Greasy Fork is available in English.


i:生成 o:除外条件付き生成 p:除外条件+1つの要素のみを生成 Shift+i:除外条件変更 Shift+o:要求条件入力 Shift+p:要求Hits数変更

Version vom 15.02.2019. Aktuellste Version

// ==UserScript==
// @name i,o,pでXPath生成ツール
// @description i:生成 o:除外条件付き生成 p:除外条件+1つの要素のみを生成 Shift+i:除外条件変更 Shift+o:要求条件入力 Shift+p:要求Hits数変更
// @match *://*/*
// @version     0.2
// @grant GM_addStyle
// @require
// @namespace
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {

  const maxLines = 50; // 一度に提案する最大数調整 大きいほど少ない(maxLines/縦解像度)
  var excludeRE = "@href=|text\\(\\)|@title=|@alt=|@src="; // o,pキーではこれを含むXPath式は除外する 例:/href|text\(\)/ or /\0/
  var requireRE = "";
  var requireHits = 1;

  var mousex = 0;
  var mousey = 0;
  var shiftYenText = "";
  var bubparent = 0;
  var EscToHidePanel;
  var BrightStyle = "0px 0px 6px 6px rgba(0, 250, 0, 0.5), inset 0 0 12px rgba(0, 250, 0, 0.2)";
  var panel;
  const CancelStyle = /box-shadow: none;|\@style=\"\"|(\sand\s)\sand\s|\[\]|\sand\s(\])/gmi;
  const cancelrep = "$1$2";

  var testxpold;
  var testxpoldstyle = [];
  var frameOldEle, frameOldStyle, frameOldTimer;

  var input_key_buffer = new Array();
  document.addEventListener('keyup', function(e) {
    input_key_buffer[e.keyCode] = false;
  }, false);

  document.addEventListener('blur', function(e) {
    input_key_buffer.length = 0;
  }, false);

  document.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) {
    if (/input|textarea/i.test( == false) {
      input_key_buffer[e.keyCode] = true;
      if (!e.getModifierState("Alt") && !e.getModifierState("Control") && !e.getModifierState("Shift") && input_key_buffer[73]) mark(9); //i 7
      if (!e.getModifierState("Alt") && !e.getModifierState("Control") && !e.getModifierState("Shift") && input_key_buffer[79]) mark(7); //o
      if (!e.getModifierState("Alt") && !e.getModifierState("Control") && !e.getModifierState("Shift") && input_key_buffer[80]) mark(0); //p
      if (!e.getModifierState("Alt") && !e.getModifierState("Control") && e.getModifierState("Shift") && input_key_buffer[73]) excludeRE = window.prompt("Enter exclude word(s) RegExp", excludeRE) || null; //
      if (!e.getModifierState("Alt") && !e.getModifierState("Control") && e.getModifierState("Shift") && input_key_buffer[79]) requireRE = window.prompt("Enter require word(s) RegExp", requireRE || "@id=|@class") || null; //
      if (!e.getModifierState("Alt") && !e.getModifierState("Control") && e.getModifierState("Shift") && input_key_buffer[80]) requireHits = proInput("Enter required hits", requireHits, 0); //
  }, false);
  document.addEventListener("mousemove", function(e) {
    mousex = e.clientX;
    mousey = e.clientY;
  }, false);


  function storetest(xpath) {
    //    testxpoldstyle.length=0;
    for (let ele of elegeta(xpath)) {
      if (ele) testxpoldstyle.push(; = BrightStyle;
    testxpold = xpath;

  function writebacktest() {
    if (testxpold) {
      for (let ele of elegeta(testxpold.replace(/\\\"/gmi, "\"")))
        if (ele) = testxpoldstyle.shift();

  function mark(mode = 0, ele = null) {
    if (panel) {
      panel = null;
      testxpold = null;

    if (frameOldEle) { = frameOldStyle;
      frameOldEle = null;

    if (!ele) ele = document.elementFromPoint(mousex, mousey)
    popup(makecontent(mode, ele), /$^/, ele, mode);

    frameOldStyle =;
    frameOldEle = ele; = "red dotted 3px";
    frameOldTimer = setTimeout(function() {
      if (frameOldEle) { = frameOldStyle;
        frameOldEle = null;
    }, 1500);


  function putResult(xpath) {
    let eleal = elegeta(xpath).length;

    let target = document.getElementById("testXPath");
    let lineHeight = 1;
    target.setAttribute("rows", lineHeight);
    for (let t = 0; t < 9; t++) { if ((target.scrollHeight) >= target.offsetHeight) { target.setAttribute("rows", lineHeight++); } }

