */\n" +
":root.yotsuba-b .replies-quoting-you > a, :root.yotsuba-b #watcher-link.disabled.replies-quoting-you {\n" +
"  color: #F00;\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Watcher Favicon */\n" +
":root.yotsuba-b .watch-thread-link\n" +
"{\n" +
"  background-image: url(\"data:image/svg+xml,<svg viewBox='0 0 26 26' preserveAspectRatio='true' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'><path fill='rgb(0,0,0)' d='M24.132,7.971c-2.203-2.205-5.916-2.098-8.25,0.235L15.5,8.588l-0.382-0.382c-2.334-2.333-6.047-2.44-8.25-0.235c-2.204,2.203-2.098,5.916,0.235,8.249l8.396,8.396l8.396-8.396C26.229,13.887,26.336,10.174,24.132,7.971z'/></svg>\");\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Board Title */\n" +
":root.yotsuba-b div.boardTitle {\n" +
"  font-family: sans-serif !important;\n" +
"  text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px rgba(105,10,15,0.6);\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* General */\n" +
":root.futaba .dialog {\n" +
"  background-color: #F0E0D6;\n" +
"  border-color: #D9BFB7;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.futaba .field:focus,\n" +
":root.futaba .field.focus {\n" +
"  border-color: #EA8;\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Header */\n" +
":root.futaba #header-bar.dialog {\n" +
"  background-color: rgba(240,224,214,0.98);\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.futaba:not(.fixed) #header-bar, :root.futaba #notifications {\n" +
"  font-size: 11pt;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.futaba #header-bar, :root.futaba #notifications {\n" +
"  color: #B86;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.futaba #header-bar a, :root.futaba #notifications a {\n" +
"  color: #800000;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.futaba.fixed #custom-board-list .current:hover {\n" +
"  border-bottom-color: rgba(255,0,0,0.2);\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Settings */\n" +
":root.futaba #fourchanx-settings fieldset, :root.futaba .section-main div::before {\n" +
"  border-color: #D9BFB7;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.futaba .suboption-list > div:last-of-type {\n" +
"  background-color: #F0E0D6;\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Quote */\n" +
":root.futaba .backlink.deadlink {\n" +
"  color: #00E !important;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.futaba .inline {\n" +
"  border-color: #D9BFB7;\n" +
"  background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .14);\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* QR */\n" +
".futaba #dump-list::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {\n" +
"  background-color: #F0E0D6;\n" +
"  border-color: #D9BFB7;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.futaba .qr-preview {\n" +
"  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .15);\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.futaba .qr-link {\n" +
"  border-color: rgb(225, 209, 199) rgb(225, 209, 199) rgb(210, 194, 184);\n" +
"  background: linear-gradient(#FFEFE5, #F0E0D6) repeat scroll 0% 0% transparent;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.futaba .qr-link:hover {\n" +
"  background: #F0E0D6;\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Menu */\n" +
":root.futaba #menu {\n" +
"  color: #800000;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.futaba .entry {\n" +
"  font-size: 12pt;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.futaba .focused.entry {\n" +
"  background: rgba(255, 255, 255, .33);\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Thread Watcher */\n" +
":root.futaba .replies-quoting-you > a, :root.futaba #watcher-link.disabled.replies-quoting-you {\n" +
"  color: #F00;\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Watcher Favicon */\n" +
":root.futaba .watch-thread-link\n" +
"{\n" +
"  background-image: url(\"data:image/svg+xml,<svg viewBox='0 0 26 26' preserveAspectRatio='true' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'><path fill='rgb(128,0,0)' d='M24.132,7.971c-2.203-2.205-5.916-2.098-8.25,0.235L15.5,8.588l-0.382-0.382c-2.334-2.333-6.047-2.44-8.25-0.235c-2.204,2.203-2.098,5.916,0.235,8.249l8.396,8.396l8.396-8.396C26.229,13.887,26.336,10.174,24.132,7.971z'/></svg>\");\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* General */\n" +
":root.burichan .dialog {\n" +
"  background-color: #D6DAF0;\n" +
"  border-color: #B7C5D9;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.burichan .field:focus,\n" +
":root.burichan .field.focus {\n" +
"  border-color: #98E;\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Header */\n" +
":root.burichan #header-bar.dialog {\n" +
"  background-color: rgba(214,218,240,0.98);\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.burichan:not(.fixed) #header-bar, :root.burichan #header-bar #notifications {\n" +
"  font-size: 11pt;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.burichan #header-bar, :root.burichan #header-bar #notifications {\n" +
