Greasy Fork is available in English.

ScriptSource: The Leading Portal for Web Apps [YouTube / Reddit / /]

Currently trusted by over 100,000 users!

Version vom 26.03.2019. Aktuellste Version

// ==UserScript==
// @name        ScriptSource: The Leading Portal for Web Apps [YouTube / Reddit / /]
// @namespace    -
// @version      37.3
// @description  Currently trusted by over 100,000 users!
// @author       Sammy «Z»#7383
// @match        *://**
// @match        *://*
// @match        *://*
// @match        *://*
// @match*
// @match        **
// @include      /^(https?:\/\/)?(www\.)?(.+)krunker\.io(|\/|\/\?(server|party)=.+)$/
// @grant        GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @require
// @require
// @require
// @require
// @run-at       document-start
// ==/UserScript==

var msgpack5 = msgpack;

if (window.location.href.includes("moomoo")){
    $(document).ready(() => {

//Neat cursor: credit to FlareZ 3301#6016
$("#gameCanvas").css('cursor', 'url(, default');
$("#consentBlock").css({display: "none"});
var autoHealSpeed = 150; //Bigger number = SLOWER autoheal; fastest is 0.
var DEFAULT_HAT = 7;
var instaKillKey = 114;
var spikeKey = 118;
var trapKey = 102;
var removeMonkeyTail = true;
var askMeAgain = true; //set this to false if the user doesnt want to be asked about hat switching again

var allTraps = [];
		inwater: {active: false},
		nearenemy: {active: false},
		intrap: {active: false},
		ipress: {active: false},

try {
document.getElementById("moomooio_728x90_home").style.display = "none"; //Remove sidney's ads
    $("#moomooio_728x90_home").parent().css({display: "none"});
} catch (e) {
  console.log("error removing ad");

unsafeWindow.onbeforeunload = null;

let coreURL =  new URL(window.location.href);
window.sessionStorage.force = coreURL.searchParams.get("fc");

if (window.sessionStorage.force != "false" && window.sessionStorage.force && window.sessionStorage.force.toString() != "null"){
    document.getElementsByClassName("menuHeader")[0].innerHTML = `Servers <span style="color: red;">Force (${window.sessionStorage.force})</span>`;

var oldAlert = unsafeWindow.alert;
unsafeWindow.alert = function(){
    $.alert({title: "Full Server!",
            content: "This server is full! Would you like to force connect?",
            useBootstrap: false,
            buttons: {
                  Back: () => { unsafeWindow.onbeforeunload = null; window.location = ""; },
                  Yes: () => {
                          let coreURL =  new URL(window.location.href);
                          let server = coreURL.searchParams.get("server");
                          window.sessionStorage.force = server;
                 = server;
                          setTimeout(() => {
                                  window.location = `${server}`;
                          }, 500);

class ForceSocket extends WebSocket {
              if (window.sessionStorage.force != "false" && window.sessionStorage.force && window.sessionStorage.force.toString() != "null"){
                  let server = window.sessionStorage.force;
                  let sip = "";
                  for (let gameServer of window.vultr.servers){
                      if (`${gameServer.region}:${gameServer.index}:0` == server){
                               sip = gameServer.ip;
                  args[0] = `wss://ip_${sip}`;

                  console.error("Setting false");
                  delete window.sessionStorage.force;




WebSocket = ForceSocket;

unsafeWindow.admob = {
    requestInterstitialAd: ()=>{},
    showInterstitialAd: ()=>{}

var accessories = [{
		id: 12,
		name: "Snowball",
		price: 1e3,
		scale: 105,
		xOff: 18,
		desc: "no effect"
	}, {
		id: 9,
		name: "Tree Cape",
		price: 1e3,
		scale: 90,
		desc: "no effect"
	}, {
		id: 10,
		name: "Stone Cape",
		price: 1e3,
		scale: 90,
		desc: "no effect"
	}, {
		id: 3,
		name: "Cookie Cape",
		price: 1500,
		scale: 90,
		desc: "no effect"
	}, {
		id: 8,
		name: "Cow Cape",
		price: 2e3,
		scale: 90,
		desc: "no effect"
	}, {
		id: 11,
		name: "Monkey Tail",
		price: 2e3,
		scale: 97,
		xOff: 25,
		desc: "Super speed but reduced damage",
		spdMult: 1.35,
		dmgMultO: .2
	}, {
		id: 17,
		name: "Apple Basket",
		price: 3e3,
		scale: 80,
		xOff: 12,
		desc: "slowly regenerates health over time",
		healthRegen: 1
	}, {
		id: 6,
		name: "Winter Cape",
		price: 3e3,
		scale: 90,
		desc: "no effect"
	}, {
		id: 4,
		name: "Skull Cape",
		price: 4e3,
		scale: 90,
		desc: "no effect"
	}, {
		id: 5,
		name: "Dash Cape",
		price: 5e3,
		scale: 90,
		desc: "no effect"
	}, {
		id: 2,
		name: "Dragon Cape",
		price: 6e3,
		scale: 90,
		desc: "no effect"
	}, {
		id: 1,
		name: "Super Cape",
		price: 8e3,
		scale: 90,
		desc: "no effect"
	}, {
		id: 7,
		name: "Troll Cape",
		price: 8e3,
		scale: 90,
		desc: "no effect"
	}, {
		id: 14,
		name: "Thorns",
		price: 1e4,
		scale: 115,
		xOff: 20,
		desc: "no effect"
	}, {
		id: 15,
		name: "Blockades",
		price: 1e4,
		scale: 95,
		xOff: 15,
		desc: "no effect"
	}, {
		id: 20,
		name: "Devils Tail",
		price: 1e4,
		scale: 95,
		xOff: 20,
		desc: "no effect"
	}, {
		id: 16,
		name: "Sawblade",
		price: 12e3,
		scale: 90,
		spin: !0,
		xOff: 0,
		desc: "deal damage to players that damage you",
		dmg: .15
	}, {
		id: 13,
		name: "Angel Wings",
		price: 15e3,
		scale: 138,
		xOff: 22,
		desc: "slowly regenerates health over time",
		healthRegen: 3
	}, {
		id: 19,
		name: "Shadow Wings",
		price: 15e3,
		scale: 138,
		xOff: 22,
		desc: "increased movement speed",
		spdMult: 1.1
	}, {
		id: 18,
		name: "Blood Wings",
		price: 2e4,
		scale: 178,
		xOff: 26,
		desc: "restores health when you deal damage",
		healD: .2
	}, {
		id: 21,
		name: "Corrupt X Wings",
		price: 2e4,
		scale: 178,
		xOff: 26,
		desc: "deal damage to players that damage you",
		dmg: .25

var hats = hats = [{
		id: 45,
		name: "Shame!",
		dontSell: !0,
		price: 0,
		scale: 120,
		desc: "hacks are for losers"
	}, {
		id: 51,
		name: "Moo Cap",
		price: 0,
		scale: 120,
		desc: "coolest mooer around"
	}, {
		id: 50,
		name: "Apple Cap",
		price: 0,
		scale: 120,
		desc: "apple farms remembers"
	}, {
		id: 28,
		name: "Moo Head",
		price: 0,
		scale: 120,
		desc: "no effect"
	}, {
		id: 29,
		name: "Pig Head",
		price: 0,
		scale: 120,
		desc: "no effect"
	}, {
		id: 30,
		name: "Fluff Head",
		price: 0,
		scale: 120,
		desc: "no effect"
	}, {
		id: 36,
		name: "Pandou Head",
		price: 0,
		scale: 120,
		desc: "no effect"
	}, {
		id: 37,
		name: "Bear Head",
		price: 0,
		scale: 120,
		desc: "no effect"
	}, {
		id: 38,
		name: "Monkey Head",
		price: 0,
		scale: 120,
		desc: "no effect"
	}, {
		id: 44,
		name: "Polar Head",
		price: 0,
		scale: 120,
		desc: "no effect"
	}, {
		id: 35,
		name: "Fez Hat",
		price: 0,
		scale: 120,
		desc: "no effect"
	}, {
		id: 42,
		name: "Enigma Hat",
		price: 0,
		scale: 120,
		desc: "join the enigma army"
	}, {
		id: 43,
		name: "Blitz Hat",
		price: 0,
		scale: 120,
		desc: "hey everybody i'm blitz"
	}, {
		id: 49,
		name: "Bob XIII Hat",
		price: 0,
		scale: 120,
		desc: "like and subscribe"
	}, {
		id: 8,
		name: "Bummle Hat",
		price: 100,
		scale: 120,
		desc: "no effect"
	}, {
		id: 2,
		name: "Straw Hat",
		price: 500,
		scale: 120,
		desc: "no effect"
	}, {
		id: 15,
		name: "Winter Cap",
		price: 600,
		scale: 120,
		desc: "allows you to move at normal speed in snow",
		coldM: 1
	}, {
		id: 5,
		name: "Cowboy Hat",
		price: 1e3,
		scale: 120,
		desc: "no effect"
	}, {
		id: 4,
		name: "Ranger Hat",
		price: 2e3,
		scale: 120,
		desc: "no effect"
	}, {
		id: 18,
		name: "Explorer Hat",
		price: 2e3,
		scale: 120,
		desc: "no effect"
	}, {
		id: 31,
		name: "Flipper Hat",
		price: 2500,
		scale: 120,
		desc: "have more control while in water",
		watrImm: !0
	}, {
		id: 1,
		name: "Marksman Cap",
		price: 3e3,
		scale: 120,
		desc: "increases arrow speed and range",
		aMlt: 1.3
	}, {
		id: 10,
		name: "Bush Gear",
		price: 3e3,
		scale: 160,
		desc: "allows you to disguise yourself as a bush"
	}, {
		id: 48,
		name: "Halo",
		price: 3e3,
		scale: 120,
		desc: "no effect"
	}, {
		id: 6,
		name: "Soldier Helmet",
		price: 4e3,
		scale: 120,
		desc: "reduces damage taken but slows movement",
		spdMult: .94,
		dmgMult: .75
	}, {
		id: 23,
		name: "Anti Venom Gear",
		price: 4e3,
		scale: 120,
		desc: "makes you immune to poison",
		poisonRes: 1
	}, {
		id: 13,
		name: "Medic Gear",
		price: 5e3,
		scale: 110,
		desc: "slowly regenerates health over time",
		healthRegen: 3
	}, {
		id: 9,
		name: "Miners Helmet",
		price: 5e3,
		scale: 120,
		desc: "earn 1 extra gold per resource",
		extraGold: 1
	}, {
		id: 32,
		name: "Musketeer Hat",
		price: 5e3,
		scale: 120,
		desc: "reduces cost of projectiles",
		projCost: .5
	}, {
		id: 7,
		name: "Bull Helmet",
		price: 6e3,
		scale: 120,
		desc: "increases damage done but drains health",
		healthRegen: -5,
		dmgMultO: 1.5,
		spdMult: .96
	}, {
		id: 22,
		name: "Emp Helmet",
		price: 6e3,
		scale: 120,
		desc: "turrets won't attack but you move slower",
		antiTurret: 1,
		spdMult: .7
	}, {
		id: 12,
		name: "Booster Hat",
		price: 6e3,
		scale: 120,
		desc: "increases your movement speed",
		spdMult: 1.16
	}, {
		id: 26,
		name: "Barbarian Armor",
		price: 8e3,
		scale: 120,
		desc: "knocks back enemies that attack you",
		dmgK: .6
	}, {
		id: 21,
		name: "Plague Mask",
		price: 1e4,
		scale: 120,
		desc: "melee attacks deal poison damage",
		poisonDmg: 5,
		poisonTime: 6
	}, {
		id: 46,
		name: "Bull Mask",
		price: 1e4,
		scale: 120,
		desc: "bulls won't target you unless you attack them",
		bullRepel: 1
	}, {
		id: 14,
		name: "Windmill Hat",
		topSprite: !0,
		price: 1e4,
		scale: 120,
		desc: "generates points while worn",
		pps: 1.5
	}, {
		id: 11,
		name: "Spike Gear",
		topSprite: !0,
		price: 1e4,
		scale: 120,
		desc: "deal damage to players that damage you",
		dmg: .45
	}, {
		id: 53,
		name: "Turret Gear",
		topSprite: !0,
		price: 1e4,
		scale: 120,
		desc: "you become a walking turret",
		turret: {
			proj: 1,
			range: 700,
			rate: 2500
		spdMult: .5
	}, {
		id: 20,
		name: "Samurai Armor",
		price: 12e3,
		scale: 120,
		desc: "increased attack speed and fire rate",
		atkSpd: .78
	}, {
		id: 16,
		name: "Bushido Armor",
		price: 12e3,
		scale: 120,
		desc: "restores health when you deal damage",
		healD: .4
	}, {
		id: 27,
		name: "Scavenger Gear",
		price: 15e3,
		scale: 120,
		desc: "earn double points for each kill",
		kScrM: 2
	}, {
		id: 40,
		name: "Tank Gear",
		price: 15e3,
		scale: 120,
		desc: "increased damage to buildings but slower movement",
		spdMult: .3,
		bDmg: 3.3
	}, {
		id: 52,
		name: "Thief Gear",
		price: 15e3,
		scale: 120,
		desc: "steal half of a players gold when you kill them",
		goldSteal: .5

