Greasy Fork is available in English.

Google Images direct links

Add direct links to the picture and the page link to the Google Image Search results.

Version vom 31.03.2018. Aktuellste Version

// ==UserScript==
///////////////// In case it fails to update in TamperMonkey, visit  directly ////////
// @name		Google Images direct links
// @version		1.5
// @description Add direct links to the picture and the page link to the Google Image Search results.
// @namespace	Google
// @author		Benjamin Philipp <dev [at - please don't spam]>
// @include		/^https?:\/\/(www\.)*google\.[a-z\.]{2,5}\/search.*tbm=isch.*/
// @require
// @run-at		document-body
// @grant		GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @connect		*
// ==/UserScript==

var updateInterval = 1000;
var maxtries = 10;

var idle = true;

function updatePage()
		<style id='directLinkStyles'>\
			box-shadow: 3px 5px 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.5); \
			cursor: default;\
			position: absolute; \
			right:0; top:0; \
			opacity: 0; \
			background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.5);\
			transition: background-color 0.5s, opacity 0.5s \
		.failed .linkToTarget span{\
			color: rgba(230,100,100, 0.7)!important; \
		a:hover .linkToTarget{\
			opacity: 0.6; \
		.linksdone:hover .linkToTarget, .linkToTarget:hover{\
			opacity: 1; \
			background-color: rgba(255,255,255,1);\
		.linksdone:hover .linkToTarget{\
			cursor: pointer;\
		.linkToTargetLink, .linkToTarget>span{\
			color: rgba(200,200,200, 0.7)!important; \
			padding: 3px 10px; \
			font-size: 28pt; \
			display: block; \
			font-weight: bold; \
			text-decoration: none;\
			transition: color 0.5s, font-size 0.5s, padding 0.5s; \
			color: rgba(155,177,233, 1)!important; \
			padding:8px 20px; \
			font-size: 36pt; \
		} \

	$(".rg_di.rg_bx a.rg_l:not(.linksdone)").each(function(){
//		console.log(this);
		var tp = this;
		var tppar = $(tp).parent();
		var imin = tp.href.indexOf("imgurl=");
            $(tp).attr("resTries", $(tp).attr("resTries")?$(tp).attr("resTries")*1+1:1);
                console.log("This Link won't come up with a good fragment: " + $(tp).find("img")[0].src);
				$(tp).find(".linkToTarget span").html("x");
                return true;
				$(tp).append("<div class='linkToTarget temp'><span>...</span></div>");
//			console.log("Not ready");
			return true;
		var linkconts = tp.href.substr(imin+7);
		var piclink = linkconts.substr(0,linkconts.indexOf("&"));
		var reflink = linkconts.substr(linkconts.indexOf("imgrefurl=")+10);
		reflink = decodeURIComponent(reflink.substr(0, reflink.indexOf("&")));
		piclink = decodeURIComponent(piclink);
		$(tp).append("<div class='linkToTarget'><a class='linkToTargetLink' href='" + piclink + "'>+</a></div>");
		var urilink = $(tppar).find(".rg_ilmbg")[0];
		$(urilink).html("<a style='display: block; color: #fff; text-decoration: none;' href='" + reflink + "'>" + urilink.innerHTML + "</a>");

setInterval(updatePage, updateInterval);
