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GameFAQs Quicker "New Poll"

Makes reaching the "Add a Poll" form easier/quicker

// ==UserScript==
// @name           GameFAQs Quicker "New Poll"
// @namespace      OTACON120
// @author         OTACON120
// @version        1.1
// @description    Makes reaching the "Add a Poll" form easier/quicker
// @website
// @include*
// @include*-*
// @match*
// @match*-*
// @exclude*&topic=*
// @exclude*&poll=1
// @exclude*-*?*
// @exclude*-*/?*
// @grant          none
// ==/UserScript==
	var	newPollHTML, userLinks, newTopicLink, newPollLink, postForm, details, detailsOrigHTML, detailsPars, detailsEnd, tmph, tmp, child, topicTitleInput, topicTitle, yourMessageInput, yourMessage, i, newTopicLinkContain, newTopicLink, newPollLinkContain, newPollLink, newPollLinkIcon;

if ( window.location.pathname.indexOf('post.php') !== -1 ) {
	postForm = document.getElementById('content').querySelector('form[action^="/boards/post.php?board="]');
	details = postForm.getElementsByClassName('details')[0];
	detailsPars = details.getElementsByTagName('p');
	newPollLink = detailsPars[0].getElementsByTagName('a')[0].href;
	detailsPars[0].innerHTML = 'To create a new topic, enter a title for the topic below and create the first message. You can also <a href="' + newPollLink + '">add a poll</a><span id="qnp-details-end"> to this topic</span>.';

	detailsEnd = document.getElementById('qnp-details-end');
	newPollLink = detailsPars[0].getElementsByTagName('a')[0]; = ( 'poll=1' ) === -1 ? 'qnp-add-poll' : 'qnp-remove-poll' );

	// Change link to add/remove form dynamically
	newPollLink.onclick = function() {
		return newPollClick();
} else { // Add "New Poll" link to topic list
	boardNav = {
		top:    document.getElementsByClassName( 'board_nav' )[0],
		bottom: document.getElementsByClassName( 'board_nav' )[1]
	userLinks = {
		top: 'user' )[0].getElementsByTagName( 'li' ) ),
		bottom: boardNav.bottom.getElementsByClassName( 'user' )[0].getElementsByTagName( 'li' ) )
	}; findLink );
	addLink([ i ] );

	userLinks.bottom.some( findLink );
	addLink( userLinks.bottom[ i ] );

function newPollClick() {
	if ( == 'qnp-add-poll') {
		detailsOrigHTML = details.innerHTML;
		newPollLink.innerHTML = '';
		// Specify HTML for "Add a Poll" form
		tmph = '<h3>Add a Poll</h3> <p>To add a poll to this topic, enter a question and from 2 to 10 options for users to select from. Once created, you cannot edit the poll, so make sure it looks right before you post it.</p> <p><b>Poll Question:</b><br> <input type="text" value="" name="poll_text" maxlength="200" size="70"><br> (Between 5 and 200 characters in length) </p><p><b>Poll Options:</b><br></p><ol> <li><input type="text" value="" name="poll_option_1" maxlength="120" size="70"></li> <li><input type="text" value="" name="poll_option_2" maxlength="120" size="70"></li> <li><input type="text" value="" name="poll_option_3" maxlength="120" size="70"></li> <li><input type="text" value="" name="poll_option_4" maxlength="120" size="70"></li> <li><input type="text" value="" name="poll_option_5" maxlength="120" size="70"></li> <li><input type="text" value="" name="poll_option_6" maxlength="120" size="70"></li> <li><input type="text" value="" name="poll_option_7" maxlength="120" size="70"></li> <li><input type="text" value="" name="poll_option_8" maxlength="120" size="70"></li> <li><input type="text" value="" name="poll_option_9" maxlength="120" size="70"></li> <li><input type="text" value="" name="poll_option_10" maxlength="120" size="70"></li> </ol> Who can vote in this poll? <select name="min_level"><option selected="selected" value="0" label="Anybody, registered or not">Anybody, registered or not</option> <option value="1" label="Only registered users">Only registered users</option> <option value="2" label="Only registered users, only 1 vote per IP">Only registered users, only 1 vote per IP</option> </select><br>';

		tmp = document.createElement('body')
		tmp.innerHTML = tmph;

		// Loop through above HTML to add into document fragment for eventual addition to page
		newPollHTML = document.createDocumentFragment();

		while (child = tmp.firstChild) {

		details.insertBefore(newPollHTML, detailsPars[2]);
		detailsEnd.textContent = '';
		newPollLink.textContent = 'create a topic without a poll';
		newPollLink.href = newPollLink.href.replace('&amp;poll=1', '');
		postForm.action += '&poll=1'; = 'qnp-remove-poll';
	} else {
		topicTitleInput = document.getElementsByName('topictitle')[0];
		yourMessageInput = document.getElementsByName('messagetext')[0];
		topicTitle = topicTitleInput.value;
		yourMessage = yourMessageInput.value;
		details.innerHTML = detailsOrigHTML;
		topicTitleInput = document.getElementsByName('topictitle')[0];
		yourMessageInput = document.getElementsByName('messagetext')[0];
		topicTitleInput.value = topicTitle;
		yourMessageInput.value = yourMessage;
		detailsEnd.textContent = ' to this topic';
		postForm.action = postForm.action.replace('&poll=1', '');
		newPollLink = detailsPars[0].getElementsByTagName('a')[0]; = 'qnp-add-poll';
		newPollLink.onclick = function() {
			return newPollClick();

	return false;

function findLink( element, index, array ) {
		if ( element.textContent.trim() === 'New Topic' ) {
			i = index;
			return true;

function addLink( location ) {
	newTopicLinkContain = location;
	newTopicLink        = newTopicLinkContain.getElementsByTagName( 'a' )[0];

	newPollLinkContain  = newTopicLinkContain.cloneNode( true );

	newPollLink             = newPollLinkContain.getElementsByTagName( 'a' )[0];
	newPollLink.href        += '&poll=1';
	newPollLink.textContent = newPollLink.textContent.replace( 'Topic', 'Poll' );
	newPollLink.insertBefore( newTopicLink.getElementsByClassName( 'icon' )[0].cloneNode( false ), newPollLink.firstChild );

	newPollLinkIcon           = newPollLink.getElementsByClassName( 'icon' )[0];
	newPollLinkIcon.className = newPollLinkIcon.className.replace( 'pencil', 'bar-chart' );

	newTopicLinkContain.parentNode.insertBefore(newPollLinkContain, newTopicLinkContain.nextSibling);