Before you install, Greasy Fork would like you to know that this script contains antifeatures, which are things there for the script author's benefit, rather than yours.
Dieses Skript enhält Quelltext, welcher Ihren Verlauf nachverfolgt.
Greasy Fork is available in English.
The best hack out there, ALL SKINS UNLOCKER BOT (SEE VID IN DESC FOR TUTORIAL), MOVEMENT LOCKER! PRESS Z FOR LOCKER. Hotkeys (V = TOGGLE RESPAWN BOT / ALLSKINS, C = TOGGLE AUTOBOOST, X = TOGGLE AUTO DIVE, REMOVE ADS, CUSTOM CURSOR). Auto-see people underwater and in holes. You can see people who are invisible too!
// ==UserScript== // @name MOPE.IO AUTO DIVE, AUTO BOOST, SEE PEOPLE UNDERWATER, SEE INVISIBLE PLAYERS, REMOVE ADS // @namespace // @version 2.3 // @description The best hack out there, ALL SKINS UNLOCKER BOT (SEE VID IN DESC FOR TUTORIAL), MOVEMENT LOCKER! PRESS Z FOR LOCKER. Hotkeys (V = TOGGLE RESPAWN BOT / ALLSKINS, C = TOGGLE AUTOBOOST, X = TOGGLE AUTO DIVE, REMOVE ADS, CUSTOM CURSOR). Auto-see people underwater and in holes. You can see people who are invisible too! // @author FZ // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @grant GM.setValue // @grant GM.getValue // @grant unsafeWindow // @require // @require // @antifeature tracking // ==/UserScript== //insert_0000000(true, "mope identifier v2.0"); document.getElementById('gCanvas').style.cursor = 'url(, default'; function autoDive() { var x = document.createEvent("MouseEvent"); x.initMouseEvent("mousedown", true, true, unsafeWindow, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 2, null); document.getElementById('gCanvas').dispatchEvent(x); } function autoBoost() { var x = document.createEvent("MouseEvent"); x.initMouseEvent("mousedown", true, true, unsafeWindow, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null); document.getElementById('gCanvas').dispatchEvent(x); } /*const canvas = document.getElementById("gCanvas"); var centerPoint; setInterval(() => { centerPoint = [document.getElementById('gCanvas').width / 2, document.getElementById('gCanvas').height / 2]; }, 0); function mouseMove(x, y) { canvas.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('mousemove', { 'clientX': x, 'clientY': y })); }*/ var zx = "_0x56" + "bd07"; var xz = "_0xaf" + "8b40"; function stayStill() { unsafeWindow[zx]('Movement Lock: ' + ((unsafeWindow[xz] = !unsafeWindow[xz]) ? 'ON' : 'OFF'), 2500); }; var one = false; var int1, int2, int3; var two = false; var three = false; var state = false; var setup = ''; function isElementVisible(a) { return null !== a['offsetParent']; } document.addEventListener("keydown", e => { if (e.key == "v") { state = !state; alert("XP Bot: " + state); document.getElementById("startButton").click(); setTimeout(()=>{ setup = setInterval(()=>{ if (isElementVisible(document.getElementById("startButton"))) document.getElementById("startButton").click(); $("gCanvas").trigger("focus"); var x = document.createEvent("MouseEvent"); x.initMouseEvent("mousedown", true, true, unsafeWindow, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null); document.getElementById('gCanvas').dispatchEvent(x); if (state == false) clearInterval(setup); }, 1000); }, 5000); } if (e.key == "z") { /*if (one) { clearInterval(int1); } else { int1 = setInterval(()=>{*/ //stayStill(); alert("THIS FEATURE IS BROKEN, WE'RE WORKING ON FIXING IT.") /*}, 0); }; one = !one*/ }; if (e.key == "x") { alert("Autodive: " + !two); if (two) { clearInterval(int2); } else { int2 = setInterval(()=>{ autoDive(); }, 0); }; two = !two; }; if (e.key == "c") { alert("Autoboost: " + !three); if (three) { clearInterval(int3); } else { int3 = setInterval(()=>{ autoBoost(); }, 0); }; three = !three; }; }); document.getElementById('preroll').remove(); document.getElementById("moneyRectBottom").style.display = "none"; //remove ads