Reddit Mobile App Nag Remover JS - Stops Reddit from pushing you to use the mobile app.
Return Pagination to Google JS - Makes Google searches break down into separate pages, rather than displaying as one continuous page.
Convert URL to Link on YouTube Sorry Pages JS - Turns the URL at the bottom of YouTube Sorry (captcha) pages into a clickable link
CSS Helper - URL Attribute Adder JS - Adds a custom attribute (url-url) to all body tags, to make it easier for CSS extensions to target specific URL's.
Bulk Upvoter for Reddit JS - Upvote a whole page of posts or comments with the click of a button! Includes support for whitelists and blacklists, hotkeys, and saving settings to file. Now works on old, new, and vanilla Reddit!
Don't Change YouTube Speed on Long Click JS - Stops YouTube from changing video speed to 2x when you hold down the mouse button.
Fetch Download Links on JS - Adds download links on Works with a button press, or automatically.