    eleget0('//th[@id="testXPathResult"]').innerText = "Err";
    document.getElementById('testXPathPossibly').innerHTML = " ";
    var ele = eleget1(xpath);
    if (ele == "Err") { eleget1('//th[@id="testXPathResult"]').innerText = ele; } else {
      eleget0('//th[@id="testXPathResult"]').innerText = eleal;
      if (eleal > 0) {
        let lc = (xpath.match(/last\(\)/g));
        if (lc) lc = lc.length;
        let col = xpath.match(/@href=/) ? "color:red;" : lc > 1 ? "color:blue; font-weight:bold;" : lc == 1 ? "color:blue;" : (xpath.match(/\[1\]/) && !xpath.match(/text/) && eleal === 1) ? "color:green;" : xpath.match(/@id=|@class/) ? "color:magenta;" : "";
        var esti = xpath.match(/@href=/) ? "href" : lc > 1 ? "last one" : lc == 1 ? "last one" : (xpath.match(/\[1\]/) && !xpath.match(/text/) && eleal === 1) ? "first one" : xpath.match(/@id=|@class/) ? "id/class" : " ";
        document.getElementById('testXPathPossibly').innerHTML = "<span style=\"" + col + "\">" + esti + "</span>";

  // バルーン表示
  function popup(txt, unRCtxt = null, posele, mode) {
    let eler = posele.getBoundingClientRect();
    let boxPos = ((( + eler.bottom) / 2 < document.documentElement.clientHeight / 2) ? "bottom:0;" : "top:0;") + (((eler.left + eler.right) / 2 < document.documentElement.clientWidth / 2) ? "right:0; " : "left:0;");
    let ele = eleget0("//table[@id='0key']");
    if (ele) ele.parentElement.removeChild(ele);

    // 表ヘッダ
    let lists = document.createElement('div');
    var line = document.createElement('tr');
    line.innerHTML += "<th style='text-align:center; padding:0 8px; white-space: nowrap;'>Hits</th><th style='text-align:center; padding:0 8px; white-space: nowrap;'>Possibly</th><th style='text-align:center; padding:0 8px;'>XPath " + (mode != 9 && excludeRE ? "<span style='color:red;float:right;padding:0 4px;'>-" + excludeRE : "") + "</span>" + (requireRE ? "<span style='color:blue;float:right;padding:0 4px;'>+" + requireRE + "</span>" : "") + "</th>";

    // エディットエリア
    var editableline = document.createElement('tr');
    editableline.innerHTML += "<th style='text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; padding:0 8px; white-space: nowrap;' id='testXPathResult'>test</th><th style='text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; padding:0 8px; white-space: nowrap;' id='testXPathPossibly'> </th><th><textarea rows='1' style='width:95%; min-width:600px;lineHeight:1.0; ' id='testXPath'>" + /* txt[txt.length - 1] */ "" + "</textarea></th>";
    editableline.onclick = function() { arguments[0].stopPropagation(); return false; }
    editableline.onmouseover = function() {
      if (eleget1(eleget0('//textarea[@id="testXPath"]').value) != "Err") {
        storetest(eleget0('//textarea[@id="testXPath"]').value); = '#ffffff';
    editableline.onmouseout = function() { if (eleget1(eleget0('//textarea[@id="testXPath"]').value) != "Err") { writebacktest(); = ''; } }

    editableline.addEventListener('input', function(e) { // エディットエリアが書き換えられた
      if (testxpold && eleget1(testxpold.replace(/\\\"/gmi, "\"")) != "Err")
      testxpold =;

      putResult(\\\"/gmi, "\""));

      if (eleget1(\\\"/gmi, "\"")) != "Err")
        storetest(\\\"/gmi, "\""));
    }, false);

    // 表
    for (let xpath of txt) {
      if (xpath) {
        let ele2 = eleget0(xpath);
        let elea = elegeta(xpath);
        var line = document.createElement('tr');

