Greasy Fork is available in English.

GM Base

Allgemeine Bibliothek für Greasemonkey Scripts

// ==UserScript==
// @name            GM Base
// @fullname        Greasemonkey Base
// @description     General Library for Greasemonkey Scripts
// @name:de         GM Base
// @fullname:de     Greasemonkey Base
// @description:de  Allgemeine Bibliothek für Greasemonkey Scripts
// @author          ollily2907
// @license         Apache License, Version 2.0
// @license
// @homepageURL
// @supportURL
// @source
// @icon
// @compatible      firefox >=52
// @compatible      chrome >=57
// @namespace
// @run-at          document-end
// @version         0.52.001
// @include            http://gmonkey.*.*/test/6/*
// @include            http://devzone.*.*/test/gm/*
// ==/UserScript==

//GM-Script specific code - START

// ---------------
// base-core.js - START
// ---------------
// noinspection JSUnusedGlobalSymbols

const CURR_HOST =;
let CURR_PORT = document.location.port;

 * The URL we are currently running on.
let currSite = CURR_HOST;
if (document.location.port) {
    CURR_PORT = ":" + document.location.port;
    if ( === -1) {
        currSite += ":" + document.location.port;

const currPath = document.location.href.substring(document.location.href.indexOf(currSite) + currSite.length);
const bTestMode = false;
const INIT_ONLOAD = true;

// - General DHTML-Lib - Start
// - modified & extended dhtml.js from

let DHTML = false, DOM = false, MSIE4 = false, NS4 = false, OP = false;

const SHORT_ID = "id";
const ATTR_SEP = ";";

if (document.getElementById) {
    DHTML = true;
    DOM = true;
} else {
    if (document.all) {
        DHTML = true;
        MSIE4 = true;
    } else {
        if (document.layers) {
            DHTML = true;
            NS4 = true;
if (window.opera) {
    OP = true;

 * Shorthand, tries to find one element represented by the identifier in the
 * page.
 * @param identifier -
 *            the key (id) of the element
 * @returns {Object} the found object or null
function gmGetElI(identifier) {
    return gmGetEl(SHORT_ID, identifier, null);

 * Tries to find one element represented by the identifier in the page.
 * @param mode -
 *            how the Identifier is interpreted (id, name, tagname)
 * @param identifier -
 *            the key (id, name, tagname) of the element
 * @param elementNumber -
 *            the index (only used for Mode=name, tagname)
 * @returns {Object} the found object or null
function gmGetEl(mode, identifier, elementNumber) {
    let element, elementList;
    if (gmIsObject(identifier)) {
        return identifier;
    if (!elementNumber) {
        elementNumber = 0;
    if (!gmIsInstanceOf(mode, String)) {
        if (mode != null) {
            alert( + " " + identifier.constructor);
        } else {
        return null;
    if (DOM) {
        if (mode.toLowerCase() === "id") {
            element = document.getElementById(identifier);
            return element;
        if (mode.toLowerCase() === "name") {
            elementList = document.getElementsByName(identifier);
            element = elementList[elementNumber];
            if (!element || element === "undefined") {
                element = null;
            return element;
        if (mode.toLowerCase() === "tagname") {
            elementList = document.getElementsByTagName(identifier);
            element = elementList[elementNumber];
            return element;
        return null;
    if (MSIE4) {
        if (mode.toLowerCase() === "id" || mode.toLowerCase() === "name") {
            element = document.all(identifier);
            return element;
        if (mode.toLowerCase() === "tagname") {
            elementList = document.all.tags(identifier);
            element = elementList[elementNumber];
            return element;
        return null;
    if (NS4) {
        if (mode.toLowerCase() === "id" || mode.toLowerCase() === "name") {
            element = document[identifier];
            if (!element) {
                element = document.anchors[identifier];
            return element;
        if (mode.toLowerCase() === "layerindex") {
            element = document.layers[identifier];
            return element;
        return null;
    return null;

 * Tries to find all elements represented by the identifier in the page.
 * @param mode
 *            how the Identifier is interpreted (id, name, tagname)
 * @param identifier
 *            the key (id, name, tagname) of the element
 * @returns {Object} returns the found content as array or null
function gmGetElList(mode, identifier) {
    if (gmIsObject(identifier)) {
        return identifier;
    if (identifier == null) {
        return null;
    if (DOM) {
        if (mode.toLowerCase() === "name") {
            return document.getElementsByName(identifier);
        if (mode.toLowerCase() === "tagname") {
            return document.getElementsByTagName(identifier);
        return null;
    if (MSIE4) {
        if (mode.toLowerCase() === "id" || mode.toLowerCase() === "name") {
            return document.all(identifier);
        if (mode.toLowerCase() === "tagname") {
            return document.all.tags(identifier);
        return null;
    if (NS4) {
        return gmGetEl(mode, identifier);
    return null;

 * Shorthand, tries to find an attribute of an element in the page.
 * @param identifier -
 *            the key (id) of the element
 * @param attributeName -
 *            the name of the attribute
 * @returns {Object} returns the found attribute or false
function gmGetAtI(identifier, attributeName) {
    return gmGetAt(SHORT_ID, identifier, null, attributeName);

 * Tries to find an attribute of an element in the page.
 * @param mode -
 *            how the Identifier is interpreted (id, name, tagname)
 * @param identifier -
 *            the key (id, name, tagname) of the element
 * @param elementNumber -
 *            the index (only used for Mode=name, tagname)
 * @param attributeName -
 *            the name of the attribute
 * @returns {Object} returns the found attribute or null
function gmGetAt(mode, identifier, elementNumber, attributeName) {
    let attribute = null;
    const element = gmGetEl(mode, identifier, elementNumber);
    if (element) {
        if (DOM || MSIE4) {
            try {
                attribute = element[attributeName];
            } catch (e) {
                try {
                    attribute = element.getAttribute(attributeName);
                } catch (e2) {
                    // ignored
        if (NS4) {
            attribute = element[attributeName];
            if (!attribute) {
                attribute = null;
    return attribute;

 * Shorthand, tries to find the content of an element in the page.
 * @param identifier -
 *            the key (id) of the element
 * @returns {Object} returns the found content or null
function gmGetCoI(identifier) {
    return gmGetCo(SHORT_ID, identifier, null);