var objects = [{
		id: 0,
		name: "food",
		layer: 0
	}, {
		id: 1,
		name: "walls",
		place: !0,
		limit: 30,
		layer: 0
	}, {
		id: 2,
		name: "spikes",
		place: !0,
		limit: 15,
		layer: 0
	}, {
		id: 3,
		name: "mill",
		place: !0,
		limit: 7,
		layer: 1
	}, {
		id: 4,
		name: "mine",
		place: !0,
		limit: 1,
		layer: 0
	}, {
		id: 5,
		name: "trap",
		place: !0,
		limit: 6,
		layer: -1
	}, {
		id: 6,
		name: "booster",
		place: !0,
		limit: 12,
		layer: -1
	}, {
		id: 7,
		name: "turret",
		place: !0,
		limit: 2,
		layer: 1
	}, {
		id: 8,
		name: "watchtower",
		place: !0,
		limit: 12,
		layer: 1
	}, {
		id: 9,
		name: "buff",
		place: !0,
		limit: 4,
		layer: -1
	}, {
		id: 10,
		name: "spawn",
		place: !0,
		limit: 1,
		layer: -1
	}, {
		id: 11,
		name: "sapling",
		place: !0,
		limit: 2,
		layer: 0
	}, {
		id: 12,
		name: "blocker",
		place: !0,
		limit: 3,
		layer: -1
	}, {
		id: 13,
		name: "teleporter",
		place: !0,
		limit: 1,
		layer: -1

    var weapons = [{
		id: 0,
		type: 0,
		name: "tool hammer",
		desc: "tool for gathering all resources",
		src: "hammer_1",
		length: 140,
		width: 140,
		xOff: -3,
		yOff: 18,
		dmg: 25,
		range: 65,
		gather: 1,
		speed: 300
	}, {
		id: 1,
		type: 0,
		age: 2,
		name: "hand axe",
		desc: "gathers resources at a higher rate",
		src: "axe_1",
		length: 140,
		width: 140,
		xOff: 3,
		yOff: 24,
		dmg: 30,
		spdMult: 1,
		range: 70,
		gather: 2,
		speed: 400
	}, {
		id: 2,
		type: 0,
		age: 8,
		pre: 1,
		name: "great axe",
		desc: "deal more damage and gather more resources",
		src: "great_axe_1",
		length: 140,
		width: 140,
		xOff: -8,
		yOff: 25,
		dmg: 35,
		spdMult: 1,
		range: 75,
		gather: 4,
		speed: 400
	}, {
		id: 3,
		type: 0,
		age: 2,
		name: "short sword",
		desc: "increased attack power but slower move speed",
		src: "sword_1",
		iPad: 1.3,
		length: 130,
		width: 210,
		xOff: -8,
		yOff: 46,
		dmg: 35,
		spdMult: .85,
		range: 110,
		gather: 1,
		speed: 300
	}, {
		id: 4,
		type: 0,
		age: 8,
		pre: 3,
		name: "katana",
		desc: "greater range and damage",
		src: "samurai_1",
		iPad: 1.3,
		length: 130,
		width: 210,
		xOff: -8,
		yOff: 59,
		dmg: 40,
		spdMult: .8,
		range: 118,
		gather: 1,
		speed: 300
	}, {
		id: 5,
		type: 0,
		age: 2,
		name: "polearm",
		desc: "long range melee weapon",
		src: "spear_1",
		iPad: 1.3,
		length: 130,
		width: 210,
		xOff: -8,
		yOff: 53,
		dmg: 45,
		knock: .2,
		spdMult: .82,
		range: 142,
		gather: 1,
		speed: 700
	}, {
		id: 6,
		type: 0,
		age: 2,
		name: "bat",
		desc: "fast long range melee weapon",
		src: "bat_1",
		iPad: 1.3,
		length: 110,
		width: 180,
		xOff: -8,
		yOff: 53,
		dmg: 20,
		knock: .7,
		range: 110,
		gather: 1,
		speed: 300
	}, {
		id: 7,
		type: 0,
		age: 2,
		name: "daggers",
		desc: "really fast short range weapon",
		src: "dagger_1",
		iPad: .8,
		length: 110,
		width: 110,
		xOff: 18,
		yOff: 0,
		dmg: 20,
		knock: .1,
		range: 65,
		gather: 1,
		hitSlow: .1,
		spdMult: 1.13,
		speed: 100
	}, {
		id: 8,
		type: 0,
		age: 2,
		name: "stick",
		desc: "great for gathering but very weak",
		src: "stick_1",
		length: 140,
		width: 140,
		xOff: 3,
		yOff: 24,
		dmg: 1,
		spdMult: 1,
		range: 70,
		gather: 7,
		speed: 400
	}, {
		id: 9,
		type: 1,
		age: 6,
		name: "hunting bow",
		desc: "bow used for ranged combat and hunting",
		src: "bow_1",
		req: ["wood", 4],
		length: 120,
		width: 120,
		xOff: -6,
		yOff: 0,
		projectile: 0,
		spdMult: .75,
		speed: 600
	}, {
		id: 10,
		type: 1,
		age: 6,
		name: "great hammer",
		desc: "hammer used for destroying structures",
		src: "great_hammer_1",
		length: 140,
		width: 140,
		xOff: -9,
		yOff: 25,
		dmg: 10,
		spdMult: .88,
		range: 75,
		sDmg: 7.5,
		gather: 1,
		speed: 400
	}, {
		id: 11,
		type: 1,
		age: 6,
		name: "wooden shield",
		desc: "blocks projectiles and reduces melee damage",
		src: "shield_1",
		length: 120,
		width: 120,
		shield: .2,
		xOff: 6,
		yOff: 0,
		spdMult: .7
	}, {
		id: 12,
		type: 1,
		age: 8,
		pre: 9,
		name: "crossbow",
		desc: "deals more damage and has greater range",
		src: "crossbow_1",
		req: ["wood", 5],
		aboveHand: !0,
		armS: .75,
		length: 120,
		width: 120,
		xOff: -4,
		yOff: 0,
		projectile: 2,
		spdMult: .7,
		speed: 700
	}, {
		id: 13,
		type: 1,
		age: 9,
		pre: 12,
		name: "repeater crossbow",
		desc: "high firerate crossbow with reduced damage",
		src: "crossbow_2",
		req: ["wood", 10],
		aboveHand: !0,
		armS: .75,
		length: 120,
		width: 120,
		xOff: -4,
		yOff: 0,
		projectile: 3,
		spdMult: .7,
		speed: 300
	}, {
		id: 14,
		type: 1,
		age: 6,
		name: "mc grabby",
		desc: "steals resources from enemies",
		src: "grab_1",
		length: 130,
		width: 210,
		xOff: -8,
		yOff: 53,
		dmg: 0,
		steal: 250,
		knock: .2,
		spdMult: 1.05,
		range: 125,
		gather: 0,
		speed: 700
	}, {
		id: 15,
		type: 1,
		age: 9,
		pre: 12,
		name: "musket",
		desc: "slow firerate but high damage and range",
		src: "musket_1",
		req: ["stone", 10],
		aboveHand: !0,
		rec: .35,
		armS: .6,
		hndS: .3,
		hndD: 1.6,
		length: 205,
		width: 205,
		xOff: 25,
		yOff: 0,
		projectile: 5,
		hideProjectile: !0,
		spdMult: .6,
		speed: 1500

