Fullscreen Chat *OLD*

Adds a command to hide the game and expand chat

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Original Author: Ventero
Original Host: http://userscripts-mirror.org/scripts/show/70076
Created: 27/02/10
Updated: 18/10/12
Total installs on original host as of 06/03/16: 2,298
Working Status: Unknown

Dev notes:

Adds a chat action which hides the game and makes the chat use the available space

Version: 1.5

When clicking the chat action, the game gets hidden and the chat additionally uses all the space previously occupied by the game.
If you click the chat action again, the chat is resized back to default and the game shows up again. Note that the game gets restarted when hiding it.

Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Ventero, licensed under MIT/X11 license.

Based on an idea by SavageWolf (http://www.kongregate.com/accounts/SavageWolf - http://www.wolfthatissavage.com)

Version history:
1.5: Fix for Kongregate+
1.4.4: Fixed an incompatibility with my Chat Resizer. Both scripts should work together without any problems.
1.4.3: Fixed a few bugs on iframe-game-pages.
1.4.2: Script doesn't run on non-game-pages anymore.
1.4.1: Broke due to recent Kong-update, fixed now.
1.4.0: Added Chrome-support
1.3.2: Yet another style-improvement
1.3.1: Minor style-improvement
1.3: Recent Kong update broke this script, which has now been fixed. Also added sizzlemctwizzle's Auto Updater.
1.2: Bugfixes
1.1: The game is now only hidden, not completely removed
1.0: Initial release