        // maybe タイプ判定
        let lc = (xpath.match(/last\(\)/g));
        if (lc) lc = lc.length;
        let col = xpath.match(/@href=/) ? "color:red;" : lc > 1 ? "color:blue; font-weight:bold;" : lc == 1 ? "color:blue;" : (xpath.match(/\[1\]/) && !xpath.match(/text/) && elea.length === 1) ? "color:green;" : xpath.match(/@id=|@class/) ? "color:magenta;" : "";
        let esti = xpath.match(/@href=/) ? "href" : lc > 1 ? "last one" : lc == 1 ? "last one" : (xpath.match(/\[1\]/) && !xpath.match(/text/) && elea.length === 1) ? "first one" : xpath.match(/@id=|@class/) ? "id/class" : "";
        var xpathDisp = xpath.replace(/(@id|@class)/gmi, '<font style="color:magenta;"><b>$1</b></font>');
        line.innerHTML = "<td nowrap style=\"text-align:center;" + col + "padding:0 8px;\">" + elegeta(xpath).length + "</td><td style='" + col + "text-align:center; padding:0 8px; white-space: nowrap;'>" + esti + "</td><td style=\"" + col + " text-align:left;\">" + xpathDisp + "</td>";
        line.onmouseover = function() {
 = '#ffffff';
        line.onmouseout = function() {
 = '';
        line.onclick = function() {
          var txt = input_key_buffer[17] ? xpath.replace(/\"/gm, "\\\"") : xpath;
          testxpold = txt;
          eleget0('//textarea[@id="testXPath"]').value = txt;
          putResult(txt.replace(/\\\"/gmi, "\""));
        line.ondblclick = function() {
          var txt = input_key_buffer[17] ? xpath.replace(/\"/gm, "\\\"") : xpath;
          eleget0('//textarea[@id="testXPath"]').value = txt; //a.value;
          eleget0('//th[@id="testXPathResult"]').innerText = elegeta(txt).length;
          $(panel).hide(400, function() { setTimeout(function() { $(panel).remove() }, 100) });
          panel = null;

    let opa = 0.9;
    panel = document.createElement("table");
    panel.setAttribute("style", "max-width:95%;" + boxPos + " z-index:2147483647; opacity:" + opa + "; text-align:left; line-height:1.1em; position:fixed; font-size:12px; margin:15px;  text-decoration:none; padding:15px 15px; outline-radius:7px; background-color:#d0e8ff; color:#000000;  box-shadow:5px 5px 8px #0003; outline:2px solid #fff;");
    panel.appendChild(lists) = "0key";
    EscToHidePanel = document.addEventListener('keydown', function f(e) { // Escでパネルを消す
      if (!e.getModifierState("Alt") && !e.getModifierState("Control") && !e.getModifierState("Shift") && (e.key == "Escape")) {
        //        e.preventDefault();
        if (eleget1(eleget0('//textarea[@id="testXPath"]').value) != "Err") { writebacktest(); }
        $(panel).hide(400, function() { setTimeout(function() { $(panel).remove() }, 100) });
        this.removeEventListener('keydown', f, false);
        panel = null;
    }, false);


  function writeClipboard(txt) {
    var a = document.createElement("textarea");
    a.value = txt;

  function makecontent(mode, ele) {
    var retStr = [];
    var maxline = window.innerHeight / maxLines;
    var maxtrial = maxline * (mode != 9 ? 32 : 3) * (requireRE > "\0" ? 3 : 1);
    console.log("try:" + maxtrial + "\nmake:" + maxline);
    for (var i = 0; i < maxtrial && retStr.length < maxline; i++) {
      let xp = getElementXPath(mode, ele);
      if (xp && !(mode != 9 && RegExp(excludeRE, "i").test(xp))) retStr.push(xp);
    // 重複を削除&ソート
    var retStr = Array.from(new Set(retStr)).sort(function(a, b) { return a.length - b.length; });
    // 1つは全属性を記述しただけのもの
    if (getAttrOfEle(mode, ele, true)) {
      var path = "//" + ele.tagName + "[" + getAttrOfEle(mode, ele, true) + "";
      retStr.push(path.replace(CancelStyle, cancelrep).replace(CancelStyle, cancelrep));
    // 1つはフルパスを辿っただけのもの
    retStr.push(getElementXPathFullPath(ele).replace(CancelStyle, cancelrep).replace(CancelStyle, cancelrep));
    // 1つはフルパスを辿っただけのもの
    retStr.push(getElementXPathFullpathAndFullproperty(mode, ele).replace(CancelStyle, cancelrep).replace(CancelStyle, cancelrep));

    return retStr;

  function getElementXPath(mode, ele) {
    var path = "";
    for (let i = 0; i == 0 || (ele && ele.nodeType == 1 && Math.random() > 0.5); ele = ele.parentNode, i++) {

      var ps = getPrevSib(ele);
      var ns = getNextSib(ele);

      var idx = 0;
      var arg = "";
      if (!ns && ps && Math.random() > 0.2) {
        var arg = "[last()]";
      } else
      if (!ps && ns && Math.random() > 0.2) {
        var arg = "[1]";
      } else {
        for (var idx = 1, sib = getPrevSib(ele); sib; sib = getPrevSib(sib)) { idx++; }
      var att = getAttrOfEle(mode, ele);
      if (att) att = "[" + att;
      var rnd = Math.random();
      if ((rnd > 0.68) && arg) var opt = arg;
      else if ((rnd > 0.36) && idx > 1) var opt = "[" + idx + "]";
      else if ((rnd > 0.04) && att) var opt = att;
      else var opt = "";
      path = "/" + ele.tagName.toLowerCase() + (opt) + path;
    if (!path) return "";