 * Tries to find the content of an element in the page.
 * @param mode -
 *            how the Identifier is interpreted (id, name, tagname)
 * @param identifier -
 *            the key (id, name, tagname) of the element
 * @param elementNumber -
 *            the index (only used for Mode=name, tagname)
 * @returns {Object} returns the found content or null
function gmGetCo(mode, identifier, elementNumber) {
    let content = null;
    const element = gmGetEl(mode, identifier, elementNumber);
    if (element) {
        if (DOM && element.firstChild) {
            if (element.firstChild.nodeType === 3) {
                content = element.firstChild.nodeValue;
            } else {
                content = "";
            return content;
        if (MSIE4) {
            content = element.innerText;
            return content;
    return content;

 * Shorthand, tries to set the new content to an element in the page.
 * @param identifier -
 *            the key (id) of the element
 * @param text -
 *            the new text to set to the element
 * @returns {Boolean} TRUE=if set was successfull, else FALSE
function gmSetCoI(identifier, text) {
    return gmSetCo(SHORT_ID, identifier, null, text);

 * Tries to set the new content to an element in the page.
 * @param mode -
 *            how the Identifier is interpreted (id, name, tagname)
 * @param identifier -
 *            the key (id, name, tagname) of the element
 * @param elementNumber -
 *            the index (only used for Mode=name, tagname)
 * @param text -
 *            the new text to set to the element
 * @returns {Boolean} TRUE=if set was successfull, else FALSE
function gmSetCo(mode, identifier, elementNumber, text) {
    const element = gmGetEl(mode, identifier, elementNumber);
    if (element) {
        if (DOM) {
            if (!element.firstChild) {
            element.firstChild.nodeValue = text;
            return true;
        if (MSIE4) {
            element.innerText = text;
            return true;
        if (NS4) {
            return true;
    return false;

// - General DHTML-Lib - End

 * Shorthand: Sets a new value for an attribute to an element, any existing
 * attribute value is replaced.
 * @param identifier -
 *            the key (id) of the element
 * @param attributeName -
 *            the unique name of the attribute
 * @param attributeValue -
 *            the new value for that attribute
 * @returns {Boolean} TRUE = the value could be set, else FALSE
function gmSetAtI(identifier, attributeName, attributeValue) {
    return gmSetAt(SHORT_ID, identifier, null, attributeName, attributeValue);

 * Sets a new value for an attribute to an element, any existing attribute value
 * is replaced.
 * @param mode -
 *            how the Identifier is interpreted (id, name, tagname)
 * @param identifier -
 *            the key (id, name, tagname) of the element
 * @param elementNumber
 * @param attributeName -
 *            the unique name of the attribute
 * @param attributeValue -
 *            the new value for that attribute
 * @returns {Boolean} TRUE = the value could be set, else FALSE
function gmSetAt(mode, identifier, elementNumber, attributeName, attributeValue) {
    //var attribute;
    const element = gmGetEl(mode, identifier, elementNumber);
    if (element) {
        if (DOM || MSIE4) {
            try {
                element[attributeName] = attributeValue;
            } catch (e) {
                try {
                    element.setAttribute(attributeName, attributeValue);
                } catch (e2) {
                    // ignored
            return true;
            // return gmGetAt(mode, identifier, elementNumber, attributeName);
        if (NS4) {
            element[attributeName] = attributeValue;
            return true;
            // return gmGetAt(mode, identifier, elementNumber, attributeName);
    return false;

 * Adds an additional value for an attribute to an element, the new value is
 * appended at the end.
 * @param mode -
 *            how the Identifier is interpreted (id, name, tagname)
 * @param identifier -
 *            the key (id, name, tagname) of the element
 * @param attributeName -
 *            the unique name of the attribute
 * @param attributeValue -
 *            the new value for that attribute
 * @returns {Boolean} TRUE = the value could be set, else FALSE
function gmAppAt(mode, identifier, attributeName, attributeValue) {
    const oldValue = gmGetAt(mode, identifier, attributeName);
    const newValue = oldValue + ATTR_SEP + attributeValue;
    return gmSetAt(mode, identifier, attributeName, newValue);

 * Shorthand: Adds an additional value for an attribute to an element, the new
 * value is appended at the end.
 * @param identifier -
 *            the key (id, name, tagname) of the element
 * @param attributeName -
 *            the unique name of the attribute
 * @param attributeValue -
 *            the new value for that attribute
 * @returns {Boolean} TRUE = the value could be set, else FALSE
function gmAppAtI(identifier, attributeName, attributeValue) {
    return gmAppAt(SHORT_ID, identifier, attributeName, attributeValue);

 * Verifies if an instance is an array.
 * @param obj -
 *            the instance to test
 * @returns {Boolean} TRUE=if instance is an array, else FALSE
function gmIsArray(obj) {
    return gmIsInstanceOf(obj, Array);

function gmIsFunction(obj) {
    return gmIsInstanceOf(obj, Function);

function gmIsUndefined(obj) {
    return (obj == null ? true : (typeof obj == "undefined"));

 * Verifies if an instance is an object.
 * @param obj -
 *            the instance to test
 * @returns {Boolean} TRUE=if instance is an object, else FALSE
function gmIsObject(obj) {
    return (obj == null ? false : (typeof obj == "object"));

 * Tests, if an instanced object is from the requested type.
 * @param obj -
 *            an instance of an object (must not be null)
 * @param objType -
 *            a name of a type, if null it will be replaced by "Object"
 * @returns {Boolean} TRUE = if the object is from the tested type, else FALSE
function gmIsInstanceOf(obj, objType) {
    let isType = false;
    if (obj != null) {
        if (objType == null) {
            objType = "Object";
        try {
            let tObjType = eval(objType);
            isType = (obj.constructor === tObjType);
        } catch (e) {
            // ignore
        // isType = (typeof obj) == objType;
    return isType;

 * Removes all spaces from the left.
 * @param a -
 *            the string to trim
 * @returns {String} the trimmed string
function ltrim(a) {
    let ret = null;
    if (a != null) {
        ret = String(a);
        let pos = 0;
        while (a.charAt(pos) === " ") {
        ret = a.substring(pos);
    return ret;

 * Removes all spaces from the right.
 * @param a -
 *            the string to trim
 * @returns {String} the trimmed string
function rtrim(a) {
    let ret = null;
    if (a != null) {
        ret = String(a);
        let pos = a.length - 1;
        while (a.charAt(pos) === " ") {
        ret = a.substring(0, pos + 1);
    return ret;

