Greasy Fork is available in English.

[s4s] Enhancer

Highlights dubs - Never miss your chance to check em again!

// ==UserScript==
// @name        [s4s] Enhancer
// @namespace
// @email
// @description Highlights dubs - Never miss your chance to check em again!
// @include*
// @include*
// @author      le fun css man AKA Doctor Worse Than Hitler
// @version     1.32
// ==/UserScript==

addCSS();               // add the css
highlightDubs();        // highlight dubs
changePosts();           // color and replace text

// if this page is a thread, then we need to periodically check for updates brought in by the auto-update
//if(document.URL.indexOf("res") != -1)
    setInterval(function(){checkIfUpdated()}, 5000);   // check if the thread is updated every 5 seconds  
function initialize()
    window.lastNo = 0;         // used to make sure we don't check posts twice
    window.lastMessage = 0;    // don't want to check texts twice either
    window.replaceLimit = 10;  // limits number of times an individual emote can be used
    window.totalLimit   = 50; // limits total number of emotes per post. These limits are too prevent errors like  "unresponsive script"
    window.posts = getPosts();
    // Replaces ":key:" with the image"
    window.replaceList = {
        doge:       '',
        kek:        '',
        checkem:    '',
        froge:      '',
        lel:        '',
        thinchin:   '',
        ptree:      '',
        btree:      '',
        pktree:     '',
        rtree:      '',
        ruse:       '',
        mot:        '',
        a:          '',
        b:          '',
        c:          '',
        d:          '',
        e:          '',
        f:          '',
        g:          '',
        h:          '',
        i:          '',
        j:          '',
        k:          '',
        l:          '',
        m:          '',
        n:          '',
        o:          '',
        p:          '',
        q:          '',
        r:          '',
        s:          '',
        t:          '',
        u:          '',
        v:          '',
        w:          '',
        x:          '',
        y:          '',
        z:          '',
function highlightDubs()
    // grabs the elements that contain "No. <postno>"
    var postNum = document.getElementsByClassName("postNum");
    // iterate through all post numbers and check for dubs
    for(var i = window.lastNo; i < postNum.length; i++)
        // get the post number
        var no = postNum[i].children[1].innerHTML;
        // check for dubs, but only if this isn't already highlighted
        if(no.charAt(no.length - 1) == no.charAt(no.length - 2))
            // highlight it
            postNum[i].children[1].className += " dubsHighlight";
    window.lastNo = postNum.length;  //last number we checked

function addCSS()
    var css = document.createElement("style");
    css.type = "text/css";
    css.innerHTML = ".dubsHighlight { background-color: orange;" +
                    "padding: 0 1px; }";

function getPosts()
    return document.getElementsByClassName("replyContainer").length

/* function colorText() colors the text in a post based on < > [] {} etc
 * This code is a modification of Chest54's extension
function colorText(postMessage)
        var checkora = postMessage.innerHTML.replace('<span class="fortune"','<br><span class="fortune"').split('<br>');
        for(j = 0; j < checkora.length; j++)
        	temp = checkora[j].replace('\n','');
        	if(temp.length-temp.lastIndexOf('&lt;') == 4 && temp.indexOf('&lt;') !=-1)
        		checkora[j] = '<span style="color:orange">' + checkora[j] + '</span>';
        	else if(temp.indexOf('&lt;')==0)
        		checkora[j] = '<span style="color:red">' + checkora[j] + '</span>';
        	else if(temp.length-temp.lastIndexOf(' ]')== 2 && temp.indexOf(' ]') != -1)
        		if(temp.indexOf('[ ') == 0)
        			checkora[j] = '<span style="color:blue;font-family:monospace;font-weight:bold">' + checkora[j] + '</span>';
        	else if(temp.length-temp.lastIndexOf(' }') == 2 && temp.indexOf(' }') !=-1)
        		if(temp.indexOf('{ ') == 0)
        			checkora[j] = '<span style="color:purple;font-family:monospace;font-weight:bold">' + checkora[j] + '</span>';
        	if(temp.indexOf('[spoiler]') + 1 && temp.indexOf('[/spoiler]'))
        			checkora[j]=checkora[j].replace('[spoiler]','<span class="spoiler">');
        var checkorb = checkora.join('<br>').replace('<br><span class="fortune"','<span class="fortune"');
// handles post modifcations such as colorText() and replaceText()
function changePosts()
    var postMessage=document.getElementsByClassName('postMessage'); // get all post messages
    for(i = window.lastMessage; i < postMessage.length; i++)
    window.lastMessage = postMessage.length;

function replaceText(postMessage)
    var totalCount = 0;  // count replaced stuff so we don't overdo it
    // replace everything in the replace list
    for(var key in window.replaceList)
        var singleCount = 0;
        while(singleCount < window.replaceLimit && postMessage.innerHTML.indexOf(':'+key+':') != -1)
            postMessage.innerHTML = postMessage.innerHTML.replace(':' + key + ':', '<img class="emote" src="' + window.replaceList[key] +
                                            '" alt="' + key + '" title="' + key + '" />');
        totalCount += singleCount;
        if(totalCount >= window.totalLimit)

// supposed to do stuff after a page is updated
function checkIfUpdated()
    // if there are new posts, thread has been updated!
    if(window.posts < getPosts())
        window.posts = getPosts();
        updateCare();       // update stuff!

// things to do on thread update
function updateCare()
    highlightDubs();    // highlight new post dubs
    changePosts();      // update posts