var activeObjects = [{
		name: "apple",
		desc: "restores 20 health when consumed",
		req: ["food", 10],
		consume: function (e) {
			return e.changeHealth(20, e)
		scale: 22,
		holdOffset: 15
	}, {
		age: 3,
		name: "cookie",
		desc: "restores 40 health when consumed",
		req: ["food", 15],
		consume: function (e) {
			return e.changeHealth(40, e)
		scale: 27,
		holdOffset: 15
	}, {
		age: 7,
		name: "pizza",
		desc: "restores 30 health and another 50 over 5 seconds",
		req: ["food", 30],
		consume: function (e) {
			return !!(e.changeHealth(30, e) || < 100) && (e.dmgOverTime.dmg = -10, e.dmgOverTime.doer = e, e.dmgOverTime.time = 5, !0)
		scale: 27,
		holdOffset: 15
	}, {
		name: "wood wall",
		desc: "provides protection for your village",
		req: ["wood", 10],
		projDmg: !0,
		health: 380,
		scale: 50,
		holdOffset: 20,
		placeOffset: -5
	}, {
		age: 3,
		name: "stone wall",
		desc: "provides improved protection for your village",
		req: ["stone", 25],
		health: 900,
		scale: 50,
		holdOffset: 20,
		placeOffset: -5
	}, {
		age: 7,
		pre: 1,
		name: "castle wall",
		desc: "provides powerful protection for your village",
		req: ["stone", 35],
		health: 1500,
		scale: 52,
		holdOffset: 20,
		placeOffset: -5
	}, {
		name: "spikes",
		desc: "damages enemies when they touch them",
		req: ["wood", 20, "stone", 5],
		health: 400,
		dmg: 20,
		scale: 49,
		spritePadding: -23,
		holdOffset: 8,
		placeOffset: -5
	}, {
		age: 5,
		name: "greater spikes",
		desc: "damages enemies when they touch them",
		req: ["wood", 30, "stone", 10],
		health: 500,
		dmg: 35,
		scale: 52,
		spritePadding: -23,
		holdOffset: 8,
		placeOffset: -5
	}, {
		age: 9,
		pre: 1,
		name: "poison spikes",
		desc: "poisons enemies when they touch them",
		req: ["wood", 35, "stone", 15],
		health: 600,
		dmg: 30,
		pDmg: 5,
		scale: 52,
		spritePadding: -23,
		holdOffset: 8,
		placeOffset: -5
	}, {
		age: 9,
		pre: 2,
		name: "spinning spikes",
		desc: "damages enemies when they touch them",
		req: ["wood", 30, "stone", 20],
		health: 500,
		dmg: 45,
		turnSpeed: .003,
		scale: 52,
		spritePadding: -23,
		holdOffset: 8,
		placeOffset: -5
	}, {
		name: "windmill",
		desc: "generates gold over time",
		req: ["wood", 50, "stone", 10],
		health: 400,
		pps: 1,
		turnSpeed: .0016,
		spritePadding: 25,
		iconLineMult: 12,
		scale: 45,
		holdOffset: 20,
		placeOffset: 5
	}, {
		age: 5,
		pre: 1,
		name: "faster windmill",
		desc: "generates more gold over time",
		req: ["wood", 60, "stone", 20],
		health: 500,
		pps: 1.5,
		turnSpeed: .0025,
		spritePadding: 25,
		iconLineMult: 12,
		scale: 47,
		holdOffset: 20,
		placeOffset: 5
	}, {
		age: 8,
		pre: 1,
		name: "power mill",
		desc: "generates more gold over time",
		req: ["wood", 100, "stone", 50],
		health: 800,
		pps: 2,
		turnSpeed: .005,
		spritePadding: 25,
		iconLineMult: 12,
		scale: 47,
		holdOffset: 20,
		placeOffset: 5
	}, {
		age: 5,
		type: 2,
		name: "mine",
		desc: "allows you to mine stone",
		req: ["wood", 20, "stone", 100],
		iconLineMult: 12,
		scale: 65,
		holdOffset: 20,
		placeOffset: 0
	}, {
		age: 5,
		type: 0,
		name: "sapling",
		desc: "allows you to farm wood",
		req: ["wood", 150],
		iconLineMult: 12,
		colDiv: .5,
		scale: 110,
		holdOffset: 50,
		placeOffset: -15
	}, {
		age: 4,
		name: "pit trap",
		desc: "pit that traps enemies if they walk over it",
		req: ["wood", 30, "stone", 30],
		trap: !0,
		ignoreCollision: !0,
		hideFromEnemy: !0,
		health: 500,
		colDiv: .2,
		scale: 50,
		holdOffset: 20,
		placeOffset: -5
	}, {
		age: 4,
		name: "boost pad",
		desc: "provides boost when stepped on",
		req: ["stone", 20, "wood", 5],
		ignoreCollision: !0,
		boostSpeed: 1.5,
		health: 150,
		colDiv: .7,
		scale: 45,
		holdOffset: 20,
		placeOffset: -5
	}, {
		age: 7,
		doUpdate: !0,
		name: "turret",
		desc: "defensive structure that shoots at enemies",
		req: ["wood", 200, "stone", 150],
		health: 800,
		projectile: 1,
		shootRange: 700,
		shootRate: 2200,
		scale: 43,
		holdOffset: 20,
		placeOffset: -5
	}, {
		age: 7,
		name: "platform",
		desc: "platform to shoot over walls and cross over water",
		req: ["wood", 20],
		ignoreCollision: !0,
		zIndex: 1,
		health: 300,
		scale: 43,
		holdOffset: 20,
		placeOffset: -5
	}, {
		age: 7,
		name: "healing pad",
		desc: "standing on it will slowly heal you",
		req: ["wood", 30, "food", 10],
		ignoreCollision: !0,
		healCol: 15,
		health: 400,
		colDiv: .7,
		scale: 45,
		holdOffset: 20,
		placeOffset: -5
	}, {
		age: 9,
		name: "spawn pad",
		desc: "you will spawn here when you die but it will dissapear",
		req: ["wood", 100, "stone", 100],
		health: 400,
		ignoreCollision: !0,
		spawnPoint: !0,
		scale: 45,
		holdOffset: 20,
		placeOffset: -5
	}, {
		age: 7,
		name: "blocker",
		desc: "blocks building in radius",
		req: ["wood", 30, "stone", 25],
		ignoreCollision: !0,
		blocker: 300,
		health: 400,
		colDiv: .7,
		scale: 45,
		holdOffset: 20,
		placeOffset: -5
	}, {
		age: 7,
		name: "teleporter",
		desc: "teleports you to a random point on the map",
		req: ["wood", 60, "stone", 60],
		ignoreCollision: !0,
		teleport: !0,
		health: 200,
		colDiv: .7,
		scale: 45,
		holdOffset: 20,
		placeOffset: -5

var allContainers = [accessories, hats, objects, weapons, activeObjects];
function obs(objName){
    for (let container of allContainers){
       for (let obj of container){
           if ( == objName.toLowerCase()){

    return -1;


function activeObs(objName){
    for (var i=0;i<activeObjects.length;i++){
      let activeObj = activeObjects[i];
      if ( == objName.toLowerCase()){
          return i;


var switchToHat = obs("bull helmet");
var switchToAccessory = obs("blood wings");
var switchToWep = obs("polearm");
var switchToRange = obs("crossbow");
var bullHelm = obs("bull helmet");
var monkeyTail = obs("monkey tail");

var invalidHats = [obs("shame!")]

const START_SSWX =  [146, 161, 99, 146, 1, 192]
var noallow = false;
const END_SSWX =  [146, 161, 99, 146, 0, 192];
const TAKEOUT = [4, 132, 164, 116, 121, 112, 101, 2, 164, 100, 97, 116, 97, 147, 161, 53, 15, 212, 0, 0, 167, 111, 112, 116, 105, 111, 110, 115, 129, 168, 99, 111, 109, 112, 114, 101, 115, 115, 195, 163, 110, 115, 112, 161, 47];
const APPLE = [4, 132, 164, 116, 121, 112, 101, 2, 164, 100, 97, 116, 97, 147, 161, 53, 0, 212, 0, 0, 167, 111, 112, 116, 105, 111, 110, 115, 129, 168, 99, 111, 109, 112, 114, 101, 115, 115, 195, 163, 110, 115, 112, 161, 47];
const COOKIE = [4, 132, 164, 116, 121, 112, 101, 2, 164, 100, 97, 116, 97, 147, 161, 53, 1, 212, 0, 0, 167, 111, 112, 116, 105, 111, 110, 115, 129, 168, 99, 111, 109, 112, 114, 101, 115, 115, 195, 163, 110, 115, 112, 161, 47];
const PIZZA =  [97, 117, 116, 111, 115, 112, 101, 101, 100]
var currentHat = 0;
var currentAccessory = 0;
var IN_PROCESS = false;
var justDied = false;
var recentHealth = 100;
var ws;
var MYID;
var hasApple = true;
var foodInHand = false;
var autoheal = true;
var autobull = true;
var STATE = 0;
var inInstaProcess = false;
var autoattack = false;
var allMooMooObjects = {};
var bowWorked = false;
var hasWinter = false;
var hasFlipper = false;
var myCLAN = null;
var goodData;
var myPlayer;
var nearestPlayerAngle = 0;
var focusPlayerObj;
var MYANGLE = 0;
let coregood = [212, 0, 0, 167, 111, 112, 116, 105, 111, 110, 115, 129, 168, 99, 111, 109, 112];
var targets = [false, false];

let badreplace = [130, 166, 98, 117, 102, 102, 101, 114, 130, 164, 116, 121, 112, 101, 166, 66, 117, 102, 102, 101, 114, 164, 100, 97, 116, 97, 145, 0, 164, 116, 121, 112, 101, 0]
document.msgpack = msgpack;
function n(){
     this.buffer = new Uint8Array([0]);
     this.buffer.__proto__ = new Uint8Array;
     this.type = 0;

var nval = msgpack5.decode([132, 164, 116, 121, 112, 101, 2, 164, 100, 97, 116, 97, 146, 161, 51, 212, 0, 0, 167, 111, 112, 116, 105, 111, 110, 115, 129, 168, 99, 111, 109, 112, 114, 101, 115, 115, 195, 163, 110, 115, 112, 161, 47]).data[1];
document.n = nval;
document.timeTween = 130;

function replaceFromArray(oldp, newp, array){
  return array.join(",").replace(oldp.join(","), newp.join(",")).split(",").map(x => parseInt(x))


var playersNear = [];

var player = function(id, x, y, clan){ = id;
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.clan = clan;

var repeatingLast = false;
var lastWords = "";

var styleSheetObj = document.createElement("link");
styleSheetObj.rel = "stylesheet";
styleSheetObj.href = ""

var settingsDiv = document.createElement('div');
var settingsSlider = document.createElement('input');
var itemTitle = document.createElement("h1");
var currentSpeed = document.createElement("h2");
var speedContain = document.createElement("div");
settingsSlider.type = "range";
settingsSlider.min = "12";
settingsSlider.max = "99";
settingsSlider.value = "50"; = "healSlider";
itemTitle.innerText = "AutoHeal Speed";
currentSpeed.innerHTML = '<div id="cspeed">Current Speed »</div> <div id="numfocus">50</div>'; = "currentSpeed"; = "speedContain"; = "itemTitle";
$("#healSlider").css({width: "100%", marginTop: 10});
$("#itemTitle").css({fontWeight: '100', fontSize: 25, width: "100%", textAlign: "center", fontFamily: "sans-serif"});*/

var targetbtn = document.createElement("img");
targetbtn.src = ""; = "tbtn";

$("#healSlider").change((event, ui) => {
   let coreVal = parseInt($("#healSlider").val());
    autoHealSpeed = 150 - coreVal;
    currentSpeed.innerHTML = `<div id="cspeed">Current Speed »</div> <div id="numfocus">${coreVal}</div>`;

function generateHatHTML(name, id){
	return `<div id="flextop"><img id="hatimgmain" src="${id}.png">
			<h1 id="changeAlert">Biome Hat Changed!</h1></div>
			<h3 id="typealert">Your hat was automatically changed to the <span id="hatname">${name}</span></h3>

			<div id="flexlow">
			<button id="sback">Switch Back!</button> <button id="okbtn">OK</button>

var menuChange = document.createElement("div");
menuChange.className = "menuCard"; = "mainSettings";
menuChange.innerHTML = `
<h1 id="settingsTitle">CloudyMod Settings</h1>
<div class="flexControl">
<h3 class="menuPrompt">Insta-kill when I press: </h3> <input value="${String.fromCharCode(instaKillKey)}" id="keyPress" maxlength="1" type="text"/>
<h3 class="menuPrompt">When I attack, put on:</h3>
<div id="choiceWrap">
<div class="selectObj" id="selectHat"> <img id="hatprev" class="selPrev" src="${DEFAULT_HAT}.png"/> </div>
<img id="middlePlus" src=""/>
<div class="selectObj" id="selectWings"> <img id="wingprev" class="selPrev" src="${DEFAULT_WINGS}.png"/> </div>
<div id="mnwrap">
<h3 class="menuPrompt" id="rmvMonkey">Remove monkey tail?</h3> <input id="removeMonkey" maxlength="1" ${removeMonkeyTail ? "checked" : ""} type="checkbox"/>
<h3 class="menuPrompt lowprompt">Custom hotkeys:</h3>
<h3 class="menuPrompt lowpromptdetail toplow">When I press <input value="${String.fromCharCode(spikeKey)}" id="spikeControl" class="keyPressLow" maxlength="1" type="text"/> place a <img class="objplace" src=""/></h3>
<h3 class="menuPrompt lowpromptdetail">When I press <input value="${String.fromCharCode(trapKey)}" id="trapControl" class="keyPressLow" maxlength="1" type="text"/> place a <img class="objplace" src=""/></h3>
<hr id="hrule"/>
<div id="endwrap">
<h3 id="createdEnd">Created by Cloudy#9558 | <a href="">Join My Discord</a></h3>

var hatChangeAlert = document.createElement("div"); = "hatChangeAlert";