 * Removes all space from the left and right.
 * @param a -
 *            the string to trim
 * @returns {String} the trimmed string
function trim(a) {
    return ltrim(rtrim(a));

function gmCleanText(dirtyText) {
    let cleanText = "";
    if (gmIsInstanceOf(dirtyText, String)) {
        cleanText = dirtyText.replace(/\s\s/g, "").replace(/\n/g, "").replace(/\r/g, "").replace(/\t/g, "").replace(/#/g, "");
    return cleanText;

 * Extracts a numeric value from a text. Supports only "full" numbers;
 * @param a
 *            the text to parse
 * @returns {Number} the found numeric value or 0;
function gmToNo(a) {
    let numFound = "";
    if (isNaN(a)) {
        if (a && a.length > 0) {
            for (let int = 0; int < a.length; int++) {
                const a_ele = a[int];
                if (!isNaN(a_ele)) {
                    numFound += a_ele;
                } else {
    } else {
        numFound = a;
    let newNum = Number(numFound).valueOf();
    if (typeof (newNum) != "number") {
        newNum = 0;
    return newNum;

const SORT_NO = 0;
const SORT_DEF = 1;
const SORT_REV = 2;
const SORT_NUM = 3;

 * Sorts an array by a specific sort order (alphanumeric).
 * @param unsortedArray - the aray which should be sorted
 * @param sortMode      - the sort order or leave null to ignore sorting
 * @returns {Array} the sorted array
function gmSortArray(unsortedArray, sortMode) {
    const sortedArray = unsortedArray;
    if (sortMode == null) {
        sortMode = false;
    if (sortMode === SORT_NUM) {
        sortedArray.sort(function (aE, bE) {
            return aE - bE;
    } else if (sortMode === SORT_REV) {
    } else if (sortMode || sortMode === SORT_DEF) {
    return sortedArray;

function gmSortObject(unsortedObjects, sortField) {
    try {
        if (gmIsArray(unsortedObjects)) {
            unsortedObjects.sort(function (aElem, bElem) {
                    const x = aElem[sortField].toLowerCase();
                    const y = bElem[sortField].toLowerCase();
                    if (x < y) {
                        return -1;
                    if (x > y) {
                        return 1;
                    return 0;

    } catch (ex) {
    return unsortedObjects;

function gmOnlyUnique(arrArray) {
    let arrUnique = [];
    if (gmIsArray(arrArray)) {
        arrUnique = arrArray.filter(function (value, index, self) {
            return self.indexOf(value) === index;
    return arrUnique;

 * The start point for all gmonkey scripts.
 * @param e -
 *            the occuring event
 * @returns {Boolean} TRUE = if all handler are succesfull done, else FALSE
function gmAddHandler(e) {
    let isDone;
    isDone = true;
    return isDone;

 * Now add the event handler.
function gmInitEventHandler() {
    if (INIT_ONLOAD) {
        window.addEventListener("load", function (e) {

// ---------------
// base-core.js - END
// ---------------
// ---------------
// base-object.js - START
// ---------------
// noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable,JSUnresolvedFunction,JSUnusedGlobalSymbols

 * Creates an DOM-Object.
 * @param par - the parent object to create the new object as child
 * @param objtyp - the type of the new object (HTML-Tagname)
 * @param id - the id and name of the new object
 * @returns {Object} the created object or null
function gmCreateObj(par, objtyp, id) {
    // var obj = $("<" + objtyp + ">");
    let obj = null;
    if (objtyp != null && objtyp !== "") {
        obj = document.createElement(objtyp);
        if (obj) {
            if (id != null) {
                // obj.attr("id", id);
                // obj.attr("name", id);
                gmSetAtI(obj, "id", id);
                gmSetAtI(obj, "name", id);
            if (gmIsObject(par)) {
                // $(par).append(obj);
    return obj;

 * Create common attributes for an DOM-Object. Leave null if not used.
 * @param obj - the object to create the attributes in it
 * @param caption - a text which will be displayed for this object
 * @param tit - a W3C-conform title for that DOM
 * @param ro - if set != null, the DOM will be readonly
 * @param ev_click - a javascript-call for the click-event
 * @param ev_focus - a javascript-call for the focus-event
 * @param ev_mOver - a javascript-call for the mouseover-event
 * @param ev_mOut - a javascript-call for the mouseout-event
 * @param ev_dblClick - a javascript-call for the doubleclick-event
 * @returns {Object} the object with added attributes FIXME: Check
function gmCreateObjCommon(obj, caption, tit, ro, ev_click, ev_focus, ev_mOver, ev_mOut, ev_dblClick) {
    if (obj) {
        // obj.attr("title", tit);
        gmSetAtI(obj, "title", tit);
        if (ro) {
            // obj.attr("readonly", "readonly");
            gmSetAtI(obj, "readonly", "readonly");
        if (caption) {
            // obj.append(caption);
            gmSetCoI(obj, caption);
        if (ev_click) {
            obj.onclick = ev_click;

        if (ev_dblClick) {
            obj.ondblclick = ev_dblClick;

        if (ev_focus) {
            // obj.focus(ev_focus);
            obj.onfocus = ev_focus;

        if (ev_mOver) {
            // obj.hover(ev_mOver);
            obj.onmouseover = ev_mOver;

        if (ev_mOut) {
            // obj.hover(ev_mOut);
            obj.onmouseout = ev_mOut;

    return obj;

 * Creates a DOM-Button.
 * @param par - the parent object to create the new object as child
 * @param typ - the type of the new object (HTML-Tagname)
 * @param id - the id and name of the new object
 * @param caption - a text which will be displayed for this object
 * @param tit - a W3C-conform title for that DOM
 * @param initval - an initial value is set in this input
 * @param ev_click - a javascript-call for the click-event
 * @returns {Object} the created DOM-Button
function gmCreateButton(par, typ, id, caption, tit, initval, ev_click) {
    let obj = gmCreateObj(par, "button", id);
    obj = gmCreateObjCommon(obj, caption, tit, null, ev_click);
    if (!typ) {
        typ = "button";
    gmSetAtI(obj, "type", typ);
    if (initval) {
        gmSetAtI(obj, "value", initval);
    return obj;