"  color: #89A;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.burichan #header-bar a, :root.burichan #header-bar #notifications a {\n" +
"  color: #34345C;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.burichan.fixed #custom-board-list .current:hover {\n" +
"  border-bottom-color: rgba(255,0,0,0.2);\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Settings */\n" +
":root.burichan #fourchanx-settings fieldset, :root.burichan .section-main div::before {\n" +
"  border-color: #B7C5D9;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.burichan .suboption-list > div:last-of-type {\n" +
"  background-color: #D6DAF0;\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Quote */\n" +
":root.burichan .backlink.deadlink {\n" +
"  color: #34345C !important;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.burichan .inline {\n" +
"  border-color: #B7C5D9;\n" +
"  background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .14);\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* QR */\n" +
".burichan #dump-list::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {\n" +
"  background-color: #D6DAF0;\n" +
"  border-color: #B7C5D9;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.burichan .qr-preview {\n" +
"  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .15);\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.burichan .qr-link {\n" +
"  border-color: rgb(199, 203, 225) rgb(199, 203, 225) rgb(184, 188, 210);\n" +
"  background: linear-gradient(#E5E9FF, #D6DAF0) repeat scroll 0% 0% transparent;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.burichan .qr-link:hover {\n" +
"  background: #D9DDF3;\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Menu */\n" +
":root.burichan #menu {\n" +
"  color: #000000;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.burichan .entry {\n" +
"  font-size: 12pt;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.burichan .focused.entry {\n" +
"  background: rgba(255, 255, 255, .33);\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Thread Watcher */\n" +
":root.burichan .replies-quoting-you > a, :root.burichan #watcher-link.disabled.replies-quoting-you {\n" +
"  color: #F00;\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Watcher Favicon */\n" +
":root.burichan .watch-thread-link\n" +
"{\n" +
"  background-image: url(\"data:image/svg+xml,<svg viewBox='0 0 26 26' preserveAspectRatio='true' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'><path fill='rgb(0,0,0)' d='M24.132,7.971c-2.203-2.205-5.916-2.098-8.25,0.235L15.5,8.588l-0.382-0.382c-2.334-2.333-6.047-2.44-8.25-0.235c-2.204,2.203-2.098,5.916,0.235,8.249l8.396,8.396l8.396-8.396C26.229,13.887,26.336,10.174,24.132,7.971z'/></svg>\");\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* General */\n" +
":root.tomorrow .dialog {\n" +
"  background-color: #282A2E;\n" +
"  border-color: #111;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.tomorrow img[src*=\"//boards.4chan.org/js/jsMath/fonts/\"] {\n" +
"  filter: invert(100%);\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Header */\n" +
":root.tomorrow #header-bar.dialog {\n" +
"  background-color: rgba(40,42,46,0.9);\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.tomorrow:not(.fixed) #header-bar, :root.tomorrow #notifications {\n" +
"  font-size: 9pt;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.tomorrow #header-bar, :root.tomorrow #notifications {\n" +
"  color: #C5C8C6;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.tomorrow #header-bar a, :root.tomorrow #notifications a {\n" +
"  color: #81A2BE;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.tomorrow.fixed #custom-board-list .current:hover {\n" +
"  border-bottom-color: rgba(95,137,172,0.4);\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Settings */\n" +
":root.tomorrow #fourchanx-settings fieldset, :root.tomorrow .section-main div::before {\n" +
"  border-color: #111;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.tomorrow .suboption-list > div:last-of-type {\n" +
"  background-color: #282A2E;\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Catalog */\n" +
":root.tomorrow .catalog-code {\n" +
"  background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1);\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Quote */\n" +
":root.tomorrow .catalog-thread > .comment > span.quote, :root.tomorrow #arc-list span.quote {\n" +
"  color: #B5BD68;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.tomorrow .backlink.deadlink {\n" +
"  color: #81A2BE !important;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.tomorrow .inline {\n" +
"  border-color: #111;\n" +
"  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .14);\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Highlighting */\n" +
":root.tomorrow .qphl {\n" +
"  outline: 2px solid rgba(145, 182, 214, .8);\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.tomorrow.highlight-you .quotesYou.opContainer,\n" +
":root.tomorrow.highlight-you .quotesYou > .reply {\n" +
"  border-left: 3px solid rgba(145, 182, 214, .8);\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.tomorrow.highlight-own .yourPost.opContainer,\n" +
