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Meta block moved to start on upload. Breaks script.

Veröffentlicht: 08.06.2014

Meta block moved to start on upload. Breaks script.

When I upload scripts to Greasy Fork, the meta block gets moved to the start without any notice. This is unexpected, unnecessary, and, most importantly, it breaks my script. Code should ***never ever*** be changed automatically! Is there a way to fix this?

If we want people to see the block, we could extract it and display it separately.

(I need to have the block a few lines into the code so that I can extract version information for internal script use. Putting the block into a function is the only clean way to do this. I do not want to maintain duplicate version info in the code.)

Veröffentlicht: 08.06.2014
Bearbeitet: 08.06.2014

Here is the script I am talking about:

Even more confusingly/worse, the untouched code is saved and displayed on the Update page, but the messed up code is delivered and shown on the Code page.

Veröffentlicht: 08.06.2014

This is part of the rewriting the script by GreaseFork:

Maybe moving the metadata block to another place is arguable not the correct way.

Veröffentlicht: 09.06.2014

Hi Jason, thanks for the GM_info link, I was not aware of that function. The script is mostly used as a non-Greasemonkey script, I just made it compatible with Greasemonkey. I need a solution that works universally in all environments without needing different versions. This might actually be possible with GM_info.

The major concern is that Greasy Fork changes the code in a nontransparent way and thereby creates a fork of the script under the same version id. I need the script to be identical independent of the used repository.

Veröffentlicht: 10.06.2014


Veröffentlicht: 10.06.2014

Hey thanks **Cacycle**, I’ve always looked for a way to get those metadata but i didn’t think of your great yet simple hack ! :)
I do not use any GM_* stuff either (neither want nor able).

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