 * Creates a DOM-Link.
 * @param par - the parent object to create the new object as child
 * @param id - the id and name of the new object
 * @param href
 * @param caption - a text which will be displayed for this object
 * @param tit - a W3C-conform title for that DOM
 * @param target
 * @param ev_click - a javascript-call for the click-event
 * @param ev_dblClick - a javascript-call for the doubleclick-event
 * @returns {Object} the created DOM-Link
function gmCreateLink(par, id, href, caption, tit, target, ev_click, ev_dblClick) {
    let obj = gmCreateObj(par, "a", id);
    obj = gmCreateObjCommon(obj, caption, tit, null, ev_click, null, null, null, ev_dblClick);
    if (href) {
        gmSetAtI(obj, "href", href);
        gmSetAtI(obj, "data-href", href);
    if (target) {
        gmSetAtI(obj, "target", target);

    return obj;

 * Creates a DOM-Input-Element.
 * @param par - the parent object to create the new object as child
 * @param typ - the type of the new input (Type-Attribute)
 * @param id - the id and name of the new object
 * @param initval - an initial value is set in this input
 * @param tit - a W3C-conform title for that DOM
 * @param ro - if set != null, the DOM will be readonly
 * @param ev_click - a javascript-call for the click-event
 * @param ev_focus - a javascript-call for the focus-event
 * @returns {Object} the new DOM-Input
function gmCreateInput(par, typ, id, initval, tit, ro, ev_click, ev_focus) {
    let obj = gmCreateObj(par, "input", id);
    if (obj) {
        obj = gmCreateObjCommon(obj, null, tit, ro, ev_click, ev_focus);
        if (!typ) {
            typ = "text";
        gmSetAtI(obj, "type", typ);
        if (initval) {
            // obj.val(initval);
            gmSetAtI(obj, "value", initval);
        } else {
            // obj.val("");
            gmSetAtI(obj, "value", "");
    return obj;

 * Adds an object as a child node to a parent object or the document body.
 * @param obj - the object to append at the end of the child list
 * @param parent - the parent object to append to, leave null to put it to the
 *            document-body
 * @returns {Boolean} TRUE = the object could be added, else FALSE
function gmAddObj(obj, parent) {
    let isSet = false;
    if (gmIsObject(obj)) {
        if (!parent) {
            parent = gmGetEl("tagname", "body");
        isSet = true;
    return isSet;

 * Sets a new value into an object.
 * @param id - the id of the object
 * @param initval - the new value for that element or empty
 * @returns {Boolean} TRUE = if the value could be set, else FALSE
function gmSetInput(id, initval) {
    let isSet = false;
    // var obj = document.getElementById(id);
    const obj = gmGetElI(id);
    if (obj) {
        if (initval) {
            // obj.setAttribute("value", initval);
            gmSetAtI(obj, "value", initval);
            isSet = true;
        } else {
            // obj.setAttribute("value", "");
            gmSetAtI(obj, "value", "");
            isSet = true;
    return isSet;

 * Selects the text in a input element.
 * @param inputElem - the element containing the text
 * @returns {Boolean} TRUE = if the input element could be selected, else FALSE
function gmSelectInput(inputElem) {
    let isSet = false;
    if (gmIsObject(inputElem)) {
        try {
            isSet = true;
        } catch (e) {
    return isSet;

 * Constants for Selection of Text using IE.
const SELECT_IE = 0;
 * Constants for Selection of Text using Gecko Engine.
const SELECT_G = 1;

 * @returns {Number} which Selection of Text Modus is used
function gmGetTextSelectMode() {
    if (document.selection && document.selection.createRange) {
        return SELECT_IE;
    } else if (document.createRange && window.getSelection) {
        return SELECT_G;
    return SELECT_IE;

 * Constants Mode which is currently used for Selection of Text.
 * @see {@link #gmGetTextSelectMode()}
const SELECT_CURR = gmGetTextSelectMode();

 * Returns the selected Text or an empty String.
 * @returns {String} the text which is currently selected.
function gmGetSelectedText() {
    let selectedText = "";
    if (SELECT_IE === SELECT_CURR) {
        selectedText = document.selection.createRange().text;
    } else if (SELECT_G === SELECT_CURR) {
        selectedText = window.getSelection();
    if (typeof selectedText == "object") {
        selectedText = selectedText.toString();
    return selectedText;

 * Creates a new Range-Object for an element.
 * @param elem - an element for the Range-Object or null;
 * @returns {Range} a new Range-Object or null
function gmGetNewRange(elem) {
    let textRange = null;
    if (SELECT_IE === SELECT_CURR) {
        textRange = document.selection.createRange();
    } else if (SELECT_G === SELECT_CURR) {
        if (gmIsObject(elem)) {
            textRange = document.createRange();
            try {
            } catch (e) {
                // alert(e);
    return textRange;

 * Selects or Unselects the content inside an element (not only for input
 * elements.
 * @param elem - the element to select the text in it
 * @param bForceSelect - TRUE=always select, FALSE=switch between select and unselect
 * @returns {String} the selected text or an empty string
function gmSelectText(elem, bForceSelect) {
    let selection;
    let currSel = gmGetSelectedText();
    if (bForceSelect == null) {
        bForceSelect = false;
    if (!bForceSelect && (currSel && currSel !== "")) {
        if (SELECT_IE === SELECT_CURR) {
            // noinspection BadExpressionStatementJS
        } else if (SELECT_G === SELECT_CURR) {
            selection = window.getSelection();
    } else {
        if (gmIsObject(elem)) {
            const tRange = gmGetNewRange(elem);
            if (SELECT_IE === SELECT_CURR) {
            } else if (SELECT_G === SELECT_CURR) {
                selection = window.getSelection();
            currSel = gmGetSelectedText();
    return currSel;

 * Removes an object from the DOM.
 * @param obj the object to delete
 * @returns {Boolean} TRUE=the obj was deleted
function gmDelObj(obj) {
    let isDel = false;
    let oObj = gmGetElI(obj);
    if (gmIsObject(oObj)) {
        const parent = oObj.parentNode;
        if (gmIsObject(parent)) {
            try {
                isDel = true;
            } catch (e) {
                alert("ERR: " + e);
    return isDel;

 * Removes (clears) the object from it's children.
 * @param obj - the object to clear
 * @returns {Boolean} TRUE = always, if obj is an object, FALSE = obj is null or not an object
function gmEmptyObj(obj) {
    let isEmpty = false;
    let oObj = gmGetElI(obj);
    if (gmIsObject(oObj)) {
        while (oObj.firstChild) {
        isEmpty = true;
    return isEmpty;

