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Asistent rychlého skoku ve skladu GitHub

🤠 Asistent rychlého skoku do skladu GitHub, speciálně navržený tak, aby uživatelům pomohl rychle získat přístup k vlastním skladům na GitHubu. Vygeneruje tlačítko v horní části navigačního panelu Kliknutím rozbalíte všechna úložiště a snadno přejdete na stránku vlastního úložiště GitHub bez použití sekundární nabídky GitHubu.

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GitHub warehouse quick jump assistant

「 🤠 GitHub warehouse quick jump assistant, specially designed to help users quickly access their own warehouses on GitHub. It generates a button at the top of the navigation bar. Click to expand all your repositories and easily jump to your own GitHub repository page without using GitHub’s secondary menu. 」


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GitHub Quick jump assistant

Function introduction

GitHub Quick Jump Assistant is a tool designed to help users quickly access their GitHub Designed for warehouses。It can greatly improve developers’ ability to use GitHub time efficiency。

Main functions

  1. Quick jump button:exist GitHub Add a convenient button to the page,Allow users to jump to all their warehouses with one click。
  2. Custom warehouse list:Automatically obtain and display the user’s warehouse list,Supports filtering and sorting,Users can quickly find the target warehouse。
  3. Easy to use:Simple user interface,Convenient for users to get started quickly,No complicated configuration required。
  4. Available on mobile devices:Adapted to mobile devices,Allow users to easily access their warehouses on their mobile phones。(You need to click on the kitten icon in the upper left corner)

Instructions for use

  1. Install Tampermonkey or other userscript manager。
  2. Click above "Install" button,Add the script to your browser。
  3. exist GitHub Click the new quick jump button on the page,You can view your own warehouse list and quickly access。

Things to note

  • To access a private repository,Please add your own GitHub Token Go to script settings。
  • Please make sure to GitHub Have sufficient permissions to access your own repository。
  • Script works in all common browsers,But there may be slight differences on different devices。


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  • GitHub Submit information display web view: This script will GitHub The submission information on HTML view,to see submission details more clearly。It will automatically submit the information list、The commit header and latest commit information are converted to HTML Format,Provide better visual effects and user experience。
  • Open jsDelivr link on Github: Open the GitHub link on jsDelivr to quickly download files
  • GitHub warehouse quick jump assistant: 🤠 GitHub warehouse quick jump assistant, specially designed to help users quickly access their own warehouses on GitHub. It generates a button at the top of the navigation bar. Click to expand all your repositories and easily jump to your own GitHub repository page without using GitHub’s secondary menu.
  • GitHub File list beautifier: GitHub File List Beautifier is a user script,used to enhance GitHub Display effect of files in warehouse。It can add colors to files and folders,and replace the file type icons with small images,Makes the code base easier to browse and manage。Add colors and icons to files by type,Display small images in place of file type icons in repository source tree
  • Github List of code languages show all: Expand Github List of languages on the repository,Show each language,Instead of hiding small parts in“other”Down
  • GitHub Automatically confirm device authorization: existGitHubThe authorization page automatically enters the authorization code and automatically confirms it.。
  • GitHub folder downloader: Add a download button,Allows easy downloading of specific GitHub folder。
  • Github Copy original file URL with download files: Add button at the end of each file line,to copy the original file URL and download files
  • 🤠 Github enhanced assistant warehouse display size: 🤠 Warehouse display size: On GitHub’s code search, warehouse search, issue page, user warehouse list and repository page, the size of the warehouse will be displayed next to the warehouse name, allowing users to quickly understand the scale of the warehouse and optimize their selection. Inactive development warning: If a repository has not been updated in the past six months, the system will add a prompt at the top of the repository to remind users that the repository is inactive and display the time of the last update. This helps users determine the activity and maintenance status of the warehouse. Quick jump within the warehouse: When browsing the warehouse, the user can easily view the list of all warehouses of the user, providing an entrance to quickly jump to different warehouses. Users can quickly find and access other projects of interest, improving work efficiency. Usage scenarios: Developers: By displaying the warehouse size and active warnings, you can quickly filter out suitable libraries for development and avoid using projects that are no longer maintained. Project Manager: Through the quick jump function, it is easy to manage and coordinate multiple projects and improve work efficiency. Learners: When learning new technologies, they can more easily find relevant open source projects and quickly check the activity and scale of the projects. 🤠
  • GitHub Sort by date: Change file sorting to descending by date,Conveniently view the latest updated files。


Recommended browsers and script managers:

  • Greasemonkey + Waterfox
  • Tampermonkey/Violentmonkey + Firefox
  • Tampermonkey/Violentmonkey + Chrome
  • Userscripts + ios Safari
  • Violentmonkey/KiWiBrowser + Android

If you need to know more about how to install userscripts,click meView graphic teaching!

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  • GitHub Submit information display web view: This script will GitHub The submission information on HTML view,to see submission details more clearly。It will automatically submit the information list、The commit header and latest commit information are converted to HTML Format,Provide better visual effects and user experience。
  • Open jsDelivr link on Github: Open the GitHub link on jsDelivr to quickly download files
  • GitHub warehouse quick jump assistant: 🤠 GitHub warehouse quick jump assistant, specially designed to help users quickly access their own warehouses on GitHub. It generates a button at the top of the navigation bar. Click to expand all your repositories and easily jump to your own GitHub repository page without using GitHub’s secondary menu.
  • GitHub File list beautifier: GitHub File List Beautifier is a user script,used to enhance GitHub Display effect of files in warehouse。It can add colors to files and folders,and replace the file type icons with small images,Makes the code base easier to browse and manage。Add colors and icons to files by type,Display small images in place of file type icons in repository source tree
  • Github List of code languages show all: Expand Github List of languages on the repository,Show each language,Instead of hiding small parts in“other”Down
  • GitHub Automatically confirm device authorization: existGitHubThe authorization page automatically enters the authorization code and automatically confirms it.。
  • GitHub folder downloader: Add a download button,Allows easy downloading of specific GitHub folder。
  • Github Copy original file URL with download files: Add button at the end of each file line,to copy the original file URL and download files
  • 🤠 Github enhanced assistant warehouse display size: 🤠 Warehouse display size: On GitHub’s code search, warehouse search, issue page, user warehouse list and repository page, the size of the warehouse will be displayed next to the warehouse name, allowing users to quickly understand the scale of the warehouse and optimize their selection. Inactive development warning: If a repository has not been updated in the past six months, the system will add a prompt at the top of the repository to remind users that the repository is inactive and display the time of the last update. This helps users determine the activity and maintenance status of the warehouse. Quick jump within the warehouse: When browsing the warehouse, the user can easily view the list of all warehouses of the user, providing an entrance to quickly jump to different warehouses. Users can quickly find and access other projects of interest, improving work efficiency. Usage scenarios: Developers: By displaying the warehouse size and active warnings, you can quickly filter out suitable libraries for development and avoid using projects that are no longer maintained. Project Manager: Through the quick jump function, it is easy to manage and coordinate multiple projects and improve work efficiency. Learners: When learning new technologies, they can more easily find relevant open source projects and quickly check the activity and scale of the projects. 🤠
  • GitHub Sort by date: Change file sorting to descending by date,Conveniently view the latest updated files。

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