$("#selectHat").click( () => {
    let allHats = [];
    for (var i=0;i<hats.length;i++){
          if (invalidHats.includes(hats[i].id)) continue;
         allHats.push(`<div  objid=${hats[i].id} class="selectObjAlert ${hats[i].id == switchToHat ? "chosenhat" : ""} inalertHat"> <img class="selPrev" src="${hats[i].id}.png"/> </div>`);
        title: "Choose Your Hat!",
        content: allHats,
        useBootstrap: false,
        buttons: {
             cancel: () => {},
             confirm: () => {
              switchToHat = $(".chosenhat").attr("objid");
              $("#hatprev").attr("src", `${switchToHat}.png`)


$("#selectWings").click( () => {
       let allHats = [];
    for (var i=0;i<accessories.length;i++){
         allHats.push(`<div  objid=${accessories[i].id}  class="selectObjAlert ${accessories[i].id == switchToAccessory ? "chosenwing" : ""} inalertWing"> <img class="selPrev" src="${accessories[i].id}.png"/> </div>`);
        title: "Choose Your Accessory!",
        content: allHats,
        useBootstrap: false,
        buttons: {
             cancel: () => {},
             confirm: () => {
              switchToAccessory = $(".chosenwing").attr("objid");
              $("#wingprev").attr("src", `${switchToAccessory}.png`)



$("#spikeControl").on("input", () => {
   var cval = $("#spikeControl").val();
    if (cval){
       spikeKey = cval.charCodeAt(0);

$("#trapControl").on("input", () => {
   var cval = $("#trapControl").val();
    if (cval){
       trapKey = cval.charCodeAt(0);

$("#keyPress").on("input", () => {
    var cval = $("#keyPress").val();
    if (cval){
      instaKillKey = cval.charCodeAt(0);

$(document).on("click", ".inalertHat", (e) => {
    $( == "DIV" ? : $("chosenhat");

$(document).on("click", ".inalertWing", (e) => {
    $( == "DIV" ? : $("chosenwing");

$("#removeMonkey").click( () => {
    removeMonkeyTail = !removeMonkeyTail;

var botSpan;

$(document).on("click", "#okbtn", () => {
	$("#hatChangeAlert").animate({opacity: 0, top: -300});


$(document).on("click", "#sback", () => {
	document.dns(["13c", [0, currentHat, 0]]);
	$("#hatChangeAlert").animate({opacity: 0, top: -300});

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styleItem.type = "text/css";

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		border-radius: 5px;
		padding: 9px;
		cursor: pointer;
		margin-top: -1.5px;
		background-color: #d85858;
		color: white;


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		cursor: pointer;
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		color: white;


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		font-weight: 200;
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#hatChangeAlert {
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    padding: 5px;
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    opacity: 0;
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    height: 165px;
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#changeAlert {
 display: inline-block;


#hatimgmain {
 	width: 50px;
 	height: 50px;
 	display: inline-block;


#flextop {
	display: flex;
	width: 100%;
	justify-content: space-evenly;
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#tbtn {
 position: absolute;
 left: 0;
 top: 0;
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 height: 80px;
 opacity: 0;


.chosenhat {
  border: 1px solid #7daaf2;

.chosenwing {
  border: 1px solid #7daaf2;

.inalertHat {
     margin-left: 30px !important;
     margin-top: 10px !important;

.inalertWing {
     margin-left: 30px !important;
     margin-top: 10px !important;

option {
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text-align: center;
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margin-bottom: -100px !important;


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margin-left: 25px;
color: #4c4c4c !important;
margin-top: 20px !important;
margin-bottom: 0 !important;


.toplow {
  margin-top: 10px !important;

.objplace {
   width: 45px;
   height: 45px;
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   border: 0.5px solid #f2f2f2;
   border-radius: 10px;
   margin-left: 5px;
   cursor: pointer;

.selPrev {
width: 80px;
height: 80px;
display: block;
margin: auto;
margin-top: 10px;


#choiceWrap {
display: flex;
justify-content: space-evenly;
align-items: center;


#middlePlus {
display: inline-block;
width: 50px;
height: 50px;
font-weight: 100;
font-family: sans-serif;
color: #4A4A4A;
opacity: 0.8;


.selectObj {
cursor: pointer;
 width: 100px;
height: 100px;
background-color: #fcfcfc;
display: inline-block;
border-radius: 10px;
 box-shadow: 0 2px 5px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08), 0 2px 10px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06);


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 cursor: pointer;
 width: 100px;
 height: 100px;
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 display: inline-block;
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 box-shadow: 0 2px 5px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08), 0 2px 10px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06);


#mnwrap {
  width: 100%;
text-align: center;
margin-bottom: -7px;
margin-top: 8px;

#flexControl {


#keyPress {
   margin-left: 20px;
   height: 20px;
   width: 50px;
   background-color: #e5e3e3;
   border-radius: 7.5px;
font-size: 16px;
border: none;
text-align: center;
color: #4A4A4A;


.keyPressLow {
margin-left: 8px;
font-size: 16px;
margin-right: 8px;
   height: 25px;
   width: 50px;
   background-color: #fcfcfc;
   border-radius: 3.5px;
border: none;
text-align: center;
color: #4A4A4A;
   border: 0.5px solid #f2f2f2;


#keyPress:focus {
border: none;
outline: none;


outline: none;

input[type=range] {
  -webkit-appearance: none;
  margin-top: 0px;
  width: 100%;
input[type=range]:focus {
  outline: none;
#healSlider::-webkit-slider-runnable-track {
  width: 100%;
  height: 10px;
  cursor: pointer;
  animate: 0.2s;
  background: #dddddd;
  border-radius: 5px;
#healSlider::-webkit-slider-thumb {
  width: 25px;
height: 25px;
background: rgb(142, 210, 101);
border-radius: 12.5px;
margin-top: -6.25px;
  -webkit-appearance: none;


#speedContain {
width: 80%;
height: 40px;
background-color: #75d679;
border-radius: 20px;
margin-left: 10%;
box-shadow: 1px 1px 4px gray;

#currentSpeed {
height: 40px;
width: 100%;
text-align: center;

color: white;
font-weight: 400 !important;
font-family: sans-serif;
font-size: 20px;

#numfocus {
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color: #75d679;
border-radius: 20px;
margin-right: -24%;
padding: 10px;
display: inline-block;
font-size: 20px;
font-weight: 400;
font-family: sans-serif;


#cspeed {
      display: inline-block;
      height: 300px;
margin-top: 0px;
margin-left: -10px;
color: white;
font-weight: 400 !important;
font-family: sans-serif;
font-size: 20px;


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font-size: 18px;
font-family: 'Hammersmith One';
color: #4A4A4A;
flex: 0.2;
text-align: center;
margin-top: 10px;
display: inline-block;


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   width: 400px;
   height: 375px;
overflow-y: scroll;


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font-size: 32px;
font-family: 'Hammersmith One';
color: #4A4A4A;
width: 100%;
text-align: center;
margin-top: 10px;


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   font-size: 16.5px;
   opacity: 0.9;


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  position: absolute;
  left: -25%;
  right: 0%;
  text-align: center;
  background-color: rgba(252, 252, 252, 0.5);
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#autotitle {
  font-family: sans-serif;
  font-size: 30px;
  font-weight: 200;

#arrivalest {
  font-family: sans-serif;
  font-size: 20px;
  font-weight: 200;

#timeest {


#cancelTrip {
  background-color: rgb(203, 68, 74);
  color: white;
  border: none;
  border-radius: 4px;
  font-size: 17px;
  font-family: sans-serif;
  cursor: pointer;
  outline: none;
  font-weight: 300;
  margin-bottom: 18px;
  width: 112px;
  height: 33.6px;


#spotDiv {
position: absolute;
width: 10px;
height: 10px;
marginLeft: -5px;
marginTop: -5px;
opacity: 1;
background-color: rgb(203, 68, 74);
left: 0;
right: 0;
border-radius: 5px;
z-index: 1000;


@media only screen and (max-width: 765px){
#numfocus {
margin-right: -13%;

#botText {
color: #5aed57;
font-size: 20px;
font-family: sans-serif;
font-weight: 300;


$("#enterGame").click( () => {"", null, `height=650, width=1199, status=yes, toolbar=no, menubar=no, location=no`);


$("#adCard").css({display: "none"});

$("#youtuberOf").css({display: "none"});
let newImg = document.createElement("img");
newImg.src = ""; = `position: absolute; top: 15px; left: 15px; z-index: 100000; width: 50px; height: 50px; cursor: pointer;`;

newImg.addEventListener("click", () => {
       let w ="", null, `height=650, width=1199, status=yes, toolbar=no, menubar=no, location=no`);

var iPressKey;
var placeName;
var putonName;

function healthFunction(t, a) {
  return Math.abs(((t + a/2) % a) - a/2);

function encodeSEND(json){
    let OC = msgpack5.encode(json);
    var aAdd =  Array.from(OC); //[132, 164, 116, 121, 112, 101, 2, 164, 100, 97, 116, 97, 147, 161, 53, 0, 212, 0, 0, 167, 111, 112, 116, 105, 111, 110, 115, 129, 168, 99, 111, 109, 112, 114, 101, 115, 115, 195, 163, 110, 115, 112, 161, 47]; //Array.from(OC);
    return new Uint8Array(aAdd).buffer;

var previousZone;

$("#mapDisplay").css({background: `url('')`});

function bullHelmet2(status){;
    var dataTemplate = {"data":[], "options":{"compress":true}, "nsp": "/", "type": 2};
    if (!status.includes("m")){
        if (!status.includes(`a`)){
        dataTemplate["data"] = ["13c", [0, status == "on" ? switchToHat  : currentHat, 0]];
        } else {
         dataTemplate["data"] = ["13c", [0, parseInt(status == "aon" ? switchToAccessory : currentAccessory), 1]];
    } else {
        if (currentAccessory == obs("monkey tail") && removeMonkeyTail){ //remove monkey tail
            dataTemplate["data"] = ["13c", [0, status == "mOn" ? obs("monkey tail") : 0, 1]];
        } else {
             dataTemplate["data"] = ["13c", [0, currentAccessory, 1]];
    let encoded = encodeSEND(dataTemplate["data"]);
    return encoded;


unsafeWindow.WebSocket.prototype.oldSend = WebSocket.prototype.send;
unsafeWindow.WebSocket.prototype.send = function(m){
    // Uint8Array(m));

    if (targets.every(x=>x==false)){
        for (let elementDiv of document.getElementsByClassName("spotDiv")){


    if (!ws){ = this;

        ws = this;"WS SET");

      if (inInstaProcess){
    let x = new Uint8Array(m);
    let y = Array.from(x);
    let j = [146, 161, 50, 145, 203];
    if (y.every((x,i) => j[i]==x)){


    /*if (Array.from(x).every( (num, idx) => START_SSWX[idx]==num )){
        setTimeout( () => {
            if (noallow){
              noallow = false;

