Greasy Fork is available in English.
Try to make userscripts work on non-tempermonkey environments(e.g. X Browser, Via Browser, etc.) as well. Attention: All data that are expected to be saved in browser storage will actually NOT be saved, that means, everytime the userscript executes will act as this is the first time.
< Rückmeldungen auf Userscript Runtime
您好,我在安卓via浏览器在该网页安装您的脚本,适配地址选择号。然后脚本,,直接在greasyfork选择安装,适配选择号。发现在百度和虎扑上没有反应。 而我在kiwi运行正常,没有在via模拟环境成功 请问能否详细说一下安装使用方法呢