TMVN Squad Value for R6 JS - Trophymanager: display value of player with infomations like: bank price, wage, routine, rerec, r6, asi.
TM Routine Line Sharing + Advanced Players Infos ForR6 JS - Display players routine and advanced players infos in tactics page
TMVN Match Compare FOR R6 JS - Trophymanager: compare power of two clubs on: Age, ASI, Bank Price, Wage, RERECb, Routine and RatingR6 (include sharing routine base on position in match)
TM League Result 50min JS - Trophymanager: get match's infos like possession, average rate, attendance, scorer... Include last round and next round (50 min before match).
TM COMPARE PLAYERS R6 JS - Adds the routine-bonus on skills in the "compare players" page. You can also select the routine from which to calculate the bonus (e.g. when the player gains routine through the sharing system) and change the player's position. It also shows RatingR5 infos (by CHU-CHI).
CLUB RATING TM JS - Trophymanager: show average skill & value of first team (11 players) in last match.