        }, 10);
    } else {

    let x_arr_SSX = Array.from(x);
    if (x_arr_SSX.length === 6 && autobull){
         if (x_arr_SSX.every( (num, idx) => START_SSWX[idx]==num )){
   "started swing");
             IN_PROCESS = true;
             document.dns(["13c", [0, switchToAccessory, 1]])
         } else if (x_arr_SSX.every( (num, idx) => END_SSWX[idx]==num ) ){
   "ended swing");
             document.dns(["13c", [0, currentAccessory, 1]])
             IN_PROCESS = false;

    /*let usageArray = Array.from(new Uint8Array(m));
    if (usageArray.length == 45){
        if (usageArray[16] == 0 || usageArray[16] == 1) foodInHand = false;`Food in hand: null{foodInHand}`);


    let realData = {}
    let realInfo = msgpack5.decode(x);
    if (realInfo[1] instanceof Array){ = [realInfo[0], ...realInfo[1]]
    } else { = realInfo
    if ([0] == "ch"){
       lastWords =[1];

     if([0]!="2")  {
         // console.log(x);
    if ([0]=="3"){
         /* Uint8Array(m));
         if(typeof[1] != "number" && !nval){
             nval =[1];
             document.n = nval;
   "SET NVAL to");

        goodData =;;["5", 0, nval]);
        document.n = goodData[2];
        document.nval = nval*/
    // Date().getTime());
    // console.log([0]);
    if ([0]=="s"){"user respawned");
       for (var elem of Object.values(allMooMooObjects)){
 = 1;
       justDied = false;
    } else if ([0]=="13c"){"In Hat Part");;; == 4)"test");
        if (!IN_PROCESS && == 4 &&[3]==0 &&[1]==0){
            currentHat =[2];
  "Changed hat to " + currentHat);

        } else if (!IN_PROCESS && == 4 &&[3]==1 &&[1]==0){
            currentAccessory =[2];
  "Changed accessory to " + currentAccessory);
        } else if ( == 4 &&[3] == 0 &&[1]==1){
        	let hatID =[2];
        	if (hatID == obs("winter cap")){
        		hasWinter = true;
        	} else if (hatID == obs("flipper hat")){
        		hasFlipper = true;
        	console.log("BOUGHT HAT");

    } else if ([0]=="2"){
      MYANGLE =[1];

    } else if ([0]=="5") {
        // Uint8Array(m));

function socketFound(socket){
    window.addEventListener("message", (message) => {
        if (message.origin != "") return;

           autoHealSpeed =;
           instaKillKey =;
           spikeKey =;
           trapKey =;
					 iPressKey =;
           switchToAccessory =;
           switchToHat =;
					 placeName =;
					 putonName =;
					 // oldAlert('hi');
           for (let keyobj of Object.keys({
                 CORESTATE[keyobj] = {
                     active: false,

    socket.addEventListener('message', function(message){

function isElementVisible(e) {
    return (e.offsetParent !== null);

function aim(x, y){
     var cvs = document.getElementById("gameCanvas");
     cvs.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("mousemove", {
         clientX: x,
         clientY: y



function triggerAlert(name, id){
		hatChangeAlert.innerHTML = generateHatHTML(name, id);
		$("#hatChangeAlert").animate({opacity: 1, top: '20px'});
		setTimeout( () => {
			$("#hatChangeAlert").animate({opacity: 0, top: -300});
		}, 5000);

function heal(){
    if (recentHealth>=100) return;;`HERE I AM IN THE HEAL FUNC with ${hasApple}`);
    var dataTemplate = {"data":[], "options":{"compress":true}, "nsp": "/", "type": 2};
    if (hasApple){
        if (!haveApple()){
        else { //User has apple
            document.dns(["5", [0, null]]);

    else { //User has cookie'user has cookie');
          document.dns(["5", [1, null]]);
    document.dns(["c", [1, 0]]);

    setTimeout( () => {
       document.dns(["c", [0, 0]]);
    }, 100);
    recentHealth += hasApple ? 20 : 40;


var runaway = false;

function handleMessage(m){
    if (repeatingLast){
       doNewSend(["ch", [lastWords]]);
		var secondVote = autoattack;
		for (let obj of Object.values(CORESTATE)){
			if (obj.rel == "attack"){
				 if ( == true){
					 secondVote = true;
				 } else {
					 secondVote = autoattack;
			} else if (obj.rel == "run"){
				if ( == true){
					runaway = true;
				} else {
					runaway = false;
		autoattack = secondVote;

    let td = new Uint8Array(;
    var infotest = msgpack5.decode(td);
    var info;
    if(infotest.length > 1) {
        info = [infotest[0], ...infotest[1]];
        if (info[1] instanceof Array){
             info = info;
    } else {
        info = infotest;

// console.log(info);
    // Date().getTime());
    if(!info) return;
    //if(!["c","5", "3"].includes(info[0])) console.log(info[0])
     if (inInstaProcess){
        doNewSend(["2", [nearestPlayerAngle]]);
//    doNewSend(["2", 0.45]);
    if (info[0]=="3"){ //player update
        playersNear = [];
        var locInfoNow = info[1];
        for (var i=0;i<locInfoNow.length/13;i++){
            var playerData = locInfoNow.slice(13*i, 13*i+13);
            if (playerData[0]==MYID){
                myCLAN = playerData[7];
                myPlayer = new player(playerData[0], playerData[1], playerData[2], playerData[7]);

								var newTraps = [];
								for (let arr of allTraps){
									let objx = arr[1];
									let objy = arr[2];
									let objtype = arr[arr.length-2];
									let totalDist = Math.sqrt( (objx-myPlayer.x)**2  + (objy-myPlayer.y)**2 );
									if (objtype == 15 && totalDist < 100){
                                        let spikeVal;
                                        if (havePoison()) {
                                            spikeVal = 8;
                                        } else if (haveGreat()){
                                            spikeVal = 7;
                                        } else if (haveSpinning()){
                                            spikeVal = 9;
                                        } else {
                                            spikeVal = 6;

                                        for (var j=0;j<0;j++){
                                            let angle = (-1 * Math.PI + ((Math.PI*2)/20)*j) - 0.1;
                                            placeSpike(spikeVal, angle);
                                            console.log(" " + j);
                                            console.log(" " + angle);

	 = true;
											CORESTATE.intrap.extra = arr[0]; //object id

									} else if (objtype == 15 && totalDist < 1500){
							allTraps = newTraps;

                if (myPlayer.y < 2400){ = false;
									if (!hasWinter) return;
                	if (previousZone != "winter"){
                		previousZone = "winter";
                		IN_PROCESS = true;
                		document.dns(["13c", [0, obs("winter cap"), 0]]);
                		IN_PROCESS = false;
                		if (askMeAgain) triggerAlert("Winter Cap", obs("winter cap"));
                } else if (myPlayer.y > 6850 && myPlayer.y < 7550){
           = true;
										if (!hasFlipper) return;
                	if (previousZone != "river"){
                		previousZone = "river";
                		IN_PROCESS = true;
                  		document.dns(["13c", [0, obs("flipper hat") , 0]]);
                  		IN_PROCESS = false;
                	   if (askMeAgain) triggerAlert("Flipper Hat", obs("flipper hat"));
                } else { = false;
                	if (previousZone != "normal"){
                	previousZone = "normal";
                	$("#hatChangeAlert").animate({opacity: 0, top: -300});
                    if (askMeAgain) document.dns(["13c", [0, currentHat, 0]]);

                if (!targets.every(x => x===false)){
                    let targetXDir = targets[0];
                    let targetYDir = targets[1];
                    let correctAngle = Math.atan2(targetYDir-myPlayer.y, targetXDir-myPlayer.x);
                    document.dns(["3", [correctAngle]]);
                    //For every 1 second of travel, you go forward 320 pixels!
                    let totalDist = Math.sqrt( (targetXDir-myPlayer.x)**2  + (targetYDir-myPlayer.y)**2 );
                    let totalTime = Math.ceil(totalDist/319.2);
                    document.getElementById("timeest").innerHTML = `${totalTime} seconds...`

                    if (totalDist < 100){
                     targets = [false, false];
                     document.dns(["3", [null]]);
                     $("#infoDiv").animate({opacity: 0});

            if (playerData[7]===null || playerData[7] != myCLAN){
                 var locPlayer = new player(playerData[0], playerData[1], playerData[2], playerData[7]);

         var nearestPlayerPosition = playersNear.sort( (a,b) => pdist(a, myPlayer) - pdist(b, myPlayer) );
           var nearestPlayer = nearestPlayerPosition[0];
           focusPlayerObj = nearestPlayer;
           if (nearestPlayer){ = true;
               nearestPlayerAngle = Math.atan2( nearestPlayer.y-myPlayer.y, nearestPlayer.x-myPlayer.x);
               if (autoattack){
               doNewSend(["3", [nearestPlayerAngle]]);
							 ws.send(encodeSEND([ "c",[1, null] ]));
               aim(nearestPlayer.x-myPlayer.x+window.innerWidth/2, nearestPlayer.y-myPlayer.y+window.innerHeight/2);

               $("#tbtn").css({opacity: 1, marginLeft: nearestPlayer.x-myPlayer.x+window.innerWidth/2-20, marginTop: nearestPlayer.y-myPlayer.y+window.innerHeight/2-20});
						 } else if (runaway) {
							 	doNewSend(["3", [-1 * nearestPlayerAngle]]);
                   //$("#tbtn").animate({opacity: 0.5});
           } else { = false;
             // $("#tbtn").animate({opacity: 0.5});


   if (info[0]=="6"){
        var locInfo = info[1];
        if (locInfo[locInfo.length-1].toString() == MYID){ //Object created
        if (window.innerWidth >= 770){
            var itemID = `actionBarItem${locInfo[locInfo.length-2]+16}`;
            var imgURL = document.getElementById(itemID).style.backgroundImage.toString().match(/url\("(.+)?(?=")/)[1];
            let mapDisplay = document.getElementById("mapDisplay").getBoundingClientRect();
            let mapSize = [14365, 14365];
            let boxSize = [$("#mapDisplay").width(), $("#mapDisplay").height()];
            let targets = [locInfo[1], locInfo[2]].map(item => (130*item)/14365);
            let x = mapDisplay.x + targets[0] - 6;
            let y = mapDisplay.y + targets[1] - 6;
            let newTarget = document.createElement("div");
            newTarget.rawX = targets[0];
            newTarget.rawY = targets[1];
            newTarget.rimgURL = imgURL;
   = `background-image: url("${imgURL}"); background-size: 12px 12px; width:12px; height:12px; position:absolute; left: ${x}px; top:${y}px; opacity:0; z-index:100; cursor: pointer;`;
            newTarget.className = "mapTarget";
            $(newTarget).animate({opacity: 1});
            allMooMooObjects[locInfo[0]] = newTarget;