    path = "/" + path;
    path = path.replace(CancelStyle, cancelrep).replace(CancelStyle, cancelrep);
    if (requireRE > "" && !(RegExp(requireRE, "i").test(path))) return "";

    let hits = elegeta(path).length; // 検算
    if (hits == 0 || (mode == 8 && hits < 2) || (mode == 0 && requireHits != hits)) return false;
    return path;

  function getAttrOfEle(mode, ele, allFlag = false) {
    if (ele.tagName.match(/html|body/gmi)) return "";
    let attrs = ele.attributes;
    let xp = "";
    let att2 = [];
    //    for (let att of attrs) { if (att.value.length < 100) att2.push({ name: "@" + + "=", value: "\"" + att.value + "\"" }) }
    for (let att of attrs) {
      if (att.value.length < 100) {
        if ( == "class" && Math.random() > 0.9 && !allFlag) {
          att2.push({ name: "contains(@class,", value: "\"" + att.value + "\")" })
        } else {
          att2.push({ name: "@" + + "=", value: "\"" + att.value + "\"" })

    if (!allFlag) {
      if (Math.random() > (0.7)) {
        if (ele.innerText && !ele.innerText.match(/[\r\n]/)) { att2.push({ name: "text()=", value: "\"" + ele.innerText + "\"" }) }
      } else {
        if (ele.innerText && !ele.innerText.match(/[\r\n]/)) { att2.push({ name: "contains(text(),", value: "\"" + ele.innerText + "\")" }) }

    for (let j = 0; j < att2.length; j++) {
      if ((Math.random() > (allFlag ? 0 : att2[j].name.match(/href/) ? 0.7 : 0.5))) {
        xp += att2[j].name + att2[j].value + " and ";
    xp = xp.replace(/ and $/, "]").replace(/^(.*)\[$/, "$1");
    return xp;

  function getElementXPathFullPath(ele) {
    var path = "";
    for (; ele && ele.nodeType == 1; ele = ele.parentNode) {
      for (var idx = 1, sib = ele.previousSibling; sib; sib = sib.previousSibling) {
        if (sib.nodeType == 1 && sib.tagName == ele.tagName) idx++
      path = "/" + ele.tagName + (!ele.tagName.match(/html|body/gi) ? "[" + idx + "]" : "") + path;
    return path;

  function getElementXPathFullpathAndFullproperty(mode, ele) {
    var path = "";
    for (; ele && ele.nodeType == 1; ele = ele.parentNode) {
      if (getAttrOfEle(mode, ele, true)) { path = "/" + ele.tagName + "[" + getAttrOfEle(mode, ele, true) + path; } else { path = "/" + ele.tagName + path; }
    path = "/" + path;
    return path;

  function str2numMinMax(str, min, max) {
    var ans = Number(str.replace(/[A-Za-z0-9.]/g, function(s) {
      return String.fromCharCode(s.charCodeAt(0) - 65248);
    }).replace(/[^-^0-9^\.]/g, ""));
    if (ans > max) ans = max;
    if (ans < min) ans = min;
    return ans;

  function eleget0(xpath) {
    try { var ele = document.evaluate(xpath, document, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null) } catch (err) { return ""; }
    var ele = document.evaluate(xpath, document, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
    return ele.snapshotLength > 0 ? ele.snapshotItem(0) : "";

  function eleget1(xpath) {
    if (!xpath) return "Err";
    try { var ele = document.evaluate(xpath, document, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null) } catch (err) { return "Err"; }
    return ele.snapshotLength > 0 ? ele.snapshotItem(0) : ele;

  function elegeta(xpath, node = document) {
    try { var ele = document.evaluate("." + xpath, node, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null) } catch (err) {
      var ele = "err";
    var array = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < ele.snapshotLength; i++) array[i] = ele.snapshotItem(i);
    return array;

  function getNextSib(ele) { // 同じタグの弟ノードを走査
    if (!ele.nextElementSibling) return null;
    let orgtag = ele.tagName;
    do {
      ele = ele.nextElementSibling;
      if (!ele) return null;
      if (ele.tagName == orgtag) return ele;
    } while (1)
    return null;

  function getPrevSib(ele) { // 同じタグの兄ノードを走査
    if (!ele.previousElementSibling) return null;
    let orgtag = ele.tagName;
    do {
      ele = ele.previousElementSibling;
      if (!ele) return null;
      if (ele.tagName == orgtag) return ele;
    } while (1)
    return null;

  function proInput(prom, defaultval, min, max = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
    return Math.min(Math.max(
      Number(window.prompt(prom, defaultval).replace(/[A-Za-z0-9]/g, function(s) {
        return String.fromCharCode(s.charCodeAt(0) - 65248);
      }).replace(/[^-^0-9^\.]/g, "")), min), max);