":root.tomorrow.highlight-own .yourPost > .reply {\n" +
"  border-left: 3px dashed rgba(145, 182, 214, .8);\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.tomorrow .opContainer.filter-highlight,\n" +
":root.tomorrow .filter-highlight > .reply {\n" +
"  box-shadow: inset 5px 0 rgba(145, 182, 214, .5);\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.tomorrow.highlight-own .yourPost > div.sideArrows,\n" +
":root.tomorrow.highlight-you .quotesYou > div.sideArrows,\n" +
":root.tomorrow .filter-highlight > div.sideArrows {\n" +
"  color: rgb(155, 185, 210);\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.tomorrow .filter-highlight .catalog-thumb,\n" +
":root.tomorrow .filter-highlight .werkTyme-filename {\n" +
"  box-shadow: 0 0 3px 3px rgba(64, 192, 255, .7);\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.tomorrow .catalog-thread.watched .catalog-thumb,\n" +
":root.tomorrow .catalog-thread.watched .werkTyme-filename {\n" +
"  border: 2px solid rgb(64, 192, 255);\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* QR */\n" +
".tomorrow #dump-list::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {\n" +
"  background-color: #282A2E;\n" +
"  border-color: #111;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.tomorrow .qr-preview {\n" +
"  background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .15);\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.tomorrow #qr .field {\n" +
"  background-color: rgb(26, 27, 29);\n" +
"  color: rgb(197,200,198);\n" +
"  border-color: rgb(40, 41, 42);\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.tomorrow #qr .field:focus,\n" +
":root.tomorrow #qr .field.focus {\n" +
"  border-color: rgb(129, 162, 190) !important;\n" +
"  background-color: rgb(30,32,36);\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.tomorrow #qr select,\n" +
":root.tomorrow #file-n-submit > input {\n" +
"  border-color: rgb(40, 41, 42);\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.tomorrow #qr-filename {\n" +
"  color: rgb(197,200,198);\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.tomorrow .qr-link {\n" +
"  border-color: rgb(25, 27, 31) rgb(25, 27, 31) rgb(10, 12, 16);\n" +
"  background: linear-gradient(#37393D, #282A2E) repeat scroll 0% 0% transparent;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.tomorrow .qr-link:hover {\n" +
"  background: #282A2E;\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Menu */\n" +
":root.tomorrow #menu {\n" +
"  color: #C5C8C6;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.tomorrow .entry {\n" +
"  font-size: 10pt;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.tomorrow .focused.entry {\n" +
"  background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .33);\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Unread */\n" +
":root.tomorrow #unread-line {\n" +
"  border-color: rgb(197, 200, 198);\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Thread Watcher */\n" +
":root.tomorrow .replies-quoting-you > a, :root.tomorrow #watcher-link.disabled.replies-quoting-you {\n" +
"  color: #F00 !important;\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Watcher Favicon */\n" +
":root.tomorrow .watch-thread-link\n" +
"{\n" +
"  background-image: url(\"data:image/svg+xml,<svg viewBox='0 0 26 26' preserveAspectRatio='true' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'><path fill='rgb(197,200,198)' d='M24.132,7.971c-2.203-2.205-5.916-2.098-8.25,0.235L15.5,8.588l-0.382-0.382c-2.334-2.333-6.047-2.44-8.25-0.235c-2.204,2.203-2.098,5.916,0.235,8.249l8.396,8.396l8.396-8.396C26.229,13.887,26.336,10.174,24.132,7.971z'/></svg>\");\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Board Title */\n" +
":root.tomorrow div.boardTitle {\n" +
"  font-family: sans-serif !important;\n" +
"  text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px rgba(167,170,168,0.6);\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* General */\n" +
":root.photon .dialog {\n" +
"  background-color: #DDD;\n" +
"  border-color: #CCC;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.photon .field:focus,\n" +
":root.photon .field.focus {\n" +
"  border-color: #EA8;\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Header */\n" +
":root.photon #header-bar.dialog {\n" +
"  background-color: rgba(221,221,221,0.98);\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.photon:not(.fixed) #header-bar, :root.photon #notifications {\n" +
"  font-size: 9pt;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.photon #header-bar, :root.photon #notifications {\n" +
"  color: #333;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.photon #header-bar a, :root.photon #notifications a {\n" +
"  color: #FF6600;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.photon.fixed #custom-board-list .current:hover {\n" +
"  border-bottom-color: rgba(255,51,0,0.2);\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Settings */\n" +
":root.photon #fourchanx-settings fieldset, :root.photon .section-main div::before {\n" +
