Pixiv Image Searches and Stuff

Searches Danbooru for pixiv IDs, adds IQDB image search links, and filters images based on pixiv favorites.

Version vom 24.08.2014. Aktuellste Version

Mango 2
0 0 0
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Formerly part of the Endless Pixiv Pages script.


  • [disabled] Automatically searches Danbooru for pixiv images (using the pixiv metatag) and links to any results below each image. This requires GM_xmlhttpRequest(). Login info can be entered at the top of the script to make sure you get the API limit appropriate for your user level.
  • [disabled] Adds a link to the IQDB for each image (using the base URL specified by the user), replacing the "X bookmarks" links where present.
  • Hides thumbnails with less than a number of favorites specified in pixiv's own Advanced Search menu. This filtering only works on search pages.

The Danbooru/IQDB features can be enabled/adjusted by modifying the top of the script.


  • Added support for the ranking pages
  • Stopped script triggering on the ugoira daily ranking section of the main page


  • Split from Endless Pixiv Pages
  • Eliminated duplicate source search query on mode=medium pages
  • Drop login credential requirement for source searches; use api_key instead of password_hash
  • Replaced "addIQDB" with "iqdbURL" setting to specify the IQDB search to use
  • Favcount filter now dynamically updates the displayed/hidden thumbnails as the favcount setting is changed instead of requiring a refresh
  • Fixed bookmark page
  • Exclude novel thumbnails from source search (they weren't being handled correctly anyway)