// ---------------
// base-object.js - END
// ---------------
// ---------------
// base-web.js - START
// ---------------
// noinspection JSUnusedGlobalSymbols

class PagelinksClazz {
     * @param {string} link
     * @param {string|string[]} linkText
    constructor(link, linkText) { = link;
        if (!gmIsArray(linkText)) {
            this.linkText = [linkText];
        } else {
            this.linkText = linkText;

class KnowSiteClazz {
     * @param {string|RegExp} site
    constructor(site) { = site;

class KnowSiteFilterClazz extends KnowSiteClazz {
     * @param {string|RegExp} site
     * @param {string} filter
     * @param {string|RegExp} path
    constructor(site, filter, path) {
        this.filter = filter;
        this.path = path;

class KnowSiteExtClazz extends KnowSiteClazz {
     * @param {string|RegExp} site
     * @param {string|RegExp} url
     * @param {string|RegExp} search
     * @param {string|RegExp} replace
     * @param {string|RegExp} replaceLarge
     * @param {number} withDownload
    constructor(site, url, search, replace, replaceLarge, withDownload) {
        this.url = url; = search;
        this.replace = replace;
        this.replace_large = replaceLarge;
        this.withDownload = withDownload;

 * List of all URLs which are known by this script.
 * @type {KnowSiteFilterClazz[]|KnowSiteExtClazz[]}
let knownSite = [];

 * Minimum width of the preview.
 * @type {number}
const minWidth = 240;

 * Maximum width of the preview.
 * @type {number}
const maxWidth = 640;

 * Adds an url which should be known for the search.
 * @param {string} filter - a predefined searchtext for that url
 * @param {string|RegExp} site - the hostname as regular expression
 * @param {string|RegExp} path - a path as regular expression (optional)
function gmAddSite(filter, site, path) {
    if (gmIsArray(knownSite)) {
        if (site && (site.length > 0)) {
            knownSite.push(new KnowSiteFilterClazz(
                (filter != null ? filter : ".+"),
                (path != null ? path : ""))
            // const len = knownSite.length;
            // knownSite[len] = {};
            // knownSite[len].site = site;
            // knownSite[len].filter = (filter != null ? filter : ".+");
            // knownSite[len].path = (path != null ? path : "");

 * Adds a config for a known site.
 * @param {string|RegExp} site - a site pattern
 * @param {string|RegExp} urlElem - a pattern for the html-element to search in the page
 * @param {string|RegExp} urlSearch - a pattern to search inside the url of the html-element
 * @param {string|RegExp} urlReplace - a literal which will used for replacing the urlSearch
 * @param {string|RegExp} urlReplaceLarge - a literal which will used for replacing the urlSearch with a url for large images
 * @param {number} withDownload - 1=will add a download-link beneath the picture, else 0
function gmAddSite2(site, urlElem, urlSearch, urlReplace, urlReplaceLarge, withDownload) {
    if (gmIsArray(knownSite)) {
        if (site && site.length > 0) {
            knownSite.push(new KnowSiteExtClazz(
                (urlElem != null ? urlElem : ".+"),
                (urlSearch != null ? urlSearch : ""),
                (urlReplace != null ? urlReplace : ""),
                (urlReplaceLarge != null ? urlReplaceLarge : ""),
                (withDownload != null ? withDownload : 0)
            // const len = knownSite.length;
            // knownSite[len] = {};
            // knownSite[len].site = site;
            // knownSite[len].url = (urlElem != null ? urlElem : ".+");
            // knownSite[len].search = (urlSearch != null ? urlSearch : "");
            // knownSite[len].replace = (urlReplace != null ? urlReplace : "");
            // knownSite[len].replace_large = (urlReplaceLarge != null ? urlReplaceLarge : "");
            // knownSite[len].withDownload = (withDownload != null ? withDownload : 0);

 * Searchs in the list of known sites, if this site is found and returns the
 * predefined searchtext. If multiple sites will match, the LAST matching
 * filter will be returned.
 * @param {string} site - the hostname of the site to search for
 * @param {string} path - the path of the site to search for (optional)
 * @returns {string} the predefined searchtext
function gmFoundFilter(site, path) {
    let retFilter = "";
    if (gmIsArray(knownSite) && site) {
        if (!path) {
            path = "";
        //for (let i = 0; i < knownSite.length; i++) {
        let init = 0;
        for (let currSite of knownSite) {
            //let currSite = knownSite[i];
            if ( >= 0) {
                if (init === 0 && currSite.path === "") {
                    retFilter = currSite.filter;
                    init = 1;
                let fIdx =;
                if (path !== "" && (fIdx >= 0)) {
                    retFilter = currSite.filter;
                } else if (path === "" && currSite.path === "") {
                    retFilter = currSite.filter;
    return retFilter;

 * Searchs in the list of known sites, if this site is found and returns the predefined searchtext. If multiple sites will match, the LAST matching site will be returned.
 * @param {string} site - the hostname of the site to search for
 * @return {KnowSiteExtClazz} a found site configuration
function gmFoundFilter2(site) {
    let retFilter = null;
    if (gmIsArray(knownSite) && site) {
        for (let currSite of knownSite) {
            if ( >= 0) {
                retFilter = currSite;
        //for (let i = 0; i < knownSite.length; i++) {
        //  if ([i].site) >= 0) {
        // retFilter = knownSite[i];
    return retFilter;

/** @type {string} */
const FL_TAG = "result-list";
/** @type {string} */
const FL_ID = "_FL";

 * @param {string|HTMLElement} curlink
 * @param {number} withDesc
 * @return {string[]}
function gmPrepareLinkData(curlink, withDesc) {
    const linkData = [];
    linkData.push(gmGetAtI(curlink, "href"));
    if (withDesc !== 0) {
        linkData.push(gmGetAtI(curlink, "title"));
        linkData.push(gmGetAtI(curlink, "aria-label"));
        linkData.push(gmGetAtI(curlink, "alt"));
        linkData.push(gmGetAtI(curlink, "onmouseover"));
        linkData.push(gmGetAtI(curlink, "onclick"));
        linkData.push(curlink.innerHTML.replace("\\n", "").replace("#", ""));
    return linkData;

