7Placer+ JS - Pixel bot - an advanced bot that includes image botting, painting, and account management features. (Border drawing feature added)
MyBot JS (Knihovna) - MyBot Library
MyBot CWSS JS (Knihovna) - MyBot WebSocket Sniffer
MyBot NewColors JS (Knihovna) - MyBot New Colors for PixelPlace
MyBot MapLoader JS (Knihovna) - MyBot Pixel Place Map Loader
MyBot ImageLoader JS (Knihovna) - MyBot Pixel Place Image Loader
MyBot Tools JS (Knihovna) - MyBot Pixel Place Tools
MyBot Compiler JS (Knihovna) - MyBot Pixel Place Compile Client
MyBot Parallel Connections JS (Knihovna) - MyBot Pixel Place Parallel Connections
VIPCore.js JS (Knihovna) - Core Library for VIP BOT