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Hide Category on ABB Romance

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< Rückmeldungen auf Hide Category on ABB Romance

Rezension: Gut - Skript funktioniert

Veröffentlicht: 18.05.2020

First. TYour script is great. I modified one and basically filtered out all the main categories I had absolutely no interest in. I've been using it for a while, and have one that's a compilation of all those in one script and it works great. However, there is a dual category I'd like to filter and can't seem to get it worked out how. I'm not a programmer, I know a little but only enough to get me in trouble and make minor changes.

So, is there a way to specify a dual category for hiding IE, I don't mind 'Romance' But or Historical, However I'd like to hide Historical Romances. I tried
$(".post").has (".postInfo:contains('Historical Romances')").hide ();
$(".post").has (".postInfo:contains('Historical\sRomances')").hide ();
$(".post").has (".postInfo:contains('Historical\s+Romances')").hide ();

Along with a few other things, but couldn't get it to work.

I also used PutinTheGreat's script and modified it to get it to work using

if(elementText.match(/Category:.*Romance/) && elementText.match(/Category:.*(Contemporary)/)) {

in his script, but I dont know enough to figure out how to do it within yours, and for some strange reason after page 4 or 5 his script quits working. I have no idea why.

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