 * @param {string|HTMLAnchorElement} curlink
 * @param {number} withDesc
 * @return {string[]}
function gmPrepareLinkTextData(curlink, withDesc) {
    let linkTextData = [];
    try {
        const tmpTextData = [];
        if (withDesc !== 0) {
            tmpTextData.push(gmGetAtI(curlink, "title"));
            tmpTextData.push(gmGetAtI(curlink, "alt"));
            tmpTextData.push(gmGetAtI(curlink, "aria-label"));
            tmpTextData.push(gmGetAtI(curlink, "onmouseover"));
            tmpTextData.push(gmGetAtI(curlink, "onclick"));
            linkTextData = (value) {
                if (gmIsUndefined(value)) {
                    return "";
                } else if (gmIsObject(value)) {
                    return value.toString();
                } else if (gmIsInstanceOf(value, String)) {
                    return gmCleanText(value);
                } else {
                    return value;
    } catch (ex) {
    return linkTextData;

 * @param {string} searchPattern
 * @return {RegExp}
function gmPrepareSearchRegExp(searchPattern) {
    if (!searchPattern || searchPattern.length <= 0) {
        searchPattern = ".*";
    } else if (searchPattern.charAt(0) === "/" && searchPattern.charAt(searchPattern.length - 1) === "/") {
        searchPattern = searchPattern.substring(1, searchPattern.length);
        searchPattern = searchPattern.substring(0, searchPattern.length - 1);
    } else {
        searchPattern = searchPattern.replace(/\?/g, ".").replace(/\./g, "\.").replace(/\*/g, ".*");
    return new RegExp(searchPattern, "i");

 * Search for all matching links in the page.
 * @param {string} searchPattern - the search pattern or leave "" to get all
 * @param {number} withDesc      - 0 = search only in links,
 *                        1 = search also in link description
 * @returns {PagelinksClazz[]} an array with all found links
function gmFindLinksInPage(searchPattern, withDesc) {
    let pagelinks = [];
    if (!withDesc) {
        withDesc = 0;
    if (bTestMode) {
        pagelinks = gmGenTestEntries(40);
    } else {
        //searchPattern = gmPrepareSearchRegExp(searchPattern);
        //for (let linksIdx = 0; linksIdx < document.links.length; linksIdx++) {
        for (let curLink of document.links) {
            //let curLink = document.links[linksIdx];
            const found = gmLinkMatchesPattern(curLink, searchPattern, withDesc);
            if (found && gmGetAtI(, FL_TAG) !== FL_ID) {
                let htmlLink = gmGetAtI(curLink, "href");
                let htmlText = gmLinkGenerateLinkText(curLink, withDesc);
                let bFound = false;
                for (let foundLinksIdx = 0; foundLinksIdx < pagelinks.length; foundLinksIdx++) {
                    let currPageLink = pagelinks[foundLinksIdx];
                    if (htmlLink === {
                        bFound = true;
                        pagelinks[foundLinksIdx].linkText = gmOnlyUnique(currPageLink.linkText);
                if (!bFound) {
                    pagelinks.push(new PagelinksClazz(htmlLink, htmlText));
    return pagelinks;

 * @param {string|Object} curLink
 * @param {string} searchPattern - a search text (might be a regular expression)
 * @param {number} withDesc
 * @returns {boolean} TRUE= the search text is found in the array, or FALSE
function gmLinkMatchesPattern(curLink, searchPattern, withDesc) {
    let cleanSearchPattern = gmPrepareSearchRegExp(searchPattern);
    const arrText = gmPrepareLinkData(curLink, withDesc);
    let bFound = false;
    if (gmIsArray(arrText)) {
        for (let i = 0; i < arrText.length; i++) {
            const searchText = arrText[i];
            try {
                bFound = !== -1;
            } catch (e) {
                // ignored
            if (bFound) {
    return bFound;

 * @param {string|Object} curLink
 * @param {number} withDesc
 * @returns {string} the final link description
function gmLinkGenerateLinkText(curLink, withDesc) {
    let arrText = gmPrepareLinkTextData(curLink, withDesc);
    let searchTextClean = [];
    let htmlText = "";
    if (gmIsArray(arrText)) {
        for (let idxST = 0; idxST < arrText.length; idxST++) {
            searchTextClean[idxST] = trim(gmCleanText(arrText[idxST]));
        htmlText = gmOnlyUnique(searchTextClean).join("");
    return htmlText;

 * Adds a javascript block into the page.
 * @param {Object|Function|Array|string} scc - a string, a function or an array with the javascript code or a function-list
 * @returns {boolean} TRUE = if the script block could be set, else FALSE
function gmAddScriptGlobal(scc) {
    let isSet = false;
    if (gmIsObject(scc) || gmIsFunction(scc) || (scc && scc.length > 0)) {
        const head = gmGetHead();
        if (head) {
            const script = gmCreateObj(head, "script");
            script.type = "text/javascript";

            let allscc = "";
            if (gmIsArray(scc)) {
                for (let i = 0; i < scc.length; i++) {
                    allscc += scc[i] + " \n";
            } else {
                allscc = scc;
            gmSetCoI(script, "\n" + allscc + "\n");
            isSet = true;
    return isSet;

 * Adds a link to a javascript file into the page.
 * @param {string|string[]} scLink - a string or an array with the url of the javascript-file
 * FIXME: Check
function gmAddScriptLinkGlobal(scLink) {
    let isSet = false;
    const head = gmGetHead();
    if (head && scLink && scLink.length > 0) {
        let allScLink;
        if (gmIsArray(scLink)) {
            allScLink = scLink;
        } else {
            allScLink = [scLink];

        for (let i = 0; i < allScLink.length; i++) {
            const newScript = gmCreateObj(head, "script");
            newScript.type = "text/javascript";
            newScript.src = allScLink[i];
        isSet = true;
    return isSet;

 * Adds a style block into the page.
 * @param {string|string[]} scc - a string or an array with the css code
 * @returns {boolean} TRUE = if the style block could be set, else FALSE
function gmAddStyleGlobal(scc) {
    let isSet = false;
    if (gmIsObject(scc) || (scc && scc.length > 0)) {
        const head = gmGetHead();
        if (head) {
            const style = gmCreateObj(head, "style");
            style.type = "text/css";

            let allscc = "";
            if (gmIsArray(scc)) {
                for (let i = 0; i < scc.length; i++) {
                    allscc += scc[i] + " \n";
            } else {
                allscc = scc;
            gmSetCoI(style, "\n" + allscc + "\n");
            isSet = true;
    return isSet;

