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Rezension: Gut - Skript funktioniert

Veröffentlicht: 08.09.2020

Great script, so many qol improvements.
I have one feature suggestion: since the script already displays the number of published chapters in currently releasing manga and how many you have left to read to catch up, I thought of using that for a feature in the Home page that, when you hover over a title in the "manga in progress" section, would show you how many chapters "behind" you are, ideally with a visual indicator like a colored strip at the bottom of the respective poster, basically like the same feature that is there by default for "Anime in progress". Adding how much time is left until the next chapter like with the anime one might be tricky, so I'll leave that to your judgement and convenience.
It would be neat just for the sake of symmetry/OCD, but also if someone has a good number of releasing manga they're keeping up with, they might miss a chapter or two at times, so with this feature they'd be able to realize what they missed at a glance, instead of having to go to each title's page and check (especially since sometimes that chapter number doesnt show up for some titles).
cheers, thanks for your work

Veröffentlicht: 14.09.2020

That's maybe possible. The problem is, tracking the current chapter number is a difficult problem, and the current algorith requires some amount of data. That's acceptable on stand-alone manga pages, but on the home page that would mean sending 25 API queries (unless I write some good cache).

If you want to check if you're behind on something, you can click the "new chapters" button in the left bar of your manga list.

Veröffentlicht: 03.10.2020

oh yeah I didnt think that doing them all at once might be a problem, my bad.
for some reason till now I had blocked out the "New chapters" button, but I tried it and I dont know if it's working properly: it's not picking up a few of the manga I've got chapters left to read of, among currently releasing manga I'm caught up with. It shows me that I've got 2 manga to catch up with but I checked and there are 5 others on top of those.
And that is only counting the manga that display the current chapter count on their page, there might be others I've yet to catch up with, but I didnt have time to check because there was no # on their page

Veröffentlicht: 05.10.2020

If those manga are either:
1. Not on your "reading" list
2. Listed as "completed" on Anilist,
the "new chapters" button will not be able to pick up updates.
Could you link your profile so I can see if there's something else not working as it shoud?

Veröffentlicht: 05.10.2020

certainly, here
The manga that come up in new chapters are SPY X FAMILY and Blue Period. But I'm also behind on: Akatsuki no Yona, Chainsaw Man, Chihayafuru, Dr.Stone and Watamote.
Both the first two and latter 5 are in my "Caught up" custom list, all listed as Reading, and of course they're all currently publishing manga.
Also there might be additional not showing up in the 'New Chapters' list, among the manga that for some reason dont have the # of chapters on their profile... didnt check those to save time

Veröffentlicht: 05.10.2020

Ah, found it!
After some feedback from people following a lot of series, I added a limit of 30 chapters for which something doesn't appear in the new list any more. When you are that far behind, you're probably not interested in exactly when a new chapter comes out since you already know there's a backlog.
This limit should probably be increased when the number of series isn't all that big. It's not "noise" to list those manga too when there are only two other series there.

Veröffentlicht: 05.10.2020

Turns out there *is* a bug in the query splitter too. Will check it out

Veröffentlicht: 05.10.2020

"New chapters" button should behave better in v9.95

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