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Search IMDb Item on Netflix

Places a "Search for this on Netflix" button on the main page of any TV show/movie page on IMDb

< Feedback on Search IMDb Item on Netflix


Posted: 23. 10. 2016

Is this working for anyone as of October 2016?

I can't see any button anywhere.

Posted: 25. 10. 2016

I've been ill so I apologize for not responding to this sooner! As soon as I'm feeling better I'll look into fixing this if there is, in fact, an issue. Thanks for the post!

Posted: 10. 11. 2016
Edited: 10. 11. 2016

Hello again!

Apologies once more for the delay in getting this fixed; it took much longer than expected to fully recover. But I'm all good now! :)

Anyways, the script should be functioning properly again. Go ahead and update to v1.0.4 and let me know if you still encounter any issues.

Thanks again!

didn't worked for me!

Posted: 06. 03. 2018

Thanks or letting me know! I'll take a look at it ASAP and get it taken care of.

Posted: 07. 03. 2018

Okay, a fix should now be live. As always, let me know if there are still any problems!

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