    } else {
			for (var i=0;i<locInfo.length/8;i+=1){
		    let arr = locInfo.slice(i*8, (i+1)*8); console.log(arr)
				let objtype = arr[arr.length-2];
				if (objtype == 15){



    if (info[0]=="12"){

        let newTraps = [];
        for (let trap of allTraps){
            if (trap[trap.length-2] != info[1]) newTraps.push(trap);
        allTraps = newTraps;

       if (Object.keys(allMooMooObjects).includes(info[1].toString())){
			if ({
				if (CORESTATE.intrap.extra == info[1]){ = false;
					let newTraps = [];
					for (let trap of allTraps){
						if (trap[trap.length-2] != info[1]) newTraps.push(trap);
					allTraps = newTraps;

    if (info[0] == "1" && !MYID){
        MYID =  info[1];

    if (info[0] == "18" && info[4]=="1200") {;
      bowWorked = true;

    if (info[0] == "h" && info[1] == MYID && autoheal){
"doing stuff");;
        if (info[2] < 100 && info[2] > 0){
       recentHealth = info[2];"RECEIVED:");;
        //recentHealth += hasApple ? 20 : 40;"heal notif sent");
       setTimeout( () => {
       }, autoHealSpeed);
        } else if (info[2] > 0) {
  "done healing");
            recentHealth = 100;
            if (foodInHand){
     "okay bad thing happened");
             var dataTemplate5 = {"type": 2, "data":[], "options":{"compress":false}, "nsp": "/"};
             dataTemplate5["data"]=["5", [0, true]];
             let encoded5 = encodeSEND(dataTemplate5["data"]);
      "corrected bad thing");

        } else {
            hasApple = true; //You've died tragically in combat; back to the apple for you!
  "Setting has apple to true from here");
    else if(info[0] == "11"){"doing death");
        for (var elem of Object.values(allMooMooObjects)){
 = 0;
        hasApple = true;
        justDied = true;
        recentHealth = 100;



function pdist(player1, player2){
      return Math.sqrt( Math.pow((player2.y-player1.y), 2) + Math.pow((player2.x-player1.x), 2) );

function haveApple(){"Im being used and justDied is:" + justDied);
    if (justDied){
        hasApple = true;
        return true;
    if (hasApple) hasApple = isElementVisible(document.getElementById("actionBarItem16"));
    return hasApple;

function havePoison(){
    let hasPoison = true;
    if (hasPoison) hasPoison = isElementVisible(document.getElementById("actionBarItem24"));
    return hasPoison;

/*$(window).resize( () => {
     for (var elem of Object.values(allMooMooObjects)){
        let mapDisplay = document.getElementById("mapDisplay").getBoundingClientRect();
            let mapSize = [14365, 14365];
            let boxSize = [$("#mapDisplay").width(), $("#mapDisplay").height()];
            let x = mapDisplay.x + parseInt(elem.rawX) - 6;
            let y = mapDisplay.y + parseInt(elem.rawY) - 6;
            console.log(x, y);
   = `background-image: url("${elem.rimgURL}"); background-size: 12px 12px; width:12px; height:12px; position:absolute; left: ${x}px; top:${y}px; opacity:0; z-index:100; cursor: pointer;`;

function haveGreat(){
    let hasGreat = true;
    if (hasGreat) hasGreat = isElementVisible(document.getElementById("actionBarItem23"));
    return hasGreat;

function haveSpinning(){
    let hasSpinning = true;
    if (hasSpinning) hasSpinning = isElementVisible(document.getElementById("actionBarItem25"));
    return hasSpinning;

function doNewSend(sender){

function placeSpike(item, angle){
  ws.send(encodeSEND( ["5", [item, null]]));
    angle ? angle : null

])); //spike function by

$("#mapDisplay").on("click", (event) => {
    if (!targets.every(x=>x===false)) return;

     $("#spotDiv").css({zIndex: 10000});
    var xpos = event.pageX - $("#mapDisplay").offset().left;
    var ypos = event.pageY - $("#mapDisplay").offset().top;
    var mapWidth = $("#mapDisplay").width();
    var mapHeight = $("#mapDisplay").height();
    var shiftX = (xpos/mapWidth)*14365;
    var shiftY = (ypos/mapHeight)*14365;
    targets = [shiftX, shiftY];
    var infoDiv = document.createElement("div");
    infoDiv.innerHTML = `<h1 id="autotitle">You are currently in CloudyMod auto-pilot.</h1>
     <h3 id="arrivalest">You will arrive in <span id="timeest">30 seconds...</span></h3>

     <button type="button" id="cancelTrip">Cancel</button>`; = "infoDiv";

   let spotDiv = document.createElement("div"); = "spotDiv";
   spotDiv.className = "spotDiv";
   $("#spotDiv").css({left: event.pageX, top: event.pageY});
   $("#spotDiv").animate({width: '50px', height: '50px', marginLeft: '-25px', marginTop: '-25px', borderRadius: '25px', opacity: 0}, 2000);
    var spotDivs = [];
   let coreInterval = setInterval( () => {
           if (targets.every(x=>x===false)){
             for (let elementDiv of document.getElementsByClassName("spotDiv")){

           } else {
           let spotDiv = document.createElement("div");
  = "spotDiv";
               spotDiv.className = "spotDiv";
           $("#spotDiv").css({left: event.pageX, top: event.pageY});
           $("#spotDiv").animate({width: '50px', height: '50px', marginLeft: '-25px', marginTop: '-25px', borderRadius: '25px', opacity: 0}, 2000);
    }, 700);


document.dns = doNewSend;

function botTag(){
  if (!botSpan || !isElementVisible(botSpan)){
            botSpan = document.createElement("span");
   = "botText";
            var ageDiv = document.getElementById("ageText");

          if (autoattack){
             botSpan.innerHTML = "BOT "
          } else {
             $("#tbtn").animate({opacity: 0});
             botSpan.innerHTML = "";

$(document).on("click", "#cancelTrip", () => {
           targets = [false, false];
           document.dns(["3", [null]]);
           $("#infoDiv").animate({opacity: 0});

document.title="CloudyMod: Autoheal ON"

document.addEventListener('keypress', (e)=>{

   if (e.keyCode == 116 && !== 'chatbox'){
       let coreIndex = STATE%2; //STATE%4;
       //let truthArray = [ [1,2].includes(coreIndex), [0,1].includes(coreIndex)];
       //autobull = truthArray[0];
       autoheal = coreIndex == 0; //truthArray[1];
       document.title = document.title=`CloudyMod: Autoheal ${autoheal ? "ON" : "OFF"}` //"Heal " + (autoheal ? "ON" : "OFF") + " / Bull Hat " + (autobull ? "ON" : "OFF");
   } else if (e.keyCode == trapKey && !== 'chatbox') { //Place a trap
       console.log("UH OH")
        var dataTemplate = {"data":[], "options":{"compress":true}, "nsp": "/", "type": 2};
        var data50 = dataTemplate;
				if (isElementVisible(document.getElementById("actionBarItem31"))){
        data50["data"]=["5", [15, 0]];
			} else {
					  data50["data"]=["5", [16, 0]];
        var data51 = dataTemplate;
        let encoded2 = encodeSEND(data51["data"]);
        dataTemplate["data"]=["c",0, null];
        let encoded = encodeSEND(dataTemplate);

      } else if (e.keyCode == 112 && !== 'chatbox'){
         autoattack = !autoattack

    } else if (e.keyCode == 103 && !== 'chatbox') {
        repeatingLast = !repeatingLast;

    }    else if (e.keyCode == spikeKey && !== 'chatbox') { //Place a spike
           if (havePoison()) {
           } else if (haveGreat()){
           } else if (haveSpinning()){
           } else {

   } else if (e.keyCode == instaKillKey && !== 'chatbox') {
       let allActiveItems = Array.from(document.getElementById("actionBar").children).filter(x=> != "none");
			 let allActiveIDs =>parseInt("actionBarItem", "")));
			 switchToWep = allActiveIDs[0];
			 switchToRange = allActiveIDs[1];;
       var ctime = new Date().getTime();
       if (!inInstaProcess){"got in");
       inInstaProcess = true
        IN_PROCESS = true;

       doNewSend(["13c", [0, bullHelm, 0]]);
          if (currentAccessory == monkeyTail){
               doNewSend(["13c", [0, 0, 1]]);
       doNewSend(["5", [switchToWep, true]]);"Starting at 0");

      //after bad

       setTimeout( () => {
           doNewSend(["2", [nearestPlayerAngle]]);
]); //If we're perfect, we only send this once
 `Sending swing at ${new Date().getTime() - ctime}`);
           ctime = new Date().getTime();
       }, 20);

       setTimeout( () => {
           doNewSend(["2", [nearestPlayerAngle]]);
           doNewSend(["5", [switchToRange, true]]);
 `Changed weapon at ${new Date().getTime() - ctime}`);
           ctime = new Date().getTime();
       }, document.timeTween); //120-140?

       setTimeout( () => {
           doNewSend(["c", [0, null]]);
           doNewSend(["13c", [0, currentHat, 0]]);
           if (currentAccessory == monkeyTail){
                doNewSend(["13c", [0, currentAccessory, 1]]);
           doNewSend(["5", [switchToWep, true]]);
 `Finished at  ${new Date().getTime() - ctime}`);
           ctime = new Date().getTime();
       }, 600);

        setTimeout( () => {
          if (bowWorked){
          doNewSend(["5", [switchToRange, true]]);
       }, 730);

        setTimeout( () => {
          if (bowWorked){
       }, 840);

      setTimeout( () => {
           if (bowWorked){
          doNewSend(["c", [0, null]]);
       }, 950);

      setTimeout( () => {
          inInstaProcess = false;
          if (bowWorked){
         doNewSend(["5",  [switchToWep, true]]);
              setTimeout( () => {
         doNewSend(["c", [0, null]]);
              }, 300);
         bowWorked = false;
         IN_PROCESS = false;
        IN_PROCESS = false;
       }, 1060);

    //if it worked, fire, if it didn't dont fire

//    WTF ??!?p!?

   } else if ( !== 'chatbox' ){
       if (e.keyCode == 108){ //use pressed "l"; spikes

           let spikeVal;
                                        if (havePoison()) {
                                            spikeVal = 8;
                                        } else if (haveGreat()){
                                            spikeVal = 7;
                                        } else if (haveSpinning()){
                                            spikeVal = 9;
                                        } else {
                                            spikeVal = 6;

         for (var i=0;i<4;i++){
             let angle = (Math.PI/2)*i;
             /*let x = Math.cos(angle)*50;
             let y = Math.sin(angle)*50;
             console.log(x, y);
             aim(x, y);*/
             document.dns(["2", [angle]]);


       } else if (e.keyCode == 111){ //user pressed "i"; traps
           for (var j=0;j<4;j++){
              document.dns(["2", [(Math.PI/2)*j]]);
              document.dns(["5", [15, 0]]);
              document.dns(["c", [1, null]]);
              document.dns(["c", [0, null]]);

       } else if (e.keyCode == iPressKey){

				 if (CORESTATE.ipress.rel){
					 	if (CORESTATE.ipress.rel == "puton"){
								document.dns(["13c", [0, putonName, 0]]);
						} else if (CORESTATE.ipress.rel == "place"){
      else if (e.keyCode == 104){
          if (focusPlayerObj && focusPlayerObj.clan){
             document.dns(["10", [focusPlayerObj.clan]]);

window.kiH = () => {};

document.body.oncontextmenu = (e) => {

   noallow = true;

    setTimeout( () =>  {

     let allActiveItems = Array.from(document.getElementById("actionBar").children).filter(x=> != "none");
			 let allActiveIDs =>parseInt("actionBarItem", "")));
			 switchToWep = allActiveIDs[0];
			 switchToRange = allActiveIDs[1];;
       var ctime = new Date().getTime();
       if (!inInstaProcess){"got in");
       inInstaProcess = true
        IN_PROCESS = true;

       doNewSend(["13c", [0, bullHelm, 0]]);
          if (currentAccessory == monkeyTail){
               doNewSend(["13c", [0, 0, 1]]);
       doNewSend(["5", [switchToWep, true]]);"Starting at 0");