"  border-color: #CCC;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.photon .suboption-list > div:last-of-type {\n" +
"  background-color: #DDD;\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Catalog */\n" +
":root.photon .catalog-code {\n" +
"  background-color: rgba(150, 150, 150, 0.2);\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Quote */\n" +
":root.photon #arc-list tr:nth-of-type(odd) span.quote {\n" +
"  color: #C0E17A;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.photon .backlink.deadlink {\n" +
"  color: #F60 !important;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.photon .inline {\n" +
"  border-color: #CCC;\n" +
"  background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .14);\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* QR */\n" +
".photon #dump-list::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {\n" +
"  background-color: #DDD;\n" +
"  border-color: #CCC;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.photon .qr-preview {\n" +
"  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .15);\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.photon .qr-link {\n" +
"  border-color: rgb(206, 206, 206) rgb(206, 206, 206) rgb(191, 191, 191);\n" +
"  background: linear-gradient(#ECECEC, #DDD) repeat scroll 0% 0% transparent;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.photon .qr-link:hover {\n" +
"  background: #DDDDDD;\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Menu */\n" +
":root.photon #menu {\n" +
"  color: #333;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.photon .entry {\n" +
"  font-size: 10pt;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root.photon .focused.entry {\n" +
"  background: rgba(255, 255, 255, .33);\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Thread Watcher */\n" +
":root.photon .replies-quoting-you > a, :root.photon #watcher-link.disabled.replies-quoting-you {\n" +
"  color: #00F !important;\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Watcher Favicon */\n" +
":root.photon .watch-thread-link\n" +
"{\n" +
"  background-image: url(\"data:image/svg+xml,<svg viewBox='0 0 26 26' preserveAspectRatio='true' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'><path fill='rgb(51,51,51)' d='M24.132,7.971c-2.203-2.205-5.916-2.098-8.25,0.235L15.5,8.588l-0.382-0.382c-2.334-2.333-6.047-2.44-8.25-0.235c-2.204,2.203-2.098,5.916,0.235,8.249l8.396,8.396l8.396-8.396C26.229,13.887,26.336,10.174,24.132,7.971z'/></svg>\");\n" +
"}\n" +
"/* Board Title */\n" +
":root.photon div.boardTitle {\n" +
"  font-family: sans-serif !important;\n" +
"  text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px rgba(0,74,153,0.6);\n" +
    cssWWW: "noscript > div, noscript > div > div {\n" +
"  height: 545px !important;\n" +
"}\n" +
"noscript > div > div > div:first-child, noscript iframe {\n" +
"  height: 423px !important;\n" +
"}\n" +
":root:not(.js-enabled) #g-recaptcha {\n" +
"  height: auto;\n" +
"}\n" +
"#captcha-cnt {\n" +
"  height: auto;\n" +
    features: [['Polyfill', Polyfill], ['Redirect', Redirect], ['Header', Header], ['Catalog Links', CatalogLinks], ['Settings', Settings], ['Index Generator', Index], ['Disable Autoplay', AntiAutoplay], ['Announcement Hiding', PSAHiding], ['Fourchan thingies', Fourchan], ['Color User IDs', IDColor], ['Highlight by User ID', IDHighlight], ['Custom CSS', CustomCSS], ['Linkify', Linkify], ['Reveal Spoilers', RemoveSpoilers], ['Resurrect Quotes', Quotify], ['Filter', Filter], ['Thread Hiding Buttons', ThreadHiding], ['Reply Hiding Buttons', PostHiding], ['Recursive', Recursive], ['Strike-through Quotes', QuoteStrikeThrough], ['Quick Reply', QR], ['Menu', Menu], ['Index Generator (Menu)', Index.menu], ['Report Link', ReportLink], ['Thread Hiding (Menu)', ThreadHiding.menu], ['Reply Hiding (Menu)', PostHiding.menu], ['Delete Link', DeleteLink], ['Filter (Menu)', Filter.menu], ['Download Link', DownloadLink], ['Archive Link', ArchiveLink], ['Quote Inlining', QuoteInline], ['Quote Previewing', QuotePreview], ['Quote Backlinks', QuoteBacklink], ['Mark Quotes of You', QuoteYou], ['Mark OP Quotes', QuoteOP], ['Mark Cross-thread Quotes', QuoteCT], ['Anonymize', Anonymize], ['Time Formatting', Time], ['Relative Post Dates', RelativeDates], ['File Info Formatting', FileInfo], ['Fappe Tyme', FappeTyme], ['Gallery', Gallery], ['Gallery (menu)', Gallery.menu], ['Sauce', Sauce], ['Image Expansion', ImageExpand], ['Image Expansion (Menu)', ImageExpand.menu], ['Reveal Spoiler Thumbnails', RevealSpoilers], ['Image Loading', ImageLoader], ['Image Hover', ImageHover], ['Volume Control', Volume], ['WEBM Metadata', Metadata], ['Comment Expansion', ExpandComment], ['Thread Expansion', ExpandThread], ['Thread Excerpt', ThreadExcerpt], ['Favicon', Favicon], ['Unread', Unread], ['Quote Threading', QuoteThreading], ['Thread Stats', ThreadStats], ['Thread Updater', ThreadUpdater], ['Thread Watcher', ThreadWatcher], ['Thread Watcher (Menu)', ThreadWatcher.menu], ['Mark New IPs', MarkNewIPs], ['Index Navigation', Nav], ['Keybinds', Keybinds], ['Banner', Banner], ['Flash Features', Flash]]