 * Generates some sample entries for testing.
 * @param {number} maxEntries - number of entries to generate
 * @returns {PagelinksClazz[]} array of entries
function gmGenTestEntries(maxEntries) {
    if (isNaN(maxEntries)) {
        maxEntries = 1;
    if (maxEntries < 0) {
        maxEntries = 0;
    } else if (maxEntries > 100) {
        maxEntries = 100;
    let testArray = [];
    for (let i = 1; i <= maxEntries; i++) {
        let htmlLink = "https://" + currSite + currPath + "/link-" + i;
        let htmlText = "linktext-" + i;
        testArray.push(new PagelinksClazz(htmlLink, htmlText));
    return testArray;

 * Calculate the offset of an element relating to the elemnt at the most top.
 * @param {Object|HTMLInputElement} element - the element to check the offeset
 * @returns {number[]} an array with the leftOffset, topOffset
 *          FIXME:TEST
function gmCumulativeOffset(element) {
    let valueT = 0;
    let valueL = 0;
    if (element) {
        valueL = element.width || 0;
        do {
            valueT += element.offsetTop || 0;
            valueL += element.offsetLeft || 0;
            element = element.offsetParent;
        } while (element);
    return [valueL, valueT];

 * Calculates the horizontal offset to the right in relation to it's parent element.
 * @param {Object} parentElem - the element to calculate the offset from
 * @param {Array} iPoint - a screen point, to add an additional offset
 * @param {number} iZoom  - the zoom factor 1= Originalsize
 * @returns {number} the horizontal offset or 0 FIXME:Test
function gmCalcOffsetH(parentElem, iPoint, iZoom) {
    if (isNaN(iZoom)) {
        iZoom = 1;
    let offsetH = 0;
    if (parentElem) {
        offsetH = gmCumulativeOffset(parentElem)[1];
        if (!isNaN(offsetH) && gmIsArray(iPoint)) {
            if (!isNaN(iPoint[1])) {
                offsetH = offsetH - (iPoint[1] * iZoom) + (parentElem.height || 0);
    return offsetH;

 * Searches the url for a pattern and replace the text.
 * @param {string} searchForPattern - the pattern to search for
 * @param {string} replaceWithText  - the text what will be inserted instead
 * @param {string} oldUrl           - the URL to search in
 * @returns {string} the url with replaced text
function gmGetReplaceUrl(searchForPattern, replaceWithText, oldUrl) {
    let newUrl = oldUrl;
    if (oldUrl != null) {
        if (searchForPattern !== "") {
            // there is something to replace
            if (replaceWithText == null) {
                replaceWithText = "";
            const patternReplace = new RegExp(searchForPattern);
            newUrl = oldUrl.replace(patternReplace, replaceWithText);
    return newUrl;

 * Returns the actual server of the running page.
 * @returns {string} a server name
function gmGetCurrentSite() {
    let currSite =;
    if (document.location.port) {
        currSite += ":" + document.location.port;
    return currSite;

 * Determine the metrics of that image.
 * @param {Object} newImage - the image to inspect
 * @returns {number[]} the image metrics [width, height] in px
function gmGetImageSize(newImage) {
    let imageObjectWidth = 0;
    let imageObjectHeight = 0;

    if (newImage && newImage.width && newImage.width > 0) {
        imageObjectWidth = newImage.width;
        imageObjectHeight = newImage.height;
    if (imageObjectWidth <= 0) {
        imageObjectWidth = minWidth;
    } else if (imageObjectWidth > maxWidth) {
        imageObjectWidth = maxWidth;
        imageObjectHeight = 0;
    if (imageObjectHeight <= 0) {
        imageObjectHeight = "auto";
    return [imageObjectWidth, imageObjectHeight];

 * Add a default style to a div-element.
 * @param {Object} hDiv - the div-element
 * @param {number[]} iPoint - metrics of the image [width, height] in px
 * @param {number} offsetW - an offset (number) for the width (optional), default is 5px
 * @param {number} offsetH - an offset (number) for the height (optional), default is 5px
 * @param {number} ratio - the aspect ratio of the image, only is used, if we have no image height
 * @param {number} iZoom -
 * @returns {boolean} TRUE = the layout could be added, else FALSE
function gmSetDivLayout(hDiv, iPoint, offsetW, offsetH, ratio, iZoom) {
    let w = "auto";
    let h = "auto";
    let oH = "5px";
    let oW = "5px";

    let isSet = false;
    if (gmIsObject(hDiv)) {
        if (isNaN(iZoom)) {
            iZoom = 1;
        if (gmIsArray(iPoint)) {
            if (!isNaN(iPoint[0])) {
                w = iPoint[0] + 2;
            if (isNaN(iPoint[1])) {
                h = (gmToNo( / ratio) + 2;// + picTextHeight;
            } else {
                h = (iPoint[1] + 2); // + picTextHeight;
        if (!isNaN(offsetH)) {
            oH = offsetH + "px";
        if (!isNaN(offsetW)) {
            oW = offsetW + "px";
        // noinspection JSCheckFunctionSignatures
        if (!isNaN(w)) {
            w *= iZoom;
            w = w + "px";
        // noinspection JSCheckFunctionSignatures
        if (!isNaN(h)) {
            h *= iZoom;
            h = h + "px";
        let css = gmGetAtI(hDiv, "style");
        if (css === false) {
            css = "";
        css += ";width:" + w + ";height:" + h + ";top:" + oH + ";left:" + oW;
        gmSetAtI(hDiv, "style", css);
        isSet = true;

    return isSet;

 * Add a default style to an img-element.
 * @param {Object} hDiv - the div-element
 * @param {Object} hImg - the img-element
 * @param {number[]} iPoint - metrics of the image [width, height] in px
 * @param {number} iZoom - the zoom factor (1 = Originalsize)
 * @returns {boolean} TRUE = the layout could be added, else FALSE
function gmSetImgLayout(hDiv, hImg, iPoint, iZoom) {
    let h = "auto";
    let w = "auto";

    let isSet = false;
    if (gmIsObject(hDiv)) {
        if (isNaN(iZoom)) {
            iZoom = 1;
        if (gmIsArray(iPoint)) {
            if (!isNaN(iPoint[0])) {
                w = iPoint[0];
            if (isNaN(iPoint[1])) {
                if (gmIsObject(hImg)) {
                    let ratio = gmToNo( / gmToNo(;
                    h = (gmToNo( / ratio);// + picTextHeight;
            } else {
                h = iPoint[1]; // + picTextHeight;
        // noinspection JSCheckFunctionSignatures
        if (!isNaN(w)) {
            w *= iZoom;
            w = w + "px";
        // noinspection JSCheckFunctionSignatures
        if (!isNaN(h)) {
            h *= iZoom;
            h = h + "px";
        let css = gmGetAtI(hDiv, "style");
        if (css === false) {
            css = "";
        css += ";width:" + w + ";height:" + h;
        gmSetAtI(hDiv, "style", css);
        isSet = true;
    return isSet;