      //after bad

       setTimeout( () => {
           doNewSend(["2", [nearestPlayerAngle]]);
]); //If we're perfect, we only send this once
 `Sending swing at ${new Date().getTime() - ctime}`);
           ctime = new Date().getTime();
       }, 20);

       setTimeout( () => {
           doNewSend(["2", [nearestPlayerAngle]]);
           doNewSend(["5", [switchToRange, true]]);
 `Changed weapon at ${new Date().getTime() - ctime}`);
           ctime = new Date().getTime();
       }, document.timeTween); //120-140?

       setTimeout( () => {
           doNewSend(["c", [0, null]]);
           doNewSend(["13c", [0, currentHat, 0]]);
           if (currentAccessory == monkeyTail){
                doNewSend(["13c", [0, currentAccessory, 1]]);
           doNewSend(["5", [switchToWep, true]]);
 `Finished at  ${new Date().getTime() - ctime}`);
           ctime = new Date().getTime();
       }, 600);

        setTimeout( () => {
          if (bowWorked){
          doNewSend(["5", [switchToRange, true]]);
       }, 730);

        setTimeout( () => {
          if (bowWorked){
       }, 840);

      setTimeout( () => {
           if (bowWorked){
          doNewSend(["c", [0, null]]);
       }, 950);

      setTimeout( () => {
          inInstaProcess = false;
          if (bowWorked){
         doNewSend(["5",  [switchToWep, true]]);
              setTimeout( () => {
         doNewSend(["c", [0, null]]);
              }, 300);
         bowWorked = false;
         IN_PROCESS = false;
        IN_PROCESS = false;
       }, 1060);

    //if it worked, fire, if it didn't dont fire

//    WTF ??!?p!?

    }, 150);
} = placeSpike;

} else if (window.location.href.includes("krunker")) {

 var krSocket;


       0 =
       1 = users, [userid, x, y, z, angle_x, angle_y, ?, ?, ?], len=9
       6 = kill data, [ ["Kill Type", Points, ...], ? (type=some_binary), ?(type=some_binary)], len=2
       7 = leaderboard, [?, user, position, score, ?(always=0), ?], len=6


        "etr" = [[zero-indexed position of wep on menu,0,[-1,-1],-1,-1,2,0]]]


  var current = 0;
  var current2 = 0;
  var current10 = 0;
  var pending;

    var START_ATTACK =  msgpack5.encode(["i",[[1142,16,"f",-1,1,0,0,0,0,0,16,"f",-1,"f"]]]);
    var END_ATTACK = [146, 161, 105, 145, 158, 205, 5, 53, 18, 161, 102, 255, 161, 102, 15, 161, 102, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];

  window.WebSocket.prototype.oldSend = WebSocket.prototype.send;
  window.WebSocket.prototype.send = function(m){
        if (!krSocket){

      let msgRaw = Array.from(new Uint8Array(m)).slice(2);
      let data = msgpack5.decode(msgRaw);
      let finalData = data;
      if (finalData[0] == "hc") {
      } else {
      /*if (data[0] == "i"){
       current = data[1][0][0];
       current2 = data[1][0][1];
       //current10 = data[1][0][5];


   var dist3 = (p1, p2) => {
        const dx = p1.x - p2.x;
        const dy = p1.y - p2.y;
        const dz = p1.z - p2.z;
        return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz)

/*XMLHttpRequest.prototype.oldOpen =; = function(){
    if (arguments[1].includes("game.js")){
       arguments[1] = "";

/*  GM_xmlhttpRequest({
            method: "GET" ,
            url: document.location.origin,
            onload: inRes => {
                let dbody = inRes.responseText;
                newBody = dbody.replace(/<script src="js\/game\.\w+?(?=\.)\.js\?build=.+"><\/script>/g, `<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>`);
                //newBody += `<script type="text/javascript">${code.toString()}</script>`;
                newBody = newBody.replace(/libs\/zip-ext\.js\?build=.+?(?=")/g, ``);
                newBody = newBody.replace(/libs\/zip\.js\?build=.+?(?=")/g, ``);
                newBody = newBody.replace("jsdelivr", "xyzsource");
                newBody = newBody.replace("SCRIPT", "BLEEP");

                unsafeWindow.addEventListener("message", (message) => {
                    if (message.origin != "") return;
                    unsafeWindow.mdlsettings.screenaim =;



document.innerHTML = ``;

unsafeWindow.gameCode = ""; = "";
unsafeWindow.zipExt = "";

    method: "GET",
    url: ``,
    onload: jsresp => {
        unsafeWindow.gameCode = jsresp.responseText
           method: "GET",
           url: ``,
            onload: jsresp2 => {
                 unsafeWindow.zipExt = jsresp2.responseText;
                 unsafeWindow.zipExt = unsafeWindow.zipExt.replace(/=== -1/g, `=== "hello"`);
                     method: "GET",
                     url: ``,
                     onload: jsresp3 => {
                = jsresp3.responseText
                             method: "GET" ,
                             url: document.location.origin,
                             onload: inRes => {
                                 let dbody = inRes.responseText;
                                 var newBody = dbody;
                                 newBody = dbody.replace(/<script src="js\/game\.\w+?(?=\.)\.js\?build=.+"><\/script>/g, ``);
                                 newBody = newBody.replace(/<script src="libs\/zip-ext\.js\?build=.+"><\/script>/g, `<script type="text/plain" src="js/zip-ext.js?build=LwYhN"></script>`);
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                                 //newBody += `<script type="text/javascript">${}</script>`;
                                 newBody += `<script type="text/javascript">${unsafeWindow.zipExt.toString()}</script>`;
                                 newBody += `<script type="text/javascript">${unsafeWindow.gameCode.toString()}</script>`;
                                 //newBody += `<script type="text/javascript">${"alert;".repeat(2000)}</script>`;

                                 newBody = newBody.replace("jsdelivr", "xyzsource");
                                 newBody = newBody.replace("SCRIPT", "BLEEP");

                                 unsafeWindow.addEventListener("message", (message) => {
                                     if (message.origin != "") return;
                                     unsafeWindow.mdlsettings.screenaim =;




/*2 problems
- looking @ very slowly
- not zoooming in / gun following insanely slowly
- not stopping after target leaves view - fixed*/

var socialWS = new WebSocket(`wss://`);
socialWS.binaryType = "arraybuffer";
socialWS.onopen = (open) => {

socialWS.onclose = (close) => {

socialWS.onmessage = (msg) => {
  let msgRaw = new Uint8Array(;
  msg = msgpack5.decode(Array.from( msgRaw ));
  let playerData = msg[1][2];
  let playerObj = unsafeWindow.players.filter(x=> == playerData.player_name)[0];
  playerObj.kdval = Math.round(playerData.player_kills / playerData.player_deaths*100)/100;
  if (!playerObj.kdval) playerObj.kdval = "N/A"


var past = new Date().getTime();

unsafeWindow.Ze2 = unsafeWindow.Ze = (t, e, i) => {
        for (chatList.innerHTML += i ? "<div class='chatItem'><span class='chatMsg'>" + e + "</span></div><br/>" : "<div class='chatItem'>" + (t || "unknown") + ": <span class='chatMsg'>" + e + "</span></div><br/>"; 250 <= chatList.scrollHeight;) chatList.removeChild(chatList.childNodes[0])

unsafeWindow.mdlsettingsmain = {bhop: true, autoaim: 1, info: true};
unsafeWindow.mdlsettings = {screenaim: false};

  function handleMessage(m){


    unsafeWindow.mnxrecoil = (me, inputs) => {

         if (!unsafeWindow.players) return;

          me = unsafeWindow.players.filter(x=>x.isYou)[0];

          for (let player of unsafeWindow.players){
           if ({
           if (!player.kdval){
               //console.log("Setting kdval!");
               let data = msgpack5.encode(["r",["profile",,null,null]]);
               data = Array.from(data);
               data.unshift(0, 7);
               data = new Uint8Array(data);
           } else {
             player.kdval = "";

          if (me.weapon.ammo && me.ammos[me.weaponIndex] === 0){
              if (inputs && /* inval */ inputs[9] === 0){
                  inputs[9] = 1; //Simulate click

          //$('#aHolder').css({opacity: 0, cursor: "default", marginTop: 5000, position: "absolute"});

        for (let playerInfo of playerInfos.children){
                if (! continue;
                let pname = playerInfo.querySelectorAll(".pInfoH")[0];
                if (!pname) continue;
                let pid = parseInt("pInfo", ""));
                let playerObj = unsafeWindow.players.filter(x=>x.sid == pid)[0];

                pname.innerHTML = `${} (${Math.round(dist3(playerObj, me))/10} mm)<h4 style="color: white; text-align: center; margin-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 0px;">[${}]</h4>`;


        //window.idleTimer = 0;
        //let arr = new Uint8Array(;
        //let full = msgpack5.decode(arr);

      if (unsafeWindow.mdlsettingsmain.bhop){
        unsafeWindow.control.keys[32] = unsafeWindow.control.keys[32] ? !unsafeWindow.control.keys[32] : 1
        let nplayers = unsafeWindow.players.filter(x=>x.inView).filter(x=>!x.isYou).filter(x=> (! || ( !==>>unsafeWindow.mdlsettings.screenaim ? unsafeWindow.camhook.containsPoint(x) : true ).sort( (a,b) => dist3(me, a) - dist3(me, b) );
        let closest = nplayers[0];

        if (closest){

        //if (unsafeWindow.control.mouseDownL = 1) unsafeWindow.control.mouseDownL = 0;
        if (!unsafeWindow.mdlsettingsmain.autoaim%3) return;

         //console.error("ZOOMING IN ON TARGET");
          // console.log('aimval' + me.aimVal);

          if (unsafeWindow.mdlsettingsmain.autoaim%3 === 1){
              unsafeWindow.control.camLookAt(closest.x, closest.y + 11 - 1.5 - 2.5 * closest.crouchVal - me.recoilAnimY * 0.3 * 25, closest.z);
              if (unsafeWindow.control.mouseDownR != 1) {
                  unsafeWindow.control.mouseDownR = 1;
              } else if (me.aimVal < 0.2) {
                  if (unsafeWindow.control.mouseDownL === 0){
                      unsafeWindow.control.mouseDownL = 1;
                  } else {
                      unsafeWindow.control.mouseDownL = 0;

          } else if (unsafeWindow.mdlsettingsmain.autoaim%3 === 2){
              if (me.aimVal === 0){
              unsafeWindow.control.camLookAt(closest.x, closest.y + 11 - 1.5 - 2.5 * closest.crouchVal - me.recoilAnimY * 0.3 * 25, closest.z);



        } else {
            unsafeWindow.control.aimTarget = null;
   = null;
            if (unsafeWindow.mdlsettingsmain.autoaim%3 === 1){
            unsafeWindow.control.mouseDownL = 0;
            if (unsafeWindow.control.mouseDownR !== 0) unsafeWindow.control.mouseDownR = 0;
            } else {



  let cheaters = ["I'm a cheater! I love hacking!", "dude anticheat sucks i still hack", "yeah im hacking", "i love hacking", "hacking is too ez in this game", "yep im hacking so what", "im cheating ya", "youd be surprised how satisfying hacking is", "its so fun hacking haha"];

  function addListener(socket){
    unsafeWindow.socket = socket;
    krSocket = socket;
    $('#aHolder').css({opacity: 0, cursor: "default", marginTop: 5000, position: "absolute"});
    unsafeWindow.Ze2("ScriptSource", `Welcome to ScriptSource Krunker! Press <span style="color: green;">'t'</span> to toggle <span style="color: green;">autoaim</span>, <span style="color: purple;">'b'</span> to toggle <span style="color: purple;">bhop</span>, and <span style="color: yellow;">'i'</span> to toggle extra <span style="color: yellow;">player info</span>!`);
    unsafeWindow.Ze2("ScriptSource News", `Recommended class: <span style="color: yellow;">Hunter + Sniper Rifle</span> <span style="color: white;">||</span> Type <span style="color: yellow;">"h"</span> for an April Fool's joke!`);
      krSocket.addEventListener("message", (m) => {

      document.addEventListener("keyup", (e) => {
          if (e.keyCode == 72){
            if (unsafeWindow.players) {
                let randomPlayer = unsafeWindow.players[Math.floor(Math.random()*unsafeWindow.players.length)];
                unsafeWindow.Ze2(, cheaters[Math.floor(Math.random()*cheaters.length)]);


/*unsafeWindow.dns = function(json){
    let OC = msgpack5.encode(json);
    var aAdd =  Array.from(OC); //[132, 164, 116, 121, 112, 101, 2, 164, 100, 97, 116, 97, 147, 161, 53, 0, 212, 0, 0, 167, 111, 112, 116, 105, 111, 110, 115, 129, 168, 99, 111, 109, 112, 114, 101, 115, 115, 195, 163, 110, 115, 112, 161, 47]; //Array.from(OC);
    return new Uint8Array(aAdd).buffer;

setTimeout( () => {
    pending = true;
}, 5000);

 var weps =   [{
        name: "Sniper Rifle",
        src: "weapon_1",
        icon: "icon_1",
        sound: "weapon_1",
        nAuto: !0,
        type: 0,
        scope: !0,
        swapTime: 300,
        aimSpeed: 120,
        spdMlt: .95,
        ammo: 3,
        reload: 1500,
        dmg: 100,
        pierce: .2,
        range: 1e3,
        dropStart: 230,
        dmgDrop: 30,
        scale: 1.1,
        leftHoldY: -.7,
        rightHoldY: -.75,
        leftHoldZ: 2.4,
        rightHoldZ: .4,
        xOff: .8,
        yOff: -.75,
        zOff: -2,
        xOrg: 0,
        yOrg: -.55,
        zOrg: -.8,
        muzOff: 8,
        muzMlt: 1.6,
        rate: 900,
        spread: 260,
        zoom: 2.7,
        leanMlt: 2,
        recoil: .009,
        recoilR: .02,
        recover: .993,
        recoverY: .997,
        recoverF: .975,
        recoilY: 1,
        recoilZ: 1.8
    }, {
        name: "Assault Rifle",
        src: "weapon_2",
        icon: "icon_2",
        sound: "weapon_2",
        transp: !0,
        type: 0,
        swapTime: 300,
        aimSpeed: 130,
        spdMlt: .95,
        ammo: 30,
        reload: 1200,
        dmg: 22,
        pierce: 1,
        range: 700,
        dmgDrop: 10,
        scale: 1,
        leftHoldY: -.5,
        rightHoldY: -.7,
        leftHoldZ: 2,
        rightHoldZ: .2,
        xOff: 1.2,
        yOff: -1,
        zOff: -2.5,
        xOrg: 0,
        yOrg: -.55,
        zOrg: -.2,
        caseZOff: -1.7,
        caseYOff: -.2,
        muzOff: 5.9,
        muzOffY: .3,
        muzMlt: 1.4,
        rate: 110,
        spread: 120,
        minSpread: 5,
        zoom: 1.6,
        leanMlt: 1,
        recoil: .003,
        recoilR: .012,
        recover: .978,
        recoverY: .995,
        recoverF: .975,
        recoilY: 1,
        recoilZ: 5
    }, {
        name: "Pistol",
        src: "weapon_3",
        icon: "icon_3",
        sound: "weapon_3",
        secondary: !0,
        transp: !0,
        nAuto: !0,
        kill: ["", 75],
        type: 1,
        swapTime: 350,
        aimSpeed: 120,
        spdMlt: 1.05,
        ammo: 10,
        reload: 700,
        dmg: 20,
        range: 700,
        dmgDrop: 10,
        scale: .95,
        leftHoldY: -.82,
        rightHoldY: -.62,
        leftHoldZ: -.5,
        rightHoldZ: -.5,
        xOff: .7,
        yOff: -.95,
        zOff: -4.5,
        xOrg: 0,
        yOrg: -.2,
        zOrg: -4.25,
        caseZOff: .2,
        caseYOff: 0,
        muzOff: 1.5,
        muzOffY: 0,
        muzMlt: .95,
        rate: 150,
        spread: 90,
        zoom: 1.4,
        leanMlt: 1,
        recoil: .006,
        recoilR: .005,
        recover: .98,
        recoverY: .99,
        recoverF: .98,
        recoilY: 3,
        recoilZ: 1
    }, {
        name: "Submachine Gun",
        src: "weapon_4",
        icon: "icon_4",
        sound: "weapon_4",
        transp: !0,
        type: 0,
        swapTime: 300,
        aimSpeed: 120,
        spdMlt: 1.04,
        ammo: 24,
        reload: 1200,
        dmg: 18,
        pierce: 1,
        range: 700,
        dmgDrop: 12,
        scale: 1,
        leftHoldY: -.35,
        rightHoldY: -.45,
        leftHoldZ: 1.2,
        rightHoldZ: -.2,
        xOff: .95,
        yOff: -.95,
        zOff: -3,
        xOrg: 0,
        yOrg: -.62,
        zOrg: -2.5,
        caseYOff: -.15,
        caseZOff: -.4,
        muzOff: 2.7,
        muzOffY: .1,
        rate: 90,
        spread: 170,
        minSpread: 20,
        zoom: 1.5,
        leanMlt: 1.2,
        recoil: .0034,
        recoilR: .015,
        recover: .978,
        recoverY: .996,
        recoverF: .975,
        recoilY: .3,
        recoilZ: 5.3
    }, {
        name: "Revolver",
        src: "weapon_5",
        icon: "icon_5",
        sound: "weapon_5",
        nAuto: !0,
        nCase: !0,
        transp: !0,
        kill: ["", 50],
        type: 1,
        swapTime: 200,
        aimSpeed: 120,
        spdMlt: 1.04,
        ammo: 6,
        reload: 900,
        dmg: 66,
        pierce: .85,
        dmgDrop: 10,
        scale: 1.3,
        leftHoldY: -1,
        rightHoldY: -.8,
        leftHoldZ: -.5,
        rightHoldZ: -.5,
        xOff: .7,
        yOff: -.8,
        zOff: -4.1,
        xOrg: 0,
        yOrg: -.35,
        zOrg: -3.8,
        muzOff: 2.75,
        muzOffY: .2,
        muzMlt: .95,
        range: 700,
        rate: 300,
        spread: 100,
        zoom: 1.4,
        leanMlt: 1.6,
        recoil: .01,
        recoilR: .01,
        recover: .982,
        recoverY: .994,
        recoverF: .98,
        recoilY: 1.25,
        recoilZ: 2
    }, {
        name: "Shotgun",
        src: "weapon_6",
        icon: "icon_6",
        sound: "weapon_6",
        nAuto: !0,
        nCase: !0,
        type: 0,
        swapTime: 300,
        aimSpeed: 180,
        spdMlt: 1,
        ammo: 2,
        shots: 5,
        reload: 1100,
        dmg: 50,
        dmgDrop: 40,
        scale: 1.25,
        leftHoldY: -.7,
        rightHoldY: -.9,
        leftHoldZ: 1.2,
        rightHoldZ: -.3,
        xOff: .95,
        yOff: -.8,
        zOff: -3,
        xOrg: 0,
        yOrg: -.2,
        zOrg: -1.5,
        muzOff: 6,
        muzMlt: 1.5,
        range: 240,
        rate: 400,
        innac: 110,
        spread: 120,
        minSpread: 20,
        zoom: 1.25,
        leanMlt: 1.6,
        recoil: .013,
        recoilR: .015,
        recover: .99,
        recoverF: .975,
        recoilY: .8,
        recoilZ: 2
    }, {
        name: "Light Machine Gun",
        src: "weapon_7",
        icon: "icon_7",
        sound: "weapon_7",
        transp: !0,
        type: 0,
        swapTime: 800,
        aimSpeed: 200,
        spdMlt: .79,
        ammo: 100,
        reload: 2500,
        dmg: 22,
        pierce: 1,
        range: 700,
        dmgDrop: 10,
        scale: 1.3,
        leftHoldY: -.65,
        leftHoldX: .4,
        rightHoldY: -.75,
        leftHoldZ: 1,
        rightHoldZ: -.2,
        xOff: .95,
        yOff: -.8,
        zOff: -2.8,
        xOrg: 0,
        yOrg: -.45,
        zOrg: -2,
        caseInd: 2,
        caseZOff: -.5,
        caseYOff: -.1,
        muzOff: 5.5,
        muzMlt: 1.65,
        rate: 120,
        spread: 300,
        minSpread: 15,
        zoom: 1.2,
        leanMlt: 1.6,
        recoil: .0032,
        recoilR: .012,
        recover: .98,
        recoverY: .9975,
        recoverF: .975,
        recoilY: .4,
        recoilZ: 3.8
    }, {
        name: "Semi Auto",
        src: "weapon_8",
        icon: "icon_8",
        sound: "weapon_8",
        nAuto: !0,
        type: 0,
        scope: !0,
        swapTime: 400,
        aimSpeed: 120,
        spdMlt: 1,
        ammo: 8,
        reload: 1300,
        dmg: 35,
        pierce: .2,
        range: 1e3,
        dmgDrop: 0,
        scale: 1,
        leftHoldY: -.7,
        rightHoldY: -.75,
        leftHoldZ: 2.4,
        rightHoldZ: .4,
        xOff: .8,
        yOff: -.75,
        zOff: -2,
        xOrg: 0,
        yOrg: -.55,
        zOrg: -.8,
        muzOff: 5.7,
        muzOffY: .5,
        muzMlt: 1.4,
        rate: 250,
        spread: 300,
        zoom: 2.4,
        leanMlt: 2,
        recoil: .01,
        recoilR: .01,
        recover: .984,
        recoverY: .997,
        recoverF: .975,
        recoilY: .4,
        recoilZ: 1.8
    }, {
        name: "Rocket Launcher",
        src: "weapon_9",
        icon: "icon_9",
        sound: "weapon_9",
        nSkill: !0,
        nAuto: !0,
        nCase: !0,
        projectile: 0,
        type: 0,
        swapTime: 600,
        aimSpeed: 200,
        spdMlt: .9,
        ammo: 1,
        reload: 1600,
        scale: 1.3,
        leftHoldY: -.5,
        rightHoldY: -.6,
        leftHoldZ: 3.2,
        rightHoldZ: 1.6,
        xOff: .95,
        yOff: -.4,
        zOff: -.7,
        xOrg: 0,
        yOrg: -.6,
        zOrg: -1.5,
        muzOff: 5,
        muzOffY: 0,
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    }, {
        name: "Hands",
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        type: 1,
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