 * @returns {Object} the object for the head in the page, or null
function gmGetHead() {
    return gmGetEl("tagname", "head");

 * @returns {Object} the object for the body in the page, or null
function gmGetBody() {
    return gmGetEl("tagname", "body");

 * @param {string|HTMLElement} obj - the object from which to get the css-style
 * @returns {HTMLStyleElement} the css-style-object from that object
function gmGetStyle(obj) {
    let res = null;
    const oObj = gmGetElI(obj);
    if (oObj) {
        try {
            res =;
        } catch (e) {
            // ignored
    return res;

 * @param {string|HTMLElement} obj - the object to set the css-style
 * @param {string} styleName - the name of style
 * @param {*} styleValue - the new value for this style
 * @return {HTMLElement} the modified object
function gmSetStyle(obj, styleName, styleValue) {
    let oStyle = gmGetStyle(obj);
    if (oStyle) {
        try {
            gmSetAtI(oStyle, styleName, styleValue);
        } catch (e) {
            // ignored
    return obj;

 * @returns {number} height of the document body
function gmGetBodyHeight() {
    let D = gmGetBody();
    let Dh = 0;
    let Eh = 0;
    if (D) {
        // noinspection JSCheckFunctionSignatures
        Dh = Math.max(isNaN( ? 0 :, D.scrollHeight, D.offsetHeight, D.clientHeight);
    if (D.documentElement) {
        D = D.documentElement;
        // noinspection JSCheckFunctionSignatures
        Eh = Math.max(isNaN( ? 0 :, D.scrollHeight, D.offsetHeight, D.clientHeight);
    return Math.max(Dh, Eh);

 * @param {string} url
 * @return {boolean}
function gmOpenInTab(url) {
    if (url) {, "_blank");
    return true;

// ---------------
// base-web.js - END
// ---------------
// ---------------
// base-clipboard.js - START
// ---------------
// noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable,JSUnresolvedFunction,JSUnusedGlobalSymbols

 * @returns {Object} the reference to the base window, might be the greasemonkey
 *          unsafeWindow
function gmClipRef() {
    let refWindow = window;
    if (!refWindow && unsafeWindow != null) {
        refWindow = unsafeWindow;
    return refWindow;

 * @returns {Object} the reference to the the Security Manager or null
 * @depricated since FF 16
function gmPrivsManager() {
    let privsMan = null;
    const wdw = gmClipRef();
    if (gmIsObject(wdw)) {
        try {
            if (gmIsObject( {
                privsMan =;
        } catch (e) {
            // ignored
    return privsMan;

 * Copies a text to clipboard.
 * @param {string|Object} text - the text to copy to the clipboard
 * @param {boolean} bQuite - don't schow any alerts
 * @param {Object} refWindow - a reference on the page (optional)
 * @returns {string|null} text = if set to clipboard, else null
function gmCopy2clipboard(text, bQuite, refWindow) {
    const resultText = text;
    let wdw = gmClipRef();
    if (wdw.clipboardData) {
        wdw.clipboardData.setData("text", text);
        return resultText;
    } else {
        try {
        } catch (ex) {
            if (!bQuite) {
                alert("Internet Security settings do not allow copying to clipboard!");
            return null;
        try {
            let e = wdw.Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(wdw.Components.interfaces.nsIClipboard);
            if (!e)
                return null;
        } catch (ex) {
            if (!bQuite) {
                alert("1:" + ex);
            return null;
        try {
            let b = wdw.Components.classes[";1"]
            if (!b)
                return null;
        } catch (ex) {
            if (!bQuite) {
                alert("2:" + ex);
            return null;
        try {
            let o = wdw.Components.classes[";1"]
            if (!o)
                return null;
   = text;
        } catch (ex) {
            if (!bQuite) {
                alert("3:" + ex);
            return null;
        b.setTransferData("text/unicode", o, (text == null ? 0 : text.length * 2));
        try {
            let t = wdw.Components.interfaces.nsIClipboard;
            e.setData(b, null, t.kGlobalClipboard);
        } catch (ex) {
            if (!bQuite) {
                alert("4:" + ex);
            return null;
        if (!bQuite) {
            alert("Copy doesn't work!");
        return text;

 * Same as {@link #gmCopy2clipboard(text, bQuite, refWindow)}, but customized only for use in a webpage.
 * Not usable for a greasemonkey script.
 * @param {*} text - the text to copy to the clipboard
function copyPostToClipboard(text) {
    let clipboard = null, transferable = null, clipboardID = null;
    try {"UniversalXPConnect");
    } catch (e) {
    try {
        clipboard = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIClipboard);
    } catch (e) {
    try {
        transferable = Components.classes[";1"]
    } catch (e) {
    if (transferable) {
        const str = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsString); = text;
        transferable.setTransferData("text/unicode", str, * 2);
        try {
            clipboardID = Components.interfaces.nsIClipboard;
            if (clipboard) {
                clipboard.setData(transferable, null, clipboardID.kGlobalClipboard);
        } catch (e) {

 * Adds the functions for using a "copy to clipboard" in a web-page.
function gmAddClipboardSupport() {
    gmAddScriptGlobal([gmClipRef, gmCopy2clipboard, gmIsClipboardSupported]);

 * @returns {boolean} TRUE=using clipboard is supported, else FALSE
function gmIsClipboardSupported() {
    let isOK = false;
    try {
        let privsMan = gmPrivsManager();
        if (gmIsObject(privsMan)) {
            isOK = true;
    } catch (ex) {
        alert("ERR: " + ex);
    return isOK;

// ---------------
// base-clipboard.js - END
// ---------------

//GM-Script specific code - END

// noinspection JSUnusedGlobalSymbols

 * Adds site which should be known by this script.
 * Can be left empty.
function lgm_addKnownSites() {

 * Adds CSS-Styles for this script.
 * Can be left empty.
 * @return {boolean} always true
function lgm_addStyles() {
    return true;

 * Adds HTML-Objects for this script.
 * Can be left empty.
function lgm_addControls() {

 * The first action which should be excecuted in this script.
 * Can be left empty.
 * @return {boolean} always true
function lgm_addInitAction() {
    return true;

//GM-Script - END